I hurt myself today

>I hurt myself today...

Attached: anthem.png (548x552, 443K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>loot shooters

S in hell triple A boomer faggots.

EA are laughing all the way to the market now that Apex Legends has taken over
Bioware and DICE will be shuttered in 2020

Zoomers are the reason this genre exists, faggot. Please die of measles, you unvaccinated shit.

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Bioware will most likely release Dragon Age 4 since it's already deep in development, but that will most likely be the end, no matter if it ends up being good somehow.

>Gaysex Legends
>Taking over

Attached: 1550321725091.jpg (600x837, 59K)

im not a zoomer you old cunt
go pretend you're satisfied with where you are in your career

yeah they are laughing all the way to the bank with their free to play shooter, that sure is gonna cover the cost of developing a huge flop for 6 years

>Deep in development
I thought the main studio was full steam ahead on Anthem and the rest had been closed down

>he's an inbetwooner
oh my days look at the twooner

You are implying that they wouldnt just straight up kill it before release because thata something EA will do.

Uhm sweat cheaks look at their stock price, it's soaring

>what is diablo 2

I'm certain they were not full steam ahead on just Anthem.

Ah yes, the famous live service loot shooter Diablo 2.

>comparing Diablo to Anthem, overwatch, fortnite, apex, etc etc etc.

Attached: 1517449257395.gif (148x111, 264K)

they were developing DA4

Press S to spit in biowares grave

Can we save Anthem?

Of course not. None of us care.

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Fuck Bioware and fuck EA

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>Bioware will actually die in your lifetime

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>tfw the people that talk about this game near me are all boomers
>same with most BR's
It's not just zoomers that play this stuff user

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We need them to live. They are a non stop mean lean meme producing machine.

Will it though? EA is no stranger to killing beloved game studios, yet Bioware released Andromeda in 2017 which got laughed at by everyone and Dragon Age: Cisquisition all the way back in 2014.

I can't imagine either of these games were that profitable, but Bioware is still around and kicking.

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EA literally closed down a Bioware studio after Andromeda.

Does everybody at BioWare speak like an Andromeda NPC?

Considering half of the NPC's are just the writers self-inserting themselves it wouldn't be surprising.

>Diablo 2
>Live service looter shooter

Hahahaha idk why I laughed so hard

Attached: download.jpg (224x224, 6K)

>already deep in development
Except it isn't. It's not deep in development. Development has just begun. They were 100%, completely devoted to Anthem. Before they teased it at the VGA's we got a leak weeks before that DA4 was just starting dev, and that we shouldn't expect it for years.

There is no mitigation here. There is no excuse. And there is no next chance.



bing bong bannu ;-;7

I wonder what Stanrey Woo is up to nowadays

vaccine autism caused millenials and boomers to like this genre.
its thank zoomers that its not doing as good anymore.

Old School games were pretty grindy back in the days. Witcher for one is such a case and Neverwinter / Baldurs Gate.

>NWN3 never ever

Attached: 7194479.png (2560x2489, 553K)

Battlefield 5 sold over 10m+ copies, are you high?

And that's a good thing. I don't want to experience NWN3 from nu-Bioware. It would be extremely painfull.

Can't wait for Mass Effect 4. The actual sequel to the original trilogy, featuring a return of all the characters we remember and love, made by nu-Bioware, of course.

It's good thing. It's dead but not forgotten.

Inquisition was GOTY that year and sold a shitload.

Doesn't matter, it doesn't outsell previous products well enough which means investors will rather put their money on something that does. It's not enough for listed company to make profit, they must always make more profit, and overheated games industry has created astronomical expectations for every AAA-release.


Well, he got swept in 2013 during layoffs (technically he resigned just before them)

I checked his blog but it's invite only, can't view it. However, his LinkdIn (which hasn't been updated since 2011) led me to his twitter. He got into theatre and improv professionally, and he performs with a group called ApocalypseKow, who are an acapella singer quartet that do a comedy routine.


Attached: stan-woo.jpg (426x603, 35K)

Source: My Ass

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EA themselves said BFV sold 7.3 million in Q3
Their expectations were reportedly a solid 8.5 million
It didn't even succeed in cannibalising their BF1 playerbase, BF1 has 4 million active player still

Also their expectations for Anthem were pretty low, 5 to 6 million
They might have just about met that, given how many people seem to have first hand stories of how bad Anthem is

So he's on the dole I guess?

that image is alive

>No shows booked at the moment.

>Now booking for 2018!


Inquisition sold a shitload on release week, but immediately dropped off once word got out it was garbage and has sold much, much less than Origins did.

and the song EA sings is "lol don't care made money"

Because they're vulture capitalists, driving production studio's into the ground to make the maximum amount of money.

At this rate it will be made by Respawn instead of Titanfall 3.

This is why capitalism has to be stopped.

>game is actually really fun
>but everybody hates it for some reason

Same happened with TOR. Why do Bioware games make people so angry?

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Bioware is killing itself by being full woke, they hire people based on skin color and genitals and think it's good for the company.

Then thier games suffer and they don't get why.

Bioware is like the oscars, they give a capeshit movie 3 oscars because black people and all the people in the audience love it. Nobody else does because they see it's racist pity awards.

>The Division 2 is going to be...

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Fuck you commie nigger.
What has to be stopped is the investment system as it is.
If publishers were forced by law to give voting shares as part of payment, all this shit would be avoided.
Right now if you are part of the publisher scam, person that managed production of processed tomatoes in cans has more to say what game you make than person that played, if not made a game.

she looks based and redpilled

The problem isn't capitalism, the problem is investiture moved from private to public ownership, so companies and executives have absolutely no overhead so long as they can prove fiscal responsibility for share holders - which they do by maximizing profits before destroying the company.

The company and it's employee's are destroyed utterly, the solution is that employee's should be considered part of the companies share-holders.

No. Fuck you. Fucking fuck you. Even for fucking meming. Fuck you, fuck you with a rusty rake. This game makes me physically angry. I left Bioware a long time ago but it's still like watching someone you cared about once destroy themselves, publicly and humiliating.

I enjoyed fucking about with my imperial spy, but the game just wasn't worth paying to play.

>Announce you are part of x company doing y thing
>Thinking all opinions my own protects you
Holy shit that's hilarious.

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Mainly, because boring combat, boring A.I., boring missions, crap story, shitty loading screens, shitty loot, shitty mechanics, shitty enemies, and no content.

TOR on the other hand was okay, but I also remind you this youtu.be/dwsiHUURPTc?t=26

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>Mainly, because boring combat, boring A.I., boring missions, crap story, shitty loading screens, shitty loot, shitty mechanics, shitty enemies, and no content.
Are you describing Mass Effect 1 or Anthem!? haha *dab*

Wow. I feel really bad for you.
That is some hardcore projection.
Don't worry, things will get better.
You just have to believe.

Nostradamus here
Microsoft is going to buy bioware from EA

diablo2 is the inventor of the skinner box loot grinder. The game being a scifi or fantasy game, a shooter or a hacknslash is irrelevant.

>diablo2 is the inventor of the skinner box loot grinder
oh my days

based fuck young people

Anthem sold less than Fallout 76 did on release in the UK, the game is fucked, someone make a thread

>hopefully the game has a very high digital share
Why does this dude care about anthem sales? share holder?

Anthem, user.

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>diablo2 is the inventor of the skinner box loot grinder. The game being a scifi or fantasy game, a shooter or a hacknslash is irrelevant.
>the games genre is irrelevant
Ok how about the game as a product vs a service part. Diablo 2 was a product, not a service. That's a huge difference.

The issue isn't the looter part, the issue is that the games are unfinished and being sold on the promise of future content, or that they can improve over time. There's no need or incentive to ship a competent game, just crap out any old piece of shit and some brain washed drone will defend it to the death while sucking your dick and all you have to do is throw them some half assed cosmetics and updates to a fundamentally flawed game. The fact that there are people who enjoy Destiny, Anthem, and Fallout 76 et all is proof of this. This is because pyschology is being employed against them, they're being promised an ongoing service, an interaction a community. If they saw it as a product, they'd be fucking furious but decades of marketing have trained them otherwise.

>diablo2 is the inventor of the skinner box loot grinder

>Why does this dude care about anthem sales?
you have to add this kind of waffle at the end or people accuse you of being "a hater" or "wanting the game to fail". You can't just report facts, you have to pretend it's very sad that it's failing but that's just how life is :( *pretend sympathies*


>release game in the attempt to cash in on a trend that is already like years old

Has this ever worked? Everyone that tries following watershed game like Hearthstone, WoW, Overwatch, League of Legends and whatever else just feels like companies throwing money into a fire.

>Mainly, because boring combat, boring A.I., boring missions, crap story, shitty loading screens, shitty loot, shitty mechanics, shitty enemies, and no content.
Sounds like any mmo in 2k19 mate. Meanwhile you probably gave BFA a pass but BFA or Destiny 2 are far worse than Anthem.

Inquisition actually didn't do that badly but had no major competition in 2014. The games for PS4 that year, for example, were Alien Isolation (little marketing), CoD: AW, and Destiny.

>Can't dispute any of the points
>lol everything else is shit though

user, please.

>Please die of measles, you unvaccinated shit.
Based as fuck

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why do you think the npcs talk like that?

The sole reason why I do not play MMOs anymore. After 16 years, they still doing the same shit.

TOR tried to implement story innit, was fun, until Revan...

Now, I only play Yakuza games and Ubisoft games. At least these are entertaining and innovative.

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Movies do it constantly, too. It's easy to sell to the board and investors.

Now i'll give you that the Yak games are fun and well made and polished, but Innovative? C'mon Senpai. They've been making the same game on the same fucking map since Yakuza 1.

>Has this ever worked?
Yes, but only for one or two other games per category, and only if those games were distinct enough and had merits of their own, not "like x but with y".

One is fun, other is innovative.
>Ubisoft games

>Hopefully the game has a very high digital share

Attached: 1512044716956.png (447x438, 401K)

>lol so random


>widely show off how shitty the game is weeks in advance of official release
>'wtf y isnt it selling?'

Attached: A BOMB.png (635x636, 794K)

holy fucking based

>Ubisoft games.
>At least these are entertaining
strike 1
>and innovative.
strike 2 and 3

ubisoft games are occupying time you otherwise would be maybe bored, and they are the most iterative and copy paste shit imaginable, because they literally COPY AND PASTE most of the last game, several games in a row.

Anthem sold %50 less than Fallout76.
UK looter shooter physical debuts:

Borderlands 2 ~190k
Destiny 417k
The Division 277k
Destiny 2 175k
Anthem ~42k

[Week 46, 2018] FALLOUT 76 (BETHESDA SOFTWORKS) - 85,000 / NEW


For the UK, widely known to eat whatever shit is served up on a plate, this is surprising.

>shitty teaser JPEG voice over video
>"it's super hard in develepment guys"
>what is preproduction

lol, this is the biggest proof the game was in nega state of development, they don't even have a render

not that the game could be in any real state, Anthem is an all hands on deck dumpsterfire, only producers and art guys are free to work on DA4, every programmer is crunching on Anthem for more than a year now, and will keep crunching because of the sorry state of the game for a while yet

also, leaks basically said that the DA4 got rebooted shortly after Andromeda flopping, since the Shitquisition blueprint failed within 2 games and DA4 was made along those lines and to make the game even more gaas, that's when Laidlaw bailed

its so shit even UK doesnt eat

on ea's empire of dirt

Anyone that says Destiny 2 is worth than Anthem hasn't played one of them, or both.
Either that or they're mentally ill.


Wouldn't they save money by waiting for EA to shutter them and then poaching all the devs?

That's what happen when you drag your name and legacy through the dirt. No one cares about you anymore.

Is Bioware dead, bros? I thought Inquisition and ME3 (with DLCs) were fun


>diablo2 is the inventor of the skinner box loot grinder.

You're right but all the zoomers who grew up playing it will deny it. Hell, they deny they're zoomers even though they were born in '93 or later.

>spends 50 minutes bitching about the boring gameplay and how what would be the coolest parts to play are restricted to cutscenes
Why do we hate him again? He never praises cinematic bullshit.

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>Implying the devs there are worth anything

It's a shame Mass Effect 3 was the last game of its franchise, imagine what a sequel could look like.

>loli hime


A bad game

>Diablo 2 is a shooter
What a fucking retard you are.

Reddit disease

>t. never played as an Amazon or Sorceress

who is that guy I forgot his name?

hearty chuckle

Based Beaner



>t. thinks Diablo is a shooter

He actually gave Anthem the score it deserved. 4/10. Unlike a lot of the paid shills who talked shit about the game but gave it above 5/10.

>talk shows and podcasts are more popular than Anthem

Literally irrelevant one week after it came out.

Attached: anthem twitch.jpg (1646x614, 404K)

ok cool now where is warframe? where is destiny?
blizzdrones btfo once again

There are that many people watching Runescape? What the fuck?

Blizzard no longer owns Destiny. If anything it proves they made the right choice by dropping that turd.

Not sure about Warframe, but Destiny 2 has a big update in about a week.

>Blizzard no longer owns Destiny
Blizzard never owned Destiny.

Slowy Gonzalez

You're a sheltered retard if you think it's to protect her. The company pressures everyone into saying that shit so they can instantly cut them off once they say the stupid shit they're inevitably going to say.

>they deny they're zoomers even though they were born in '93 or later.
Redpilled post

It was also a complete game with a good story, music, world, interesting characters and builds with no competition.
Borderlands moved that into FPS and others tried and failed to copy them because they want everything multiplayer to sell MTX.

>Diablo 2
>a looter shooter

It's going to be okay user. Just.. let go and drift away in the blackness. Death comes for us all. It's tough.. you got diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and ass AIDS but still lived so long. I'll tell your mom you died painlessly.

Has Bioware released single good game after ME2?

>trend that is already like years old
Thats because AAA development takes multiple years

This seemed like a really expensive dud. RIP Bioware.

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Fortnite literally blew up in popularity despite releasing way after PUBG.
Same goes with Apex Legends.

More people buy consoles and build PCs every day so saying "The raw sales are higher than they were before" is saying nothing.

A lot of things will die in your lifetime.

but it says lolli, not loli

>you will die in your lifetime

Attached: 1550765909093.png (300x300, 4K)

it was like in development 6 years and bioware has a lot of people.
the game has like no content. even admitting they had, at some point, to scrap and start over the development, there is still no fucking content in the game for such an high budget.

my guess is that when EA forced them to do an online looter shooter, which clearly was never going to be their strength, they gave EA the middle finger and used the funds/development time to make dragon age 4 better, which is pretty much the game they are *supposed* to be good at making and it's a franchise they haven't screwed up hard yet.if that comes out as mediocre too then big laughs everybody.

nothing to worry about, just at the edge of it, you won't even see it all.

f2p VS pay2play.that's the real point.

>actually giving Bioware this much credit

Modern Bioware is just a shit developer.

Man these resetera faggots are braindead

Don't worry guys I'm sure they will release everything they promised like Andromeda and its dlc
Its not like they are going to have BL3 to compete against soon


>You won't die in your lifetime

Attached: 1506045176489.jpg (1240x1240, 115K)

>Also,NO PVP

that's allright. when you got a coop game you just try to make a good coop game. PVP is a nice bonus to add after months, but it's mostly wasted dev time and if it forces you to change the balance of the game then it's a big loss.
for example PVP works horribly with very fast movement systems, but if you got a good movement system for coop in mind, changing design for forcing in PVP sounds like a bad idea.

>blaming zoomers because their boomer soccer moms didn't vaccinate them
Unironically based.

Anyone in here playing it an enjoying it? I actually kinda like it.

>Anyone in here playing it an enjoying it? I actually kinda like it.

You are literally the guy who lurches into a conversation talking about how gross eating your own shit is who oozes into the conversation with 'I actually kind of like it.....'.

The fact that this game is being universally shitted on and yet you still like it should be a warning sign to you that you need to take a hard look at the quality of content you consume and what it's done to your intelligence.

Attached: 1536026482205.png (500x500, 155K)

>I actually kinda like it.

Yeah and some people like to have their cock and balls tortured

Look at ESO,it's a fast paced mmo,with pvp that is amazing to play,same as GW.
Just look at Warframe

This are just excuses,the game doesn't even do pve right.

Why is it that one some subjects everyone hating or liking something is okay but on others they are just sheep? Yea Forums usually takes the contrarian route but now joins in on fucking normie opinions?

Anthem is not perfect and has a lot of issues but it is at the core fun gameplay. My other favourite game this year is unironically fallout 76 I have over 150 hours in. They just released a huge roadmap detailing all the big content coming to that its being highly praised.

I don’t know what happen to this place but you all have shit normie opinions that swing like a tree branch depending on what way the e celeb/gaming press shit winds blow. Sad.

Here's your Anthem writer guys. Hope you like it!

Attached: Maggs.jpg (500x283, 29K)

You speak the truth brother!

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Many hate on Anthem because it's actually nothing new or special.Warframe is superior in every way except for the camera.
And for me personally because they want to politicize DA4.
I actually enjoyed DAI better than DAO.Nothing special.

why does every review i see about this game call Bioware the “story telling masters”? What did I miss? One decent Mass Effect game and MAYBE kotor? (outclassed by kotor 2 anyway)

what did they do to get this “le epic story tellers” moniker

>hopefully the game has a very high digital sale
what fucking mindset is this? the game is obviously mediocre at best and he hopes we get more of it? it's bonkers to realize that some people don't care if a game is good or not, they just want their corporation masters to earn

I've been waiting for this since the end of ME3

They didn't. Modern journalists are just afraid to shit on AAA titles because they might lose their normie audience. So they try to make the critique as gentle as possible.

You’re not wrong but it’s still clear to me this site is pure normal faggotry. Soulless. Everyday for this past month they have been dozens of threads shilling a fucking EA battle royale. What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Blaming white people for mass increase in viral outbreaks and not the millions of unwashed brown scum that sneak into the country from nations where healthcare is burn the flesh off because they haven't figured out how to wash their hands.
Not even greening this, it's that stupid to not put the blame on illegals who have no vaccinations and never get them.

>Gamer and blogger

Attached: 1546874873644s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

If you hadn't noticed retardera has been migrating here and doing gayops and shilling trash games for a good while now.

Free to play next week?

Attached: Anthem release week 2019.jpg (540x960, 66K)


It has nothing to do with them thinking they might lose their normalfag audience. WHen they shit on games from big publishers, the tips and leaks they get dry up, the special passes they get at events like E3 and PAX dry up, the invites to studios and offers for interviews, they all dry up. So it's basically blackmail, say nice things or you don't get shit and won't have anything to write about.

hey i'm curious, are you the original user that posted that? in which country did you get the pic? because i've seen it multiple times since yesterday


>WHen they shit on games from big publishers, the tips and leaks they get dry up, the special passes they get at events like E3 and PAX dry up, the invites to studios and offers for interviews, they all dry up. So it's basically blackmail, say nice things or you don't get shit and won't have anything to write about.

It's a hard reality. You basically CAN'T provide meaningful games coverage without being "buddies" with a ton of publishers and studios. That's why places like GameInformer get to go to Fromsoft and do indepth coverage of Sekiro and other people just get to echo press releases .

I tried to cancel my preorder for this, but I couldn't, so I was stuck with it. I'm glad I was, because I've had a lot of fun playing it. Playing with randoms can get tiring, but playing solo or with friends is pretty great.


so many hard stops. do these people not know how to type. can you imagine them writing a book. how annoying would that be.

this could actually be the end

Attached: finished.jpg (943x819, 121K)

Yeah I’m only a dentist it sucks. I should be making 8 mill a year off my investments per year but I only made 5 :((((

no wonder tha t game was so awful and was nothing but reused assets from divison 1. holy shit is that game bad even worse than anthem imo.

It requires an exceptionally high iq to play rs
Intelligence makes you charismatic enough to make playing a grindfest mmo entertaining

It hasn't come out yet user.

i played the beta

END OF RINE for bioware


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>borderlands still is the best loot shooters

Attached: 1533421597280.jpg (1024x1003, 61K)

He gave vanilla Skyrim 10/10


So did I, you had access to a smart part of the map and a single dark zone. There's no way you could have an opinion of the final game based on the beta.

We didn't make it flop, they made it flop by making a shit game

Even legal immigrants don't bother with vaccines. Check out Minnesota and the Somalis. Their vaccination rate for measles dropped to below 50% a couple of years ago.

She's bonny looking, would bang.

why not? it was buggy, all the characters were clones and reused assets, the locations were reused assets from the first one it even looked like the same place almost, the graphics were awful and the characters looked like mannueqins staring off into the distance completely lifeless, the cover mechanics were shit. what more do you need to know? extra content and locations isnt going to make it a better game, its not going to be a worthy game a few weeks after the beta.


Attached: 1551059839836.png (766x341, 467K)

Are you sure you actually played the TD2 beta? Because the world did not feel anything like new york, the buildings were clearly different and were nearly a mirror of DC. The NPCs were more alive than in the first game. The graphics are easily better than the first game, which has some of the best graphics in PC gaming. Were you playing on a toaster or something?

i have a really good pc and monitor. i can see how you might think the game looks ok if youre running around shooting from a distance. but the minute you get into a place with npcs or doing anything than cover shooting, i dont see how you can possibly think it looks good. it looks absolutely atrocious and other people have said the same thing all over the net. the graphics and characters are literal cut and paste which doesnt work years after the original when im playing resident evil 2 that looks godlike by comparison.

Okay, so you didn't play it.

She's on our side guys, she's cute and funny.

>The rine end here

lol, what? Maybe the game is shit to you because you don't like looter shooters with bullet sponges, which is fine, but the game looks excellent.

You clearly didn't play it or need to fix your fucking computer

even reddit is hating the game now, the went from:
>"its still in the beta!" and "still Im having fun!!"
>fuck this game and this new drop rate!

no it's EA that paid the astroturfers to cover 3 days from official release. Now the cages are open

We lost Mass Effect for this

Mass Effect was lost well before this

>deep in development
lmao is as deep as Elder Scrolls VI


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Dev: We Aren’t Lazy, It’s Just Impossible to Plan for Live; Luckier Launches Have no Crippling Bugs

In an effort to shine a light on this tricky subject, GamesRadar published an article featuring interviews with developers who have had first-hand experience with these launches. One of the interviewees, former Gazillion and BioWare developer Felix Sanchez, challenged the increasingly common notion of developers just being ‘lazy’. He also pointed out that there is no real substitute for live testing and while it would be lovely to launch without bugs, it is really difficult to do and even the luckier cases still feature bugs, just not of crippling severity.

Okay Yea Forums. Stop your hate towards Bioware. It's not their fault the game is bad. They can't help it as this article states.

I got vaccinated. Please, accept me.

Holy fuck, this is actually pathetic.

>all "looter shooters" after Borderlands 2 bomb
>they keep churning them out anyway past their revelance date


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Just popping in to post this.



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They're easy to monetise with cosmetics microtransactions and boosters just like mmos

cute. KYOOT!

without capitalism you wouldn't even have fucking video games, so its irrelevant.

>What is PSO
You're not a boomer if you think this is some new genre.

Destiny 1 and 2 sold well, division sold well. What's your definition of "bombing"?

its called second hand reputation, everyone says they are storytelling masters, and this is the source of that information, everyone else.

this is how they convinced people there are 80 genders, because a genders studies person wrote a paper that was verified by other hyper-far lefties and they all cite each other in each others papers, making a web of bullshit they can pass off as fact.

they do this in everything, they create their own truth from fiction.

about damn time

Attached: wellbangok.jpg (827x475, 57K)

>when the "lady" next to you has stronger traps and shoulders than the man.

I can't tell if that's a tranny of one of them really high test black women, its impossible to differentiate

People really go through a lot of effort to shitpost.

Well v, you killed another game you've never played. Congrats.

You're welcome.

Free trial next week.You heard it here first.

if a game cannot impress us, it will be killed.

we are the Spartan's inspecting the baby game, try not to get tossed into the fucking ravine.

>you unvaccinated shit
can boomers ever stop winning?

Attached: based boomer.webm (480x270, 1.67M)

You underestimate the amount of money f2p games make.