Hate BR games

>hate BR games
>hate free-to-play loot box games
>hated titanfall 1 and 2
>completely fucking addicted to this game
Idk how you did it Respawn but I haven’t touched Battlefield, csgo, or siege in two weeks. I’m hooked like a junkie.

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Idk how you hated Titanfall 2 and liked this game. This is just Titanfall 2 with the abilities mixed amongst character abilities and different gun balance on a new map. In terms of BRs though, this one attempts to address a lot of the godawful shit (no gun spawns, ally died at start so the whole squad gotta drop now, long running for 20 mins then dying to a pixel on the screen, etc)

I love collecting weapons I'll never use for 30 minutes and then dying to some fucktard I haven't seen the whole match.

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>be bad

>having no control over rng = bad

Bullshit, ttk is big enough to react at anything.

Are battle royale games fun if you dont have friends?

Drop in hotzones and chase gunfights, you'll end with 10+ kills if you win, also, only the supply drop weapons can actually kill you in 1 shot, both by headshot and good luck hitting a headshot with the kraber on longer distances

unless the other dude is good and can track your head with a r99 and kill you in 2 seconds yea

No, most of them no, Apex actually pretty good.

seriously? but doesn't that game require you to be in teams?

>I haven’t touched Battlefield, csgo, or siege in two weeks
With taste like that, it comes as no surprise you like Apex Legends.

r99 shit on the distance, and you can hear footsteps if they are near. So you still have time to react.

It matches you with others, but I have won games completely solo so they aren't required.

It's still a BR. I felt same as you but after 60 hours I uninstalled it and had my fill. Yes it has skill, but still too much RNG for my taste. Battle Royale games are just shorter cycle Skinner's box.

I hate mechs

lol dude what if we gave the most useless characters the biggest hitboxes to really spice thing sup

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Name better shooters faggot

i know wraiths hitbox is fucked but is the difference really that huge?

Oh, that's unfortunate. Have you tried not being a megafaggot?

Well there is push to talk, text chat. And ping system more then enough for every situation, you can ping everything while your character also confirm your ping with voice.

This reeks of shill.

Made up

Fortnite was absolute trash that bombed with it's original concept of a base making shooter before it copy and pasted PubG's concept. The only reason why it did so well was it was free to play and more saturated which was appealing to little kids. It didn't deserve a single ounce of it's fame yet here we are.

Apex, as much as I personally don't like the game, I can at least respect because of the new directions and mechanics it tries to implement into the genre. And I would have Apex kill Fortnite a hundred times over if it were possible. All I can do now is hope Fortnite stays dead and welcome Apex

Yes wraiths are fucking pain in the ass to kill.

Yes, and it becomes even smaller when she sprints, which is why every try hard in this game plays wraith. Couple that with a wingman (pistols can strafe faster than any other gun while ads) and the subpar netcode, and you can smash kids all day

He can't, he's OP.

Greetings, EA marketer.

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No it's not


>wraith man who thinks he's been outskilling opponents detected

Nah. That's not what I was implying. You like multiplayer first person shooters. You were pretty much on the borderline for liking a Battle Royale already. It just had to be an FPS.

Dont forget the wingman's insane headshot damage combined with perfect hipfire accuracy at ridiculous ranges.

Reminder that robot is the only good character and that all other characters are ugly women and/or niggers that are handicapped by the lack of the grapple which is by far the most useful skill in the game.

I like all genres stop being a pretentious faggot

>only good character
>has a broken hitbox and can be headshot by shooting a full heads distance above his existing head
he's garbage until they fix him

Why are you so offended? I just pointed out a trend in what you played from what you said and never even called it a good or bad thing. Are you ashamed of what you like?

>hated titanfall 1 and 2
I will never not LOVE the fact that mecha is the only consistent normalfag repellent through the years. Kill yourself zoomer.

Can't headshot you if you've already swung around behind them on the most op piece of kit in the game my dude.

I wish I vsed total trashcans who could be juked by a grapple but alas I appear to get unlucky

Lmao faggot

In my experience it's as surprisingly reliable as Mirage's clone but with more versatility and more FUN

This game isn't going to take over fortnite. One reason fortnite is so popular is because it runs on shit hardware while apex runs like shit on new hardware. This game also has the worst visual clarity which makes it even more important to have higher frames while in fortnite you can play at 30fps and have no problem finding people. Look at all the complaints where people mention nausea and eye strain. You can play fortnite at 60fps for 5 hours without any eye fatigue while this game if you aren't getting over 120fps 1080p you'll be getting red eyes in 45 minutes.

t. spent hundreds of dollars on fortnite and seething

doesn't change the fact that millions people living in shitholes have fortnite installed on their pc since they can run it while they can't run apex. Fortnite's aesthethic also appeals to a broader audience and they already have a headstart with creator mode for casuals. Apex can't manage to make that happen.

I don't like fortnite I just don't understand why devs go out of their way to not do what is neccesary to take over fortnite when its not that difficult.

you squeezed so much retarded shit into a few sentences that your post has an event horizon

please include "apex legends" somewhere in your opening post so that my filters might work properly, marketer-kun

>I hate mechs

Attached: you.jpg (480x360, 30K)

>No penalty for leaving games
It's shit senpai

>Wanting to watch some trash kid random sit in a corner and let you bleed out and count down where you can't play anyway.

People got better things to do with their time then watch some kid just die after hiding at the edge of the ring for ten minutes only to get instagibbed by the wraith/lifeline/bangurmom combo.

>playing western garbage
lmao @ ur life

you'll get bored after like 20 hours or so. I got hooked on Realm Royale after trying a dozen BRs and then just dropped it out of nowhere

only BR i've enjoyed is Blackout. Apex is too slow.
I also really like the weekly events they do for blackout.

>i got bored so you'll get bored
top level insight

nice autism

Friendly reminder to focus on killing Wraiths even if it costs you your life. Bonus points for Finisher.

man im gay and i love mechs, somehow youre a bigger faggot than i am

I don't understand the appeal of these games, it's like a whole subgenre of fps that's just about camping, last time I checked everybody hated campers?

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i really like this game but i'm at like 80-110 fps and i really want to get 144 fps, and i'm not sure if it's worth getting a GPU in this market to get those extra frames. i also have some stuttering, presumably due to old ram, and upgrading my ram would take a complete overhaul of my motherboard and CPU.

i do like this game but i'm not sure i like it enough to drop 900 dollars on new PC bullshit

based brainlet response

>rooting for EA

well this is an easy "I'm bad" post
everyone knows the wingman is the only thing you have to fear

>Games run at 60 fps max
>People always want more

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if you actually manage to die to a sniper, even 3 snipers, then you are objectively, irrevocably, and just 100% absolute garbage at this game and fps in general probably. The only sniper that could potentially do that is the kraber and it has bullet drop from hell.

I'm always on the move when I play, unless its down to a few squads with a small circle

How did you manage to type out so much and say so little?

Mouse response

>He plays anything other than pathginder.
Is this when you realized you're objectively bad at videogames Yea Forums ?

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this game punishes camping in close to every way possible

camping just gets you killed in this game since theres a really huge advantage when pulling off a flank, not to mention you wont get shit for loot by camping. Gotta get out there and hunt other players for their gear.

Yes i too am not really a fan of the series, but the setting in this one was just too good. They paid so much attention to recreating Ancient Greece, you should get this one even if like me you are not a fan and were not planning to buy it.

You sound bad.

Bad enough that you would never make it 30 minutes. Even if you try the matches last at best 15.

it's kind of an evolving desire. at first i didn't know what FPS was. then I wanted 60 FPS and wouldn't settle for less. now I want 144 FPS or at least 120 FPS. you'll understand the first time you play something like BF4 at 144 hz/FPS. the closest way to describe it is that it looks a bit like motion blur, but instead of gay awful shit, it looks amazing and smooth.


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>He thinks it's about the character, not his abilities.
Do you even solo kill squads before they can even react, Yea Forumsro?

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Fuck you

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>shill shill
>shill shill shill
>shill shill
Man Respawn Entertainmant TM is such a cool thing bro. I enjoy this service like I enjoy the use of elicit narcotics because I’m CRAAAAAAAZY

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imagine being so fucking retarded that thinking anyone liking something means theyre getting paid for it. please kill yourself so no one ever has to read one of your fucktard posts again

depends more on the game than the framerate
I play all my games at 60fps and some have huge input lag, some dont

Don't worry, I don't like mechs too. I'd take futuristic tanks every time, just don't make them generic.

>hooked like a junkie
That’s how we knew dipshit, if you’re gonna try and advertise here at least lean how not to speak like a corporate troglodyte

How can anyone like the RNG driven borefest that is battle royal?

how do dis

jump at the exact moment of the grapple latching, it takes practice and is somewhat random

Imagine being this retarded and legitimately having this opinion

what about keys to hold? look right hold right?
what about bunnyhopping

you generally want to hold movement keys to the opposite direction of where your grapple is latched to ensure you spend more time grappled, giving you more speed

if you latch onto a tree to the right, press A, etc

theres a video on the mechanics on youtube

Imagine playing this garbage and thinking now this is a good game

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i cant stand looking at these fucking shitty soulless "look we're progressive" characters

Overwatch looks like TF2 compared to Apex

Gaysex Legends

>mfw no Gibraltar bf

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nigger don't (you) me, go back to your shill conversation

You are not addicted. You are just paid to shill this game.

>what is sliding down a hill and 360 noscoping

>not taking perfectly good (you)s

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>bloodhound is a manlet

Game is really good until you realize that if you don't have a Wingman/Peacekeeper you lose. Both of these weapons can two-shot you if you have the best armor in the game, meanwhile the Kraber can't even one-shot on a headshot against a blue helmet. Balance is completely fucked and they can't ever fix it because the fucking idiots will bitch and moan about having to land more than 2 shots in a fight and actually needing aim.

>he needs 30 minutes to loot
>he needs to blame rng to cope
man some people are proper shit at games


i love titanfall but i get absolutely rekt in apex. gamepad just isnt my thing.

Wow, okay robophobe! Disgusting, synths are people too, mmm k? Educate your self, maybe let a synth educate you, before you hate on them, like the uncultured organic you are.

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seeth more bb

See, when DayZ came out people were thrilled to load in on the beach without anything, get to a military loot spot and find a gun and kill people, with death being permanent. Now remove zombies, casualize it more. With Apex add in hero abilities. Viola

See how people like cars well you take the wheels off and make it into a boat and add some other shit. Viola.

How much dick do you suck, you massive faggot

I hate how they nerfed movement so much it just plays like a cod abortion.

kill yourself

Sure man, here's the gif you wanted.

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