Game crashing is part of the plot

>game crashing is part of the plot

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name 3.7 that aren't pretentious indie games.

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Bamham Asylum

I’m so fucking tired of meta shit in video games, it’s gotten so old.

>character in game talks directly to you playing it

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>Game messes with or deletes (or pretends to delete) your savefiles for story reasons.

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Why is this a bad thing, btw? Shit's cool if not overplayed slightly.

>memes are part of the plot

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Name one game where this is done effectively.

woah! the video game i'm playing just broke the 4th wall!? i've never seen anything like it!!

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>i am a fucking huge nigger
how close was that

>character tells you what each button does out loud

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Metal Gear Solid 1
Doki Doki Literature Club

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>"This isn't a game!"

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>Doki Doki Literature Club

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>yes YOU

>shit creepypasta, the game

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Eternal Darkness

>game scolds you for not saving

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>Doki Doki Literature Club
>Not naming the game it stole it from
Tsk tsk.

Just realized the signal bar looks like a gun.

Dumb Satania poster.

I unironicly closed the game during that moment. It was a PC version too and my first MGS

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Game hides a savefile in your computer so you have to "live with the consequences of your actions" even if you uninstall/reinstall the game or delete the non-hidden savefiles.

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That part creeped me out, because I was playing it late at night and half asleep.

>game uninstalls and refunds itself on steam

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Was that effective when the game was new? I'm assuming it has little effect when emulated.

If you lose, the game encrypts all your files

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cute and funny

It was pretty cool in SUPERHOT.

>killing an enemy deletes a random file from your computer

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This is a woman's line of thinking.
Being "interesting" is not important.


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t. incel

There was an 8bitesque 3d game that did this. I can't really remember much about it but I think at one point you were in some kind of subterranean parking lot.

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Lose lose is great ain't it

what was the name of that game again?

Discord tranny. Clean your gaping ax wound.

>Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid poster is a terrible shitposting retard
Imagine my shock.

>Game acknowledges you being a shitter and savescumming

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