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Metroid (Not Prime)




Elder Scrolls, maĆ½be.

Can think of a couple for 2 > 1 > 3, but this is more rare.


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let's jam


Honestly, Metal Gear Solid.

Obviously Halo


>Kingdom Hearts
>Assassins Creed
Theres a few I can think of off the top of my head.

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Pokemon gens

Street Fighter 3

putting 2 above 1 even if you enjoy 2 is fucking insane

2 is like an arcade game
1 is a literal masterpiece
3 is a mix of tension, spectacle, gameplay mechanics, storytelling, and camp that should have been 2 in the first place


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The original trilogy is 1>=3>2. They're all at least good, but even 3 can't quite compare to the original.

Mass Effect


Battle Network

Isn't this how games should be? This implies that each game was made better than it's previous incarnation. This is the sign of a series that is good.

MW is the opposite

Sonic is a pretty good match.

I'll bite and say monster hunter, say what you want with generations aside every game is better than the previous, and generations isn't even bad

Dark souls maybe.

FEAR in reverse
(fear3 is so fucking bad like wtf its not even horror maybe because I actually learned the lore and that Alama isnt your enemy is actually your ally and in fear 2 is just a thirsty thot and in 1 just wants to reunite with you but still fear 3 being COOP ruined it

Absolutely not.

Alma* but yeah she literally doesnt wan't to harm you is just a dumb roastie who doesnt realize that her literal existence is toxic to life

I've played 1 and 2 more than 3, but just something about 3 is great.

let's jam

It's Dark Souls.

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Grand Theft Auto it isnt even a fair comparison

No Dark Souls is 3 > 1 > 2





Resident Evil

How about I rape you anally and ruin every future poop ;)

Half life

dark souls is 1>3>hitting myself in the kneecap with a hammer>2


First 3 Zelda games.

MGS 1 is an incredibly simplistic game that was utterly bested by Thief in the very same year, both 2 and 3 are significantly better games

Dark Souls 1 sucks

People only rate it highly because old game good

>better than anything

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I would make the case for Zelda, but it could also be 3-1-2

Based. did you ever complete fear3 fellow user? I couldnt it was to shit

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Fuck you

Hitman. The new ones. If there's a 3 it's just gonna be 2 with more features and all maps. Easy like that innit.

No thanks, I'll take a fat pass on that.

It 100% is not, MGS1 is not a bad game by any sense make no mistake, but is has been utterly outstripped both mechanically and narratively

Then accept that Pikmin 1 is the best pikmin game

At the very least 2 and 3 are universally considered better than 1.

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joke's on you I've never played F.THREE.A.R. nor F.E.A.R. 2 they're all garbage compared to the first

what do you not like about it and what do you like about the other games in the trilogy?
genuinely curious.

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I can't. I just don't like it, the 30 day limit sucks and the controls aren't good, pikmin don't follow in lines like they do in 3, smoky progg rapes pikmin with no counter, and yellows are nearly worthless, no "charge" system, etc. I just flat out found it unenjoyable.

Play FEAR2 user its not bad
We can't be friends if my like 3 year old ass could beat it so can you

Resident Evil

Red Dead.
god I wish Revolver was good but it plays like every other awkward, clunky PS2 shooter
if it was on PC with mouse aiming it would immediately be ten times better

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Objectively wrong

I assume you're ignoring 2:FM since the image just states 2.

What the hell is 2:FM? Spin off title?

KH2:Final Mix

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is it a spin off title?

Crash Bandicoot

Max Payne

Lmao. Wtf is Thief?

As someone that grew up with the PS1 and 2, no one, and I mean no one ever talked about Thief. 2bh, the first time I ever heard of the game was on this board. It has 0 cultural relevance.

Dragon Quest

Sorry user, I see why you're getting confused now, KH2:FM is the Japanese name, it's was released as KH:2.5 Remix in the West containing KH2:FM and some other KH games.

If you don't know what the Final Mix games are, they're updated rereleases of their respective games. KH2:FM added QoL changes and added a bunch of content to 2. Objectively considered the best KH game before 3 came out and still widely considered the best afterwards.

So I guess Fortnite is the best thing to happen to gaming because it surely has the cultural relevance. A lot more than MGS really.

Is the offer still going? I have to agree with user there, Pikmin 3 is superb... Even if I miss the sublevels of 2.

I don't actually think it sucks, but I do think it's all around weaker than its sequels.

- the game is shorter, and levels are smaller
- huge quality dropoff after Anor Londo
- enemies and bosses have smaller movesets, and are easier to exploit, no really impressive bosses outside the DLC
- magic system is less developed
- fewer weapons, and with smaller movesets
- a lot of weapons and infusions are worthless, sequels are far more balanced in this regard
- passive poise is a horrible mechanic, especially when combined with instant backstabs
- twinking is too strong, makes low level pvp and online play in general not very fun, especially when it mostly affects the best portion of the game

Instead of making fun of you, I'm going to say this is a great opportunity to expand your horizons, Thief is one of the all time greats, and it's old as fuck so it can run on a shitbox, you can buy it on gog or easily find a download on the internet. Good luck user, you'll have a great time if you give it a shot

Dark Souls

