ITT: The Last Jedi's of their respective franchises

ITT: The Last Jedi's of their respective franchises.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The Last Jedi

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Fallout 76

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modern tf2
>we subverted your expectations by having nothing

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REX had such a great design but they decided to bring it back and ruin it with that transformation shit.


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I'm still upset

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TF2 was ruined by Valve's indifference since it made peanuts compared to Dota 2 and CSGO
Star Wars was ruined by people who actively despised the franchise and wanted to run it into the ground as hard and fast as possible

Except v3 was good and true to the franchise which is the opposite of this thread

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Did you play the game? That ending is the epitome of trash.

Here's another one that I dont think anyone will ever forgive

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Pokemon Sun/Moon

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I did and it isn't

There is no equvalient to The Last Jedi's blatant character assassination in any other form of media.

Remember, Other M wasn't malicious at its core. Sakamoto just wanted Samus to reflect the vision he had for her since day 1, not explicitly ruin her.

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you meant to post Infinite?

Mass Effect Andromeda

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Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear without a doubt.

>writers hated the franchise and tried to "fix" the game
>denigration/rewrite of established characters
>tons of old characters are out to make space for new ones since they are more progressive and modern
>diversity bonus
>the after launch marketing campaign was to accuse unhappy users of trolls, haters and "not real fans"
>any criticism means bans/blocks/insults in any controlled forum
>any criticism is deflected to imply that the criticism is actually about misogyny or sexism

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Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

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Probably going to be the closest answer, but Mass Effect had already gone to shit. They just piled it on harder

Indifference is the reason TLJ was allowed to be released. Disney executives didn't really care about what was in the movie as long as it was Star Wars.

>There is no equvalient to The Last Jedi's blatant character assassination in any other form of media.

V3 embodied everything wrong with the franchise though. A complete over reliance on following the exact same fucking formula the previous games did with no real attempt at subverting it. Couple that with an ending that you can just tell whoever came up with thought he was being clever by spending several hours wasting your time with "IT'S FICTION BRO IT'S ALL FICTION!" to arrive at the simple message that fiction can affect reality. Anyone who engages in fiction should know that from the getgo. Not to mention having the cast fully willing to die to put an end to the game, which would have been an interesting conclusion, only to pussy out at the last second.
V3 is trash.

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Star Wars prequels were ME3

You know it, I know it, your mother knows it, the world knows it.

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Forgot to add that they tried to relate this to gamergate just like good old rian did

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Zero Time Dilemma. Like I won't touch SW, I'm not interested in anything Uchikoshi makes now.

Wrong MGS game. 4 is TLJ of Metal Gear, complete with making the beloved protagonist a cranky old man that is shit on constantly.


>Zero Time Dilemma
I’ve never played or watched it but I’ve heard horror stories. I mean how could they fuck it up that bad after zero escape?

No, that's Fembusters.

You can draw some solid parallels to how they handled Luke to how they handled Phoenix.

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More of a Phantom Menace than a Last Jedi.


jesus, comparing luke in tlj to snake in mgs4? you are just trying to hard.

Never watched any of the movies, redpill me on starwars

Are you blind? The subtext in 4 is that Snake is the true hero who will do what nobody else can.

3 good movies
6 awful movies

ThisKojima did to Big Boss what Rian did to Luke

Spot on, terrible game but not terrible enough to kill the IP, maybe IX will be so bad that it kills Star Wars, becoming the Ultima 9 of the sequel trilogy.

>kills your franchise

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>when the tutorial case is the best in the game
oh my god this was so bad

Did the writer play through Pathologic and decide that he wanted to do that kind of commentary? Or did they see the writing on the wall and wanted to get across some point?

Kojima made Big Boss. Rian didn't make Luke. What Rian did is more like when the Muslims wrote a book 500 years after the fact that called Jesus and his fans dumb faggot who died for nothing. Except the muslims reverse Jesus as some manner of prophet so basically Rian did something worse than what has caused thousands of wars throughout history. What a fucking piece of shit.

>Original trilogy: Space opera about cowbows, samurais and space magic. Featuring a fun to watch trilogy and one of the most important plot twists in cinema history
>Prequel trilogy: Two bad and one decent movie. Is like /pol/ trying to write a romance and politics movie while shoving some actions scenes because they were reminded it's Star Wars. Fights became acrobatic blade dancing instead of slow samurai duels but spawned one of the best racing videogames ever
>Disney trilogy: Nostalgia bait and character assassination featuring forced diversity and the biggest mary sue in the franchise as main character. First movie is almost a copy paste of Episode IV for nostalgia bucks, second movie only exists to SUBVERT YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Avoid like the plague.

I'm surprised at how people still gave the franchise a chance after how horribly bad The Force Awakens was.

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Still shit on a character beloved by everyone. Even more then solid

I tried Ultima 9 for the first time recently and I just want to know wtf was going through the developer's heads when they conceived its control scheme. It was completely ass backwards even for its time.

I understand people not liking this movie, it's bad. What I don't understand is how braindead one must be to at the same time praise Force Awakens.

I’ve never seen anyone praise TFA

Still mad

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You should at least watch the OT, they're timeless classics.
Prequels border on so bad it's good at times, but usually they're just regular bad.
Didney shit is the fucking worst. Don't even bother.

People were willing to give TFA a chance because for some consumers minds it was basically a way to introduce Star Wars to their friends or kids that never got a chance to see it. It was a glorified reboot that did its job well and basically laid out something for Disney to follow. But TFA for being a cashgrab wasn't TLJ levels of awful either, and Disney milked the hell out of the series to where I'd be surprised if Ep 9 can even make 1 billion worldwide.

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People gave TFA a "chance" because people like Star Wars. People generally liked the phantom menance on release too; it wasn't until later that the general consensus started to shift.

A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back are legitimate masterpieces that will be remembered forever in film history, for good reason. Return of the Jedi is 50/50. Half of it is kind of bad and dumb, a lot more in line with the rest of the franchise. The other half is 10/10 kino easily on par with the previous two films, which includes a perfect ending to the trilogy.

Legitimately just don't watch the prequels or the sequels. They're both garbage, you really had to grow up with the prequels to be retarded enough to like them. Even then, I grew up with them (Phantom menace came out when I was 6, saw it like 7 times in the cinema) and I managed to end up not retarded enough to unironically like them.

If you really want more from Star Wars outside of the original trilogy just play the good games. There's a ton of them. Battlefront 2 (the old one), Jedi Knight Outcast/Academy, KotoR 1 and 2, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight games in general if you're into older games. The Tie fighter and XZ-wing games were pretty great too.

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What didn't you like about Chrono Cross, user?

Halo 5

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That's literally what Luke did. Sacrificed himself to save the resistance

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So good games hated because they're risky and not the same old repetitive shit fans want? Sonic 3D Blast.

>It's like /pol/ trying to write a romance and politics movie
The fuck are you talking about?

Still mad. At least the dlc was ok

I loved TLJ

I wish they found a better way of doing it, though. Simply creating a distraction while the resistance ran away is kinda lame compared to what they could have done.

Your fault for liking a character with no redeeming faculties, just on the basis that he's autistic.

More like sat on his ass and tried to have his hologram bash his nephew he almost killed before disappearing.

We know Mickey.

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He is just as good of a character then solid or ocelot.

Rian please.

Gen 7 in general was the worst.
At least gen 6 had the mediocre ruby sapphire remakes.
Gen 7 remade kanto AGAIN but babified it to embarrassing levels.

Resident Evil 6 came to mind, but Resident Evil 5 is what turned me off to the franchise. So Resident Evil 5 is to The Force Awakens as Resident Evil 6 is to The Last Jedi. Resident Evil 7 is its own entity as it's a FPS, and I did not care for that in a Resident Evil game.

All he did was almost ruin the world, he even admits in MGS4 that all he did was a complete mistake and that neither him nor Zero should have done anything.

I'd say this turd fits better

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TFA was so safe that it gave people hope. They gave you new characters that were somewhat interesting and had room for growth. They rehashed the original trilogy so hard that it felt a lot more like star wars then the prequels ever did. The amount of rehashing they did was absurd but a lot of people, such as myself, gave it a pass. Because the assumption was that they'd use a lot of familiar concepts and story-telling to introduce you to the over-arching story of the trilogy in the first film, but then they'd start to tell an interesting new story that wouldn't rely on nostalgia to be good after the first film.

Instead we got TLJ. It was so bad that I honestly can't decide if it's worse than Attack of the Clones or not. It might honestly be the worst film I've ever seen and I haven't been some invested retarded fanboy since the prequels. The prequels allowed me to develop the ability to separate them (and the terrible EU) from the original trilogy in my mind, which really ended up being a highly valuable skill when TLJ came out and what they did with Luke especially, but basically everything. I just laughed and laughed and laughed. From the opening scrawl I realized it was going to be complete shit. How the fuck did the GALACTIC REPUBLIC fall in the space of 1-2 weeks to the first order, who had just been struck with a death-blow when their mega-death star was destroyed. How are there only 400 resistance members remaining in the ENTIRE FUCKING GALAXY?

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This is what I came in here to post.

/pol/ is retarded so he technically isn't wrong.

The dlc felt like the only part of the game EA didn't stick their fingers into.

Probably the best answer so far, will probably be an even better one if episode 9 goes out of its way to walk shit back and be more like episode 7 similar to what Dual Destinies did.

In terms of "changes up a bunch of shit in ways that some people adore and some people fucking hate" pic related might be the best example, though.

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Original Trilogy has not aged well at all, don't bother with it.
Prequel Trilogy was never good, don't bother with it.
New Trilogy is absolute wank, don't bother with it.

>only 400 resistance members
This can't be real.

I loved it too. I was absolutely howling with laughter when Leia turne dinto superman and flew back to her ship.

Just play the games.
Start with Republic Commando

>sinked 78 hours into this shit

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>/pol/ is retarded
t. euphoric centrist
The point is that it's a terrible example, how the fuck does the shitfest of ancaps, neonazis, monarchists, etc at all relate to Star Wars?
It's a terrible comparison.

My sister almost got kicked out of the theatre with the Leia scene for laughing too loud.
Can't wait for Episode 9, it's going to be hilarious.

Well you managed to prove his point, good job.

>mass effect 3
>final fantasy xiii
>resident evil 5
>castlevania lords of darkness
>zelda skyward sword

What exactly is bad with The Last Jedi?

It is. I mean, it was already dumb as fuck that they were called "the resistance" in the first film when they represented the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and ruling body of the galaxy. But in the second film, a week or two after the first film where they just scored a gigantic victory by destroying the mega-death star, they have been reduced to 400 members within the entire galaxy (which has now been completely taken over by the first order somehow). By the end of TLJ there are legit like 10-20 resistance members left in the ENTIRE GALAXY.

Resident evil 6 is more like TLJ I think. Bring back all the characters and ruin them.

What's wrong with the Leia scene? Old people flying around is hardly new for Star Wars and it was nice to see her survive when everyone assumed she'd be killed off from an overdose.

All in all Leia got the best treatment out of the original trio.

So did i, but i'm pirating future star wars movies.

>a bloo bloo why wasn't Luke a super duper epic badass who is all-wise and all-powerful and can blow up galaxies by farting

I can smell the virginity on you

I can't even begin to explain it to you. I'd be hitting the text limit before even hitting 1/4th of what is wrong with TLJ. There's something horribly wrong with almost every single scene, decision and idea in the movie.

People just stopped caring after this one.

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The girls, though. The porn, though.

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>But in the second film, a week or two after the first film

user, TLJ takes place MINUTES after TFA. It continues off the scene where Rey hands Luke back his lightsaber. Then he tosses it over his shoulder in a joke shot.

Stellar comeback.

Castlevania Lords of shadow 2, even the cover art is similar

Hermit Luke was fine. Child-killing Luke ain't.

>final fantasy xiii
XV is probably a better comparison.

No, it's kino, you're just a brainlet who probably doesn't watch a lot of movies probably raised in the mauler/cinemasins era of film criticism

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Good thing he didn't actually kill any children then

>What's wrong with a character who has never been shown to actually have developed force powers (or ever shows to have developed force powers after this moment) to do something that no force user has ever been shown to do and would require a very very considerable amount of power.

Even if Luke was the one who had done it I would have laughed almost as hard, it's utterly ridiculous on every level.

In the previous movie all of the resistance were on 5 fucking planets that all got one-shot by not the death star.
No I'm not making this shit up.

Oh I get it, you saw all the pretty colous and flashing lights and think that's what makes a good movie.

>and would require a very very considerable amount of power

... What? It's space. The gravity from the ship alone should already be pulling her towards it.

Don't you even have a passing interest in space yet still watched a movie called Star Wars?

Oh it is.
Also the reason that the FO managed to take over the entire Republic is because they scrapped their navies/armies to ensure galactic peace.

Film is a visual medium and cinematography does count for quite a bit, yes. Let me guess, your criticisms include petty inane bullshit like:

>wtf why were bombs dropping in space don't you know Star Wars is a science lesson that's why there's sound in space and the ships all move like WWII fighters despite their not being gravity in space

Nah, it was Sticker Star

Also SPM is like all the prequels wrapped into one installment


I hate incels as much as the next guy, but he's right. The guys who redeemed darth fucking vader, strongest sith and a child murderer, was tempted to kill his nephew because he was scared of his power. it's like Rian Johnson didn't watch the series.

You know what pisses me off the most? How Finn was treated.

>Stormtrooper attending his first field mission
>Apparently sees one of his friends die in his arms
>Ordered to kill a whole village of civilians but unable to do so
>Deflects and saves the captured rebel but only wants to escape the First Order and live a normal life
>He's given a name by said rebel and is happy to have an actual identity
>Has to lie about being part of the rebellion after rebel apparently dies so he can get help
>First person in the new trilogy, first stormtrooper in the whole movie franchise, to wield not only a lightsaber, but Luke's lightsaber
>In an attempt to save the MC he, an ex-stormtrooper with absolutely no knowledge of jedi fighting, goes one on one against the big bad lord sith in a desperate struggle and almost dies
>reduced to stupid comedy relief and forced romance bait in the next movie

He was the character with the most potential in the new trilogy and he was treated like dirt.

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Leia was established to be Force sensitive in Empire Strikes Back. The problem is that the prequels told you Force abilities require 30 years of training at the Yoda Academy

Why do you people always ignore that Luke almost killed Vader and only relented at the last second?

this is entirely discounting that Luke in RotJ and TLJ's flashbacks are in entirely different places in their lives with entirely different responsibilities but w/e

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>Distract the badguys and buy time
>It's just a projection, you retards you really think I'd be stupid enough to get myself killed like that?
>Oh yeah, I'm gonna die immediately after that happens anyway rofl

I've honestly never met or talked to anyone who liked TLJ who I felt didn't belong in a gas chamber.

Boring, incoherent politics and offensive racial stereotypes

The original trilogy is on the level of stuff like FF7, OoT, etc. where while they've certainly aged and a lot of their success is owed to the time/place they happened in they still hold up legitimately well today. If you watch them try to find the original theatrical cuts, for the special anniversary re-releases as well as the Blu-ray cuts Lucas made changes everyone hates (basically the movie equivalents of remasters that are mostly the same but change minor shit for no fucking reason that make them worse.)

The prequels are bad, but they've kind of Zelda cycle'd since the Disney movies started coming out and are seen a little more favorably today, if only in a "so bad they're good" sense.

The Disney movies are hit and miss, generally being worse then the OT but better than the prequels. Force Awakens deliberately copies A New Hope as much as it can and executes on that concept well enough, The Last Jedi goes out of its way to subvert everything you thought was going to happen in it after watching TFA but is executed pretty poorly overall, Rogue One is decent enough when it's not blatantly milking your nostalgia, and I never saw Solo but to my knowledge it's the worst Disney one so far.

To be fair we always get good pokeporn.

nah franchise was already dead when this happened mass effect andromeda would be after the last jedi since you know the next one is gonna be massive fail

Its hard to describe, I only watched part of it on Netflix since I just wasnt interested in finishing it so please bear this in mind. But just from beginning something felt wrong as a continuation of Ep 7, from the terrible comedy and weird comedic moments, some nonsensical character decisions, as well as that one Leia scene, and everyone knows the one.
I'll try and finish it up one day but I am not looking forward to sitting through it. Its hard to tell if I just let the reviews cloud my mind but I genuinely didn't have a good impression, as positive as I was trying to be with it.


It's funny how you can hold opinions like that and think that it's everyone else who's insane lmao

But TLJ is the movie that forgets that. Luke's character journey culminates at that moment and then it's done.

This is like if Ramza came back in Final Fantasy Tactics 2 and was like "eh, being a noble is pretty awesome, fuck all the poor people and praise god"

Only faggots want EU Luke "oh man he's a godlike jedi master that looks like he's fighting with 30 lightsabers even though he only has one".

The Luke that people, who aren't retards, like is the Luke who could see the good in Vader. The Luke who had hopes and dreams. He failed a lot, he couldn't save Ben, he couldn't even compete with Vader in Empire and the only reason he beat Vader in return was because he temporarily gave in to the dark side. But he was mentally strong, he believed in himself and the good in others and essentially said he'd rather die than fall to the dark when he threw his lightsaber away in the throne room.

How the fuck does the same man who saw good in Vader and had hope that he could be saved when nobody else did be so close to literally killing his nephew because he'll PROBABLY turn to the dark side.

It's disgusting. Luke isn't a great character because he's a crazy strong fighter or force user. Luke is a great character because he's human. He has flaws, he fails. But ultimately, in his heart he is strong and naively idealistic. He believes in the good within himself and the good in others.

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It's been almost 3 years and it still fucking hurts...

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Thats literally the reason people are angry. Luke spared his father, its his big moment. Going back on that for his nephew goes against everything Luke's post RotJ character stands for

Absolute kinography that's hated by brainlets who didn't get the sequel they built up in their heads, but will ultimately be remembered as a sublime transcendence of its genre.

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The only way they could have had Lukes downfall is if they made a entire separate movie for it.
Instead what we got was big bang theory Luke who drinks milk and has a romcom anime tier misunderstanding.

cod with jetpacks and shitty bumps for hills will never be tribes

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>Why do you people always ignore that Luke almost killed Vader and only relented at the last second?
Vader was at Luke's mercy after a fight that Vader started and luke didn't strike him down. the moment he realized he had lost his composure (he was just told all his friends were dead, mind you) he threw away his lightsaber.

Please, explain the logical progression from

>I would sooner die than give into the dark side if on the off chance it can show my father the good I know is within him
>I am such a pessimist that I would sooner kill my nephew than see him possibly give into the darkside that may be there.

and Luke didn't kill Ben, either, the thought "passed like a fleeting shadow". The problem is that in that case the mere temptation was enough to cause disaster.

Tribes itself is the last jedi of Earthsiege

>Film is a visual medium and cinematography does count for quite a bit
And it's not the only thing that makes or breaks a movie, and it is overshadowed by the horrific writing.
>Let me guess, your criticisms include petty inane bullshit like:
How are these petty or inane?
You could just as well say
>Let me guess, your criticisms include petty inane bullshit like:
Either substantiate why it is inane, or fuck off.

>>wtf why were bombs dropping in space don't you know Star Wars is a science lesson that's why there's sound in space and the ships all move like WWII fighters despite their not being gravity in space
Are you trying to say that intro sequence made any sense whatsoever?

Yeah, but there's something about the Alola girls that makes way better at being lewded. Must be because they're from a beach region.

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TLJ is a dumpster fire in terms of objective film criticism. The entire casino arch being pointless, the idiot plot of the Jurassic Park cunt not telling anyone her plan for no reason, completely erratic character development, bringing back the shiny stormtrooper cunt as s bad guy to just die within 2 minutes, pic related, Deus ex machina of lightspeed being weaponized. The movie is a master class in garbage.

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I don't need a comeback, I'm not invested in your argument. Then again, evidently you are not really looking for one either.

>thinking any SW after the original trilogy is good

>substantiate why it is inane

because it's in-universe wookieepedia bullshit that would get you laughed out of the room in any sort of academic discussion of film

There are three Star Wars movies

Nah, kikes and people who act like them are the worst scum of society, worse than niggers, and TLJ was kike tricks meant to demoralize a cultural fictional hero and cast shame on people who believe in hard work and self sacrifice for something greater.

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Reminder that TLJ is a shit movie but the opinion of anyone who uses the term "forced diversity" doesn't count


It didn't carry the name earthsiege though, so I don't see how thats relevant

You're right. I went into the first film expecting him to be unbearable. I didn't care for his humour, but they did a good job of making him feel like a real character who had obstacles to overcome both physically and mentally, which he ultimately did by the end of the film.

He was just a waste of time and space in TLJ, like almost everything.

The only parts of TLJ I actually enjoyed were the force skype calls between Rey and Kylo. If she had actually joined him at the end of the film then there might have been a reason to even bother to see what happens next. As it stands, literally what are you supposed to give a shit about seeing in the next episode based on how TLJ ended?

TLJ is so bad that I think it's literally impossible to salvage with a single movie. If Episode 9 is good it will only be good as a stand-alone film and the trilogy will be overall very shit. They need at least two more films to fix this travesty.

The only real problem with Space Trayvon is that he's built up as the main character for most of Force Awakens only to get cucked for screentime by the chink and his character slot stolen by the white girl.

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why do you even like Star Wars? You do understand that the villains are Space Nazis and the series is all about forgiveness and mercy, right?

It would be ridiculous if it was called Metaltech: Earthsiege 3: Starsiege: Tribes: Ascend.


There's that word again. TLJ was critically acclaimed, it's nitpicking autists on the internet who don't get subtext or thematic intent that hate it because WHERE ARE MUH Y-WINGS WHERE'S MUH BADASS PERFECT SAVIOR LUKE

>because it's in-universe wookieepedia bullshit
>basic worldbuilding and character writing is in-universe bullshit
Okay, that's your last (You).

>The only diversity that matters is fag diversity and race mixing, not thought diversity

Holocaust is coming for you kike, and this time it will be real

>First person in the new trilogy, first stormtrooper in the whole movie franchise, to wield not only a lightsaber, but Luke's lightsaber
>In an attempt to save the MC he, an ex-stormtrooper with absolutely no knowledge of jedi fighting, goes one on one against the big bad lord sith in a desperate struggle and almost dies

It gave me so much hope for his character, finally fighting for something he himself believes in. Fucking tragedy what TLJ did to him.

Keep digging that hole buddy.

No, the problem is that the sequels and dumb EU shit told you that you can just naturally use force powers if you're force sensitive.

Luke could fucking BARELY force pull his lightsaber from the snow in episode 5. There is no point within the original trilogy where anybody is shown to demonstrate force ability without being trained or guided.

In the dumbass sequel trilogy you have Rey just doing random force god shit (like how in the novelization, when she was being mind-probed by Kylo in TFA she literally read his mind and learnt all his training just like that) or some random 5 year old casually force pulling a broom to him so he could sweep.

Man the shitposting is really raging now. The trolls know people get butthurt about TLJ and can get easy (You)s

I'm assuming this means "game that shat all over the games that came before it and killed all of the franchises's goodwill with the fans when the series was otherwise thought untouchable". In which case I'd say Mass Effect 3.

TLJ is an okay movie, but the forced diversity and politics took it in in-cohesive directions that destroyed the plot.

They were scared to ruin their sacrad cow and that is not describing the IP of starwars, but the diversity of the cast.

>lol war is bad
>but war is good
>sacrifice is noble
>you're just a stupid willy if you sacrifice yourself

Almost every line out of Rose's mouth is retarded. Whats even worse is that in retrospect her charactrer was revealed to us by mocking Poe for running away.

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Your post reads like a non-sequitur and the internet tough guy bit at the end makes it kind of sad.

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You speak as if you're not down here in the trenches with me.

Luke's training was two days in a swamp, his training was a spiritual journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth

the idea that you need to grind experience points and cast force mana to use powers from the Force skill tree comes from the prequels and videogame bullshit

I'm the guy flooding the valley with mustard gas, enjoy seething down there.

The mechas of MGS are dumb as hell, though.

>objective film criticism

No such thing. Or at the very least it's entirely meaningless, vile and pedantic. TLJ sucks on a subjective spectrum too so why bother?

Why would it?

>finds his cause worth dying for
>tears in his eyes but has the resolve to do what needs to be done, sacrifice himself for the cause of the resistance
>lol, nope
>cannon fires and blows the door open
I can't recall the last time I got that mad in a theater.

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Luke spenta short amount of time with Yoda, got his ass kicked, then went back for extensive training.

Original Trilogy = Good with SOUL
Prequel Trilogy = Bad with SOUL
Sequel Trilogy = Bad and SOULLESS

Those are not nitpicks, they are major scenes and plot points if the movie.

>Luke's training was two days in a swamp, his training was a spiritual journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth
Which wasn't enough which is why his shit got pushed in by Vader.
Compare that to Rey who can fucking do everything and anything Because Kathleen believes in gurrrrl power.

Bullshit, you don't even know how to make mustard gas.

So what? He wasnt a good guy

>then went back for extensive training

NO HE DIDN'T YOU FUCKING RETARD god damn he did not see Yoda in-between RotJ. Actually watch the fucking OT and get your head out of your ass

Mass Effect 3 wasn't even that bad, the gameplay was fantastic and no more streamlined for a triple A audience than the 2nd one.

The ending was the only bad part about it. The story telling was up to par with the others easily, the only thing that happened throughout the series was a gradual loss of RPG mechanics.

The first game's RPG mechanics were only ever as extensive as putting points into skills. That's it. You get to make choices and all that in every game, and they did a great job of carrying them through to the end.

I felt like every character sufficiently had their stories wrapped up in the end.

Mass Effect 2's ending mission, however, will FOREVER be my favorite. I can't quite recall how many times I replayed that game/mission.

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The original trilogy is about a tyrannical dictatorship and overt authoritarianism. It presents characters who have to struggle, fail, change and develop over the three movies so that their people may prosper.

Disney kike wars is about women and niggers getting free gibs without earning anything so they can fight space nazis

And I never mention where muh y wings and shit. And all you do is strawman, then say buzzwords like kino and brainlet.

Exactly, he wasn't, he was a dumb, autistic psychopath who only deserved to get killed.

>oh the new starwars has a storm trooper defector? thats interesting, Can't wait to see where they go with this
>5 minutes in
>storm trooper feels deep remorse for the death of a comrade
>5 minutes later
>Storm trooper cheers killing other storm troopers

probably bioshock infinite honestly.
>acclaimed by critics and some fans
>lambasted by other fans and seen by some as the worst of the series
>gets away with piss poor writing through some bullshit excuse like "subversion" or "it's deep"
>no one says "nigger" in either
it's almost a 1:1

Vader and Kylo are completely different villains at completely different points in their journey. Their arcs are not the same, which is why Vader wins his first duel with Luke and why Kylo loses to Rey.

(but I bet you simultaneously complain that TFA is a remake of ANH)

This is genuinely true, even if it's layered in a meme.

The biggest problem with the prequels was no one told George "no." You watch those films, and you can see the rich imagination in the designs and ideas. There's more visual creativity in a single one of the prequels than the entirety of Disney's output so far. If George wasn't surrounded by yes-man, he could've made something great.

>cannon fires and blows the door open
>meanwhile asian girl thinks is the perfect moment to kiss him

This shit went full circle twice, from stupidly bad that it was so hilarious that it went stupidly bad again.

Actually forced diversity does count, because it's blatantly obvious that people with political motivations are inserting their soulless characters just to meet quotas. Also works for turning around and deflecting criticism of the movie. The tokenism of race/sexuality/whatever flavor of the month "oppressed" group is just an extension of the lack of creativity in most of hollywood in general. Not only do we get token characters, we get token dialogue, token stories and plots, even the cinematography in most of the big movies is cut and paste. Star Wars was at least better in that aspect.

There is so much wrong with that entire sequence that it boggles my mind it made it into the final cut. You could argue maybe Rose was the secret mole/traitor letting those blast doors be blown open killing all the resistance with it.

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Kikes hate being called for what they are, and you'll try every trick in the book to escape from the spotlight being placed upon what a pathetic creature you and your kind are

>feels deep remorse for the death of a comrade

Where do people get this from? When Finn is actually confronted with why he ditched the First Order, it's because he's a coward who didn't want to die. He never cared about his other stormtroopers and it's unlikely he ever had any friends.

But that’s Ghostbusters 2016

Like, look at this. People always use this webm as an example of Lucas going too far. But you know what the real problem is? All those people in that room who are too terrified of losing their job to say "hold up, maybe we could do something a bit different here?"

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>it's unlikely he ever had any friends.
he had a few friends, the one that died was his best friend.

Finn's sacrifice wouldn't have worked, he was throwing his life away for nothing

people just can't comprehend that because their brains have been so hard-wired to think suicide=success in action movies

Clone Wars = Good and SOULLESS

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>forced diversity
This is not a thing. It's literally saying

>Is there a bad character?
>is bad character white
>it stops just being a bad character and is now forced diversity which means it's bad character flaws are because of or an addtion not being white despite the characters race having nothing to do with the writing qaulity

It's a non criticism meant to tie bad writing to race, ironically a political move to incentivize using diverse characters by the same people who'll say politics in movies are bad.

in short anyone who uses the term "forced diversity" unironically just doesn't have the critical thinking skills to judge things

No, you got me. I'm goldman sachs goldberg and I'm calling you a faggot. What are you going to do, beat me up?

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I wish people would at least put in some effort to make it believable and call it chlorine gas.

I attribute Kylo losing the duel more to being blasted in the chest by a wookie bowgun that kills most men.

With Finn he's clearly fucking with him but once he gets hit he gets pissed off and immediately bodies him. Against Rey he's just fucked overall, mostly has the upper hand but the longer it goes the more damage his wound does to him (he even starts punching it to amp himself up). I think that it's a fair enough loss in a vaccuum, it's not one of the reasons I consider Rey to be a retarded perfect character. I'm honestly more offended by shit like how she knows more about the Falcon than Han does and a lot of TLJ shit.

>bad with SOUL

I feel this is the best description of the prequels. While the movies were crap, the stuff that came with it like the locations, weaponry, and character designs were pretty awesome and lent itself well to some great spinoff material. The sequel trilogy is just pure fucking boredom, I can not remember a single new location or design that stood out to me other than Kylo's mask and saber.

>rose wasn't a mary sue because she was a girl
>she was a mary sue because the entire writing staff thought it would be a good idea to remove all challenge from the protagonist

>how she knows more about the Falcon than Han does
Han hadn't been on the ship in years and it's established that Portions guy (Rey's boss) had made extensive modifications to it (poorly) that Han was unaware of

>a lot of TLJ shit
which ones, in particular? I'm interested

>that thread on /k/ where someone actually made mustard gas and took a picture of skin falling off his arm
those were the days

Enjoy the time you have kike. The world is waking up to what your people are

That's not believable because chlorine gas does not fuck around. If your lungs are exposed to that you're done for, it's nonstop hellish pain anywhere from a couple of days to even weeks as you're melted from the inside out.

Wasn't a cut scene in TLJ about him trying to convince other stormtroopers to join him and try to break from their indocrination?

Pokemon Sun and Moon

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You're either a shill, soiboy, or teenage girl. There are no others who enjoy TLJ.

Being a force god and lifting all the rocks at the end, kicking Luke's shit in (which I'm more offended by how morally wrong it is of her to basically try to king-hit him when she's supposed to be the good guy). Her learning all her epic force powers from TFA when Kylo read her mind and she literally just downloaded all his training somehow during it.

That's legitimately the canon explanation as to why she's able to do all her crazy for shit. She just copy-pasted it from Kylo's mind during a scene that went like a minute or 2.

I'm one of those people and I still think it. It looked like he would have collided with it and blew it uo before it blasted the door open. And her explanation of stopping him being that you have to save people you care about was stupid because in doing that she let a whole bunch of people on the other side of the door get killed by preventing someone sacrificing himself to stop it.

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>people just can't comprehend that because their brains have been so hard-wired to think suicide=success in action movies

TLJ also explicitly tells us this is a good thing as well. The entire movie would've ended 15 minutes in if Rose's sister didn't sacrifice herself and the movie would've prematurely ended again if Laura Dern's character didn't hyperspace ram that fleet, sacrificing herself in the process. Without these things happening the Resistance would've been completely wiped out and most of the cast would be dead.

Multiple fucking problems. So many that there are people who genuinely believes the director made them on purpose to try and destroy the series. Euthanize a loved series so its not milked by disney forever, so to speak.

Some of the points i feel are most important
>All 3 protagonists of the original movies failed hard off camera. Return of the Jedi was just a happy moment that came before the life of disappoint and suffering they lived afterwards.
>The protagonist of the current trilogy is a terrible protagonist. Without a driving force, objectives, and yet with the power to defeat virtually everyone she meets.
>The most liked character so far is the main villain, who constantly zig-zags between good and evil. I want to see what they will make of him, as even though the audience kinda likes him as a character, he did too many fucked up things to get a redemption (without death)
>The structure of TLJ was all fucked up. There were characters acting so weirdly the audience assumes "that character is actually a minor villain sabotaging everyone". But no, it was just a incompetent character in a key position getting everyone fucked.
>Again, i will bring back the thing about Han, Luke and Leia. "Killing the past" is repeated in the movie several times. It was on purpose. They had horrible and disappointing lives according to the sequel trilogy, and died to make way for the "new". This is a major disrespect to such loved characters.

i didnt know Jedi arent human and can survive the absolute zero of space with no oxygen on top of having a blackout concussion from a blast

Yeah no. Rey's moment was literally a "believe in yourself" moment that suddenly made her better than Kylo for absolutely no reason other than "the Force helped her". Finn's defeat was more impactful because even when he had no chance at defeating Kylo, he still went hard and courageously against him to try to protect Rey.

>Vader and Kylo are completely different villains at completely different points in their journey.
And? It was
>A highly experienced sith lord vs a barely trained jedi
>personally trained by Luke on the cusp of achieving sith lord status vs completely untrained girl
There is no fucking argument to be made aside from
>he was wounded
Which even then falls apart when you consider that pain makes dark side users stronger

>(but I bet you simultaneously complain that TFA is a remake of ANH)
It is, don't even fucking imply it isn't.

>This is not a thing
It is a thing when they explicitly decide characters have to be a certain way in order to fit a moral guideline.
>It's a non criticism meant to tie bad writing to race, ironically a political move
It's a valid criticism of the lack of creativity due to pandering to identity politics. It's a part of the broader problem in hollywood where a lot of movies are just checking off boxes to maximize publicity and box office earnings. You could still have a forced diversity character that is good. Whether or not the character does happen to turn out well, doesn't change the fact that they only chose part of the design to fulfill a political statement.

It's only OK when women become martyrs.

>kicking Luke's shit in
Luke disarms her effortlessly and then Rey escalates it by pulling a lightsaber, and Luke is taken aback because suddenly it's a duel with lethal intent. If I pull a gun on Mike Tyson during a boxing match that doesn't mean I beat up Mike Tyson

>how morally wrong it is of her to basically try to king-hit him when she's supposed to be the good guy
Sure. But you understand this is an emotionally charged moment where she thought Luke had actively tried to murder a defenseless Ben in his sleep?

>Force download
The novelization is not the film, that's something a glorified fanfic writer added in to appease powerlevelfags. Rey is powerful because of her belief, that's it

That concept is older than you are. Luke himself did it a couple of times.

Is there going to be another one? I hope not but knowing disney...

The bowcaster wound was a handicap but Kylo's core problem was his torment over killing his father and that he doesn't *really* buy into the whole dark side thing

This is made abundantly clear in TFA and is outright spelled out in TLJ

>Luke himself did it a couple of times.
Fucking when.

>The novelization is not the film, that's something a glorified fanfic writer added in to appease powerlevelfags. Rey is powerful because of her belief, that's it

No, it's 100% canon according to Disney. You can pretend it isn't, like I do with everything that isn't the original trilogy, but it doesn't change the fact it is OBJECTIVELY 100% canon.

>Jedi arent human and can survive the absolute zero of space with no oxygen
It takes literal minutes for normal humans to die in space irl if they were openly exposed to vacuum.

Apparently there's another trilogy after Episode 9 directed by euthanizer Rian Johnson himself.

She should have been fucking dead from the blast. Her body should have been a shrapnel-ridden mess if it was even still in a form that could be considered a body. Turning into superman and flying back was just the candles on the cake.

it's "canon" according to some fat guy in a chair who runs the """"canon"""" by tweeting about things, but do you really think Rian Johnson or JJ Abrams had any input on that novelization?

You are thinking of Star Wars as a real place and the movies as documentaries rather than a visual expression of the artistic intent of the director, and I can tell you the force download was NOT the intention of the director of either picture.

Someone busted up the frigate and he had to sort of float on over to his X-wing. Shit, I even think he survived several days in force stasis.

I mean, the force is based on concepts like chi and we know trained monks can stop their own hearts for several seconds. Makes sense to me.

Between this and FFXV, I lost al benefit of the doubt for Nomura.

It's even going to be based in TOR right? That's too bad, the cinematics for the expansions have been the best Star Wars media for a decade.

I thought they went back to JJ?

Rian is only directing the first film of the next trilogy. He might write and will probably be an exec producer on the others but his deal was only to direct 1 more movie from the start

also the Game of Thrones guys are writing another trilogy

Space isn't absolute zero and it's hard to lose heat if there's literally nothing to transfer it to via convection or conduction. It's still retarded that she somehow manage to survive getting shot by a spaceship's cannons though.

>She should have been fucking dead from the blast.
All sorts of shit "should" happen if explosion physics and debris applied to star wars realistically.

Are there any older, well beloved franchises or individual works that had a definitive ending that was revived and didn't end up being a total shitshow?

>The bowcaster wound was a handicap
actually the opposite, he punches his own wound before the fight because the pain and anger makes his dark side powers stronger.

The director's don't decide what is canon. Disney though. They have to rubber stamp everything, including the director's ideas. Hate to break it to you kid but that's canon.

>she was a mary sue because the entire writing staff thought it would be a good idea to remove all challenge from the protagonist
Now you're getting it my man. (assuming you meant rey) Rey isn't shit because she's a girl. Rey is shit because she has no heros journey. She's just strung along by the plot while being shockingly good at everything despite being a nobody. If rey was a man these traits would still be bad (see most anime)

(assuming you meant rose) rose isn't the protagonist but she's bad because she does literally nothing but eats screen time and doing what? waxing philosophical (poorly) and making bad decisions like everyone in the damn movie. B plot should have been finn and poe


what? so the mere notion of having a character that isn't white makes them "forced". So your mindset is
>is your character non white
>good job you're now playing into identity politics
>but I just wrote a character who wasn't whi-

That awkward moment when the green animated muppet emotes more than the mary sue

Obviously you haven't seen the behind the scenes videos with Lucas and McCallum butting heads during TPM production.

this is such a childish EU powerlevel wank belief

let me guess, you completely misunderstood the point of characters like Darth Sion and think his PAIN made him SUPER DUPER POWERFUL, right?

dragon age 2

I thought the new blade runner was kewl

Y'all are just mad it wasn't God-like. It's not even close to a betrayal against it's predecessors like Last Jedi.

>minutes to die in space
You'd be lucky to survive a few seconds, every soft component in your body will expand and the air in your lungs, ears, nose, throat, stomach and bowels will force it’s way out of any exit point it can get to, almost instantly. Gasses inside of your bone structure will expand and rupture these structures until the pressure is released. Gases inside of your blood and joints will expand. This is what divers call the bends, but on steroids. The drop in pressure will lower the boiling point of the liquids in your body. They in turn will boil and become gases, adding to you excruciating misery. This will make a real mess of your brain, eyeballs and skin.


Stay in school, buddy.

>was so bad Kono had to publically apologize and remove the game from stores despite selling the most in the series
Only thing close to this was RE6 except the game is still being sold

>explosive decompression meme

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>vacuum is the only thing that'll hurt you
What about being exposed to all kinds of radiation, where your skin starts getting sunburt 10 seconds in? What about the moisture in your eyes, nose, and mouth causing frostbite? What about your blood boiling 90 seconds in? What about convulsions happening because of muscle spasms due to the water in your muscles evaporating?

Im genuinely curious about what Disney will do with Kylo.
At this point, most people i talked about SW seems to be far more interested on him than on Rey. He seems to actually have a story and some objective behind him, unlike Rey. Although the "luke attemps murder" is a very retarded plot point.
Also, a lot of people (and TLJ as a whole) seem to ship Reylo, I really want to see disney disaming this situation. Piss off countless loud shipping faggots? Leave Kylo unpunished after being responsible for the cold murder of countless people?

I predict another Rebuild 4.0 situation, where the people behind the series dont really want to start working on the ending because there is no way to write a satisfying ending for such a mess. Im sure Disney wont let the movie be delayed, but i doubt there is anyone happy working in that movie.

Definitely this. The Blade Runner sequel is a legitimate masterpiece. It's still too early to tell but I honestly might like it more than the original.

TLJ was
- Poorly planned
- Poorly written
- Had useless and frustrating arcs
- Terrible action scenes and ship design
- Shit on legacy characters
- Makes zero sense on the whole. Yeah good job celebrating assholes the rebellion was wiped out

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shouldnt it be highlander 2?

Weren't those books made


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Well they're not really human, are they? It's in a galaxy far, far away, so the odds of their biological functions being identical to ours must be extremely low.

>>is your character non white
>>good job you're now playing into identity politics
>>but I just wrote a character who wasn't whi-
What the fuck are you talking about, they've explicitly gone out of their way to include each and every major race on the side of the good guys, either to try and appeal to those same races to get them to buy tickets, or to virtue signal.

>Well they're not really human, are they?
Seriously, my guy?

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nice non-argument, brainlet.

There's no such thing as "canon" anymore.

Every franchise is getting rebooted left and right.

The days when anything actually mattered are long gone.

>what? so the mere notion of having a character that isn't white makes them "forced". So your mindset is
I see you've resorted to just making shit up, as if you're completely oblivious to identity politics in hollywood. I never said everyone had to be white for it to not be forced diversity. Used to be these characters weren't paraded around as being some bullshit statement about oppression, instead they were just characters. Keep pretending it isn't blatantly obvious that progressive libs have taken the whole diversity thing into insanity.

Yeah, those things would all fuck you up. It would still not be a matter of seconds though. Most estimates put time to death at at least a minute.

>*muslim chanting*
>Vladimir McRussia is the bad guy and Chad "America" Thundercock is the good guy
>Chad still gets cucked by his black best friend
>game practically plays itself
What a fucking piece of shit

See how the kike tries to deflect attention from what they are, a subversive miscreant who only tries to destroy and demoralize, and doesn't attempt to create or speak to the human soul.

Kylo is honestly the only thing left in the trilogy that has even the slightest potential to be interesting. Even throughout the shit-show that was TLJ he was a shining beacon of interesting scenes and character development.

Ultimately they ruined it by just turning him into comically evil bad guy who has to yell in impotent rage every scene in an act that shouldn't have been in the movie because the movie had already climaxed during the previous act.

He's still salvageable though. It's just that absolutely nothing else is and therefor there isn't enough there to make a good movie.

no, this wasn't TLJ. more like Caravan of Courage.

This all the way to the grave. Every other fucking stupid thing that has happened in the Disney era for Star Wars will never overshadow the magnitude of the betrayal that was Luke's characterization in TLJ.

Game I don't like.

>barrel rolling in helicopters
>turret sections

>How the fuck does the same man who saw good in Vader and had hope that he could be saved when nobody else did be so close to literally killing his nephew because he'll PROBABLY turn to the dark side.
Genuine answer: the difference between a young idealist and an older, jaded individual.

What made him so jaded? Seems like things were smooth sailing after the empire fell. His faith in Vader paid off, so there should be no hesitation whatsoever.

>I can smell the virginity on you

Are you able to write a single post like a normal person, and not like a sperg?

It was more of a RotS. Forgettable and stupid, but not a total middle finger.

>bringing back the shiny stormtrooper cunt as s bad guy to just die within 2 minutes
Phasma had literally the exact same purpose in the first movie. Does it even have a single speaking line, let alone a plot development related to it? Phasma only exists to be an alternate art special edition stormtrooper in order to sell more action figures.

He watched the prequels and saw how the Jedi order was destroyed from within. Then he sees another Vader has been created right under his nose.

If he failed to turn Vader, no one suffers. The rebels were going to blow up the Death Star anyway. If Ben follows through with his plan with Snoke, his students die, Luke's friends die, and untold billions will be wiped out.

This, fuck Nomura, literally became George Lucas.

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Getting older makes most people jaded about life and the value of idealism, user. I'm not saying it's told well in TLJ, but I can understand it from a human point of view. This is what, 30-40 years after RotJ? Life doesn't exist in a state of endless "we won" perfection for anyone.

Kingdom Hearts has always been the Star Wars prequels of gaming, the Last Jedi would have to be one of the late, bad Final Fantasies. (X, XIII, XV if you're boring)

>calling TLJ kino
You need every (You) you've ever earned drained out of your eyeballs and then banished from the internet.

>also the Game of Thrones guys are writing another trilogy

oh boy

It's a game about family

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>barrel rolling in helicopters
this is fine

Not the first time, ZEKE was basically Discount REX too which disappointed me since i was hoping for some freedom when they announced "BUILD YOUR OWN METAL GEAR", but it did at least try to deviate a bit more and was more forgivable since it also had the AI Weapons, Sally Hippopotamus is basically a REX head on a Orbital Frame and i kinda wish they had gone the distance instead of just hinging on REX NOSTALGIA again.

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Yeah but Anakin was pushed into Sheeve because the Jedi order didn't fully trust him and tried to use him instead of helping. Why would he make the same exact mistake

>no one suffers

Except Luke, knowing that his father died a horrible tyrant instead of a good man.

Your idea of this seems to hinge a lot on the idea that Luke is secretly a terrible person and gives no explanation as to why. You can be old and not become a colossal jerkoff.

I'm still mad out how shitty the voice acting and writing was. Brought everything down and made the whole experience worse as a result. I don't know who the voice director is but he must not speak a word of English and is telling English speaking VAs how to read their lines. It pisses me off so much. It's like Resident Evil all over again.

The problem is he became jaded because of a major fuck up of his that makes no sense for Luke to have even done in the first place. If I had been given good reasoning as to why he was such a jaded asshole I would have been fine with it. But you would have also had to have removed the completely stupid "throw lightsaber away" and "drink blue tit milk" shit too.

Luke was always about hope, believing in yourself and others, learning from your mistakes and daring to dream and follow your dreams. Having the strength to follow that path no matter the hardship you face. He is the complete definition of the hero's journey, the perfect example.

I don't want to see a bum Han Solo who basically divorced Leia but "HEY REMEMBER HOW HARRISON FORD WANTED HAN TO DIE IN THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY! WE DID IT!". No, fuck you, there was a reason for him to die in Return, because his character had no room to grow. Han and Leia are bums who just go back to doing what they were doing before the original trilogy for 30 years. Luke is a depressed hermit after all the shit he went through and came out on top of throughout the original trilogy. It's just bullshit.

The clown force-ghost shit as well, don't even get me started on his "epic sacrifice". Why the fuck did his robotic arm become one with the force?

>why would a bunch of people raised under the same dogma, seeing the world through the same lens, and empowered to change the galaxy, make the same mistakes?

>You can be old and not become a colossal jerkoff.
Add a shitload of fame and expectation to someone, plus the general trauma of war and I don't think it's much of a stretch that they get less idealistic. Of course, nobody is saying TLJ had solid storytelling to explain it.

Well what the fuck did you expect from Danganronpa? An ending that's serious?

user, your argument doesn't hold water when the majority of the bad guys are in helmets. but even then
>is your character non white
>is there an evil non white to balance them out
You see, it's still a non criticism that only exists to politicize the notion that fictional characters can be other races

>as if you're completely oblivious to identity politics in hollywood.
I am aware of them. Diversity is hip and hollywood is cashing in. but if someone on tumblr is going "haha diversity, take that!" (as they tend to do) and you strike that one off of the FILM by the audience it was made for then you're voicing a non criticism to de-incentivize people from making characters that people you don't like like by calling them "forced" when in reality, you just don't like them. "forced diversity" isn't real

I'm calling you a faggot directly to your soul. Now excuse me while I count my shekels and dance.

The only reason Luke is who he is was because people said Rey wasn't as good a protagonist as Luke, so instead of making Rey a better protagonist they retroactively ruined Luke

>Luke was always about hope, believing in yourself and others
Yeah, when he was in his 20s as the hero. Now he's what, 60+? And he's the old, tired mentor. You're assuming he was the exact same person and didn't develop with age and time right up to the new movies, which is a bit crazy.

No, no, no, no. Luke's Jedi training was completely different from what it formally was for other Jedi in the prequels and he even talks about how dumb they were. But he made the same mistake.

Yeah, and guess what happens next? He assembles texts, tries to teach more people by being the best jedi he can be based on the examples he can find, and becomes the same old jedi master making the same old mistakes.

>Luke's Jedi training was completely different from what it formally was for other Jedi in the prequels

Beat Vader or die? Seems the same to me.

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The transformation they forced Luke to have was not earned. Anyone would change after 50 years, but they made him a coward who was everything the new main character could easily call wrong and win the argument.

this is where he says "but no, Luke was SUPPOSED to be better" and it goes around, and around, and nothing ever gets solved because some people are just fundamentally opposed to the idea of a disillusioned Luke

>You're assuming he was the exact same person and didn't develop with age and time right up to the new movies, which is a bit crazy.

Han is the EXACT same person, Leia is the EXACT same person.

Regardless, he doesn't have to be the exact same person. It's fucking fiction. You're trying to create something that people want to see, that they will enjoy on some level. How fucking DARE you talk to me about realism in relation to the shit-show that is TLJ, as if Luke HAD to be written like he was because it's "realistic". If you had kept Luke faithful to his character in the original trilogy you're not going to have droves of people complaining "oh man, good movie, but it's a bit unrealistic that Luke Skywalker was acting like Luke Skywalker after all these years". Your argument is ridiculous and has no merit within it's context.

>The main character is just a regular NPC in the sequel

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>Luke starts out as a dumb farm kid and gets the shit kicked out of him for most of the trilogy with him saving his father in the end
>Rey starts out as a dumb orphan with natural talent and skills that puts all other characters to shame with deadbeat parents that don't matter
Where are they supposed to go with Rey as a character?

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I agree with you here, actually. Rather than using (and explaining) his disillusionment as a platform to talk about the problems with the jedi, the force, and whatever else, he was just someone for Rey to be better than and "prove wrong" by making him show up to help later. "Mishandled ideas" is a lot of TLJ.

And I do think many, many die-hard fans would love to see the film about that transformation. There's a chance the tale could be compelling and also make sense to Luke's character. Now that he's dead though, it feels like there'd be no point, and it's that finality that stings the most.

I guess, yeah. The defining moment of him becoming a Jedi was turning Vader away from the darkside because he knew there was good in him. I just don't see how he goes from that to killing his nephew because of a bad dream. I know he could be jaded and shit, but it seems like a gigantic leap to make.

People become jaded in real life because life keeps shitting on them.
Luke just defeated the empire. He is a galatic hero. Brother of a princess and general. Quite possibly the strangest person alive. His life should been easy until the day ben turned.
Even if he read the old jedi stories, he should just take them as a warning to not let things get too bureaucratic, not to immediately lose faith in all the jedi faith, WHICH WON HIM THE WAR.

Alrighty then, user.

That would've been a cooler subplot than what we got for him

To the end. She's meant to fix every problem she's around for, call everyone she disagrees with wrong and win and then pat herself on the back at the end regardless of what happens. She's not a MC, she's a device to make the bad guys lose right before they win.

I actually think it's cool when games do this

True but it still hurts

>People become jaded in real life because life keeps shitting on them.
People with everything going for them in life get jaded and depressed constantly in life, user. Look at the majority of famous people, if anything.

I'm with you there, except
>to killing his nephew because of a bad dream
He specifically decided not to, fighting back against the temptation of making an easy sacrifice to avert something dreadful. That's a big difference to him actually trying it.

People argue about Luke's characterization a lot, but the thing that gets me about how they handled him in TLJ is you could tell they were trying to fit him into an archetype, as opposed to doing what works naturally as a character.

Rian clearly wanted Luke to be a jaded, grizzled badass, who disillusioned with the world and everyone in it. A fallen legend who's given up on hope, and needs the plucky new protagonist to come around and redeem them. You see it a million times in Hollywood and in stories. For all the back-patting TLJ gets for being 'subversive,' this was completely coloring within the lines.


What was wrong here?
Absolutely. Biggest disappointment of this game generatio bar none.

>Luke won once at 24 so that means his entire life should be sunshine and rainbows

literally everything aside from the cinematography. that's not even an exaggeration.

>That's a big difference to him actually trying it.
That's fair, but for him to let it get to the point where he's standing over him lightsaber in hand, is still pretty fucking nuts.

Remove "badass" and I agree.

Luke was never the best. He couldn't save Ben in ANH. He was a close-minded idiot when being trained by Yoda and refused to heed his advice during almost all of their training and then refused to heed his advice in regards to facing Vader too early even though Yoda had proven him wrong so many times already during their training. He got his shit kicked in by Vader in Empire. He only beats Vader in return because of a momentary burst of anger and giving in to the dark side. Vader was always stronger than him despite being a cripple and the emperor was always stronger than him.

He was never the best and he always had flaws. But hey, nice strawman argument that completely misses the point of what I was saying. Throw me another single line buzzword retard response while you're at it for your coup de grace.

Hey fuck you, you cynical zoomer. Luke is THE idealistic young hero in western cinema. If any character deserves a bit of dickwaving it's him, after his dad got three fucking movies and two entire TV shows about how awesome he is.

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There was a game I played where none of the characters returning from the last few games actually do anything except show up to be killed off. It was supposed to be the series finale.

LGPE, ORAS and X and Y all suck

Famous and successful people still have to upkeep their public status, have to deal with whatever job got them famous. Do you think being an CEO or a movie star is easy?
Luke on the other hand could have said "i want to own a small villa in some planet, and want enough money to last me for life" for the rebels, they would give it to him, and he would live with no worries

it was a moment of instinctual, abject fear when he saw that Ben wasn't just a moody, temperamental kid but was actively planning mass murder and untold billions were going to die at his hand

as soon as Luke thought about what he was doing he *immediately* knew it was a horrific thing to even consider

It's a big budget movie has no meaning in the context of the entire story before it. Even stuff in TFA was dropped.

>that guy who ate an armadillo and got leprash



>He specifically decided not to, fighting back against the temptation of making an easy sacrifice to avert something dreadful. That's a big difference to him actually trying it.

Being brought to the point of standing over the kid and pulling out your lightsaber is too far. That's the fucking problem. It's stupid as fuck.

It is pretty wild, but as said it's easy to believe as it fits a pretty common character type. There's enough in any world to make that transformation believable, but as someone said earlier that's a story that a) should have been told more and b) should have had payoff rather than "ok I guess ill be a pro-jedi idealist again since mary sue talked to me"

>but I don't want a perfect Luke, that's just a strawman!

Based but Halo 4 was also bad. I suppose this killed the series though

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>Even stuff in TFA was dropped.

It's not that it was dropped, it was fanboys went wild with speculation based on past cliches of the franchise and then freaked out when the answers to their questions weren't what they made up in their heads

I will now trigger everyone here.
That's how we're going to win. Not fighting what we hate...Saving what we love.

Why did Luke leave a map if he didn't want to be found under any circumstances?

EU Legends super saiyan god Luke is trash my man. Hate to break it to you. Luke was always about being human, learning, failing and growing.

All the trash about him learning and mastering ALL 7 FORMS OF LIGHTSABER combat and fighting so crazy strong that IT LOOKS LIKE HE'S FIGHTING WITH 30 LIGHTSABERS at once and achieving super saiyan god mode ONENESS WITH THE FORCE to defeat the STRONGEST EVER SECRET ANCIENT EVIL IN THE GALAXY STRONGER THAN ANYTHING EVER and being able to pull star destroyers out of the sky and create black holes with the force and shit. It's all complete and utter trash, worse than both the sequels and the prequels.

Alright so this is where we disagree. Letting it get that far is completely stupid and against what he learned dealing with his dad. You could say thar reading about the fall of the Jedi order would give him more reason to kill Been. But I'd argue the exact opposite, he converted Vader back to the lightside and that should have reaffirmed his belief of people being redeemable

If Luke did want to be found why did he leave a cryptic map and not just have his cellphone on?

i can't wait to see how someone try's to justify this

Luke didn't leave the map. It was a previously existing map to the First Jedi Temple that already existed in the Empire's databanks (Kylo says this in the interrogation scene). Luke found the missing piece and then left the galaxy. Max von Sydow followed Luke's tracks and found the piece himself.

Not him, but: dealing with his dad was about saving one person, now he had the chance to save literally billions. I can see why someone might be tempted to do what they thought was the right thing, even as a betrayal of themselves, when all they saw in the force was a bad end otherwise.

>It's not that it was dropped

Where did the Knights of Ren go then?

But Tools of Destruction is great you dumb nigger. the reboot is the problem because it tried to be the first RC while trying to be unique and it failed both of them

Ya'll stupid. Luke got stronger because the villains got stronger too. There's no way regular Luke could stand up to something like the Yuuzhan Vong. In the Thrawn Trilogy he's brought to he's knees.

are we really pretending mooks in the background of one contextless flashback are major plot points and characters now?

Yeah, it's powercreep bullshit the fucking sucks ass. The prequels were already too power-creeped and that was one of the major flaws of that trilogy. But they didn't have SHIT on the EU power creep.

It's a joke, it's on the same level as trying to take the modern Marvel or DC universes seriously. You just can't, it's a complete mess.

>inb4 the knights of ren all get names and plot relevance in episode 9

this comment might age badly.


Oh boy is the joke going to be on you when episode 9 comes out. The trilogy is so shit that those "mooks" are now going to be a major plot point because they've ruined virtually everything else to the point of them being unusable.

my save file was lost since I have too reinstall my laptop
should I bother to try this game again?
the last save was the beginning of that concert case

I don't think the Knights of Ren will end up being important characters. They might show up for a fight scene or something but they're not going to introduce and flesh out an entire faction of characters in the last film.

RotJ is fucking awful for the most part

>Why are the characters in my space fantasy stronger than the average human

Daily reminder that the Death Star was in the first movie.

you say that but literally anything is up for grabs in this last episode, i mean none of us every thought what'd happen in episode 8 would happen, right? cause that movie subverted ALL our expectations!

Apollo Justice is a pretty weak AA that does horrible fucking things to the overall narrative of the series that the franchise been trying to fix for literally years.

> but they're not going to introduce
they might. Remember they've had zero plan for where this trilogy was actually headed.
> and flesh out
of course not.

Every leak that has picked up any sort of traction says that they're going to be a major part of the film.

>they've had zero plan for where this trilogy was actually headed

"plans" are overrated. neither of the previous trilogies were planned out and most of what you like about the OT wouldn't have happened if George stuck to "the plan". Vader wouldn't be Luke's father, the Emperor would have been a limp-dicked Richard Nixon analogue instead of a Sith Lord.

stories are ever-changing and grow alongside its creators, they shouldn't be beholden to some autistic diagram of where the plot supposedly *has* to go.

Every day until you admit it

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kill yourself


Doing god's work, user. Not sure why you would bother to argue with those literal retards, though.

Just IMAGINE buying a franchise for 1 BILLION dollars and making it up as you go.

""plans"" are not overrated when it comes to your billion dollar franchise. Having a plan usually prevents you from making something that ends up being as huge of a travesty as TLJ was.

You say that, but look at the MCU. They allow for directors to have some freedom, but with an overall goal. They're like, 20+ films in, and not crazy big fuck ups yet.

Star Wars is like Disney trying to do the same, but they plopped out the MCU's retarded little brother, instead. Remember how TLJ threw in those dice, solely because they were releasing Solo in like, six months? A totally studio mandated move to create some level of continuity between all these films.

Shittiest sequel ever. Fuck this game.

and the MCU is uninspired trash where character arcs ping-pong repeatedly, all movies are shot the exact same, and the big water cooler moment of Infinity War will be completely meaningless because everyone is coming back to life.

at least TLJ had the stones to actually kill Luke and pissed off manchildren everywhere

They're heartless corporate scumbags who gives 0 shits about Star Wars and only care about money. NOBODY who likes star wars would EVER see the script for TLJ and not kick Rian's ass to the fucking moon.

>at least the movie had the balls to actually be shit
What's your point

I was expecting a good movie
but instead I got a shit movie

that for better or worse TLJ was the artistic expression of a genuine director while the MCU is just a bunch of hired hands who do what Feige demands of them to keep the franchise going forever

He tried though. Person who once saw good even in a fucking Darth Vader not only had thoughts about killing a child he almost did it. Dont know how people still defend Luke's character complete overhaul for no reasons or think its not a big deal.

An artistic expression falls on deaf ears if by doing so you shit all over a franchise that had grown bigger than itself by an incomprehensible margin.

You say this after I literally pointed out a scene in TLJ that was clearly inserted by Rian's corporate overlords?

Hell, Rian seemingly only just toes the line with the studio. Remember, Disney axed the original directors of Solo, and made heavy, heavy alterations to Rogue One.

>he tried though

I guess we're splitting hairs on the definition of "tried" - there was no active attempt. He considered it, but relented

This was a huge fucking let down.

>heavy alterations to Rogue One
Everyone Dies: The Movie used to be better/worse?

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TLJ was so poorly received that it will be Episode IX's sole mission to redeem the trilogy. Everyone knows this. Stupid JJ Abrams hates explaining anything in his stories and Rian Johnson just took that and shat all over it. None of this is really BAD by the way so long as there's some kind of payoff in the end and Episode IX MUST deliver. I want to believe that it will. Disney knows what's at risk here. Just take all the stupid shit that was in the first 2 movies and mix audience expectations with some new stuff. It's really not that hard. Don't need to go full rehash or subvert expectations in unmeaningful ways.

>that was clearly inserted by Rian's corporate overlords?

Honestly, considering Basedlo's production schedule I'm more inclined to believe the dice's prominence in the film were added in during reshoots because they were important in TLJ.

but yeah, you're right, the directors of both spinoff movies were replaced, and that's a shame. I would have liked to see Lord and Miller's Solo.

>could have been a success if it had X-Men and didn't look like shit
It fucking hurts. The game plays fine.

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Yes. Heavily reshot.

IX won't deliver because it's made by the guy who did TFA, it'll be 3 trash films in a row

Major reshoots for the first 2/3rds of the movie and the entire third act was reshot from the ground-up. Tony Gilroy is basically the true director of Rogue One, not Gareth Edwards.

Apparently in the original version Jyn and Cassian survived and there was no Vader fanservice action scene.

>People pretending that a movie made by a director instead of a focus group makes it a good movie

99.9% of all godawful terrible movies were made by one person's singular vision. It's the opposite of video games.

fucking THIS

Great, it will start out playing it safe and will end playing it safe. Thanks Disney.

>"plans" are overrated. neither of the previous trilogies were planned out

In both trilogies Lucas at least had the general outline of the story in mind in terms of where it was headed. Certain details got added in later but he had the overall plot structure in mind. Plans can be changed if new ideas come along that work better, but you should at least have some idea of where the story should go.

> they shouldn't be beholden to some autistic diagram of where the plot supposedly *has* to go.

They're not. But they should actually try telling an actual cohesive story. The new trilogy has zero sense of direction or any sort of cohesive narrative. The entire first movie was just JJ's bad Star Wars fanfiction with shitty bland characters that nobody cares about. Then Rian Johnson takes the second movie, ruins the characters from the first movie even more, while also ruining the characters from the original trilogy, and unceremoniously kills off the bad guy whose mysterious backstory was the only driving force of what's left of the narrative.

At the end of the ESB you knew the next movie was going to start with them capturing Han Solo and and with them defeating the Empire for good. At the end of TLJ you don't know where the fuck the story is going anymore because there's no reason to keep watching anymore as all the mystery of Snoke is deflated since he's dead and bland generic female with no flaws vs emo faggot is not interesting.

>TLJ was so poorly received

by autists on the internet screaming loudly and reviewbombing RT scores

Its like pottery

if TLJ was so poorly recieved then why did Solo do so bad at the box office?

>At the end of the ESB you knew the next movie was going to start with them capturing Han Solo and and with them defeating the Empire for good.

Man, it's funny how ESB's open-ended, inconclusive ending was such a huge fucking sticking point in the 80s and now in the age of the MCU and mass franchise filmmaking it's something people love.

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Objectively speaking as someone who never watched it, was The Last Jedi really THAT Horrible? Like everyone literally talks about it as if it's the worst movie ever made, like even worse then Suicide Squad levels of horrible. What makes it so hated?

It literally killed Star Wars. Solo is living proof of this.

Phantom Menace is way better than TLJ

Nightmare of bad PR, bad marketing and released in a crowded month. Most of my coworkers didn't even fucking know Solo was a movie that existed.

Trust me, even if people didn't like TLJ, most normal people just say "hey, I didn't like that one, hope the next one is better", they don't sperg the fuck out and say Star Wars is dead to them

You are giving them way too much credit (which they want)

It's just regular people weren't as impressed by the new movie as they were the previous ones.

Rian Johnson is living rent-free in all of your heads.
TLJ is still shit tho

this, Halo 4 was awesome

>still no good new Star Wars games
Is it really that difficult?

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when one of the most inept and greedy publishers on the market has exclusive hold of the licence, yes

I miss when games had fun dialogues.

Respawn is making one so lets hope to god its good

Toy sales are down across the board. The last movie was a literal flop in the range of Disney losing hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm amazed that you can just look at this situation and say "yes, this is fine."

Nothing in the brand has been successful in a year and a half.

4 was fine, 5 is what blew

And let's not forget Battlefront II creating international incidents, and certain countries writing up anti-gambling laws.

How did we live in the worst timeline for Star Wars video games when EA has the fucking license? Who allowed this to happen?

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Star Wars is dead to everyone but zoomers who will watch anything and neckbeards who refuse to let go of the past (Nintendo players)

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Most Star Wars games were shit prior to EA. The ones that were good had major issues, such as the SNES games and Republic Commando.

Several of them would have been released by now if EA wasn't literally King Mule of the Stubborn Kingdom.

The Original Trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) are excellent films and worthy classics. The protagonists are all highly identifiable and likeable with an incredible dynamic between each other. The Force is at its most subtle and mystical, and it's a story of good and evil where both the religion and the advanced tech sides of the story matter. The OT is the only part of Star Wars that is genuinely good and the only one you should ever bother watching. George Lucas's ideas are actually good here and he had people who could contribute their own good ideas while making him understand which ones of his sucked.

The Prequel Trilogy is terrible and people only make excuses for it due to Revenge of the Sith, the final movie of that trilogy, sucking a bit less than the other two. If you watch a movie from it, only watch Revenge of the Sith. ONLY do this after you have seen the Original Trilogy, as the assumptions you think up watching the OT will automatically paint a much more interesting and compelling backstory than the PT provides.

The "New Trilogy" currently consists of two movies. The Force Awakens basically tries to imitate all of the plot points of A New Hope, making it mega derivative and more a dry run of Disney to not immediately crumble to dust in one movie. The Last Jedi was written by a direction who almost actively made it his goal to scuttle and ruin every plot thread, direction, and foreshadowing made in the prior movie, resulting in a story that goes nowhere (at times even literally) and tears down the very heroes it unironically tries to ride the coattails of in a nihilistic manner that never manages to get any kind of ironic duality going. You might enjoy it in a vacuum, but within 24 hours of leaving that theater too many flaws will become too apparent for your brain to ignore, and if you saw the prior movie within a year of it you'll immediately recognize something is wrong.

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Also the videogames.

Zero leadership at the company. Walt is rolling in his grave.

nigger, I watched TLJ on first friday with my sister when the (((critics))) still praising this movie and we hated it

I heard a lot about Solo, even that it was a decent movie. I refuse to watch it, even for free.

Bob Iger has openly admitted that he doesn't really care about video games and doesn't think it's profitable avenue. They just passed off the licence to EA, one of the biggest publishers around; Disney spends no money on making the games, but gets a cut of the revenue. It's a decision that made sense on paper for someone who doesn't know or care about the vidya.

As someone who thinks George is a hack fraud who got lucky, at least he saw the value of video games and wanted LucasArts to succeed, even if his idiotic torpedoing of projects based on childish whims is part of why they ultimately failed

Yeah but we also got a game with some of the best swordplay ever

Disney allows it, because they're not good at video games and they don't really care

The third one was trash too but this was by far the bigger disappointment.

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This is true. Fighting game fans are cucks for allowing this game to get so big.

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade? That shit will never be ported.


Jedi Academy/Outcast

and I liked TLJ and I didn't see Solo because it didn't interest me.

Maybe it was a problem with Solo itself, or its marketing, or its release window, then any kind of perceived residual hate left over from TLJ?

I went from apprehensive to insulted and wholly averse to SF5 after Abigail. Abigail in the context he came out showed me they were taking the piss and not in the good way, on top of those absolute jokes they call story modes and the content drought.

It was a movie described as one that nobody asked for, so it's probably simply that.

minutes if you close your eyes, have exhaled all your breath, sealed all your orifaces with your hands and have no open wounds. All those cuts created from the shrapnel from her ship exploding should have eviscerated her instantly as soon as she was exposed to the vacuum of space.

It seems to me that everyone who was good at making fighting games at Capcom has left the company. SFV is a fucking travesty.

Does Mario have a TLJ equivalent? (Outside of the RPGs obviously)

Not only a movie that no one asked for but one made hot on the heels of the past three movies which dwindled hope of good movies every time.

If you genuinely believe TLJ didn't hurt Star Wars' brand you are delusional. Every single talking point about this franchise revolves around this movie. Either hating it, or defending it. That's not something Disney wants. It's become all-consuming.

I am under the impression that Disney literally didn't care much about the movie. Like, they had so much planned for Star Wars, they shrugged at any potential flaws, since they felt it would make money anyway, and regardless, there's another movie out in half a year. That's fine, right? If someone doesn't like a movie in the MCU, there's always another around the corner that might be more suited to their tastes.

I'm willing to at least entertain that TLJ was controversial, but you're delusional if you think the general response to TFA and Rogue One wasn't overwhelmingly positive

One of the biggest issues with the prequels is it follows the same dumb lore ideas that people got from making fanfiction and games and shit about Star Wars even when it didn't make any goddamn sense.

In Last Hope people literally don't believe in Jedi or the force. Han dismisses it as a hokey religion and Vader is disrespected to his face, the people working with him in the Empire basically think that their CEO has brought in his favourite priest and promoted him above them, they're pissy about it. But then the prequels come out, and hey the Jedi weren't just a force, they were a MAJOR force in the galaxy, literally just one generation ago. Come on.

Similarly with "the Jedi uniform is to dress like Obi-wan did"... No. No. Fuck off. Obi-wan dressed like a guy on a desert planet, like a hobo in disguise. Making that stupid hobo look the official Jedi uniform is fucking dumb.

The only other major sin I see this regularly, and the prequels aren't guilty of this, is acting as if the Dark Side is actually a distinct thing from the Force, as if there's a Light Side. Which is why I get so fucked off when people talk about Jedi and force powers as if it's a video game "Put 20 points in Dark Side and you get Force Choke!". No. Fuck you. Luke can lift his Jet-Fighter with the force! You think he can't choke some guy? Of course he can! The point is he DOESN'T! There's no Light Side of the force, Dark Side is simply using the force for Evil. Luke could (probably) generate lightning like the Emperor, the point is that killing someone with lightning is fucking evil.

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>I'm willing to at least entertain that TLJ was controversial
>but you're delusional if

How can somebody unironically say these two things, one after the other?

They will be retroactively hated. The Phantom Menance's response was also overwhelmingly positive for a few years. old are you? Because no one can actually believe this.

I watched my father go from the most excitable Star Wars fan I've seen in a while to not even raising a brow at Star Wars news anymore after TFA and Rogue One. He watched TLJ on Blu Ray and pitched the disc to be chewed on by the dog after he finished.

>being shockingly good at everything

For FUCKS SAKE. This WAS EXPLAINED. I am so fucking sick of seeing this complaint, people still wondering or whigning why Rey was so much stronger than the other characters we've seen when they specifically explained it.

The Force is Female. It's stronger in females and girls are stronger/better force users than men. She learns things much faster than Luke or whoever because she's a girl, so she's more in tune with the Force. They literally printed T-Shirts spelling this out and you retards still trot it out as if it's somehow a plot hole or a legitimate complaint.

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You're forgetting one other thing.

>Every force user HAS the use a lightsaber

This extends to the emperor, who refered to lightsabers as a "jedi weapon" and never used one in the original trilogy as well as giving Yoda a cool little green lightsaber so he can go from lethargic old little alien into crazy flippy screensaver baby.

Cohesion is a key factor here. The original Trilogy had people slapping Lucas' shit in whenever he came up with a terrible idea. The prequel Trilogy not so much but it still had that element in that it was still the prequel Trilogy Lucas had had planned since day one.

These movies just work of comic logic. Made up as they go along, writers constantly infighting and spitefully unwriting the stories of their predecessor. The same kind of retard logic that ruled the EU but now applied to the films because they don't have a unified vision.

I'd take the Vong over this shit.

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Only zoomers don't know this. It wasn't until AotC came out that people looked back on episode 1 unfavorably.

I laughed, good job user.

>This extends to the emperor, who refered to lightsabers as a "jedi weapon" and never used one in the original trilogy as well as giving Yoda a cool little green lightsaber so he can go from lethargic old little alien into crazy flippy screensaver baby.

Yes! Yes! Yes.

Although to be fair, that's only something I actually stopped and thought about after watching the Plinkett review, but you're absolutely right. It's one of those things that when someone points it out to you, you realise how dumb it is.

Exactly. A lightsaber is a tool, it's useful but it's still swinging a (kind'a) sword at someone. The Force is beyond that and the uppermost echelon of Force users shouldn't be linked to their physical prowess.

The director basically ruined every single piece of foreshadowing and build-up the previous movie established as the running themes, mysteries, and ideals of the new trilogy. There is nothing overarching, substantial, or coherent remaining for the third film, and it badly handle's Luke's character (while completely scuttling the plot point of why he'd leave a map to find where he was from TFA).

Mass Effect 3,

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>They literally printed T-Shirts spelling this out

You know that's a Nike brand, right? They didn't print the shirts and it has nothing to do with Star Wars.

Only Amerifats like that garbage.

>user, your argument doesn't hold water when the majority of the bad guys are in helmets.
What the fuck are you talking about.
I said THE GOOD GUYS have a representative of each and every race.
The entirety of the bad guys are either faceless mooks or white.
The creators said that this was intentional, to show that there was a diverse group vs a non diverse group, there is absolutely no way you can argue their intention wasn't to pit it against each other, or as it's more colloquial known as
>forced diversity

>that entire train of logic
fucking wew

Regardless of anything, it was used in their marketing campaigns, was mentioned repeatedly by the actors, directors and put out over twitter.

It's canon.

>Everything is equal to the force
>Oh unless you have a penis, then you're crap

I think I'm starting to see /pol/'s point.

The First Order has tons of ethnic minorities and women, it's just that our only major characters among them are two white guys.

>I think I'm starting to see /pol/'s point.
Incels tend to do that.

>are either faceless mooks or white.

I'm a voulentary celibate though.

Have they explained WHY the force gives a shit about your gender? How does it treat biological life forms with no gender, both or neither? Funny how their "explanation" only serves to makes things weirder.

by "faceless" I thought you were referring to stormtroopers. I mean there are black and asian officers in both movies but I guess they're just mooks

I want to believe that they'll let JJ Abrams do what he wants within reason and tell him to go fuck himself is he really thinks he can end the story without explaining anything in a satisfying manner.

>I mean there are black and asian officers in both movies but I guess they're just mooks
What the fuck do you think a "mook" is.


Nice strawman. Ignoring you now.


Imagine defending corporate Disney in anything.


>Not posting the one where they had a /k/ meetup and ended up eating one user's cum-brownies.

So many tripfags went silent when that post went up.

So something everyone thought would be good? But then turned out to be the worst in the entire franchise?
hmmm...FF15 is pretty bad, i ono if its the worst in the franshise, but its pretty bad

Not dead my ass, there literally hasn't been a good star wars movie in almost 4 decades. This franchise is a fucking joke and you all know it

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*shrugs* After TLJ I can actually enjoy the prequals more now. It was tht fucking awful

Nah, that would be 13. Fuck I was hyped for that game. What a travesty.

Off to reddit with you

>The ones that were good had major issues
How dare you, the X-wing and Rogue Squadron series are flawless

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You’d be surprised just how popular Star Wars is in chink countries. I’m pretty sure the Chinese and Japanese buy more merch than Americans.

Halo 4 was total garbage. If anything, Halo 4 would be Episode VII.


Uh, negative, buddy. These movies have been flopping there since TFA.

Fucking this. Just have Phoenix's entire career get ruined off screen and have Maya disappear forever. Who thought this was a good idea? I'm only one case in. Should I continue?

Finn was a likeable character. It wouldve made more sense to make him go through the journey of being a jedi. He had actual struggles unlike rey

Jedi academy did it right

He never played it

Not really, no. This is 100% the black sheep of the franchise that Capcop has attempted to ignore/fix with every single subsequent game.

You know what's funny about Apollo Justice? Phoenix is a lawyer for three years. From Ace Attorney to Trials & Tribulations. Then CANONICALLY just a few months after T&T, he gets disbarred. Disbarred for seven years up to Apollo Justice. Phoenix spent more time not being a lawyer than ever ever did being one. Stupid, stupid writing.

Fucking crapcom