Remaster when?
>OP actually wants a remaster of a game with a 20 hour tutorial, the most cringeworthy terrible dialogue and writing, and a game whose story makes no sense without reading countless journal entires.
What is wrong with you OP and having no standards and tastes whatsoever? Did you family not love you? Were you unpopular in school?
But Lightning is top sexy. Would into.
Is this game worth playing at all? I know people have issues with it.
only the Lore is worth something and even then it's a lazy attempt on retelling gnosticism for uncultured people (FF12 does it way better)
I wouldn't mind, I enjoyed the last open world bit of XIII and I really liked XIII-2, never played LR Waifu Dress Up.
I still want an VIII remake though.
>Is this game worth playing at all?
No. Your enjoyment of Final Fantasy 13 is directly proportional to your enjoyment of fapping to Lightning.
Intensely, in my case.
13 isn't that hard to understand if you're not a literal retard. Worst comes to worst you learn like 3 jargon terms and then play through it normally.
I used to hate it, but after XV, it's not that bad.
Remaster never fuck 13 it's shit beyond shit fuck lighting with a knife fuck the battle system fuck music fuck everything fuck lighting dies=game over PHOENIX DOWN MOTHER FUCKER DO YOU USE IT!?!?!?!??!? I CAN'T SWITCH TO ANOTHER PARTY MEMBER BECAUSE THE WORLD ENDS IF CUNT DIES? FUCK OFF!
I thought it was on PC already?
I rather play 10 over 13 trash and 15 garbage.
>I still want an VIII remake though
>not garbage
>I rather play 10 over 13 trash and 15 garbage.
>I used to hate it, but after XV, it's not that bad.
Lol, these comments aren't saying much.
10 is better than ANY modern final fantasy get fuck modern faggot.
Yeah let's not revisit that.
>get fuck
Nice English there. And no, it's not better than FF12. Sorry you wasted your time with the wrong game.
13 and 15 are the worst trash i ever played in fact i would if legal kill everybody who supported this trash.
But we must go beyond.
Yes it is fuck off
remaster already out on xbone
The characters, music and pace of the game were so perfect, nothing else matters to me. It was fun experimenting with the draw/junction.
I love saving money
>System with consumable magic which can be bound to attributes but you never have any incentive to use it once it's junctioned lest you have to spam Draw again.
Legitimately terrible system.
i want to cum in lightning's mouth so bad
Better than anything past 10.
Not 12. Try that post again.
That's all she is good for...a cum dumpster.
12 is shit 8 shits all over that cunt game.
It sounds like you never even played the game. You can draw like 10 of something in one shot. After one battle you should have plenty of magic to fight with.
currently playing it for the first time. Just got to Pulse. It feels so huge I want my corridors back...
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft. Kill all zoomer trash whoever thinks otherwise.
I love Lightning more than god or jesus
FFXIII Trilogy Remastered will be a launch title for PS5.
How do you remaster perfection?
12 is so easy I literally had to stop playing. Could have been fun.
It doesn't need one.
Yea Forums loves to talk about it, after a decade it still gets 5 threads a day, based on that alone you should play it
Zoom zoom!
Wrong it needs a remake to make it a GOOD game.
It's supposed to be like that
>12 is shit
You just didn't know how to play.
>Is this game worth playing at all?
No unless your a nigger zoomer.
> I know people have issues with it.
It's shit were done here.
The point of a remake is you can make minor QoL adjustments and fix issues that held back the original from reaching its full potential. In that regard, an otherwise amazing game with one glaring flaw is the perfect candidate for a remake.
12 is shit.
OP asked for a remaster. A remake is something different, you know.
I know but still my dick is hard.
Draw isn't even that bad. You can get everything you need from collecting and Triple Triad super quick and early. The only fault of the game is the enemies leveling with you.
Also XV basically had a draw system that was vastly improved, they'd likely use that or improve things for a remake.
Hopefully never. By far the worst even moreso than 15
Increase your magic state cunt for brains you draw 9 almost every dam thing.
No, never. It's one of the worst JRPGs ever made.
Neat we have a nigger dancing around the battlefield like a raging chimp and a whore who dancing around like a whore should. NIIIIICE SHIT GAME!
Looks great on PC, cheap and fun
this is the best thing
>Looks great on PC
Yes great looking garbage the porn is the best part of it.
>cheap and fun
I have more fun jerking off and it's pretty cheap and fun.
Yes, always. It's one of the best JRPGs ever made.
>tfw its unironically my favorite FF
I'm glad more fags have been giving it a shot ever since the peecee release
>>tfw its unironically my favorite FF
Get some taste faggot.
>>tfw its unironically my favorite FF
Got some good taste bro.
disgusting half breed modern whore!
Why bother remastering one of the Top 3 worst mainline entries.
The only other FF I haven't played is 15.
Worst is definitely II by the way.
It is genuinely fun after the 20 hour mark, but there's no denying that it straight up has a 20 hour tutorial. If your time isn't precious to you, you might like it. XIII-2 hits the ground running though, so you might consider just skipping straight to that although the story will make no sense at all.
hopefully soon because the steam port is shit and I can't get 60fps because I have an 8 core processor instead of the quad core I used to own that would give me 60fps
Because zoomers can't accept the game is utter shit and it makes them mad to hear the truth that anything past 10 is the worst garbage trash final fantasy games ever fucking made! soulless shit!
>Disproportionate large heads on adolescent bodies
>No thighs, hips, or ass
XIII really is the worst.
>Playing anything past 10
All three games are back compat on x1 and look fucking nice on the x1x
> Game
As far as I know games don't play the "game" for the player. This at best an interactive movie.
>hopefully soon
hopefully never i would pay to not have it made again.
I think its worth trying out on a curiosity basis alone because of how much of a differing opinion you can get on this game.
I agree.
They are each pretty different games man. I'd say it would be a waste to not play them just since they're past a certain number. Only reason I haven't played 15 is because it's taking forever to get a complete edition.
Also X was very weak. I'd put it on the low end.
Can someone tell me why LR is so hard as someone who 100%'d XIII and XIII-2 with relative ease? I got up to the fight with Noel and stopped a while ago, but even some regular enemies took forever to kill(those fucking insects).
get better clothes faggot, what garb are you wearing that sucks so much ass
>He played it
>He bought it
Pure aids and cancer.
I usually prefer thicc, but Lightning a Goddess. Wouldn't you agree?
Brody, why is it always people who obviously haven't really played the game that cry about it so much? This is one of the most spouted memes that shows you obviously haven't got far into it.
Is that really the extent of it? That's pretty lame, XIII let you beat higher end content with strategy. Level and equipment didn't matter as much.
If you're using ass clothes it hurts yeah
Well I got it on PC so I got a lot of DLC clothes with it, but I also don't want to turn it into a breeze. I was using the clothes that I obtained in-game to that point. Should I focus more on side missions? I always hear that the timer isn't as bad as people think but it bugs the F out of me. Mostly because I hate missable shit.
I'd say run it through first, but yeah it doesn't take much to 100% the game with oodles of time left over
To bad she stuck in a shit game LOL
I can barely play one game to completion, let alone the same game twice. But I also am against using strategy guides until I beat a game.
ff15 is better then 13 in every way
Come on fem, Dissidia aint dat bad
>ff15 is better then 13 in every way
A shit sandwich is still a sandwich
>final fantasy is now a fighting game
I puked a little...
Why the fuck is her weapon of choice a Leatherman?
What did he mean by this?
Light-san is cute. CUTE!
>ff is a fighting game
uh, no
also no
XIII gunblades are the coolest gunblades
Zoom zoom!
nah you like the worst ff 13 almost killed the series and the studio its a failure just like you i won you lost faggot
ba ba ba ba
Fang and Vanille are the best
because the few Swiss soldiers would be able to conquer Europe with just that.
just sayin
Anything past 10 is shit
worst ending in ff history
>nah you like the worst ff 13 almost killed the series and the studio its a failure just like you i won you lost faggot
Negro it sold extremely well, spanned 2 sequels, and Lightning is one of the most popular and represented characters in the franchise.
uh, yes!
Help me bros should i skip FFXIII and FFXIII-2 and just play LR?
Remember how FF used to be aclaimed because it had a great story with a somewhat shitty plot twist near the end, recognizable memorable characters, worlds with great unique overall art design and spectacular soundtracks?
Well... this and XV are nothing like that. They chosed style over substance and even the style is just mediocre now.
>Negro it sold extremely well
Sales does not make a game good prime example is fallout 76 PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FAGGOT!
hell no
>it almost killed the series
Don't move the goalposts faggototo zoomber
more like xiii-2 worst beginning in ff history
XIII had all of that though
Can i atleast skip FFXIII-2, i heard its the worst in the trilogy
It's currently on sale on Steam. Is this game playable on PC or does the port suck?
>bought it on Steam for 8 buckaroos cause I've had an itching to go back and play it
I'm actually looking forward to it. Dat OST is cozy.
You heard CORRECT
Don't let serahfags tell you different. It felt more like a spin-off based on side characters that threw the story off rails than an actual sequel.
I have FFXIII on steam and it runs good i guess?
the worst Final Fantasy game I ever played, its pure shit in every aspect
dont listen to Toriyama samefagging this thread about his shit anorexic waifu
The best Final Fantasy that played itself
how is lightning returns a sequel to ff13 anyway? i thought it was a spinoff story with the same characters
It should run fine. XIII-2 is the troublesome port.
it's shit
>still being this assblasted about XIII
It's been 9 years user. It's time to let it go.
I love Lightning
it did ff 13 is a failure
It's a trilogy you dip, but XIII-2 goes off the rails, completely (technically) retcons the ending of XIII, and then it brings in all these alternate realities. It's always a mess when a story goes that route. Some people like that kind of stuff, but I'm not a fan of it.
never it's shit people sould be murdered for killing the series
god almighty
8 started the trend, and 10 killed it. Don't put all that weight on 13.
>you dip
chill i only played 13
Quite literally is not. Sold well, I believe best selling ever or at least since VII(?) and got good critic scores, even in the west.
Huh? It's a saying. It's a trilogy that you should dip. Meaning to dive into it.
nope kill yourself 13 fag you killed a series for years and your director was put in the cuck shed never allowed to make another game
Anything past 10 is shit fuck off
I have 6 year old pc and it runs fine at 60 fps except the chrystarium late game.
years ago when it got released on PC, it's 4K ready and the art direction carries it so hard the game looks better than ps4 games
>>ever allowed to make another game
>after being allowed to make 2 more sequels from the supposed franchise killing game
>killing the series
>games still being made for it
Idk user. Killing people for that seems pretty wild, wouldn't you say?
Yes but i'm expressing myself...i want tacos.
The game doesn't even need a remaster. Fix up the PC port a little (or get the fan patches) and you basically have a game that looks pretty damn good still. That and way too much of the plot is pre-rendered CGI anyway.
FF 10 brought the linearity but 13 absolutly did it the worst and I'd argue it completly killed the series, honestly if for some god forsaken reason anybody wants to touch this garbage just play lightning returns I guess
3 failures stay mad
This sell the IP to anybody square enix can't make a final fantasy anymore.
You seem to be the angered one here user. Maybe you should go grab a cup of cocoa and go play your favorite one in the series! That'll cheer you up.
anti-xiiifags are textbook closetfags
redpill me on your undying devotion to the XIII trilogy
Nope i rather play halo PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA!
it makes me pee pee hard.
XIII is the only game I've stopped playing because the writing was so shit.
When Lightning started saying "You just have to hold out hope!" to the boy, called Hope, I could just envisage a shit eating grin spread wide across a balding Japanese man's face. Never before have I felt so mocked.
What's wrong with you?
>11 is shit
at least you put it at the beginning of your post so we know to disregard it immediately
Everything but my taste is far better LOL
Get good with perfect block.
Do sidequests to boost stats.
Mediguard is your best friend for healing.
If you really need an easy mode, farm Behemoth for a while till you get it's sword.
Better idea you want to win? don't play!
Hopefully never, this game sucks
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.
>11, 12, 14 and World of FF
Youve got some shit taste.
I never really liked it. I remember 100% it because I saved up during this job in middle school it and I was stuck with it.
Doesn't the word remaster imply that it was masterful in the first place?
11 and 12 I will agree on not being shit, never played world so I have no comment
but no, user. 14 is shit.
>15 is MEGA shit
>13 less shit than 15
>tactics fag
confirmed for shit taste
Confirmed it's shit
>tactics fag
Still better than anything past 10
>that played itself