What games have the most lifelike humans in them?

What games have the most lifelike humans in them?

Attached: La Goblina de Ciudad Raccoon.webm (1400x1080, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The new Metro

cute armpit

Uncharted 4

Attached: Uncharted 4_ A Thief’s End™_20160927233303.webm (764x456, 2.98M)

>that elbow

Attached: kQCrbep.jpg (720x960, 116K)

Attached: piranha plant.gif (250x171, 500K)


>no armpit texture
What a missed opportunity.

Shaved armpits are boring.

>literally nothing to looks like just a flat texture
YIKES. Pitfaggots here really have low standarts

Patrician taste there user

Attached: 1550817992451.png (670x811, 646K)

that one

Attached: RE2 Claire abdomen.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: RE2 Claire legs.webm (1020x1080, 2.98M)


Attached: 1539525135514.jpg (500x500, 56K)


Attached: 1543176313809.jpg (456x488, 71K)

I was more talking about her face when I said lifelike, not her armpits. Like the way she blinks and exhales and glances around

Attached: Claire.webm (628x720, 2.98M)

This is better than porn.

Attached: 1519640946589s.jpg (250x185, 5K)

god, I love sweaty armpits

Attached: 1533121416651.jpg (1032x1457, 1.33M)

For a sec I thought it was drooling.

>liking hairy pits
at this point you might as well literally look at male armpits you fucking faggots

i honestlyy dont get why people think she's ugly
i really find her facial features really fucking cute
she's perfect

Attached: olgierd geralt.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

I used to be like you. You'll understand when you're older.

Sauce me up user

Attached: so lifelike.gif (290x407, 1.93M)

>tfw no Jordan GF

I'm 28, hairy armpits on women are disgusting.

Are these just nude mods or is that actually her character model with clothing removed?

It's a nude mod

I agree with you user, you're a normal man. Ignore the especially vocal minority of hairy lovers that have surged forth this year

Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Attached: Kingdom Come.jpg (1368x855, 158K)

What difference does it make fag, you're just looking for a reason to be outraged and piss on the devs aren't you

how new can you be to not recognize the artist?
lurk more newfaggot

I'm not alone anymore. hold me vros

Attached: 1527312040460.png (600x601, 69K)

Quite the opposite actually

Needs more hair

model with clothing removed

Attached: Property of Mr X.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

> the way she blinks and exhales and glances around
Nobody does that. The movements are exactly what makes her look like she's braindead.

if its a mod its shit, if its the actual model that developers put in there then i can fap.

A slightly chubby woman with armpit and pubic hair is literally the perfect choice from a breeding standpoint.

mouth-watering feet

prove it

1. It's in slo mo
2. It's a normal movement. You probably don't notice when girls do things like that because you are staring at your feet like an autist and can't look them in the eye

Remove the armpit hair and you're right.


Attached: 1541951984322.jpg (400x400, 22K)

next thing you'll say is "mature women with pit hair and a bush are better"

Attached: 1536988037564.png (645x729, 77K)

>A slightly chubby woman
Every time you people say chubby it always turns out to be a fatass.

It is cool that devs now seem to understand how the muscles in that area are actually supposed to connect together. The deltoid to the pectoral and lats creating the pitt. Its satisfying to look at and makes Claire's entire body look good.

Attached: 2E96B770-B271-446C-A768-FFCD3A871CA6.jpg (1024x576, 29K)

Attached: Claire feet.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>being 28 with the taste of a 14 year old
I weep for you my brother, tainted by the corruption of porn


>tfw didn't even look at armpits until I started browsing here
I'm glad I got armpilled

faggot kill yourself

How the absolute FUCK are those textures there? I dont believe modders are this careful.

Jesus Christ. She looks exactly like a former female friend of mine. At first glance I thought it was her.

>he thinks a woman is supposed to be clean shaven like a baby or something due to being memed since his early teens by porn depicting shaved whores
BIG yikes

>Completely nude but wearing high heels mod
>I just want her to be barefoot and wearing clothes
>no mod for that

Attached: 1364414792071.png (486x562, 112K)

Never underestimate a modder with too much time on their hands

>he likes nasty sweaty hair on women

this looks so incredibly realistic wow


Now we need good quality SFM/Blender/whatever the fuck artists use porn

Attached: 1548681427017.webm (640x800, 2.73M)

Ay ay ay.
Anyway, the way she looks around makes her look braindead, if you want to disprove me, show it at normal speed.

do you also live in a laboratory so nothing unclean gets in your personal space

This. Not necessarily in detail but definitely in animation.

Subtle fidgets > Le edgy idle pose

For me i realised it isn't "the pit" but the muscle groups on show that are sexy. When a girls arm is raised that way you see thw shape of her deltoid, her bicep, her lower side back muscle (the lats) its about the body and posture made by the "pit pose"

Attached: 12744CE1-CACE-464B-B7D0-816483B58E20.jpg (1024x576, 66K)

nah im just not a fag who likes sweaty hair and shit on women

Attached: donald duck power.jpg (480x474, 23K)


Attached: 1544929657391.jpg (970x545, 771K)

>that potato face
Just like claire

Attached: 1549288287645.png (402x332, 272K)

Post vid of Claire

COMIC Shitsurakuten 2015-06

Attached: soycry.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Attached: 15473338445333.jpg (329x329, 25K)

Only feminists push hairy armpits.

Attached: sniffy.jpg (1600x900, 134K)

>no breathing animation
not realistic

I always felt like VtMB had the most lifelike human characters, not because of the graphics, but because facial animations were top notch and they were well written.

>he likes [something completely natural and normal for the human body]
OH NOOO how could i do this???
Keep trying to meme but you're just fooling yourself


That's for me as well though, I'm already a musclefag anyway
That pic you posted of Claire is the only time I considered fapping to her

based and bellypilled

How bout you put it in a media player and just boost the speed to 300% instead?
If I had to say why you think it looks weird (which it doesn't) I would guess maybe it was because it looks like she is daydreaming and then shaking her head back into focus. But it doesn't really look like anything

And a braindead person doesn't move their eyes you retard, they just lay there comatose. Learn better insults

>Djimon Honsou screaming with caption saying "SAUCE..." .gif

Attached: 1550558118672.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: Uncharted4 str vs dex.webm (854x480, 1.84M)

She breathes, look at the OP webm.
Just her ribcage doesn't get bigger and smaller probably because she was not meant to be seen topless anyway

Poderte tocar, no puedo parar Te juro que yo no puedo parar

take a shower you stink

its not natural to like those things unless you are gay, which is not natural

God I love Claire so FUCKING much.

Attached: 1366005958529.jpg (614x897, 156K)

Is this costume official? asking for researches

Link to this mod, yo

Don't leave me hanging like this man

Attached: 1468712172758.png (178x213, 4K)

Minecraft has the most realistic humans.

>It's not natural to like something humans were 100% ok with for literal thousands of years and i'm being generous on the time scale
Ok brainwashed drone

I wanna lick it

Like Yea Forums always says, no spoonfeeding. Lurk more and lrn2reverse image search

>Would the world be a better place if we exterminate every armpit/foot fetishizing nigger

Attached: yes.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Don't underestimate modders autism. Is a gift to this world.

Disgusting tits how do people like this?


>humans would shit anywhere and die at age 30 for literally a dozen million years
>we changed things, and it's ok, nothing to say about it
>things humans didn't care for for literally a dozen million year changes

Lord Saddler...

Attached: GOD DAMN IT.webm (1726x720, 2.37M)


Attached: Chris Redpilled.png (589x579, 284K)

I think the allure of bimbos is a they look so bad they're good thing

>tfw lurking ITT for more belly pics

Well that looks a lot worse than I expected

look closer

is it because shes lacking a butthole?

Hmm? Yeah its official.

Attached: FD015944-E858-4E5B-B886-BDE831EC68E0.jpg (576x1024, 78K)

are you blind? She has one, look at the first second and last pictures, it's right fucking there

>small pancake tits

Just because a woman doesn't have a sunibee donut butthole doesn't mean it's not there.

>no one's posted ada's yet

Attached: 1515026830562.jpg (600x315, 16K)

Its pretty shit thats why

>>things humans didn't care for for literally a dozen million year changes
>literally the only reason he finds armpit/pubic hair gross is because porn set this standard that women need to be clean shaved from the skull down, which isn't an old trend at all and happened relatively recently, when having pubic/armpit hair was totally common during a certain period and it's not like the moment humans invented shaving they started removing all hair from the body like faggots
>but no, he will defend his kike overlords with his life

Attached: ahem.png (278x282, 129K)

will there be a mod to give her H cups

okay, you asked for it

Attached: 1551065572562.png (626x612, 642K)

Well said, the definition does it for me which is why I also liked when the camera rotated and the shadows adjusted to the contours of her legs.

Attached: 1531714912517.png (680x378, 389K)


Those aren't pancakes they're just modest boobs

dat hairy cunt doe

meant to quote with this post

This just keeps getting worse

Ada's nude mod wasn't made by the guy who made Claire's. It's not that good but hopefully soon the genius will make everyone nude
Especially Mr X

Attached: ahem.png (651x798, 714K)

Why did Nathan not look old in the final game like he did in the trailer?

bitch you stink

Women grow it so it's a female feature how is it gay lmao are you retarded

has anyone extracted the model to be used in SFM porn so she can be bred by dogs yet

>not an argument + ad hominem
>made the same post twice because I didn't reply to him the first time
>actually thinks shaving makes you cleaner
Don't worry, when you're anonymous, nobody knows how much of a retard YOU are

He is a Chinese guy on 3DM forums named Malawi777 or something. He released a guide on how he did the custom mesh

yeah yeah the shower's that way

Here you go user.
They were literally the first 2 mods you see when you go to nexus and check out RE2 mods.


>Based chink modders now how to make the ultimate white womans body.
Pubes, tanlines, pit hair etc could all be added if you want it. But this foundation is perfect.

Attached: 20190225062009_1.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

One day you will see the light just as I did

Attached: forastero 2.jpg (4724x4718, 1.28M)

Does she also have a fully modeled, *ahem*, you know what?

she's not lifelike at all
she looks like a robot that was made to look like a human, but is clearly a robot anyway

Chink's modding is on another level.
Look at this guy's videos and his swaps. Shit is hilarious. youtube.com/channel/UCOBlMREhJsK1l99dAtLAl1Q

Attached: munch.webm (1280x706, 1.77M)

see this post for your answer: show me one robot that looks as lifelike as her

So the fact that sheboon was able to kick Nathan ass was bullshit?

Attached: anime mmh.jpg (248x248, 20K)

I'm talking about the cervix, newfag.

>being ugly is realistic

When did this (((meme))) start and when does it end?

Attached: 135431433.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


Attached: 14+year+old+prostitutes+in+bulgaria+as+a+47+_0eaefbbbe2460fced3f5a0a0dfed368f.png (375x250, 189K)

Where is that from?

looks like she fucks dogs

>that is ugly
What are you, gay?

Sexy outfits are way more arousing than full nude imho

Attached: Claire a cutie.jpg (1440x1440, 336K)

She isn't ugly. she is realistic, but a realistical-ly pretty girl.

>tfw no Adalicker gf

Conan Exiles

You know whats really great? Garter belts with lace stockings

Attached: slurp.webm (1280x706, 2.98M)

DSC model looks much closer than Tobey Maguire.

Attached: DwUn.gif (352x240, 597K)

Attached: 1536086277260.jpg (312x312, 46K)

Attached: f2xhhH4.gif (500x281, 950K)

based man of taste

well it's a good thing a perfect nude mod was made first, so that those other modders could have something to put those skimpy clothes on top of

Remove your nostalgia goggles, left look like crap.

>Ada with Claire's hair and the daughter's body
God damn that's nice.

My fucking sides. God bless modders

Attached: 1549026406742.png (518x496, 155K)

except for the fucked up neck seam that makes her look like an android with a detachable head

>oh no you seem to have triggered my feelings on the subjectivity on beauty

My point isn't really that she is ugly but why do (((people))) and their goyim followers think that "realistic" beauty is one that has to be ugly?

Granted she isn't horrible. I won't give her the 2/10 treatment but "realistically" a 10/10 is "realistic" because.... she exists.

Nothing to do with nostalgia. Stop insulating yourself with that shit. Not everyone agrees with you.

God bless modders

name and adress?

Holy shit she is fucking cute with that hair mama mia...

Attached: 1547972936057.jpg (802x615, 66K)

>why do (((people))) and their goyim followers think that "realistic" beauty is one that has to be ugly?
What? No one thinks that. Ugliness and beauty are literally opposite things.
Fucking listen to yourself.

2263 Williams Lane Wichita

Star Citizen's are pretty impressive, especially because of the face tracking thing that lets you do much more lifelike expressions. They're finally adding playable females next month, can't wait to see them.

Attached: ScreenShot0178.jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

>scam citizen

oh I forgot her name, it's Pamela Phillips

not really, everyone looks stylized as fuck, especially Geralt and Olgierd

Listen here buddy. Some people like the smell of their girl. Plus fucking when youre perfevtly clean and subconsciously slow you down and fuck worse cuz you dont want to ruin your sparkleness. Fucking is a dirty game and going at it not worrying aboit the sweat and fluids getting everywhere is top tier. Youwhiney ass germaphobe vorgin. You aint cut out for a relationship of girl sweat freaks u oit

Attached: Delighted doggo.jpg (400x400, 12K)

Attached: 1544862416929.jpg (555x445, 24K)

>Star Citizen

Attached: tenor (1).gif (400x192, 478K)

RE nude mods are so good god bless modders

Attached: BH6 2015-03-03 23-48-05-13.jpg (657x1080, 181K)

a woman can still smell like that and have nice clean shaven armpits you pea brain.
Hairy pits are nasty, gb2 France

Sauce on this goofy qt

shes my gf

That is what other people are saying, you stupid fuck. they are confusing "common" with "realistic". A 10/10 could be a realistic. Instead of asking me to listen to myself, how about think for yourself before replying?

realistic =/= ugly

>reinstalled RE6 recently after craving for Mercs
>try to reinstall bikini mod because Sherry best girl best waifu best Europe outfit
>model-swap patch download is fucked/dead link

Attached: 1533987168804.gif (680x703, 606K)

don't bother arguing with cucked up drones

Just made a new one.
Holy kek.

Attached: Zombies.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

that goofy over bite and 5 year old face...yuck

where is sherry nude mod in re2 remake?

So the original half-nude mod worked but when I tried to install the full nude mod neither of them load. What the hell do I do?

Attached: 1533762298301.png (249x199, 79K)

l-lewd and I-illegal sempai

>The zombie looks like Leon

those tits absolutly ruin this. might as well have not posted it.

>it's natural therefore it's attractive
do you like scat too you fucking retard

Reminds me of when Rev2 came out and I immediately installed the nude Claire mod that came out very quickly.

I kept it somewhere, or so I thought...
same for the ada nude mod, lost it

why do you keep saying "ugly" when you already said "not really ugly", just not a 10/10?

And you act like every old character was a 10/10. They tried to make them hot (like Capcom tried to make Claire hot) but they did not just always succeed in making 10/10s. Not even Voth Jill is a 10
They choose real people for the faces so they can make them as lifelike as possible, and unfortunately not every face model's look is going to be to your taste. There is no jew conspiracy to make your videogame girls ugly, and especially not one that would be affecting fucking Capcom

its amusing to be scared and aroused
unique experience imho

They can't stand still for two seconds without transitioning into an over the top idle animation. They're constantly dancing from foot to foot and touching themselves.

Explain yourself right now.
Those tits are perfect

this is why I hate faggots who have consumed too much japanese media. I'm really starting to think it corrupts your brain into thinking only the lifeless dollfaces of anime girls and old japanese games are beautiful. it must be a sad state of existence
>I guess you like 300lbs tranny niggers then!
nope, they are ugly as hell

>he doesn't like pancake tiddies
s m h senpachi

Attached: sniff.webm (480x360, 952K)

They are in a nasty sweaty jungle with bugs everywhere dude, those seem like totally normal movements

27fps starcitizen..sounds about right

now those are tities

does leon have a penis in his nude mod?

racoon city...

Attached: tanuki.jpg (1633x1224, 295K)

more like BEAVER CITY haha

>pancake titties hating fag is an Adacuck
And the truth comes out


Couldn't have him aged but still able to endlessly leap far and high

it was attractive for a long ass time until porn said it wasn't.
2+2, cuck.

>caring about autistic weeb sperging on fucking Yea Forums

kek what is this
Is this from the History channel?

Any way import these rendermodel into fuck games? or any sex mod

Attached: resident furry.webm (1280x706, 2.91M)

please have a penis
please have a penis
please have a penis
please have a penis

gay cunt


Attached: Uh oh.webm (1280x706, 2.91M)

just like my japanese animes!

I want that babymaker

This is ultra cute
This is not but hilarious
Also noir Ada is super hot

Attached: funny pepe.gif (487x815, 65K)


Attached: 1547061639413.png (500x340, 161K)

Cus she would be tip toeing around like she was wearing invisble heels. Capcom didnt record barefoot animations

Attached: Leon and Mrs X.webm (1280x706, 2.93M)

What the fuck are you on about you squealing sperg? You just made assumptions to confirm your bias. What a fucking fag lol

>there is no jew conspiracy
Literally provable, you dumb shit.

>you act like
No, not really. Once again like the other user you are jumping to conclusions you low IQ underage faggot.

Detroit Become Human

>Ada's coat painted in black as Mr X's coat
Pure noir K I N O

Attached: huh.jpg (442x445, 27K)

Attached: uh oh2.webm (1280x706, 2.9M)

Prove it then you tinfoil hat wearing /pol/ faggot

anyone have that webm where sherry is holding up a badge and says "stop and put your fat cocks where i can see"

adult sherry, not the gross goblin one

AAAAAAHHHH user stop my dick can only take so much

That's kinda cute


I can't confirm or deny if i would or not.

And the French.

Attached: 1550700492719.webm (640x1136, 1.56M)

I'm looking for that webm where they swapped sherry in for claire at the gate, anyone have it?

Attached: she gunt that.gif (500x281, 2.4M)

Thats just a drawing I'm pretty sure

Animal planets the most extreme iirc

The hero we deserve!

Attached: 1516430249896.gif (384x216, 2.8M)

Attached: RPD interrogation.webm (410x270, 2.97M)

I love a good girlpit

i bet he has something else in his hands too

Any Leon mods with this detail?

>Hair pulling

Attached: 1546326263744.jpg (357x338, 7K)

>tfw no peach hatted mr x

Attached: dingus slapping princess.jpg (1198x318, 56K)


Attached: Eating Claires eggs.webm (848x940, 2.99M)

Looks like they've scannd jordan's feet

Attached: 1548633539199.jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

just the speedo one

Attached: RPD lockers.webm (874x1080, 3M)

I'd scan her feet alright
with my tongue

We need one with him having an erect, floppy dick. :)

you just KNOW.

Has science gone too far?

>erect dick

Attached: question 2.png (433x380, 187K)

I bet you're the kind of fag who can't even smell the difference between a man and a woman's skin.

>dicklet and his needle can't comprehend the idea of a mammoth cock at max rigidity but being utterly too large to remain immobile

like a pine tree vs. your car antenna tinypeen


>Tanktop SFM never

Attached: Wrong! This Biribiri is dead!.jpg (500x478, 56K)

all I know is that if the OP webm had hairy pits, pretty much 9 out of every 10 posts ITT would be saying "fucking gross, why doesn't she shave" because that is the normal reaction.
Instead we get like 5 or 6 fucktards ITT who wont shut up about how they want hairy pits. Fucking go away, I don't want to hear it

maliwei is a god literally made all the good nude mods for all modern RE games

>Leon's american gf

that's right

any normal human being would be completely still of course after fighting their way through a bug infested jungle full of poisonous plants while sweating constantly from the heat and humidity

it's amazing how to this day, UC4 blows any game out of the water in terms of visual fidelity and graphics

Where did you look up for that patch? I've got one I downloaded not too long ago.

veronica belmont

nude zombiechan skin when

Attached: zombie qt.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

I think it was a redirect from the same page I got the bikini mods themself on some RE mod forum

Postal 2

Attached: 1548123627895.jpg (280x560, 25K)

It's fucking amazing how all the people will trade glances at eachother and raise their eyebrows etc in reaction to you acting weird or making a scene in the middle of town
The actual animations and graphics for them make them super lifelike too


Here you go, for some reason I couldn't install the EX-costume mods and I'm too lazy to look into it. Hope it works for you.

This is a jap girl from a video of a guy making Japanese girls speak english from NicoNico

Mucho gracais user, I'll give it a shot since not being able to install costume mods was the issue I was having anyway

Attached: 1542619882926.jpg (800x600, 461K)

>Elena's facial expressions and reactions to Nate, staring at him, sighing + diverting her gaze, and raising her eyebrows at him when he turns to face her
I wonder what she is thinking

That look like daz3d textures/bump map.
Daz3d make up 90% of 3d porn in the net nowaday, include all those shitty overwatch porn

Attached: Felicity-Torso.jpg (4096x4096, 1.35M)

fellow Connoisseur of great test

same fag seething

fuck off with your nasty fetish. Girls grow little mustaches on their faces, should they not shave those off because its natural too?
Next thing you guys will be advocating all-natural scat porn

It's how real elbows look incel.

stop this pathetic act and bow before armpits fetish

was she always this chunky?

one of us

Attached: 1550165873287.jpg (576x1024, 81K)

they made her especially thicc this time, even gave her underboob just to taunt us

Attached: zombie underboob.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

No they modeled her after ur mum


mamma mia

Attached: 1505763051471.webm (1280x720, 329K)

>calls people incels
>not a single comma used
Hey, pal. Did you just blow in from Reddit?

I spend too much time on Yea Forums...I begin to have a fuckin strong pit fetish.
Armpits are not supposed to be sexy damn it!

Attached: 111.jpg (2000x1000, 799K)


Definitely feels like she got slightly chub'd up but its honestly kinda hard to tell.
The classic artwork LOOKS thinner but regarding her neck in it doesn't really have a proper angle to compare with.

Attached: zombie-chan.jpg (1215x3074, 185K)

>>Armpits are not supposed to be sexy damn it!
>strong odor that varies with each person
armpits are vaginas you can fuck but not impregnate

Attached: 412321312.jpg (1593x515, 353K)

>most lifelike humans
>she looks even more retarded and autistic than Sara Ryder and her body textures are flat asf, that's not how pits look like
You first, (OP).

Attached: autism-chan.jpg (1056x830, 55K)

Shes got that beer gut going on though without any of the hip dip, Its alright if you are a chubby chaser its just a shame considering how perfect she is there.

>that gorgeous perfect pale skin
Just shows how shit nu-claire and nu-ada are

Why do you feel the need to lie on Yea Forums

I'm kind of liking the thiccer zombies

Attached: zombie brapper.jpg (960x540, 19K)

Attached: 48.png (532x398, 367K)

Attached: 1550945504683.gif (245x250, 872K)

The mystery is better than the reality.

Baiting samefag, nobody actually thinks this, not even you

Attached: 1392142236715.jpg (614x572, 54K)

Problem is that this blurs the line between thicc and borderline obsese though. You try finding decent thicc only to be bombarded by pages upon pages of shit that would be better suited on the Animal Planet and Discovery channel. Feels bad man

You won't make me do the print screen to prove you wrong, redditor. Guess autists are attracted to other autitsts, heh

its asmhentai.com/g/1651/

better late than never i guess.

those aren't near obese though, overweight at worst

Attached: landwhale unleases inner beast.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

As much as I hate seeing all the flak about this scene, that webm is almost a perfect representation of what difference 1 person and 200+ pounds can do in a fight.


Print screen doesnt prove shit anyway, you can just inspect element and remove the (You).
Also Sara Ryder is seriously like a 4/10 and Claire is like an 8.5. Look at whats been posted of her ITT; the textures are the opposite of flat

I hope she fucks that dog

Attached: 1550668492857.png (680x680, 623K)

hahahahahah my god i mean cmon just pathetic.

>That look
You just know

You can especially peep the dreamy gaze in the last 2 seconds.

This webm is extremely erotic

It's like I'm really tiny and she's trying to step on me!

Penis in the bum

>not "La Goblina de Ciudad Mapache"

you dun goofed OP

True, I'd kinda prefer if most artwork/models of her ended up using the more classic design especially the more torn tank top sweet jesus but she's just chubby enough for me to not get bothered so its a win-win either way.

Cute tits would suckle! 10/10

You don't translate a city's given name

Attached: 1522388321533.gif (320x240, 1.39M)


Damn, the more I see of this girl, the more I fall in love. Should I buy her game? I'm scared of zombie games like Resident Evil though

Attached: happy.png (210x229, 5K)

In spanish you do, when possible ("la ciudad de Nueva York").

>muh cavemen
Humans have been shaving body hair for the last 40,000 years idiot. Metal shaving tools have been around for over 5000 years.

remove oil
add bush
make butt big

Attached: 1406476600963.gif (268x278, 844K)

Is this source film maker or what?

>dick status: MUH

need gf

Nude mod.

Praga, Viena, Moscú, Londres, Marsella

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Not even a pitfag, but similar arguments could be said about every fetish:

>hurr it's just a ball of fat
>hurr it's just a shoe

You can't rationalize a fetish.


>add bush

Attached: 88393477.gif (225x183, 831K)

We're all hardwired to be drawn to that ball of fat.

Awakino, Whakatane, Karapiro. Kai Hau o Kupe,

Attached: dicks.jpg (1920x1440, 1.14M)

>liking hairy armpits and pubes
imagine being this much of a cock guzzling faggot. Being disgusting doesn't make you better than anyone.

shut the fuck up zoomer

No, but it makes me hard

you tell em dad!


Yea Forums, your standards are getting worse and worse each day. I worry about you.

why tf her elboe looked like golf ball?

Attached: 1527647466703.jpg (1285x979, 77K)

Stop lumping pubes with disgusting hairy pits.

Bush is gross, but trimmed (landing strips, etc.) is very sexy.

Attached: tips anonymous.gif (312x250, 2.68M)

>he doesn't like a bit of peach fuzz on his gfs cunt
Lol what a fuckin gay cunt

Speak American you retards, I cant understand your dumb gibberish


She is.
The 10/10 body helps

t. la creatura

My bad bro I don't speak mutt

I have a shit computer and my textures are only set to 1GB

This "10/10" body in modded, silly, okay?
Her body on default is alright for a young girl

Its exactly the same body, just uncovered. Proportions are 100% identical to her classic tank top outfit

Shame about the pancake tits tho


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Those people are just ironic retards (like fartfetishists) that forgot that they like it ironically and now they actually have this fetish.
No one likes hairy armpits, user, dont let them think that you are some sexual minority.

yea but tehy look inverted

You must put a shitload of flour in your panckes bro because those things are anything but flat

>Its exactly the same body
Nigger are you shitposting at this point or really came from facebook? Modder just replaced her model with custom nude body that he adjusted to match her mesh more or less

Fuck off, anti-white kike.

>capcom panders to hues and brazil
>this is the result
goblina spammers should be hanged

Attached: why.gif (200x200, 3.46M)

y'know it makes sense now that you say that
but also, fuck you, my dick is girthy enough you'd choke on it bitch

>10/10 body
t.el atrocidad

t. la aberracion

Dicklet was still seething after all that time lol. The suffering of small cocks never ceases to get a giggle out of me.

Imagine defending a brazilian hue goblin on a mangolian defense forum

t. ogro de las américas

>shit waist to hip ratio
>shitty soft belly that is not even toned
>man ass
>pancake tits
>stick legs
>pale af
yea if you are a gay.

Even this one?

Attached: c.jpg (599x669, 85K)

>having shit taste
begone count fagula

Attached: nice.webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

except they didn't start doing this clean shaven shit until recently.
i never said everyone should never shave, or that i even like hairy ass women or some shit, but if you think armpit and pubic hair is >GROSS EWWW you're a faggot and probably a millenial, i say this as a millenial as well but it didn't use to be like this.


>pale af
>implying that's a bad thing

Elbow skin is warbly, thats just how it is

>more or less
It is a perfect match, dont try and downplay it. Nothing about it conflicts with what we've seen of her body in any of the default skins, so there is no reason why her uncovered body couldn't look exactly like that.

Any man would be proud to breed strong jawed sons with her desu.

>Jordan Mcewen
What did he mean by this?


But every single one of those points is so blatantly wrong that I cant help but think you are just baiting

t. Adafag

why are you so full of hatred?

Because I'm a miserable cunt that has lost all will to live so I spend my days shitposting.

have you seen Ada? shes worse with a sickly hairy snatch to boot.

cope harder then goblover

Ada reminds me of the old adage "One night with venus, a lifetime of mercury".

I doubt you'd have to worry about that with Claire.

Ohh okay. Change that post to just say "t. fag" instead then

Not him but I'd rather hatefuck Helena for eternity while she looks at me with that expression of perpetual constipation that she carries for some 3/4 of the game desu. She was bangin'

>he keeps his le "nudes mode = real ingame bodie"
Sheesh you ARE retarded.

>Nueva York

Nice reading comprehension you fucking brainlet, downplay was in reference to you saying the mesh only matched up "more or less"

I mean what would be different between that and an official skin? The proportions are the same.


Attached: 1550589487354.png (513x310, 193K)


She looks like she is flexing it incredibly hard

I miss cute, non-bug face Ada.

Its part of her exercises, kegal exercises

Fuck, might have to reinstall

Oh no what a horrible result, how could this happen! Trump was supposed to stop this

You have no idea how modern texture mapping works.

Why do we pretend she isn't hot again?

because of those delicious pancake titties thats why

Something tells me that's not the real reason

everybody does mate except for gay niggers

>the last second

Attached: muscle fetish.png (1282x289, 176K)

You're thinking of Jill.

Attached: Jill.webm (640x800, 1.85M)

unironically actual low test

Yes, this is literally me minus knowing every muscle group's name even though i study anatomy for art purposes
I don't know why I am like this. Maybe that one episode of the french cartoon with spies is to blame.

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Thank god for that spoiler because for a moment I thought it was because you are like a psychopath in training that gets off on the concept of picking apart a women's abs with a scalpel and cleaver.

This one?

Attached: totally spies muscle.png (640x475, 443K)

Even in the darkest depths of my doujin fapping depravity I could never truly get into hair armpit shit.
>it smells so sweet
Oh the sweet lies fetishists tell themselves. Piss ain't sweet, armpit sweat ain't sweet. You disgust me.


>Piss ain't sweet,
It wouldn't be if shes a fatass that dpesn't look after herself.

>that webm
>nobody will ever try to grab my hand like that while playing a game
why do shitty people get things they don't even deserve?

Attached: 1550793471073.gif (292x289, 2.56M)

Her tit shape isn't very good. I'm a big titty fag but I'm not opposed to well shaped smaller breasts. Hers are obviously suffering from never having been modeled for nudity. Even when Claire is wearing clothing her tits look ugly as they are spaced too far apart.

Not the user who you replied to btw

because ur mom gay__________________

You aren't that cringy bloggingfag from the last thread are you?

This model isnt done by the same guy that did Claire's. Looks a bit bad

then it just means you don't deserve the hand holding faggot

Because you're not attractive and he is?

Does modding the cat ears on in the main story give the infinite ammo effect or is it just cosmetic?

Attached: cropp.jpg (874x333, 39K)

Attached: gos round.jpg (970x545, 64K)

At the time I didn't get a boner or anything, but it might have been because I was too young, but I remember that episode quite well because it kinda shocked me. The girls just got super buff out of nowhere, and they beat men around, I thought it was fuckin weird at the time.
But now that I think about it, yeah, that was probably what started it all. Am now a musclefag that is into big strong amazons loving smaller weaker men in gentle femdom
I don't know wether to be mad at the French or bless them

Attached: japan does as it pleases.jpg (384x273, 51K)

you don't have to be attractive to get a gf, easy to get an average girl

Thats an impressive amount of vomit from a lil doggo like that, wonder what he ate, poor fella

Attached: Apple_Pupper.webm (408x720, 386K)

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Don't worry user, it could have turned out so much worse for you.

Attached: totally spies inflation.png (1284x1434, 2.14M)

I think I'm way too far past the point of return user.

no way fag

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Have you ever actually seen people before? Who am I kidding, of course you fucking haven't.

how do you even know he's a shitty person

Lmao, I'm so glad I only watched very few eps of that cartoon and don't remember any except that fateful one.
I can only imagine the thousands of kids worldwide that got fetish injected by this cartoon.
Jesus christ France.

yes... hahaha....


Attached: Leon1.jpg (1919x1079, 201K)

>1080ti or titan

kek, nice '''''''''game'''''''''

is there a version of this with leon's normal hair?

Attached: 1550939676104.gif (302x249, 3.27M)

Unfortunately no

Attached: Leon6.jpg (1919x1079, 222K)

Okay so when are we getting naked Marvin?

Seriously impressive how she just tosses him around

God I wish I was him

why the fuck would you want that

she's strong fat + the guy couldn't get any footing and didn't look like he wanted to fight back

>that black guy laughing his ass off
Gets me everytime.

is that a raccoon or a dog or what the fuck is that?

Soon, I hope

Attached: Leon4.jpg (1919x1079, 219K)

well good now i dont have to bother downloading the mod

You spent too much time here if you genuinely believe autism affects looks

Not gay but totally onboard with this if it means we get naked Clare

I cant beleive they didnt change the driver into ada



Attached: 42-1550659191-1346662174.jpg (2560x1440, 278K)

>tfw the gym zombie is in the locker room again
pic unrelated

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Attached: AAAAAHHHAAHAH.jpg (923x771, 52K)


Jesus Christ, lurk more!

fucking incels don't even try to pretend they're not incels any more

that's kinda hot

Attached: deviant tastes.png (518x704, 490K)

>n-no way fa- AAAAAGH

literally filename, user

Thanks. I'll be there in 1 hour.

it was for drama and to setup the plot. Do people on this board literally not play videogames and just meme all day?


>just barely out of view
Why is this teasing so much hotter?

Attached: Holy-fuck.jpg (426x341, 33K)

>playing video games
:>in 2019
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

It's cause she's in pain you fucking idiot that animation plays when she's injured.

You mad bro?

Because wanting is better than having. It's why I'm single

Attached: 1542018999429.gif (320x240, 107K)

Yakuza, Tomb Raider, L.A. Noire.


Which one is Jordan?

Does the game glitch out if you do this?

Postal 2

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What about nude zombies?

Attached: 2019-01-18 23.30.51.jpg (1251x1312, 558K)

What is this from?


Artist? Not bad

Attached: angry egg.png (287x429, 105K)


yeah it has anti-nigger violence mod chip in it XD

>calls me fag
>posts literal homosexual mod

Attached: 1550749572589.jpg (422x856, 118K)

Christ that +10 stagger is overpowered

I want my cummy on that tummy

Attached: 1537525649983.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

>dumb american has to shove politics in everything
enjoy the vacation

Attached: 1551099853272.png (142x340, 49K)


good video

now make one for ada

Gods I need this game. What's the cheapest you have seen it go for? Can I actually finish this game despite being scared shitless by horror games?

Oh, you just KNOW

nice bush

>perfect innie pussy
why are these so rare in real life?




Attached: 1502081340156.png (500x485, 187K)

imagine being this underage

>total innie

Attached: 3ac539ade91e53e1b9b029139fbdfcef.png (566x848, 538K)


to each their own i guess

Something that a console player will never get to experience

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what does brazil have to do with any of this?

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Is there a mod that makes it say "Resident Evil 2" after you hit start at the title screen, because what the FUCK

Theres a free dlc or something that makes all the sounds the original I think

you just haven't looked at the right places, my pizza store has a lot of these perfect pussies on their menu

Yes, its called, having the deluxe edition and changing the OST to "classic sounds" in the options menu

I only paid 14 bucks for it so I guess I'll live without. That's pretty stupid though.


>or something

>that makes all the sounds the original

>i think