So, I bought a switch

As the title says... I haven’t owned a Nintendo product since the 64, I currently own a PS4 and xbone.

I’m 37 and I haven’t had this much fun gaming for quite some time, I actually thought I was getting bored of gaming.
I bought Zelda and Pokemon with the console. I’ve also been playing f2p games like Brawlhalla too ...I’m having a lot of fun the switch has brought back the fun of gaming, albiet, it’s strange playing family friendly content. Also copped some shit from friends for buying a switch.

I bought pic related today and and fuck me roughly, it’s probably the hardest fighting game I’ve ever played, still getting used to it. Also bought mariokart for some wholesome gaming with the family.

This post doesn’t have much of a reason, question or specific point.

Maybe if you’re like me and getting bored of gaming, the switch might be your answer.

P.s undocked my switch last night and got into bed and casually played Pokémon, it actually decreased my heart rate instead of making me a hyped up mess playing an online FPS...

Feeling wholesome and nostalgic, love you v/tards

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the hardest fighting game i've ever played
anyway, nice blogpost nerd.
enjoy your switch :)

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Maybe Yea Forums got me cynicaly, but both my shill and falseflag alarms are going off.
Have fun with your Switch, OP.

>one wants to be artsy
>one wants to be hardcore
>one wants you to have fun
i'm glad you enjoy it OP, i recommend monster hunter if you don't already have it and bayonetta 2. i'd also recommend pokken tournament if you want a more traditional fighter

Thanks fellas, it actually been a rough time, I’ve been a full blown functioning alcoholic for years but gave up a month ago, the switch was a treat for sorting myself’s a long and bumpy road. Its actually helping with the detox, anxiety and settling down before bed.

Look at me act like a little soft bitch on Yea Forums, go me, aye.

Man, fuck it. Switch thread.
What are ya buyan, playan, wishlistan
I saw everyone get hyped on the sequel to hollow knight and I just started it. I understand the hype. I hope darkest dungeon sold well enough on switch for the sequel to that get ported. I am scheming on wargroove and tiny metal. FE: Three Houses looks pretty neat in a princess trainer sort of way. Dunno what the genre is called. whatever the fuck Long Live the Queen was trying to emulate

I think the OP is actually legit

I feel you OP, I've been a PC gamer since the WoW era in 2005. I did get a ps3, but somehow never played anything longer than 10 minutes. Ever since I got the Switch for BotW last year I've fully "switched" from PC gaming to the switch

Currently playing Into the Breach, highly recommended (also for PC gamers)

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Yeah, I saw monster hunter when I bought smash & Mario Kart. I’ll try get through Zelda first but that’s on the list.
I’ve trying to stick to a rule of completing a campaign game before I move onto another.

>fully "switched" from PC
I've done the same. Most games I get on steam sales, humble bundles or just straight up pirate, I eventually rebuy on switch. Everyone makes the joke about switch owners begging for ports but I honestly play this more than any other console I own and I'm willing to double dip.

Botwis pretty awesome, I think size restrictions really got the developers to be uniquely strategic on how they built the game. And not cramming filler garbage into it.

They don’t even tell you everything or exactly what to do. there’s something special in figuring stuff out yourself, truly exploring in the game can be rewarding.

well keep at it dude.

sell your ps4

I'm sure you'd really enjoy pic related. Trust me on this, sounds like exactly what you need right now.

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>all other games are shit, only the Switch is good
>if you play games from ANY other company than Nintendo, maybe you hate video games

Yeah, thanks for spitting on the faces of every idort here.

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Cheers, this caught my eye at the store too. I’ll check it out. Along with MARIO odyssey.

On the list.

>litcherally didn't say any of that
t. buttmad furious scoutposter

I'm kinda like you
22 and haven't been into games since I was 16
And I'm loving the switch. I think it's to do with the simple and snappy ui and setup plus games that are all about gameplay

Considering that OP literally said "ugh I'm tired of video games from everyone who isn't Nintendo btw please purchase a switch" I genuinely think this is a shill thread. The inability to take criticism doesn't help.

Smash is not hard man, it's just very overwhelming at first, mainly because the huge amount of different characters, modes and techniques. Don't worry about it and just play and have fun, you'll slowly learn everything.

Also have fun with your Switch and buy Xenoblade 2.

but where was OP after And while I think his general sentiment of "haven’t had this much fun gaming for quite some time" (because I find that typically means you haven't even branched out on what you own enough), is other post made it seem pretty genuine that it just might have helped him with personal issues

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Themes on switch fucking when. I'm too chicken to mod my switch but I want anything other than just a blank white or black home screen. How has it taken this long, nintendo

I fell for the xenomeme. Feels good exploring in these games. A very different feeling than botw but just as satisfying

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Don't worry OP
You can be a little soft bitch with a little soft bitch console if you want to.
Good job quitting.

>completing BOTW

lol good luck

>always look at XCX and XC2 for mecha and cat girl respectively from afar, but never want to actually get the games because they have the MMO style combat I hate

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Good on ya, and have fun man. Glad to hear it.
Playing the fuck out of Danmaku Unlimited 3, still trash at it, but it's still fun.
I'm pretty sure it will get ported, the switch seems pretty popular and I doubt porting it would be much trouble these days.
I'm with ya man, themes fucking when.

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It just stinks of someone who wants to shill the Switch. He could've said something like "hey guys I got a switch and I had fun" and then he'd list some stuff he'd like about the games, but he had to go the extra mile and lament how every other game is shit because "I was so bored and Nintendo saved me fuck sony and Microsoft hurr durr".

Makes me shake my head in disappointment.

>they have the MMO style combat I hate
your loss. It's why I gravitated to them so hard. these games helped me fight off my addiction to wow after I was finishing with lich king. that and my account being hacked. rip zoidberg, my draenei arms warrior

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I wasn’t the one to rely to that, this is OP.

I’ll probably still play my PS4 and xbone, I recently got my mates to get the fuck off Fortnite and play Apex legends so they’re kinda pissed at me for ditching.

Also I didn’t and won’t sell my PS4 or xbone, there still going to be games I want to play on them. But, with my current situation it really help me playing these types of games. Non aggressive non hyper heart bursting out my chest. Detox is a bitch.

I’ll just mention too that I’m going through some shit and I find most games get me aggressive and hyped up.

I’ve been watching the streams via the game, I’m still learning how to navigate through the selection screens lol.

Ialso getting my ass handed to me by a cpu lvl 3, I’m loving it though.

I remember when I bought a ps4 and tried to come on here to talk about some games but most people called me a shill and the usual shit sonybros get but I'm glad you can speak about your experience and people being cool about it. What's your favourite game so far?

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>Danmaku Unlimited 3
there's a list of STG I want ported real bad. Jamestown, Blue Revolver, ZeroRanger, an actual Touhou that isn't a kart racer spinoff or some shit. Also, I recommend picking up a flip grip. It's a life changer

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X is the one that just makes me upset about the combat the most. Like you have fuckin cool ass semi-customizable mecha in an open world, and you make your game around an active-RPG battle system? Like come ooon. I just want something that plays how Gundam looks. And from the demo, Daemon X Machina has a way to go just to get back to Armored Core level

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Dude I’m going through some fucking major detox, I’m on a high right now... a natural high, it’s been fucking years since I’ve felt like this.

I used to get drunk and game only to get on the next day and see the stupid messages I’d sent to people and have to apologise the next day. If I wasn’t drinking I’d get so angry and aggressive that my heart would beat out my chest and I wouldn’t be able to get more than an hour or so before work.

I literally played Pokémon one handed last night in bed, just chilling and relaxing while gaming...

Honestly hard to say right now, probably BOTW because I’ve played it the most.

oh combat in XCX is straight up not fun to me. I hardly understand what combos into what and how overdrive works at all. Mira is extremely fun to explore though. I picked it up after bouncing right off Red Dead 2 and movement speed alone was a huge selling point

Yeah I'm doing the same. I think it's the portability what makes it so good. Some games like Dead Cells just play more comfy on the switch.

There are a few games like Darkest Dungeon I felt like played better on the PC, prolly because its visible that the game is made for 1080p, everything looks more vibrant, sharper and better on PC. Where the switch version even docked stays on 720p, a real missed opportunity imo.

I'd kill for Daifukkatsu BL on switch, and Mushihimesama would be neat too given they're both CAVE.
Jamestown was fun but I never did much with it other than beat it, Zero Ranger would be neat since I wanna check that out but I really do prefer handhelds, and a 2hu would definitely be nice even if I'm not too into them. It's always been a bit odd to me that the spinoffs get English releases on consoles, but none of the main games have ever had an Englsih release.
>Also, I recommend picking up a flip grip
Any reccomendations?

Dead Cells was good, others like Enter the Gungeon, Into the Breach and N++ are just slam dunks. I can't imagine going back to play those on PC

Man it's nuts how ZUN just threw 2hu on steam fucken raw and untranslated. what a legend. here is that flip grip btw

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At least you don't even really need to be able to read it to play it, still a bit crazy. And, cool, might have to pick up a few more games that support rotating the screen, but I definitely like the idea of having one.

OP here’s my excessive and useless extras battle station

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Is the elite controller even worth it? I felt one up at a best buy and i preferred the button feel of my Dualshock 4

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Sometimes this is my battle station

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I hope I fucking kill myself before Im posting on Yea Forums at 37

Never battlestationd here but my wifi still reached all the way out the back of my house.

Natural high. Yeehaw. Sorry if this killed thread.

depends on how much you're playing docked. some games are weird on pro controller like Alexey Pajitnov's Battle Grounds. it depends

I bought a switch recently too and I've loved it so far
I recommend Mario Odyssey for singleplayer and Splatoon 2 for multiplayer also if you haven't played those yet, those are great fun
Have fun with your new gizmo OP

Haven’t got a pro controller yet, kinda ironic since I’ve bought 3 Xbox elite controllers in the past year...
Joy cons are doing the job, for now.

Yeah, right.

If you have a family, own a house and your own business you might be as lucky as I am posting on /v at 37.

Anyway, my dad had a shotgun sandwich when I was 8, I hope you’ll never be that weak or broken.