Why is God of War (2018) so problematic?

Why is God of War (2018) so problematic?

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I don't know, how about you explain how it is?

It simply isn't very good.

GoW was fun though. sorry you didn't like it

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It's not Ape Escape 4

cute jew

Why can't GB just die already. I wouldn't even take any joy from it, Jeff just needs to be put out his misery.

The only good part of god of war was the valkyrie fights. Everything else was just tolerable.

It can't be problematic, it's a Playstation game. #4alltheplayers

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a better question is: outside of production valies, what does gow do that deserve the amojnt of praise it got?

it has all the usual failings of modern games, the forced walking sections, the boring crafting, the essentially useless rpg upgrade system, the automated climbing/platforming, the invincible AI partner you're supposed to care for like an actual human but obviously acts like a robotic tool etc etc

sure it at least tried to have a decent focus on combat but here again the system doesn't hold a candle to the best action games with a garbage camera, shitty autolock and tracking, a terrible difficulty system and so on

it's obviously not a bad game, but who the fuck thinks this is the future of vidya or whatever

>single mother raising a child ends up awful
>father teaches son about toxic masculinity and kills monsters and says don't show mercy

yeah but muh deep storee

t. Thinks garbage like ninja gaiden and god hand are good

post more of her

Hello, this is my first post so go easy on me.

I think God of War is problematic because of the very nature of the game. It's nothing but purified toxic masculinity. It's actually disturbing to me, really.

I've never wanted to hate fuck or choke a bitch more than this ugly nappy haired cunt.

retarded bait but made me reply

what is wrong with you people

She's not bad looking, She's like a live action casting of Patty from Peanuts.

>forced leddit spacing
okay you took effort

Imagine your cum getting stuck in her hair.

imagine her not noticing her hair was glued with cum while she was complaining about toxic masculinity

Pretty much this. Just an all around bland experience. The originals were at least fun in a campy way.

>her hair
jewish girls have a habit of somehow magically getting a white mans cum blasted directly into their womb and no where else.

The originals also had a good story and Kratos had depth before 2018 but nobody acknowledges that anymore

Low quality bait, back to tumblr or twitter with you.

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what the fuck is a "gamergate"?

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Its not the only problem people have with it is that they had to throw the old games under the bus to in order to push their "kratos is now emotional" argument and sell their game
here is a good video that explains it
>inb4 eceleb shilling his own content

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SJW's boogieman