What a dogshit ending...

What a dogshit ending. No real explanation of what the fuck was going on and why the government was pretending the surface was inhabitable

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That’s for the sequel bro ;)

>what the fuck was going on and why the government was pretending the surface was inhabitable
What do you not get?

That there were no real answers

There was no government. It was all a trick put on by the cannibals to lure people to them, man.

I mean, it's still pretty stupid if you think about it, but it's clearly explained.

What fucking answers do you need? Aside from the typical paranormal stuff and how the fuck is Novosibirsk more fucked uo than Moscow there's nothing that needs answering

The problem is they translated elements from the book, but not the explainations.

In the book Yamantau still is the government, and they built the radio jammers and controlled the factions to wage controlled conflict to keep the metro population stable for repopulation of the surface.

In the game they did away with all of that and made Yamantau cartoon cannibals, so maybe Hanza built the jammers? But why an ultra-capitalist society wouldn't want to trade with the outside is beyond me.

Also what was up with the final city? Why did it have 5x the radioactivity of Moscow but not a single bomb went off there? I thought they were going to get into something cool there, but totally dropped that element the instant you got in the metro there.

Former Moscow government controls the factions, Miller literally tells you about this

Yes, and he says they're based in Yamantau, and after you go there thinks the war is over and the government is non-existent.

If there really is still a government the game never gave you a reason to believe it.

What a dogshit game. Dropped it 45 minutes in. Unplayable with the input lag

>he says they're based in Yamantau
No he doesn't. He says the the Moscow government are merely a local force, and the Yamantau dudes are supposed to be the big cheese

And if he was told that Yamantau was the big wigs and he was wrong it means everything else he says has no credibility.

>if he was told that Yamantau was the big wigs
He wasn't.
Nigger do you even read

To me what breaks it is the constant fucking stuttering.

oh your an idiot who doesnt pay attention
in the book yamatau doesnt exist
a second secret bunker in moscow exists

miller assumes the govt bunker is yamatau but theres no reason why the real secret bunker couldnt exist. then theres the question of why the real secret bunker would be sending out radio signals. miller just goes for the first signal artyom finds because they have no idea what to do and are desperate.
>Why did it have 5x the radioactivity of Moscow but not a single bomb went off there?
listen to the dialog
some new super cadmium bomb went off there not regular nukes

Nigger did you even play the game?

Why would he know about, want to go to, and talk about how Yamantau was in charge even before the broadcast in the train?

It makes no sense. Stop defending the shit writing with your head canon.

>listen to the dialog some new super cadmium bomb went off there not regular nukes
I had to play the intro 4 times due to glitches. They literally never say anything about that.

Because he knew about the bunker's existence before the war, he tells you about it, holy shit nigga

bro he didnt know shit about yamatau
miller knew there was a secret govt bunker issuing orders somewhere. he hears a random radio broadcast and assumes oh they are the govt thats where they are. when hes talking to the doctor on the radio its obvious the doctors just making bullshit up to get them to visit. millers the one saying everything first and the doctors just going along with it.

sam says it when you stand by him

The Volga is the most accurate portrayal of russian wetlands I've ever seen.

anyways, the game was great, the plot was more about Miller subtely testing you to see if you are worth of him passing on the torch (not that he planned to die or anything) and you proved worthy, and that's why he finally calls you Son, and seems fucking elated in the car ride back to the train, even though he literally has like an hour left to live, he is more happy in that one moment than the entire rest of the game, because to him, he has succeeded in finding a truly worthy heir.