You DID keep your promise to main him when the game released, right?
You DID keep your promise to main him when the game released, right?
Yes, I did.
No. After the Direct i sold my switch for a 4k pc monitor.
I’m enjoying maiming the meme plant
i did, but it's not holding up so well now
he's honestly terrible
i still cant believe hes actually in
it feels so surreal to see people going "I main K Rool" and have it not be a complete meme
it's a glorious time to be alive, user
what makes Gannondorf good? He was shit in all the other games. what changed? give me a reason to buy a Switch pls
Nothing, he's bottom tier in every game. Even in the patch where he got buffed he got nerfed at the same time. This is also the worst Ganondorf has ever been but I still play him
He's faster and his smash attacks are disgusting.
They're like Ike's on steroids. The down smash is the same as his old one, just with the sword, but the up and forward smashes have massive coverage and disgusting knockback.
I'm maining Ridley
We're still Bros though r-right?
>This is also the worst Ganondorf has ever been
You're so wrong is hurts.
I found the non-Ganondorf player
I'm so fucking happy Ridley is fun.
I still like K. Rool, and I was excited for both of them, but I use Ridley a lot more now. I fucking love that evil space dragon.
Not as much as I thought I would but he didn't end up like Little Mac who became one of my least favorite characters
>This is also the worst Ganondorf has ever been
Damage multiplier in 1v1s means he only needs to hit you a few times to rack up damage like crazy. Also disjointed hitboxes now that he has sword-based smash attacks.
You bet your stupid fucking ass I still main K rool. He could be the absolute worst character and I'd still play him. King K Rool, Ridley, and Duck Hunt are all I want to play. It's nice that all 3 are relatively low tier.
Because of his sword, he's minus on more frames. Plus he can't suicide win anymore. This is the worst Ganondorf. He gets worse eachgame.
That's some quality bait, user.
Are we playing the same game? He's so unsafe that he has one of the lowest KO potentials in the game.
I made no such promise. Daisy, on the other hand I'll happily main as I used to main Peach so it's an easy switch.
I play Rool often, but Riddles is my main.
His recovery is worse, his warlock punch is literally useless now, he's unsafe in all of his tilts, they nerfed his grab combo, he can't suicide win along with everyone else. Ganondorf fucking sucks. It's a damn shame since I main him and idiots think he's good just because they're bad at the game and see high % damage without realizing how easy it is to dodge and punish all of his attacks.
Literally the only thing good about him is his kick.
The honeymoon never ended.
I felt like I was memed into buying this game.
I enjoyed every title I bought for the switch except for smash.
>trying to collect elite fighters
>characters i never play, i get to elite in no time.
>all my mains get really close to the threshold and then i choke and lose like 10 times in a row
My Ridley and K. Rool will never reach elites. Oh sure Bowser and Dedede can get there in one afternoon, but fuck Ridley and K.Rool right?
Suicide win is mostly a non factor since most tournaments defaulted to having the other player win is a suicide last stock.
He may be bad but he's no wear near the garbage he was in Brawl. He was worse in 4 too.
I'm not particularly good at the game, so I only have a few in Elite, but there's a few that have no business being in there for me.
I have like 5 or 6 in elite and one of them is Mii Gunner.
Remember when people were saying he was OP? That was fuckin weird
I main his friend cause down-b is the most soul crushing move to land.
I never intended to main him but then I played him and fucking loved him, have mained him since day one...
...which isn't so good seeing as he fucking sucks, he's way too slow and he has a ton of endlag on all of his moves. I still love playing him though.
tfw I'll never get into Elite Smash
Literally me with Ridley and Luigi. Got over 20 other fuckers in Elite though.
Of fucking course, same shit happened with Duck Hunt in Smash 4, when the ESRB leak happened I said "if Duck Hunt gets in i'll main him" I did, and I said ever since Melee "if K. Rool gets in i'll main him." I've kept both those promises
He had a lot of armor on his moves and if you weren't aware of it you could get bopped. Some characters are easier to understand how to fight than others.
He's fun but with Ganon really being his only terrible match up, it sucks since Ganon's are fucking everywhere.
I know this feel all too well
Yes sir.
Every fast character is a terrible matchup for K Rool
He has a ton of terrible matchups desu
It was falseflagging, right?
All bully-able, only Ganon says no to bullying.
>Main Bowser Jr.
>Get in elite smash
> Get kicked out
>Get in elite smash
> Get kicked out
A-atleast i'm helping the character get buffed right
If I'm playing a thicc boi I mostly enjoy fighting other thicc bois.
I haven't bought a switch yet but that's the plan
Worst thing you could ask for.