What games do women play?I hear they love videogames

What games do women play?I hear they love videogames.

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The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

Candy crush
The sims
Puzzle Games
Quake Live 1v1 ~2400 elo rating.

i used to know soem girls

Half Life 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Devil May Cry 3
Metal Gear Solid 2

Candy Crush

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Mostly mobileshit since actual vidya is too demanding for their minds

the "turn 23 then hit the wall" game.

I love watching that game because I'll never get to play it myself.

The Witcher, for some reason they love this shit


Age of Empires

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I play /m/ stuffs and a jrpg or two, mostly spend it on MMOs though.

My gf likes candy crush, Skyrim, and league of legends. Terrible at all 3 too.

What mmos do you play, cutie? Hope you don’t waste your time on garbage like nuwow ffxiv or Korean shit

gf loves dragon quest, but she's japanese

Story-focussed WRPG (old Bioware)
JRPG if they grew up with anime
puzzle games

any MMO with Fashion Wars like GW2 and FFXIV
Counter Strike GO
guaranteed constant encounters with girls

I recently went back to Cosmic Break since it's about to shut down soon. I used to play XIV but i quit, not really into WoW, a lot of MMOs suck nowadays.

This is true. Most gamers are women!

mind games

some women only play phone games, some play some video games from time to time and some love them.

Usually from what I know(from other females), women are usually suppressed from publicly announcing that they like video games.

I thought girls gain cool points from playing games

Street Fighter 3rd Strike
Quake III Arena
Half Life Deathmatch
Super Smash Bros Melee
Dark Souls
System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Day of Defeat
The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
King of Fighters 98

mine plays:
the sims
puzzle & dragon
cities skylines

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>cities skylines

Fuck, this in particular. 95% of the people I know that still play are girls and the other 5% are thirsty beta orbiters who only play because girls they like play it.

No they don't, I know from (i.e. female relatives and friends) that play video games that they are often shunned for doing so and guys will say comments like "they're not real gamers" or make sexist comments. So they just don't feel comfortable.

Really?It mostly ends up in my case with "Oh what do you play" and"Do you play LoL/CSGO/whatever its popular".I never had something like that happen and i dont recall any of my other female friends going through that.

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Here's three I know, in order from "favorite game" to "what they actually play".

Indie Jap titles

League of Legends

Devil May Cry
Horror games
Sims 4

In short, they probably play the same mix of games as you - a couple of deep series that they're a fan of, then one or two bottom of the bin games. Problem is, if you're meeting them only through the latter (as most online games are trash), you'll only meet ones that are primarily into these types of games.

Getting one to play anything else is a fucking challenge


>I love watching that game because I'll never get to play it myself.

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I made a girl i met play dark souls just for fun and she never played a single videogame in her life but she still beat the asylum demon second try which surprised me quite a bit. THey she played portal but the M+KB playstyle is perhaps a littlebit more abstract because she could hardly navigate the map at all

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Maybe behind their backs or strangers over the mic. You're conflating reality with the internet. Most dudes are thirsty niggas that would praise her for a chance at her slit. Whereas a gigga Chad would probably say "heh, you're not a real gamer, let me show you what you're made for" and she'd giggle and get the tingles before he took her to pound town

This annoys me too.

>women are usually suppressed from publicly announcing that they like video games.
by who? and how?

Why do women worm their way into everything?

The gf of a good friend of mine plays nothing but Overwatch. My sister plays Nintendo games like BotW, Odyssey and SSBU

got a hearty laugh out of me, thank (You)

Other women in general.

Animal Crossing


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Weak men let them.

Are you still around cutie? Add me on discord.

>The tranny ITT pretending to be an oppressed girl

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>Candy Crush
>Capeshit movies
Why do women pretend to have hobbies?

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Shit games with a lot of blah blah and romance but shit gameplay like any Bioware game after BG.

This but unironically


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I'm butthurt women my age mostly don't garden because of "muh gender roles." I want a gf I can plant and weed and eat cherry tomatoes fresh off the vine in the sun with.

Some jrpgs
Wow xiv and gw2
Mobile games
These are your best answer. Throw asscreed dragon age and mass effect somewhere in there too.

Guildwars 2, there seems to be atleast one in every single group.

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My ex-gf used to play a lot of Animal Crossing and other DS games before I introduced her to some games that I play. Eventually she figured out her own taste in games and pretty much exclusively played action-adventures like Darksiders, a fuck load of JRPGs, and lots of musou games.

female hobbies:

-posting tits on instagram for likes


I think that's it

I want to be cute girl so bad Yea Forums

>The sims
Not anymore boyo.

The Sims, League of Legends, and Overwatch is what I see girls always playing. Mostly whatevers popular really.


>women playing Overwatch
I thought women were supposed to have some taste

Not my golf course

You can.
In VR.

I only know two women who play games and they both play aged boomer shit. Unreal Tournament (1999, not even the good one), the shitty old 2D XCOM games, Metal Gear Solid (no surprise there), Deus Ex 1, and a bunch of babby-tier platformer shit like Spyro and Crash.

Where'd you get an idea like that?

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Honestly I have had this happen with both men and women.

There are cod/fifa/whatever is popular fags as men too.

Fuck I just want to talk passionately about killer 7 with another (decent) human.

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Giga-Chad would say
“Show me your moves!”

ah yes another bitter incel cope thread

try cross dressing, that worked for me user