Uh oh! You've been caught pirating games and the police are right at your door!
How do you respond to the judge when they take you to court?
Uh oh! You've been caught pirating games and the police are right at your door!
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are the police american and why am I being judged on american laws?
I'd rather die than go to prison!
proof that i downloaded the torrent?
Mr. user, was it? After entering your home, the police obtained a warrant to search your computer. After looking at your search history, the police were able to find that you visited a torrent site. They also found out that the files of the torrented media were created on the same day and shortly after you visited the aforementioned torrent site.
because you stole american property and the USA is requesting your country to put you into trial. duh
"It wasnt me"
I don't own a PC
Well someone else must have used my computer
that still doesn't proof that i downloaded the torrent, could have been somebody else using my pc.
The police reported that the user name on the computer is "user" and the password associated with the account is "NiaIsBestGirl"
how do you respond to that?
I didn't break any laws.
Wasn't me, judge! Must have been someone else who also appreciates Nia. But hey, Nia IS best girl!
My roommates know the password to my pc, so this still doesn't proof that it was me who downloaded the torrent.
Yaaarrr and a bottle of rum!
You're roommate denies the allegations
I find and guilty as fuck
I sentence you 5 years of nothing but Sony games exclusives
downloading a game from the internet isn't a crime, at least not in my country
So, your roommates know your computer's password? Then why even have a password on your computer in the first place?
>You're roommate denies the allegations
I also deny them
Not them but I request that also so I can finally finish Dark Cloud and play 2
So mommy doesn't see my Horror Porn
Aren't you an attorney for the defense?
According to the official EU studies piracy doesn't harm sales so I haven't caused any damage so they have no ground to sue me on
they literally cant do shit they are only legally obligated to notify you IP is not a valid proof of ID
buying games on steam isn't pirating your honor.
Even if the price is a steal.
Is this some kind of April Fools joke?
I have a password so total strangers can't log in. I also deny downloading the torrent, but i don't have to provide proof.
I just fall through the stairs and wait for Alyx to beat them up for me
Granted but with no memory card
Shut up, Gaben.
take a page outta soulja boy
>no memory card
Itl be like when I was a kid all over god damn it oh well I can just broken dagger any boss
>I'm FBI, I was doing research on matters of national security.
I don't. I let my lawyer respond.
Found the american.
This whole case is based on the premise that company X has incurred a monetary loss through piracy. They can't prove however that not pirating the product would have resulted in a purchase
>Another shitposting thread
Might as well make jokes
Hey anons. Why is it illegal to kill yourself?
Because you're destroying government property.
I bet your fun at parties.
This says......... a lot about........................ our......................................... society........................................................
Your honor, this is all I have to say:
Yeah, cuz I actually get invited to them.
take a shit and smear it on the door
no one wants to open a shitty door
They didn't release it on Steam.
But your honor, GoD Games went down before I had a chance to use it, so that's clearly impossible!
Do not use that word to describe copying of files as it has nothing in common with killing people and pillaging ships on the high seas.
Draw yourself behind the witness stand
They have no case against FILE SHARING
1. They have to prove my IP belongs to me. IP addresses are not tied to street addresses.
2. They have to prove I am the one who did it. IP addresses are not tied to a persons identity.
3. They need to get a confession out of me that I am the one who actually did it. If I never confess to any actual downloads they don't have shit on me
4. They have to prove that I violated copyright law. I did not buy, sell, distribute, steal, or otherwise illegally obtain a copy of copyrighted material. Downloading/file sharing is not illegal, even if it's copyrighted material, it's merely grounds for a civil suit, which they will win. Everyone says it's illegal but they never point to any laws. These people would also have you believe that ripping music from a CD that you bought is also illegal.
Go ahead and download something from 1990. Nobody will bat an eye. Download something from 2019? They'll come after you. They only care about what they can make a profit off of. You can be sued, but my ass isn't going to jail (legally anyways. In the case of the pirate bay, there was bias all over the place, IE the judge was indirectly hired by several clients going after the pirate bay.)
But I pirated Japanese games.
I am a pirate
>Your honor, why pay for something when you can get it for free
Only correct answer
It was a joke
I wasnt going to buy it anyway
Y-your honor please! I already watched a lets play of the last of us. You can't possibly expect me to want to play that game!