This is the worst expansion ever released from wow. This made me cancel my subscription because of how bad it was

This is the worst expansion ever released from wow. This made me cancel my subscription because of how bad it was.

This expansion introduced:
>flying mounts
>daily quests
>multi-faction cities where PvP is impossible
>portals to all the cities in one city
>blood elves
>arenas and arena matchmaking
>short, high level, dungeons

This was a huge blow to the wow expirience. I'm glad I at least got to enjoy vanilla from near launch until tbc.

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It had some good stuff too, if the expansion just left a few things out it would be top tier.

t. zoomer pretends to be a boomer and fails horribly

It also destroyed the Lore more than any other expansion.
>Shitting on Illidan and Kael after their WC3 endeavors
>Retconning draenei from fucked up desert dwellers to proud and noble shaman savages (just like orcs from WC2 to 3)
>Brown orcs
>Elves working together with trolls

At least the shroom swamp was pretty cool.

Not to mention arenas.

"Resilience will fix it."

>"It takes skill to spam hots and then run around a poll."

>shroom swamp was pretty cool
literally one of my favorite wow zones of all time

How do I show the date I created my accounts?

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What's wrong with the Mag'har? They're way better than Fel Orcs. It's why WoD's story was based up until Blizzard decided it needed to devolve into a corrupted antagonist story again.

I love it. I dont mind the flying mounts in Outlands since there are quest hubs mandatory for raiding which are unreachable otherways. I disagree with the dungeons, I admit few of them are on the shorter side but then there are the Shadow Labs, Shattered Halls and Arcatraz. All of them hard and in the beginning require a specific setup to clear due need for cc. I didnt mind the dailies, Isle was a warzone most of the time so world pvp was alive and well, it was fun to check on who had thorns, retri aura or lightning shield on, strip yourself naked and go smack them to make the sentinels beat the shit out of them too. The portals were more of a quality of life adding, I didnt enjoy my 30minute walk from stormwind to Exodar. Arena matchmaking was a good decision, on s4 you needed some brutal gloves for mandatory interrupts on few boss fights, I dont enjoy getting my shit stomped from 2800 team at 1500.

It sounds like you are just crying for the sake of crying.

how the fuck do you get banned from WoW?

Yelled "get to work nigger" in front of ironforge bank in 2005 to a black character.

>Create flying mounts
>Realize they don't serve a purpose
>Add a few floating islands they're not just world pvp ruining crap

that's incredible

>don't put any effort into making them actually fly, instead just make them noclip

>The Eye had attunement and riding skill requirement to enter since summoning was disabled at Netherstorm
>Ogrila was open in the beginning of the expansion
>Skettis and herbs
>Elemental Plateau

Sounds like you havent played tbc too much

also welfare epics
early BC was still fun sometimes like killing people afk on their flying mounts outside of instances when the bodies stayed in the air and didnt fall to the ground

Remember their obsession with bombing run dailies? Hell, there was a bombing run quest in the game before they introduced dailies and made it repeatable just because they thought it was that cool.

Oh wow, a select few areas require flying. That's a good reason to add a feature that changes a lot of the game.

Honestly he is right.
>Flying mount killed the world interactions between players for the most part, throwing map design out of the window because you have flying now.
>Daily quests instead of end-game content and world traversing for meaningful objects like enchants,good pieces of gear etc.
>Started the whole "Sanctuary" city bullshit.
>Portals everywhere is too good of a convenience.
>Blood elves pretty much ruined the horde forever.
>Arenas a mixed bag honestly, resilience made a mess out of PvP.
>Dungeons are mostly simplistic and hallway-like, not many quests in there or hidden objectives or rare spawns.

I bet you main blood elf or draenei.
Both are a horrible addition, since TBC Retconned 1/3 of WC3 Lore.
Outlands was also pretty lame incomparisong to its WC3 counterpart, ironically enough the alpha vanilla version of it was more reminiscent of it.

I have no idea why people praise TBC, Outland is boring as fuck aside from Nagrand.

>Changes a lot

Nigga you cant get flying before 70, by 70 you will most likely be running dungeons or doing bgs for some gear so you dont need flying mount. Granted it opens new questlines once you get it but i would hardly call it game changing

I got permaed back in wotlk for sperging out at some guy corpse camping me for hours in hellfire and telling him to kill himself. Now I just never type anything in public chat on these games.

You sir are 100% correct. Outland didn't feel like a place people lived, it felt like a holding area for endgame players. The only good things about that expansion was the extended talent trees and kara.

Don't forget jewel crafting, which is just an easier version of enchanting.

it does, dummy.
You fail to see the bigger picture.

JC was a nice addition though, it gave you some form of extra customization to gear and more room to minmax or try out different stuff.

*swoops past once*

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You fail to back up any of your arguments.

Did you know Kara was supposed to be a vanilla instance? Its why it was so good, before they started streamlining everything.

The WotLK login screen theme with the metal clanging in the background was the best login menu.

You can't prove me wrong.

based and truthpilled
wrath sucked even worse
>mfw people actually think unstoppable bullshit like lifebloom, cloak of shadows, and ice lance were good additions to the game

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>blood elves
They are the reason WoW has survived till now though?

It allows you to skip most world pvp and the faster flying mounts allow you to shit on groundlings like no other. It's fun losing every important resource node to people who ignore all mobs just because of a dumb gimmick mount.

You want an argument?
It kills player interaction in the world.
It makes veryone rush from point a to point b.
People running around the world not only make it feel alive, but depending on the person you encounter it can change your experience dramatically.
A 70 is going this way? maybe i should go the other way around or try to stick with other people so i dont get raped.
Am i in a group of horde? we could clear this objective faster or make a group to pvp in area to gain some rewards since every zone in TBC had a pvp gimmick to play part of, usually helping your faction with long buff for winning, and even getting some pieces of gear for your trouble.

you know, core aspects of an MMO, Interaction and not making everything a rush from point A to point B.
Traveling is way different and can make a turn for the unexpected, player experiences always something you canĀ“t predict. its one of the reasons what made Vanilla such a memorable experience.

He is right.

BC was Blizzard's luclin but at least they had some original talent left.

Space is where fantasy mmorpgs go to die.

>People get sick of Sindragosa reeing at them
>They reveal the login screen for Cata at 2010 BlizzCon
>Deathwing has an autistic screech of a roar
>Doesn't make any noise by launch a month later because people bitched

No, WotLK was the worst. You just weren't around for it, so good on you for bailing early.
for reference

imagine if you had to hear that every time you logged in

I still remember BC's horrible corridor dungeons. WotLK had the best dungeons except for the arena.

>I still remember BC's horrible corridor dungeons. WotLK had the best dungeons except for the arena.

outed yourself as a wrathbabby.

Wrath dungeons were LITERALLY fucking corridors, retard.

>more corridors
>aoe spam pulls
>best dungeons

Go check Auchindoun's 4 great dungeons retards lol and all other BC shit were zero effort corridors

What finally killed world player interaction was sharding.

>hehe why should you see all the people in the zone you're in, here are some arbitrary rules about who you see and when you get teleported to another shard, losing sight of your buddies and ending up in a midst of a hostile group

You absolute retard, thats not the point, any sane human being knows BC dungeons are pretty linear and streamlined, it started that trend. but at least those require basic coordination to run through.

Wotlk on the other hand are long boring ass corridors with no tactics whatsoever, just mass pull and AoE down.

Im pointing this out because you are shitting on something while praising something else that is FACTUALLY and OBVIOUSLY inferior in every single way, the only reason you would be saying that is because wrath was your first xpac.

Nobody with a functioning brain would say wrath dungeons are superior to TBC. in fact is a straight step down to them even more so than it was from vanilla to TBC

Now fuck off, Wrathbab

post a nazi symbol on trade chat.

Karazhan was really good, fucking class A haunted tower atmosphere. Zones were decent, raids too. What I disliked was arena (felt too artificial) and dailies later on, IQD went too far with this, although PvPing there was fun.

I started around the end of vanilla retard. You talk like people didn't just tag everything and aoe down in BC eventually.
>Disable that one enemy and don't touch it
>Focus one enemy till it dies!
So great tactics with depth since Vanilla. Still everyone aoe'ed the shit out of dungeons in the end when they got overspeced.
Also aesthetically BC's dungeons were like they didn't pay their artist and every raid dungeons were horrible as well, especially the black temple.

>no proof
you reek like you started on Nost.

>World PvP
Literally nobody gives a shit about world PvP to the point there are PvE servers entirely without it, how does it change anything for them?

>It makes veryone rush from point a to point b
Only if you're max level and when you're max level that's what you'd be doing with ground mounts anyway, running off to a dungeon or a raid or circling an area gathering mats, people who aren't max level are still on the ground and you can still see people on flying mounts, its not like they suddenly become invisible or something.

You fail to see the point.

since you have to pay attention to travel a terrain you are paying more attention to your surroundings.

Do you really thinkg people give a shit about the rest when all they do is fly high and press the auto-run key to fly in a straight line to their location?

Wrath was the expac that ruined WoW.

sometimes things must fail, so that they can learn from that failure, and grow.

It was the last great expac without theme park shittery.

>theme park shittery
>Arthas showed up in some form in every zone like a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain telling you that what you're doing won't stop him

t. wrathbabby

Wrath was the literal themepark raidlogging xpac, retard.

>Hallway dungeons
>welfare badge gear
>raids you can clear in less than an hour
>1/3 of the world is useless, most of it feels out of place.
>everyone flying, nobody on the ground.

It has only 2 actual raids, Ulduar which was great, and ICC which was okay at best.

>without theme park shittery.
Lmfao are you joking right now or something?

WotLK had coherent terrain theme, the snowland. At worst it was just barrens.

Funny how they had to shove him everywhere, yet be fucking irrelevant for most of the xpac.

How many times have you seen Ragnaros in Vanilla? or Nefarian? Nefarian only once, in UBRS.
Most of the info about important characters you had in vanilla was through quest text and books, sometimes even items.

>Coherent terrain theme
>Crystalsong, literally useless crystal forest with no purpose.
>Sholazar, STV out of nowhere with titan architectures.
>ZulĀ“drak being fucking ginormous and twice the size of Icecrown
>Storm peaks being more Titan city than actual peaks.

Yeah okay.

only Boring Tundra, Fjord and Dragonbore and Grizzly Hills are somewhat cohesive.

Don't forget the Nerubian kingdom that was supposed to be underneath Dragonblight

All of this but unironically plus an unbelievably ugly and uninspired art style. You can very easily sniff out the cata/mopbabbies by listening to them pretending how they "loved" TBC

No such thing since it was cut.
that joke that is Azjol Nerub and Ahn Kahet feels way more out of place than anything.

>Unironcially defending "put every terrain possible in one continent"
Damn you haters have no limit.

What im against that, retard.
Learn to read.

Because wow players complained about how Illidan was turned into a loot pinata. So they turned into a retarded vilain who shows up everywhere. He was still a loot pinata in the end though.

Tell me one expac less theme-park-esque than WotlK then.

You are legit retarded.
Learn to read nigger.

That's your argument eh. Just as expected from a braindead hater.

>flying mounts
Slower than ground mounts, casting time 3 seconds and the fast one was 5k gold.
>daily quests
Not until the end of expansion.
>multi-faction cities where PvP is impossible
World pvp was never better than in BC.
>portals to all the cities in one city
And? Hearthstone had 1 hour cooldown and you had to gain reputation to access some of the areas.
>blood elves
>arenas and arena matchmaking
Shitter talking about the most balanced pvp in any time in WoW.
>short, high level, dungeons
This doesn't make any sense. People don't want BRS type of dungeons because they just skip most of the content. Raids gave you options in approaching the content. For example SSC was big and you could decide how to approach it, that's a prime example of how to do the content.

Burning Crusade was the only truly great version of WoW. If you read a book in your life you would know the lore of Warcraft was always very mediocre, including the books.

This so much, hate how it absolute shit on the story of warcraft 3 and the lore just so they can have some famous names to kill.

you forgot
>proto dungeon finder
>questing went from traveling the world to running around in a small circle around a town, finish town, go to the next town over, circle around, repeat until you get to the other side of map, transition to new zone, do it all again

Not the worst but it did continue the trend of making the game worse (which started several patches prior). Pre 1.5 wow, now that was a game.

WoW players asked for it.

this was how most people felt who were playing WoW at tbc release
i think the reputation grind to get acces to heroics was 1 of the worst parts

And i honestly will never forget the feeling when i disenchanted my epics for green quest rewards for the first time it was just painfull

BC was pretty much what ruined WOW moving forward.

I think the biggest problem more then anything was the homoginization of gear, which began in BC when they standardized gear to have stamina baked into every piece.

WoW IS the zoomer game

>5k gold
Didn't require much grinding.
>Not until the end of expansion.
What is 2.1
>World pvp was never better than in BC.
Stopped reading here. Outed yourself as a tbc babby. Golden era of world pvp was during 1.4.

>Didn't require much grinding.
Not true for most of the playerbase.
>What is 2.1
Black Temple patch.
>Stopped reading here. Outed yourself as a tbc babby. Golden era of world pvp was during 1.4.
I too mained frost mage with engineering and had a rogue alt in vanilla and as much as I loved it, the best world pvp I experienced was still in BC, either in STV, auchindoun, before the TK and on the platforms of TK killing geared raiders, around the SSC, on elemental plateau, in Goldshire or Crossroads. People could quickly respond to city sieges on a 1 hour cd which made world pvp more dynamic in all of the places. Resilience also made the game much better and only a pve shitter would say the opposite.

Challenge accepted

>>This expansion introduced:
>>flying mounts
World PvP and it's adherents are retarded. Flying mounts were great for avoiding dumbasses.
>>daily quests
At the time it was better than daily nothing.
>>multi-faction cities where PvP is impossible
Again PvPers are retards, so what.
>>portals to all the cities in one city
How awful.
>>blood elves
Agreed, terrible fucking idea, the horde up to that point was a tiny amount of people due to having the appropriate lack of players.
>>arenas and arena matchmaking
Agreed a huge misstep. Balancing around this shitshow should never have happened.
>>short, high level, dungeons
The dungeons were okay, some were, they did downgrade to entirely hallway based design here though.
>This was a huge blow to the wow expirience. I'm glad I at least got to enjoy vanilla from near launch until tbc.
You never played Vanilla. In addition the raids were a great time, including two new 10 man raids with a fun optional bear run in ZA. Hyjal was terrible though.

>daily quests
>video games are now work, enjoy!
Who thought this would be a good idea?

OP is bait but this is pretty true, it shit on WC lore than just about any other expansion.

bfa may suck but it doesn't exactly shit on the lore (it just writes every plot point as stupidly as possible, Nathanos being a match in a fight for Super Sayan Tyrande and Tyrande killing a Valkyrie by saying a word was so retarded)

I can sort of understand the logic behind baking stam on every piece by playing W* back when it didn't do that yet, and it resulting into every single dps player cutting all stam, dying from a single red circle, and boss tactics turning into burst cheeses to skip phases/mechanics thanks to inflated dps numbers and deflated hp numbers.

>Who thought this would be a good idea?
The guy who realized that this will bring retards back every single day while also time-gating everything so they don't have to release content as fast.

don't forget this

No one did this though, melee BiS gear already came with stamina, even for rogues.

It seems like a good idea in theory. You have players that spend a lot of time on the game, and players that spend little time on the game. The former group runs out of things to do fast, while the latter group can't keep up, falls behind and might feel that the game is only worth it if you can spend several hours a day on it. So you limit the progress the neets can make, and at the same time make it faster for the people who don't play much to progress.

Unfortunately, it ends up creating a situation where you feel like you _need_ to do the dailies, or otherwise you're losing progress. Before you could do content you felt like doing, and if you didn't feel like doing it that day, you could just do it the next day, and technically you would lose nothing. Not quite so with dailies. As a result, they end up feeling like chores.

portals is my biggest gripe

having to travel everywhere by foot/mount through all the different roads and areas was awesome

after the patch you just hearth to shat and jump in whatever portal

don't forget mana tombs bro. at least on heroic

>daily quests
One of best features,Isle was one of the best zones ever
>arenas and arena matchmaking
Arenas where one of the few reasons why I played this game until Cata.Anyone who disslikes Arena or cries about it could never could compete for gladiator.Arena was a million times better than the R14 grind or Rated battlegrounds.
I am so tired of people that couldn't even reach 2200 raiting cry about "MUH ARENA RUINED PVP".Tons of people also cry about the balance of arena,when blizzard took ages to nerf/buff because of PvE-Players.They just should have implemented differenct interactions of spells on players and mobs,would have been way easier.
Also resilliance was a good stat even tho a ton of idiots argue against it constantly on here.

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>Thinks daily quests are good
>When in reality there just the same 5 unchanging quests with their rewards locked behind 2 months of grinding rep through them

I would much rather have real fucking quests and real rep grinds thank you very much, daily quests is what started the time gating shit.

They were a good feature because it was a far better option for gold earning than to grind mob X for hours in one spot.

They were better than tyrs hand or elemental farming for hours.And even in Tbc you could afk grind elementals if you liked it better.

yeah bro. killing 2500 furbolgs was way more exciting for rep building

>muuh everyone is flying
>muuh dailys
>muuh they steal my herbs
>muuh welfare gear
>muuh everything was easy
>muuh i hate portals because i like to waste 2 hours going from WP to SOS
fucking retards. dont fucking use it if you dont like it lmao

you're still killing 2500 demons, you just can't kill more then 20 a day

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>welfare epics

welfare epics were wrath, TBC badge gear was a genuine chore to get

This, where are those "epic tarren mill lotr battles" world pee vee pee faggots bring up so much ?
Oh wait they couldn't afford flying

Everyone goes on about BRD and maraudon being great dungeons and I agree, I love how big they are

But could you imagine if every dungeon was like that? So big you have to find a replacement party member every hour, brb tank leaves and the group is finished

It'd get tedious pretty fast

They also required you to raid, and the rewards until SWP were only as good as dungeon epics.

I played a warlock so I never had a issue with people leaving when I can summon people right to me.

I'd imagine they could make one mega dungeon like BRD per expansion and no one wouldn't mind one bit.

It would also give them design space to make professions not shit, right now professions are grind 5000 ores to smelt into 200 bars to craft into 10 armor peices in hopes you get the right suffix to your class, only to have it replaced by a trash drop of your first heroic dungeon.

Imagine if they had dungeons where they had
>exclusive recipes
>rare exclusive materials
>exclusive crafting stations
>rare bosses

I mean just take BRD, add in island expedition style random events, replace azerite shit with profession materials, and it would be fucking glorious.

in here dude

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It was tedious then. Nobody wants to ever do a fucking full mara clear. The level difference is so huge in all the areas it makes it a bit foolish to do so.

It was a solid expansion mechanics wise, but the lore started getting retarded and I didn't like the alien aesthetics.

Flying mounts were a huge mistake, but they were constrained only here and you actually had to work for them. Not only that but you still had to work for a ground mount too and didn't get it for free like you do today.

Draenei, Blood Elves, changing epics for greens as soon as you went pass the portal were all horrible. It was the best expansion but it's where WoW started gradually going to shit.

because it was the best and most fun WoW version.

Depends, quests were the big reason to do leveling dungeons, Maradon was different because it was the lowest level dungeon with end game rewards, specifically the preraid BiS ring and paladin/shaman preraid bis shield, as well as good +defense leggings for tanks, and all those items dropped from princess.

No one fucking did gnomer for the drops, they did it for the quest exp and the quest rewards for killing thurmaplug, you skipped half of the bosses for a reason.

That makes sense. I think I still have my mara portal staff on my druid.

Bfa is the first xpac ive just straight quit, ive just taken breaks during other ones, and in bfa i have a million gold, and a token sitting in my bag, so its essentially free, yet i have zero desire to play it anymore, and i knew i was gonna quit when i got in the beta,

Yes, yes well done on being so awful Burning Crusade, well done Burning


Forgot the pic

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>Wasting time on getting mad at corpse camper
>Not just logging on alt and do other stuff

Cata was better and had better soundtrack

>One of best features,Isle was one of the best zones ever

Of course it was, there was no flying mounts here.

There were supposed to be troll raid and nerubian kingdom raid but blizz goofed and gave us instead stupid dragon meme boss and copypasted naxxramas

You say that every expansion

OP is correct.

Ask any TBC fag why it's good, they can't say why. Or they will say "my class was better on TBC".

In fact that is just because TBC was their first experience with WoW.

When you look at fact and features, TBC is trash and ruined WoW.

Music has literally never not been good. The music for the Alliance side of Warfronts feels heroic as hell, which makes sense considering they're the good guys and on the right side of history.

Flying mounts would have been fine if they were slower than regular mounts.
Allowing them back on azeroth was a mistake though

soulless and empty, just like the rest of current wow. orgrimmar's original theme, or original ironforge theme... now there's your masterpiece.

>check what wow has become
>Gear are nothing more than a number
>People don't talk about equipement name but talk about numbers like "my weapon is ilvl 400" instead of "my weapon is Askhandi"
>The only difference between top players and casual is a fucking number

Need more for ICC 25m 8.5k GS req link LK achieve

Throw away flying moutns and Shattrah and suddenly BC world pvp isn't dead

WoW was always shit, OP.