What's your favorite vidya spaceship?

What's your favorite vidya spaceship?

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I love the Onslaught!

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usg ishimura

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step aside, shiplets

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While it didn't originate in a video game, it still appears in several so I think the Providence class from Star Wars counts

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Outside of Gallante, eve has some sexy designs. I was always a big fan of the Hurricane and Rifter.

Give... us... parts

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she is such a qt

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I know Star Wars has a thing for exposed bridges, but this is just absurd.

Actually, that's not a bridge. From what I've heard it's some sort of sensor relay with an observation deck at the top. The real bridge is near the front/nose of the ship.

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The Ebon Hawk.

I always loved the Millennium Falcon and having a mobile house you could bum around the galaxy in would give you a lot of freedom.

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>From what I've heard
They mention it in Episode III.

It's actually been a long time since I've seen ROTS, but I assume you're referring to this scene? If so it reinforces what I mentioned about an observation platform at the top of the spire/sensor relay/whatever it is.

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I warned you about windows bro.

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Samus's gunship always looks cool as hell.

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B-Gear equipped with Hawkies enchant 12 RA (Lightning Trails)

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Been playing leet:dangerous on and off for the past 3 and a half years
I dont think I'll ever be able to afford one

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>Over 20 posts
>Still no Vic Viper

I think Yea Forums just hit peak faggotry. That's it. You guys will never be bigger fags than you are at this moment.

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The Pyro-GX.

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>no R-Type ships
i-it was a good game, Yea Forums
You have to believe me

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No Normandy yet?

For shame Yea Forums

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With the current patch you can get one in 1 day.


1) Get a Keelback (3 mill ship) and do Void Opal core mining. Keelback can carry 50tons so that would be 80 million in 1 run.

2) Spend those mills in a Python or Type 9. Equip it for mining. Do Void Opals / Low Temperature Diamonds core mining. Either of those ships can get 100/120Mill per hour. So in 1/2 hours you should be good to go on the credits side.

3) Grab the Python / Type 9 or Type 7 and equip ONLY Economy Class Cabins, biggest you can put in each slot (Max is 6E). Now go to any of the Stations that were fucked by Thargoids (orange icon in the map) and find one that is aligned with the Federation.

4) Go to the stations on flames, and grab passengers. ALL OF THEM that are aligned with the Federation and others if you can fit them. You take them to the evac ship that is 5ly away, literally 10 seconds in supercruise. Every run will give you about 10k per passenger, which is not important, because what you want is to select the Rep+++ rewards on each passenger bundle. This will get you the Federal Ranks stacked up in no time, basically stack them for hours.

5) go to any station/base you have aligned with the federation and start doing the Federal Rank missions. Should be like 10 in a row.

6) Enjoy your Corvette.
I got mine in a weekend after resetting my account :)

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