>game crashing is part of the plot
Game crashing is part of the plot
name 3.7 that aren't pretentious indie games.
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Bamham Asylum
I’m so fucking tired of meta shit in video games, it’s gotten so old.
>character in game talks directly to you playing it
>Game messes with or deletes (or pretends to delete) your savefiles for story reasons.
Why is this a bad thing, btw? Shit's cool if not overplayed slightly.
>memes are part of the plot
Name one game where this is done effectively.
woah! the video game i'm playing just broke the 4th wall!? i've never seen anything like it!!
>i am a fucking huge nigger
how close was that
>character tells you what each button does out loud
Metal Gear Solid 1
Doki Doki Literature Club
>"This isn't a game!"
>Doki Doki Literature Club
>yes YOU
>shit creepypasta, the game
Eternal Darkness
>game scolds you for not saving
>Doki Doki Literature Club
>Not naming the game it stole it from
Tsk tsk.
Just realized the signal bar looks like a gun.
Dumb Satania poster.
I unironicly closed the game during that moment. It was a PC version too and my first MGS
Game hides a savefile in your computer so you have to "live with the consequences of your actions" even if you uninstall/reinstall the game or delete the non-hidden savefiles.
That part creeped me out, because I was playing it late at night and half asleep.
>game uninstalls and refunds itself on steam
Was that effective when the game was new? I'm assuming it has little effect when emulated.
If you lose, the game encrypts all your files
cute and funny
It was pretty cool in SUPERHOT.
>killing an enemy deletes a random file from your computer
This is a woman's line of thinking.
Being "interesting" is not important.
t. incel
There was an 8bitesque 3d game that did this. I can't really remember much about it but I think at one point you were in some kind of subterranean parking lot.
Lose lose is great ain't it
what was the name of that game again?
Discord tranny. Clean your gaping ax wound.
>Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid poster is a terrible shitposting retard
Imagine my shock.
>Game acknowledges you being a shitter and savescumming