say something nice about it
inb4. the gameolay seems quite boring.
Tropico 6 is coming in a month
the gameolay seems quite boring.
the gameolay seems quite boring.
the gameolay seems quite boring.
pretty boring
t. played tropico 4 and was bored
the gameolay seems quite boring
Can’t wait to play to unleash my political autism
the gameolay seems quite boring.
in the beta gameplay video, i just found the political choices don't really look like a "tough choice"
Can you fight off coups and claim your rule is the only free rule?
Tropico has been the same shit reskinned for the last 3 games.
you probably can.
How's the gameolay gonna be?
they've been watering down the politics more and more in each installment. I kept my expectation low.
>Watering down politics in a political city builder
I hope it has a lot more buildings than 5.
I also hope the sandbox mode islands aren't terrible like 5, no matter what options you picked the island was just a big boring rectangle. 5 sucked so much. 6 does look better.
>there are now at least 6 tropico games
I don't understand who keeps buying them
6 's islands are much smaller, so it should provide some variety.
i pirated 5th.
>it's still the exact same fucking bullshit
For fuck's sake do something different instead of "HUH HAH! STEALING WONDERS AND BRIDGES! CRAZY HUH?!"
I like Tropico, but like other posters itt I feel like they never really add enough new shit to be worth full price. Every game plays out the same way with only some minor tweaks and graphical updates. I'll almost certainly end up buying Tropico 6, but only when it inevitably pops up in some cheap bundle.
4 still the best one?
Looks too same-y for me, not enough added content for a new numbered release. Feels free to prove me wrong though, I'm always in need for a new city building game.
>I'm always in need for a new city building game.
how many years has it been since sc4 now? 18?
cities is cool and all, but it's just not there. it's not the same. i wish simcity woudl come back.
SC4 shouldn't even count as a golden age simcity because its too fucking hard
Well I would wait until it goes on sale for considerably less than they are asking, but my computer is well below minimum specs, so guess it's a hard pass for me.