Uh oh here we go again

uh oh here we go again

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't make me say the T word


What happened?

OP spammed a shit thread

Chinese bugmen review bomb red candle cause of a meme criticizing the China government.

they nerfed the girl and monsters do more damage.

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Seconding. Unless this was some early access shit, that change in reviews is bizarre.

Detention is a really great game, and it's awesome that a small studio from Taiwan put out something of such high quality.
And it's a fucking shame that they're getting this shit for no good reason. It's important to spread awareness because groups of people are trying to gaslight steam and the west into thinking that the devs are pedophiles just because they are Taiwanese and had an offhand criticism of the chinese president.

That said, racist circlejerking isn't doing RCG any favors and all it's doing is getting threads deleted.

Tiananmen Square Massacre and Falun Gong are things that happened.

It's a little frightening that China is so deeply indoctrinated by it's government.

The insane part is that it wasn't even the main part of the game that sparked it, just a easter egg you can find of a meme

>from Taiwan
Oh, those poor guys. They're probably dead now.

They’re like drones online and gang up on anyone who says anything bad about the CCP government.

so... they are getting reviewbombed because of a joke to the chinese president ?

And it's not even in Detention if i'm not mistaken, it's in another one of their more recent games.

>racist circlejerking

fuck you if you don't think the chinks should be called out on their fucking social media mind control repressive bullshit antics

Attached: 2006483.jpg (1920x1080, 509K)

Nothing racist about it. Saying "Orange Man Bad" isn't racist, and this is on the same level.

From what I've read the game that had the winnie the pooh thing was named Devotion but yea this one had nothing to do with with that reference and is just being hit because it's the same devs.

I think that it's obviously a politically motivated review bomb, definitely originating in china.
I don't like their 1984 shit either, but spreading awareness about the game/studio and letting people know they may be hearing false information is more important than chimping out like some redpilled teenager. Mods are obviously deleting threads with all the chink spamming

Taiwan is an independent country and not part of China.

Chinks raiding the review section?

Don't misunderstand, the criticism/insult within the game isn't racist at all.
I'm talking about all the anti-chinamen spamming within threads like these. It's getting them deleted pretty clearly. Even if you agree with it anyway, spreading awareness to other anons is more important because the studio and game are awesome

>politically motivated indoctrination in the game is fine but politically motivated reviews about that indoctrination isn't

Chinks are eternally asshurt about Taiwan's independence.

Their students are indoctrinated to be asshurt about it. They blow a gasket if you even bring it up.

I think you're a little confused, friend.

I mean, the racism is justified. With actions like this, the Chinese justify the meme that they're insects, little dumb drones with no thought of their own, only existing to serve their leader.

An image of Winnie the Pooh is indocrination? Woah



Whether it is or isn't, I don't care.
But posts like yours are getting these threads deleted so nobody can learn about what's happening. If you don't think the game should be review bombed then you'd want more people to see that what's happening isn't right.

I’ll ask you to focus. Now read this post out loud

You mean like ?

>politically motivated indoctrination in the game
>two easter eggs from the devs making fun of chinese culture
>chinese respong by doing the exact thing the devs were making fun of
really gets my almonds in a bind

Game looks shit anyway, no loss.

I wonder who's behind this post

The Republic of China is the legitimate government of China.

name a better horror game within the past 5 years.

"Think it's a politically motivated review bomb" Nigga, they go right out and say it in fucking English.

>intentionally shit on a certain group of people with inflammatory memes
>act like the victim when people get mad about it


>racist posts are getting deleted
Do you know where you are? Very rarely a post gets deleted for having nigger in it, but other than that it doesn't happen.
The only "racist" thing that gets instadeleted every time is the tiananmen square massacre copypasta.

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I fucking hate this bugmen reviews, the thing is, they don't even keep their reviews in their subhuman langauge so I can't filter them out

>intentionally shit on a certain group of people with inflammatory memes
Xi Jinping is one person, user. And he should grow a thicker skin and stop trying to censor winnie the pooh because of some meme he doesn’t like. What a fucking faggot.

They've stopped deleting the posts I think. They just delete the threads now. Have you not been noticing? These threads have been happening all day but they don't last long.

>winnie the pooh is inflammatory

Attached: 61pxy5lQTOL._SY606_.jpg (447x606, 21K)

the indoctrination meme is not a meme it would seem
very strange how a meme about a single person could cause such immense butthurt in such large groups of people
anyway, wasn't steam banned in china?
why aren't valve keeping them out

Isn't Taiwan that crazy shithole where the president was a puppet being played by a crazy voodoo shaman?

Well, they’re always review bombing some game for retarded reasons like a hivemind, so I guess it’s not banned.

What even is the thing that people are mad about? I want pics.
I feel like you guys are hiding info on purpose to push a narrative.

based chink shill

I think that was south Korea.

Post Winnie the Pooh because he's cute.

Attached: 52352.gif (480x440, 372K)

That was South Korea

nah that’s south korea

wasnt that actually korea?

Mainland Chinese are very easily triggered. They hate Taiwan and they are eager to get some free social credit score.

That's South Korea.

The devs took out the pooh meme from the game a while ago to try and appease the rioters. If anybody has the pic of what it was go ahead and post

Steam reviews were mistake.

Crazy feminist voodoo shaman to be precise.

Letting the chinks in steam was a mistake.
I'll take the fucking subhuman slavs over chinks any day of the year


Attached: winnie-the-pooh.jpg (800x856, 66K)

you won't be able to read it but here it is anyway

Attached: 640_a0eaa949bce67f97929400b7f56bf93d.jpg (640x443, 82K)

So China is trying to make user review system look bad in light of Epic Store shills complaining about them for two weeks?
Really activates the fortune cookies

>hundreds upon hundreds of politically motivated insects review-bomb a game
>the steam review frontend clearly demonstrates and explains these reviews to be cancerous assmad
>hurr steam review bad

Tencent plz go.

>said the American, as he clamored for war with Russia because his press told him they hacked the elections, war with Iran because his press told him they were enemies of his greatest ally Israel, and war with Syria because his press told him they have the same chemical weapons that he was told Saddam had back in the early 2000's, all the while blindly supporting his country's military as bringers of peace and democracy

Attached: freedom.png (500x332, 191K)

That was South Korea. Taiwan watches other kinds of puppet shows youtube.com/watch?v=6bcBWenOfR0

fuck, why do the bug men have to ruin everything

Wait, I'm confused. I thought Yea Forums hated it when politics were forced into a game. Why is Yea Forums on Red Candle's side?

>They took it out
If you give these people an inch they will take a mile and then some.


what politics?

thats all?

Attached: 1507584991618.jpg (700x608, 143K)

Is Pooh a commie?

Attached: 1540508477837.png (678x411, 20K)

The difference is that a great number of americans disagree with some or all of what you just said, can post about said views online, argue with friends, and protest openly, without fear of being locked in a cage or turned into a second class citizen or worse by a modern day gestapo

Because China is the greater of two evils as it applies to the video game industry

yeah, it's ancient chinese

>went to see shen yun last month
>was pretty excited about it
>turns out its a semi religious falun gong down your throat thing where they have horrible chinese singers come out and sing shit that translates like "Atheism and Evolution are evil, they seek to hide your true form as a heavenly creature, everyone is from heaven"

Lost in Vivo

Well first off, Detention is pretty insanely political in and of itself. And second off, this whole thing was started by their newest(?) game featuring a jab at the Chinese president.

I was expecting memes but I also like these


What do you mean by forced into a game? Oh wait I am on Yea Forums so it is okay to throw around ambiguous terms.

Devotion is good by the way

How can these people even review these games? shouldn't they be banned in china?

We should just mass upvote a review talking about the Tienanmen square.

>turned into a second class citizen or worse by a modern day gestapo
Except the entire burger social media is built around this, go against the hivemind and you are a shadowbanned russian troll without a blue checkmark and no chance of getting a job.

This isn't' even the game with that easter egg in it. This game has no association with the devs jab at Xi

Because in this particular case chinese are review bombing Detention because it was made by the same people who made Devotion. Detention had good reviews until now, but since the new game is "bad", then the old ones must suffer too.

>literally just "Xi Jinping" and "Winnie the Pooh" written close to each other in a random background poster you weren't supposed to look close up to anyway

How is putting in an insult about a foreign country's president not forcing politics into a game? Yea Forums would be up in arms if Mexico came out with a game and there was a 'fuck trump' hidden somewhere in it.

literally the only two

Don't you have to fucking buy a game to review it on Steam? Doesn't that mean that all these Chinee fuckers bought the game? Isn't that an insane boost to the game even if it winds up in a stupid negative review bomb?

1989 Tiananmen Square.
Have fun at detention camp.

user, it literally just says Xi Jing Ping winnie the pooh

Except you're wrong you retard. There is no government sanctioned "social credit system" in america.
I can shitpost about chinks and niggers all day and then go to my shitty job tomorrow and take the bus.
If you are deemed "not patriotic enough" by the chinese government they can take away "privileges" like public transportation rights

it stops being politics when it's personal

yeah, they all played like 0.2 hours and left a review

Because the Chinese aren't human.

>put the equivalent of ORANGE MAN BAD in your game
>equivalent of MAGAchads meme on you and your shit game

Attached: 1550808011139.jpg (640x457, 44K)

They probably buy it and then immediately refund it.

>buy game
>leave bad review
>get refund
devs also lose money from this because the full refund comes out of their pockets and valve keeps their 30% from the original sale. if enough bugmen do this they might kill the devs.

who would have thought; zerg chinks are literally incapable of thought

btw, i bought both these games on their own merits, if you like horror games and especailly if you are interested in mahayana buddhism or stories involving the chinese revolution

Is that putting or is that forcing? No one is forcing it upon the player, in fact it is hidden away and is an easter egg. Easter eggs are actually the opposite of forced.

Yea Forums hates it when politics WHICH DON’T MATCH THEIR OWN VIEWPOINTS are put into a game.

what i dont understand about asians is why cant they learn to stay the fuck in asia?
Take the chingchongs they have zero resoect for anyone national soverignty they have been this way for hundreds of years.
I have a theory the biblical plague of locusts was referring to chinese.

>Mere coincidence!
The mental gymnastics are astounding. Insulting Xi by calling him Winnie the Pooh is like, a very well known thing. It'd be like putting a sign that says 'free helicopter rides for communists!' in a game. Everyone with half a brain knows what you mean.

That's not how it works

I'm so sick of China.

>devs also lose money from this because the full refund comes out of their pockets and valve keeps their 30% from the original sale

h...how old are you that you think things work like this in the world? hahhaha holy fuck dude

wait a second, I'm pretty sure steam isn't allowed in china
so these bugmen, went out of their way, to get mad at something they couldn't even legally buy

apparently there are guides all around on Weibo with instructions how to purchase game on Steam, leave negative review and refund it

Oh, so by your logic Overwatch is a-okay since none of the gay characters are mentioned in game. Good to know. I'll save this post next time someone complains about it.

Exactly. Hopefully it will expose the retardness of chinks even more.

don't open this

Attached: pooh.gif (519x394, 263K)

And I would have no issue if people were upfront about that because that is a totally reasonable thing to believe. You are the first person that's said that to me in this thread, though. All the rest are saying "But this is different!"

Where has any of us said that?
Also, comparing Xi Jinping with Winnie the Pooh is originally a Chinese meme. They only got offended because Taiwan did it, which they consider an inferior country.

No it would like putting a picture of trump next to the mcdonalds logo because everyone knows he's fat.
Wow, so much forcing of politics.

I'm American, but I'm not clamoring for war with anyone, especially Russia. They ain't the bogyman.

They did this in my country with some short film festival. They bought all the tickets so no one could see it.
At this point im just waiting for the first nukes to drop on beijing.

Not him, but I stopped using whiterabbit and actively discourage anyone else from using it because they did pretty much that to me when a package was lost in the mail.

It's ingrained in their culture to fuck everyone up no matter in what way to feel pride, even other Chinese people. Why do you think they cheat all the time in video games and in school

You are delusional if you don't think Yea Forums would do the same thing the chinks are doing if a game did that.

when is steam going to address the bugmen problem
steam review is meant for the game, and clearly that isn't what it's being used for
it's now a proxy tool for chinese bugmen to push their influence

Chinese people actually love their government?

and that has what to do with digital sales on steam friend

China-wide Steam ban when? Literally nothing good comes out from them besides a few cheap H-games. If they cry racism, then just say it was because of "Chinese bots and trolls raiding the forums" and all the journos will buy it no problem.

Attached: 1525828146275.jpg (447x540, 77K)

>articles about who is gay and autistic
>not forced

And this is a Taiwanese developer doing it, making it an insult.

nothin wrong with people who let negative review

That would be equally as retarded and I would be just as mad, especially if the game was good like Detention

There's a fuckload of games with "subtle" jabs at political figures Yea Forums never gave a fuck outside the occasional bait thread.

yes, they are brainwashed people
and anyone who tells you otherwise has consumed too much propaganda themselves

China-wide internet ban when?

I see the tricky situation here. If Steam were to not allow reviews from buyers that got a refund, bad games that were refunded couldn't be reviewed. I mean smart people will look at the time played and judge the merit of the review from there, but
>not everybody is a smart people.

How is it forcing it on someone when it is not making a single appearance or mention in the actual game? Please tell me you at least see the insane hypocrisy.

where you from?

No conspiracy. This is normal chinese behavior. Why do you think Homefront used the DPRK?

it already happened, except it's the chinks caging themselves in
now we just need the world to follow and put up another wall that cages the bugmen inside their wall

I'm saying that what he described happens and it is not unreasonable for someone not incredibly well versed in business to believe it is common.

not china

Overwatch is a shit game because it's filled with autistic teenagers. Who gives a fuck if the monkey is gay.

Are you fuckin retarded m8?

If they made fun of Trump, nobody would have to review bomb because retarded Liberals are terrible at making games and it would bomb all by itself.

so insecure about your country.

90 percent of Yea Forums gives a fuck. And I guarantee you a large portion of those people are also the ones that say the chinks are wrong here.

united states you fuck tard, now tell me where (You) are from

Talk about low hanging fruit. Obviously picking Yea Forums's whipping boy of a game that is always good to hate on. Talk about something like Fear Effect 2 or other games.

Unless you are obsessively autistic about politics, people generally don't care.

Attached: Fear-Effect-Games-playstation-41559523-900-1260.png (900x1260, 955K)

I am but only because I want a nuclear war to cleanse this gay earth and end the suffering

Do it daddy Putin, bathe me in nuclear fire

>90 percent of Yea Forums
yeah I'm sure, you definitely convinced me with those numbers.

I love how the bugmen successfully derailed the thread away from them review bombing the problem into unrelated shit

>people generally don't care
What bizarro version of Yea Forums have you been on the past few years and how can I join?

That a company acting as a marketplace would take 30% of a sale that got refunded? What developer would do business with a marketplace that would pull that shit?

>'free helicopter rides for communists!' in a game. Everyone with half a brain knows what you mean.
Not saying I have half a brain or anything, but I dont understand the reference.

I hear lack of understanding nuance is a sign of Aspergers.

Yea Forums only cares because it is Blizzard that has utterly betrayed their fan base and wanting it to either be a shit game that dies or it is a shit game that is dying. They are just looking for another aspect to hold against the game and Blizzard.

post some chinese webms

Wow, it's almost like hyperbole is a thing that exists! There were dozens of threads about Apex's gay character and hundreds every time Overwatch added a new gay character. It is a far from insignificant number of people that care on Yea Forums.

It's half people trying to hide the point and half people who don't care about the game and are actually just racist.
I just want the game to do well because it's a great game and the studio deserves to make more.

no, fuck off with that shit, stop getting these threads deleted

It's not in the game cause the team is so incredibly fucking lazy they put out articles and freelance comics about it instead and they even said that the game and all character development in the game is non-canon.

keep posting Pooh Bears to flush them out

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Then I want you to clearly explain the difference to me like I'm mentally handicapped, please.

no wonder

Yea Forums aren't sane people.

Refunds are a new enough and honestly rarely used enough that it would be worth putting up with when there's no reasonable alternative to Steam.

Wow, it's almost like you're pulling things out of your ass and your comparing Yea Forums's impotent rage to government sanctioned outrage for sought-after social credit!

So now you're saying that Blizzard making characters gay is a personal attack on you (the collective 'you' not you specifically) and that makes the reaction totally unreasonable and completely unlike how the chinks are reacting?

No, it doesn't happen. You're comparing apples to oranges

thinking steam works this way is just befuddlingly out of touch with reality, and isn't even supportable by business law in almost any nation

At least , i'm not delusional like you.

态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

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yeah, you're just a brainwashed bugman

Valve does tons of things that aren't supportable by business law, and don't pretend otherwise. Their current refund policy is still a huge violation of EU law.

No. Reread it.

1. Politics not related to the West, not on our radar
2. FORCING politics into games is akin to pushing a message in your face whether by inserting your opinion or censoring the content
3. This is literally just a fucking background poster of politics no one on Yea Forums really gives a shit about

If it had something to do with feminism or /pol/ related you bet people would be pissed. In this case, more people here hate China than they hate a stupid easter egg so it goes without saying they'd take the dev's side.

Uh gonna need a source for that ass-pulled fact. I feel like reviews are heavily abused, especially if a game is short. That's why other websites and markets don't even fuck around with them and you can hardly ever get a refund on a physical copy of a game.

Gotta leave those bad reviews for easy good boy points on your Social Credit Score.

No it wouldn't, retard. People could and would end up in the hole with steam, that's ridiculous and you're an idiot.

>my country is free
>fuck china
average brainlet in your country

>Valve does tons of things that aren't supportable by business law, and don't pretend otherwise

Really? You want to run that by their lawyers?

>Their current refund policy is still a huge violation of EU law.

Funny how the EU doesn't seem to care at all. Jesus fuck, kids, there comes a time to just stop typing. You don't have to admit you were wrong or humorously out of touch with reality, you just have to STOP DIGGING THE HOLE DEEPER.

what ever you say chink frog

what actually happens if someone in china goes to a website containing these phrases?

>b-but, they're evil, I'll bet they would!
Just stop talking out your ass and you won't have to dig in your heels like a moron next time.

absolutely based

Attached: 1524090864601.gif (240x173, 36K)

>canadian shits on trump
>gets review bombed by burgers
>but this chink shit is somehow different and the end of the world

The Party Rickshaw will pull up to your hovel

You end up in a reeducation camp

They become an unperson.

nothing happens to us

you go on the special double watch list, where you're watched extra carefully

What game are you referencing?


Attached: 1989.png (500x528, 432K)

In theory their national firewall detects the wrong think words and boots them off the page

Here you go, faggot
14 days, no limit to playtime, no exceptions. Valve's playtime limit is a direct violation of that. Yes, but I'm wrong. Okay. Keep sucking that corporate dick. If he's not in jail, it's not illegal! Hillary did nothing wrong according to your logic.

this game came out 2 years ago, why is it only getting review bombed now?

>One of these is relevant to a majority of Yea Forums's userbase while the other is not

How's that autism holding up little buddy?

Always remember that there is only one solution to the china problem.

Attached: china 2020.jpg (760x368, 56K)


Assuming i'm a chinese.

yeah, it's called following the chinese governments example and ban chinks from all our websites


I'm sorry, I don't understand chinese

The recent game they made had a reference to the comparison between Xi and Winnie the pooh, something that is well-known around the world to be hilariously censored by the chinese government for no real reason.

fuck year

Attached: fencer.png (1280x720, 1.38M)

we already have the solution, their greatest and most ancient enemy.

Attached: House_Sparrow_mar08.jpg (1600x1067, 338K)

its so funny that you europeans think this refund law shit is the most important thing to have ever happened to you

your blithe attitude toward demanding a refund no matter what in all cases highlights the european attitude perfectly as well, you see no value in any product or service nor its delivery because you add no value to products or services and just consume things other people make, lazily.

Why hasn't the EU come after Valve since it's in direct violation? You tell me, person from little irrelevant state-sized country without a competitive university.

probably lose a lot of Citizen Points ®™

Fuck. You went to it? I kept getting flyers spammed to by mailbox for that show.

Gas mainland chinks now!



yeah it was pretty dank. it was NOT 300 dollars dank, we got the best tickets

honestly, i enjoyed "Disney on Ice" more when I saw it with an ex girlfriend. Wish I were being funny but i'm not.

wait a fucking second, don't tell me you actually paid 300 dollaroos for propaganda

Remember to put this seal onto your games so that the Chinese wouldn't host it on their piracy sites.

Attached: pooh seal mk2.jpg (900x900, 78K)

what's with all the alt-wh*te incels in this thread?

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Attached: fuck china.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

>comment too long 2543/2000


Attached: sprölölö.png (496x500, 40K)


Attached: bug spray.jpg (4288x2848, 3.15M)

ironic how a joke seal meant to repel ghosts actually repels these bugmen

what is this winnie the pooh shit

Attached: 1387875379504.jpg (640x706, 42K)

spotted the chink cockroach

Attached: dabpp.gif (554x400, 46K)

no, the dance is pretty good

but if youve seen ringling bros circus for instance, and youve seen the insane chinese acrobats doing flips through stacked rings and shit, suddenly a bunch of other chinese people just dancing around in sync is not as cool

Also the ENTIRE PREMISE they advertise on is saving chinese history, not allowing the chinese government to erase their ancient history, etc...

So I'm expecting some lu bu/guan yu shit right? Nope-- there isn't a SINGLE segment out of like 25 that is about china's history of war, which is 99% of everything that ever happened in fucking china.

seething wh*teoids

>China bans Winnie the Pooh film after comparisons to President Xi

The chinese dragon cowers before the bear.

Attached: c72ca6b569e9729191b465dba7dda209.png (492x900, 630K)

It's probably a government funded witch hunt. You get monetary rewards for reporting people who are being anit-China.


Attached: christopher_robin_pooh_DBZ.gif (440x330, 2.87M)

>whining about review bombs and calling for change
Yeah it can be misused by fags but it sure beats the alternatives which would be no reviews at all or "curated" reviews aka corporations censoring rightful outcries.
Let the community sort itself out.

>Yea Forums review bombs anything that insults their dear leader Trump or has diversity in it
>gets upset when others do the same
Never change, retards

Attached: 220px-The_Mystery_of_the_Druids_Coverart.jpg (220x281, 18K)

the alternative is chinese version of steam and chinese users can't interact outside of their bubble. we are heading for that no matter what anyway due to chinese gov. thanks chinese gov.

gen urobuchi's actual magnum opus.

Fear the bear

Attached: 1466907290311.jpg (462x320, 30K)

>>Yea Forums review bombs anything that insults their dear leader Trump or has diversity in it
You are literally making things up, chinkoid insect.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

>posts cheap bad review on badthink game of the week
>50 points have been added to your social credit score

Saving this. Exactly what this game is about.

US citizens are brainwashed as fuck lmfao

muh based trump, muh 17d chessmaster, muh higher taxes on the wealthy makes me feel sick, fuck the middle class and poor lol

Why so defensive?

Attached: 1536768866173.png (480x580, 359K)

Except there is contention on all those things you listed and the government doesn't actively punish you for believing one way or the other, sorry chinkroach but you're the worlds laughing stock.

ins*ctoids git ye gone

Attached: fly swatter.jpg (640x640, 47K)


To board a plane

I fucking can't wait for China to balkanize

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I love how you white trash whine about "bugmen" when all your race does is cry about "da jooz" and "dem niggerz". Shut your bitch ass the fuck up.

S**th*ng wh*te m*les

Attached: e149e72863ea81aa550665f165d06837.jpg (462x496, 191K)

Had to do this.

Attached: pooh the buddha.jpg (480x360, 54K)

we got a live one here

Biggest insect is you, american coward. Enjoy WW 3 lmfao

Contention that doesn't lead to anything because half your country is literally insane, and the other half spends their time beating off to some orange dude and making excuses for all the dumbass shit he does. How's Israel's hand feel, since its up your ass and has been up your ass for decades lmfao

Fuck off chink


That shit doesn't work, you know that right? Quit believing propaganda spread by racist japanese on a mongolian throat singing board.

seeing as you pissed off I think its working

i've seeen that before, the fuck is it?

>Enjoy WW 3 lmfao
Come get some

Attached: anti-bugman doomsday weapon.jpg (1300x866, 119K)

Nah, just laughing at you losers living in the United States of Cuckmerica. How's it feel knowing Trump serves Israel, not you?

It's the seal that's placed on the ward. The seal says Xi Jinping winnie the pooh, while the ward says "what an idiot".

Attached: you are an idiot seal.jpg (451x690, 93K)

- social credit

Real Taiwanese here. AMA

we need to nuke china
im pretty sure they produce more carbon emissions than anyone else but also they're RUINING OUR VIDEOGAMES

Attached: 1543685403127.png (382x383, 181K)

False. My shit is still fine, faggots.

Reminder than chinese are actually 100% subhuman and the world would be better off if they were all wiped off the face of the earth

pollution would drop to fucking nothing
our oceans would be cleaner
our online games would be better

can't someone just fucking drop a plague in there?

Feels pretty good waking up every morning and not worrying about which of my relatives will be devoured by an escalator today

Is Taiwan a nice place to live?

>implying you get to see your actual unadjusted score
Now shoo shoo, you're not supposed to be here

Attached: 811249020243.jpg (900x900, 216K)

allegedly most are only begrudgingly okay with it because tyranny is "stable," but we'd never really get to know that outside of anonymous messages and they're absolutely getting government good boy points for doing shit like this

>wanting to kill such beautiful women


sorry chinese women aren't fat pigs like white women are...

It's super hot in summer, otherwise it's all good.
Foods are cheap, rent is cheap outside of Taipei, you can become a English teacher if you know basic english

it's for the greater good, trust me.

an easter egg found late into the game (and late into release by proxy) criticized xi jinping or another old chinese leader so everyone's leaving negative reviews for social credit/in fear that they'd be caught playing it uncritically otherwise

No, it isn't. We need more sexy asian women to counter the ugly white and black women.

Asians look absolute shit without sixteen corrective surgeries and sixty pounds of makeup.

>Spends a whole year campaigning on a wall
>Gets elected
>Spends 2 years as president saying the wall is coming
>It never comes and it never will thanks to the fact that their country is controlled entirely by international banks and corporate interests
Do delusional Amerifats really believe they have any say in how their country is run? LOL

Attached: 1540240943489.jpg (2131x3019, 720K)

criticizing actions isn't racist
chinese reviewbombing or the idea that they're doing this to avoid having human rights taken away from them is open to criticism

japan and korea has china beat in that regard.

>Do delusional Amerifats really believe they have any say in how their country is run? LOL

you realize Donald Trump was elected the President, correct

>be pushover for hundred years
>make up for it by bolstering national pride and becoming a global power
>actually just enslave and murder your own people if they don't support government
>only a global power because you've got nukes
>cry whenever someone calls you out on anything
>ignore everyone laughing at you for another hundred years

just digging the hole deeper you slant-eyed fucks

at least there are other chinese people in the review section embarrassed about their countrymen being retards

Why are Americans even being brought up in a thread about a Taiwanese video game mocking China?

>we elected a senile failson to sign judicial appointments for Mitch McConnell, so that means our democracy works!
burgers are pathetic

Attached: shart in mart.jpg (673x789, 140K)

understand that they're being deleted because they stop being video games, not because they're nebulously """racist""" for... criticizing the actions of a country or its citizenry

it's not healthy to make everything about your pet issues user

Just kill yourself you selfish bastard; why should everyone else die just because your life is shit?

Gotta deflect somehow


i looked up all of them on wikipedia when i went. worked fine.
i don't know if it was because i was on hotel-for-foreigners wifi or my phone wasn't a chinese market model

either way, the government doesn't give a shit for foreigners. they're entire self aware that the world caught on to their Orwellian bullshit

Crazy that Taiwan can actually get its shit together when they couldn't.

Why do Chinese women love white men so much? When I went to Shenzen I literally had to turn down sex and I'm totally average. Is it because they know we have bigger dicks or we are just exotic?

It's for the sweet US bucks dumdum

Just Chinks trying to cope
They can only attack America for superficial things because they'd have to understand liberty in order to criticize a lack of it, any legitimate criticisms are from Europeans that can't miss the chance to mock burgs

straight up there's a culture of chinese women wanting to be slave dogs to white masters

btw anons I'm not even exaggerating, go to China, you will get more pussy than you can handle if you're white and not old or fat

>i don't know if it was because i was on hotel-for-foreigners wifi or my phone wasn't a chinese market model


>either way, the government doesn't give a shit for foreigners.
....................obviously? the censorship is not meant to be for you

my friend who went to Beijing on a business trip said 2 different girls there asked him to impregnate them, they said he didn't even have to help take care of the kids...

>go to China, you will get more pussy than you can handle

go to the sewer, all the water you can drink

Don't mock my BURGERS.

Total reliance on tourists dumbass, they want your money, they wanna get their hooks in you and maybe go/immigrate to your country, and maybe, maybe, they want that foreign dick, but that's like going to Thailand and thinking that the bitches are actually attracted to you.

You would too if you suddenly became millionaire thanks to your goverment.

clearly not because it was obvious that I was a broke tourist and not there for business

>but that's like going to Thailand and thinking that the bitches are actually attracted to you.

Attached: bird hype.jpg (243x244, 7K)

You are wise beyond you years user.

Attached: 53842591.jpg (320x320, 24K)

wtf are you talking about

They don't want my money when they clearly just want to hook up and fuck, do you think I'm too dumb to spot a gold digger?

>that's like going to Thailand and thinking that the bitches are actually attracted to you

None of the Chinese girls I fucked were whores or came from obviously poor families. Most of them were probably wealthier than me in relative terms. It's not like China is a poor country anymore.

I'm confused, are the people opposing the government anti-government or are the people supporting the government anti-government, Americans don't make any sense

Its just a fact that whites have bigger dicks than asians. White men are also more charismatic and nicer to girls than the average chinese dude.

genuinely based

And much better looking desu.
if you say so user, I still wouldn't dick bitches in a foreign country, you never know where it might lead you.

great taste

What is the massacre and what is typing it out supposed to do?

semantics about racism, judge people on indidual behaviour (wich a buch of chinese are doing, something different)
youll ruin your message if you make race more important than shit behaviour in itself. iTtl hur the devs too to make it easy to spin

Buttmad steambabies happened.
Review bombing is suddenly bad when someone else is doing it. Meanwhile Yea Forums was review bombing several games literally a week ago and posing it as a good thing.

>What is the massacre
Government knows best eliminating bad protestors en masse.
>what is typing it out supposed to do?
Best republic government knows you are an unruly citizen that must be reeducated and removed from the general population.

Well, atheism is pretty evil.

I don't remember Yea Forums review bombing a game just because they made fun of trump

Nothing because its not possible to decrypt SSL connection, but illiterate retards on Yea Forums actally believe it has magical powers or something.

Only when it supplants any desire for community. Abject individualism is the real evil.

Viewing this image in China will get your housebroken into, a bag forcefully placed over you and your family's head, a 100 mile ride on the back of a army truck to a detainment camp in the Chinese desert, and as many hours of torture your body can handle until you start pleading for death

Attached: b0e41a50fa7dd30fbd27802467142597.jpg (700x826, 117K)

For me, it's Nepnoire

Attached: 55e7959794918502a47a0ae896877d25.jpg (4877x6950, 2.42M)

Because fuck Tencent and fuck locusts too.


Attached: W-.jpg (600x600, 32K)

I that game was okay.

>they are abusing rating system incorrectly unlike is
Jesus, user, that's just pathetic.

Story time?

Don't know my man i've been banned for saying nigger a few times, i guess the trannies don't like it.

Maybe stop saying racist shit outside of /pol/.

>He thinks SSL works when all your data goes thru big brother government.
>He thinks ISPs don't have DPI equipment and a plethora of other mitm devices used on behalf of oppressive governments.

Bro all your data is fair game, and if you use google or facebook you're extra double fudge fucked, search wikileaks, shitton of emails from opressive governments contacting cybersecurity firms for spying and packet inspection equipment.

Are you illiterate or is it more of a generalized stupidity?

Posting underage girls is illegal.

Or yeah, it was epic reviewbombing old metro games.

They're CPUs

Attached: dcaf72e8fbe2667a04a7c478dfd8386f.jpg (714x1000, 193K)



>muh narrative
if you dont believe it go read the reviews, faggot

The Bear of Tienanmen Square

So abusing reviews is only good when we do it, I got it.

No China treats him like the Tiananmen square massacare merely because Xi is a thin skin bitch who literally can't take a joke

/pol/ has nothing to do with niggers

>hurr basic MitM
Thats for proving that you are illiterate and don't know how sertificates work.

The only thing Steam could do is make it so you can only review games if you've played for a minimum of 2 hours and hope that games that are completely and utterly broken functionally are just reported or something


Attached: 1550634057995.jpg (400x400, 25K)


Review bombing is always shit. I hate going to a review page and seeing hundreds of irrelevant hate from people who have played the game for .2 seconds.

Fuck off, nigger.

Read the rules.


Attached: 33079bfb81d3ce179f81fb44ffce6379.png (775x1000, 533K)

Except hypocrites from Yea Forums were defending it a week ago.

Worst girl.

That's the point cunt, certs and ssl don't work if you don't know what the fuck to look for or you simply don't give a fuck, do you even know if your cert is valid right now?, have you even checked it or just saw the shield and blindly assumed you're ok?, fuck my browser isn't using https now for some reason.

Aside from your ISP's ability to intercept and see all your data, where it's going and coming from, if you think you're safe you're not, you don't even know the half of it, not even trying to belittle you, your shit ain't secure bro.


Yeah, the US is a lot better than china in terms of indoctrination.
hahahahahahaha, USA number 1, right?


Unlike Chinese 'people', we are not a hivemind, and the uppity niggers who do shit like that are a minority.

Attached: 1544474967751.jpg (1080x705, 334K)

How is it, in 2008? Modern browser will never establish a connection if certificate is not valid. And it's not possible to decrypt SSL otherwise.

What are these games like? Are they good?

That was the South Korean president. Though I'm not sure what exactly happened after people learned the fact.

can someone post one (1) picture of Xi that looks like Pooh in any way at all? I just don't see it and it makes the meme that much more hilarious. possibly the largest Streisand effect occurrence in history.


>not a hivemind
>literally calling everyone against review bombing metro a chink insect
Yeaah, sure. Yea Forums is just a bunch of entitled hypocrite kids.

they should put Tienanmen Square in the trailer so chinese stop review bombing it


The thing is, every side of the political spectrum likes to shit on the Chinese government because they're just that awful

Well precisely. They stop being videogames when every post becomes just "uuuugh smelly insect chinks we should kill them all glass chinaaaaaaa"
instead of talking about, you know. the game or the actual situation at hand.
If it was any other topic it would still be bad. It's just that people can't control themselves when the topic is their own biases.

All chinks should be killed.

Aside from the normal person not giving a single fuck about any of this crap, an ISP can easily mitm the connection between you and the trusted website as soon as you visit it, they proxy the dns query, and all the data between you and the "trusted" website, with certs of their own, not to mention that there are a lot of certificate authorities, it's fair to assume a bunch of them are corrupt.

> they proxy the dns query
Sorry, hijack or redirect is the correct term.

>Yea Forums would be up in arms if Mexico came out with a game and there was a 'fuck trump' hidden somewhere in it.
You used literally this exact same comparison in a thread the other day

I enjoyed Detention, and this makes me want to play Devotion.


You're right, Americas totally love and trust their government.

Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh lol.

Not really, but a lot of them actually believe that the US is #1, despite them falling behind every other developed nation.

Miss me yet?

Attached: Chiang_Kai-shek_Colour.jpg (850x1200, 182K)

Give an example.


Attached: 1549348878170.png (764x66, 17K)


The meme mostly came about because Xi's government defense force took it upon themselves to ban some absurdist joke about winnie and xi being similar. The joke probably made sense to no one but like a few chinese who thought it was humorous until the government stepped in and banned any and all winnie the poo references to save face for Xi Jinping. Face (or image) for the Chinese is very very important. If you lose face you lose legitimacy and people don't take you seriously/respect you. Gain face and you are honroabu and presentabru. Xi's face unfortunately beared too much resemblance to the pooh and upon banning it a few based chinks holding out against the insect tide launched the greatest meme china ever spawned. Well the second greatest after the 1989 Tienanmen square protest/massacre. Also capitalist sparrows 100 million dead.

When was the last "le epic raid" Yea Forums did on a steam game, retard?

okay this is pretty damn stupid, even by Yea Forums's incredibly low-IQ standards

Attached: 1527855924938.jpg (470x470, 46K)

>despite them falling behind every other developed nation.
Falling behind in what way, and what are your sources for this?

Because fuck China. They are making Black Mirror reality.

Hundreds of threads on epicstore hate last week, retards.

Economics, education, human freedom, quality of life, healthcare, etc.

Only thing the US is superior at is having more bombs and higher crime stats.


feel free to try and prove me wrong while claiming you're not indoctrinated, Amerimut.

Why would review bombing affect epic store? They literally allow developers to turn off reviews.

That wouldn't make sertificate trusted and browser would block it. Normal person wont go into obscure settings to add it to exclusions.

You can't review bomb a store you goal post moving gigger nigger.

Why would they not? China Government is great.

Why are you seeking logic in the action of retards? They were review bombing old metro games on steam.

>t. xian ping pong

and you heard all that from your media
the point

never stop based frogposter

Attached: 1550992140851.jpg (406x1024, 81K)

t. Member of a church that protects and enables pedophiles

do you even read your own sources or does your supervisor just hand you something?

Can i get a screenshot of the meme?

Show me where the US is #1, burger.

>human freedom
>7th place is UK

>Yea Forums reviewbombs all old metro games - good
>chinks reviewbomb some obscure shit - bad
Who is moving a goal post, faggot? Just admit that you are a pathetic whiny hypocrite.

America can't even build a fucking modern railway line.
California just gave up and cancelled the building of a high-speed rail from LA to SF after millions of dollars spent on years planning and billions of dollars invested. The most populated and richest state is incapable of building ONE simple line between two cities.
Meanwhile a DEVELOPING NATION has gone from having literally zero high-speed rail 15 years ago to having as much as the rest of the world combined.
Shit-eaters will tell you that America can't build high-speed rail because it's too big. Bullshit, China is around the size of America and they have lines running around the entire country. It's because this country is literally falling apart.

Attached: 2560px-Rail_map_of_PRC.svg.png (2560x2201, 1.04M)

7th is norway you dolt, UK was joint 9th, with the US being 17th

Not him, but I decided to do so for the freedom index. For neither personal freedom, economic freedom, nor human freedom is the USA #1 at. If you're the type of American to spout about being the most free nation then you're indoctrinated; Simple as that.

Attached: HumanFreedomIndex.png (568x853, 157K)

libs love to use subjective and mostly ass pulled metrics like this that other libs made up

>more free than US

You have no bullet train only bullet in children hahaha.

And the best part is now that the plan is kaput, the US government is trying to sue California to get it's money back, but they'll never get it back because California spent it all doing jackshit. Corruption at its finest.

The UK being ahead of the US in human freedoms is an insane joke and it's all you need to know to ignore a source.

The power of a complete centralized government

>UK even on the list with first world countries
Is this a joke?

not a burger you stupid dog eating chinks nor did i claim anything about number one
>Overall medical efficiency
>china ranked 144th
>US is 37th
>boy we sure showed them

Taiwanese game criticizes commies, commies start seething

In 1989 the Chinese military suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests by force.

Don't bother user, the burgers will just call you a chink shill and dismiss your arguments.

Okay provide counter sources or tell me what the fault is with the measurement then. Peak burger intellect here.

I'm not Chinese, burg. And even if I was, it doesn't make what I said any less true.

How is the UK more free than USA when you can be jailed for jokes?

Xi Jinping = Winnie the Pooh

>Normal person wont go into obscure settings to add it to exclusions.
Yes they would, mitm a few cunts back in my day, they always install the fake cert when the error message appears, and that was script kiddie shit, also some dumb shit isps blatantly intercept the connection to force you to install the fake cert, my isp does this every now and then, some even do this by default to "improve" performance and decrease bandwidth usage by caching content.

desu user the subject is huge and better discussed on /g/ if that place is still even alive, all I want you to take from this is you are not safe at all online, and an ISP in bed with the government can track and locate whoever the fuck it wants, you can't stop this unless you're extremely careful and only post from networks that aren't your own, even then, careful as you may be you can't stop hardware backdoors, or zero day exploits, and god knows there are plenty of those.

duh, their economy soared in the last 20 years
they believe the government is the reason they were all brought out of poverty

must be rough when every country you shill for is just awful

again not a burger you yellow rat and it does if your more than 100 ranks below the people your trying to shit talk

If only there was a whole document dedicated to saying how...

This is how you know someone is a subhuman insect person, that they get all of their opinions from "sources" and are fundamentally unable to think critically, question authority, or synthesize information on their own, everything has to be spoonfed to them by a "trusted" source. Barely even human.


You didn't even read the document, you just uncritically accepted it because you are a bug person.

Too be fair the concept of free speech is alien to the bugmen so it's only natural they chimp out at the display of it.

>racist circlejerking

People who cry about racism and use reddit terminology like "circlejerking" are the opposite of based.

All these (You)'s

And again, prove me wrong in my claims rather than shoving associative fallacies in my face, when I'm not even a chink and have no association to China.

Yes, studies bad, feelings good. Good burger, good. Smart burger.


Attached: 4242941.jpg (768x432, 40K)

>mfw just watched that episode of The Grand Tour where they go to bug land.
Dayum China strong, honestly if murrica and the rest of the "free" world doesn't come up with some allegations or some other retard Iraq invasion tier shit, soon they wont' be relevant at all.

Attached: 1517042444556.gif (664x550, 1.37M)


There were 0 studies done, a committee of bug faggots create arbitrary criteria for ranking countries and then apply it.

Because planes are cheeper and faster. Also Chinese railways are losing money and useless. Kys chong.

Idk what I expected from this thread other than a vaguely disguised /pol/ thread but I clicked on it anyone and I regretted it almost immediately.

Attached: I really hope you dont do this in blazblue.png (380x376, 100K)

Could somebody post the actual winnie the pooh in-game? I want to laugh

Actually its because of spics and niggers.


innie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff.
He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Xi
Willy, nilly, silly, old bear

Attached: emperor xi the pooh.jpg (469x447, 19K)

Again provide information to the contrary from reputable sources or even just try and tell me why their measurements are flawed, burger.

i mean seeing a link into the heritage foundation is already a red flag that you are dealing with their economic freedom index, where they ignore that nordic countries push their regulations into union contracts. getting a job at heritage must be very difficult

No it's not.

Why is always Russia, China, or /pol/tards review bombing?

Deep in the hundred acre wood,
Where Christopher Robin plays,
You'll find the enchanted neighborhood,
Of Christopher's childhood days.
A donkey named Eeyore is his friend,
And Kanga, and little Roo.
There's Rabbit, and Piglet, and there's Owl,
But most of all Winnie-the-Pooh.

Attached: winnie and ward.jpg (720x480, 33K)

Burger seething that his country is literally third-world

But user video games are politics and are important propaganda and education tools, how else are we supposed to change the ideals and plant thoughts in the minds of the masses?, even video game devs are tying vidya and politics.

Nuke mainland china now.

Attached: the most illegal picture in china.gif (548x401, 192K)

Russia is trolling
China is mad
/pol/ has brain damage

A perfect shitpost storm

Seething burger

FUCK mainland chinks. Taiwan may be full of chinks but at least they are the legitimate government of China.

I still don't understand why Taiwan is pleasant and a functional democracy while the Chinks in China aren't really functional and are outright unpleasant.

Wrong part of the world chong.
Defend this

It's more like making a stab at Trump more than anything, but instead of some people getting mad at you, you get put in the fucking gulag

Attached: 997C754A-971A-4645-9A07-5BAE2EDA9901.gif (320x287, 2.36M)

Obviously you amerislimes are free because only 2 of your states DON'T allow child brides anymore. Silly me, you guys are clearly the most free in the world. USA #1. Thank you for illuminating me on the best country in the world.

who would you say are the competent and educated people at the heritage foundation capable of studying foreign cultures at the level that they could compile useful metrics for economic liberalism
my proposal is literally no one

>Threads on Yea Forums bitching about something
>State sanctioned hivemind review bombing a game, and forcing public apology from the company
Yeah those are the same thing

Attached: Angry Paolumu.png (612x633, 102K)


Yes there huge swathes of people and groups who don't think that russia controls trump and the last i heard nobody has been jailed for saying so.

> prove me wrong
>*gets proven wrong*
>wow stop being mean :^)

lmao okay chang

My proposal is uhhh, not a random shitposter on Yea Forums providing nothing backing his claims up and only focusing on one singular point, and perhaps the several organizations publishing similar results when ranking economic and personal freedoms versus the uhhh... none that rank the US as #1.

Okay where is the proof burger, I'm still waiting.

fuck Xi and fuck China
Taiwan number 1

Attached: tiananmen.jpg (780x439, 53K)

Time to ban the Chinese from the internet. Would reduce the amount of scams a lot too

they aren't ranking personal freedom you retard, they are ranking economic liberalism and their methodology is dumb for the reason i pointed to above
if you think personal freedom exists in hong kong or singapore you might have an 80 iq

>several organizations

cool appeal to authority, bugman

>live in UK
>go to prison for jokes
>cant buy a fork without a loicense
>be ranked more free than the US by people who dislike the US

Yeah, that throws the legitimacy of that list right out the window.

Break time is over Ho Lee Fuk.
Get back to making more American flags, now!

I'm not saying it does, I'm saying that America isn't #1 despite their indoctrinated citizens thinking they are.

But I'm Bang Ding Ow

Arr post same

Huge tech companies
Strong allies
$ paper

And the funny part is they are review bombing a game that had a much harsher criticism of the former Taiwanese government. It's like they don't even know what they are doing just reacting and pressing buttons.
Seriously, who reacts to criticism of their government by another country by hating a different work that criticizes the government of the people you are mad at?

I thought there was already steam china though and that was self contained? do they just get vpns purely to cry about this shit? pretty sure that's what they do with twitter


here are two more for you, burger, both based in the US too, still waiting for a single report from you saying the US is #1.

They get paid, unlike jannie:

didnt read lol

Taiwan is based because they both 1) They shit on the Chinese government and 2)Don't extradite to the USA.
How can one country stick it to both communists and america?

Sorry I forgot that the US has terrible education too, I'll stop bullying burgers now.

50 cents is a lot in chink money user

Attached: 1550283288441.jpg (379x281, 35K)

Chinese vermin need to be segregated.
Nobody wants Chinese players in their game. Period.

this whole thing started out of two people comparing the US and China,your world health org source places china at 144th while the US ranks 37,i am not the original poster nor did i claim america was number 1
i claimed in this context china is worse off especially within your own offered sources if you even bothered to read them.

>im not a chink
yeah sure and im a "burger" right? its not like anyone else could have issues with the Chinese government besides the US

Except it didn't, it started with me laughing at people in the US claiming to not be indoctrinated like chinkies, despite thinking that their country isn't absolute dog shit in comparison to most other first worlds and the whole "the united states is the best country in the world" shit they do constantly.

but hong kong is a true bastion of freedom and you will never get kidnapped by the prc, which is why all of the donors and barely literate right-wingers that work for heritage live there
i think a better metric for measuring the desirability of a nation (not its liberty) is net migration flow
you might also cross with remittance flows for economic desirability (not freedom), although you will end up with some cool gulf states with south asian slaves on the list
these are more interesting metrics than "how good is an american neoliberal at finding out how vehicle emission regulation works in belgium"

I assume it's people trying to get good boy points, I'm sure defending the Chinese government from critics would look good for one's social credit.

Oh im laughing. Can you please post your proof backing these claims up?

>hahahahahahaha, USA number 1, right?
kek o-k retard because new Zealand,Qatar,Slovenia and the Czech republic are third world? because they ranked lower than the US in the WHO source and they are not "dog shit" in terms of medical efficiency in the developed world

new zealand is a pretty good country
you couldn't pay me to live in qatar. that place is going to end up like sparta

Maybe you should stop being a nigger.

Except for the Chinese people attempting to subvert it at every turn.

not surprised,new zealand has a absurd amount of Chinese interference

>you couldn't pay me to live in qatar. that place is going to end up like sparta
Why tho?, disregard the media and the world ganging up on it, it's just allied countries destabilizing and extorting it, place is loaded with petrol, cash and exotic cars, when you get bored fuck your maid or go spend your dosh in Lebanon or fuck lady boys in Thailand.

>China. 1984
>USA. Brave New World

Chinese who review bombed the game probably got some good boy points. The system is just fucking insane

You are on Yea Forums.

>You are on Yea Forums.
Want me to explain how you are wrong?

Not exactly, in China and anywhere else that wants to spy on users, the SSL keys used for handshaking are instead sent to an intermediary who passes it to you without you knowing. This allows your packets to be decrypted, despite the encryption still not being able to be broken, since the man in the middle is getting your key as well.

I believe there are some systems to encrypt your communication however, but they're more involved and using them simply puts you on a double watchlist for circumventing it.

I know we don't talk about reddit here but seeing an article about this whole thing getting spammed by pro-china users on one-day-old accounts made me realize how large China's astroturfing really is

Go on.

Look at the url at the top of the page.

We're on 4channel

It's 1.4 billion people. T Series is as popular on YouTube as it is because there are so many fucking Indians.

I see *chan so what?

The chinks were right to review bomb their game. The Taiwanese devs were pathetic and cowardly putting hidden messages to mock other rival neighboring countries.

I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE if there was a game that put a hidden message saying "FUCK REPUBLICANS" and "DRUMPF LOOKS LIKE A CHEETO" a fuck load of people here would be shitting on it and review bombing it.

Attached: don't bother repling you know i'm right.jpg (508x524, 27K)

China is fucking based. I wish the US government wasn't such limp dicked faggots.

I don't know how the UK can rank higher than the US when simple shit like owning firearms of knives isn't even a thing and people get fined or hauled in to the police station for saying mean things on the internet. Something tells me the metrics used to generate this chart don't line up with reality.

shut the fuck up the tiananmen square massacre

The entire asian region engages in dishonest astroturfing. Kpop was literally made famous by the koreans spamming youtube with bots till they got banned.

K-Pop was a government psy-op, this is well known at this point.

If it was from a country like fucking Iran, I don't think many people would be up in arms. This is a Taiwanese game, nobody expects Taiwan to love the Chinese state.

>Opposing am evil country which constantly invades your territory and frequently threatens to destroy and overthrow your country and its democracy with a full scale invasion is the same as "dolan blumph is hitler!"
You absolute brainlet.

Chinas government tries to work for their country's best interest which is more than we can say about ours. They're really faggy about selectively enforcing laws though.

>Actually defending chinks

Reminder that this was the most blocked image in China in 2015.

Attached: 596c8dc689e42.jpg (800x533, 76K)

I still can’t believe the Winnie the Pooh bullshit. How thin-skinned do you have to be to ban a harmless joke.

Turks tried to throw some guy in jail for joking that King Roach looked like Golum. Dictators aren't what they used to be.

They're worried mostly about a slippery slope of criticizing party members eventually brewing into outright dissent. Forcing it underground might make people angrier, but it limits the amount of people who can collaborate together and work themselves up to drawing more people or actually committing acts.

What are you talking about user? This image could corrupt our impressionable youth. Sure, the Chinese can be exposed to people getting killed in many ways in entertainment, but this is on a whole new level of degeneracy. It must be banned.

Attached: TIGGER_2590531b.jpg (620x387, 101K)

>Our escalators are human wood-chippers? Whatever
>Winnie the Poo? End of the line for you.

Mockery and ridicule bring dissent, instead of fear and "respect".

Erdogan cried so hard about Jan Böhmermann making a poem in which he said Erdogan likes to fuck goats that Merkel said its ok to prosecute him

>comparing Trump to an actual dictator

Who won the prosecution case?

>Erdogan cried so hard about Jan Böhmermann making a poem in which he said Erdogan likes to fuck goats
>not just hiring psy-ops to accuse him of being racist

Attached: 1519816857682.png (446x430, 154K)

It's nice that Yea Forums mostly agrees on this but it's ruined because you would all lose your shit if greatest leader trump was insulted by vidya

I thought he got insulted pretty regularly in games by ubisoft, but maybe I'm mistaken

Yo what happened between Saudi Arabia and Turkey after that incident with the dead chopped up dude?

Just made this. It is almost uncanny.

Attached: Xi Pooh Povertyball.png (775x305, 275K)

Pretty sure he has. But either way, other media has done it. And guess what? He allowed it because he isn't a dictator suppressing free speech.

wait was this that game with a botched/lazy machine translation to a certain language that caused outrage? Or am I thinking of a different one?


Just accept that you're going to live in an authoritarian shithole no matter what country you're in

Fat white tranny detected

There is a big difference between games trying to push cretin political agenda and games satirizing on people or politician.

It is basically the difference between games like AC: Odyssey and GTA V

The EU is not a body intended to enforce laws on individuals or corporations but if anything on states. And even then it is less enforcement and more governing with consent, since the state must first have transferred this part of its sovereignty to the EU. The way Steam or any corporations non-compliance with consumer protection laws can be fought is through private individuals/competitors/consumer protection organisations sueing Valve in front of the courts. But in a well-working legal state, you can't usually run directly to the supreme courts. You have to work yourself up, which takes a lot of stamina and money, has of course immense cost risks and most importantly takes time. Getting a court date set in germany can take months even for preliminary hearings. So, if someone were willing to keep fighting Valve in the courts for years, maybe more than a decade, you might reach a final decision on the matter. But most private individuals can't afford that. The principle should be known to you from the USA, where corporations just withering down the determination of a legal opponent until they break and go for a settlement ist also quite common.

Day of the RAID when?

This thread made me look at Taepei on google street view on a whim, and I just happened to find this at the base of Taepei101.

Attached: taepei101.jpg (2303x1129, 157K)

I'm just waiting for the day he holds a baseball bat. That would make for a great comparison image.

Got me curious too. Taiwan really does seem like hands down better place to live.

Attached: a-scenic-street-scene-with-traffic-in-downtown-taipei-JFFW8E.jpg (2614x1170, 1.02M)

thank god i'm not a bong

>literally cucking your country out to westerners
Looks like taiwan is fated to end up just like japan and south korea, soulless corporate whores who hate their lives or delusional economically unproductive neets who do nothing but sit on their asses and fap to pitch shifted voices