Well guess I'm buying it
Beta is over
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I bought it, demo was a nice taste.
Same here. Beta was pretty good.
It was fun until I got walled out at D+ like the scrub I am.
Thankfully everyone just plays unranked lobby matches in doa games.
I made it to D- and honestly I did better than expected. I thought I would ragequit from ranked after 2 fights like usual, but thankfully a lot of beginners also tried the demo so I was able to have fun.
It will probably not be like that when the full game drops though.
nice samefag
I thought it was pretty good. Hopefully the demo has drummed up enough excitement that the game won't be dead on arrival.
>3 people have a different opinion to me and yet their opinions are the same as each other! They must be the same person!
I know I wasn't the only one to screenshot Honkers' honkers in the training room.
The beta was a good idea. At least for me because it convinced me to buy it.
4 days till PC release!
IT was a very good demo.
I'm just afraid future updates won't build on this but will make us buy a whole new title.
I also miss the music from Last Round. Having nearly EVERY SONG from the ENTIRE SERIES and then going to this was hugely disappointing.
Who is everyone planning to main on release?
SFMfags need not apply
Diego surprisingly.
I liked the music in this game. Especially the Japanese garden.
I don’t miss the old doa music much but I hear there’s some sorta music dlc coming.
Tina, Diego, hitoma or mila
Here you go
Remember when Yea Forums was adamant that le ebin SJW boogeyman was going to kill this game by taking all the sex apps out of it?
Yea Forums will shitpost about anything. DOA6 was just an easy target for another TORtanic until recently
Yeah I was pretty surprised when I saw honkers’ honkers bouncing around.
Expect the game to lose review points for too much sexy.
I've always been about La Mariposa but I can't figure out how to reliably reverse momentum with her. Her options out of block AND getup seem a bit limited and her basic jab/kick combos are turning out to be kinda garbage. The multi-point grabs and hold punishes still feel oh so very sweet but I've gotta figure out how to play her when I'm not winning.
Christie with backups Brad Wong and Helena like usual for me.
muh brudda. Kokoro hits hard
Same here, I like the new music a lot better than any old doa music, so I personally won't miss them.
They can still re add them anytime, and they think they will eventually.
I actually decently learned how to Tina.
Was fun. Wish I could learn how to Honoka as well. I figured shed be fucking stupid, but her Bruce Lee animations and screams, break dancing, and drunken fist are God damn funny and I want to do well with them. They definitely sold me on the character.
Marie, planning to sub Kasumi and Honkers
>TFW been playing Honoka for the last day to play someone other than Kasumi
>Lose every match
>Win last game before servers shut down
I love my wife Honoka!
Kasumi is life (and the only character I've really played since she was free in DOA 5)
Did the beta have every stage in the game or will there be more?
I could only watch over the weekend but I'm getting it for PC.
is there a decent amount of costumes in the game? i don't want the digital deluxe for the extra costumes if there's already a good amount
Well the season pass is said to have around 60 costumes. I just hope they are individual costumes and not themed costumes.
I think there was like 6-8 at most for each character with 2 recolors of each.
Kinda pissed that Diego only has 2 outfits basically.
I hope the full game has more. Unless they decided to skimp on the costumes and save them for the season pass.
Preordered the deluxe edition. So hyped. Can’t wait to use my waifu Hitomi.
My wife Kasumi, mained her since the very first DOA
Ayane, i like her new default outfit and her butt, the new "cool outfits" i think are better than the fan service ones overall. especially kasumis default looks cool as well.
NiCO, Marie and Honkers.
Bayman* and Nyo
*going commando on ninja ass since 1999
The music changing is in the Gallery. Full game still has that feature.
High heels on a combat suit will NEVER under any circumstances look cool, and it will forever remain stranded in fucking stupid territory.
I would be okay with it if not for that.
This beta was a lot better than the last one, and giving the game a "performance" option was badly needed. The only sad thing is that the story mode fights seem locked to "graphics" over "performance" so they run like shit. But yeah, had a blast with the beta and I'm looking forward to picking it up on Friday.
I'm not. I already have the 3DS version and it has MORE to offer.
I want to buy it but I swore to myself years ago I won't purchase any game new because it isn't worth it. This game is especially one which definitely bombs sales wise so not many players to play with, graphics and netcode is ass.
But damn the demo was fun and nostalgia is strong.
Did they ever offer players a way to get those DLC outfits on the 3DS version after the events ended? I remember unlocking them all when the game released and I feel bad for anyone that bought it second hand and got screwed.
I was playing on PS4 pro, and I didn't notice any difference in perfomance while playing the story fight.
Did you play on a base PS4, or also on pro (or the equivalents of xbone)?
People don't understand it's the modders who make the game lewd, and the developers know this. It's all a facade, if they wen't full on SJW, they wouldn't have made the engine better for superior lewds (aka. better jiggle physics).
I played on a slim yeah. There was a huge difference between the story fights and the online/training fights, so obviously story mode was using "graphics" as default for some reason. Might've been a glitch but it did show what a huge difference performance mode made.
It was pretty good, I'll probably just wait for the F2P version which is apparently on the way. I've got enough fighters to play and while I liked it the game didn't completely hook me. I could see a lot of anons getting burnt when they realise how offensive higher level DoA is. You really need to know your holds once you start fighting good people.
I don't get why you faggots want to pretend non of the changes we've seen exist now. It isn't going to be a huge seller, it'll probably do fine though as the expectations for the series are lower than the bigger games.
Nope if you didn't play it while it was new you'd be fucked. THAT BEING SAID that game is from 2011 or so and the characters haven't really changed lmao.
I hope I'm able to get the "Win 5 Ranked Matches in a Row" trophy on release day without too much trouble. I feel like if I botch getting the trophy early on it's going to make it really fucking hard to get. And yes, I'm a trophy fag, sue me.
Oh awesome. Are the DOA2 tracks still in?
Same here, I got a bit depressed when I saw that trophy. I really hate those.
I wish it was like 2 or 3 instead of 5. Winning consistently is the hardest thing in a fighting game, and it all comes down to luck if you will get players worse than you 5 times in a row or not.
Yeah, the best bet is to try and get it release day. Another option would be to wait until the game dies down and get it with a friend.
God I hope so.
I love vigaku and the shooted.
I'm still angry about Nyo but I'm low test. Newtengu looks better and better the longer I look at her.
Not him but I played on an One X and had the same issue. Saw clear loss of performance during the story bit.
Best of luck to you, user. I'm pretty confident in my Honoka skills so I'm hoping that I'll be able to pull it off before I rank up to D, which is when fights got real in the beta.
I love my wife Nyotengu
What the fuck wrong with DoA6 Nyotengu? She doesn't looks like lustful succubus anymore. She more like pretending to be lustful. Cringe.
Thanks, I'll need it. I wish I was that confident. I could reach D with ease, but not while holding a win streak more than 2 or 3 (can't remember).
Have they stated whether or not they're changing their DLC policy for this game? It really sucked watching DoA5 turn into a hell of $100 costume packs over the course of four years.
Dynasty Warriors engine, some shit is really fucked up. Facial animations seems to be one of those.
This user has good tastes
It’s the costume catalogues that annoyed me. I wanted to see the costumes but I had to download like 14 different costume catalogues. Finding them was a bitch.
To be fair that clip could be a horrible mix of beta footage, bad lighting and the fact that she's beat up. I'm not saying she isn't fucked, but I'd wait for some release footage to be sure.
Eliot and Tina. Probably NiCO after I found some good setups with her because I couldn't try her that much.
I haven't been keeping up with DoA6, what's the general impression right now? Also anyone have any webms of DoA6 Hitomi?
Yeah, why the fuck couldn't they just patch them in so it would download automatically? What the actual fuck? I honestly hope to god they won't do this again and the catalogue will automatically update, or at least make it easier to download because I'm going to rage just thinking about this crap.
I keep seing this word used, but what do people actually mean when they say "setups"? Is this just another word for mixups, or mean something completely different?
Gameplay is an improvement over 5, everything is mostly the same or a downgrade. UI is really nice though
The weekend demo was very well received, and I see several people reporting (myself included) that it convinced them to buy the game.
Just want to say I'm glad the new meter management doesn't make it feel too different. I was incredibly excited for Soul Calibur 6 only to be let down. People kept saying it felt like 2 but with how many new systems and mechanics that revolved around meter I didn't like it all.
I hope DOA6 does well. And not "just well for a DOA title." DOA2 and 3 were big deals but that was admittedly when 3D fighters were in. Now they're struggling just as bad as 2D fighters, if not worse
I'll keep supporting my wife Nyo's series
Honoka and Marie Rose are worst DoA girls, prove me wrong you can't
Enlighten me about the deluxe ed. It seems I will only lose Phase4 (will never play her), deluxe costumes (look like ass) and some bgm if I only preorder the base edition. Is this right?
Not just that but you had to scroll through every fucking costume you don't even have (or worse you do have them but never use).
What use does meter have in Soul Calibur 6 aside from Critical Edge and Soul Charge? I wouldn't call these things "many new systems and mechanics that revolve around meter". Unless I'm missing other things.
And on that note, DoA6's meter usage seems very similar to SC6's. Meter allows Fatal Rush, Break Blows, and Break Holds, now that I think about it, even more mechanics than SC6.
Again, unless I'm missing other systems in 6.
I thought it was suppose to end @ 11am est. I was about to get some final sets in. Almost made -C.
Performance is weak, graphics is weak, netcode is weak.
Otherwise the game looks good, plays good and feels good.
Is it worth it to get it on steam
I thought I will hate the meter and the supers but I like it. Better than the health bar in 5 for sure. The only thing I can't really put anywhere is the neutral SSSS.
God no.
It’ll probably even have more players on xbone than pc.
Pretty much
Performance is perfect as long as you set the graphics to "Action Mode" and the netcode was great for green/blue matches in the beta. Graphics are on par with other fighters this generation and even if they weren't who really gives a shit?
Why are you lying though, this is a mod.
I think there was a bug in the beta that made some rounds lag even in good connections. Thankfully the game fixes it in the next round.
I have more or less decided to get it on Steam and hoping for the best.
I see a fair amount of people also interested in the pc version, so I'm confident there will be a community that will last for a while, even if it won't be that big as the PS4's.
Tekken proved that it's not a universal truth that the playerbase is always larger on consoles, and I also see better players preferring SC6's PC version because the PS4's netcode is ass apparently.
Thanks. I was a retard with 5 and bought hundreds of costumes for no fucking reason. That time is over I will only buy a select few things (if any) I will actually use.
Some characters have EX moves as well. But yeah not too much really revolves around the meter. I just hate all those new mechanics including reversal edge to the point where I didn't even buy SCVI. I really don't think supers and installs and hell meter in general really works for 3D fighters in the same way as 2D ones.
In the case of playerbase core fighters will launch in around 6 - 12 months probably and the game will go on sale too. You can still get ranked matches in DOA5LR on PC and that's a notoriously hated port.
reversal edge is stupid, I agree, but it is independent from meter mecahnics as far as I know
That sounds good. I really hope the PC version will succeed, and the devs won't fuck it up either with some stupid crap.
Still not confident enough to pre-order, I will have to wait for initial impressions.
Reversal Edge gives a lot of meter but that's it.
>buying censored trash
>calling mods the base game just like the SFV fags did back when it was on sale, desperately trying to get fresh blood into their dying genre
Which will have the biggest online community, PS4 or steam?
PS4. Steam users don't play games.
Probably PS4.
You really don't need to go this hard in on the shilling. The overall view on the game is positive already
>user posts bullshit negative things about the game, it's fine
>user returns fire with actual facts about the game, it's shilling
>That feel when I have PC and Xbox
I started getting pretty much perfect matches as soon as I started rejecting wifi warriors and accepting wired connections only.
That feature is a fucking godsend.
Your post was just green/blue matches work on my machine! Posts like yours just cause resentment. Seriously who is meant to be convinced by
>and even if they weren't who really gives a shit?
You wouldn't change your mind about a game if you heard that.
Calm down man. It’s ok when people think differently to you.
My post was saying that setting the graphics mode to "action mode" (which prioritizes frame rate) fixes any frame rate issues and gives a rock solid 60fps. That was point one. Point two was that, yes, if you only accept matches with greens and blues then you'll be fine. That had nothing to do with bragging, as people with poor connections would never see green/blues since it's a peer to peer thing so it's just facts. Lastly, the graphics in DoA6 look just as good as as any of its competitors at the moment, but yes who honestly cares even if it didn't? Are graphics the first thing you look for when purchasing a fighting game? If that's the case then you're the one with the issue, not me.
Not the same guy, but the DoA series always had visuals as part of the appeal and an attempt to stand out from the competition. Yes, that is true even for DoA1, although it looks laughably dated now, for its time it was a big deal.
When you take this into consideration, and that DoA6's graphics are barely better than DoA5's, a last gen game, and with such history only matching the competition is understandably going to be met with disappointment for some people.
The game is fun, but they are clearly not pusing the limits in the visuals department like they used to.
>the graphics in DoA6 look just as good as as any of its competitors at the moment
I'd argue it's better than all of them.
Tekken 7 is very good looking but when you actually analyze the models you see shit like fucked up old man fingers and dagger-sharp elbows.
SFV is okay but it's very washed out without much detail beyond the bump-mapping looking effect on the muscles.
MK11 is technically impressive but it always looks fucking ugly and NRS animations are pathetic.
So I really enjoyed doa4 when I was younger and have wanted to play doa5 for a few years.
What's the best way to buy it on pc?
The "Full Game" package seems to include some extra dlc like doa2 music which I assume makes it more expensive than buying individual characters and the story mode, but each character costs $6(AUD).
I agree that DoA6 is only an improvement on DoA5's visuals but you guys make it sound like that's a bad thing and that just because it's not a huge jump then it's awful. What you seem to be forgetting is that the jump from Dead or Alive 2 to Dead or Alive 3 wasn't exactly mind blowing, it just had a lot more going on in stages and sharper visuals. Dead or Alive 4 had the exact same jump, with the addition of HD and more detailed textures. DoA5 was the only game to make a massive change in visuals, but performance took a hit because of it. Now we've got a game that's made a similar jump to previous titles while fixing the performance issues and people are complaining?
This is probably going to be one of those cases the Pro has the best framerate, even over the X due to the restrictions of 4K and the Pro is mostly likely in 1080p mode.
No, people are complaining that not only the improvements are marginal at best, some of the aspects are straight downgrades compared to 5, like the overall terrible lighting, the characters having the saturation levels maxed out and glowing constantly, the trashing of the previously well established realisitically looking jiggles that are now back to DoA1 levels of comical.
Despite all of these, the game still looks decent, I admit that much.
on PC
What feature? How do I know if they’re playing on WiFi?
See this is what I mean. You over shill, become exasperated and confrontational. If your goal is too convince people there are better ways to go about it. Work on your communication skills a bit.
Just going full no one could ever have had a bad connection on green or blue facts and logic just makes you look like an arse. It if a fighting game netcode, we've all experienced bad connections when we were told it is good and the beta was no different.
Stole the picture from lebbit.
Just try out the core fighters edition first
>I'd argue it's better than all of them.
Xrd/DBFZ still take it. DBFZ pretty much sold on brand+graphics alone. And while I don't like the designs in MK, can't deny that visually the game is very impressive.
What the fuck I never even noticed that... thanks for the tip!
I find it kinda funny that you used Dead or Alive's roots in terms of visuals as part of your initial argument but then complain about the return of jiggly tits. I didn't see any issues with lighting or saturation so that just sounds like a bunch of hubbub to me but if that's a problem for you then fair enough. As far as I'm concerned the game has great gameplay, beautiful women with unrealistic proportions and physics and interactive stages that can totally fuck an opponent up. That's Dead or Alive enough for me. If you guys want to complain because the lighting and saturation is a little off, then have fun I guess.
I just hope the PC community will be big enough for modders to make some decent stuff
I hope you realize that if you wait for release footage that you won't be able to play her because she's a fucking pre-order bonus in this kusoge.
DoA6 needs to die. Itagaki needs to take the series back. Honoka needs to be deleted.
it wont be
>I find it kinda funny that you used Dead or Alive's roots in terms of visuals as part of your initial argument but then complain about the return of jiggly tits.
I think you misunderstood the point. I'm not complaining that they are jiggling. The problem is that the way they were jiggling was a lot better in 5, and it is a clear downgrade in 6, nothing else.
>dick riding oatmeal cookie in 2019
>decent stuff
It’s probably just gunna be nude mods
>I could only watch
Like the PC cuck you are
Dude if you would just listen to what I'm saying instead of get defensive about it you'd see that I'm not being confrontational, I'm just stating facts. The reason some people see tons of greens/blues and others don't is because Dead or Alive, like many other fighting games, uses a peer to peer connection. What this means is that the little connection signal thingy is showing what your connection is to the player based on both of your connections. If your internet or their internet isn't up to par, you're going to see a red connection. That's not shilling, it's not insulting, it's just the fact that you or your opponent have a bad connection. That isn't my fault and it isn't Koei Tecmo's fault. If you were having laggy matches with greens and blues, then it's their fault. I'm not going to sugar coat something so basic just to protect your feelings.
>I didn't see any issues with lighting or saturation so that just sounds like a bunch of hubbub to me but if that's a problem for you then fair enough. As far as I'm concerned the game has great gameplay, beautiful women with unrealistic proportions and physics and interactive stages that can totally fuck an opponent up. That's Dead or Alive enough for me. If you guys want to complain because the lighting and saturation is a little off, then have fun I guess.
I'm not here to convince you that the graphics are bad, and I never disagreed that the game was fun or felt Dead or Alive. My point the entire time was to explain why many people find it lackluster, which you were complaining about.
If you honestly can't see issues with the lighting, then more power to you. I only mentioned a couple examples that are clear downgrades from 5, which all contribute to the visuals feeling underwhelming to some people.
>I didn't see any issues with lighting or saturation so that just sounds like a bunch of hubbub to me
You're showing me a comparison between a guy recording a monitor and an actual in-game feed for starters. I'm not saying your wrong, but that clip doesn't prove anything.
MK11 has great technical aspects (poly counts, shading, textures etc.) but looks like shit in motion.
DBFZ and Xrd have mediocre technical aspects but have an amazing art style.
DOA6 is slotted right in the middle, not quite as technical as MK11 and not quite as unique and beautiful as Xrd and DBFZ, but is technically amazing and looks amazing.
Should i buy this or Soul Calibur?
>mods on PS4
Soul Calibur 6 is awful trash
>You're showing me a comparison between a guy recording
I really don't think it is his camera causing a lack of shadow on her face. This just seems like denial.
Both are good so get both.
Care to explain why?
Ive only played Soul blade on psx
wait for calibur to go on sale
I'm really disappointed to that there's so many drones defending this abortion and that people are actually going to buy it at all instead of letting it flop with abysmal sales to teach them a lesson.
Whatever. Honoka killed anyway. Could argue that Marie did too but I give her a pass because she added body diversity even though I prefer huge boobs. DoA will never be good again until they're removed from the game as well as the people handling the series currently.
Boot up any good looking game, then crouch down slightly and look at your monitor through a video camera. That's what you're showing me. Again, I'm not defending its graphics, I'm saying that your attempt to put them down using that footage is poor.
Seethe more, faggot.
Don't listen to him Soul Calibur 6 is great, if you like the series there is literally no reason not to get it.
shill more faggot
It's not the lighting, it's the entire animation that's fucked.
Stay eternally butthurt that people like something that you don't, and there isn't a single thing you can do about it.
That doesn't make the shadows disappear. Plus is right, the whole thing looks off.
There was a pretty good gif flashing between DoA5 and DoA6 Kasumi in the exact same pose. I think that demonstrates the issue the best, but I can't find it.
I'm guessing people still nitpicking didn't play the demo and are still looking at heavily zoomed in pictures and 4 month old beta footage still as a case for their arguments.
I guess you're a paid marketer
They only play to take heavily zoomed in pictures so it makes sense.
t. poverty stricken esl itagaki dickrider
Taking heavily zommed in pictures were kind of part of the game for 5.
The typos were from my phone auto-correcting shit without me noticing. Cope though.
this shit should be standard
So the demo is already disabled? I've been busy all weekend so I didn't even get to try it out.
Yes, it should be by now.
How was it? Has the combat been improved much?
Marie and Diego. Honoka will be my sub.
Maybe that is why my online experience was that bad. Now you made me reconsider buying the game.
>Has the combat been improved much?
Yeah. Combos are more consistent now because they normalised heights, very similar outside that. Even most of the character trials were the same. Didn't hate the meter as much as I thought I would but it also doesn't add that interesting an aspect. Sometimes you just cash out for more damage, if you are really unsure of which hold to use the meter hold comes in.
Honoka is my sub wife.
I can only speak from my experience, but after I started rejecting wifi matches, the connections definitely felt a whole lot better.
t. Ahmed from Sweden
I missed the demo fuuuuck. Im still getting it friday
I can't wait for friday, I already miss the demo and the wait is already killing me.
My wife is not Swedish she's Japanese, and therefore not white.
Asian and brown women are for white men.
what are you on about
devs definetely did those things, they just rolled em back when they looked at the abysmal preorder numbers
STFU /Pol/tard
Are people actually buying this for the gameplay or for the tits?
I'll wait for the F2P version.
youre still a beta
Honestly, came for the tits, stayed for the tits and the gameplay. It's kind of fun.
Are you interested in her because of her personality or her tits?
The tits draw your attention.
Can't you do some hack thing to unlock them? I heard 3ds was blown open.