I guess this game is kind of overlooked now because of the RE2 remake...

I guess this game is kind of overlooked now because of the RE2 remake, but what did you think of Resident Evil 7 Yea Forums? How would you compare/rank it to the other games in the series?

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one of the best

Better than remake 2

About on par with RE3/CV. Not one of the absolute best but good enough.

Better than 4, 5, and 6

Ethan was a cool protag. It's nice to have a character who isn't a soldier or someone with combat training be the MC for once.

I went for replaying it after I got burned on remake and it felt really good beating it on madhouse. Atmosphere, mansion design, characters, pacing.. god damn this is just 10/10. Japan is saving the industry with games like this. Even though ship section was crappy and females in game were fucking goblinas it’s a strong 9/10 with nice replayability.
Should I get banned footage? Anyone played?

It's the only one i like. I was never a resident evil fan desu

Banned Footage was pretty good except for "21" which to me just felt tedious and annoying as fuck.

Should've had more Bakers and their land, and less Eveline, boat and fucking mines

>hould I get banned footage?
What? im curious now.

shouldve brought back tank controls.
first person sucked ass

I liked it. It wasn't as good as the originals but it's the best of the newer ones, not counting REmake 2. The house was 10/10 and the main drag is the last bit where it goes action mode.
The DLCs for it are great too.

Loved it. It felt like true Resident Evil, from the REmake-feeling Baker's house to eventually turning full retard on the ship and onwards in true RE fashion. And the Joe Baker DLC is the best thing to happen in the series.

I didn't like it. First Person horror just isn't for me.

>escape main house
>game is pretty good
>enter 2nd house
>giants bugs buzzing everywhere
>turn game off and never start again



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> And the Joe Baker DLC is the best thing to happen in the series.
I remember DSP was saying the same thing

it was nice that they made it horror/survival based again instead of action garbage like 5 and 6, but it didnt really grab me. i stopped playing after the wife boss fight because i couldnt be bothered. its the only mainline re game i havent finished. ive finished all the others multiple times.
re2make blows it out of the water completely. its so utterly fantastic that i hope no other re games are made in first person or are concerned with the mould type enemies. i really hope they either remake re3 or code veronica in re2make style. or just give me more re2 stuff. more than the ghost survivors. ive finished re2make 4 times already. leon a,b, and claire a,b. cant wait to do hardcore mode.

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Enemy variety is lacking
REmake 2 has this issue too though.

Good until Jack dies then it becomes hot dogshit.
Ethan has got to be the spergiest protag in any video game I've played.

I think it's pretty funny, no matter what happens to him, he just wants to find his wife and he doesn't react to anything weird happening at all.

>finds severed cow legs sew together
>discovers his wife's belongings being burned
>dives into water under a crawlspace and sees a human corpse
>all within 5 minutes of arriving at this spooky house
>doesn't think to call the cops or turn back while he still has the chance
>when he does meet a cop he spergs out and gets him killed

>that's not groovy

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Why do people say the ship goes full retard? I feel like I played an entirely different game, I thought it was not only a cooldown from the fights in the training area by changing characters and resetting the arsenal for a while, but also up there with the mansion for the most classic RE-esque part of the game with the multi-floored exploration and search for elevator parts. The bottom floor is the only part I'd consider jumping the shark and that both lasts for only 2 rooms AND can be pretty much just ran past. I don't get it, I thought the ship was damn close to the best part of the game.

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He reacts at first, but after a while it just becomes an annoyance to him. The same can be said for all of the RE characters.
>Uh, is this a fucking joke?!

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I dunno, maybe I should have said the Joe Baker DLC is full retard (which it is, gloriously). But the ship turns into Aliens and we find out Ethan's girlfriend is secretly a government agent and it's such a 180 from the house portion of the game that I found it kind of suddenly retarded and silly (in a good way).

Solid, but they probably should've done 8 before doing REmake 2. Now nobody gives two shits about where 8 is going to take things, rather people are more looking forward to what Capcom's gonna do with the continuity going forward with REmake 3.


>Jesus Christ
>take that, you overgrown son of a bitch!
>monsters, I guess after this there will be one less of them
The evolution of a god.

>Yes! More black people to shoot in the face!
I get that Leon's adrenaline was pumping but couldn't he at least have tried to filter that one?

>action garbage
>not citing 4

It's the start of the action trilogy. 5 is basically 4.5 with co OP as the only change


Are we talking in terms of tone or events? Because I'm talking about the gameplay and pacing, to which it is FAR from the most action-filled part of the game. I spent more time avoinding four-leggeds and setting mines to trap them than going in guns-a-blazin'.

> every thread in steam discussions is about vr whining
Stop it. Just stop it already.

Pretty great, just beat it. People complained that the last third of the game is just an action shooter but I loved being able to unload after having to scrape by for most of the game. The game is beautiful and I wouldn't mind another first person game for the series.

I loved the One punch man DLC

Both, but tone, mostly. It definitely got sci-fi action-y but then again that's the portion of the game where me and my friend were completely stuck wandering around the empty ship trying to find the next place we were supposed to go.

Co-opp was a more unwelcome change than a shift to action. 3 was already walking down that path so in retrospect some of 4's changes were foreshadowed, while it being a single player game meant it could competently manage something more nuanced than "kill everything in the room". 5 devolved into " 4's village horde section: the game" and was boring as hell for it while 6 tried to do more but fell flat on its face in the attempt. Co-op was definitely more of a mistake than the shift to action.

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>that's the portion of the game where me and my friend were completely stuck wandering around the empty ship trying to find the next place we were supposed to go.

Yeah, like a classic RE game. The ship and the mansion were the only places where you could possibly get lost. Old house is too small and both training area and mines are straight lines.


Run past everything and it takes like 5 minutes.

It's not that, it's just... mines. Sewers. Boring-ass fucking levels.

Cool walking simulator.

Ah. Granted, though it does at least have the lab room. Even then, that only mattered before Not A Hero was a thing.

It's not Resident evil, shitty filler for normie fags zoomers.

>I didn't even make it to the basement: the post

>They remake 4 but scrap the action and make it slow and atmospheric


tfw sewer is my favourite part of RE2make

Love it, wish it had better replayability. One of the underrated stories this gen, too.

As soon as I got mobbed by three molded in a cramped hallway, I knew I was playing Resident Evil.

Yeah, cool walking sim. I guess now you're going to babble about how you need to play it with VR goggles to enjoy it.

As a 4babby, 4babbies can get fucked. I'd play it and, if it's anything like RE2make, like it more than 4.

Wouldn't be 4 anymore. I think RE is cool because of all the flavours it comes in. Gives the franchise a lot of spice and variety, even if you don't like all of it. I'm not huge on 4, but it does what it does well and has a lot of personality.

Imagine being this low test.

Nope, never played it in VR. Once you get into the basement though the Outlast flavor goes away almost entirely.

Cool game but short need at least couple scenarios. Also interesting DLC.

Ahm onto you~

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It will be regarded as the DmC of it's series.
>mechanically different
>actual good game
>sells just enough to keep series alive

>only 1 enemy type
>walking simulator

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I liked it overall but I hated how much they focused on the VR aspect with all the predictable jumpscares and the scripted sequences that are clearly meant for the VR experience, also the molded are lame enemies and ethan sucks but joe was cool and deserves to come back in a future game

The enemies all looked similar, their design bored me, which is weird of me to say.

>Beccafag is dumb
water is wet

it's a very forgettable game with no replayability, it's short, has shit INNOVATIVE sludge enemies, plot holes, and was generally mediocre, it's only saving grace is trying new things, only it needed to try harder, replaying RE 4 for the hundredth time feels more compelling than replaying this a third time.

Go yank your cock through your ass. Fuck off and take your revisionist history with you.

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It was a good game. I never understood why people shat on it. It wasn't conventional Resident Evil, but it was a fine survival horror game with a good atmosphere, more psychological horror than pure jump scares, and at least kept a barebones classic Resi feel.

Flavor of the month for twitch/youtube users.

I liked sewers too, and labs even more, but RPD is just 10/10 baby


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Weird how they would have two more areas after the final boss.

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I guess that was free content just like Not a hero

Why is Leon so cute?

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Because he has an aesthetic face model.