This game will unlock in approximately 8 days

>This game will unlock in approximately 8 days

Attached: file.png (1488x1204, 2.78M)

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Will it be good?

I dunno
I haven't heard shit of it until literally right now as I looked up at the fucking publisher sale going on
I have 95% of games on steam put on ignore, and I still don't get news for shit about a game I have on fucking wishlist
I seriously don't fucking get it but hey, I'll know in approximately 8 days

What is it? The art style is pretty garbage.

> that crouch animation like char have some stick up his ass in 2k19

>yfw it somehow connects with the MGS series

its going to flop extremely hard

has there been a game in 2019 that didn't?

Ace combat 7 is one of the best games in series

RE2 did pretty well for itself both commercially and critically. Fans love it too.


Releases in 3 days in Japan, so I guess we'll know pretty soon.

So it's another stealth game in the fox engine? It's the first time I've seen this.

created by Square, so probably Unreal 4 engine

The map screen just reminded me of the thing from mgsv I got confused.


>implying we don't need more proper stealth games

No not at all, just trying to figure out what I was looking at having not seen anything about it.

Looks like Square's take on MGSV.

Yea Forums
also Yea Forums

>I haven't heard shit of it until literally right now
You've missed all the livestreams and unsuccessful advertising campaigns. I was actually excited due to the pre-release information. They showed gameplay and it literally turned me so far off that I gave up entirely.

Fuck they keep having plus sized livestreams and they have the worst possible person playing. No offense at all to Nabeshima, but he should leave the showcasing to younger dudes.

probably because they hired the MGS character designer after he was fired from Konami

>Yea Forums is one person

>human analogies

It definitely feels like a MGS reboot, doesn't it? Kind of like when Arcsys lost the license to Guilty Gear and made Blazblue.

>and unsuccessful advertising campaigns
Did the game not cause much of a stir, then?

>after he was fired from Konami
AFAIK he willingly left to go when Kojima was forced out. Most fallouts of creative talent always ends with other creative people leaving too. Sakaguchi and Uematsu, Kamiya and Mikami, Kojima and Shinkawa, Tabata and nobody

8 days is what it took to develop the game.

It caused a stir, but the footage they showed last december was.... unflattering to say the least. I plan on still getting it, but I'm an outlier as far as I know.

>The music and sounds are like mgs
I will maybe check it, better than metal gear survive for sure

>human analogies
Hi robot ai programmed to make posts on Yea Forums. How long till you become the patriots?

bitch I will fight you

So you play fictional russians fighting fictional germans?

There's Danganronpa's creator, who took Danganronpa'a composer, co-writer, both artists and Zero Escape's creator with himselr while leaving.
After him leaving, Spike Chunsoft so far has only made Jump Force.

Apex legends

I forgot to mention NIS as well. Due to shenanigans with trying to fuck over half of the Disgaea team, literally all of them left as well as the musical talent, the artist of Mugen Souls, and more. And then they made Trillion over at Compile Heart.

So silly how companies can just fuck themselves

Fictional russians fighting other fictional russians

Will we be able to keep the mechs or will they be only a temporary thing?

I saw lots of complaints about the gameplay looking rough and clunky, so that checks out.
I plan on getting it myself, just not at release.

Why is the art style ripped straight out of mgs/shinkawa?

That artwork IS Shinkawa

I want to like the game, but from the gameplay it just looks really rushed. Animations are stiff and lifeliess, gameplay doesn't look anywhere near interesting enough to justify a day-one buy. Plot seems like a mess. Honestly just makes me want to replay MGSV

It is Shinkawa

Is this by Metal Gear's artist?

i was kinda waiting for it but then i saw the gameplay trailer and it looked absolutely horrible

Yes, it's Shinkawa.

>Put on wishlist cause MGS artist
>Hear absolutely nothing about it
>Watch gameplay video two days ago
>Looks like shit
>Coming out in a little over a week
What the fuck man

Looks like MGSV, but somehow way worse.


What the fuck is this. Metal Gear Solid clone made by Hunt Down The Freeman devs? Holy shit.

Attached: zand.jpg (1140x650, 102K)

I hear it is set in the FRONT MISSION universe, what are the odds I'd need to be remotely familiar with FRONT MISSION to enjoy this?

Attached: bill.jpg (720x717, 60K)

Impossible, this game will actually have level design and a non-filler story.

Look at the gameplay vids, it looks pretty garbage desu. Bargain bin tier.

>tfw you'll never be a tenth as skilled as Shinkawa

It doesn't, it's set in the Front Mission world.

It's garbage, nips can't do shooters, but since it's japanese, Yea Forums will give it a pass.

>mech combat is somehow worse than the stealth

wtf is this shit, this makes Devil's Third look like a masterpiece

Well there goes any chance of me buying this
combat looks awful, animations janky and HOLY FUCK LOOK HOW BAD IT IS WHEN THEY RUN WHAT THE SHIT?

Why are you people like this?

EDF 2025 is the best shooter since the first Max Payne

>Looks like a bargain bin game
>AAA pricing
Every. Single. Time.

It's so bad it's Front Mission Evolved look passable.

This looks amazing, why am I only just now learning about this?

>Max Payne
>EDF 2025
>Best shooters

Attached: 1536318933599.png (960x960, 331K)

it makes*

everything about this game looks like it would have been one of my favourite games of all time if only it had been made by competent devs with a reasonable budget

it looks like it plays like absolute dog shit, even though it could have been a tacticool stealth game like MGS

Well I like the visuals at least.

This isn't a full priced release, right?

It is. It was also released 4 months ahead of schedule because Square is piloted by a bunch of monkeys

>Looks like a PS3/360 game
>Released 2019
>Well I like the visuals at least.

Attached: 1535825472225.jpg (680x423, 32K)

ArcSys lost the guilty gear licence ? How

What the fuck, I mean, it looks like Last of Us corridor run 'n craft bullshit with a tacked on mech gameplay from MGS4. I'm not paying 60 EUR for this!

Well, in excuse, I was only watched in an embed 360p picture. It's the aesthetics and art style that I'm pleased with.

Attached: elliot_gets_caught_red_handed.gif (200x250, 2.65M)

Art looks like old metal gear shit

You don't say!

Looks like it'll scratch the mgs itch, but in general Square hasn't said anything about this game.

Regardless I might buy it depending on it's reception when it comes out. If not then I'll wait for a sale.

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-153413_Gallery.jpg (1079x1184, 518K)

fuck this looks really bad. I had hopes

>Thinks game will "scratch the MGS itch" based solely on the boxart
Watch the gameplay, it looks abysmal.

Attached: facepalm_estatua.jpg (914x607, 112K)

>Runs up the stairs as if it were a slope
Oh no


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>Square hasn't said anything about this game.
You've missed quite a lot of footage, user.

It's being developed by SE and it has 0 marketing, I wouldn't trust on it, the old footage looked like garbage too.

I wanted the toy robot but no one is selling that edition in my country, and I'm sick of having to fuck around with alternative accounts

>old footage
This is less than a week old user

Will probably get it down the line, not on launch day though. The launch PC port will most likely be trash and i expect the game to be heavily discounted sooner than later.

Zero, that's why FM isn't in the title. All you'll probably need to know is that the mechs are called Wanzers, and other than that I imagine you'll miss a few references but that's it.

It's coming out soon enough, so just see what people are saying before deciding to pick it up or not. You should also play Front Mission while you're at it.

>Bargain bin
That's honestly what I love about it. It looks like a mid-budget game from the PS2 era, and I love shit like Spy Fiction. The price is really bad, though; even if I don't personally mind giving it a try for $60, most people won't, especially not in Japan where it's fucking $90.

Brb, brushing my teeth again.

Why everyone, even the fucking mechs, seems like they're taking a dump?

too janky

Shinkawa's art is half the budget of this game.

>especially not in Japan where it's fucking $90
Square really is a dumpster fire of a company.

Might be fun. Definatley a 50% off in 3 months kinda game. Ill wait for a sale.

>Make a game that's exactly like so many other games
What's the point?

Attached: 1465264425838.png (456x480, 248K)

Looks like shit to be honest. Looked really good with Shinkawa's artwork and all.

what is this word?

The point is SE wants some MGSfag money. That's the only reason this game exists.

Because MGS is dead as shit and Square accurately predicted there would be a vacuum. But didn't consider allowing pesky things like TIME and COST stop them from releasing the game underfunded and 4 months early.

If you'll remember. This game was originally going to be released last year which would give it a sub 2 year developmental turn around time. Square is still retarded all this time later.

Reminder that Front Mission 6 died for this.

God I fucking want to murder that ugly fucking thing.

It's out in 2 days in Japan.

it looks like a low budget early PS3 game and they're selling it for full price

It looks like something that would suddenly appears on my steam library during sales

Definitly a game you will have to listen to the players to get a real overview.
Journalists will shatter this game and shit on it with diarrhea concerto

a perfect description for every game square has ever had their hand in.

The gameplay looks worse than a simple series game.

litterally a reskined MGSV and it looks like it will be boring shit from all the clips.

What makes you think it runs on the Fox Engine?

Binary Domain was solid

Yoji Shinkawa's cover is literally the only removely interesting thing about the game.
Looks like pure shovelware, and I have no idea why people are making MGS connections.

>I have no idea why people are making MGS connections.

dont be a smart ass man,even a child can see it just base on the design alone

was looking forward to it but it looks like shit, the animations are horrible.
Also Squeenix

very unlikely

That UI looks like it was ripped straight from the division, what the fuck?

>every game with a song by nobuo uematsu is connected to FF

Animations need a hell lot of polish, a lot of weightless movements and models snapping directly into animations without much transition. Also that Bethesda jank animation feel where actions taken while crouch walking look like the upper body is a separate creature from the legs.

Character models look pretty good though.

Man I don't social media, hate streamers and ad block everything. So I'm frequently out of the loop on these things.

Attached: Moppersmurf(3).jpg (200x200, 8K)

Same, but dev livestreams run by devs are a pretty good place to see early gameplay. Sometimes you even get to see them fuck up and reveal limitations they were trying to hide.

That is the most generic looking protagonist I have ever seen and that is saying something