How much do you think they'll fuck it up? How much of the base game are they going to cut out for DLC? Just how severely is it going to be balanced toward multiplayer? How many game breaking bugs are there going to be? What social/political ideology are they going to try to push?
Imperator: Rome
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friendly reminder that playing (((paradox))) vidya is a sign of severe autism
probably going to be just as shit as hearts of iron 4, wont even bother pirating
I'm incredibly autistic
Introducing Imperator: Rome | The Building of Rome - Ep.1
I hate paradox fanboys so much, was talking with one recently and when I said I didn't have high hopes for Imperator he no shit said "What? Don't you want to restore the glory of Rome? What's wrong with you?".
I don't think they'll fuck it up at all, I think it'll be fun.
Will need mods for dynamic pops and better building options tho.
I dont have any hopes for it, just waitting for someone to take what CK2 did and create a full blown RPG out of it since the strategy aspects will suck dick no matter what
Paradox fans are some of the biggest autists in vidya, only a few steps below furfag fandoms
Reskinned EUIV that tries to appeal to as many demographics (i.e. CK2 autists, EU4 autists, Vicky 2 autists) as possible. Also, remember folks
>1 consul
Don't you?
>1 consul
Oh so it's EU4 ok
No I don't want to press mana buttons until the map turns red, I'd rather play a good game.
Why are you so down on Imperator? Not every one of their games are going to be amazing or worth your time, but IMO they have a good track record.
Not a good recent one though.
its gonna be shallow but fun then we will sit on the dlc cycle hype train for 4 years jerking it to in dev features and throwing out wallet out
What are you a fucking fag? Buy my unit packs queer.
This. CK2 should have been the new standard for Paradox games.
1 consul is part of the reason why they should focus on the CK2 style. They want to be realistic strategy games but then they just make stupid decisions like that. Grand strategy immersive RPGs just make more sense.
This, so much fucking this
It's been almost 2 decades and they still haven't made a battle system that isnt retarded or devolve into who has the slightly bigger army
Those dudes did board games, that's all they were good for and "realistic strategy" is obviously beyond their capabilities, so focus on the RPG aspect ffs
It's a Day 1 Paradox release.
It'll be an absolute snorefest of a EU4 reskin. Not even worth pirating.
Reminder that Johan thinks players are retards and cares more about pandering to a non-existent audience than to the people who actually play GS.
>In a decision to make it more into a fun engaging game, where you care about your characters, you only have one consul in rome, and they serve for five years.
>1 consul
>5 years
>“It’s a game about painting the map in your colour,” Andersson says. “Whether you’re playing an MMO, or a strategy game, or an FPS, it’s about power fantasies. In this game, you feel powerful by conquering stuff.”
good thing they arent trying to appeal to rome autists
>What? Don't you want to restore the glory of Rome?
Doesn’t the game start before Rome had glory in the first place?
Watch the dev clash. It looks fun as fuck.
>1 consul
One of the most senseless outrages in vidya games. Just give the ruler over Rome 2 portraits and names and don't change anything else.
What, you wanted an actual interactive co-ruler? Enjoy your shallow favour-driven shitshow with occasional flavour events (which will be released as a Rome DLC anyway). There's no other realistic way to implement a dynamic co-ruler in a strategy game, except actually giving the AI the same powers you have and having him screw over your country constantly.
>Reminder that Johan thinks players are retards
Well they are though. Take a trip to the Paradox forums and observe all the mongoloids clammering for playable China and a kemetic revival over properly modelling the great schism.
Nothin personnel Johan.
Reminder that there will never be a proper game for Rome LARPing and we will have to replay the mods for Rome Total War forever and ever until we die.
In a few years there'll be a good Rome mod for Warband.
>tfw I loved CK2
>tfw I loved EU4
>tfw I loved HOI4
I'm gonna love this game.
>playable China
Ah yes, can't wait for Song era feudalism with Count renamed to "Magistrate".
In all honesty, it looks alright, from what I've seen in the dev clash. But it seems like they're holding back features to save for DLC. The end date in particular is a big red flag to me.
All they needed to add was a popularity system that shows how senators feel about each other. Then you can try and influence the voters to vote in two consuls that like each other so you have basically unlimited consular powers. If the consuls veto each other then certain decisions are blocked to you as the player. Makes you really pay attention to the inner politics of your state as well as painting the map with your unstoppable legions. They will change each year anyways so the gameplay stays dynamic.
1 consul was always the bitch and 1 the chad anyway.
Which one? Abandoned Rome mod #378? The only one that made it out of development is the shitty Bellum Imperii which is set in a time where rome already rules the entire fucking map. Brilliant decision.
Unashamed Romaboo here, this is what I have so far
>EU:Rome + RotA mod
>Alea Jacta Est
>TW + mods
>Medieval 2 + Europa Barbarorum
>M&B + Bellum Imperii
>Field of Glory 2
>Grand Ages: Rome
>Hegemony Rome
>Imperium Romanum
Hegemony Rome is pretty bad which is odd because the other Hegemony games are great. Rest of the list is of varying quality. Still have yet to get that one great game that completely scratches the itch.
>inb4 Ryse, AssCreed and other action schlock
>RotA mod
What's this? Does it make EU: Rome playable? This game had so much potential but it was just too messy to be enjoyable and it gets boring very fast. I agree with the rest though. RTW with EB mod is the closest thing for me to scratch that rome itch. Your list is missing Caesar 3 my man. It's a comfy game.
i love this period of time but jesus when i did watch the stream it did seems like 50% of the leaders are women just what is this bullshit?
Forgot about Caesar 3, it's on my gog account and was going off steam.
Reign of the Ancients makes it playable but not great by any stretch. Highly recommended to fix the shitty vanilla game. Still gets boring fast because the core game is fundamentally broken just like Imperator will be because Paradox is too fucking lazy to make an actual Rome game rather than just reskinning other games
Don't be so cynical guys, in a couple of years we'll have Bannerlord which is basically all a big late Roman era expy and it will be fantastic haha...haha..ha
Glad someone else hates the imperial period. Any other period is better than 0AD to 230ish. Once the Sassies arrive and the empire turns to shit then it gets more interesting, but as much as I love the late antiquity aesthetic nothing ever tops the glory of the Middle Republic. Late Republic comes close and is basically tied but has some deficiencies with the fact that the Legio becomes homogenized to a general soldiery post Marian and generally people just focus on the Gauls/Germans/Parthians to the detriment of say, Pontus or Pompey's Eastern campaigns in Armenia and the Caucasus.
Is Ryse really that bad?
You guys played Kingdom Come Deliverance? I actually bought the game after pirating it because I hope that other developers realize that all you need to make a good historic game is proper research and good writing. A KCD style RPG set in gaul during Caesar's war would be all I really need.
For a strategy game you simply have to set the game before the punic wars. What's they point of playing rome after it is already a proven unstoppable military super power? The Ancient Empires Mod for Total War Attila is as late as you can go starting position wise. Everything later than 202BC just makes it too easy.
This but set in England during Alfred the Greats reign.
Not that user but it's the worst. I couldn't finish it. It can barely be called a rome game. It has a look that is somewhat inspired by rome but that's it. Also the gameplay is dogshit.
>imagine buying the same excel file simulator with 300€ of DLC over and over the same for years
/gsg/ niggers are the best kind of cuck
>He doesn't buy the base game and pirate all the dlc
Lmaoing at you senpai. as is /gsg/ general
it also takes some bugfixing
that game was busted at launch
>buy base game in steam sale for 10-20 bucks
>pirate all the DLC
>Play for 2457 hours
>repeat with next Paradox release
Numbers won most battles in history.
enjoy getting banned
One day us history autists will be blessed with a developer that makes a good GS game that isn't either a wargame or made by Paradox. One day.
you are at wrong place now go back
Press-x-to-awesome with a coat of shiny fantasy Roman paint
yes, Im sure a 5k army vs a 4k army had a 95% chance of winning for the 5k army
And even if that was true, it makes for SHIIIIIIIT gameplay so fuck off to the Paradox forums with your autism
This is what I want too but it will never be
AGEOD comes close
Pretty much agree. I think you can go down to the start of the 1st century BC with Sulla/Marius and the whole shitshow there. You still have Pontus, I think Moroccan and Western Algeria, Spain if during Sulla has the Sertorian war with a Spano-Roman state, Gaul minus the south, Britain, ect.
Basically you want the "Collapsing empire" spirit of Attila but without the decay. Instead it's:
-Absurd levels of internal Roman discord, both class war and factional. You pretty much will always have a new civil war happening or brewing.
-Anybody conquered still has their indigenous culture and is eager to rebel, from the Socii Italians to the Greeks to the Iberians.
-Germans are invading from the North and Pontus replaces Parthia as the Eastern menace.
Unless you play up that internal unrest Rome becomes too bloatedly easy. After Augustus and no, you just cannot make a grand strategy game (or total war game) effective until the 3rd century crisis. And personally I don't think you can even do a narrower campaign very well because Rome's enemies honestly just suck and are simply echoes of the past or future.
There will never be a strategy game where a small state like Pontus could have a chance of fighting agaisnt Rome due to all the dumb mechanics they shove in
>you will never have a chance to play as the glorious Etruscan empire absorbing Rome before it gets too large
True enough. I wish these devs would consider some creative solutions to just making it a naked numbers game. Like Endless Legends making it blow up to a zoomed in battlefield map you had to navigate rather than Civ's blunt system. I'd take something as simple as a pop-up window that had you do the fighting in classic wargaming top-down symbols where a box is infantry and a box with a X through it is cavalry kind of thing. Tthough given it's current year they really ought to be able to do a series of unit models.
Pessimistic as I am I can see it happening still due to the ability of crowdfunding. I mean I'm getting an Xcom game by Gollop himself, and M&B the original was made by a Turkish husband and wife in a yurt on a PC powered by a donkey pulling a stone wheel. Some of that statement is in fact accurate
hopefully some mod rectify’s paradox’s laziness and actually incorporate some interesting roman political game, rather than the lazy mana management and thoughtless blobbing that all vanilla paradox games devolve into nowadays
This. Remember how Caesar got BTFO by the Gauls and then again by Pompeius Magnus and then again by the Egypts.
I was under the impression they were wargames? I've only ever played To End All Wars but Alea Jacta Est looks like much the same thing.
>Rome is too big and roflstomps everyone
You pretty much hit on why Roman area games tend to suck. That said something along the lines of CK2 where the politics are driven by 'people' as opposed to treating a state like a monolithic entity would be a viable option. Having each Legion commander, governor and other big players (Praetorian guard commander, Senators etc.) could be a lot of fun.
>Pessimistic as I am I can see it happening still due to the ability of crowdfunding
Ehh, yes and no. I get your point but a viable GS game is a lot of work. I suppose theoretically it's possible for a small team because a good GS game is purely about the engine/simulation, but I feel like any new entry to the genre is going to be either overly simplistic or a total autistic mess that tries to throw everything and the kitchen sink in there for "muh realism" and ends up over complicated and buggy.
It's weird that GS developers always try to make rome work. To me the roman periode is perfect for RPG games but RPG developers always go the fantasy route. I think some sort of management simulator would also work. Where you can build up a faction in the senate through clients and stuff and then get to the top of the roman political world. But with GS games you always end up playing as some sort of ultra stable Emperor steamrolling the AI.
Bump in the hope that some elder user starts mentioning that old Rome game from 1995 that is an absolute gem the world just forgot about for some reason.
team fortress 2?
I remember Praetorians
Centurion Defender of Rome