Dex or Strength?
ITT: Questions that will always start arguments on Yea Forums
I don't think anybody gives a shit which stat you prefer.
STR, obviously.
That never starts arguments though.
What you want is "Is Dark Souls 2 irredeemable garbage"?
Neither. Invest on INT and use an elemental upgrade for your melee weapon.
>t. dexfag
Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2
But everyone agrees with that one.
The real kickstarter of shitposting wars is "Dark Souls 3 is the best game in the series".
It don't work like that in DS1
who would disagree with such an obviously true statement
strength for PvE, dex for PvP. only because there is shitloads of lag, and strength builds literally cannot land hits in PvP because they are too slow to counter the lag.
Dark Souls 2 is better.
Cute or funny?
>being autistic
cringe and bluepilled
Hit or miss?
keep them exactly balanced for difficulty reasons
STR is for fighting gank squads or solo its for kids who arent good at the game
Dex is for pros
>increasing your soul level, ever
FTH Master race.
DS1 pvp is a megajoke, you should never make a pvp character. Bad netcode combined with those generous backstabs is hell incarnate.
how does a DEX playthrough actually feel lads, never done one before
I'm doing my first one right now. For me, it's about proccing bleed. I don't have to worry about leaving myself open for attacks, but on the other hand I don't get the big, meaty chunks of yellow in a single hit.
you learn quickly that you can't use a shield anymore. you basically re-learn the entire game, aside from a select few bosses where dodging is imperative.
Neither, level up both to meet your weapon requirements
Just cheat
How can you not use a shield anymore? Plenty of medium shields with good defense and decent stability are available around base strength like the Crest Shield.
It makes almost no difference, in the end.
because you have no poise. i suppose if you use the wolf ring you could pull it off against pre-anor londo bosses.
Pyro is best class. Fuck all yall shitters
I went for a dex build and wound up getting my shit pushed in too many times, so scrapped it. I'm sure dex is fine, but I didn't like it
Strength is more efficient in the sense that you only need 27 strength to max out weapon scaling if you 2-hand. But Dexterity generally lends itself to a more flexible weapon pool.