Black Panther Game

Now that they won the Oscars, will Insomniac create a PS5 exclusive game and would you play it? Im a white girl btw.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw niggers are mad Green Book one

Based Aragorn

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He looks gross though.

>Now that they won the Oscars


Calling yourself a white girl only makes you sound pathetic and alone. Even if you arent false flagging

Well, i'm pretty sure he thinks he is a cute girl.

you... didn't even watch the oscars... did you,,,

Black Panther game was always in the making. It's called The Elder Scrolls 6 Redfall set in Hammerfell.

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This years affirmative action awards went to a bunch of nogs

you....are fucking new.....aren't you,,,

why? i haven't seen it but doesn't it fall into their agenda, make southern white people look bad?

>movie about a Bronx boy and black guy broing it up through the South and bantering won
>Spike Lee was so angry, he ran to the back of the auditorium due to his Fuck Whitey#5 and Black Panther losing
based Academy critics BTFOing the """critics""" and showing people what actual progressive film can be

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>make black panther game
>buy game just to harass black people in multiplayer
lol, I'd buy.

take you oscar discussion to your nigger Yea Forums shithole

That bitch must really hate niggers

Why don't men have more nipples?
It seems far more practical than having just 2. I mean, what are you going to do with 2 nipples? Nothing, that's what

Produced/directed/written by wh*tes

you are a fucking discord tranny fuck off with your bbc cuck fetish you mentally ill retard

Redguards are only black in appearance though

Why'd you post a GTA5 screenshot?

redguards are white people with black skin

Nice projections.

Ok guys just get on roids and girls will crack their retainers over you

>niggers get pity oscars
>they are still mad that the other nigger movie won

>there's even 1 human being alive right now who cares about the oscars

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they got 3 participation trophy's and nothing meaningful.

>spike Lee and militant niggers
Fixed that for you.

Sheeeeit, don't you know that we Egyptians invented the Oscars, nigga?

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It’s still kinda underwhelming. Pick.

The oscars would’ve officially hit rock bottom if it actually gave the Best picture to either
>a cookie cutter marvel movie that wasn’t even the best superhero movie last year
>a fairytale slap in the face, revisionist havkjob of Queen (even IF rami is best boy).
>Dick cheney movie no one even knew existed until the nominations rolled out.

Star is born and Green book were the perfect Oscar bait movies that appeals to the old men still running these shot shows so I’m not surprised either way.

why do faggots from Yea Forums always rush to post their garbage on Yea Forums?

>black panther game

lol never panther is never pulling Spidey numbers. There's a reason all the marvel games now are just Spidey. The only other brand that ever did well besides him was X-men and Marvel killed that brand hard trying to get the movie rights back.

>all these dry dick whi*eoids seething they've never inspired such lust in a female

Its a black dude trying to bait but we ignored him and are talking about the Oscars instead

How does it feel to know there are 1-nipple people much more successful than you are?

I think I could die

No one is talking about the image, though.

What the fuck is a whieoid?

>Green Book
Dick Cheney movie was unironically good, it's from the guy who bought us Talladega Nights and Step Brothers, it's also unironically good.

The girl in OP's image is actually half black. White dad and black mom.
According to her insta anyway

All those sympathy votes

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Explains the gorilla nose and shovel chin.

>green book
>it’s blue

>mfw anyone cares

This chick is gonna live a regrettable life, I can guarantee it.

Shut the fuck up and go back to reddït

you... challenge... my knowledge!?

>i’ll show you my true power!

If good looking women in video games are bad for our image of women in real life, perhaps we should also only cast ugly men and women in movies as well, just something to fire up the ol' almonds

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She's gonna pay the coal toll and her dead body will end up as a jpg used to give anons on Yea Forums a quick laugh and a reminder.

This is the up and coming most popular white girl musician.
Your little sister and daughter will look up to her.

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Not sure who this is, but she definitely isn't white.

Couldn't have said it better myself, user.

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I don't understand why people let their kids listen to nigger rap

Heard you guys needed a copy

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Dude, no one cares about what you are trying to do. Nothing will change reality

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I think this tactic is really counter productive. It makes you idiots look like losers who are really insecure. You need to be more cool.

Nigga fuck yo couch. Nobody wants to be a nigga, not even niggas. Keep breedin' yo blackasses out of existence tho, it's pretty fuckin' funny for the rest of us.


>she definitely isn't white
the levels of cope you people go to

Nah, you just haven't dug far enough. Once you see the 4th+ "Boyfriend mysteriously chokes girlfriend to death, what a weird and random tragedy!" story, the "omg that's so problematic" reflex completely dissipates. Just like how Dindu Nuffins are self generating meme.

being cool is jewish

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Holy shit how did Bethesda get away with this?

It was a different time.

Not black but tell me whats more appealing

1. "Fuck you race traitors. They are taking our women. Its the jews!"

Or 2. "Everyone is mean because im black. You are a rebel if you sleep with me"

Ahhh, the good pre-soi days where everything was cukc

Only oldfags remember

you smug lil shit

It has nothing to do with muscles. Us white girls prefer to be loved properly and black men provide pleasure unlike flaccid pink dicked white bois.