Granblue Fantasy Versus
Granblue Fantasy Versus
>always threads about fighting game
>no threads about action game
>both have the same amount of info out
Why is this? I'm biased and don't care for fighting games despite liking Guilty Gear.
Because less people know about or are interested in ReLink. I've tried making ReLink threads but they die on the vine unless I samefag the hell out of them.
People have a frame of reference for the fighting game because they've played arcsys other games. Nobody knows what the RPG will be like.
The action game takes longer to make.
Also the Platinum fell out issue made the future of the game uncertain until we get more news about it in March 9th
The fighting game is probably faster to make and might come out this year.
How long until the mods delete this thread too? I give it 200 posts max.
Why do mods delete game threads like GBF in a video game board?
They don't like it. Plus it's not a nintendo thread.
I give it 100.
Were pre-release DBFZ threads deleted as often?
*Not a FGO thread
They usually delete FEH threads too.
Will there be DLCs for alternate costumes?
Oh look guys another generic fighting game we haven't made one of these in awhile right? Mods delete this trash give them there own fucking board fuck fighters to hell! Be happy i'm not the gook owner i would ban all you faggots!
Depends on how ArcSys want to slack off or not, or how much shekels Cygames paid them.
>no Yuel
>no Naru
>no Monika
>no Yuisis
Hard pass.
They're both probably going to be out this year. They would have known about the platinum split for a while and said during the last livestream "just a bit longer please" so this "should" be the last delay. It's the first time cygames has made a 3D console game though so maybe they'll fuck up even worse and come crawling back to platinum or some other company.
>P4U in reverse isekai
Actually Guilty Gear in native isekai.
pedo game
The true Yea Forums experience
Loli game.
Loli website.
Loli thread.
God i love lolis
No Draphs no buy.
I hope Andira gets in.
I doubt they would have any Zodiac characters in the vanilla roster.
Based fast man better get in or iam bombing cygames
What's the purpose of that giant crown?
To make her feel like a big girl.
He would be in. Albert is practically one of Cygames's Mascot now.
does this game have catgirls? we've had a massive catgirl shortage in fighters since the 90s ended
No but we do have this Foxgirl that acts like a cat
4 main races:
humans: human
Draph: shortstack cowgirls, xbox huge men
Havrin: basically halflings with none of the thieving shit
Erune: animal ears people(rare few have tails, usually royalty or something)
Erunes are dog, cat and fox girls all under one race.
What about Monki
Really? I thought it was just foxes
I don't get the shit about platinum. They had a contract, they finished it.
It's just animalgirl: the race.
It's unclear if the contract was just making the foundation of the game then handling it off or if the contract was ended prematurely because of some reason.
It's all over the place, for instance I think Chloe has some sort of horse or deer like ears.
yeah. The only type of threads that never get deleted, even when they are just about shitty memes, are nintendo's.
I think they came out and stated the contract ended, so they were probably helping with the game engine or something and finished. Considering I think Cygames said something about wanting to connect the phone game accounts I could see them doing something there on their own.
>we officially announce our contract has come to an end
Pretty sure they would've said something else entirely if that was premature.
>5* Sandal
Oh shit it really is happening.
>more homobait shit
No wonder this game is dying.
These will be the ones to give you your Dark/Light seraphic.
Good. I really hate Hal and Mal.
Guess Halluel and Malluel are already obsolete then, what a fucking waste of character slots.
>shit designs
>minimal plot involvement
Guess they had to meet female quota for the event.
how did an anniversary event get so gay? the first one was fun going through a bunch of places with loads of characters and then the second one is just about a bunch of faggots, how can anyone be excited for the third one?
looking forward to all the free stuff though
Blame fujos and faggots
I still like it
Fuck me, part 2 music is fucking horrible.
Jokes on me for expecting something that's at least on par with part 1's I guess.
My wife Bea! She's in!
>playable Haluelo and Maluelo (human)
>he doesn't like Japanese Linkin Park
>implying the homobait hasn't done more good than bad
Catering to homos and waifufags helps GBF appeal to a wider audience.
Just look at all the merch they've shat out over the years. Homoknights related merch is still selling like hotcakes, along with waifufag merch.
Post mature and sexy women
Post like this is why the threads kept getting deleted.
babby here, are there any important stuff I should grab from the current event? I have three Sandalphons now and a few of the SSR weapon, and I still haven't redeemed anything from the summon cradle trade
Why do you think people post them?
The Light sword is pretty good Ex mod placeholder, also okay mainhand for new players too.
I already have the harp from part 1, should I put this one in my grid too? I have 8 omega weapons, the harp and bahamut dagger equipped on light
Should have a max of 6 omega weapons on your grid. Uncap some of them.
meanwhile another 500 waifubait characters are released for the 1-5 homobait ones
fuck off