Time and time again, every fucking game Yea Forums gets hyped about is trash and every game they mock are the hidden gems that are actually fun. Yea Forums has bad taste in games.
Time and time again...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking this. I'm having a ton of fun with it.
Reminder that Owen did NOTHING wrong.
Are you saying Anthem is hyped trash or a hidden gem? I can't tell.
I've played the beta, it's hot garbage.
Games pretty good apart from the shitty load screens
Owen is a coward and by betraying his Freelancer did do wrong.
Improvements have been made over the open beta, and the full game is much more fun. It's a quality little looter shooter.
>yfw you didnt fall for the hype
t. Haluk
Yea Forums has shit taste but this game is mediocre trash
The only thing that mattered was jetpacks and they fucked that up.
Stop shilling. It's a piece of shit and nothing good has come out of it
What is the best way to get to 30? Quickplay or Stongholds?
It's unironically fun too early to really complain. Just got to level 15 Colossus main
seems boring and generic. fine if you like that sort of thing but I wouldn't go as far as defining it as hidden or a gem let alone calling others out for bad tastes when you are the one who likes boring generic games
Haluk is a fat fuck has been who clings to past glory. His own bull headedness got the other two Lancers killed and then he blames you the person who saved his ass.
They need to fix the drop rate on grandmaster 2+. Grind an entire stronghold without a single masterwork. Right now it just more efficient in rushing grandmaster 1 than higher difficulty
>looter shooter
Oxymoron. The entire genre is trash.
Quick because Stonghold is full of mouth breathers who can't find their own asshole.
>Yea Forums gets hyped about
Nigga what, no one was excited for this game. There were hardly any threads about it before the demo, and the threads that did pop up died quickly. After the demo it was nothing but shitposting about the poor design, bugs and network issues.
There was never a hype stage for Anthem on this board.
>Improvements have been made over the open beta
the day 1 patch introduced more bugs than before. The game is unstable. Lying sack of human waste
I can't fucking wait for all the astroturfers to die on the streets
Reminder to never preorder games
Why is Sev so moe? I want to tie him up and throw him into a pit of spiders to watch his reaction.
>Improvements have been made over the open beta
yes, the loading times now only take 4 minutes rather than 5.
>Destiny 2: forsaken
>get's ignored by Yea Forums after vanilla believing that is dead
>/dg/ is back and the new content is fantastic
>the reaction of warframe is everyone saying that is a grindfest with nothing to do but a waste of time
>everyone loves it
>Yea Forums had hopes on anthem to be warframe and destiny killer because muh mecas
>gets fucking destroyed day of release
OP is delusional
That guy got outed as a shill.
What really surprises me is how far some people go to be contrarians on this board. Nobody gave a fuck about Anthem or expected it to be any good. On release it is absolutely mediocre at best, it fails in a lot of aspects and there's not a single thing you can say it does "really well". It was the most "it's okay/10" game ever. Then reviews start rolling in where even the big publications confirm this sentiment, threads get made shitting on it and almost immediately you start seeing contrarians praising it.
How can anyone say this extremely mediocre, buggy 2019 AAA game is a "hidden gem" with a straight face?
This game is fun to me also but it has glaring issues like separating your gear, quest hub, and social hub divided by load screens. They should have pushed this game back far enough to be a launch title for the new Xbox. The audio is great and I can only imagine what it's like to play in a full theater room as a Colossus. They need to get rid of this mid mission teleportation shit yo
EA pays me.
>hidden gems
Anthem was so terrible it retroactively made me rethink what I consider a mediocre game and go give Destiny 2 a shot. So far I've been enjoying my time.
>Rhino casting fist
user, that's atlas's power and he's shit.
Bad comic.
>It's a quality little treadmill for loot crates
kill yourself, shill
Imagine how fun it will be in the future once the true full game is released.
It'd be more surprising if he wasn't
Speed through corridors, kill enemies using speedy movement and interesting weapons. Several choices of warframes all with unique abilities that cater to your playstyle.Open world sections exist and have multiple secrets and no loading screens. In game currency can be traded with other players, creating a nice cashflow for those with a functioning brain to bargain with.
Soar around like a garbage bin in the wind with differently colored weapons with stat variations as you fight bullet sponges. Abilites only do decent damage if you burst them all out at once. Open world has more loading screens than a literal loading screen simulator. In-game currency can only be bought.
>everyone saying that is a grindfest with nothing to do but a waste of time
I'm gonna be honest; the two open world areas kinda killed off my interest in the game. PoE was interesting at first, but I honestly could not fucking care about grinding rep for bullshit anymore. I didn't really like doing it for syndicates and I sure as fuck don't like doing it for these communities.
I love how people can defend Destiny regardless of how much content it has now. You do realize that hundreds of thousands of players have spent over $140 so far just for Destiny to get to a point that most games are expected to be at on release? And they're still not done charging you up the ass for seasonal expansions.
I don't care how fun a game is - if they're going to charge me for every tiny little fucking thing that would've been a free update in any other game that released in the state that Destiny did, they can go fuck themselves.
Yes it really shines a light on what they did correct, but I'd still rather play an Anthem game with all the things destiny did right
See, I'm not even saying Anthem is doomed to failure. Maybe it will indeed get better, maybe they will patch things up and release enough content over the years that later down the line it's actually a fun game to pick up with a friend and go through it. Even something like No Man's Sky that went down in infamy managed to get things together to some extent, even though it didn't become some amazing game.
So cool, maybe Anthem will be a good game some day, what I don't get are these "early adopters" who get the game at full price right now and stick through all the shit and bugs talking about how Warframe/Destiny/Division all had issues on launch and the reviews are just short-sighted.
i went into opposite reaction
i have near 2000 hours in destiny and 1500 in destiny, I wanted some refreshin experiences after getting everything in the black armory exotics
I expected the legendaries of this game to be the same fun as the exotics in d2, what i got is just the same gun but with a skin and some stupid stats, so now I'm thinking about the division 2, it couldn't be worse that this piece of garbage
>o now I'm thinking about the division 2
Don't. Just don't.
Quick play if you don't constantly get stuck in a bugged lobby.
>i have near 2000 hours in destiny and 1500 in destiny
Jesus christ. Well I played a bit of Destiny back when it was free and very quickly passed a judgement of the game being okay but probably not worth my time, since it seemed rather mediocre and like it did nothing especially well. Anthem made me rethink that so hard since I wanted something a bit like it but that was competently made. It's working as a co-op FPS campaign with a friend to boot, so it's really worth it.
No wonder you needed a refreshing experience, I've been really liking my time in D2 but I can't imagine I'll be putting literally thousands of hours on it. Good luck to anyone who puts a thousand hours into something like Anthem.
Köln niggers BTFO
From what I've seen, the general consensus from this site has been that this game was going to be dogshit.
I've seen it for months until the games release. People who advocate for the game have been called shills nonstop. I tried the demo, it was great to fly but otherwise a shallow game with barebones content.
if people waste more than 120 buckos in maintaining a account in WoW per year, I'm in my right to waste 120 in this game
I admit it, I bought this game in release and suffered CoO and Warmeme but if you buy forsaken now you receive the other 2 dlc's, I'm not saying that you are wrong, i fucking hate the "annual pass" idea creating the biggest fucking paywall of all time
Then why are you supporting it?
Holy shit Owen was bad, not even because his character sucks but because they clearly didn't know where to take him. He flopped several times within minutes of each other.
getting all the content takes time, d2 vanilla was a piece of cake ride because the rates of the unique items were so high, in forsaken to get an exotic is a pain in the ass for the low rates or because the challenging questlines of the items.
destiny 1 was even worse, it was a rarity to find someone with a gjallahorn y1 in vanilla
read or watch some reviews.
they will tell you that flying and map and graphics were the greatest things about this game. i thought it was great during demo too, because all i was looking for was " is the base combat better than warframe?does flying work?", but it turns out the amount of content, mission variety, story and the whole way the game handles the story is just dogshit.Thank god i didn't buy after playing it for 3 hours because i would have dropped after an extra 3.
I gameshare so it was free and I'm enjoying it. With these types of games they always leave you begging for more. Never enough game on release date. Burn out and never return is probably what I'll do. If it doesn't keep me hooked, but I imagine new javelins, weapons, map expansions, etc
>Yea Forums ever getting excited over Bioware again
Did you wake up from a long coma? Who here seriously thought Bioware wouldnt this up?
I heard D2 does heavy timegating in the end game, is this true? In a game like Diablo 3 I don't mind the drop rates being anything because I can play as much as I want and scale the difficulty/rewards up or down if I'm prioritizing better clear efficiency or just pushing how far I can go with my build. In a game like WoW it's different, since they want to keep you subscribed, giving you unlimited grinding would have a few people no-life and get ahead of everyone else, so even though it's kinda ruthless at times I at least see the logic.
But if D2 does timegate, what possible reason could they have? So far the game has been fun, just enjoying the missions and random content that pops up everywhere and upgrading my gear as I go along. I really don't want to reach a point where it becomes WoW's "do the daily/weekly stuff and log off because that's how it's designed".
because i like the game, criticism is the only way to advance, annual pass was a big improvement compared to the "no game for you" that the dlc's had, still bad but at least they are learning
Didn't he hate on yakuza 0 for some stupid shit? I don't wanna agree with him on something but everyone sees anthem as shit
I'm here for the GM3 interview.
>i thought it was great during demo too
i played the demo too but i also had the extra luxury of having a buddy of mine buy the full game.
He's spent the last 3 days texting me and showing me pictures about the billion bugs in the game. I think he played like a couple hours in these last 3 days because of the crashes and connection errors. And he has a pc that could launch a rocket.
This whole thing is an absolute disaster. Asking 60 for an alpha should be straight up illegal
>With these types of games they always leave you begging for more. Never enough game on release date.
Man, that's an understatement. I've enjoyed a lot of these games that I'd never even consider, but only because I bought them later down the line. The Division was a very fun experience, because I picked up for very cheap when the entire game was already there and the atmosphere was very unique. I can't imagine playing any of these games with so much of their content missing and paying $60 to boot. As far as I'm concerned games like Division and Destiny are pretty good. If you consider their $15 price tag and all the content you get years down the line.
He didn't like that there wasn't an English dub.
Says you I got to play a whole WEEK early I bet you feel stupid now
>be me playing GOTY a week early
>be you seething
Pfffft I cant imagine being a poorfag like you
Wow actually has the opposite at this point. They keep implementing catch-up mechanics so the no-lifers are getting pissed off that their time is being wasted compared to the once a werk casuals.
I remember why I can't stand him now
>ITT: mongoloids autistically screeching about a game they never played that Yea Forums tells them they should hate
Keep hatin, faggots. I hope it literally kills you that while you're screeching into your contrarian echo chamber, there are people actually ENJOYING the game regardless of your impotent opinions.
technically yes but only in one map known as the dreaming city, there's a 3 week cycle that at the third week it activates a dungeon event called "The shattered throne" is a hybrid between a raid and a dungeon, there's a bunch of weapons that require to complete this event to craft it
there's other timegated event, a dungeon to unlock one of the most powerful rifles in the game, but this one appears the weekends instead of week cycles
the rest of the weapons were timegated but because they were part of specials events like the opening of the forges in black armory or to complete the forsaken raid but they are reachable every moment of the game by just doing the activities and their respective weapon's quests
Germanfag please explain this meme to me. It's been keeping me up all night.
>having no taste
If i wanted to play repetetive lobby grinder, i`d play Skyforge. It has both better story, world and gameplay.
i'm not german but as far as i can tell the sentence is a movie reference, a pun, and the game costs 40 because is one of those "give me back 1 ps game and i'll give you anthem for 40"
>2 weeks til dmc 5
I don't really feel like starting a grindfest right now thanks though
>there are people actually ENJOYING the game regardless of your impotent opinions
Yeah I've seen those people. There is post after post on reddit defending this game that almost seems like they are parodies written by people memeing about being 38 year old dads. Also the funny part is I can't even give this game a fair shot due to how many performance issues I had on my computer.
is part of the lore, is not something even technical, every three weeks this map called the dreaming city gets cursed by dark aids and in the three weeks cycle you need to charge a device called the blind well just to have a chance to reset the curse
with the whisper is just a week event, no lore explains that
wut? is that thing still alive? i remember playing for shits and giggle when it came out and the grind was absolutely unreal. Din't it fail or something later on?
Anthem is absolute wank though and nobody on Yea Forums was hyped about it so that indicates that they were right.
One thing I did feel is the game doesn't seem like it will have tons of content, but maybe that's just how vanilla Destiny 2 was. I must have been playing it for like 3 days, though a pretty healthy amount. I was taking my time doing all the side stuff, adventures, participating in public events for fun and still, the game seems like it's moving at a pretty quick pace. I decided to stop doing adventures for a moment when I got back to EDZ for the first time and focus on the main missions and it basically ended in what seemed like 2 hours. Felt like I was watching a movie where we have to wrap up the plot real quick so things started moving at a breakneck pace moving the game along like that.
I can only imagine the expansions are even shorter though, so all in all it looks I'll run out of new things to see before this week is over. Yet I see some of you saying you have spent "thousands of hours" in this game. Is that 20 hours playing it the first time and 1480 grinding for good loot or what?
i remember getting the whisper the day it was discovered. Waited 8 hours for that fucking event jesus. 8.
The mission was 10/10 and the gun worth it but whoever decided to put the specific event on a rng rotation needed to be shot
>3 shares have been allotted to your EA portfolio
>own vanilla destiny 2 at launch.
>drop it after a couple months because of the shitty exp thing and upcoming dlc "two tokens and a blue" bullshit.
>forsaken comes around and apparently 'fixes' things.
>newfags get forsaken+everything rolled into one package.
>there is no discount if you already owned vanilla.
Fuck them.
>be me
>spent 15 bucks to origin acess
>play the game without preordering anything
>is a absolute garbage
>spent 3 parts less of the money you spent in a shitty game
I still want my money back famamiaherewegoagain
>mfw BioWare hasn’t rused me since Da2
See this picture OP?
Above is the game that has objectively bad score, because it was buggy game using stock unity store assets released by notorious for bugs devs. And this game was hyped on Yea Forums and still is a recommended game to play despite bad score and its clunkyness - because its a GOOD game, that is worth playing despite everything.
Meanwhile at bottom of the picture - Anthem. An AAA game that is and will not be reccomended ever by anyone, because its NOT a good an interesting game. No amount of polish and graphics will turn boring game into good one.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general is not hyped about "trash" and hates "gems" contrary to popular belief. Yea Forums hates what deserves to be hated and loves what deserves to be loved - i.e. hated Mafia III and praised Kingdom Come Deliverance for eample.
And its not about being "contrarian" - because Yea Forums isnt. Yea Forums would jump on any AAA game sucking it up as leecches, if the game is GOOD. Only actually bad games get dissed, not because they are AAA titles from hated publishers - but because they are SHYTE.
Both Anthem and Division are shit, yet Yea Forums will love Borderlands 3 when its ever released.
Yea Forums hates Andromeda and Inquisition, but loves ME1-2 and Origins.
Yea Forums hates FF15, yet plays 14 (which ironically, was complete shit on game on release, and only became popular after changed itself and fixed everything with relaunch)
Yea Forums loved Pillars of Eternity before seeing Obsidian going full retard and realizing how bad of a kickstarter scam with no content and shit writing it was when better competitor games were released and shown how it should be done in comparison
itt: if devs want their games not to be hated, they should make good games
There are a bunch of other great games you can play for that 15 bux in the access thing. Tons even. I've been liking They Are Billions & Shadow Tactics personally.
No, it switched focus to Consoles and doing good there. Though from standpoint of original player, the game is length ruined since they rewamped it and removed ability to customize the character via ability atlass, so now everyone is the same.
Well at least you can play some of the other stuff. If you never played the Mass Effect games they are all there. I got to try Battlefront 2 and Battlefield V, both games that were alright, but I'd never have dropped any higher amount of money on. I may see what BF1 was all about too. Titanfall 2 singleplayer is there if you want a fun campaign to go through.
I'm loving it almost as much as my electronic arts shares
Yeah fuck paying full price for broken, empty games. Hopefully bioware plays their cards right for once. I will say it's weird how even the press(shills) are treating this game negatively, but consider games with very similar structure, no in-game story, etc (destiny) to be better
>Yea Forums is one person
the vanilla plot is garbage picking every single story stereotype that mmo's has
Forsaken is much much slower and interesting, the story is more personal and adds lore to one of the most mysterious races in the game
About the content, yes, is not really frequent and in the release of those we have a huge timegate (like thunderlord quest that took one fucking month to do it) but the content drown is much less noticeable than in vanilla, the missions are much longer and the glory weapons adds more stuff to do, also monthly events makes you come back sometimes to get a decent roll of your favorite weapon
i played ttf2 campaign again thanks to that
i miss BT
I love when people use this defense. Comparing the amount of content WoW or any MMO had on release to the amount of content Destiny 2 has right now after several paid expansions is like comparing apples to oranges. Destiny players have no idea how badly they're getting fucked in the content department considering how much money they've put into it. If you're enjoying the game then fair enough, I'll admit that Destiny can be a lot of fun, but don't for a second try to fool yourself or anyone else into thinking that you haven't been taken for a ride this whole time.
about that: im an older gamer (38) Ive played a lot of stuff in my time.
Lately ive been bored and looking for something to scratch that gaming itch. As Battle Royales arent my thing... Anthem seemed like what I was looking for.
I admit... since Friday its been a struggle sometimes. Literally staring at my computer WILLING IT to load faster.. always being the last one in on a mission and flying and tethering and flying... and tethering...
So color me skeptical when you said "we will patch this we will fix it"
I just played a legendary contract.
I loaded in in ... a third? a fourth? of the time I used to (HDD not SSD)
My team were there on the platform with me! Loaded in with me!
I proceed to go... and enjoy...
Something feels different immediately, some of the combat wonkyness and jitters are gone. My colossus (because Thiccboy is life) feels... more... Colossal..
I can shield and pick up my downed teamies...
the melee jitters that I felt before are gone, its so much smoother.
THE LOADING... THE LOADING IS BETTER.. SO MUCH BETTER OH GODS THE LOADING! 15-20 seconds from end expedition into the forge. Forge loads almost instantly! Fort Tarsis loads 15 seconds now? maybe?
I mean.. wow...
If you can do this in 4 days... then people NEED to give you props that you rightfully deserve.
I believe in you, the game isnt perfect, but the issues you fixed this fast shows what youre capable of and I believe youll fix the other stuff straightaway.
Im along for the ride Bioware - Thank you for making something I truly enjoy and for all the sleepless nights you guys at the office put in over the last few days to get it to the point its at now.
>Trust me
Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot.
Trust me.
Good stuff. I wonder if we will get another high quality singleplayer campaign like Titanfall 2 again. The truth is there's more money to be made with just about anything else.
Are you Italian? Cuz you're cooking up some pasta
>Quality little
But didn't this game take 5 years and hundreds of millions to make?
>If you can do this in 4 days... then people NEED to give you props that you rightfully deserve.
Yeah, that's pretty cool, they did some good work on the very long loading times and almost fixed the bug on short notice. Now what the fuck were they doing in the other 6 years (2190 days) that allowed such a crippling bug that everyone on a hard drive noticed, to fly under the radar completely?
>yet Yea Forums will love Borderlands 3 when its ever released.
100mil is indie now grandpa
>giving money to EA
you are still a retarded faggot
The actual fundamental gameplay is fun. Movement, shooting, combos is fun.
Everything else is fucking atrocious and with how it's always forced down your throat, overall enjoyment of the fun gameplay is significantly impaired
Stop formatting your posts like a retard retard.
Playing a game = loving it. No one plays Anthem, everyone will play Borderlands even if they`ll shit on it for whatever like they did with Borderlands 2 for writing
It's such a hidden gem really. You'd think nothing of this little release that had millions spent on giant billboards for marketing, yet here we go, it's a great 6/10!
Who in the fuck was actually hyped for this obvious trainwreck here?
>BT gets killed
>we saved our friend traversing enemy lines killing dozens for revenge
>BT gets back and the last thing he does after fighting with us is to not accept the sacrifice of ourselves and he can be changed with another titan
goddamit Yea Forums I thought you could recognized a single reddit pasta
I was interested when I heard of it for the very first time then as it got closer to release I said "wait this is ea" and stopped caring
I just don't get why they kept on with developing it. It was obvious from the start of release of concepts and designs that it setting and look simply do not appeal to anyone. It looked generic to the max.
Do the publishers/devs not make at least a marketing study to see if public wants specific product at all?
be ready for the
>no verticality
I've not been following Anthem at all because even its failure bores me.
>ywn have a 30 foot tall mech bond with you
If I cry enough will I forget?
Same, I think that the shitshow of F76 wore me out on stupid mmo ideas failing for a bit.
>Yea Forums gets hyped
...or could it simply be marketers pretending to be hyped?
I guess you are still in the first 5 hours before you realized how that's all there is to the game.
it wouldn't be bad for a 20$ title (though the loading screens are still a big issue), but in no way this worth 60$.
I know it's from Reddit. But that doesn't mean the guy who posted it doesn't mean it. Even if somehow 75% of all the reddit posts were people from Yea Forums making fun of single dads, that's still a lot of people there praising this game. Just pointing out a specific thing of what he said, how he can praise them for fixing such a game crippling bug on short notice while forgetting that they had years to take care of it and only did so when the game came out and it was becoming unbearable for everyone.
Everything close to the end of the game was an emotional rollercoaster. And BT's status still ends up in pretty much a cliffhanger.
Runs like shit and the load times have not been fixed, EA needs to stop forcing every studio to use Frostshite when only one of them can do anything halfway competent with it.
It's a reference to a shitty movie from the 90s. The protagonist is threatened with ban from "Köln Kalk" if he arrives late or doesn't bring enough beer to the bad guy. "Köln Kalk" was a rough neigbourhood in cologne back in the 90s and is now the location of this MediaMarkt.
Judging from the reviews is it really as bad as fallout 76? I just have a hard time believing it.
are you high? everyone in this shithole knew this game was going to flop. go play fortnite faggot.
Playin this after you smoke rock (yes crack faggot lol) is purr yoy. thia games fuckin dope with interceptor when your tweekin
God, I hope this anthem shit doesn't end boiware before they make last dragon age.
>Speed through corridors
until you hit a door or worse a friendship door
>killing enemies using speedy movement
so exclusively slide attacks that got nerfed last year.
>interesting weapons
that end up being garbage for anything higher than mid game
>Several choices of warframes all with unique abilities
most powers are basically one in the same. the devs dont even try to hide it when they tell the players what place holder shit it has before they come up with the "real ability"
dps with build in damage reduction or a selfies tank. all other roles are basically dead thanks to fat fuck. meta setup for specific missions does not apply
>open world
instead of the rate maze its open land
>no loading screens
did you forget the fortuna elevator and the cetus gate? did you forget how bug the shit was on launch where you were stuck in the loading room.
remember when you would lose your loot because you got stuck in the loading room during extraction?
>soar around like a garbage bin
compents make you faster and even then there are faster ways to move
>bullet sponges
I dont expect a armored tank to die instantly. mid game enemy shielding is alot more bullshit than people not understanding the combo system.
>abilities only do decent damage
again not understanding the combo system
>Open world has more loading screens than a literal loading screen simulator
takes 40s to load in and out of the world. if you get left behind during contract mission it teleports you to the objective. beats waiting for shitters at extraction since it actually punishes you for being slow.
> In-game currency can only be bought.
incorrect since you can buy anything in the store with the coin currency you earn from playing the game and the premium currency.
reviews are far worse than 76
it seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon
Dunno what you guys are on about. FO76 has worse scores by about 10/20 points pretty much everywhere which makes sense. It would be as if Anthem on top of being so unremarkable had technical issues so bad it was unplayable for most of the time. Both of these games seem to have the score their deserve.
Nice tits. Name?
Me too but after I found out there are only 3 strongholds I'm kinda feeling sad that I will soon have to put it on the shelf
More like social credits.
watched the giant bomb quick look just now. My impression was pretty good until they actually got to the shooting then it turns to complete trash like the whole genre. I know programming AI is fucking hard because almost no game has good AI but I swear if they poured a couple of millions of that corporate money into AI the game would be a must buy. Right now it's boring even to watch, ain't nobody got time for that
>it wouldn't be bad for a 20$ title
Yes it would have been, even as a f2p game it wouldn't have been that much of a success considering you got games like Warframe that are f2p and offer more polished content than Anthem.
I want another shitshow like Andromeda, dragon age would pretty good way to go out. It would be hilarious.
nah here is something about trading. its tied to your profile rank. the number on your rank is the number of trades you can make in 24 hours. If you have a profile rank of 5 you can only make 5 trades a day. some times relay and dojo hosting is fuckie and you lose a trade out of bullshit.
>Right now it's boring even to watch, ain't nobody got time for that
A lot of promotion for games now come from word of mouth via streaming. A game like Apex Legends has every streamer jumping into it to grow their own channels and expose the game 24/7. Even if Anthem was very fun to watch, it seems there are some pretty bad bugs related to it overusing the CPU and maxing it out happening, so that may impact streaming potential too.
I'm at +60 hours and there is NOTHING more to do than wait now... I could spam GM1 and wish for legendaries or I could go into GM2-3 and waste my time and getting white / blue drops.
This game shouldnt be out right now..
Thanks for beta testing it. Stay hard at work providing them feedback for the next few years so I can enjoy playing the game for $15 later down the line.
Ive only paid €15 and been through the hell week. This game were made for Consoles, it shouldnt be on PC.
it's actually disgusting that people browsing this board still play EA or bioware games after all that's happened
i guess it's because you're all 20 year old fucking retards from reddit with no ability to control your shitty impulses
Dont be a snob retard, a boring unfinished game is that no matter what sytem its on
If you think console users would eat whatever you are sorely mistaken
dancing in a shill thread
200 million, reminder the Andromeda who? team had 100 million, the same amount of time and have a better metacritic score.
That's not what i'm saying.. the game were MADE for consoles, the UI are buggy as fuck because it is made for consoles. If you hold Mouse 5 you end up exiting out of the game because it's a forced hotkey made for consoles.
There is so many issues with the game that end up being there because of consoles.
If they made the game for whatever and made sure the menus and UI worked fine on both PC and console then sure, i wouldnt be able to complain about it but damn, this game isnt made for PC.
american reading comprehension
>everything I don't like bad
I agree the UI is clearly made for consoles. That weird sliding blade main menu immediately made me think "Oh they expect me to be hitting the LB/RB buttons don't they" as I awkwardly click things around. The Mouse 5 thing is just hilarious.
A personal annoying one for me was how you press M to open the map, but then pressing M again does not close it. You have to press Escape.
imagine the current despair of Bioware employees, especially after recent waves of firings from other studios.
Finding a new job will be hell, especially if in your resume the only notable lines are that you have masters in Gender Studies
I play battlefield 1 and titanfall 2, which are old by now. No fucking regrets. I like both games a lot.
This thread is so ridiculously contrarian I am actually inclined to believe it seriously is a shill thread after all. What in the world, people.
76 is bad from a gameplay, story and product perspective. Everything that could go wrong with its launch is going wrong.
Collectors editions?
Not what was advertised
Nuka dark?
Horribly underwhelming for $80
That vault 76 jacket?
Looks cheap and flimsy and no one is trusting fallout products after the last 2
Yep we got those
Anthem is bad from a sleazy company and gameplay standpoint so still bad
Blade menu even have Q and E at the top for fast access...
Friend of mine have Mouse 5 as push to talk on discord and he keeps getting in and out of the mission table, a lot of fun loading screens for him.
Fun thing is that this Mouse 5 hotkey came with the Day 1 patch. We have been playing since Premium launch and never had this issue before.
Also I really like how they implemented this little "game mode" menu that only takes you to the map... before you had to click the map to choose, now you have to choose and then click on the map? I dont know.. the game keeps making me angry. I just want to have fun.
>old by now
Tittyfall is the best thing ea has had the priviledge to fund in a while though
Don't believe the hate, Anthem is awesome, and well worth the 60 dollars.
There is at least 40-60 hours content in the game at launch, with campaign, freeplay, trials, contracts and endgame. Anthem is well worth the 60 dollars, the base game already, anyone who says otherwise didn't even play it (Upper Echelon Gamers only had an Xbox early access, playing only 10 hours for example) or is seriously burnt out on games.
Anthem has a series-like format, and not "chopped up content". The format was always going to be like an HBO series, so a lot of content is already developed of course, to be shipped every month, for free. You had to pay for the chopped up Destiny 1 DLCs, that was a very different situation! And if you don't like the format and want to burn through 6 strongholds at launch already, then this format is not for you. But strongholds are coming, and story, and much more.
The story is a true Bioware-style story. It is not as good as a Mass Effect campaign, but characters and conversations are nuanced, fun, and you will enjoy the endgame way more after the campaign, because you do it in a living breathing world.
It is hate that drives most of the "hard passers". The internet creates pockets of mobs here and there, simply because hate can be an enjoyable, addictive feeling.I can quadruple down on the fact, that Anthem is awesome with some minor flaws, very well worth the 60 dollars. And yes, almost anyone saying otherwise after playing it for 30+ hours, has an underlying chemical predisposition of malicious intent, complaining just for the kick of it.
>every game they mock are the hidden gems
Which one actually?
10/10, would like and subscribe
First 15 hours of my gameplay was boring as fuck with no interest storyline or fun missions. (Fetch that, oh no they took it, fly there and take it back, oh no big guy)
About 20 more hours was fun because now you had some gear and did big numbers AND the story was freaking awesome here.
Rest of the 20 hours of gameplay were just farming the shit out of gear and realising there is nothing to this game yet and you're 2-3 months too early.
>living breathing world
hello EA shill, can you please tell your corporate overlords to get you a new speech chip, nobody outside marketing talks that way
>The format was always going to be like an HBO series
>a living breathing world
Jesus christ, almost every sentence of that post is entirely subjective terrible opinions or straight up false. There is not a single person who played Anthem and said "The characters are nuanced and fun to be around".
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Shoo shoo EA marketers
>Shoo shoo EA marketers
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, of course.
That's almost $300, genius.
OP can't even understand what "hidden gem" means and wants people to take him seriously
Just play Warframe.
Game sure is buggy and wack.
>get frozen
>frozen ailment bar goes away
>still frozen
>have to press X anyway to unfreeze
What is the point of having a bar that shows if it doesn't really do anything?
And that's not all.
>get frozen again
>character looks like he's not frozen but acts like he is
>can't tell if frozen or just stunned from repeated bullshit
>Missions sometimes freeze up so you're stuck to wander around until it moves forward or quit if it actually bugs out
>servers crashing
>servers crashing during mission results, losing everything and having to repeat everything
>NPCs doing the instant transmission or sliding faster than flash
>enemies frozen but receiving 0 damage, sometimes frozen forever or for a very VERY long time
>character is invisible during cutscene with 2 faced bastard and haluk
>Matthias having a conversation bubble on map but not in person after the division
But the worst part
>the final boss dies in a cutscene after you get it down to 1/4 health left
Great game, really. They really outdid themselves again.
>Hidden Gem
It's only a hidden gem if next to nobody knows it exists and is good on top of that.
Everyone knows about Anthem and on top of that it's complete shite.
I'm with you, game not perfect but i do enjoy it anyways. Flying, some colereful maps.
>there are people on this board who actually bought Anthem
This game is anything but a hidden gem, it's a high budget highly marketed piece of mediocrity that will be turned into the answer for the trivia question "what is the game that killed off bioware"
The worst part is that this was a very obvious outcome. Bioware is not the studio that should've been given anthem, and EA too greed to just drop the idea of developing a looter shooter like it. It's just a shame that so much money went into such a shit product but hopefully this is the game that puts the old dog out of its misery.