why do people play Gacha games?
Why do people play Gacha games?
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I like wasting money, and collecting cute jpegs of girls.
kys phonefag
Pathetic incels who would rather spend hundreds of dollars on jpegs than take a woman out on a real date.
FGO is actually good. Fun story, fun gameplay, good character design, good lore, not p2w, no e-sports.
I like Dragon Ball and the game is a good time waster at work
Legends is the only game I have installed
how else am i going to shitpost and play gacha at the same time
yeah, I would.
t. roastie upset no-one is taking her out on dates.
Outskilled by a fucking jpeg.
chemicals in the brain and stuff
the collecting
I fucking crusaded vs.gacha games and my bud recently got me into FGO.
This game is LEGIT. It caught me off guard so fucking hard. I love this shit.
The only thing I can see people getting upset about is spending money on it.
I haven't spent a single cent on it and I have good fucking shit and am having a sick time. It even cut my phone bill.
It's not.
Trash story, flash game tier gameplay, and Jew gacha.
Kill yourself shill.
>rolling for Jeanne Alter
There was his first mistake.
>mind break
>First roll on JP account 3 years ago was Jeannu
>Quit 2 months in
>NA version
>Get Merlin in 3 quartz, got Musashi with a ticket the same day
My RNG in Gacha has be god since I played Kancolle 6~ years ago, where I got Yamato 1st attempt LSC
F2P copers advertise the game for free and actually thank gacha devs for giving them scraps.
Whale cucks get high on the dopamine rush of getting PNGs.
Just FUCK all gacha tards. Shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums.
Because they love jpeg
I play King's Raid
I'm too poor to enjoy the latest gen console or a gaming PC
It runs well on my machine on the lower recommended power saving setting, if I try the highest setting every now and then the game would crash but no problems so far
I play it for maybe 40mins everyday doing raids and leveling up character affinity for new members
The gacha part of the game is cruel and unforgiving, better to save 4000 or 6000 crystals to get one character than wasting 2500 and getting none
3D model's are neato and getting new gear isn't too much of a pain, story so far is meh
got in with a good guild that contributes to the guild dailies so every 1-3 days get guild goodies
sorry for the shill like post, any other kind of relaxed gachas with cute girls, fuck FGO and Grindblue Fantasy btw
severe mental illness
I'm playing it more than real games these days
>Just get good RNG, this game isn't bad if you ignore the fact that it's built to milk you dry!
drop dead roastie.
Brain damage or mentally challenged.
All gacha is trash. No exceptions.
Yes because I want to waste my time playing a garbage tier """gameplay""" mobile game. Fuck off shills.
go shitpost the same in FEH threads retard
Who knows, every supposed top gatcha I've tried, FGO, GBF etc is so mindbogglingly boring I always end up wondering why I'm not playing an actual game, or if I'm out and about, wondering why I'm not doing literally anything that's more fun like reading a book or shitposting here.
>not rolling for Jeanne Alter
t. lucklet
Go back to your granbaby fantasy.
I don't play gacha trash insect retards.
Stop shilling it here.
It's a good way for me to kill some time if I'm waiting for a train or whatever. Never spent a dime on them though.
because the stories are better than all of AAA games.
they are fun
Because they're designed specifically to target the sense of reward that people with gambling problems have. Also Stockholm syndrome.
In the same cookie clicker is fun.
They're very shallow and the bottom of the barrel gameplay wise.
gambling addition for png waifu
what more can you ask than waifu collecting
Gambling nets you money.
Gacha nets you PNGs. It's more mentally ill.
Why don't people just play hacked apk files with custom, higher material acquisition rates?
better those than random twitter user thread, thinly veiled politics thread and e-celebs threads
>no one ones anal slut and retard
>break bars are now here.
Merlin whales are now gonna be seething
yeah I will actually
Cool grampa riding a bike
How do you "play" a "game" that has no real gameplay mechanics or skill involved and where the only end goal is to spend money to get drawings that some other mentally ill spender has already leaked online?
No joke, how do these things even qualify as games for others than ant people in the far east?
>not playing gacha physically
what do you mean no gameplay?
gee, uh thanks takeuchi
It's charging right for me, help!
I just tried FGO and... holy shit I can't imagine the retards who playing this shit. Is it done ironically or something?
yeah same thing with GBF, ultra fucking shit, couldn't stand it after the tutorial
They do it for the JPEG anime girls. I like Shuten myself, but FGO is incredibly boring and I started skipping through the story right after the first fiery place.
The "player" clicks on cards and then has to watch what happens with no input. It's even more shallow than something like AdventureQuest was at its release.
Granted I haven't played all that many Gacha games, but the ones I have played are Puzzle and Dragons, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Dragalia Lost, and I would say that they all have some form of gameplay mechanics and each require some degree of skill.
everybody hates Shirou
Play Azur Lane
Fate is only good for the fanart porn
Nah eat shit, this turd is way worse.
sounds like a jrpg to me
worst mistake of my life. its tedious boring shit
well I haven't played a single one and I don't know anything about them, so they must be completely mindless and for brainlet retards
It actually has good rates FGO fag
Wow that's a terrible fleet
Because im a fucking GAMBLING ADDICT
fuck off this is horrible, dropped it fast like fuck.
True and the same can be said about a lot of turn based/card games. But at least the grind was reasonable and you couldn't skip it by paying in "classics" like Final Fantasy.
don't care, this game is complete shit, never played it again after chapter 10
To feel alive
I like how the gachafags can only accuse anybody critical of gacha of being [other]gachafags
Please tell me that the ~200 games on that list aren't majority gacha/clicker shit.
...people spend thousands on this game...
But Cookie Clicker is actually good.
>posting outdated list
Whatever you say Fatecuck
oh no no no no bros
Im gonna have to panic sell my account now
What do you niggas think about Opera Omnia?, started playing it again after some months but to max limit a weapon is too tedious
keep seething, your shit game is shit irrelevant
mobile legends is assfaggots and nobunaga's ambition is strategy
They're just stuck between two chairs faggots that dont want to get into real softcore meat or an actual video game.
he grossly oversimplified it, but it's like a jrpg where the attack phase is like a deckbuilder cardgame, yeah.
>muh rates
your game can have a 100% chance for 5 stars and I wouldn't play it unless I actually cared about the characters, which I honestly don't, outside of porn
you can't even pay to skip the grind in fgo, though. if anything, people laugh at whales all the time since they'll have a stacked list of unleveled 5*s
it looks shitty there, yeah, but it's literally the first tutorial battle and it's on slow mode. the actual game is much faster/flashier.
Reminder that Yoko Taro's gacha will come censored in April
Thank you. That's still hardly a relief.
>being proud of your game being a money sink
nibba what
>mobile legend
>mobile strike
What do you think?
>outdated list
Feb 25 is outdated now? are you from the future?
dogshit game only good for porn
Gambling is fun
SE says SinoAlice global will release in april. anyway, don't care, the gameplay is shittier than FGO
What game? i don't even play those mobile shit or fateshit, i just hate chinkshit like you and your chinkcrap lmao
>kancolle killer
>you can't even pay to skip the grind in fgo, though...
Which makes the entire situation even sadder.
>...the actual game is much faster/flashier.
But the actual art and animations still look like barely any effort went into them.
And don't take this as an attack against you, I just legitimately struggle to understand how anybody could spend a significant amount of time "playing" these "games" and actually spending money on them when they're the equivalent of the free and shitty browser games from a decade ago.
On some level I'm glad, because the ONLY thing that overcomes my gacha addiction is my hatred for censorship and refusal to support it.
I am being completely genuine when I say Square just saved me a boat load of time and money and I'm thankful for it.
That's all gacha games
why do people play these games? they're all designed to suck as much money off of players and there's no gameplay to speak of, all the threads I've seen are just people posting pictures of anime characters. these companies make a shitload of money off of horny teenagers and they don't even use said money to make actual games or anything.
is japan's video game industry really dying because of this? that's just sad
>Mafia City in top 11
Did Japs fall for the memes?
>Girls Frontline in top 50
I thought the game was dead
>Idolmaster Starlight Stage barely in top 100
What the fuck
Same reason people gamble in a casino. Think about gacha more like gambling where your reward is different types of cute girls/handsome guys and it all clicks nicely. Much like gambling, I wouldn't recommend gacha to anyone. Obviously for a small subset of people it ruins them, but for a lot of people they play for a bit, hit a run of bad luck, then drop the game forever. It's kind of like a person taking $50 into a casino and losing it all, just to never go back. Basically harmless. The difference is with gacha the vast majority are only wasting their time, and not their money. So yeah, you can't win money in a gacha like you can in a casino, but it's also possible to never lose money as well. I figure it evens out.
can somebody please explained to me why /vg/ is infested with dozens of gatchashit threads at any given moment?
>there's no gameplay to speak of
they have more gameplay than the majority of modern rpgs
/vg/ is a shithole, it doesn't matter if the thread is about gacha or not.
Weeb zoomers
because mods delete threads made over here
this one in particular is even more blatant about it
because they have actual userbases and have constant events unlike most other pc games
>Gambling has been one of the biggest forms of entertainment for humanity since we came into existence
Gee, who fucking knows boss.
What idol gacha game do I play
>stop wasting your time on this!!!!
what's the difference between gacha and mmo, or any other games that you can play long term instead of short cinematic experiences
Bang Dream
There is no top 50 user, only top 10, 46 is pretty dead. Also there is new event in girl flopline right now so it up to 46, usually its at 150 something
>Idolmaster Starlight Stage barely in top 100
No event
>the gameplay is shittier than FGO
That's not hard. FGO is probably the only mobage with good gameplay
Weebs will eat any shit as long as it has anime girl on it
>Why do people play Gacha games?
Because I have more fun playing these Gacha shit than any AAA releases over the past year.
Beside, least most of these Gacha games are free instead of being one of those Electronic Asshole kind of game...
mobile bad
pc good
>Losing your money at a casino with a chance of actually making real world money is the same as emptying your bank account on a mobile game for a chance of "winning" a picture of an anime girl.
Yeah, it's totally the same thing. Also, it's a game discussion and not a gambling discussion.
This but unironically.
well, granted you can't skip the grind, but there are farming nodes that basically cost 1/3rd of your total stamina and take about a minute to complete, which expedites the process.
I admit a lot of the earlier servants have some pretty shitty animations, but the devs have gone back and touched up on them and made them look really nice. some of the more recent servants also have some pretty high quality animations. here's one that I really like: youtube.com
but considering how the sprites work in this game (aka motion tweening) there's a bit of a ceiling to how good they can look outside of flooding the screen in SFX.
as for why I play this game, well, I like the series and I have a bit of a personal attachment to it. I also really like the characters and how they utilize legends and mythos. Coincidentally it's why I also love SMT. Sadly the SMT gacha is pretty awful once you get far enough into it, but it has the best production values TB H
So how's Bleach: Brave Souls
Well gambling is part of the game, dipshit.
Unless you think ignoring the primary way to get new units to use is reasonable when discussing a game.
>Yeah it's totally the same thing
The stakes don't mean anything, it's still gambling, you still get the rush, work on your critical thinking skills and realize your values aren't the only ones that exist in the world, dipshit.
So don't play AAA EA game? or your PC is too shit to handle modern game or emu?
>devs actually care about the players and respond to feedback
>EN version is trying to catch up with events
powercreeped as fuck. gameplay is so so
don't bother playing unless you like bleach alot.
-t ex whale
Fate is autism incarnate
>FGO is probably the only mobage with good gameplay
That's not Honkai Impact 3
>try granblue because of the two games coming out
>it's literally a jrpg
I thought you guys said gachashit have no gameplay
>So don't play AAA EA game?
>Implying most of the AAA games these day aren't just reskin of EA games
You've been living under a rock or something?
>lack of auto
>grind is unbearable
>characters are literally the same 3 girls
nah senpai
ignore i play bbs on the daily and have for along time the powercreep in BBS is pretty much gone any character from the last year and a half can run you through pretty much most content of the game
i personally recommend it has more gameplay than most gacha games
T. whale
I thought people say this chinkshit will rules Comiket and kill fate something?
>thinks hk3 has good gameplay
y i k e s
honkai is just downgraded brave souls desu
we've been saying this forever user, most gacha is actually fucking hard compared to other jrpgs
gbf niggers are so autistic I swear.
I can't be bothered paying for pngs my niggas.
I liked that too, but I got burnt out on the sheer grind needed for weapon grids. fuck that noise, honestly.
What are you talking about? AAA EA game doesn't mean only EA game you know?
yeah sure
have they actually changed anything or is everything still just yachiru?
Reminder that the only Yea Forums approved gacha is The Battle Cats
its a png actually
Protip: Any mobile/gacha that has PVP are complete shit
Is this AAA game?
This. Gacha threads are just gamblers anonymous meetings.
looks cute
>this is coming from a FGO fag
Lmao you fanboys are so deluded
what the fuck kind of character design is that
do people unironically look at this and think to themselves, "yes there is absolutely nothing wrong with this"
retsu is still the strongest character in game overall but recently we've had a couple of counters for her in pvp like yhwach and chad
they announced 2 hours ago that we are getting a brand new power kenpachi with flurry 16% dr poise sprinter and weakening on all attacks so he'll probably be a decent counter to retsu aswell
Can't you just download a jpg image onto your phone for free and admire it...
On the rare occasion that I do, it's because I like the characters and see the gacha itself as a very, very unfortunate side effect. I often see how long I can go without paying just to spite the developers. Got a lot of SSRs/5* that I want without spending a dime.
some user said he needed to play something as he walked to the toilet, shit, and walked back
FGO doesn't have auto either
Most mobage are very grindy
As someone who doesn't play Fate, from as much as I know, this literally DOES sound like Fate.
>this is coming from a FGO fag
The fuck are you talking about?
the same can be said about any card game
Rin's game.
>AAA EA game doesn't mean only EA game you know?
>Implying most of the publisher are copying EA's style
>What is uLtRa pREmIErE dElUx LiMITeD EdITIon?
>What is Mystery Box of Shit?
>What is $1 red dot?
Yes, but as I said
>most of the AAA games
Least they have the fucking decency to sell skin straight up and not put it in fucking boxes
>all these infographics are literally just the usual gamblers mumbling about their shitty hands and how much money they lost
Of course it's still technically gambling but it's magnitudes more retarded to gamble for jpegs than money.
>...work on your critical thinking skills and realize your values aren't the only ones that exist in the world, dipshit.
Looks like you got a little bit upset when faced with the reality of how stupid your favorite "game" is. Maybe you should work on your perception of reality and understand that almost nobody else than whales find it reasonable to waste hundreds of $/€ for a chance to obtain pictures of 2d girls that can be found anywhere online.
But go on, keep deluding yourself into thinking that it makes sense to waste money on glorified visual novels that are tailored to squeeze every penny out of horny teenagers that are too dumb to look up porn and people with addiction prone personalities because you think the "game" is fun. Because that's all that counts right?
you are kinda obsessed with Fatefags, cope harder, I tried getting back into the back but after finishing chapter 2 it became extremely unbearable.
this, next you're going to tell me that people don't just watch video games on youtube and they actually play games, wtf lol
oh shit you are right
China and Korea makes better phone games than Japan weeb
Just don't play AAA game, what are you even blabbering about? every game in this world are AAA game or something?
Maybe other Japanese mobile games, but not FGO.
the difference is that card games have actual mechanics
>I tried getting back into the back
a lot of different gacha games also have actual mechanics though
this are fake mechanics
I'm enjoying FFRK. Reminds me a little of the 2d games gameplay just without the stories. Power creep is kinda shite, but if you're smart about knowing what banners you want to pull from, you pretty much don't need to worry about running out of mythril. Plus they do a lot of free give aways.
why are they fake mechanics?
FGO is one of the worst gacha games
>better phone games
>proud about the same auto grindy shit over and over again
>enhanced this unique yellow orange pink equipment to +100000
They're all the same shit just different anime girls LMAO
which are no deeper than a puddle
DFFOO is the only good gacha, prove me wrong.
depends on what gacha game you're playing and comparing to what card game
>i'm a hardcore mobigamer
>m-muh mobile waifu
>But the actual art and animations still look like barely any effort went into them.
The sprites and animations are actually miles above what most other gacha games do.
>tfw stopped because I was too much of a brainlet for party composition
Their actual mechanics are just ripoff from actual game, why play these crap when you can play actual game?
>Tokyo 7th sisters is still somewhat relevant.
There's still hope, bros.
find me a gacha game with more depth than yugioh, the most basic bitch card game.
So what gacha game you're talking about?
That's like saying Runescape 3 is miles above what OSRS is/was. It's still not even remotely impressive.
most people who play gacha games do play actual games ontop of that they're free to play
yu gi oh isn't the most basic bitch card game that would be pokemon and it depends on what you're looking for you've got games like alchemist code bleach brave souls which is an action game puzzle and dragons is another good example
>[gacha I play] is better than [gacha you play]
every time
I can't imagine a Fatefag being anything more than a dumb cuckold. You know you can fucking get pictures and animated sprites for free online you dumb weebcucks.
yugioh is complex as shit and has a metric shit ton of cards by now because they don't have a set rotation, what the fuck are you smoking
the basic bitch card game is hearthstone
I can't imagine a gamefag being anything more than a dumb cuckold. you know you can get fucking video games and emuators for free onine you dumb gamecucks
>[console I play] is better than [console you play]
every time
funny cause that's exactly what kept me playing it
trying to figure out who to bring and what breaks to use, fucking up the comp and workshopping again is oddly comfy to me
what really turns me off is the need to grind shit like motes to dive for specific characters to broaden the comp pool. fuck that shit
Pretty sure only anime trannies and closet anime trannies like this shit because they value pictures they can self-insert into so high.
Where's fun in that? Unless you'd like to be frowned upon and called a cheater whenever you disclose that information to your friends.
Except you can't pirate the majority of online games and games have actual gameplay. Fate literally autoplays itself.
I didn't count hearthstone because it's kind of like a gacha in itself and also mobile.
pokemon I haven't played but out of the mainstream stuff I played yugioh was the easiest to grasp excepting some special rules. having looked at puzzle and dragons this is just literally bejeweled.
hold up a second
you're honestly trying to act superior to gachafags when you yourself play online games?
Fate Fags are mentally ill
every collectable card game is gacha
anyone who plays this shit doesn't have friends
in bejeweled you move them one at a time in PAD you move it as much as you need to
not really, you can't trade items in actual gacha games which negates rng.
Cause I hate my life
Me too, don't know if that's an indication games are just fucking garbage or that I have shit taste
Fate literally does not have autoplay.
>which negeates RNG
yeah have fun trading your trainer card bill for shaymin EX dipshit
>makes billions a month
>most talked about mobage
>gets the most doujins
>gets the most fanart
this sounds like it has less depth not more
Yeah. Online games like RTS and fighting require the most brain power. Gacha is braindead and for addicts who can't think beyond their next dopamine rush.
alternatively you can use money to get a 100% guarantee instead of forever being at the fate of rng like this brainlet
Why do all gacha threads fall into cancer when Fate comes in?
but I play gacha and fighting games
>online games
>It's popular so it's good!
He's a seething cuck
None of what you mentioned is something that has to do with the game itself. Fate already had a big following before FGO existed, and they would lick the turd off Nasu's ass no matter what he shat out.
Why is gacha so popular nowadays? Isn't it any different than those old casino games that crippled veterans lose their money on?
Success breeds jealous. People can't get Fate ouf of their heads.
no it has more depth if you actually looked at gameplay you'd know
fighting games aren't online you fucking retard and RTS sucks ass
have fun spending $30 for a very specific card for your deck
jealous obsessed fags like you
yeah, same concept
people just love the rush of gambling, been like that since the fucking stone age
Seems to me that's it's more like Fateniggers are defensive about their piece of shit game that they chimp out at the slightest criticism.
There are a lot of mentally ill anime retards among millennials
better than spending $100 for a key character
Langrisser sais hi, compared to FEH has actual SRPG gameplay, especially on later levels.
Sorry they would never ever care about any hot turds your shitty gacha shitting out
>any gachashit
>ever good
all gacha games are completely 100% free to play so think again
Oh right, that's why sold billions because fatefags will literally buy anything with the name fate on it. Wrong, fucking wrong. FGO is actually good deserves every bit of profit that came it's way.
Tell me why does they need to be defensive when their game literally make billion, has the most fan art and the most doujins? Why?
There's a gacha game that has pvp? How does that work?
ok I'll just spend the next year grinding for it
you could pull it on your very first single who knows you can't put a number on rng
What you're doing is precisely what being defensive is.
You are the dumbest fucking nigger on Yea Forums
>playing single player fighting games
>only being a training mode monkey until you can go to your weekly or monthly if anything
>claiming to be arcade when nearly every arcade cabinet is connected to a network to play other arcades
Games like KI, Skullgirls, and IJ2 have online tournaments with 200+ entrants. Online is the future of fighters unless you're some Jap game with shit netcode and the competition is so weak you have an all Jap top 8 at nationals.
>criticism from whitecuck and SEAnigger
>No stop enjoying fateshit pls play my gachachinkshit instead
>nah fuck off fag
maybe if you could grind to a definite 100% rate it would be decent but relying on rng is just shit
>compared to FEH
Why not compare it to main FE titles?
It's somehow less scummy to simple pay2win because much like the machines it's named for at least you actually get something for it.
Still trash though. Oh wow I get to see Camilla half naked when I could see her naked for free on the internet.
>it's popular so it's bad
see What the fuck with this piece of shit website not showing up who I reply to?
unlike you we have in real life friends who play games with us for the game not to be online
Who is this Red haired slut anyway? And is she always in SD mode?
Because you are a dumb fatecuck.
Langrisser is ok, way better than the huge turd now called FEH, I wonder how nintentards are STILL eating what ISIS shits on them?
Real friends play online now. You would know this if you had any.
Okay, so tell me about when your devs implement an NP skip feature, have the story segments voiced and when they improve the gacha rates. Or are those just features of the game according to you?
That why i want to ask you what is the reason? are you dumb or what?
mine don't and most of the people at our local tournaments don't either
ohnonono how dare you imply i have no friends
>KI, Skullgirls, and IJ2
Not really except casino games can win you money if you do some math and are very lucky or only gamble at home with locals where everyone is dumb and drunk. You gain nothing from FGO
That's something you should explain yourself when you're being so defensive about it.
Name your local because locals are dying and everyone knows that. Most locals have been playing online inbetween tournaments since GGPO came out too.
>200+ rolls without any SSR
Nice fucking game
my local is called local
None have gamebreaking bugs unlike Japgames
All have functional netcode unlike Japgames
All have neutral unlike DBFZ
Except you can win artwork by playing the game.
Why does FGO live rent free in other mobage's heads?
I've been casually playing Langrisser, and it's fun. Gacha is bullshit as always, but there's actual gameplay here.
Maybe i will stop when your irrelevant gachashit killing FGO then lol
>Fate Censored Order
for free
>actual gameplay
yeah just grinding forever or use Leon to one shot everyone lol
>it sucks
>"no it doesn't because..."
>it doesn't count
the fuck do you want?
Didn't mention any other gacha game. You're just chimping out over me calling FGOniggers defensive, which is precisely what being defensive is all about.
>Fate no nigger Order
What's the problem again?
artwork worth nothing in the real world
Even account selling goes for dirt cheap because anyone who wastes money on this game does it because they're a weebcuck and gambling addict
play Love Nikki Dress up Queen you plebs. Best Gacha with nice art, shit ton of cute girls, surprisingly deep story for some reason and a lot of free shit all the time
>ANY cencorship at all
whoah i don't even play fateshit, i just wonder why you gachafags always seething when i mentioned fgo lol
Because its on mobile and has gacha in it?
Typical FE fans, the noly good games you had were JUGDRAL games. Tear Ring and Langrisser were better.
In FGO you have a 0,4% chance of getting a SSR so it would take ~250 rolls for a single five star assuming average luck
Yeah, yeah, as if I'll believe you after you said Fucking FGOcucks.
I don't give a fuck what you think about the game, I was a fan of Fate for a long time before FGO even existed and I enjoy collecting a harem of anime waifus/husbandos, many of whom I already know pretty well and have some emotional attachment to.
>hurr spending money on entertainment
Stop being a poorfag and get a job, then you can spend money on anything you want. Also, judging what others spend their money on is like a top tier incel move.
>hurr game's shit and really simple
Not really, there's a lot of strategies you can do and it's never really been P2W, you can get shit done by saving or using 3* and below which are perfectly viable. The only thing you pay money for are quartz, and you can collect these if you're not autistic and get plenty of SR's and SSR's.
The best part is that FGO really is shit and still lacks plenty of QoL improvements even in the Japanese, most up to date version, but I love seeing retards froth at their mouths as if FGO existing somehow ruins gaming collectively, lmao.
Hurr hurr I need my SSR-s mommy.....
Maybe learn to strategize and you can btfo whales with sr heroes.
>make the guy look less like a literal nigger
What? i bet you don't even care about him anyway.
mentally ill retard
imagine spending all your points in LCK and having none in INT
>take a look at gacha
>all girl cast
>shameless fanservice
>take a look at another
>inconsistent artstyle
>ranges from ok to dogshit
>mostly dogshit
why do they do this
you're on Yea Forums, you have zero reason to call others mentally ill or retarded, which is apparant immediately once you look at any irl meetup of people from here
Is there something more autistic than Fate?
Alright,since FGO is a safe space mobage let's list servant designs which are problematic. Emiya Alter is a given.
Tentacle loli is no bueno for this christian country
her artwork might cause seizures so that's out
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is despicable.
Really? The first Women of Color introduced as a central character is both lazy and evil?
to make BILLIONS off mentally ill weebs
FGO is what is keeping sony alive
easy, mobile DOTA/LoL
Because my favorite gachas don't have those. At least I think so.
>not having the chadmaeda luck/bad luck counter balance
looks cute and like a girl but actually has a dick, this is disgusting to any normal person
>Kotomine Rasputin
you still can't pull him
Because its true? nigger you must be blind to not see it
Gilgamesh is supposed to be a sandnigger, I am offended by his white design.
Because you're comparing it to shit and saying that it's good on the merits of being better than garbage. The animations are still AdventureQuest tier which is free, around a decade old and was already outdated by the time it was released.
Abigail's nerf soon
My brother Tyrone gets home from work, sits his ass in front of the computer and plays Granblue, then he goes to sleep and does it again the next day. I asked him why he do that and he said "it's for the cuties, man. They tug at you calling you onii-chan an' sheet.".
And going "HURRR MY GACHA GAME MAKES BILLIONS AND HAS THOUSANDS OF FANART AND DOUJINS" is exactly what you'd call defensive behaviour. That's why any gacha thread immediately goes to shit when the Fatecucks come in.
of course you compare gacha games animation to another gacah games animation, numbnut
apples and oranges
What do you have against Fate, really. 90% of people complaining either know fuck all about the setting or just hate it because it's popular now.
Stop talking out of your ass, this is my fgo account, it didn't need 250 rolls for a single 5 star you fucking shill, and that langrisser pic is mine too, fuck you shithead.
The only hard part in this trash mobileshit is the daily grind, good luck autoing those daily shit with your shitty R. And why the fuck do i want to see the same fucking dipshit R over and over again?
damn bros take it easy
>look up FGO gameplay
>90% buff stacking
Fucking faggots all of you
>Chinks got 100 quartz for big tiddies cencorship
>NAcucks got nothing for literal nigger whitewashing and will probably get the same treatment for Abigail because Why are you even bother shilling this shit?
Because fateshit actually make billions and has thousand of fan arts and doujins, like it or not. I don't care either way, its just funny seeing you gachafag become seething whenever I mentioned fate lmao
Good for you, still doesn't stop the fact that people on average have to spend $500 for a SSR on rateup
>look up SMT3: Nocturne boss fights
>90% buff stacking
fucking faggots, all of you
So the only isolated space where the art and animation can be considered good is an environment where everything is so bad and stagnant that anything which even remotely resembles mediocre is elevated to high status?
It's actually a 1% chance. Which is still absolute dogshit, mind you, but there's no reason to make up percentages when the real one is awful.
>Astolfo has a dick
Where did this come from? I've seen tons of art and porn depicting her as a man, but in the show there's literally zero implication that she's supposed to be a guy.
you aren't supposed to point out this.
Do people take gacha games that seriously? I thought that stuff was basically glorified gambling for cool jpg's to use to do cool shit, without having to dump money unless you're that serious about it. Also give me some Yea Forums approved gacha.
Wasn't there some nip regulation about forcing gacha games to have minimum 5-7% SSR droprates or something to stop people from basically gambling shitloads of money?
>play on JP
>problem solved
What is the problem again?
They are fun to play while you ride the train for an hour to get to your job. Also the cute girls and gambling provides adrenaline rushes, satisfaction, excitement, and sexual stimulation that are all normally inaccessible or sucked away by shitty 12-14 hour a day salaryman jobs.
Damn, how long have you been playing? It's been more or less a year for me and this is what I've gotten so far, Medb is NP2 and I got that shit with like 33 quartz. I also rarely do all the master missions and rarely get all available quartz fragments.
FGO is the best one
I just really like cute anime girls winking and/or smiling at me while they sing dance(for me) and rhythm games.
If you can't fap what's even the point?
*blocks ur path
he's definitely a man, he has his own anime where he's a man, but it's possible he isn't gay and wants to fuck women, him being gay is just likely based on how he acts
FGO, some people also play Granblue.
Thats why you cheat on your wife at the local brothel after work.
Far as I know the game lists his gender as "a secret" on one of his bonds, and since astolfo was originally a man my guess is everyone assumes he's still a man, which would be a very dumb thing to do when talking about a series that constantly gender-bends characters.
>guaranted SSR in 100 rolls
I also played Langrisser and got like 6 SSRs so far so eat a dick.
And game is garbage btw.
I start playing when they released Raikou
I like jeanus alter fuck you nigger
>FGO animation
on its launch maybe
why pay for gacha shit when all the art is online for $0?
>guaranted SSR in 100 rolls
That fucking bullshit i didn't got shit, its just the same 1 SR and 9 R over and over again
>SSR heroes has OP faction buff
Oh yeah, good luck daily autoing in high level map, high level time rilf or pvp without it
I don't know but I'm glad I quit without spending a single dime.
Looks janky as fuck and most contact points are hidden behind awful explosions or color vomit. If you think that's good then I don't know what to tell you.
you have zero fucking imagination/intelligence if you think people only care about a fucking image, and not everything around it
Real games > Gacha games >> Real women
Contact the devs, there is a guaranteed SSR, they will give it to you.
You sure you didn't roll the blue tickets?
I'm just going to assume Francis Drake is a guy now.
FGO is AdventureQuest-tier.
Are you saying that people unironically "play" these things for the story or because they're attached to the 2d characters?
>"Everything around it"
>A couple badly translated self-insert wank lines and some phoned in audio
>it's totally the same thing
It is. For gamblers the money isn't important; it's the dopamine rush of the gamble itself.
You do realise what you just said applies to ALL video games right?
Core difference being that you can't win anything with value by playing gacha.
It's valuable to the gachacuck
People who spend money on gacha are subhuman. F2Pchads can stay.
>Contact the devs, there is a guaranteed
You know what? They're literally replied to me with keep trying again and buy more crystal dear customer, seriously fuck them
>You sure you didn't roll the blue tickets
I'm not blind
>watch a show for these reasons
>it's ok
>play a game for these reasons
>it's not
Yes. And it's not any better to ERP in an MMO or to care about the lore or character templates in a looter shooter. At least those people tend to be somewhat self aware of how autistic they are.
How did he do it? Isn't there a webm of Saber hitting Gudako with a roundhouse kick which looks janky as fuck because these costumes are heavy?
I can't spend money on it anyway because I don't have a USA paypal or bank acount.
gacha game is future.
deal with it
there's literally like fucking ten reasons off the top of my head, you really are retarded
so you don't like it, cool
Well, dick move on their side, fuck them and don't play.
I dropped the game. It's fucking garbage.
Never fucking mix normal games with f2p bullshit, it doesn't work.
Not at all.
The value of something comes from the value people put into it. For a gacha addict a .png of his waifu has more value than money.
You're overestimating casinos if you think that people can earn more than they gamble. It never happens and never will.
So a dead commodity that nobody else than other gachacucks care about? Sounds pretty worthless to me.
>You should never care at all about fictional entities.
So you're either a legitimate autist or a cunt, gotcha.
It's worthless for you, not for the gacha addict.
For example everyone thinks that you're worthless, but your parents think otherwise. That alone gives you a quantifiable value and makes you not worthless.
There's a fine line between "I'm playing this because I like the character" and "I'm paying $1000 for this because I like the character"
You're equally dumb if you think something like a sitcom or romcom have good plots. Soon you'll probably compare visual novels to real novels.
That line is not an objective rule and every person is free to draw it as far or as close as they like.
Yeah and the rest of us are free to call you retarded for spending this month's rent on a fucking jpg and some audio lines instead of just watching the scenes on youtube
This thought only works if you NEED to pay the money with no other option and you don't even in a gacha game. It's quite possible to get characters without paying if you have the ability to save up premium currency without spending and a dash of luck.
What I'm saying is that if you win at a casino you actually get something with real value. Some hobo in the gutter of detroit can love his cum soaked sock more than anything in the world but that doesn't mean it's worth paying for.
I love how they shoo them away like animals.
I'm saying that a regular person isn't so obsessed that they'll throw huge amounts of money on a book, game, tv-show or related merchandise without a second thought.
Even escapism needs to have some kind of boundaries or it will become unhealthy.
>For example everyone thinks that you're worthless, but your parents think otherwise.
Ow, don't be so mean :(
>That alone gives you a quantifiable value and makes you not worthless.
And the "value" is still non-existant because I can't trade my parents love for anything tangible.
Is has value for that person. It's not "not valuable" because you say so. Why are you unable to understand that?
I'll put another example: you have a copy of your favorite game. For someone who doesn't like videogames, that videogame is worthless shit without any real value. But you know it's not true.
One good thing about gachas is all the porn of the characters. They're trash otherwise tho.
Chronic dickletness.
>without a second-thought
You're grouping people which all gambling targets (the addicts) with people who are quite capable of keeping track of how much disposable income they have and at that point the form said gambling takes is meaningless, not much difference between a slot machine and a gacha game at that point because any money you win from the machine is gonna go straight back into the machine.
its easy as hell.
>For someone who doesn't like videogames, that videogame is worthless shit without any real value.
So we agree that it doesn't hold any real value other than sentimental?
>But you know it's not true.
No, I know that while it might have some emotional "value" to me it's absolutely worthless to anybody else. Therefore I don't have to convince people that my unreasonable love of something is normal because I can accept both realities.
This is what gachawhales/addicts don't want to understand or can't admit to themselves
and it's the same reason why they feel the need to project their justification about unhealthy obsessions and insane spending habits away from themselves onto the people that question their behavior.
All gachas are shameless cash grabs and no sane person would admit otherwise. Only reason to get one is if you're really invested into a specific series and feel like just getting a time waster related to it on your phone while you're out doing other shit. I make no excuses, I play mine exclusively for the waifu but I've played long enough to get decent characters and teams without spending a dime. I've thought about downloading Dokkan Battle but I barely do enough in Treasure Cruise as it is.
>people who download entirely original gacha games
I don't understand it.
I'm not talking about the f2p chads or people who throw the occasional fiver at their favorite anime girl pictures.
>not much difference between a slot machine and a gacha game at that point because any money you win from the machine is gonna go straight back into the machine.
You're still winning real money. In gacha you're gambling for something you can't take out of the phone.
And those that put the money right back in are the same addicts that only play for the "thrill" and not the win. For them the game has no goal or end, it's just a repeating cycle from one rush to the next that they put themselves through.
>You're grouping people which all gambling targets (the addicts) with people who are quite capable of keeping track of how much disposable income
What people? There are exactly two types of people who plays gacha. F2P and whales. There is no in-between.
Pretty much this. I avoided hatch entirely, then they made one for that band I like. Still don’t pay real money for it, but the time investment is real.
You must be insane if you think that money is the only thing that has "real value" in this world.
And before you call me gacha addict, I've never played a smartphone game (well, once in a while I use emulators to play console games; I recently replayed Vagrant Story on my tablet but that's it).
>Iron Maiden gacha
Shit, and I thought that new Looney Tunes gacha game was the weirdest entry in the genre. They're both probably horribly plagued by cash walls, though. Western-made gacha games tend to be huge assholes compared to the japanese.
weebs are the weakest race
Don't even try to move the goalpost that far. The discussions has been about how ridiculous it is to obsessively pay for something (jpegs of 2d women) you can obtain for free.
We truly lie in a horrible age. At least the 90's gave the illusion that videogames were made by passionate people and not just gigantic money sinks.
I play granblue for the gameplay but I don't spend any money on it. It's like an MMO nicotine patch, it scratches the same itch without taking up the same time investment.
I guarantee you if normal games were still allowed to have cute and sexy girls you wouldn’t have ever bothered with gatcha.
You are just trying to fill a niche.
No shame in that.
It’s the leaders of western studios who are the idiots since they are miising our on billions of dollars simply for ideological reasons
There are still people willing to make games out of their own drive to create. Just look at stuff like Cuphead, Hollow Knight, or insert indie game here.
Gacha with gameplay must be something special, I was under the impression they were all just virtual card games mixed with RPGs and gambling.
Imagine spending money on people other than yourself or your family.