Why are there no survival fantasy RPGs?

why are there no survival fantasy RPGs?

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darkest dungeon kind of is

Lmao that nigga don't understand what flipping the bird mean

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Dark Souls is a survival horror game with swords

Survival is a very niche genre

is he okay?

it doesn't need to be full blown but shit like damageable limbs, armor/weapon durability, cold/hot weather and precipitation affects the player and NPCs, etc...
not shit like food and illnesses, that's just obnoxious

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Survival games suck because they never end and once you understand the meta, it devolves into you leaving your fortress farm to be only minorly inconvenienced.

>armor/weapon durability, cold/hot weather is fine
>food and illnesses, that's just obnoxious
weird where spastics draw the line

Battle brothers

Attached: kill goblins.jpg (482x603, 67K)

Play kingdom death monster.

Idk dude, but I'd sure like to play one. I'd love a game like stalker, set in a midieval fantasy world. With swords and bows and shit, interesting cantrips and spells for survival like, summon water or ignite campfire. Crafting potions for cold resistence or water breathing. I guess botw is a good start, but I want more, deeper.

completely ruined the painting with just the finger

Also, every survival game featuring zombies is a fantasy survival
As usual, OP is a fucking retard and unimaginably gay

>Survival is a very niche genre
Day Z, Rust, Ark, Subnautica and arguably even Minecraft are such niche games, right?

literally nobody refers to shit like the walking dead as "fantasy"
could you really not deduce from the OP that it was meant for sword and magic fantasy?

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I'm looking forward to Outward which might scratch that itch. It looks really fucking janky at times though.

That's not real "survival" those are almost all purely based on survival from players. Real survival games incorporate hardcore elements, that non of the games you listed even try.

He said fantasy.
If he meant something else, he should have fuckin said it.

the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.

Suck my dick faggot

again. when was the last time somebody called Left 4 fucking dead "fantasy"
almost everybody and their mother when referring to shit like the witcher they will say FANTASY
fantasy now is largely meant for SWORD AND MAGIC
fuck off you dumb pseud

Are you the same guy or are we dealing with THE actual autists who don't know how language works? My bet is: the same guy.

>pay 2000 dollars to realize you just needed to JO


>Words now mean what I want them to mean, not their actual definitions.
You must be over 18 to post on this website

Attached: You're both gay.png (668x618, 40K)

Dwarf fortress adventure mode.

Literally every roguelike that incorporates food, falls under the genre
OP just doesn't have anything "hip, modern and best selling"

Do you seriously not know about fantasy as a media genre? Or is this just a new low of trolling on Yea Forums?

I'd play a game like this

That has been my background for years now
I fucking love that finger

more like anything that doesn't play and look like shit

So to classify something as fantasy it HAS to have a sword and magic?
How would you define it?
Does star wars count in your books since it has both? If that's too sci fi then the final fantasy franchise isn't fantasy either.

>Literally every roguelike that incorporates food, falls under the genre
Not really.
Survival genre is defined by having multiple elements of survival to cater to and an element of daily routines.
Hell, even games like Arx Fatalis or Might and Magic involved some degree of food management but that fucking does not make them survival games.

Name ONE good survival game
Bet you cant fagola

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Play Ultima. That's as close as you can get. Savage Empire in particular.

Kinda like it, in a white mans last stand sort of way.

>So to classify something as fantasy it HAS to have a sword and magic?
No, but to classify something as fantasy, it has to have elements of a mythological narrative, you drooling mongoloid.
Star Wars are notoriously defined as science-fantasy or space opera, as they combine elements of three distinct genres.

But NOBODY in their fucking right mind would mix up zombie horror or zombie survival with fucking fantasy. You'd literally have to be mentally deficient to do that.
You can have zombies in a fantasy settings, but nobody calls all zombie fiction "fantasy".

>Daily routines
find monster, kill it, butcher it, eat it, rest, find monster
There's your multiple elements as well: rest, food, combat


Is that the actual definition or just a reoccurring trend?

If you flipped off your dog would it be insulted?

Cool arguement, guess that works real well when fighting the patriarchy.


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Like all these definitions, they are conventional, because they are a product of living languages and living discourse. It does not get any more "actual" than this. There is no higher authority setting these definitions as laws, but it is how the damn terminology is used by absolute, vast majority of the public, including the academia that takes interest in it.

If you just said "yes", I would at least feel a little bad for mocking a tard. This way, I know you are autistic, but also annoying enough not to feel sorry for you.

Fantasy based survival games are almost non-existent. it's always fucking zombies, sometimes dinosaurs or something else.

The only one I've played is force of nature and it's garbage

So you're conclusion is that there is no definitive rule on what can be classed as fantasy even though you were previously slinging shit because you didn't approve of what I classified as fantasy?
Same guy and that is still pointless insults.

>Have to fight to scrape a living
>At any point your entire party can be completely wiped out
>Injury, perm death, disease
Try it nigger
It's fun and extremely frustrating.

Do you have no idea how definitions in language work?
And if you use the definition in a way that diverges from conventional use without explicitly warning the audience that YOU PERSONALLY are going to use it in a different way, then you still deserve to be mocked. You still are an idiot.

Are being intentionally retard, or are you literally autistic?

Attached: Fantasy.png (766x585, 47K)

thank you, I'll check it out

Fantasy in the context of the genre of the same name, you obtuse nigger

Yes, you fucking retard, as in the definition in the image you're too thick to even read.

Conventional use is still anything unrealistic. If someone comes up to you and says they have a fantasy about " " will you automatically assume he's talking about wizards and witchcraft or slaying dragons or just something out of the ordinary generally seen as impossible or improbable.

That was my original point see Aaaaand you're welcome. Remember, all goblins deserve to die. All of them.

Attached: kill goblins2.jpg (482x603, 78K)

Based on the image, I think OP was referring to classic survival-horror games as opposed to modern "hit trees and rocks to build a big house" survival games. I for one would love a survival horror based on a fantasy setting. Sneaking through a goblin cave after getting captured, getting in over your head as a novice adventurer and getting trapped in a horrible demonic dungeon and just trying to survive long enough to escape, shit like that. I don't think I've seen a fantasy game where the enemies are anything but things for you to kill and show how powerful you are as opposed to actual real threats that can be terrifying. Other than Battle Brothers I guess, like the other guy said. Not really a fit for the genre, though.

That game had a god-tier early game when I was still figuring it out and getting fucked by bandits for awhile. I got absolutely obsessed with it for a few days. I definitely got my moneys worth out of it, but it lost its charm a bit once you start really working out the systems, which is a shame because you have to do that to get past the mid-game. My favorite game I played in 2017 easily.

This post will get shit on but it fulfills your requirements.
Modded Skyrim with Requiem, Frostfall, Wet & Cold, iNeed, Campfire, etc. Turns surviving into a challenge and makes you appreciate shelter, food and weather.

Holy shit, how are you too stupid to read basic English? The definition of the Fantasy Genre is right there chucklefuck, you were just too lazy to expand it beyond the first definition.

FYI star wars is classified as science-fantasy


Are you saying that zombies aren't magical beings and killing them isn't adventurous?
Still see nothing there about trolls, village wenches and pesky bards.

Yeah I know, just trying to argue with old matey that fantasy isn't only about dungeons and dragons

No you fucking moron, they aren't. Very few zombies are magical, they're explained as a virus, radiation, or some other horseshit. What's more, most zombie fiction is based around staying in one spot trying not to fucking die, the exact opposite of "adventure".

Literally no one else on this planet has this problem. No one else is too fucking stupid to know what the word "fantasy" means, except for you. You are at least special in that regard, that you have managed to mangle logic and basic cultural knowledge in a totally unique and pathetic way that will likely never be replicated. So congratulations on that I suppose.

>fantasy isn't only about dungeons and dragons
Of course it isn't, especially on a technical level of the original definition of the word. Unfortunately, languages are not as fixed as we hope they are; context and culture can override a word's original meaning for a different one, or for a specific subset under the meaning.

The saddest part is that saying "fantasy" in the context of vidya, a medium that should have all sorts of variety, largely means "Tolkienesque fantasy", because the medium is instead stuffed to the brim with that kind.

Trying to change what adventure means now?
But there are magical zombies, so you're willing to accept that a game can still be a fantasy if the zombies are magical - and only the zombies- are magical, yet everything else is present and unchanged?

try explaining that to

Attached: Adventure.png (599x300, 18K)

If you asked someone "is Xenoclash fantasy?" for example, no one would even have to stop to think. Just because "traditional" fantasy is the usual, doesn't mean that people have blanked out what the word means.

Jesus fuck, fine, let's confront your autism head on then. Find one other person, anywhere any time, who has ever described zombie fiction as "fantasy". Not a fantasy story with zombies in it mind you, a zombie story, set in modern times, the someone has described as being a part of the "fantasy" genre. There have been billions of people on this Earth, who have touched a computer at some point, and left some digital footprint, and millions upon millions that have talked about zombie fiction. Unless you believe that you are uniquely correct amongst the entire human race, you should have minimal issue finding someone else who agrees with you.

>Conventional use is still anything unrealistic.
No. First of all, you are mixing "fantastic" with "fantasy". Second of all, you are clearly absolutely blind to CONTEXT, which in this case CLEARLY STATES we are talking about fiction genres (thus clearly distinguishing the meaning from a meaning it would have in say, the sentence "This was my sexual fantasy for years!").
And even then, fantasy does not mean "unrealistic" you spastic cretin. It would mean "Dream-like". There is plenty of completely fucking unrealistic fiction out there that NO ONE would ever classify as fantasy. Including shit like most sci-fi, or even over-the-top military drama.

Seriously, how the fuck did you get it this far in your fucking life not knowing BASIC use of language. Fuck, most fucking CHILDREN pick up on this shit intutitively. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you ACTUALLY have some kind of cognitive disorder?

Outward is coming out soon

A grim dark, swords n magic survival in an unforgiving world would be pretty interesting. I would hope for viable combat though, nothing too janky with generic first person combat. Nothing wrong with forst person but so many default to it and do it bad. Also for some survival mechanics that are challenges but aren't just annoyances that seem more like after thoughts. Hopefully a fleshed out world with convincing aspects too rather than big forest with a zombie here and a wolf there. Yeah, I could get behind that.

I'm reminded of Arx Fatalis once again. Actually, a lot of dungeon crawlers had virtually all the ingredients of a modern day survival game.

>Find one other per-
You really set the bar low for this one and only have yourself to blame.

Refer to and Then let me know your rebuttal, we've already covered these points.

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Aside from using dictionaries literally wrong, they are also proving us right and you wrong, you idiot. Are you well?

Well, you found that under a certain caveat, one man would agree with you. Except you explicitly don't agree with that caveat.

Survival/crafting games are actually very time consuming to make well. It's why no AAA developers want to touch it despite how popular it is in the indie scene.

Combine that with the fact that RPGs are also traditionally very time consuming and complicated to design and the risk of failure would just not be worth the crazy development time.

>Is that the actual definition

What do you mean actual definition? There is no authority in charge of the English language.

Again, no one is in charge of the English language, I can make my own dictionary saying whatever I want.

Wish it was more moddable. Good game othrwise.

>he hasn't heard of dwarf fortress

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>Dictionaries are wrong
And what is right, what you think inside your mind? And how would it prove me wrong if you don't mind explaining.

Where did I say that and why haven't you answered my previous question? If there are zombies in modern times who have magical origin, would you classify that as fantasy?
Remember, my first comment was that all zombie survival games are fantasy, because I still believe it's true and there are more than a single definition for the fantasy, whether it's being used in the context of a genre or not.

>No authority in charge
Go to court and see just how closely words and their definitions are used very precisely.

Mods really would have turned it into something else. Know what they're working on recently?

Connotation and denotation, dude. Words have definite meanings, but also have implications associated with them. Colloquially, words mean different things than their dictionary definitions. If you go to a book store, do you just shuffle up all the books in the fiction, science fiction, and fantasy sections?

I would also like to add that I'm not cemented down on this and going to argue you no matter you put forward. The arguements so far have just been "your autistic" and "what a retard".

great game.

>And what is right, what you think inside your mind?
It's not so much that dictionaries are wrong per se, it's that you are using them wrong. Dictionaries are orientational to begin with, they hold ZERO authority - their job is to reflect usage conventions (which they may do more or less accurately, the shitty ones you are using are mostly doing a pretty awful job, but then again, that is to be expected, they are online dictionaries after all).
Second of all, even these shitty dictionaries that hold little or no authority on actual meanings of words are actually confirming what we are saying, not what you are saying. You are just actually SO FUCKING RETARDED and CLUELESS about how language works that you literally can't even fucking decipher them correctly.
And that is some fucking amazing level of mental degradation. You might actually seriously consider getting yourself checked out. You might be qualifying for some sweet, sweet state benefits, a shinny helment and a nice incusion-buddy helping you to fit with actual human beings there.

No, they still are working on it?

Don't Starve

>Where did I say that
In your very first post, and again just now. He says it's Fantasy under the caveat that they have a magical origin. That's stupid, but based on at least an interpretation of the fantasy genre. But you say ALL zombie fiction is fantasy, which is again, fucking retarded. If it's in modern times, not meant to be any sort of a unique and different world from our own, or some extreme modification of the rules of how our world works, but instead merely an outlandish event within the context of our world, then no, it's not fantasy.

And still you don't find anyone who actually agrees with you, because no such person exists.

They recently (couple months ago) released a pretty big DLC adding all kinds of new creatures like troll-like things, a swamp kraken, and sleep demons. They also released a roadplan. I think there were also some new weapons added for free. The next DLC is going to be focused on expanding human factions, especially a new northern viking-esque faction and will add starting backgrounds.

Attached: raiders.jpg (387x497, 172K)

Oh I know about last dlc, sleep demons Alps and witches turned out to be annoying. Glad they will add more stuff over time.

Yeah, I agree with you there and zombie survival is pushing it in some contexts and being a bit anal.

Still haven't said (despite a wall of text) about how they prove me wrong.

Well I agree with parts of the caveat. All you asked for was finding one other person to say that zombies can be classified as fantasy and I did. And you still haven't answered my question.

Heard that there are some monsters that freeze your men and make battles take forever as you slowly and painfully chase them around the map. So that put me off getting it.

>Picking anything but pillagers

What are some survival games you recommend then

>But it's not REAL communism

>Well I agree with parts of the caveat.
No, you explicitly don't, because your entire point was that every survival game featuring zombies, is fantasy. Your words.

>All you asked for was finding one other person to say that zombies can be classified as fantasy and I did.
No, I said, find someone who agrees that zombie fiction is fantasy. You haven't found that. You've found someone that says "well, if zombies come from magic, then it must be fantasy", which is totally different from your argument.

>And you still haven't answered my question.
Your inability to read once again rears its ugly head. If I said that I think a guy is being stupid for saying that zombies being magical in a story makes it a fantasy story, then I probably don't think that just having the zombies be magical, and everything else being mundane, is enough to qualify as fantasy, do I?

>Still haven't said (despite a wall of text) about how they prove me wrong.
Just for an illustration:
Fourth definition:
>Fantasy = a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than real world
Actually clearly shows that within certain context, the definition clearly requires explicit involvement of magic, and generally assumes being set in a completely fictional world.
Now: this definition is still crap, but it proves that there is a clearly distinct, different use of the word when it is used in context of genre fiction, separate from it's meaning when it is used in context of such things as "sexual fantasies". Something you clearly failed to acknowledge in posts such as this one In this post for a change, it EXPLICITLY states that a supernatural element must be established first in order for a work to be considered fantasy, and that the presence of zombies is superficial to that (as zombies may be present in different genres, such as sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, horror etc...).

Now all of this is a joke because you STILL don't know basics of how language is being used. Once again, I urge you to get yourself medically examined: you running around undiagnosed and unchecked actually poses a great deal of threat to yourself and others around you.

And parts of the caveat say that zombies can be fantasy, so I agree with it.
Here's the image again, this time marked in case you missed the point where he was saying some zombie fiction can be fantasy.
So in saying no, you go against the definition that YOU were arguing for saying that fantasy is a mix of adventure and magic. Magical zombies and killing them to survive. Magic and adventure in one neat pile.

That definition is addressed in the above statement.
That was some random guy off the internet purely for amusing .
As stated before, I don't completely agree with the statement, only partially.

Forgot pic

Attached: Adventure.png (1920x1080, 250K)

>Go to court and see just how closely words and their definitions are used very precisely.

You mean by the thousands of different jurisdictions in the English speaking world? As I said, no one is in charge of the English language.

>And parts of the caveat say that zombies can be fantasy, so I agree with it.
Don't even try that mother fucker. If you say "sponges are always wet", and someone else says "sponges are wet when they get dunked in the water", you aren't agreeing at all. Saying "zombie fiction can be fantasy" isn't even close to your ludicrously idiotic definition.

So again, find one person on this planet who agrees that zombie fiction is fantasy, just by having zombies, because no one on this planet has ever agreed with that statement. Just one person who agrees with you, just one, just to prove you aren't out of your fucking mind.

Then you just said you like little boys and fiddle your mums parts in her sleep according to my own definitions.

>find one person on this planet who agrees that zombie fiction is fantasy
I don't know what you want from me. I showed you twice now. The author clearly stated that he considered certain zombie fictions to be in the fantasy genre. And we aren't talking about sponges, analogies are a method people use to influence stupid masses, just talk in context.

Read filename

Attached: Here's another from a thread discussing it.png (1816x568, 58K)

Alright, fine.

"Stories with swords in them are fantasy, if the sword is magic"
"Stories with swords in them are always fantasy"

Does that metaphor make it a bit more plain for you? Again. One person who says all zombie fiction is fantasy. Just one who agrees with your claim. Millions of conversations on this subject, so do you really think you are both correct, and totally unique?

There is one, but it's a mod for Warcraft 3

Horrible example since swords are real world items and not made up, otherwise known as (wait for it) "fantasy"

also look above

It took you like an hour to do it, but you finally found someone who agreed. You've been proven wrong over and over and over again, and not one person here has agreed with you, and you spent an hour searching to find one guy on a forum who has finally concurred. I hope you feel vindicated and not at all like you've done nothing but mindlessly defend yourself acting like an asshole, calling someone else stupid, only to be mocked by everyone else. But you found one guy.

You did it.

I saw the trailer and it looks interesting. Can I be a necromancer leading an undead scourge or the leader of a tribe of marauding orcs?

I found someone previously with a single sentence in google but according to you that didn't count. No one has proven me wrong yet. There have been people agreeing with me.
And just because a bunch of people disagree with you, doesn't make you wrong.
I don't know why you're acting like you've achieved anything or won. You're entire arguement has been " you're autistic" and "no one else agrees with you". I've given you multiple definitions and you've ignored all of them. I don't know what sort of mental gymnastics you've just done to come to the conclusion that you've won.

Nah, just a leader of human mercs fighting out a living in a medieval world.

Don't starve

I want a 3D open world survival game set in a fantasy universe with magic and shit that I can play with a bro or two and go on adventures.
The games remotely close to that that actually look interesting all end up being super janky, flat out bad, or mediocre though.

Remind me title, you in dungeon and game is very precise about physics and weird controls...

Holy fuck cunt
That's some autistic writing you've got there.


Conan Exiles exits user.
I know its not the kind of fantasy you mean but it is fantasy all the same.

As for high-fantasy I'm sure there was a mod for Life is Feudal for that.
Wasn't there a post-apocalyptic survival game with ghosts and demons coming out? Where the giant mass of evil something in the sky was trying to kill you?

There's a game called Citadel something, it's like Ark but with monsters and magic

I remember, the game one.
There were more too, I just can't remember the names of them.
There was that pseudo MMO too, the one with the drow.

I'm hyped for this, love fantasy games where you aren't the chosen one but just an average Joe

Thats alpha footage right?
Seems interesting but I'd like a little more polish in it.


"alpha footage" is just marketing talk
it's beta at best
actual alpha version would barely have any textures and most of the models would be just blocks
marketers like to say that it's just alpha version to deflect any criticism

Yeah but so was Onimusha.

Lmao this chav don't understand about defiance

I dunno about fantasy but I think the Old West would be a really cool setting for a survival builder.

Congrats you tards, you’re both so pedantic you ruined an perfectly good thread

>no mention of quest for glory
Cringe tbqh