Buy game

>buy game
>say a word
>money stolen
Yea Forums will defend this

Attached: 1550759202059.jpg (650x366, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Inc._v._Hotz

>violate TOS
>lose privileges

whoda think it

Attached: state of v.png (488x852, 277K)


>buy game
>agree to eula
>break it
>lose access to some features

>playing new games

Attached: disappointed girl.jpg (432x409, 81K)

You don't even own your own money. You think you do because you're retarded, but it belongs to your government and they're just letting you hold on to it for a while.

So don’t say the word.

How fucking hard is it

>buy a t.v.
>they have you sign some 20 page TOS
>they look up your youtube history
>oh we're going to have to take that from you
>Don't i get a refun?
>lol read the TOS

most judges throw the TOS shit out the window.
This is theft.

what was the word you said

>most judges throw the TOS shit out the window

Give 10 examples of this happening.

>most judges throw the TOS shit out the window

Attached: [BUZZER].jpg (480x360, 14K)

This. If gamers actually had the balls to challenge these nonsense "bans" in court, the EULAs would be thrown out.

I bet you'd defend the 'winnie the pooh' ban in China.

Here we go. You just found that out, now you blurt it wherever you go; even in unrelated topics. While it's good that you know, If you're only finding this stuff out now, you're never gonna make it. "Oooo, fiat currency, money masters, dude!"


I forgot Yea Forums is full of lawyers.
>b-but you signed the paper where we hid our terms of service
>that means we can control what you say or we'll take your product away from you

Wrong. We get hired to try to make those shits airtight. The only way a EULA would get thrown out is if the lawyer who drafted that shit was retarded.
t. lawfag

>play CSGO all the time
>say nigger and shittalk when the situation arises
>never been banned

damn it feels good

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>We get hired to try to make those shits airtight.
stop it activision, no one believes you

I will be here telling you
>should read ToS
When Gaben will decide to take """"" yours""""" games that you only borrow from steam

Steam actually has the same EULA.
Luckilly Valve isn't as balls to the wall retarded as blizzard to actually do anything.

Imagine needing rules to protect yourself from WORDS, literally words. Peak mark of inferior human unfit to live in a modern world.

Kind of reminds me of a certain clique of people that make it illegal to criticize them... hmmm, I wonder why or how something like that can happen?

what was the name of this movie

Judge Dredd

Expand your vocabulary. Quit being such a child. Not that hard.

>sequel is actually better than the original

Does this only happen when the original isn't good?

Ah the classic zoomer with bad taste.

I don't get how it's unrelated. The general topic of the thread is clearly based on misplaced ownership values.

wtf i spammed nigger in chat and I got banned fucking sjws

stop being easilly upset like a child lmao.

Demolition Man

>Expand your vocabulary
said the guy wanting to limit vocabulary

>>Ah the classic zoomer with bad taste.
What do you mean?
Thank you user

>in chat

user, this happens if you post nigger on youtube or twitch.

>buy game
>play for 900 hours
>you have too much stuff
>money stolen
Haha read the Tos incel

If you have no idea what the movie is you must have either shit taste or be under 18.

Your human rights aren't being violated when you're denied access to a private companie's servers for being a faggot.

>It's a "20 something year old with high school knowledge of life and every other piece of information comes from the internet or MSM therefore I'm smarter than the average person" thread

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find me an instance of this happening

>>If you have no idea what the movie is you must have either shit taste or be under 18
I watched it a long time ago and i was just wondering if the cop girl was his daughter.

If you think that slurs and swearing don't inherently limit vocabulary by their own existence, then you're not very smart. They're shortcuts to insult people without properly expressing to the recipient what the user means.

What about the Australian law that states you must give a customer a refund if he's unsatisfied with your product?
Doesn't that mean even if you violate the tos you should get a refund if they pull that shit?

>mfw im not a britbong.

Attached: 85.png (1080x1920, 2.41M)

Alright golliwog.

If they have definitive proof of said rules then it's your fault you can't read or bother seeing if saying nigger is allowed

korean overwatch team got their games removed from posting on twitch, there is an older incident where someone posting something with a linked youtube account got them banned.

I really hate that you're probably the ignorant majority.

>>buy a t.v.

Literally never happened to me. Not so hard for me now either, since I'm above the age of 16.

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>buy a game
>put 1000 hours into it
>get bored
>purposely say a word knowing the ramifications
>money refunded

This is what communists want.

>He doesn't know how to use the three seashells

Attached: 1550207196361.png (500x500, 224K)

>Play game
>Roast someone in private message because he clearly fucked up.
>He goes on forum to requests ban on you
>GM tells him to use ignore option because they don't intervene for single private message and declines ban request.

Attached: geralt-thumbs-up.jpg (1024x576, 132K)

first time on Yea Forums?

The concept of needing protection from words isn't being defended by your statement, because it was just that, a statement and not an argument in defense of the action "justified" by said law.

>Demolition Man
Kino kino.

>make joke about tranny online
>get sent to prison

Just tired of seeing the same shit over and over

as it should be.

spammer & public chat edgelords should be banned tho.

This is an English-language board. If you'd like to speak your native language, you can do so on .

How is this really happening irl?
Sometimes I wonder how long Britain is going to last. 25 more years? 15?

>play game
>don't act like a nigger
>get to play game indefinitely

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>How is this really happening irl?
They violated britains eula laws

See? You have no idea what I look like, you're just using a word you find insulting because you don't have anything relevant to say. It doesn't actually mean anything to me, and I have no idea what your real problem is. I'm just left to infer you have nothing to add, and the root of your frustrations come from your lack of intelligence.

>u r dum
okay, picaninny

I don't know Australian Consumer Protection law, but since the inferiority of the product is caused by the consumer breaching a contract between the supplier and consumer, I cannot imagine it holding it. The case is analogous to the consumer not paying, or breaking the product - the contract breach nulls the responsibilities of supplier.

Terms of Service cannot be enforced in a court of law. They are not court documents similar to Subpoenas. They judge CANT take it into account in his decision but it is not enforcable. Lobbyist have been attempting to make ToS enforcable by federal law for some time now with the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act but there is wayyyyy too much activism against that exploiting bill and your dumbass really doesnt want a Terms of Servicr considered a Legal Document that must be enforced as a criminal offense if broken.

First of all, any website you visit can be and will be sued at some point by its own users for banning them. Yea Forums wouldnt exist anymore due to the amount of people suing Moot back in the day for being banned for a day or having a janitor remove there thread. Moderators would have to become real jobs with training and everything just to protect companies or places online which would make having smaller websites non existent. Secondly, it would put people in prison or fined heavily for literally ban evading with VPNs or freedom of speech issues. Nobody would want to say anything out of line or else possibly have legal action taken against them by the company if the website or company decide so. Anonymous behavior wouldnt even be a thing much earlier in internet history then now because they would create ways to openly track people down rather then behind the scenes.

Terms of Service as legal documents that are enforcable are very very very bad ideas and you should never ever talk about legal matters ever.

T. Corporate Lawyer who plays vidya

Attached: bang.gif (500x500, 225K)

Nunca mais me responda.
Seu viado.

Depends. Sometimes I don't mind people spamming something if global chat is actually dead because there is no topic to talk about.

And edgy kids should allways be banned because when you say something funny on global, they get triggered and start trash talking how kiddy you are and how adult they are.

I'm actually 'strayan myself
Australian Consumer Law says that "defects" are departures from guarantees of acceptable quality, fitness for purpose, the vendor's title, etc. (Note: these guarantees are statutory and cannot be excluded by contract) Defects can be either major or minor departures from these guarantees. Minor failures give the supplier the right to remedy the failure, but major failures allow you to reject and get a refund for the product. Essentially, a major failure is one in which the buyer would not have bought the product if they knew about the defect, or if the goods were substantially unfit for their common purpose and cannot be remedied.
Point is, we're not automatically entitled to a refund whenever we want. There still technically has to be some failure or defect. Feel free to ask anything else though if I wasn't clear.

I feel like you just googled "obscure insults" and think that makes up for not having a proper grasp of the English language, or in some way implies that your vocabulary isn't restricted to what your hear on television.

I meant the judge can take tos into account in his final decision but it is still not enforcable

See Craigslist vs 3Tap inc. Lawsuit for an example of that happening

>they can't enforce the ToS
Then take it to court? Why is this an argument? If your faggot ass got buttblasted by a video game ban then get a chargeback or bring it to small claims court.

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>u r dum becuz u r "racist"
Any substantial arguments for this apart from liberal smugness?

If you get banned you can always break the disc into splinters and insert them into your anus while wearing the case as a hat because that's the only part of the product that's actually your property.

I wish someone stole from you every time you made this thread you fucking nerd

>Violate TOS for a digital license, lose access to digital service until you make a new account and repurchase access to the service
>Digital service shuts down, lose access to service forever
>Digital storefront shuts down, lose access to future installations forever
>Own physical product, have it forever
But hey at least you don't have to get your fat ass up to go put in the other game, right?

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Auslawfag here, so maybe it's different in the US. But is use of the site not subject to the user agreeing to the ToS, thus creating a unilateral contract between the site creator and all users accessing it? The breach of the ToS is therefore a breach of the contract, no? Weird that you bring up fines or imprisonment though, since ToS and contracts are clearly civil matters... but again, maybe the US is different.

Because they would have to leave the house

Pretty much every reply you've given me substantiates my argument.

the US is LITERALLY just DAYS away from imprisoning people just for being white or having a penis, haven't you read the news???

Damn, Yea Forums really IS full of bootlickers.
>"When it's in the TOS, it's okay"
I can guarantee you that the TOS states that they have the right to terminate your access to the product without reason at any given time. But hey, it's in the TOS, so it's okay!
The fact that you use the TOS as a defense is worrying.

So no then

The issue with just taking a ban for saying Nigger in chat to court would mean in the United States it would have to go in front of the surpeme court. This is because the argument you would be making is a Constitutional Argument such as "I purchased this product for X amount and I invoked my First Amendment right to say whatever I want while using this product and the company made my product defective due to this. I demand protection as a consumer of my 1st amendment rights".

See, this right here is something thatll cost hundreds of Millions to get to the supreme court and then it becomes a constitutional argument on where the line of product and consumer lie. We have been trying to do this to Social Media Giants like Facebook and Twitter for YEARS. We just had Zuck and Dorsey in front of congress for this very reason as people believe social media should protect freedom of speech and the companies see it as a product. Its hard as hell to win it. We can only hope some multi millionaire gets permabanned in Overwatch Twitch stream and gets mad enough to take it to court.

T. Corporate Lawyer who loves vidya

Attached: breakdown honk.png (325x325, 138K)

>I'm entitled to the use of privately owned goods and services no matter what and if you disagree you're a bootlicker

Attached: 1551045507371.jpg (375x375, 31K)

I mean, if you just want to deny it to yourself, that isn't exactly my problem.

why do you want to say nigger so badly op

I love this meme.
This is what MGS2 was warning us about, leftists are trying to censor everything and control information!

Look up the Computer Fraud And Abuse Act for the United States. It made those kind of matters federal offenses etc. Its pretty controversal and a few documentaries have been made about it sue to hacktivism and activism surrounding the bill. Its why it went from civil to criminal

People are paying money to have a pleasant experience, not to have racist / misogynist terms yelled on their ears.
You must be insane if you think that people should be willing to be insulted 7x24x365.

>playing multiplayer garbage


>all words are the same
/stormblr/ will defend this

We all are user, I've seen your post just 7 times today alone.

>I should be able to say nigger to everyone anywhere
Post your usernames if you're so proud of it

>They codified tort law
>They made it criminal
Fucking dumb cunts.

Get cancer, corporate cucks.

imagine living in china

Okay genius try suing Blizzard for banning you for saying the n-word. No really, please, I'd love to see it.

Warframe is ok, just don't spend any money cause they have chat moderators that are unpaid. They are all braindamaged trannies.

You're actually defending that shit? Damn.
Quick reminder that Mastercard is strong arming Patreon to terminate account of users that don't agree with their politics, and twitter does so as well with whoever does a bad think.

Consider that in the case of videogames, you already gave them the money to play the game. What about 'any given reason at any time' is acceptable in your book?

Based and jewpilled

>spam 24/7= saying a word once that hurts people's feelings
I don't expect the same kind of subhuman who needs protection from words to come up with a valid argument, but man... that was horrible. It was a combination strawman AND confirmation of weakness.

The following is the best argument:

No one has to to tolerate anyone's autistic faggotry, anywhere. Be it at the movies, work, reasturants, online games etc.
You still have to play with said faggot until the game ends. Yea Forums tries to portray it as banter, which it isn't. I've played with people who said way worse things than nigger and repedeatly, and it took them a while to just get a chat suspension, let alone a ban. So it's either of one of two: Someone on Yea Forums is straight up lying, or someone is being the biggest autistic subhuman in existence.

It's not onl leftists but also the jews

Attached: 344422.jpg (261x375, 21K)

Yup and its still super broad. Myspace won a lawsuit against a 24 year old where she got 5 years prision and 340000 dollar fine for making a sock account and telling her ex just once to kill himself. It was the first real case of cyberbullying being won in court. Let that sink in.


>people who said way worse things than nigger
such as?

I've dug into this before
it's literally only because they were told they can't. It's a toddler mentality.

Spazzing out and mass-replying doesn't change reality.


How will we recover...

>saying the n-word.
Do you even know where you are.
Get cancer, corporate tool.

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not an argument

I think you missed the point of MGS2. It was more a criticism of all the useless information, data and bullshit that we create and consume at an alarming rate nowadays because of the internet. And it proposed that censorship might be a solution in the same way that natural selection only preserves the strongest genes, censorship (by some omniscient AI) would preserve only the most useful information to us as a species. Of course, the Patriots are the bad guys in the game, but I wouldn't say it warned us of leftie censorship.

You gave them money to access a product that they own, not you. Even after you shell out $60 plus tip for a digital game, you're not purchasing a product. You don't own anything. You're being allowed to access a product, and they can shut that door on you at any point.

Get ass cancer, die in your own shit, corporate tool.

Attached: 1480487510149.png (1346x1044, 1.71M)

>buy a game
>receive a game
>to access the servers, agree to terms and conditions
>break them
>get banned from the servers
>the game is still you're, you just can't access the servers
>no money stolen, you're just stupid

>saying a word once that hurts people's feelings
Please. We know that's not true. You can't interact with other human beings without using those words.

>That hurts people's feelings.
Have you even actually interacted with human beings? No one likes to be insulted or being treated like shit.

It's a meme you dip

So, in the US, the victim has to choose to press criminal charges right? MySpace there would choose to take the woman to court for criminal charges, yeah? Down here, the police will take the matter into their own hands entirely, regardless of what the victim wants to do. There's no "pressing criminal charges" beyond reporting an offence to the police - then they decide if they want to pursue it/it has validity.

The idea that you own your money makes you the tool. You're a slave to the lie.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: 1548218398936.png (737x560, 39K)

>hahahhaa I rape your whole family all day xd
>I hope all of you die of cancer and someone violatets your corprses in front of your parents
>lololololol someone should genocide your entire country xd
Enjoy. Saying one racial slur is literally nowhere close to these levels of bad.



Get cancer, kike.

I love it when /pol/ tards want to pretend they knowo fuck all about law

>buy game
>run software on the background that helps me a bit
>money stolen

Nobody said you had to sign that contract. Take it up in civil court.

I call my black friends nigger when they piss me off, I call my Jewish friends kikes, I call my white friends school shooters, I make jokes about calling ICE with my Mexican friends, and the only people who get upset are leftists. Hell I've even been to gay bars with gay friends and we call each other fags all the time.

They. Are. Words.
Pick how they effect you, you have a human brain, it can do that, you don't need a PhD. in neuroscience to use it, so use it.

>buy a car
>receive a car
>to access the maintenance chip, agree to terms
>break it by saying something
>chip is removed from car
>now without an integral piece of it's functionality, it no longer runs
>the car is still yours, you just can't run it without an integral piece of it's functionality
>you were censored and robbed

>Have you even actually interacted with human beings?
user, we're on Yea Forums. At least half this board hasn't interacted with another human irl in at least a month.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: lol.png (382x383, 157K)

>Demoliition Man

What a good movie

/pol/tards pretending to know about anything is always a treat
I've encountered /pol/tards who argued in earnest that different species can have the same genetics through convergent evolution

you're welcome to start your own website that enforces your specific belief system. don't come on other people's platforms and get all "gib me dat", do you think this is communist russia or something?

>buy gun
>shoot people
>go to jail

Attached: 1893522678.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

If that helps you cope with being powerless, then I guess you do you, man. It's not like you possess the capability to change things and you're wasting it by shitposting on the internet like a scared child using anger to hide his weakness.

Get cancer, corporate cuck.

t. dumb leftard trying to damage control

>ITT people think all TOS are above the law, and can't be illegal

woops looks like he posted wrongthink on Yea Forums better call him out for that

>Go to friends house to play his video games
>Keep calling people niggers
>Friend tells me to chill with that shit or he's going to kick me out
>Keep calling people niggers
>Friend tells me to get the fuck out, I can't play his games anymore
This is how digital games work, but replace friends that you don't have with the publishers that own the games.

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You should be able to say anything, you useful idiot, as long as it's in your own private space or a public space. The issues come when you're disturbing the peace and/or you're not respecting someone's decision of not engaging with you.
The important part is the latter and it couldn't be easier to choose not to engage with somebody on the internet or a video game. It's ridiculous for you to be punished for "speaking" then everybody else can ignore you with one click

Get cancer, corporate muppet.

Yeah, I should really head down there again soon, explore some of the mighty intellect of their best & brightest.

Attached: reality.png (674x534, 114K)

>slurping all over corporate cock
Nazi's owned epic style tho.

In the unlike possibility that you aren't talking shit, that's very different because unlike the average racist insults there is no hateful intent behind those words. You're joking, genuinely joking, and you friends know it.
Meanwhile when you say those things on online games you genuinely mean it, and people aren't going to like that.

>if (argument) != world_view
>print "Get cancer"

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (1000x1000, 52K)


Attached: law.jpg (304x275, 13K)

>enter private business
>act like an annoying asshole, start treating other patrons like shit
>"excuse me sir, we're going to have to ask you to not be a dick"
>continue acting like a dick anyways
>get kicked out

Kill yourself.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: you guys have not phone.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>thinks saying nigger is accepted and defend in courts
You silly boy.

Actually the TOS is highly illegal by EU standards, but that's no biggie. If you come to ANY judge and say: ''Hey man I was spamming highy offensive and racist shit that's in contravention of the law, and football club/game company/company/whatever told me to fuck off, they will laugh at you and you will have to pay for being a retard and taking up everyone's valuable time.

I enjoy reporting dumb ass.
I don't know you and you don't know me, we aren't friend. If you are stupid enough to say nigger then I'll enjoy reporting you.

wow someone's mad that someone else gave some actual info in this stupid thread filled with /pol/ retards that know shit.

>words don't cause an-
>well words can only hurt childr-
>only wome-

Shut the fuck up. You fucking idiot. The fact that this response will illicit you to negatively and aggressively respond back to me should tell you everything you need to know why "hurt feelings" are in the TOS. Especially in a game expected to be sold to and consumed by developing children and mentally stunted gorillas such as yourself.

Stupid nigger.

You are the cancer. We already have you. You, and every post like yours, are the product of corporate puppeteering. Without you, corporations wouldn't control anything.

>go into a fancy restaurant
>stand up, clink your glass and shout "NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS" at the top of your voice
>money stolen

holy shit are you dense. If you weren't such a prime-retard you would understand that to insult someone requires knowledge of words. Slurs are the most basic and dumbest shit to get to someone. Goddamn you're pathetic.

>he thinks video games are friends
user I...

>playing online

Attached: 1504301990839.jpg (594x480, 52K)

Smart TVs have built in listening in features, it's even a warning in some of their manuals. Good luck playing a game without a TV you sunkhead

Attached: shmoo.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

till 29 of march

I'll skullfuck your dead wife.


Attached: LAW.png (497x645, 434K)

>doctor it hurts when I move this way
So don't move that way.

Attached: asnaninja.jpg (320x240, 8K)

>Buy game
>Agree to terms of service in order to play on servers provided by the developer/publisher
>Break the terms of service
>Act surprised when the developer/publisher doesn't allow you to play on their servers anymore
This isn't a difficult concept to grasp. Here, I'll even use a food analogy so that someone as stupid as you can understand.

>Go to McDonald's
>Buy a Big Mac
>Shit on the counter when you pay
>Get told to leave and are banned from that McDonald's for shitting on the counter

>thinks TOS can extend beyond the usage of a product in TOS

>someone gets mad
>says mean word
>it's actual racism and not the result of them being mad

Also I have another fun story. Once at some university dorms staff party for the residents I was talking with my roommates (one of which is black) and a white friend from class showed up to say hi. We were talking about how the black guy is single and he went to the party to scope out women, and he was trying to point to one he liked behind a group of dancing people. I turn to him and say "where nigga, I can't see a damn thing?!" and he points even harder saying something like "look dummy nigga, in the red yoga pants." By the time I turned back around after eyeing her down my white friend was shocked, looking at me like I just got away with murder or something. It was hilarious to me since I was the only one who noticed too. But really, these anglo whites and leftists need to understand that normal people don't give a shit about words, and will go out of their way to make fun of them if they try to police their language.

>Does this only happen when the original isn't good?

The 2012 Dredd wasn't a sequel, it was a independent movie placed on the same universe. And yes the Stallone movie was bad even by 90's standards on action movies.

That's the point you mong.

If you get thrown out of a restaurant they probably don't want your money either. And I don't know what fancy restaurant makes you pay in advance.

If you're weak enough to let words hurt you, you deserve to die.

So... this is the true power of the n-word pass?

>posts the most unfunny comic ever witnessed on Yea Forums
>acts like an NPC
>gets mad when he gets called out on his NPC like behaviour
Sometimes I wonder if all the /pol/ kids are just a rogue AI experiment. They all act so very much alike.

Attached: pol joining discussion.png (1056x869, 73K)

>still thinks courts will defend saying nigger
They wont.

>saying nigger is comparable to shitting on a counter at an establishment where people are eating
It's not though is it.

Get cancer, corporate tools.

Attached: corporate tools.png (1008x1044, 453K)

>Play a bunch of single player games and have a great time
>Play a multiplayer game and have some banter here and there and have a great time

You can play video games without calling people niggers nonstop. Also I've mostly played multiplayer games where there's dedicated servers, so a lot of the time a ban is based on how the admins were feeling that day. If you're playing a game with some soft ass developers though, I can see how you ended up having access to your game removed.

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the food analogy actually was apt. You're annoying other customers with your disgusting behaviour. They have every right to tell you to fuck off and never enter again. You even got to keep the hamburger, you're just not allowed in their place anymore.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: 1550859872522.jpg (566x500, 135K)

Social stimuli can cause damaging lasting pain dipshit.

Here's some more food for thought. Even sociopaths can be negatively impacted by "mere words". You 20something college niggers who think they know anything are fucking hilarious.

He likes Boondocks and called me his "nigga" the second I said I liked the Ed and Rummy episodes best. Ever since then I could call him nigga all I want and we only hold our tongues in public around staff. California university btw.

>implying there's physical alternatives to most games

you're a little behind in history on your argument

You missed the point by a country mile.
Breaking rules leads to a ban.

ctrl f 'corporate tools'
>he dares to post the npc meme unironically to other users
pls kys

Attached: worried laughter.gif (299x211, 1.6M)

Get cancer, corporate tool.

They would though, as a 3rd party can't limit your activity on different services owned by different parties. Why do you think Patreon was getting shit for the last several months?

I'll say it again.
Anyone who offed themselves because they were "bullied" or has "depression" or "low self esteem" because of mean words is not suited to be a human in the modern information era and is better off culled.

I'm trying to replicate the mental gymnastics you demonstrated to reach this conclusion, I can't manage it unfortunately. It seems frankly impossible to surmise that being against somebody defending the actions of a corporation is precisely what corporations want.

>go on street
>say "nigger"
>at best get dirty looks
>at worst get bashed by horde
>Yea Forums will defend this

retard, I don't buy games

Illiterate subhuman
They should next cull monkeys like yourself who think the law means that other people are required to accept them.

Natural selection when they kill themselves.
For the good of society and the species at large I endorse such behaviour.

>banned from McDonald's
Is this a thing in Burgerlandia?
>food anology
Best way to spot wholesome idiots

>>still thinks courts will defend saying nigger
Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment

Got link to a court case defending a kid who broke a TOS by saying nigger?

You'd be killing off 99% of the world. The only people who would be survive after such cullings are defective monkeys such as yourself who will never amount to anything and go extinct shortly after.

>"g-get cancer, corperate tool!"
>he stammered, as my soft but powerful hands continuously pumped his shaft, precum dribbling down from his head over my knuckles

But blacks are disproportionately negatively affected by the society that houses, pays, feeds and all but worships them so you can't say that word dumbass.

Not only did I spell "depression" correctly, but you're making no sense. So now you're taking my side in saying undesirables need to be culled regardless of what laws say about treating others? Awesome. Welcome aboard.

Based retard joins my side because he let his anger get the better of him and abandoned his original argument.

Corporations aren't your friend.
Corporations are inhuman entities.
Multinational globalist corporation is cancer of mankind.
Be a bad goy, help our world recover.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

>Legally binding document
Corporate cocksuckers like you need to be strung up.

>simpletons believing that the first amendment implies that there aren't 100s of mutations and exceptions to it
murrifats are so dumb. I'm not even a murricunt and I understand your law system better than you do.

ITS NOT just THE 27 LAWS YOU DUMB NEET! Why do you think being a judge requires YEARS of study? To just learn 27 rules? Fucking simpleton.

I'm honestly fine with that seeing as that 99% of the world would include all the third worlders that breed too much to be environmentally sustainable.

Get cancer, corporate faggot.

Attached: 1549761399470.jpg (945x642, 159K)

>save the world
>fight for the right to spam Nigger in video game chats!
Glad the nazis aren't as 'focused' anymore as they used to be.

Attached: irl pol.jpg (511x896, 88K)

>/pol/tards whine about this but they also want the government to make loli illegal

>money stolen
Nah, you still own the product, you just can't use all of its features anymore since you abused them. :

>Im bleeding making me the victor.jpg

Attached: pol exposed 1.jpg (346x480, 47K)

Get cancer, corporate tool.

I'm a full on sonnenrad tattooed National Socialist with all the literature but holy shit are you ever a fucking spastic nigger.

no such rule exists regarding the time that people discover information and you aren't the arbiter of anything.

Yea Forums is full of high school Americans that don't even know their own laws. Just like

holy shit polcucks btfo

cant wait to play my physical copy of fallout 76!!!

Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: 1549999486259.png (900x803, 612K)

>but they also want the government to make loli illegal
I've been posting on /pol/ since it was /n/, I have never seen any remotely substantial number of people advocate this. You might be retarded.

I never got banned in my life and the only time I got a warning was from a GM in WoW back in 2005 for calling someone a motherfucker

Even then, if you are for censoring people or defend it, you are a huge piece of shit that deserve to die, if you don't let people say whatever shit they want


Attached: Autistic Frog.png (1080x7426, 2.7M)

>he cried out in climax, thick ropes of pearly white cum sprayed fourth, my palm still sliding up and down his hardened member, stroking him to completion
>he panted on the floor, glistening in his own jizm
>"c-corporate shill f-f-faggot..."

the topic of the thread is being banned for saying words.

Yeah I noticed that little diamond as well.
For people without any experience in laws I always give them this example:

Let me draft you a contract where you sell me your soul for 1 euro. We both sign it, do I now own legal rights to your soul?

It's amazing how unaware people are of even the basics of law.

>I call him bad word that makes me right
Eat shit, subhuman.

This was on TV earlier what the fuck? Leave me alone you glow in the dark nigger.

Attached: 1550790609624.jpg (480x440, 60K)

It wasn't /n/ newfag. Thanks for proving that most of /pol/ is new.

Fuck off, commie.

>being glad with an incompetent cryptozio that obviously has brain damage.
Nobody liked hillary, but you're just hurting yourself at this point. The only useful things he has done is pull out of syria and start to discipline china, but that's about the only thing. Guy's a dumb cunt otherwise.

You're the faggot, typing out greentext pseudo erp here.

Educate yourself, take the iron pill.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

That movie sure predicted a lot, eh

Fuck off commie

Fuck off, Autistic Frog.,_Inc._v._Hotz
Not quite the same, but close enough

Overlooked that.
Get cancer, corporate tool.

>"You're the faggot, typing out greentext pseudo erp he-"
>he was immediately cut off as I crammed the ballgag in his mouth, he groaned and struggled as I dripped hot candle wax on his nipples

you should learn to click ignore

>buy game
>do nothing
>money stolen
Yea Forums defends this

Attached: 1546306237225.png (536x114, 71K)

>being this anally blasted about words
people like you is the reason we will never stop shitposting and saying such meeeean words, so kys fucking retard piece of shit

Attached: laughing-elf-man.jpg (256x353, 16K)

electionfags from 2016 want Loli to be illegal because they legit think it's part of pizzagate. They even call lolicons "libtards"

the lobotomized and zoomers have infected the board

Couldn't the devs just mute you for x amount of hours or days if you say dumb shit in chat?

There's literally no need to ban people, just make them all play with each other in some low priority queue

Attached: 1533756363922.png (317x266, 70K)

>b-but you signed the paper where we hid our terms of service
Clever of them to hide their terms of service within the document marked "terms of service".

Get cancer, corporate tool.
Get cancer, corporate tool.

Attached: 1515725113857.jpg (640x640, 55K)

lol mad


Almost but he lost.

I haven't agreed to any ToS when buying anything. its pretty much hidden.

lmao get bodied subhuman piece of shit

>It wasn't /n/ newfag
If you could only know how much I'm laughing at you.

that what you get for using a mac

Were you actually expecting him to be thinking logically in the first place? But no really, he literally switched sides to insult you in one post and it’s pretty 10/10. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lefty btfo themselves in person before.

What does lolis have to do with being a corporate tool.

the problem with Yea Forums is there are too many americans posting

I don't want to hear the tales of a schizophrenic newfag.


Fucking rekt.

Windows 7 is next.

He forced Sony to settle. It's like getting fucking Disney to bend the knee, I'd never call that losing

>adds an extra panel of text that ruins the meme
hahaha never change

Attached: 62f44d47bde81362c452ca8b0fbd509322f89d5c59db34702e8de6a079546ce1.png (207x347, 46K)

>the problem with Yea Forums is there are too many non-americans posting

Terms of service
This post is a special experience and the provider and owner of this post, Anonymous, in further text user, deems it to be a service to the readers, in further text consumer goyim. If you, consumer goyim, reply to this post it means that you have read and agreed to Anons terms of service. Get cancer.


oh look another autistic frog thread where he whines about getting banned for being a fucking faggot.
Live suicide stream when?

Yeah I've never seen any of that before, during or after 2016 I'm afraid. Sounds like you at most caught one thread that hit bump limit and didn't bother to read the posts in the thread.
It'd be like if I were to assume Yea Forums loved anthem because there's one or two threads here that praise it despite said threads being full of people calling the OP retarded.

this thread is so full of shitposting, nobody will notic that I want to be a cute girl

good thing windows 7 can be updated to 8 for free

I actually also do hate corporations and employees of them. Bunch of wagie slaves helping destroy humanity slowly

Ah so you've since looked it up and realised why I'm laughing at you then?

Haha, die.

Did you just learn how to greentext or something?



>Giving money to pozzed devs ever
You asked for it nigger.

wrong, the IP becomes mine.


Nah, they do it here on Yea Forums. They come to loli threads and start screaming about how "you degenerates belong on a cross, muh day of the rope" etc and then start posting their /pol/ infographics about jews and pedophilia, then when someone tells them to fuck off they call them a libtard or JIDF

It is the epitome of newfaggotry to reply to bait. And that includes replying to schizoids. Want threads to stop devolving into shitflinging? Don't reply to attentionseeking hot opinion spewing low effort posting faggots.

>physical copies last forever

Terms of service
This post is a special experience and the provider and owner of this post, Anonymous, in further text user, deems it to be a service to the readers, in further text consumer goyim. If you, consumer goyim, reply to this post it means that you have read and agreed to Anons terms of service. Get cancer.

>labeling anyone that doesn't suck corporate cock as a retard and a user of /pol/
>projecting what said users of /pol/ and retards want
Get cancer, corporate drone.

>its all them!
okay champ

cross dressing and wanting to wear cute clothes is totally normal

You should take a long, hard look in the mirror and think about what you typed.

It's the /pol/ crossboarders, no one else acts like that. They're cancer

It's not normal. It's abnormal. You will never ever be a woman.

Yes, it is okay. You're free to not buy anything that has a tos attached.

>oh no words are hurting me
I wish faggots weren't real

Leviticus 20 13

>you degenerates belong on a cross
This is a meme user.
You do actually play video games don't you?

>I-i just said some words h-honest
>Nigger nigger cuck basedboy kike
>Why was I banned, muh freedums
Go into a bar and start saying "words" and see how long it takes to get thrown out.

>buy a game
>terms of SERVICE???

>buy a game
>EULA AFTER the buy???

you fucking autist have been replying to some other autist for half the thread, you're both degenerates

Nearly everyone that uses this site is a /pol/ crossposter

>enter a bar
>buy several drinks
>starts screaming and shouting at random customers
>get kicked out
>don't even have enough time to finish the drinks I paid for
Defend this, Yea Forums

but I can feel pretty wearing cute clothes user
no one will take this away from me

I know, but when they start spamming infographics to accompany it then I'm inclined to think they're not just memeing and they're actually upset about it

lol cuck

you started browsing in 2016.

Attached: 2ec.png (600x580, 572K)

Your feelings don't reflect reality.

correct, they are.

where did he say he was proud of it?

No one's defending it, it's just that no one's fighting it.

Seems like off topic shitposting in an off topic thread. Are you equally bothered by the gore and porn posters that similarly enjoy shitposting in off topic threads?

lol poor people

I dress up only for me though, in this point my feelings are the only thing that count

You're playing the game on their servers that they own. They can kick you out for any reason they want, much like how someone owning a business could kick you out for not wearing shoes.

Get cancer,corporate cocksuckers.

>off topic
vidya girls aren't off topic

2008 but okay.
>implying it's not true
When /pol/ is the most popular board on the website and discourages off-topic conversation, it's no shock that a majority of other boards are going to be made up largely of people that also post on /pol/.
Yea Forums has never been so wildly segregated as you believe barring extreme examples such as ponyfags.

I agree, let's get rid of all private ownership and make everything nationalized.

No, you don't. You feeling the need to share it proves this. You seek validation and you will never get it, because the overwhelming majority of people don't see you as a cute girl, but as a freaky man.
And it will always stay that way.

Get cancer, corporate npc.

I'd argue they're as off topic as this thread.

does it really feel good?
maybe I'm interested

Get cancer, communist.

>lolis aren't off topic
if you don't want shitposting, then don't post off topic OPs

it's about as bad as the 2012 dredd is, i.e. MEDIOCRE
the new dredd was gritty so it gets a pass from all the faggots into that shit
stallone movie LOOKED 100x better though

>buy game
>say a bad word
>break the rules you agreed to when you bought the game
>money "stolen"
>get pissy about breaking rules you clearly agreed too
This certainly activates my almonds


yes it does!
you could start with some cute panties user
nobody will see it, so it would be your own little secret, nobody will know
maybe you'll like it, if not you don't have to do it again, just give it a go

>violate a term of unlitateral contract
>offerer terminates the contract due to your actions
>this is somehow hard ot understand

Attached: 1525678570868.jpg (1024x853, 117K)

>buy a gun
>take it to a no gun zone
>have gun stolen and be thrown in jail

Get cancer, corporate cocksucker.

Based 200IQ anons.

Attached: 1529082449791.jpg (548x437, 58K)

You know that some idiot illustrating your shared misconception isn't an argument?

>Playing games online with other people
>Trying to talk to them
You deserve everything you get you moron


Get cancer, corporate tool.

d-don't temp me user

>Corporations bad!
>No corporations also bad!
>Thing bad!
Pure, distilled Yea Forums. Contrarianism reduced to its very core.

good, fuck em

>Leviticus 20 13
Wew! Sure am glad we left the dark ages where people would throw their own faeces in the streets!

You are not an anime character.

even in a terrible thread like this love between humans can grow haha :)

Anonymous 19 00

Patreon banned loli content, so why should I give a fuck about them? It already can't be used for what I like.

>neo communist fights for his corporate masters against ordinary people
>its a misconception

Get cancer, corporate tool.

looking at this thread, that's pretty doubtful
/pol/ is just another echo chamber, the sooner you come to terms with that the better you'll feel


Imagine being this much of a corporate bootlicker. And obsessed with the /pol/ boogeyman to top it off.

I think this person might be having some kind of seizure. He's been spamming the same cry for hours on end...

>comparing law and TOS
brainlet detected

you seem to forget vidya aren't a public service and No, you don't have the Right to complain when kicked out of one
because playing vidya is not a mankind Right but a Privilege

I'm just saying you should try it, some cute panties aren't even that expensive, you have nothing to lose
or try some thigh highs, they feel great too!
and don't listen to those hatefull people, the most important thing is that you're happy!

>buy game
>agree to contract
>break contract
>lose game

woah...rise up...gamers....

>lets pretend that only the extremes can exist
You can't even imagine a better world.
Thats how brain damaged you are.

Get cancer, faggot.

Repeating yourself is also not an argument. Also "neo-Communism" isn't a thing.

What's wrong, corporate? Can't say NIGGER or your company you're shilling for will fire you? Huh, NIGGER?

Sorry buddy, racism isn't allowed out of Yea Forums. Ban incoming.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

>You can't even imagine a better world.
There it is tho

Can love bloom, even in a shitposting thread?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

>looking a this thread
Should probably try looking at the board or indeed the site as a whole rather than one off-topic thread full of spergs.
>/pol/ is just another echo chamber

don't like it don't buy it

dont worry user. You obviously got very upset over something during the weekend and you now need to vent. We'll all be extra nice for you today. What were you planning on doing on this monday? Maybe it's time to check that resume of yours, get some feelers out there you know? See if you can you know, get a job?

user. It's a shitposter. Don't respond.

>radical centrist
Okay, so I own a bar, and a random faggot keeps shouting nigger over and over. He bought some drinks but he's scaring away all of the customers and is giving my business a shit reputation. Are you saying I should or shouldn't be able to kick him out?

>buy game
>can't see the contract before purchase, can't refund game if I disagree to it
>EULA changes to state that they can ban me for retarded reason
>can't refund or access my game if I disagree

Explain that bootlickers.

Attached: 2zso201a4am11.jpg (750x733, 25K)

Fuck Corporations

Attached: 1549316291763.png (480x280, 49K)

You bought the game from a corporation and got banned from it.
Perhaps its time for you to find another hobby that doesn't involve corporations if you don't like them?

>buy a modern always online multiplayer game as service that has usually no dedicated servers, no private servers, no modding and no server browser. Also lootboxes.
This is where everyone makes the big mistake; the rest like getting permabanned etc are just derivatives.

It's a shit thread, who cares

thanks user, I think I'll try it

hmm you could think that China is neo-communism, as it is more acin to very centralized corporatism. Kind of like the US in a way, but with less democracy and more communism sprinkled in.

Feeding them yous only encourages them to shit up other threads.

hello neocommunist(get the pun?), thanks for the (You), here's yours as a thank you

>spamming the same thing over and over again like a tool
corporates are shit but you are making me having a really good laugh

>"neo-Communism" isn't a thing
I mean it is though, you don't think modern communists who are very much about progressivism and intersectionality have anything to do with 20th century communists who were very critical of Jewish influence in capitalism as well as symptoms of capitalist decadence such as homosexuality, do you?

The average neo-nazi has more in common with Communists than the average neo-communist does, much to the annoyance of both parties I'm sure.

>wake up
>go to Yea Forums
>make the exact same template thread for the millionth time
OP is a legit autist enjoying doing the same shit over and over again, and so are the anons who make the same posts in these utter shit threads

Are you a communist user?
Are you a member of the communist party?
Do you support the rights of workers and peasants?

Attached: fidel.jpg (200x251, 7K)

glad to hear this user, be happy~

It's a shit board, who cares

green text?

>being this much of a bootlicking communist faggot
Video games.

Attached: 1520968091275.png (400x297, 120K)

Please don't ever pretend to know anything about politics ever again

Well there is eurocommunism witch is postmodern social democrats larping as communists. And no I dont think that you can have a capitalist domestic economy and still call it communism.

Attached: quote-there-is-a-growing-body-of-evidence-that-radiation-in-excess-of-what-the-government-ann-coulte (850x400, 87K)

>Can't read TOS till AFTER you payed for it.

Attached: Shino pointer.png (608x600, 210K)

It's not Americans who are to blame this time. Just take a gander at 8ch /pol/. The fastest, most active general there is the brit/pol/, followed by aust/pol/. Guess I'm trying to say is that as long as beady little Anglos exist, cancer will never go away.

I honestly don't. Why would I when there's TF2 and SCP? If someone mic spams loud nigra or something to the point I get annoyed I just mute them.

Name exactly one point that I'm incorrect on.
To add to the list of differences between 20th century Communism and neo-communism as well as the similarities between 20th century communism and neo-nazism, 20th century communism was deeply nationalistic whereas neo-communism advocates heavily for the globalist model espoused and enforced by capitalist economies.

Neo-communists really shouldn't even have the name neo-communist, they're so far removed from the concept. A better name for them would perhaps be derived from the French revolution which for a very brief window of time implemented most of the changes neo-communists want to see.
Let's call neo-communists liberals then, and we should start calling neo-nazi's communists.

>imagine being this mentally ill, that you think it's ok to behave everywhere the same way you do on Yea Forums
pure autism

Go suck some communist dick and pray that Tencent never gets memed into existence. But wait Tencent exists and social rating scores exist.
And we will live in osme cancerous mix of Orvels 1984 and Huxleys shit with even more demonic cancer sprinkled on top very soon if we obey and consume like sheep.
Yes like sheep, I am using the absurd sheeple meme.

Get cancer, corporate npc.

A bar and a server are not the same thing.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

>posting on an anglo board complaining about anglos

Attached: [anglos loudly].jpg (1362x644, 231K)

they do have people that beat autists though. you're safer when youre just 'banned' from your children's game. You actually might get your teeth kicked in if you acted in a real place like you would here.

>imagine being so well trained to be a subservient cuck to your corporate masters that you don't even know how to question their methods and practices
Tell me user, what did you eat for breakfast yesterday?
In detail if you can.

Well, ever since Yea Forums taught me that ownership makes the nationality with their epic store whining, I've come to realize Yea Forums a Japanese site.
Why haven't you learned Japanese yet?

Because manga isn't reading.

>Name exactly one point that I'm incorrect on.
>The average neo-nazi has more in common with Communists than the average neo-communist does
To start with the easiest one
>Neo-communists really shouldn't even have the name neo-communist
Oh well good because as I just told you that's not actually a name anyone uses to begin with.
>Let's call neo-communists liberals then, and we should start calling neo-nazi's communists.
Jesus Christ.


>Americans make something
>inferior little brothers UK, Aussies and leafs come running to tailcoat the hard work of USA while doing nothing themselves
Every time.

just the teeth?
in some places you'd end up in coma by acting like this

you did it. you said 'active fasted general' and '8ch' in one post.

>Go suck some communist dick and pray that Tencent never gets memed into existence. But wait Tencent exists and social rating scores exist.
Okay? Your point?

>Get cancer, corporate tool.
You didn't answer me, you bought the game from a corporation correct? Why did you do that? Simple question faggot

Whoa, better watch out guys, this guy is a real hardass.

Attached: 1551023754511.jpg (514x385, 29K)

Communists in Germany also had squads of goons that beat up ordinary people that didn't share their ideological beliefs.
It spawned the bloodiest war in mankinds history.

Attached: implying "americans" are a race.jpg (464x444, 50K)

>buy game
See, this is where you made your first mistake.

two slices of bread, one with cream cheese, one with ham
two cherry tomatos with salt and pepper
two soft boiled eggs
small glass of orange juice and two cups of coffee (black)

Point remains. It's an indicator one which kind of anglo is the most obsessed with politics, and surprisingly it's not the Americans, but their little cousins

no, just try. Go to a bar, you can pick any bar, and start randomly shouting slurs and insults to people and notice that offline, there are much harder, physical consequences to retarded behaviour than online, where you make a tantrum after being unable to play your kids game online.

>Communists in Germany also had squads of goons that beat up ordinary people that didn't share their ideological beliefs.
They beat up Nazis, user. Specifically the squads of Nazi goons also roaming the streets, to beat up ordinary people that didn't share their ideological beliefs.

>keeping my surrundings free from subhumans and low iq individuals shitting up the place

oh you mean the excuse that hitler used to use ACTUAL goons to kill and rape? Yeah, I remember that time.

In russia there were actual commie beat-up squads under lenin and stalin. europe didnt have it that much. There's some rioters but taht's like football riots. it's barely political, just stupid young people that want to riot.

Yurop made America, not the other way around.
Hell, you still import technology and high grade materials from the EU. All you're good for is keeping the commies at bay.

>buy game
>join rp community
>erp consistently to the point that the whole rp community and some beyond it knows what a depraved fuck you are
>never get money stolen

it's not hard you fucking losers lmao

Attached: 1510807153698.png (474x426, 151K)

Well for one, you can't seem to separate economic models from methods of leadership. You also use liberals as some kind of group.
I doubt you have ever actually studied communism at all and just parrot what you hear about on Yea Forums because its the 'red pill'. Or perhaps its just fear

Oooh, I'm shaking in my boots, lay off you big brute. I'll stay away from your starbucks!
Honestly, theres a dive bar right near me where you can say "nigger" to your heart's content if your insistent on making a strawman.

you mean Segunda Republica's Spain

I do not buy video games. Or any software.
There are infinite points for abuse of the social rating system.
It is a tool designed to create a globalist world in which there are two classes. Masters and slaves.

>ceo of Foxconn has perfect social rating score
>his slave worker that tried to suicide has shitty social rating score

I'm dutch, and we all think the UK is terrible. their tourists are universally hated the most in the EU. they can't hold their liquor, their behaviour towards the EU is canceraids and we're all glad they fuck off soon.

Kinda sad for the 20% or so intelligent blokes there, but it's better they turn into the little inbred island they historically always have been.

>everyone I don't like is a nazi so it's ok
How popular were the nazis again, 95% support?

>xbox was known as the kiddie console with mostly underage players online
>also the console infamous for having a community screaming nigger, faggot, niggerfaggot and other variants at the drop of a hat
Hmm. Really makes me think.

>subhumans and low iq individuals
commies actually believe they're the smart ones lmao

I'm right though.
20th century communists:
>Advocates of racial policy in favour of majority
>Advocates of militarization

>Advocates of racial policy in favour of majority
>Advocates of militarization

>Advocates of racial policy in favour of minority
>Advocates of demilitarization

Neo-Communists embody the principles of liberal capitalists whilst neo-nazi's embody the principles of 20th century communists.
The sheer assblasting that will result from this revelation is tremendous.

>I can just insult everyone I like without any reaction, in my headspace!
yeah, good luck with that, napoleon;)

Attached: fear of terrorism.png (959x960, 818K)

>There are infinite points for abuse of the social rating system.
Okay. Still struggling to see how it pertains to the conversation.

But ... But .... Digital is best .....r.r.right?

> 20th century communists antisemitic
you dumbshit, nearly 70% of the top of the communist party were comprised of jews. What the hell kind of name do you think Trotzki is?

>everyone I don't like is a nazi so it's ok
Are you actually going to deny that Germany in the 30s had Brownshirts marching in the streets? This meme has just about run its course. We always knew it was just blatantly dishonest denial but you really jumped the shark on this one.


Attached: commie terrorists.jpg (1024x1001, 135K)

There is nothing wrong with National Socialism.

Of course they were. And they were perfectly civil in comparison to communist psychopaths. Deal with it.

I think your mistake is to think Stalin wasn't a fascist cunt

lol @ thinking communism has ever been nationalist m8

that's a long time ago though. but yeah , great example of a POLITICAL terror party. their actions put amateurs like isis to shame. Glad they finally got caught. My parents were on a holiday in germany during that period. whole country was on lockdown..

No, I'm referring to liberal ideals which spawned from the French Revolution and which neo-communists embody, which is hilarious because neo-communists fucking hate liberals.
It's equally hilarious that neo-nazi's embody the ideals of Communists because neo-nazi's hate Communists

I can't believe it took me so long to realize this, it's fucking hilarious.

Same as a norwegian. The few Brits here are arrogant, foul and goblinlike. That famous "British politeness" must have been a cheeky meme because I've never seen it.
I know they're universally despised in the med islands and party vacation spots too by the locals. Up there with Nuevo-rich Russians. And thais expect all Brits to be pedophiles due constantly getting busted for buying children to fuck.

How did that bread come into existence?
Can you generally describe the people involved in the process from nothing to the slices on your plate?

>lets label some group of people that we don't like
>that label means that we can beat them up
Get cancer, corporate tool.

Hitler was the leader of national socialist party in Germany, not the communist party.

I mean the so called social justice warriors that are actually tools of their corporate masters against ordinary members society and against justice and God.

People talk shit and banter in bars all the time and fights are still relatively rare. You may be taking video games too seriously, because it sounds like you are substituting it for human interaction you don't even understand.
Stop gettin' mad at video games, kid.

>founded in 1970
>It spawned the bloodiest war in mankinds history.
Could you clarify this point for someone limited to a linear understanding of time?
You're absolutely right, fascist cunts are Stalinist and you're a neoliberal.

If you could see my erection it'd put your eye out.

>Having to agree to any ToS for a product you are giving money to
Games as a service ladies and gentlemen

yeah, it's important in these countries to mention you are not british if you try talk to them in English. And for good reason!

stay oppressed, serf bitch :)

>And they were perfectly civil in comparison to communist psychopaths.
Except we both know that's not true. I could point out that they claimed many more lives than their communist counterparts and that this has been recorded but I bet that might just cause you to drop what you were arguing before and celebrate how much stronger you are like a good little fascist.

We know you never go outside and have no real world reference. Your behaviour and ... lack of knowledge belies this. Don't pretend otherwise, you're not fooling anyone.

>I can't believe it took me so long to realize this, it's fucking hilarious.
Now imagine how much longer it'll take for your understanding of politics and history to be anywhere near making sense

Also nationalism is the position of the advocate of the working class, as globalism negatively effects the working classes and only positively effects the upper classes and the wealthy which is why the USSR and China have very strongly nationalistic policy whilst America had and has very globalist policy.

Globalism is a capitalist position.

what is the threshhold for at which the rate of information creation / consumption becomes alarming, and why?


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>lets label some group of people that we don't like
>that label means that we can beat them up
Again, the existence of literal Nazi brownshirts who loved to get into streetfights in the years leading up to WWII isn't exactly controversial, and you being this far in denial is highly suspect.

t. assmad liberal (neo-communist) or communist (neo-nazi)
Either way you are the people you hate

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Sounds like I hit a nerve, because you are projecting wildly.
You're scared of words on the internet. It sounds like you have a deep irrational fear of getting your ass kicked as well.

>antisemitism anything
there's an article ono ANYTHING antisemitism because whiney jews make it a national sport to 'detect it' anywhere.
Do some research, the top of communist party was FILLED with jews. Also the german secret police was like little israel. Beria, Trotzki, and a host of others. I'ts not my country so I cba remembering all of them. But calling 20th cent. communists anti-jew is just hilarious.

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>corporation enforces a certain behavior
>goyim that behave the way the corporation want are good goyim
>bad goyim behave contrary to the corporations policies and are shunned and stripped of access to the product the corporation is making distributing selling etc. in other ways in charge of

You have to understand that you are being trained and programmed to autocensor your thoughts.

Nobody hates wealthy jews more than jews in power.

>If you could see my erection it'd put your eye out.
Yes, possibly, because that's how close I would have to put my eye to your pinprick if I were to see it unmagnified

the real world isn't a computergame. When it's game over IRL you don't have extra credits.

I used to be a little retard like you and the school grounds taught me there's real consequences to continuous retarded behaviour. Also it taught me how to fight, so you're wrong on both accounts.

>buy car
>have to agree to TOS to use car
>say word
>car shuts off and have to buy new car
This is legal

Give 10 examples where this happened.

My girthy throbber is at least comparable to the difference in capacity my lungs have now that I know you're a liberal and the people you hate are communists.

>Literally defending THE MARK OF THE BEAST

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You literally don't even know shit, faggot. If Communism was a pulre nationalist affair then why was it the USSR and not just Russia? Why did America wage global fucking wars against communist states the world over? Ever heard of the domino effect?


One is a reaction to the other.
The communist groups were made first.

I dont hate jews, I just find the state of israel disgusting and the whole prosecution 'we r speciul' thing ridiculous. Any self-identified group that uses exceptionalism automatically gets major points docked for being low IQ.

Oh boy, get a load of this faggot. You're not special or hard because you got in fights on school grounds (which is to say you probably got pulled repeatedly, hence the fear of getting your ass kicked).
You're a fucking toy, dude.

>Either way you are the people you hate
That means that you are neo-commie-Nazi I guess

Give 10 examples where it didn't happe

nope, once i buy it, it becomes mine forever.

I bet you also claim to hate post-modernism, and yet, your disingenuous wordplay is post-modern as fuck

>randomly calls people commies because lefties live RENT FREE in your head
and then you wonder why i shit on you retards.

>says the one spamming the same insults to randos online, then implies he can do that in a bar as well becuz I'm totes not 12 guize!
ok bre

>complying with censorship
Don’t you realize that if a word is off limits, it makes it way more tempting to say?

If you were an adult, you would know that contracts can't be terminated without compensation.

no one may abridge speech

He's right, get some new slurs fags

>dominant race in the planet
>has slaves so you can just do whatever the fuck you want and make them earn your money
>gives that up
Why though?

fuck what you like, nigger

Because the United States of Soviet Russia was Russia, like how the United States of America are America.
Are you retarded?
>Why did America wage global fucking wars against communist states the world over?
Because of the cold war.
Are you going to argue that because the USSR had foreign puppets it wasn't nationalist?

Oh please, please, please, please teach me about how it's different when America or Nazi Germany does it though

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I'm not the one trying to be a tough guy on Yea Forums. I don't think you've even been into a bar.

>United States of Soviet Russia
t. historical expert

I'm not a communist (neo-nazi) though, I don't derive my views from the edgiest source I can find because I'm not a child, user.
>I bet you also claim to hate post-modernism
I really enjoy MGS2.

>spams memes for hours on end
>I'm not trying to be tough tho I can do this in bars and shout niggur lelzzlzlz!
how's the seizure coming along? Help underway?

That little girl has a huge benis, doesn't she?

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They only say that shit to people to old fucks though who are in their 80s and are going to die soon.

if you're like 20 and say that shit, they'll say "oh you need to exercise" or "oh your shoulder is fucked, lets see what the problem is".

This will be in the future if liberals remain in power.

>t retard that doesn't understand ussr and usa get their names by the exact same process
America as a country does not and has never existed, bib brain friend.

If projection is all you have left, I'm done with you.

>I'm not a communist (neo-nazi) though, I don't derive my views from the edgiest source I can find because I'm not a child, user.
Somehow I doubt all three of those things.

The normal people (non-psychotic not-slavers) at homeland europe realized that it was indefensible.

>United States of Soviet Russia
>Golden face
Zoomer intellectuals opining right here

Because giving the rest of the world a chance was a mistake

they should just mute/ban the person from chat, maybe temporarily at first, with increasing penalties for repeating offense

>he thinks that makes it ok

You're too ignorant to even conceive of what you got wrong.

is that a promise? haha, guess I cured you.

Remember businesses can do whatever they want but only if it hurts the gays

yeah it will and car companies will use this as a way to resale cars as "freshly new" or "used" while paying zero dollars out of their pocket.

>buy car
>have to agree to TOS to use car
>say word
>car shuts off
>try to hack car to make it work
>get arrested for tampering with private property and violating the TOS

This is still legal

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neo-nazi's love pointing out how they're the evil jewish communists they hate, I can see why you've come to your conclusion.

Why are you liberals (neo-communists) so fragile that you think you're the only part of this? lmao

I got nothing wrong, I'm sorry that you're having so much difficulty recognising that you, as a neo-communist, are the neo-liberal you hate.
Honestly I'm amazed at how there's absolutely no butthurt from neo-nazi's about how they're communists but you guys can't stop falling over yourselfs to (fail) to prove you aren't a liberal.

>businesses can do whatever they want
Lol, no. That mindset is why they want to bleed us dry for lackluster games.

We already have a precedence of
>make a bank account
>say things does not agree with
>account closed
>want to get money back
>sorry, account unavailable
>tell judge that money was stolen
>judge tells to just move money to another bank
>other banks also disagree and do not accept transfer

We literally live close to the times of The Beast


Yes they can. Its called binding contract.
you can literally be forced to sign a TOS to live in a home and if u say nigger in it and they know about it, then you can be evicted if you signed their TOS.

M8, my problem with you is not a personal one, though it certainly is annoying to have your assumptions constantly detract from the argument. No, it's that you're utterly convinced that you have some sort of special insight in the socio-political history of the world in the 20th century and you just referred to the USSR as the "United States of Soviet Russia". Honestly, it's like claiming to be a video game historian and then showing people your collection of "Nintendoes" from Sony.

What a small pea-brain you have, liberal (neo-communist)

See, if you were aware of the blunder you had actually just made you would've realised what an utter non sequitur that post is. The fact is, the USA and the USSR actually didn't get their names through the exact same process.

>The fact is, the USA and the USSR actually didn't get their names through the exact same process.
Except they did, you do not have a very robust brain do you friend? Reply to me when you've gotten a big brain and can accept that you're a liberal, not a communist who are neo-nazi's.

Don't really care about that user and him calling the USSR what he called it but you should get cancer kike.