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But I already have 5

But 5 is the worst game in the series.

post more poland

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>worse than 6 and beyond earth
Is this bait?

I am in love with this king.

I don't like the district system so I've stayed with 5

Slut it up to get the thread rolling

Civ5 isn't even a proper civ game user, it's fucking garbage. So bad the director got fired before the expansions. He then literally admitted he had no idea wtf he was doing. Ed Beach somewhat salvaged this turd with bnw but still...

You got lucky, they wanted to make districts in V but said fuck it it's too hard.

I'm going to invade Poland, lads

ur game looks like a shitty cartoon

now if only the ingame character looked like that.

People were saying the same thing about IV.
I think it looks phenomenal. The attention to details and love that went into this is insane. Civ5 looks like a highschool project in comparison.

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The maps changed and are better for it but I think the natural terrain looks worse than Civ5 in terms of detail. Stuff like hills are not as easily seen, and forests look like utter trash compared to 5 where you could have swathes of forest that would connect up but in 6 each forest tile is individual (even if adjacent) and only has like 6 trees on it total.

I thought these guys were supposed to start in the water

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It does look like crap, aluminium is almost the same as cooper, it's so hard to distinguish hills from plains like you said and the world congress is an absolute miss

The trees in 6 are like the trees in 4 tho. In V everything is way too zoomed out and 2d trees in 2009 were cringey af. Hills can be tougher to see depending on the time of day but mines look like actual mines instead of a shitty scafolding. It even has a little moving cart like in 4, 5 looks cheap.

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Once it becomes cheaper.

Are you the one making all these civ 6 threads? I always see this exact same "2d trees" post

Just pirate it.

Well the 2d trees make me cringe like crazy. Trees were fine in IV, why they did this shit to V is beyond me.

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And now the fucker is still dont know what he's doing with At The Gates. Is it still unplayable because AI wont do shit?

>The trees in 6 are like the trees in 4 tho

And? They still look like total fucking shit. A "forest" with 6 little trees on a hex.

Already am. I think I've completed about 10 games since expack came out. The game feels a tad bit easier now, moved up to immortal from emperor.

I wanna partition her lands and leave her nothing more than a client state of three greater powers.
...of my dick

She belongs to a Lithuanian bull

tfw no king gf

I'll just wait it out honestly, I got a backlog to work through anyways.

>Play Spyware 6 guys.

They improved the AI in some ways but fucked it up in others. Also airplanes are hit or miss. Sometimes too many, sometimes not a single one or anti aircraft. Ai is much better at naval combat but wastes so many late game turns instead of rushing a victory.

>paroting reddit and steam
The "spyware" got removed months ago. And you have to be pretty fucking underage to think you had any form of privacy before. If you've ever use the internet or a phone, your data is stolen. I bet you even have a facebook.

But a forest is not just one tile, the game is zoomed in like IV. 1 tile of civ5 forest is like 6 tiles of civ6 forest.

>Happily lets digital gamestore filled with spyware run on his computer.
>Complains about one of hundreds of games which read unimportant background data.

Hey man, if you like playing life on hard mode, be my guest. I'll be over here having fun.

I'm glad i'm not the only one who see's Jadigwa in that dress and feels... things.

It's depressing and ironic she died of childbirth complications with those hips

I wanna partition her lands and leave her nothing more than a client state of three greater powers. dick, my balls and my tongue penis

And how is VI any better?

The problem with aircraft is you need an aerodrome to make use of them. It's really not worth the investment. The most I see the AI make use of aircraft is usually one jet interceptor patrolling somewhere.

I really like how the hall of fame tracks your victory types. I'm at 4 science, 2 culture, 2 diplo, 1 religion and only one domination. I find it tough to just break down and finish a dom win because the AI is actually happy to be friends and allies with you if you aren't playing like an actual warmonger now.

They also pull off some scary stuff. Gorgo was in my last game and was 4 turns from cultural victory in the early industrial age. I had to rapid build theatre districts in pretty much every city and steal half her great works to stop her and even though I was pumping out massive culture/tourism at the end I had to just take the diplo victory. AI needs to vote harder on diplo win points and some other stuff. For example the AI never commits more than one vote to district building culture bomb proposal so it's basically free for the player always.

>casual Haghia Sophia in the background

But I already have civ 2

>my tongue penis
your w-what

I wanna play Civ, but Warhammer: Fantasy/Age of Sigmar. Total War is just not good.

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open your borders and I'll show you

no. not anime enough 2bh

Fuck off, reddit.
>this situation is a repeat
>last time it was revealed hundreds of games used the same software
>no one cared

French Eleanor is great. I basically annexed Germany by sitting next to it and shitting out books and painting.

This but civ is also trashcan tier, I think we need something custom.

I can all but guarantee you someone has modded that. Go looking in the steam workshop or maybe on civ fanatics.

>open your borders
I would unironically love some sort of Fantasy Civ-like. How does Age of Wonders 3 compare? I've been monitoring Age of Wonders: Planetfall and it looks fun.

It amuses me that both of Frances leader's primary power is being a whore, either a conniving whore (Catherine) or a slutty whore (Eleanor)

Nevermind that France was a huge military power before that, and Europe's Bread Basket - lets focus on the cultural revolution of the late renaissance to inform absolutely every aspect of their game play lol

Civ 6 is a mobile game

Because it does pretty much everything civ5 does, with also pretty much everything 4 does, but better, and has cool new stuff.
What don't you like about VI?

Yeah Eleanor seems to pair great with France. She doesn't fit with England at all IMO.

Cat would be a terrible whore. She'd charge 2/3 of your gold and then have a spy murder you so she can take the rest.
Probably to pay for her rhinoplasty, jesus fuck

They usually change up what the big civs do from civ-to-civ. France has been more militaristic or even commercial in previous civs. Catherine is pretty boring, but Eleanor is much stronger and interesting.

I hope you know the mobile ports are gutted like crazy and done by another studio. Pc civ6 is as AAA as it gets.

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>I can all but guarantee you someone has modded that
I know there was a Forgotten Realms mod for Civ V. Sometimes though the really obvious shit doesn't get done though. Like there's no Imperial Guard total Overhaul for X-Com 2. There's some modelling and voice files and skins yeah, but nothing "complete", just pieces here and there

I have to beat XCOM 2 first. I can't believe it's made by the same people. Do you think their workdesk has a picture of the Assassin next to Jadwiga?

>age of smegmar

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>mixed reviews
is it just the launch?
why should i play it now?

>>mixed reviews
I can't remember what salty niggers were salty over but it was something, so it got review bombed for a bit at one point.

I think it's mostly the pricing and DLC jewing that made the reviews drop.

>trusting steam reviews
Civ6 got review bombed at launch by civ5 babies because "it's not a carbon copy of 5", then got review bombed because of the "spyware". People are still bitching sbout the spyware months after it got removed. Steam reviews are less trustworthy than fucking Yea Forums. Everyone who played civ before 5 enjoys 6. Not necesseraly the most, but a lot, and especially more than 5.


yeah recent reviews are talking about it being spyware or something like that.

I'm good

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>Friendly with everyone
Genuinely how
Civ 6 is my first Civ game and I swear to god I'm being denounced every third turn before the Renaissance era

It got knocked down to mixed due to the red shell debacle. That has been removed. Gathering Storm is sitting at mostly positive.

Civ 6 used to contain Red Shell, which was an ad tracking software companies use to collect metrics on your browsing habits, specifically as it related to viewed ad's for said game. Companies were/are using this software to compare copies sold to investiture in advertising to get something measurable on success rates and the validity of digital ads, by comparing copy sold vs the number of ads you had seen related to the product.

Ex. you install Civ 6, Red Shell tracks how many ads of Civ 6 you saw/have seen based on your browsing history and data tags embedded into the video's they release online. People got really angry about this, especially in the wake of the big facebook blow up.

Red Shell was removed from Civ 6 via a patch last year in July after a large and vocal fan outcry when the program was discovered in the games files.

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If you are small potatoes and not fucking with anybody's agenda they will be nice, generally. Close borders or AIs coded to straight dislike you will probably cause trouble for you most of the game though.

The Ai is terrible at using casus belli now, they pretty much only surprise war. So you get 150 grievances straight up which means you can easily take two non-capitol cities(not raze) and everyone else in the game won't mind in the slightest.

If you just go around murder razing then yeah, everyone will dislike you. Try to accept trades they offer if they aren't total shit and try to do what they like(send trade route to netherlands, spread religion to kongou).

I thought it was weird, Hungary came at me for no fucking reason, he even was neutral to me.

Delegation the turn you meet them, open borders as soon as you have them, then declare friendship, simple as that.
They fixed the perma denouncing thing with GS, now. it's even easier to have friends. Get alliances and ez pz. With the new grievance system you can ecen warmongering and still be friends wirh everyone.


I still haven't gotten over 1UPT. You can say a lot of bad things about Civ 4 but they built a set of rules that the AI could play under with some effectiveness (it needed huge bonuses to do that, but whatever makes the game work). You could kite the stacks of doom around a bit, and you could distract the AI through diplomacy, but you couldn't just ignore the stack.

The biggest pain I've ever had in Civ 5 or 6 is the late game, when the AI spies all park in your cities and raise partisans every turn. Even that's just a hassle instead of a challenge. The AI's no good at diplomacy either.

Furthermore, none of my friends will play multiplayer with me after I executed a flawless axe-rush during a "friendly" Civ4 game and made them all look like the pathetic civ jobbers they were. This is not Firaxis' fault but I feel like it should be. It's not my fault nobody built archers.

If they are not friends, you have to expect betrayal like in V. I was friends with everyome the whole game, suddenly Pedro who was friendly refused to renew the friendship, surprise attacked me, emergency triggered for betrayal, he got denounced by everyone and 4 civs joined the emergency. He lost 5 cities and kept denouncing me the rest of the game without being able to do anything about it (bankrupt with war reparations and every tile pillaged). Bitch ass nigga thinks he's tough shit baka desu senpai.

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Neutral is basically one step from kicking your door in in 6.

Leader agenda - Raven Banner
Will often levy troops from city-states, and likes those who do the same. Dislikes civilizations that shun use of these mercenaries.

Yeah so like, almost nobody levies city states except him, so it's pretty easy to make him dislike you. Specially since he has two random hidden agendas on top.

I suspect he is coded to be more aggressive in general as well.

I would recommend against giving open borders for no reason.

Is there any point in playing the older games? If so which ones?

I couldn’t get into 6 despite having decent hours in 5. 6 just feels so boring and slow in comparison.

My friends couldn’t get into it either, so I’m not alone on that. We all went back to 5 after about 20 hours.

1UPT is just better. 3 had minor deathstacking and 4 deathstacks were absurd because there wasn't a good counter(no, collateral damage units like siege weren't good counters).

2 Was the last civ with a good stack mechanic. The strongest unit in a stack would defend against an attack, if it lost, every unit in the stack died.

The main complaint against 1 UPT is that the AI can't handle it. Well bad news, the AI has always been bad at combat, 1 UPT isn't primarily responsible for that.

Oh yeah, if you aren't friends (and therefore mechanically exempt from being attacked) they'll turn on you on a dime.

This seems illogical from a 'lore' or 'roleplaying' standpoint, but remember that the over-all purpose of the game is to 'win', and that there are win conditions that you and the AI pursue - and the AI will act to fuck you over if you get in the way of those conditions or you.

Someone should do Dido

I have never levied units, it's either a waste of money of too expensive to be worth it.
I also can't unsee the thinking emoji face he does because of this fucking site.

You could grab 3 and 4 on steep sale. I haven't played them in years so I doubt they hold up great, but they were good games for their time. Alpha Centauri was amazing for maybe a decade but it just can't hold up anymore.

I went back to 5 with vox populi mod after maybe 80 hours in vanilla 6. Then I went back after maybe 40 hours of rise and fall 6. Haven't gone back yet with over 100 hours on Gathering Storm.

So I'd say try it again, I guess. I mean, you probably wont drop 40 bucks on it if you didn't like it, but the new weather mechanics and UN are really nice and have finally fleshed out the game sufficiently in my opinion.

4's ugly by today's standards but still the best game mechanically.

1 is super dated but still fun, try the SNES version

2 is super busted but it has the FMV advisors and the picture of Dido on the leader select screen has her tits out.

But you can design around the bad AI, like 4 did (usually... sometimes) or you can just design your happy little city builder, and then when the AI is a helpless pushover you just shrug and go back to work designing new things for the player to click through between turns.

2 wasn't the worst, although I recall the dice being a lot more random then, which wasn't always great.

actually you should ignore the old civ games and just play alpha centauri (turn off the expansion civs at first)

Levy is super situational. But with Hungary, my god. Rush iron working, levy 2 CS, boom, you have like 10 swordsmen ready to conquer a civ or two. You don't even need the ressources to upgrade soliders, just the tech.

I already am, but had to mod the fuck out of the new resource system to something that actually made sense.

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The dice in 2 could result in weird wins, but most of those Phalanx defeats a battleship memes were from 1. You only stacked units in 2 when you were very sure you were safe since defeat was so costly. They should have just instituted a 3 unit cap per tile or something like the general units in 3. Deathstacks in 4 were just gross and I'll never love that game because of them.

So how bad is Beyond Earth and why?

For someone who's not super familiar with Civilization, what is it that makes some of you prefer 5 to 6? I've played both and they kind of seem like the same shit, except 6 doesn't have the Happiness meter. I'm just trying to learn more about the series.

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It felt more like a big mod for 5 instead of a fully fledged civ game. It had plenty of cool stuff but it needed that second expansion.

What did you mod? I fucking LOVE the new ressource system but I want to make the AI ignore it, because if it doesn't have the ressources it struggles. But now it creates really fun situations were you go to war for that one oil or one uranium.

And please Firaxis, give us 2 or 3 patches before the next expansion.

3 still has the best and most intuitive unit functionalities and combat. Things like, archers have low defense and high attack while spearmen have high defense and low attack, but you can put them on the same tile and the archers will fire a volley at incoming attackers while defended by the spearmen. It just makes sense.

4 has by far the best AI and diplomacy, the AI opponents almost feel like real people, are a huge challenge to beat, and late-game politics are great, but the combat is questionable with no ranged units until planes and missiles.

5 is pretty much obsoleted by 6.

Not him but I too found that the resource system makes no sense, like having to pay oil per turn for every infantry. Here's a mod I found that really improves things across the board:

I used Zees Strategic Resource Overhaul and a coal liquiefier mod as a base and changed some values myself. I basically made it so you have to use iron/horses/aluminum to build the units and then use the niter/coal/oil as their mantainance cost. If you play your cards right with Victor and the stockpiling policies you should not have to worry about not having enough units before your resources run out.


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>shitty art
>lots of no-name leaders to appear political correct
>world wonders are shite
>cultural victory is a fucking mess

The rest is alright. Civ 5 is still more fun.

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Civ is dead. Lost to the casual masses as many series before it and many more soon to be.

Only people who enjoy 5 are those who started the series with civ5 complete edition on sale.

Beyond Earth felt like a overhaul of Civ5 rather than its own game. It had a lot of fun ideas and even a story that followed the progress of the game that was nice to see. The end game affinities or whatever they were were fun and provided some uniqueness. I liked the tech web rather than the tech line that Civ has.

It had some good ideas but I don't know if it was really worth what they were asking for it.

I want to get into civ but it seems so confusing. Maybe cause I've only played random matches my friends forced me into with no knowledge or anything. I have civ 5 and all the expansions. Civ 5 has singleplayer right? Who should I play to give me the best learning experience. Also, any tips?

I mean if you like that hey, fine, but I really like strat resources actually being valuable now.

Research iron early, grab a good spot that has it, pump out some swordsmen, same for niter, moreso since bombards need it. It's now actually worthwhile settling a shitty snow city for 3x oil resources. The old system was clunky as fuck because of the encampment tie and then with 2 resources you just didn't care at all.

Art style is subjective, I think it's amazing
There have been literally who leaders both male and female in the series before, nothing politically correct about it.
What about the wonders? I think they are much stronger than in 5.
What's wrong with CV?

How did we go from this...

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Civ is an easy 4x game to get into and all Civ games have a single player. Just pick who you like since it doesn't really matter. There is a tutorial that tells you how to play. The game is about making your various numbers get bigger.

I'm already playing Civ IV though.

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All civs play the same in V. Pick anyone, go tradition, settle 3-5 cities, focus on growth and science and start spamming next turn. Civ5 is baby's first pc game.

Oh also, should I just get 6 instead, and ditch 5?

>playing Elanor(france)
>sit back and watch my empire passively consume neighboring civs like a virus

Man I forgot how ugly grids were. Hexagons were the best innovation of 5, probably.

You have 5, you may as well play it. It's a good game. We're just playing 6 because it is the next evolution. You haven't played 5 yet so feel free to enjoy it and try 6 if you like 5.

literally a normal mechanic in Civ IV. Fuck is Civ 6 shit.

They got rid of the tracking and illegal file snooping in the exe, but the SJW overtone remains and them forcing in civs no one has ever heard of and accomplished nothing because they can make a woman the leader is ridiculous garbage.

Literally the only DLC I bought. Proud to be a Pole.

It already was a mechanic, she just makes it easier.

Chciałbym wyrzucać jadwigę


Civ I had amaterasu as a leader, what is your point?

You haven't even played 6, have you? With both expansions it's the best Civ yet.

What are the civ noone heard of user? As for the leaders, once again, literally whos have always been a thing, civ2 had a japanese goddess. Civ5 also has garbage leaders and sjw undertones, it's not like 6 started it.

This. I’ve played every Total Wars, sans Rome 2, since Rome. I like 40k but couldn’t care less about Warhammer.

I know, that's why Civ 4 is still the best. Based Soren Johnson made the perfect game while zoomers worship Jon "faggot" Shafer

>best game of all time is worst in its series

IV is still my favorite, but VI is great. I enjoy the unstacking of districts and how religion can be completely avoided. He new expansion mostly fixed the AI and strategic readout was, but global warming was poorly implemented. It reaches level 7 way to fast, and then just stops.

Which version of their lie did they implement, anyway? The Classic Al Gore flavor where the entire Earth would become a desert or the Nu-AOC Flavor of "Climate Change" where anything at all changing proves their theory correct so places can get hotter AND colder?

I had my coal mines running at full force and I only lost a few coastal tiles. It's pretty insignificant.

>climate change is fake

Kill yourself Oil industry shill. You fucking kikes have ruined the earth enough as it is.

Ed Beach>Soren Johnson
Schaffer a shit tho.

Sea level rises, ice caps melt, and coastal tiles sink. Also disasters are more frequent. You can use dirty or clean energy. There are already mods to make it more brutal but they are all on steam and I'm a pirate fag so I have to wait for civfanatics mods.

As anyone poluted on purpose as much as possible to see the max amount of damage that can be done? I don't even bother with clean energy, just coal everything. Only annoyance is the river flood that can decimate a city.

Imagine being this retarded and uneducated.

Why do we allow high school dropouts on Yea Forums again?

I was hoping they'd be more creative and you can cause some Day After Tomorrow ice age shit too


Play Inca.

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Make some new screenshots, seen all yours many times now


V and IV is far more exciting through all ages.
V alliances trough religion early game and ideas through late game are also a good mechanic.
V's ideologies felt like a real battle of thought, pushing your culture to steal allies and force other players to give up cites , unlike the boring loyalty system from VI.
Also playing as Autocrat leader, doing art heists and Gunboat Diplomacy to win by vote felt amazing.

lol? what kind of standards do you have that you think any civ game has attention to detail

Can't wait to play a nice, peaceful ga-

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civ6 is still very bad. do not listen to the people trying to justify spending almost $200 on a bad game.

"climate change is fake" is closer to the truth than the popular conception of climate change prove me wrong

Then all the fucks who bitched about "muh sjw global warming propaganda" would bitch even more.
I also want day after tomorrow scenarios, but we will have to wait for mods. Firaxis didn't want GW to be a final boss, same with disasters. The game is not based AROUND them.

I want to be able to nuke volcanoes, I want the AI to nuke the planet if I'm clise to winning, and I want sea levels to drown the world. Not sure I want plains to turns to desert and shit because that would seriously fuck up all the wonders that have requirements.

It's impossible to enjoy CIV after realizing that the AI is too simple minded.
The AI can't keep up with the players decisions, so it resorts to stupid and incoherent decisions.
The AI can't defend their cities properly.
The AI isn't smartest with a higher difficulty, it just has more units/resources at the beginning.

The only interesting part in CIV is the early game: discovering the map and early fights. That's it. Afterwards it's a walk in the park.

Well my point is it's a bunch of bullshit anywhere so they should have included different mechanisms to make it a varied and fun mechanic.

what is with retarded amerimutts and their inability to compute basic math?

The ice caps melting and northern areas getting warmer is fake? Unironically kill yourself right now. I'm not going to try and convince a retard blind to obvious changes to the climate.

>yields off
>no river names
Literally lmaoing @ ur life rn

Here, have some yields.

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Climates change. That human activity causes vast change to the climate in mere decades when volcanos erupt pushing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in a week than humans have in the prior 15 years put together is what people call bullshit.

>Eleanore is shi-

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the game is better multiplayer but its so impractical and last time i tried it in v it broke almost every time


>2 eleanores

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>loool u have no army prepare for war lmao
>push her shit in
>omg wtf... fucking warmonger... why is this happening to me??? you're psycho omg

cute mommy

Nah. I'll stick with V. Beyond Earth disappointed me and I imagine Civ VI will too.

>trust nobody not even yourself

Why are these Civ games getting progressively worse aesthetics though?

How tf do I play Eleanor. How many GW are needed to flip a city? A fully loyal city has a lot of loyalty, and GW give only -1, how tf? Especially on higher diff when the AI quickly settles tons of land and you don't have many cities and need theaters fast for GW. Then later you get 5 GW, wow -5 loyalty, big deal. Am I retarded?

Civ6 curbstomps 5 like it's not even funny.

Hallyu with Eleanor breaks the game. Just spamming traders to cities you want to flip and then it'll flip. Notice that big black blob in the middle of the mongols? That's a city that was loyalty flipped even though it's in the absolute middle of the mongol empire.

Civ 6 looks pretty boring to be honest

Yeah Cleo is always a cunt

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Opinions. I think 6 has hands down the best art style, and unlike "serious realistic" look will age well. That's why they will release at least one more expansion, civ6 is very solid, no need to create a new engine and start from scratch, 6 will look and play good for a long time.

so, Vfags, what is it that you dislike about VI?
I prefer VI because of the following:
>district system, while V has nothing in place
>policy slots system with flexibility instead of being stuck with the policy system from V
>units die in ~2 attacks, in V it takes forever
>overall graphics look better
>I hate both art styles for the leaders from V and VI so it doesn't make a difference
>great people have unique effects instead of flat bonuses from V
>great people acquisition system
>the songs that change as you go through the ages

So what is it that you like about V? I heard that it's better for going vertical on cities instead of horizontal if you choose so.

Wait wait wait, did I miss something? Trade routes help a city flip? How early can I start flipping cities?

Why do you think so? It's the classic civ formula but with many more things to take care off and cool additions.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

>h-how dare you talk about video games on a video game image board

Are there actually people who like Civ 6?

Not judging by the way, genuinely curious. What do you like about it (especially the new expansion) and are there any parts that still feel slow to you?

I'd appreciate a well-rounded reflection on it.

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I honestly like all Civ games.

If the spyware is gone then maybe I'll actually consider buying the game now. That was what prevented me from buying it in the first place.

i love guitar

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Anons, what are your favorite modded civs for VI?

Basically, I'm the same as I don't think any Civ games are shit, with the exception of Beyond Earth. Never played the expansion to that, so it might be better than it was at launch, but w/e.

I like Civ 6's district system, I like warfare is in it, I like the various civs abilities, I fucking LOVE the music and I don't mind the artstyle. In fact, I fucking love the animations each leader has.

What I don't like though, is how fucking tedious the religious game is. There's so much fucking micromanaging, and you're getting assaulted by missionaries and apostles from basically every single civ. It's tedious and boring to play, and I have a hunch that they're gonna overhaul the religious game in the next expansion, if there's gonna be one. There wasn't any civs in GS that were designed to be played with a religious victory in mind.
Also, I like the whole climate game in GS, but it's a bit underwhelming. Not enough tiles are getting flooded/submerged and it goes to 100% ice melted way too fast.

How's the Switch version of Civ6?

The districts, no tall meme, spies are fun, city states are fun, great people are fun, warfare is more fun with strategic pillaging, the governors, the loyalty, civ that are unique to play unlike 5 where everything is a 4 city ttadition turtle science game, disasters, and phenomenal soundtracks.
It's not flawless but it nails so many things it's a must buy if you like civ games.

I like how you have to make room for things in your city, it makes you feel more involved. It could also be a knock but I do get a kick out of how fucking basic the leaders speak. They all talk like they're fourth graders, apart from the English speaking ones.


So let me get this straight from this thread alone

3 is worth playing
4 is still the best at many things
5 is unnecessary since 6 existed
And AC is pretty much the best Civ game ever made

Am I wrong?

Well, I just got civ VI and all its expansions for 20 dollars instead of 80 dollars, cause I was about to play Civ V for the first time and it gave me 75%off of civ vi bc of some loyalty offer.
Uh, I've never really played Civ before, but should I play Civ V or VI now that I own both. Civ VI looks really pretty and I'm more familiar with 6 than 5 bc of videos.

Oh yeah, to add to the whole leader screen thing.
I understand Firaxis as to why the leader backgrounds are just boring ass paintings, since making detailed 3DCG backgrounds are expensive and time consuming, but I think it's a shame that they're not there.
Also, some leader animations have really, really sloppy cuts. The Harald one where he says your coasts are too easy to raid especially comes to mind.

I'm not that guy but the fact that you like warfare in it mystifies me. Maybe the new expansion fixed it, but it is such a pain in the ass to wage war with the first expansion. It doesn't matter how much stronger I am then my enemies, the fact that they are across the ocean means I need to put everything on hold and just wait so the people don't rebel and automatically go back to the weaker civilization. It is so god damn slow, when it was already slow enough with it being a glorified map painting simulator after the early game.

I really want them to take another shot at Beyond Earth. As people said there was a lot of fun mechanics. Quest system was such cool idea, as well as their ties to affinity.
And OST was godlike.

Spyware is long gone and many games still use it. And btw, as soon as you go online your data is stolen, privacy does not exist. The "spyware" in 6 was just used to track the sales/ads/preorder ratio, if you have windows 10, facebook, a phone or anything that coonnects to the internet, all your data is stolen.

6 since you already owned it

fuck spies. I really really hate them.

I bet her in game model doesn't look as cute

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The waifus are shit. Those 3D model make me want to puke. Diplomacy is too easy.
I miss the world congress from civ 5 too.

Civ games are always made for kids, in the good way. More kids should play these games instead of Fortnite or other BR games.

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Yeah the AI is still terrible, but it's the little things, like the pillaging that gives different yields based on the tile, bombers bombing improvements or the little cliff thingy around certain coasts making great defenses. Also GDR that look like fucking metal gears.

Also the fact that unlike the abortion civ5 was, you don't get punished for having more cities. Playing Alex, with the amazing and epic UA, and going to the edge of the world, is unironically epic. When you can SEE the city you conquer, with many districts and magestic wonders, it's really fucking good.

oh yeah, I forgot to say "except Beyond Earth", easily the worst of the series. I guess it helps I played through all of them

she, vicky and eleanor are fighting on cuteness


>I forgot to say "except Beyond Earth", easily the worst of the series.
>I don't think any Civ games are shit, with the exception of Beyond Earth.
I guess you really hate Beyond Earth huh


on I was the one being quoted earlier on "I like all Civ games", I just blocked out Beyond Earth. I have no idea what they were doing there.

t. puritanist f*ggot

>the game still turns to shit at endgame with the shitty mandatory production per city even when the city doesn't even need anything
>still having to manually select future science and culture every 2 turns even when you have maxed out everything
Having +10 cities shouldn't be this tedious

There is a production queue now, just queue all your projects. If you conquer you can have 30+ cities easily.

It makes things better however the micromanagement is still awful especially since you can't chose to not produce anything for some cities that already fine

>two Eleanores

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Civ2 is still best Civ. 1 is kind of outdated but still good. 3 is just ok, 4 is bland, 5 is shiny but at least better than 3/4, and 6 was an unnecessary stupid cash grab.

Original Alpha Centauri is still 10/10 the best ever.

lmao co za frajer

Aliénor s'il te plait burger

I do think that 6 is better than 3/4/5, with the expansions.
But 2 is still peak civ

jadwigas hips is the best thing tha came out of civ 6

>Jadwiga as ruler of Poland

based and islandpilled
>that random as fuck flying superhero dude

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Nie wiem o co ci chodzi, dała się wydupczyć przez zagranicznego kutasa i zdechła przy porodzie. Bazowa Polka.

Post her feet RIGHT NOW!!!!

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