Has anyone gotten this to work for PC? Can you link me the guide you used to get this working for windows 7...

Has anyone gotten this to work for PC? Can you link me the guide you used to get this working for windows 7? Note that I know about Microsoft's drivers and already have them. I just need help changing the adapter name.

sidenote I'm a little peeved at the Gamestop employee who told me "lol it's just plug & play dude"

Attached: Afterglow xbox one.png (800x800, 2.45M)

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fuck off man

Rude, but expected.

x360ce would probably work, worked for me on pic related

Attached: 41hSS3ye5TL._SX385_.jpg (385x337, 17K)

thanks, I'll check it out.

I have another generic 360controller that works. but windows will not recognize the input from the Afterglow whatsoever.

hey can you check this game please on win7+controler??


Attached: PACIFIC01.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

no I can't because
1. I don't have a working controller
2. your keys got used already

sorry user

It should really be plug and play, reboot and if not google drivers, if you're using steam make sure you have controller support for xbox checked.

Aslo check if your usb port is working properly, i use pretty much the same one.

np, its just imposible to get win7 working this days.....win 10 auto update is killing me

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 3K)

it's not. doesn't work with SCPtoolkit, or steam big picture, or with a different adapter name, or with xpadder, or with microsoft's 360controller drivers installed.

Attached: plugnplay.png (413x386, 17K)

to add to this, x360ce doesn't recognize the controller input either, though it DOES at least seem to recognize the device name.

>powerA controller just stops working one day
>flashes for one second and then does nothing
>buy replacement off amazon
>costs more than what I paid for the first
>lower production quality, one of the buttons is even broken
what the FUCK

Attached: 1442207189570.jpg (500x500, 59K)

Return it and get another one then. but i did have the same one on W7 and it was working fine.

I'm not sure it would help. In all of the videos that show how to get afterglow working on windows 7, they pull up a screen that.. just simply doesn't exist on my computer. pic related.

Attached: whatisthis.png (383x282, 59K)

You have the option of stopping being retarded and switching to Win10.

these statements contradict each other

Is this a specific autist model you're having issues with or just the xbox one controller in general?
I'm not sure if there's any difference.
I remember having to select an xbox controller in device select, but the correct one was missing and the one my PC accepted was "xbox DFU" if that helps you any - all the guides were wrong and didn't do shit for me, but this option worked fine. I doubt it does, my memory of installing this shit is pretty hazy.

I don't know what exactly "device select" would be

Attached: my devices.png (730x293, 31K)

sell it and upgrade to a DS4, it's worth it

Attached: pcgamepads.jpg (1200x1444, 391K)

Hol up.
Isn't yours an xbone controller and not a 360 one?
Or it gets autodetected as this?

Gotta agree with this. If I go wireless like my living room's htpc I have a couple of wii u pros but as far as wired controllers, you cannot beat the DS4 on PC

THIS is working awesome!!

Attached: controller.png (512x512, 18K)

gets autodetected as that. might be the generic device name for it, though

>transparent X1 controller
gib me

I've got PS4 controllers laying around my house. What kind of adapter do you use to connect them to your PC?

Fuck I don't know mate.
Mine didn't get detected as anything, then I had to use the manual driver install and tell it that it's an xbone DFU controller - it let me select a device at this stage.
I hope you can figure it out, good luck.

me too. I've got a steam controller that works fine but god fuck I am not a fan of the touch pads for analogs

I have both an x360 and an xbone controller, both are auto detected with no drivers or other issues. Steam works, everything works.

You need to plug them in though unless you have the special wireless adapter.

what do you mean by plug them in? none of my controllers are cordless so yes they're plugged in

the same USB cable you charge your phone with.
i have my DS4 plugged into the wall and connected to my gaymen laptops built in bluetooth, but you can get a dongle for your desktop and do it through that.

or use an xbox one and go wireless and seamless w/ all games supporting it, plus the ergonomics is way better

yup that one's going in my cringe compilation

I don't know what you mean. but I got it working just fine with a bluetooth dongle