What are the saddest games you've ever played?

What are the saddest games you've ever played?

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How can Dark Souls be sad if it doesn't even have a story

Metal Gear? also how is dark souls sad?

Soulsfags are mentally ILL lorefags

where the fuck is pathologic or LISA?


nobody cared about some trivial lore bullshit tho? everyone plays that to backstab the shit out of each other

Every NPC's storyline ends with them going hollow and you killing them and the tone of the whole game is extremely melancholy


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Dead space 3

Far Cry 2 deserves to be there

and? everything ends the same it almost makes it too predictable to give a shit about

FFX is way more depressing than VII

eye divine cybermancy

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Playing minecraft alone always felt depressing to me.

PMD, but i think it works mostly because you don't fucking expect a pokemon game to go there.
It's a great game to recommend for people bothering Yea Forums for games to cheer em up.

any EA star wars game

I guess you don't understand the difference between a game making you sad and a game being depressioncore.

Pathologic is pretty miserable at times.

I feel that way about Garry's Mod

Unironically this. Doesn't get much comfier or depressing.

Objecitively all of these

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how is X depressing? I remember there being some sad shit, but to be compared to suicide inducers like TWD and Nier?

Why is rain grouped in with depression? I think it’s pretty comfy

Unironically this.

>The narrator lies to you
>Tricked and cheated by everyone you meet
>Eventually forced into child slavery after taking pity on a disabled guy

This is 10 minutes into the game. It gets worse.

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The isolation can get nerve wracking. I start to get paranoid about herobrine shit even though there's no way he's in the game.

Any game that you are used to playing with other people alone is a horribly lonely experience. There is something very surreal about wandering around empty places that were once so busy. I feel the same way about Half-Life MP maps, UT2004 and especially any Warcraft 3 custom maps.

kotor 2 deconstructs everything revan did so it's sorta depressing.

Think it's because most normal people prefer the sun because they can go out and do things, sunshine's always made me more depressed tho

holy shit I cried really hard

Aside from Aeris dying and the grim overworld theme starting in Disc 3, I would hardly call it /depression/ tier.

>WArcraft 3 custom maps
They're coming back man, and we're all gonna be homies again.

The most depressing thing about that game is how much it shat on everything that made Explorers of Sky so good.

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Same. Sunshine hurts my eyes and gives me headaches.

Terranigma, and it's not even fucking close. I had my doubts until I played it, and holy shit. This is end of evangelion for video games.

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>Better music
>Better story
>Better characters

I'm sorry you didn't get a 3DS user. You'll get to play it eventually.

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League of Legends

Made me tear up at 3000 hours when I realized how much of a time waster it is

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Metro 2033 is pretty melancholic.

walking dead is garbage and doesn't belong on this list
FFX and Heavy Rain are fun but you have to be autistic to actually take them seriously

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999 isn't really depressing.

Spoiler alert: All the dinosaurs die out

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It's meant to be enjoyed by depressed people. That's why it's so slow, nihilistic and has no problem making you play through the exact same puzzles multiple times.

I've never been sad. What's it like?

Fable and Fable 2 make me nostalgic and depressed about how I wasted my life playing video games.
Comfy though

This was so jarring.


Doubtful. At best, it'll sate nostalgia for a year or two before fizzling out again. People are too used to playing the same maps, which they will keep on playing, continuing the endless stagnation. It doesn't help that players become increasingly skilled at specific maps, making barriers of entry for new blood virtually impossible to overcome.

Silent hill 2, shadow of colossus, majora's mask are the only games that made feel stuff. Never finished ff vii or x or any ff's, they are boring.

>majora's mask
Both majora's mask and link's awakening made me feel melancholic and kinda sad.

I suppose you could debate if it's even a game, but SOMA.

>Depression core.
>No Cry of Fear.
Darksouls is depressiong if you played it blind and didn't know shit about anything, the frustration, feeling of loneliness and not understanding fuck all will make you suicidal.

But now after a gazzilion patches and being eaten and shat out by everyone and their mamas, a zoomer can pick it up, do an op maymay build he found on the wiki, buff for every boss and breeze through the game.

>Q: If you could... Would you make new music to Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines? Like adding new musical scores to diverse [sic] the current amazing music already in the game? / Did you use any music samples when making the soundtrack?
>Rik Schaffer: I couldn't. That music wasn't even a game score. It was an album. I'm not that guy, or in that place anymore. I was broke, living on a couch, out of rehab and jail and living in Hollywood. Basically a character of the game.
>Q: What's your favorite track from Bloodlines? I was listening to the Chinatown theme earlier.. so good!
>Rik Schaffer: Hollywood Hub, wrote it a day after being released from jail. I was in the worst depression of my life, it captured it.
>Q: What did you do to go to jail?
>Rik Schaffer: The drug dealers are the real bloodsuckers.

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Going around seeing how poverty stricken the world is because of Mako Reactors isn't depressing to you?


pick one you fucking retard

t. a literal autist

Crisis Core was depressing as fuck, why is Square so intent on making Cloud's life a living hell?

The world is dying and decaying, everyone is cursed to die over and over again until they hollow out to insanity. There's barely any humans to begin with. Dark souls is basically post-bad end of another game.

>The Walking Dead
ye okay, very sad

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hyper light drifter was depressing. not sad, but the world felt dead before you even got there, made you feel like you never had a chance and everything was just parasites on a corpse

None of those are sad. Go read a good book if you want to feel something. Videogame stories are poorly written shlock. And pretentiously overanalyzing lore in Souls games won't change that.

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Brothers A Tale of Two Sons
Fuck, that ending

No because Aeris' home, Kalm, Casa Del Sol, Junon, Gold Saucer, Wutai, the Chocobo Farm, Cosmo Canyon and Icicle Inn existed.

If anything, FFVII was comfy as fuck with its varied rural settings, and tracks such as Flowers Blooming in the Church, Ahead on Our Way, and Holding My Thoughts in My Heart. Even more somber themes were more charming than outright depressing to me.

I read tons of books and games like the walking dead and especially nier made me pretty sad.

>no LISA
it's like the definition of depression

>i LITERALLY need cutscenes to apprehend storytelling


i loved the music in this game, especially the remixed Angel by massive attack on the title screen

The whole theme of the game is that the world is literally dying. How is that not depressing as fuck? Sure there are areas with joyous people like the beach town, but even those places, I got the sense, are meant to be bittersweet because the people live in ignorance of what's happening.

This one is good

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>the world is literally dying
This is like half of the early FF games in the first place and inevitably has something to do with crystals having gone missing.

It's definitely the music, sets the perfect time if you ask me. If you play it with any other kind of music you get an entirely different vibe.

And in 6, it totally does. Now that's what poverty looks like; there's only like 19 houses left in the entire world.

>Nothing but a dream destined to save the world at the cost of your life
>You succeed where your father failed, and part of redeeming him is defeating him in battle
>The ending of a spiral of death and constant destruction from the aftermath of war

X was great in its subtle approach to world building and construction of plot surrounding the main character

>X was great in its subtle approach to world building and construction of plot surrounding the main character



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People will disagree but I think RDR2 is deserving of this as well with how little success there is within the main story. You start off with a group of failures and they don't move up from there at all. All there are are small victories but a lost war

every time i feel like having a good cry, i just look at pic related

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You are like a little baby
Watch this

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>The walking dead
>Heavy rain
Dicked around with those games and purposely failed QTE’s and chose bad options. Was the funniest fucking shit I’d recommend everyone do the same.

You're right, the whole game is a failure and playing it will make you depressed because of all the time wasted on long rides back and forth to pad time played.

>no Lisa
>no MGS2

Yes that scene was supposed to be cheesy, he was trying to get her to laugh to take some of the load of her shoulders.

Its amazing how people point to this scene as some great gotcha, like you people don't understand story telling.

People like to pretend that a handful of paragraphs scattered over different items makes up for good lore and storytelling.
Truth is if you become emotionally invested into any of the characters in Dark Souls, you're retarded, no one is given any actual development and they're barely characters to begin with.

Pretentious bullshit?

Too bad every other scene is equally cheesy, if not worse.

>Help Tidus cope with his feelings of inadequacy


Fragile Dreams

>Akai Ito

Really? Some of the bad endings were, I guess, but I wouldn't really describe it as depressing overall.

No game will make as sad as mother 3, holy shit, the adventure I went through, the characters I met, to just kick me in the balls like that in the ending

>"you will forgive your brother. Right lucas? He was just hasty, thats all"
Crying ensues

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>Waaah feel bad for this character who had 3 lines in the entire game

This one is about depression, but it tries way too hard and comes off as corny. I still enjoyed it though.

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Chaos Child. It's a visual novel and it's really long with a slow start so won't be for everybody. However the last quarter of the story you basically see the main characters entire life getting torn apart in horrific ways. Which is really effective after spending so many hours living his day to day life and getting to know his family and friends. The death of one of the characters in this hit me harder than any other because of how innocent the victim was and how cruel the death was.

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Nawh you didn't play it, you saw it in a stream. ADMIT IT

>4 big bads nuke the world
>undead has to ring 2 bells to summon a snake to tell him how to kill the 4 big bads
>after you kill the 4 big bads you either extinguish the flame and reign in darkness or keep it going yourself
what the fuck i'm depressed now

The dude went on a ramoage trying to avenge his mom, to only be believed dead, just then gets brainwashed by a literal money pig to fight against his own twin brother and father.
Afterwards ge remember who he was and basically kills himself so he can be at peace and reunite with his mom aftee all the struggle
All that happens after a lot of shit went through the main story, which only makes the ending more depresing, but yeah, lets say its cringe

Then in terms of execution, it failed in that regard because there was never any real sense of urgency to "save the planet before it dies" compared to say, Majora's Mask. The WEAPONs were more akin to taking down Kaijus than any serious threat/impediment especially since 2 of them were optional superbosses. The only real depressing aspect of the game was the Main Theme change once Meteor is cast. The adventure along the way felt more happy-go-lucky than depressing even with Cloud's PTSD moments.

Seemed pretty urgent to me considering a bunch of people decided to actively go against the government by blowing up reactors only to end up dead. Not sure how you don't see the urgency and sense of depravity the characters experience.

Corpse Party. The setting itself is depressing just on its own but it gets even worse when you start reading all the notes left behind by all the other kids that died there.

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Oh god, that ending came out of nowhere

Max Payne, Lisa, Yume Nikki, Saya no Uta, My life

999 cured my depression


Pretty sure you die if you do that.

american mcgee's alice, but mostly for the soundtrack and atmosphere.

Games with a linear story and clear goals don't really qualify to be depression core. The sense of pointlessness of what you are playing because you just want to waste time to get through the day is what defines depression vidya to me.

stardew valley

No, I played it.
What’s that about a stream? Is that how you experienced it?

Dunno, vitamin D deficiency does make me kinda down I guess

I just started that game and it doesn't seem sad, now you've got me worried

This is basically what depression is. No game has ever come close enough to giving me that feeling than pic related.

If/when you reach the ending you'll understand why.

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really made me think

also made me reminisce on newgrounds

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he had a hard life

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>final boss is literally an apartment-bound neet who trolls people into killing themselves
The game started out great and then devolved into this shitfest.

Also one of my favorites is pic related, shame the combat is ass so I don't feel bad about cheesing it with savestates. All the item find isn't so bad after the first playthrough. Maybe I'm just a sucker for anachronistic storytelling.

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What's to the right of Fatal Frame?

Akai Ito, it's a visual with over 35 endings. All of them except for about 2 of them are depressing as shit, one of them in particular hits like a truck

Why would anybody do that? The fun of a game is the challenge, and doing all that stuff just to breeze through the game on your first playthrough is kinda sad.

Why the fuck did we play this game, bros? I'm not sure how the hell I was even introduced to it, but I made goddamn sure that I played through the entire thing.

For such a simple point-n-click that shit definitely made a deep impact. I feel like RE7's aesthetic must have borrowed from this game.

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World of Wacraft: Battle for Azeroth.

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You actually posted 5 of the best ones I played.


All amazing games.

I guess if you have the attention span of a goldfish then sure

Muv Luv

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>no original metro 2033
baka desu senpai

Klonoa 2 actually cheered me up after I cried for unrelated reasons

It didn't last too long though

Going to play FFX after I finish the kingdom hearts series. Heard it’s really good. Also Metroid Prime 2, Bloodborne, and Max Payne all have depressing aesthetics

This one was pretty sad

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David Cage's games aren't essential anything besides maybe essential b-game for laughing at.

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>attention span of a goldfish

I totally felt that same way about RDR1. I won't lie- the game absolutely bored me to fucking tears for the vast majority of it, but all of the boredom seemed to build up to scenes of such unfair cruelty that it all seemed to be worth it in the end.

The game was work, user. There aren't a lot of games out there with delayed gratification, but RDR1 was definitely one of them. And the gratification was actually more like a terrible revelation than actual gratification.

In any case, it was a work of fucking genius, but it was hard to play through because, unlike most games, it required the player to embrace a delayed sense of gratification. Even so, I'm glad it was praised as highly as it was despite all of this.

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Honestly I can acknowledge that Walking Dead S1 was pretty good for it's time but I can't look back on it without feeling bitter about how everything after became stagnant.

>that part in the epilogue with Haruto taking his first steps after seeing Kiryu
I can't see that part without crying, why am I such a bitch

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You must be legit autistic if you think most of these are anything beyond goofy pulp trash.

It's blatantly false considering the only parts that would qualify are in the 3rd.

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I don't think it's as comically bad as any Cage game, but it may be worth replacing.

>goofy pulp trash

Fuck you, pleb.

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you can nail the tone without strong writing in the video game medium

First time I've heard of this but it sounds interesting. Looks like it was only released in Japan though. Is there an English fan translation?

This is a really astute observation, user.

How, though, do they nail the tone without good writing? There has to be other factors compensating for this. People are just as easily disconnected from a crappy immersive experience as they are connected into a mesmerizing one.

I love my wife Tifa

>heavy rain

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it's a visual medium is all, shitty indie film can do the same kind of thing

Did you see how the series ends? It's pretty fucking depressing.

Is heavy rain worth a play? Never played It and it's dirt cheap now.
Also I found SoTC both sad and heart warming.

do VN's count?

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Yeah i had to download it & extract it onto my PS2 Iso manually though. It was a fucking hassle

Darkest Dungeon is a terrible pick, should've put Kentucky Route 0

It it's, but desu the game requires investing a lot of time and work, easier to just pick up your phone when you get stumped, google a boss or an area, and know exactly what to do or use, how many people would've gotten to Ash lake on their own?, untended graves?, or Archdragon peak?

The internet was a mistake.

Yea it’s not a very good game but all of Cages games are entertaining

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I always felt bad for Oersted

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Why the hell has nobody mentioned Steins;Gate 0 yet?
Also I guess I should get around to playing Chaos Child.

Darkest Dungeon is a pretty hopeless game and can be pretty sad. I think to be on an "essential" list a game has to be more well known.

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Being sad isn't depression you dumb ass zoomers.

How can a painting be sad if it doesn't have words? How can you come up with an opinion like that if you don't have a brain?

It would make for a pretty depressive and bleak game, until the rng and brutal mechanics fuck your play through in seconds.

The game is made for people with short attention spans though, that's why it constantly gives you breaks where you just have to ride somewhere and not think or do anything.

>depression games
>no LISA
fucking weakshit in this thread

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>implying anyone knows this

99% of people think depression just means you are a sad loser with 1st world problems. The only people who truly understand depression are the ones who have experienced it themselves.

Planescape Torment. Nothing else really comes close. The HAPPY ending is casting your character into Hell so he can face punishment for a horrible crime he doesn't remember, and separating his friends from him to avoid them being poisoned by his sins. The entire game consists of showing the horrible effects your past lives have had on the world and trying to fix it. And unfortunately finding out you can't fix it all.

>Time isn't your enemy. Forever is.

So basically any game that takes itself too seriously, with a somewhat dark theme and values giving the player a grandiose feeling over refined gameplay and mechanics?

probably lisa or mother 3

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>3 hours mining in a cave
>You've ran out of pickaxes
>It's dark
>You're running out of torches
>You can't remember which of the 30 winding pathways leads back to the entrance

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How are refined gameplay and mechanics supposed to make you feel sad?


The Darkness is just miserable from start to finish.

>How are refined gameplay and mechanics supposed to make you feel sad?
By letting the music do that.

aside from maybe shadow of the colossus literally none of these are depressing
play nier or rule of rose you fucking faggot

Nier is already on the list you fucking tard.

>Drakengard 1 comes out
>Loved it
>Used to post on the Gamefaqs board a lot
>Have multiple contributor credits for it
>People start getting the final ending
>"Dude, what was that?"
>"Just a joke ending"
>"Oh yeah haha of course"
>tfw it stopped being a joke

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oh shit I'm retarded
still, that's the only actually depressing game on there


I don't know, I never played Nier or Silent Hill 2 but it makes me sad when I hear the music from them or see them played since I used to watch my brother play them a lot.

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>already on the list
Based dumb cunt

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Deadly Premonition because when it's over you know you'll never play a game that entertaining ever again

Am i missing something? it only got depressing at a few moments
It's pretty happy go lucky for the most part

Any game with a story you wish would never end. Every time a good game ends I want to die. And then there's the post-game, which is like when the actors in a theater play all come out after the story and thank you for enjoying the story.


rule of rose was really sad but what made it worse is that my sister died 2 days later

Damm right user I was about to post ps:t
Updated my journal

Whats the context here? He saved a bunch of people but someone else died Im guessing?

Pretend that FFX-2 isn't canon.

>Falls-From-Grace was the only one to strike The Transcendent One
>She's still looking for you

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Get on my level

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rim world, if you read their backstory

fair enough


>no soma


Soma is absolute despaircore

>TNO: "Then we shall confront these torments together, as one being. And we shall defeat them."
>TNO: "Then we shall take the battle to damnation itself, and we will become free again."
>TNO: "I can live with that - and so can the planes. If we are cast low, then you shall know pleasure in my suffering. But it is better than you join with me and hate me than we die slowly apart, with nothing but oblivion awaiting us."

Why is Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl not there?

This, what a great fucking game

FFVII and FFX, depression? am I missing something?

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how is limbo sad

Why are these fuckers so uncanny valley?

Head to body ratio..

wait, what the fuck happens in Kolona??? I only played the demo on those demo discs

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>She doesn't know

Minecraft before villagers added.
One man in the entire world surviving by himself is really depressing

fucking this, i always played it when i had no friends and then once i had them i avoided it like th plague so i didnt feel that way again.

jesus fuck does this game just wreck my fucking mood. its so good but god damn.

soma along with no mouth but i must scream are along the lines of "the fight was over before you go there and now you just get to ride out the last shittiest part of human experience"

>Reading fiction

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>What are the saddest games you've ever played?
No Pathologic.
No The Void.

AHAHAHAHAHA what a fucking shitty list.

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>all weebshit
Yep, that's truly depressing

I just pick up the remake for SoC and after killing the first collissi, I found it hard to continue on. Knowing how the game ends. Feels come in hard realizing you're killing innocent creatures just chilling in their habitats before you came along and slaughtered them on a dumb whim.

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Chaos;Head has been in my backlog for a long time, should I wait for Noah translation or just play the available version?

So... I think in this thread, people got the vague impression that things being "sad" is somehow a prestigeous achievement, and further can't distinguish between "grim or dark" and "sad", and as a result, this entire thread is a clusterfuck of retards belching whatever game they personally hold in high regard with even the slightely darker color palette as "Saddest fucking games".

God you people are fucking retarded it actually hurts.

Maybe not the saddest, but I want to bring up kotor 2. Part of it is that Star Wars is inherently an idealistic series, and retains a heroic core storyline even when the drama gets heavy. Kotor 2 subverts so much of that by targeting essential aspects of the series - the force, jedi, sith, good vs evil, by the end it's only a star wars story in setting. The companions, too, have a lot of complexity to them and it often feels like rather than gathering a fighting party like in kotor 1, you're gathering a party of psychologically damaged individuals who are attracted to you because you seem to be able to cope at least a little with the horrible shit you've done, and so maybe they can learn to move on through you.

It goes too far in some areas and can be a bit pretentious at times, but if you let yourself get immersed it's got a really dark and nihilistic atmosphere.

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Did a 12 year old make that?

Actually, that thing was clearly made by an adult. A really, really, REALLY FUCKING STUPID adult.

Any use buying it or should I pirate it?
I don't think I'll even play multiplayer, but I can try some mods.

Where the fuck is S.O.M.A.???!!!

i get depressed everytime i remember that story

Games never really make me sad desu, I had pretty bad depression and nothing in vidya has been able
to mimic those feelings yet. I've felt it in paintings, music, film, plays, and literature but not really vidya.

Video games are usually more about it exploring your own imagination desu, such a thing is impossible when you're depressed. It's a very oppressive feeling.

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I need to go to bed

the real depression doesnt kick in until the scene after this one and then its 10 hours of the best portrayal of PTSD you'll ever see in a filipino flipbook

First of all, depression =/= sadness, you retard. How many times does this have to be fucking established before it get's through your thick fucking skulls?
Second of all: play more games. If you haven't encountered a single one that did not envoke sadness, there is either something wrong with you, or at least with your horrible taste or extremely limited and narrow experience. Either way, it does not in ANY way justify you making stupid sweeping statements like that.
You deserve to be depressed.

The Walking Dead is funny not sad.

Dark Souls is an allegory for depression, you can try so hard and get so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter


what is happening here?

This War of Mine is completely free of anything happy. There's no comic relief, no sarcasm, and little hope for anything.

I wouldn't say that majoras mask made me sad, but more the atmosphere of the game does a good job at making the world really gloomy and sad without being too edgy

>Pulls of the innocent children's thing is actually the MC in coma and makes it work
How did it do it?

enlighten us, please

>Dark Souls instead of Demon's Souls

It sucks

>You name him
>You see flash backs with him

All you said was based dumb cunt and it has made me laugh out loud just for how silly and simple the words are. Thanks user f

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VII has a lot of sad moments. Dunno about X honestly, I thought it was silly

Whenever I try to stake out on my own the crippling loneliness wears me down and I end up looking for a village to live in.

Do you all have the emotional maturity of a newborn child or something?

there's at least one VN in OP's image user

Oh fuck me, I mistook another user's pic for the OP image. My bad.


After they go to Guam, things just get worse and worse. Watching everything fall apart after the rather cheery and positive first few chapters was really a bummer

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Because it ruined everything Blizzard North once built up

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>"You have a heart of gold."
>"Don't let them take it from you"
>Maisen Astraea's Theme.mp3

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>final fantasy 7
>not crisis core

muh nigga. E.V.O.
But life goes on...isn't that kind of the point?

Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid 3
Heavy Rain
Silent Hill 2
Spek Ops the Line
Call of Cthulu


You will forever be missed...

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Splatterhouse 3 should be there.
Also the ending where only David survive is worse.

this, LISA is mandatory depression core.


What exactly do you need enlightening in?
Basic use of english language and rudimentary psychological terminology?
Explaining what is the difference between "sad" and "dark"? Explaining why being sad is not an achievement in itself, or why it is pathetic to try to push your favorite title just because it makes you feel better about your taste?
This thread is an absolute fucking trainwreck, I'm not sure where to even begin here.

SG;0 isn't too sad because we all know that everything turns out alright.

Also the anime helped by showing that 0kabe does meet up with Mayuri and Suzuha with a working time machine saving them from beyond the event horizon.

pathologic is essential stress-core. I think I got grey hairs finishing my bachelor run

holy shit i remember playing this as a kid thinking it was gonna be happy fun times

fuck this game

>not liking based Solaire
>not liking based Onion Knight
>not liking based Patches
>not liking based crestfallen knight
>not liking based Big Hat
Fuck you fag these guys are all cool dudes.

Too close to home

Also, Three Fourths Home

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Even if you pretend to not understand the story. The atmosphere is incredibly bleak, everything around you is just dying.

too busy being angry to be depressed


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megaton rainfall

eh, to be honest user im a huge soulsfag but imma be real with you theres zero attachment to any of them. they serve to be the tiny parts of bastion that make up whatever personality is in the game that can be 'relatable' through the context of the MC and it isn't much. it just seems powerful because of once again; context. if theres barely anyone to interact with on friendly terms in a game that wants you to feel alone of course your going to value the only decent ones you encounter. in the end though they have very little memorability.

I thought Detention was pretty sad.

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I've cried at two games in the last two years. The Walking Dead and Metal Gear Solid. I hear Nier Automata is sad but I haven't finished it yet and I don't want to get spoiled.

Final Fantasy 6 and XIII-2 are pretty sad, 3 is kinda melancholy, and 8 is just an all around emo-fest.
Link's Awakening has one of the saddest endings I know, MM has sad themes but isn't necessarily depressing. Seconding Mother 3, Limbo, and SotC. Dark Souls as a seroes really isn't that sad outside of a few npcs at the end of their quests, I unironically felt sadder at a few of the bugs in Hollow Knight.

Clannad and basically any relationship type VN with it.


Emily is away is sad in the sense of how things used to be, but the relationship part of things is more pathetic than sad.

I couldn't bring myself to finish it after the watching a movie with your gf scene.

The depression comes when you realize the game is ass

The awakening of the windfish and seeing all the people from the island fucking broke my heart

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I found Pathologic to be more sad than stressful. The Void felt a lot fucking more stressful.

Pathologic does have, however, some genuinely incredibly sad moments. In the original meaning: those moments where player is forced to simply accept how cruel or tragic the world can be at times.


>mfw "This is reality"
It hurt.

why aren't more people agreeing to this post?

newfags, of course

Warhammer Vermintide
No matter how hard you try, the world is gonna die anyways

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It will with that attitude. You can do it. Just kill them faster than they can replace their population. I mean, how many Skaven can there really be?

>Everyone loves you

To The Moon

This. Getting mad at the grind and RNG really spoils the atmosphere.

>it will
It already did, user

To the Moon has one genuinely sad moment about two thirds into the story, then it becomes a joke.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most depressing game I've played bar SH2

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My fucking chest

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>I tried to put her back together but the pieces wouldn't stick

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Surprised I dont see Nier:A on that list. I'm assuming Death Stranding will be there when it come out, but pic related is was pretty rough on the feels, especially this moment. i think i had to stop playing for a few days because i just knew it was all gonna go even further downhill

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Lmao Jesus, what a pussy
>f-fuark bros I had to put based RDR down and just, sweetie ugh took some self help time because it was so CUHRAYZEE

>le based
>le based
>le based
>le based
Soulsfags are fucking cringe

The setting is dead user, so are the protagonists. You are literally fighting a losing battle without any meaning.

>Nier's whole 2nd playthrough
>King of Facade, both before, during, and after boss battle
>Fucking Kalil and Beepy
>Stupid Hansel and Gretl
>The revealed truth about the Shades

For fuck's sake

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Thanks, you're still a huge pussy.

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Is it worth getting into this shit? I've been spoiled with the brain and shit.

this unironically

So sad and kino ://

Valkyrie Profile is one of the most melancholic game that I have played, and it deserves a continuation. Almost all of the Einherjar's story were sad as fuck, especially Yumei and that songstress

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I think statistically classic Doom & Flight Sims are the most played games before suicides.

Every Key VN fucks me up for a while and I love it

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Nier automata.
You didn’t beat it did you mongo?