Who will be revealed for Granblue Versus at the anniversary event?
Who will be revealed for Granblue Versus at the anniversary event?
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>that side boob
there's like three fucking granblue threads you idiot, go back to
Someone had fun modelling these armpits. Also that tit size is perfect. I rate it 9/10.
Does Granblue have good characters?
I wonder if Cygames really cares about the game becoming popular in the west. It was weird how the trailer had nearly all the text in English, yet it was revealed at a Japanese event. And they sponsored EVO, but I'm not sure if they sponsored EVO Japan.
At the same time it doesn't feel like a real western marketing push has begun. I feel like they will start bombarding us soon.
What rabbit? she clearly has human female body features you dumbass
But isn't it just a shitty gacha game series?
more like evo main game for ten years starting this year
But if it has shitty IP and is not a airdasher, who cares?
How will they pay Wiz off in McRibs if Lyria eats them all first?
>dbfz not even at evo japan
more like dead on arrival
KMR can easily make mcrib forget everything about his core values
They're name is already plastered all over EVO, he probably has to at this point.
Just imagine the butt hurt if GBV and SmashU were given the top slots for top 8. WB will likely pay for MK11 to be up there as well.
Djeeta must be playable or I RIOT
Didn't they confirm her for Relink already? It would be really weird for her to appear in that game and not in Versus desu.
They were willing to do an alt for Videl, so maybe they are expanding into that a bit more. But Djeeta would be a bit more difficult than what Videl got
Vira probably.
Would kill for Ayer or Feather or even Ghanda since I legit want to just punch everything to victory.
I already uncapped the event light weapon, what's the point of extra copies?
Fodder for other SSR weapon skill levels.
Skill fodder and reduction material if you're desperate for it.
When do the ten draws start dropping for the countdown event?
Who cares about shitty anime waifu gambling simulator?
Toot Toot.
imma take that tooter
Best harvin
punished Mimlemel, a harvin denied her toot
When is said event? I want dragon tits to be playable.
She will forever be permitted toots
Needs more bonnito
This franchise has turned me into such a pitfag degenerate
I'm ashamed
Oh hey they confirmed Sandypants is getting 5*
i expect many will get a five star
>1 button combo game
>being popular for more than a few weeks
this post is not sponsored by cygames
Why is Eugen's voice terribly compressed and not fully voiced for some parts of the game?
Can't believe they are launching a no buttons fighter
VA had japanese flu when those parts were being made. He got better later and the new story chapters have him fully voiced again.
Oh boy, that's an unfortunate nickname.
Vira please.
I want another game with my main voiced by Imai Asami.
I want Charlotta 2.0 in.
Who cares desu desu
Do I max out my Bahamut dagger skill level? It's at level 5 at the moment and it takes like 35 SSR weapons to get to 10. When can I upgrade it to Coda? I just reached rank 80.
Me you little food vacuum
Better than rolling an R shmorky
yes, max it, theres a sizeable boost in skill power at max, iirc to get Coda you just need 5 of Bahamut HL horns, so at 101 you could technically get it, of course IF you can get into a Baha HL and not leech/get in the way of it being cleared
This but with the armpit
>love granblue
>hate that arcsys is making meme anime games instead of another guilty gear
i hope that this plays more like guilty gear so that it can scratch that itch for a bit. GG collab with GBF when?
It is more like SF according to cygames. A new GG seems to be on the way anyway.
Kengou Djeeta.
Yaia as an assist (attack and metre gain up).
can't wait for this character to be shit
What do you need for kengonito except kengo and nito?
Why is Djeeta such an unapologetic slut?
My wife please
A dog, a lesbian dragon in a swimsuit and master Yoda or bookman.
>drill sergeant from hell
Because she's a horny assertive teenager.
Isn't it wonderful.
She needs to keep her crew contributing.
And best gap moe.
Bull husbando.
She's inside Katalina
The other five that were hinted the first trailer
Lowain, Metera, Zeta, Vaseraga and Percival
Maybe we might get Vira, Calig and the katana draph whose name I don't remember too
I'm inside her
Do people still hate her? Back when I played gbf the general frequently seethed about her.
I love my wife Beatrix!
That isn't the great sage
Vira will have a different finisher where she literally fucking kills Lowain and friends because they glanced at Katalina
I hope we get some special super animations
i want groobers to go.
Do you not hate her?
>instead of another guilty gear
Are you retarded?
They already said that Ishiwatari is working on a new one.
I dont
I really want Hellesena in, best cow. Not only because of boobs but because her va goes fucking ham everytime with her. The fact she's full /m/ is a bonus.
Cygames money will keep players playing and the game within Mr.Wiz's core values. Especially considering Cygames has been sponsoring EVO for a few years already.
Why is Djeeta not localised as Syta?
Shits n giggles. Cygames is too busy giving characters puns and mlp references.
- Gran
- Katalina
- Charlotta
- Ferry
- Lancelot
- Percival
- Vaseraga
- Zeta
- Metera
- Lowain
>100% IN
- Zooey
- Beatrix
- Vane
- Grea
- Amira
- Olivia
- Yuel
- Jeanne
- Black Knight
- Orchid
- Sturm
- Drang
- Shiro
- Magisa
- Korwa
- Lady Grey
- Sara
- Heles
- Ilsa
- Eustace
- Sen
- Albert
- Aliza
I love my high chance Bea!
>no albert, vampy OR cerberus, cygames maskot trio characters
At least 1 of them will get in
Doesn't Cygames have a boner for him?
You forgot ArcSys OC
If Grea and Orchid are in, I'm satisfied.
It will be at this years regular evo and next years japan one.
Harada already dealt with those problems.
>female Drang
What's the deal with Bonito? I don't get it.
watch your tongue, that's his grandma
well, i have news for her
i like GILF
It's just yummy
fully uncapped Bonito offers 100% water atk increase and will trigger the FULL effect of its summon call, which is 200% ougi to everyone
pair that up with Kengo and Vajra who have 200% ougi bar cap
pair that up with Kaneshige and its ougi effect of giving everyone free meter(at least I think thats the effect?)
Pair it up with summer Grea and her link buffs
Welcome to onepunch man, water edition
Is a good fish and its yummy.
2 button fighter. This is very likely just using Blade Strangers controls and gameplay style but polished out the ass.
that sounds pretty yummy
I just started and my light team can into one turn but everytime a kengo joins I lose
Yeah no shit. Kenotranny needs literally only one click to do what mechanic does and better too.
>mlp references.
Anne's fate episode is just called friendship is magic
They've tried to make Shadowverse the biggest card game in west. They've poured a fuckton of money into it.
They've paid for ads, streamers, YouTube channels etc to shill it but it still failed. Cygames wants to dominate the world and I think they will succeed with Granblue. We're also getting a JPRG Granblue game soon.
Not happening while mtg and hearthstone exist
Reminder that Cygames saved anime with Zombieland Saga
wasn't that the interesting anime that turned into another idol anime three episodes in?
If we even get DJ then I want runeslayer DJ because it's cool as fuck.
They got further than cardfight vanguard so that's something at least.
It was always meant to be an idol show, just a funnier one with a neat gimmick and really solid character writing
That movement feels that it is missing a couple of frames.
i want to touch those ears.
I want to fuck those ears.
wish she didn't dress like a clown
She just need to get rid of that lame leopard bikinis.
>leopard bikini
what a retard
she would be better in a leopard bikini.
You can't stop the Sandal-train now
Imagine unironically wanting Tekken-like gameplay or shitshow like GG/BB
as opposed to what
bet you suck dick at all of those games
Don’t care he has a boner for Lucius, he is still my husbando, I know he tried to destroy the world but he is just misunderstood, I can fix him.
>VA had japanese flu
And he didn't die immediately? Impossible!
Belial > Sandal
>sandalphon doesn't know metatron
aren't they supposed to be twins
I don't think Sandy has a confirmed kill count so at worst he was an asshole TRYING to kill everyone
I dunno, I just like the idea that he was punished by spending thousands of years in heavenly garden
Isn't Metatron LuciFAA's light half.
You mean actual fighting games?
give me orchid or give me paizuri though i was going tos ay death werent you
evo lineup announcement soon, will gbfvs be on sunday? will it even be main stage? will it even come out before evo?
I can already see Orchid and Cag.
They have recognizable personalities for that kind of game.
The silent doll with puppet and the cute with devil voice loli.
Will it even be out before EVO?
I think it's a bit too late for it to be on this year's evo lineup
This is why Bara is best.
ok, I'm leaving for FGO now
That not a real accomplishment considering how retarded bushiroad manage vanguard.
I don't know shit about your game but the sluts are 10/10
Did they get Ben Garrison to make this comic?
I'm just waiting for some Mai + Cagliostro fanart to start popping up.
There was 8 months between DBFz announcement and release and there is 8 months between GBFV announcement and EVO.
They will reveal the games on February 26, so it's maybe too soon, but they could totally have a deal with Cygames and tell to watch the GBF Anniversary stream to have more infos about the game.
It would be a good advertising move.
I'm ready for another Mike Z meltdown
they also rushed bbtag out the door for last year's evo
>EVO main game sticker on box
The new GG will almost certainly be announced this Summer.
>In an alternate universe Skullgirls won the bid war against melee and became relevant instead of melee's revival.
>Mike wouldn't be as salty of a bitch and I could have my Filia in UNIST
Feels bad.
I just want Feather
Hoping for Vania, Cagliostro, or Fenrir!
I want uncle cog to only be a background character
What day is the anniversary event?
At the end of the anniversary countdown event in game.
I meant the stream, not the in-game event
I don't even play Granblue but I can't help to click on this webm everytime someone posts it. The animation and the way she conforts the scared blue flame creature is so wholesome...
stream is 9.3
September third?
Ninth of march
my prediction from their popularity and gameplaywise
>guarantee in
>probably in
Grea/Anne (shilling anime)
>probably not but maybe
Lady Grey
>please be in I dont care if its paid DLC
cant believe I just waste 10 mins of my life listing this shit for a thread that is about to die
I doubt any of them will be in.
They are all in the Grandcypher stage and the focus is on them for RelinK.
Nah, with Percival and Lancelot in the game, Sieg is clearly on the top of the list.
I am certain Yuel will be in because she's popular enough to be in and her seiyuu loves fighting games and is butt-buddy with ArcSys
No it wouldn't have, Skullgirls goes against EVO's core values. They still took the money tho.
Io JK and Eugen sure
since their archetype overlapped with a lot of other characters
but there is no way Arc will past up making rackam sliding around going Duray in their game
the same reason Dauna will be in because they just want to make a puppeteer character
same with Vas for a big grapple character
Bigger question is whether or not they feature anyone past Ferry's introduction.
I just want Lecia
Will the legend of rackham costumes be available?
For Relink? Maybe
For Versus? lolno
I think the story mode will be set after the current story, probably like a spin off adventure but we will be able to play some past events, so it's strange.
I'm sure Vira is in since Ferry was just after her arc.
I can see Sturm, Drang, Black Knight and Orchid too since they were all important and revelant at the time.
I'm just after Ferry's Arc, so I don't know if there is a lot of other major characters before Lecia.
IIRC the only other noteworthy character introduced before you meet the Enforcers is Noa, who doesn't really play an important role until recently in the new chapters.
They failed not because of marketing, but because of a terrible set of expansions that threw balance out of the window and kept introducing randomness when their claim to fame was that their game wasn't rng fest like HS was.
I don't give a fuck about the game, but I'd lick her armpits.
More importantly, what music track will they reveal?
I'm banking on youtube.com
Cerberus, Vampy and Urias pls.
I'm going to make a terrible mistake and start playing this game. When exactly do all those anniversary free rolls start?
I rarely buy a game solely because it looks good, but I have to think about it in this case.
She's in.
The 9th
right now it's the countdown so you can get one free daily with the reset happening in an hour and a half. The big rolls probably wont begin for another week though.
Name a character you want in and how they will play
I want Lamretta with a Chin style drinking meter
You idiots she's not his Grandma. she's his grandma's sister.
This, her spooky cunny is unsullied
Will she ever get buffed or is she doomed to stay in the trash pile forever?
I wanna spook that cunny.
I heard it is spooks only
Here's your protagonist.
fuck this nigger, fuck nina, and fuck virgin soul in general
The sequel is really THAT bad?
I need to watch the first season
The sequel completely shit on everything that made the first season good.
Did the director commit honorable sudoku?
I want box
Sandalphon. But honestly I just hope that we'll have at least the reveal of a character that doesn't have his weapon in the logo.
>long-range normals
>does more damage the lower her life is
>can purposely lower her life to gain a hit of armor
>supers have her transform into Deirdre
So a worse summer Zooey?
cute potato
If Zooey's playable, I doubt it'd be her summer version.
First human: Katalina
First Erune: Ferry
First Potato: Charlotta
First Cow: ???
First Primal: ???
No cows will be in
Don't care about granblue girls.
Im still hoping for true cygames goodness to make it in.
They can go with:
>Full Sword/Shield
>Full Gun/Shield
>Shield Gun/Sword Stance
>Sword/Shield with Gun specials and/or Gun/Shield Super
>Gun/Shield with Sword Specials and/or Sword/Shield Super
Why would a Granblue game have non-Granblue characters in it
Did they give a lot of crystals at the last anniversary?
>another shitty one button lightshow
Fuck just take ASW out next to SNK and capcom's fighting game division and put a bullet in all of them.
shadowverse gets advertised a lot more in japan, they just paid a couple of streamers to show the game like twice on their stream
Because he's severely brain damaged.
GBF Jannu > FGO Jannu
Alter Jannu > Dark Jannu
remember don't lewd the potato
fatties can't be lewd
Does Favaro have any chance at all of being in? Even if S2 seemingly destroyed that entire sub-series