One of these threads again? Last one was really comfy

One of these threads again? Last one was really comfy

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Pretty good taste, OP. I personally enjoyed Thracia and didn't really have much fun with Shadows of Valentia, but I agree with you beyond that.

How's Tetris Effect?

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>Liked Gaiden but not the Marth games

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Honestly the most refreshing take on Tetris in years. If you liked Lumines or Rez you'll be right at home.

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People mised the point of Shadow Dragon entirely.

It's made with permadeath/iron man in mind, that's why you only get Gaiden chapters from having dead units, that's why the game pumps you full of so many units as well, and the replacement units you get start outright insulting you.

The only reason Awakening and later trim the roster is because they're made with casual mode in mind. Look at Shadow Dragon through this lens and you'll see it in a new light.

Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3, World, 64 and Odyssey good

Rest bad

>tfw love Awakening and Fates more then any other game in the series
>and I started at Sacred Stones

They're not supposed to reward you for playing bad idiot.
Maybe you should just admit locking entire chapters and other units behind dead units is a bad thing.
All fire emblem games before awakening were created with perma death in mind it's one of the main features of the series.
And reclassing sucks.
>Started at proto awkening
>like awakening
What a surprise

>It's made with permadeath/iron man in mind, that's why you only get Gaiden chapters from having dead units, that's why the game pumps you full of so many units as well,
You just contradicted your own point though. You get so many fucking units that permadeath doesn't even matter anymore.

Why do "veterans" of the series dislike awakening so much?

It panders to waifufags

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I don't dislike awakening so much as I don't like it as much as the earlier entries.
But the answer is that it was a big departure for the series for a more modern audience and older fans were expecting more of the same.
And no putting the word veterans in quotes doesn't make you cool.

It's uninspired, cringe anime shit. They just slapped a bunch of old mechanics from previous games together (gen 2, casual mode, self-insertion, split promotion) and called it a day. Then they just slapped cringe waifu simulator aspects on it and there you go, you got a shit game.

When you're making the thirteenth (well, eleventh) game in your franchise you're bound to have established a quality standard for the franchise already.

As far as the west is concerned, 7 was great, 8 was okay, 9 and 10 were absolutely golden, 11 was rightfully criticized for how shitty it is (but it had the excuse of being a remake)

Fire Emblem Awakening was an insult when it came to gameplay, characters AND story. ...still, after all these years I'm starting to bash it less because it had room for failure. It was authorized because they at least tried new things.

Fates is unforgiveable because it just took all its flaws and made them worse

What's wrong with Ultimate?
Isn't Tetris the same game every time? What could they possibly fuck up?

Thracia is the only really good FE

metal gear, huh?

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There ya go

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Thracia is a mess that shifts between absolute god tier and total garbage in the blink of an eye at complete random.
That said I enjoyed it.

same as OP but reverse everything

I tried to get into LoI but I found it intensely boring. What's your beef with CotM? What do you think of the Classicvanias?

I loved Effect. Hope it comes to PC so more people can play it. Grandmaster 3 is also the best game in the entire franchise.

Classicvanias were never my thing.
My biggest pain in the ass in CotM was double tapping to run. Fuck that thing from all sides. Also most bosses are more annoying than challenging. Especially the double dragon boss fight, it was absolute bullshit. That was the moment where I stopped playing the game.

thracia is the best

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Hopefully we don't get the other M&L posts in the last thread. Those were pretty garbage.

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>Hopefully we don't get the other M&L posts in the last thread.
You mean the dipshit that hated BiS, but loved Dream Team?

I didn't find Big Shell to be as bad as some people make it out to be, but everything else is pretty spot-on in my opinion
Yeah, Big Shell looked really samey and the environments were dull as fuck, but in terms of pure stealth gameplay it was fantastic.

Well now it needs an update.

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>Last one was comfy
Literally 300 posts of people ranking the same fucking games over and over.
Let's see how many Pokemon ones are going to show up this time.

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