Why do western game devs make asian and black female characters so ugly?
What are they afraid of?
Why do western game devs make asian and black female characters so ugly?
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>Why do western game devs make asian and black female characters so ugly?
The same reason that God did
White people who are secretly racist against non-white people want them to be really ugly in media so that white people won't want to breed with non-white people.
Because liberals understand that minorities are ugly but they are beautiful just the way they are.
You racist.
Why do (you) insist it's not an accurate portrayal? and how is this vidya anyhow? Can't get any nibbles in the big boy /po(o)l/ or something?
Its really accurate though.
SJW white people are more racist than anything. Now niggas are tyrning against them thanks to the whole funimation scandel.
I'm not convinced they actually can make good-looking ones anymore.
What is this, that thumbnail doesn't look very promising
yeaht thats exactly whats happened in the cartoon industry.
sjws and landwhale tumblrinas make them fucking ugly.
>when you realise /pol/ were the good guys all along.
>Funimation scandal
Do people actually think Nadine is ugly? Like sure she isn't the epitome of beauty, but she looks pretty good for a merc
>funimation scandal
What happened?
Oh shit
Hoof with the shell removed.
She's fuck ugly
You 4channers are fucking pathetic
Grow up
Hoofless hoof
Some can’t, but if the dudes are hot and good looking, and the women are troll faced , or with Alloy where everything in the world is exquisite, except her face, some shits up
horses hoof without the hoof, its pretty much like if i were to take a nail off your finger completely off. some times the hoof isnt growing right so you gotta take it all off and let it grow back correctly.
Thats a horse foot user, a horse foot without a hoof
I think its an f u to the higher ups for forcing devs to add unecessary diversity into their games. Or like your pic aswell(virtue signalling gone wrong as usual).
>thinks that someone who paints themselves as a savior of minorities opposing a vague villainous threat they made up themselves (le whiteness, le white supremacy) is anything but a scammer trying to control people's minds for their own goals
The voice of Broly was accused of Rape and funimation some voice actors like fucking Gokus VA claimed he's been raping girls at cons for over 10 years. Surprise Surprise it was false but they fired him anyway and also since he's working on the shield hero anime they bashed him even more because the main character gets falsely accused of rape just like him. Vic is also suing Funimation I believe
We prefer to be called "4channelers" thank you very much
Okay but why, how was that relevant to the thread in any way
horse foot with the hoof completely removed.
It doesnt help your argument being a ragging autist, now does it?
I'm black user, I have had more people on here willing to befriend me and speak on my own than any sjw.
agree. i feel a bunch of niggas chicanos and azns actually have joined it and come to the realization that sjws are a bunch of hypocritical and insecure whites and their bootlickers, and turned into anti-sjws. its pretty different from other -gate movements.
um, sweaty, this is, like, 4channel here now so please call us 4channelers instead or you'll have to be reported
Westerners reject all forms of traditional and natural beauty. Have you seen the shit that passes for "art" these days?
shit if i ever watch dragon ball ill have to use subs now.
nice bait
It's called gore-posting, newfag.
Is horse going to be alright?
I'll be frank im racist and i hate niggers but once I saw an interview of some butt naked africoon tribes woman and she was objectively very beautiful with high cheek bones and symmetrical festures. she could be a model.
So is beautiful afreakan women possible?... yes it is.
Even fucking Vegetas VA came out and said Vic is homophobic. It's funny because Sabat called some twitter users faggot before this scandel.
I love how tokenism and caricature art has made a comeback in some twisted sense of self righteousness
Not my west. its communist subvesives from china and eastern europe
Except the bottom pretty much is what most black females look like. I honestly commend western artists for portraying black females as the disgusting beings they are, rather than making them look like white people with brown skin (something the japs do pretty frequently).
Japs can even make nigresses sexy.
Get your fucking shit together westerners.
I noticed this with overwatch, tumblr kept drawing overwatch characters as ugly niggers.
Even the devs made symmetra have a big nose man face.
Good to know user, thanks for stopping by.
>black woman
>obviously greek
>those skinny eithopian twig shins
Even Chinese and Soviet art appreciated beauty better than the west
But once all the artists who made "peasant girl working in the field" style statues died, it became the same as the west, aka inane geometric shapes and abortion
Your personal ideals may represent true western culture but it doesn't change the fact that squirting spaghettios out of your pussy is considered high art in the current west.
SJWs went apeshit even over this. Simply put, they cant accept beautiful POC characters. Fucking hypocrites
They arent its fetishistic and the industry allows it
>inane geometric shapes
Asians are ugly without their plastics and make up
Post one, 1 naturally pretty asian
Was vic an asshole to them(the VAs)?. What a vile and cruel thing to do. Planning out as a group to falsely accuse someone in a group effort to get them fired. They should be shot in the backs of their heads for this degree of treachery. Falsely accusing someone should be as illeagal as a call for action or threatening to kill a public figure. This bullshit is getting out of hand. The consequences arnt serious enough it would seem
That wasn't really a thing back then. People went ape shit over the fact that originally the game was white man Chris mowing down hordes of machete wielding Africans. So they threw in Sheva and made the mob diverse. But only the first shanty town mob, after that it's literal spear chuckers and ak-47 wielding general butt naked's army.
My wife
Clearly only half black at most.
This kind of shit right here makes me a deist.
Look at this. This is a structure. Someone or something constructed this.
Vic is a very emotional and caring person, he ua the last person that you'd think someone would blame for rape. He doesn't deserve any of this but because this is happening to so many superstars something might actually get done.
Women in general are pretty ugly without any cosmetics. It's rare to find naturally beautiful women. It doesn't help that women like pic related are everywhere in public and skew perception of what most women look like.
I thought that site shutdown
She's from west Africa user.
You do realize not all blacks look like that? I prefer idealized appearances for all races
What makes you think that the nicest person on earth cant be a rapist
This, asians are the ugliest race by a mile. Like genuinely a sin against humanity with their vile, souless faces and zero empathetic personality that are basically non-existent. Im really talking about the chinese, usa asians are fine and usually better looking
No it's a living organism. A structure is something built by a living organism.
It's called evolution bruh.
Yea but Shemmel has always been a whiny white knight of course he sides with the accusers
not an argument
She looks cuter without the makeup.
He wouldn't be the nicest person on earth if he was a rapist now would he?
No the journos and posters who were nitpicking it already had the same SJW mindset like Neofags. It can be proven that only SJWs STILL criticize her costumes like Restera SJW scum.
You're fucking blind or gay then.
it's clearly built with the intent of dividing and managing weight and sustaining a body.
This shit is way too sophisticated to be the product of simple trial and error.
>its another "Greeks aren't white" episode
Fuck off, retardera
this is actually pretty creative. Not just one afro but two afros. Afro pigtails.
I'll bet you like those plastic sameface k-pop whores.
they need to get "gamer gurls" to buy games. most non-american women girls are triggered by pretty asian girls. in fact, look at the new ada in REmake2. they made her look older; this isn't a sequel. actually, capcom has been doing a lot of this lately. look at the handler from MHW, all three girls in the new DMC -- and from what i remember, they plastered the handler right in the middle of primetime TV ads.
but let's take it even further. i live in the US and i know asian girls who act completely white, but they are also triggered by pretty asian girls and animu stuff. if i said just "asian girls," then this would be normal because girls trigger other girls. but they are also triggered by animu girls (which some of them actually look like). is this conditioning, Yea Forums? if i were a pretty asian girl, i'd want to be seen as a pretty animu girl. this girl i know has a bf and he bought her qt nekomimi cat ear headphones and she said
>u just want me to look like one of those anime girls
and she never wore them
Roots of plants, lighting and animal veins all almost identical. Inteligent design is seen in nature all the time. Ive seen these fish that create perfect geometric looking circles in the ocean floor sand to attract a mate. It's quite interesting.
sorry, meant "most american* women" in the second sentence
If Greeks are White, Ashkenazi Jews are White. If the latter are White, the foundations of White Nationalism are sewage, deceit, and fairytales. INB4: "Ashken Jews say they're not White so I believe them! They always lie except about this one thing!"
Yes, nature constructed it over 3.5 billion years of natural selection. If someone poured water into a jar would you be surprised that the water takes the form of that jar?