Seriously now, why?

Seriously now, why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gay people: *exists*


My primary exposure to this is people here bitching about it.

I don’t see the problem here since we knew they were gay since the game came out. It’s not like it was changed years later to bolster sales or anything.

Make jokes about shooting gays on their forum. Their brains cant handle it.

>straight white characters only
>Yea Forums: representation doesnt matter
>no white characters
>Yea Forums, unironically: hey wait

>gay people: *exists*
Don't worry, we can fix it.

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Lol if it wasn’t for YouTubers complaining I’d have no idea what the sexuality of the characters would be.

>/pol/: *exists*
>trannies: *kills itself*
holy shit BASED

>screencap thread
no thanks

>No black people in The Witcher or Kingdom Come

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>Yea Forums is one person
imagine being such a dumb faggot

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people are generally okay with either, it's only "hold the fuck up" when it's done for no reason other than to have "diversity" in your game, because that makes no difference at all

characters should be styled as appropriate for your setting, that's all i give a shit about

I just want pathfinder to come out as binary

This is no longer an argument seeing this whole website is a /pol/ offshoot.

>I'm supposed to think some mystery meat homo with a hipster manbun is cool and want to play as him

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I ironically a game like conan is full of darkies and it gets slammed as das racist for being full of "diversity"

Would you want to play as the manbun hipster if he was straight?
I still wouldn't.

"gay" is just a low tier fetish.

>main Gib because he's fat and has jank balance
>Expect to see rants online about how he is weak because of his hitboxes and startup on a abilities, but his ult is bullshit
>People here and on YouTube are sperging out about he's gay

No wonder I can win 10+ consecutive games with teammates. Everyone is too dumb to look beyond surface level shit.

I guarantee you they weren't gay in the original design documents, some pink hair landwhae came into the room on """" her"""""" mobiliti scooter and demanded they need to be gay to fill diversity quotas. Wait until that shit leaks, it will happen.
In an american game white straight men should be the default since that is both the native and core culture of the country and the demographic that ACTUALLY PLAYS VIDEOGAMES
You don't turn on an anime and expect characters go be a Pakistani cripple yet for (((some reason))) white majority games dont get this treatment, instead were supposed to forego our identity and pride in favor of multiculturalism, even in supposedly historically accurate tittles like battlefield.
This is why people are mad, it's just another step in the already ongoing process of white genocide and people are finally waking up.


Bless this user

>everything I don't like is /pol/
Not only you're a dumb faggot, you're also fucking deluded brainlet. Consider suicide, turboretard.

Laterally nothing wrong with this
Prove me wrong.

Lol the average person barely knows what Yea Forums even is. Nice try though.

Yeah so?


Wew you guys are booty blasted

Nobody who actually opposes sjws says that.

But trannies aren't your "average person", brainlet.

No seriously what's wrong with a screencap thread?

Same generic post once again, proving my point.

>Yea Forums - politically incorrect

How? I liked the post.


The board has 10 of these posts a day, and there's always at least one fucker who posts your exact response. Fuck off.

>can't talk about the video game industry because it borders on much politics
>can talk about smash in 5 threads

It's a fictional world in a science fiction game set in the far future. Current racial demographics are irrelevant and would only make it more bland. Suck it up you big baby.

>straight white characters only
>game is good
>no white characters
>game is bad
Every time.


You're sperged over the thread

Do people really fucking care? Some of the designs are awful, but I don't give a fuck if they suck dick or what.

>video game industry

The outrage bait culture is cancer and you should all take a hike. It's not productive and it's not fun, so flooding out the actually interesting and entertaining content with pathetic attempts at convincing yourself that angrily hitting the keyboard somehow makes a difference makes you one of the worst things to have crawled out of reddit.

No? All I said was "bless this user"

i'd be okay if the gay one was mirage instead of gibraltar

>In an american game white straight men should be the default since that is both the native and core culture of the country and the demographic that ACTUALLY PLAYS VIDEOGAMES
user, that is actually boring as fuck.

>im only okay with it if the gay guy is stereotypically flamboyant
How boring.

You clearly can since we have these threads 10 times a day. Why are you encroaching on my right to free speech?

>what did he mean by this

I don't care anymore, it's a battle royal piece of shit with identity politics... okay dude, water is wet? why should I give a fuck? First off EA is like evil incarnate (strike one), there are no mechs (strike two), every normie under the sun plays it (strike three)

literally only exists as fodder for trend fags

Evidently one is not enough then.
Yea Forums isn't one person.

If you're going to act like a retard, you will be called a fucking retard ten times a day. Either stop being such a fucking retard or quit complaining when you're being called one, fag.

>white straight men are the native core of this country, so this game set in the far future and not in this country should be majority straight white men

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Why are you getting so heated when someone points out common posting trends in these threads?

Exactly. You don't expect all those low IQ darkies to colonize the space, it's whitey's job.


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that guy is amazing

>he has to steal nazi memes because he can't come up with his own

wait till they announce that mirage is also gay
and everyone else


The only problem I have with this is that because Respawn doesn't specify the gender of Bloodhound that this must mean that they don't conform to gender norms instead of just an edgy hunter trying to hide his/her identity.


is this nigger also talking about the forced minorities?

>twitter maymay styled post
reminder that we're full on Yea Forums - twitter


This, there's nothing inclusive about just not knowing lol. If there was an actual nonbinary character I'd be interested.

What do you mean, "why"? Because I'm a human being and I have a right to express myself using whatever emotions I like to. What are you, fucking robot? Should I not feel emotions, Mr. Skynet?

Why do white people shill for faggots so much anyways?

Why not?

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You don’t have to imagine user

Good luck with those kitchen tiles, then.

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that's not very nice, user

>literally zero mention of this anywhere in game
>/pol/ FAGAs go out of their way to scour twitter feeds of people they supposedly hate and datamine to find out who's LBGTQ

>Not Ohio

I didn't say any of that, but people feel emotions for a reason? And that is what I was asking, why are you getting so heated over something you should hold little emotional connection to by your own words?

>Never go full retard

This Thead

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>OP made a thread about this with nothing more than a sentence and a screencap of a thumbnail
Seriously now, why?

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the heteros are upseteros

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I guess you'll just have to watch his channel to find out.

Your paranoia about liberals isn't video games.

No, they don't care

Holy shit any black guy can fake conservative for free fucking views and money. My god you /pol/niggers will take absolutely anything.

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>why are you getting so heated over something you should hold little emotional connection to by your own words
Sorry user, but I fail to see when exactly I said that, you're wrongly attributing that part about "holding little emotional connection" to me. And second, it's none of your business why and how I choose to express myself on an anonymous internet site. Maybe it's something personal. Maybe I fucking hate faggots or I can be gay myself and just LARP for attention. Maybe I'm just fucking with you, who knows?

Looks like a lot of patriots in action, I would feel scared if I were you.

Pretty sure islamic terrorism is right wing

Communist terrorism has always been second behind islamic

Besides Antifa, is that the only commie terrorists we have in america so far?

Most mainstream media outlets/journalists tend to regard pretty much all militias as right wing terrorist organizations while never bringing up antifa, hard to say.

>Blacks and colored people in America
Could've asked the same shit 60 years ago, nigger. Times change and you should be thankful for it.

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I don't know why most people don't think this way when they post on Yea Forums(nel), this isn't fucking twitter. No one cares if I call for nigger genocide on this fucking site and it doesn't matter. The whole platform is dogs howling in the wind.

based and, dare I say it, redpilled

Cool graph, care to post the data backing it up?

ohnonono how will stick people ever recover

Blacks and other minorities are conservative as fuck they just vote Democrat because Republicans blatantly only care about appealing to white evangelical rednecks and rich people.

Fuck if I know. When it comes to sexuality whether gay or straight all that really matters is whether the characters are hot since it's easy enough to fantasize them acting however you want and there will be fan art to support it.

Reminder none of this existed when games were just made by straight white anglosaxon men.

>Rich people are Republicans
Oh how cute, I'm sure Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, Netflix, Microsoft, Disney, Hollywood, literally every company on the coast are not Republican and pay their fair share of taxes.

>characters should be styled as appropriate for your setting, that's all i give a shit about
This. Witcher universe is based on a novel series which is based on medieval Poland (and east Europe in general) so it makes sense for any black people that are there to be merchants or diplomats and the like.

If there was a game set in medieval Ethiopia (which would be rad now that I think about it) I'd expect the reverse. You might see a white merchant or diplomat but that's it. Nothing else. And even then they'd probably be some greasy dago.

not really. They are liberal just hypocrites.

This. But it's less Yea Forums and more blacks and other niggers of the world.

user thats not very nice of you

>blacks are liberal
Not even in gaystates America, let alone outside. The black liberalism meme is pushed by loud, trashy black twitter thots who want to see more balck men go tranny queer.

Fuck off, retard.

This, walk into any black barbershop and they sound a lot like /pol/ just anti-white.

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>no lines referencing how gay or nobinary they are
>just a few throwaway lines on a website
>still complain

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Holy based

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I can understand his point about making characters gay when the game has nothing to do with gender/sexuality whatsoever. But then he goes on to attack stuff like Last of Us 2 for having lesbian romance. Which kind of goes against his argument that he doesn't care about lgbt characters.

>Insane survivalist lunatic pretends to be some force of nature or whatever shit

Funnest part about this is, the Dev didn't even specify it, he just said it could be the case, character was written so it's never ever clear just like pyro.

>JRPGs: no white characters
It's this weird new trend of exactly balancing the ratio of everything that causes problems. Make a game about the Band of Thebes or Sappho or Abyssinia or !Kung tribesmen shooting each other with bows and Yea Forums will go back to foot-sniffing and brap-posting.

"Diversity" is boring as fuck because it's not representative of anything except milquetoast COOL GUY characters designed by focus groups. The industry as a whole needs to make a diverse array of games, they don't need to cram every human haplotype and sexuality into each individual game.

>gay people: *exists*

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>Gay people still exist
Fucking why?

There's literally no reason for straight people to exist and you can't prove me wrong


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Funfact, the retards that think Yea Forums is one person are also the fucknuts that want this to be their homogenic hugbox/echochamber and therefore the people that try to fit in the most.

Why is this shitty board still up? Fuck mods.

Thats the point. Good for me but not for thee.
Everyone knows niggers are racist pos but they push liberal shit because they think it benefits them.
Its why you have smollets and that guy with the tranny tshirt.
Its hypocrisy.
They vote demonrats but are "conservative"

You're so fucking naïve. If games represented white Americans, every character would be unable to move due to the sheer weight of their Freedom Folds.

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If you want actual representation of the average American video game player then every character in an American game should be overweight or obese and living with their parents

Fake flag. If there's one think I know about the gays is that the like for things to look good and that lettering is atrocious.


How the hell is Bloodhound an LGBT rep anyways? Fags don't have a monopoly on ambiguity

man, imagine coping this hard with your inferiority

im as anti-sjw as the next guy, but this is such a non issue
they didn't randomly take an already established character and made them gay
they only tell you the fact that they're gay in their bio, in the most non intrusive way

literally the only thing that might be considered annoying is the developers going "LOOK WE HAVE GAY PEOPLE" on twitter but thats about it

you're only giving sjw's more ammo

You act as if the republicans had any candidate worth voting for in the last few decades, outside of guys that don't eve make it to the nomination or those predestined to lose like Ron Paul. Its always a shortbus of Israel shills or cooky members of obscure prottie church branches. Not that the democrat offer is any better mind you. Thing is the average republican candidate doesn't even want the black vote, they just advertise themselves to the WASP population, nothing else.

And people wonder why it might not be the best idea to put these people in the military.

Anyone who joins the military deserves to be offed either way.

People caring so much and posting videos/threads is the exact reason they're doing it, you're simply a shill whether you accept it or not.
t. homo

>>JRPGs: no white characters
Lyn is white, retard

>character gets revealed to be gay later
>"Why did they turn this character gay! There's no reason for it!"
>character is said to be gay on reveal
>"Ugh! Enough forced diversity! You're just fishing for brownie points!"
>gay character has sterotypical homo tendencies
>"This is sooo forced! Why do they think gay people are like this!?"
>gay character is otherwise a completely average person
>"There was nothing to indicate he's gay at all! What's the point???"
>gay character's relationships are seen ingame
>"GROSS ME OUT! They shouldn't make players sit through this!"
>gay character's relationships are in secondary media unimportant to the game itself
>"There's no reason for this!"

just admit you hate gay people fucks sake
>Hey! I didn't SAY I hate gay people! I don't mind them at all, BUT

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Reminder that "controversy" is just free advertisement, weather you are for something or against it

>developers literally threw darts on a board to determine hey let's make this a faggot just to pander
>millions of praise
>wouldn't even know they're faggots unless kotaku posts this headline news

damn im so offended

I have eyes, user.

>I'm not homophobic, I just don't want to see them in my safe sp- uuuh I mean video games
Just fucking say that you hate faggots, Jesus Christ
Just walk away from the screen bro, it's not real, just close you eyes

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Repubs are like the most pro nogger party in the world.
They basically say i dont give a shit you are anogger you deserve a job and a life if you work for it.
Nigs are literaly fucking retarded for not going all in with repubs.

Niggers and faggots are okay if they weren't so repulsive to look at. But western art in general is garbage compared to anime.

If corporate jews would hire a jap studio or a group of japs to make their characters, they would be doing much better- hell they could even change society into 100% communism if they did that. I would gladly live in China 2.0 if they would make nothing but trap and delicious brown games every year.

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God weebs like you are ten times worse than a faggot with 4 cocks in his mouth

I don't care either way because nothing could make me play your generic western shooter.

>"You only deserve to live if you're a slave."

who are you quoting

Theres an entire art sub genre of " western" asian art you know
Thats asians producing art i the western style including anime "western" and its really popular. Inspired by great western artists.
Hell all the big titty and ass art is inspired by western artists that did it first.
Fuck most people on here are oblivious how so many games including japanese games are inspired by English artists.
Like soul calibur.

fuck off back to resetera

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i hate faggots

>democrat party motto.

Fair enough
Don't buy games with faggots in them and stop crying about them on the internet (because attention is exactly what they want) and you win


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LOL was Black a typo?

>Literally anyone left of Marx

absouletly pleb tier
just eat regular potatoes u idort taste alot better

>just ignore the sin and it will go away

Start putting fags in bodybags

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One person on Yea Forums makes and replies to threads. Quit acting oppressed.

Have you talked to your fathers recently discord trannies? Why haven't you made up with your parents yet?

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/pol/fags will seeth and still play these games and never start civil war 2. Oh and Trump is neoconning it up in Venesuela. Expect war immigrants very, VERY soon! LOL


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>Sonicfox tried putting "I'M GAY" in his tweets about DBFZ tech and they actually reached further than his tweets without them
Ya'll feeding into it by getting upset about it

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can you monkeys go back to your internet and stop shitting up ours.

Gay and furry.

i don't care what you think

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>Ya'll feeding into it by getting upset about it

that's why I do it :^)


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Nike also earned billions from the boycott. My god conservitards are fucking STUPID.

>calls user naive
>proceeds to make the most laughably retarded naive comment in this thread so far

lawling at your miserable failure of a life, kek

Always remember homo love is best love

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>But western art in general is garbage compared to anime.

I refuse to play anime games on principle, as do most people.

Kys nigger I do what I want. Fuck Trump btw he's a retard. Even white nationalists hate him now. :)


Days Right!

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ah, the triple gAAAy industry

if homo love is best love then why are they so promiscuous they have to always add a third wheel in their "monogamous"relationship or be in open relationship after a year of dating?

Only white Westerners pander to the LGBT crowd.

He was making a joke, fatty. Imagine taking this place thay seriously.

you mean like those cartoons like Avatar that's "inspired by anime". Pic related isn't the worst example where the art looks like pure shit- but I can tell that its made by a westerner. I can't explain it but there's subtle detail which differentiates an actual anime drawing and a western drawing that's trying to be animu. This is after looking and fapping to nothing but anime.

my porn needs to be 100% made by a jap who can make good animu art.

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faggot. all of you narcissistic faggots need to die

Why is the bible so right on everything these days?

The problem I see with it is normalizing homosexuality for children. They're teaching a generation of young boys that gay men are normal and even cool and just like any other guy. Young girls however are still taught to be cautious around straight men. There are going to be a lot of boys who allow themselves to be molested by gays because they have no threat detection for them.

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Because dick feels good. What a silly question

Avatar was ripped from the game unreal.
Unreal imo was inspired by simon bisley who is the inspiriation for soul calibur and various art all over the industry.
Pops up in quake, tekken you name it.

If you post here on any capacity you probably aren't anywhere close to bring saved.

Are there actually people who unironically think making the same boring character over and over is superior just because they're sticking it to the sjws

oh wait i thought you meant avatar the movie.
Avatar the cartoon is just western toon shit trying to be anime.
No i mean actual art.

but why call it love if there is no loyalty, no attachment with your partner? you all just sluts

I rarely use these buzzwords but cringe

Right back at you. And if you defend degeneracy you're probably worse off than I

I have to agree with this poster. The only thing that got me curious was that Bloodhunter is voiced by a woman and even so no one knows what's behind that mask.
For a game with so many gay characters in it they sure as hell don't push it to the forefront like Overwatch does.

Homosexual "love" is based in hedonism and masochism. It's really just perverse lust.

>rated T for teens
>letting your children play this shit
>not monitoring your kids in 2000+19
literally sounds like shitty parenting

>posting on Yea Forums
>not being a degenerate
You're not very good at roleplaying a normie

Imagine caring about faggots that much lol just stick to your animes and your trapshit

yet people praise it as something to be proud of

13 is still teens and highly impressionable. In fact, teaching teenage boys that gays are cool when they're starting to experience raging hormones and lust is even worse than exposing this stuff to prepubescents.

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>1 character is gay out of all the others
pretty funny

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homosexuality is a sin

>all these sad straight incels STILL falling for the vaginal jew when they could be getting laid tonight easily from a nice man

Shit's downright pathetic. Women only go after the top 30% of men and only put out quickly if you're in the top 10%. A man of same looks will fuck you tonight. The choice is clear.

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problem whiteboy?

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How do you know what "homosexual love" is if you've never experienced it? Or is there something you're trying to tell us about yourself?

>Game set in the future with gay people
>Implies the gay vaccine isn't developed

Again letting your kids play this crap sound like the parents fault.
Also the info that the characters are lgbt is from the website where you need to read a small summary about the character. No other indication he is gay
The only way the kid is going to learn about it is from peers or from other websites
All the parents fault on every count

what I don't get is why sexuality is always made to be such a major characteristic of someone's character
it seems like these characters are made normally. and then at the end they go "oh also he/she is a trans" and everybody latches onto it specifically

Maybe the women you think you should deserve.
Ugly retards simply don't seem to die out, no matter how much incels cry women are picky.

This place is degenerate central you poser. Litterally e-soddom and Gomorrah. My god the reddit wave is real.

I keep hearing shit like that but I know 2 gay dudes personally, one has been in a relationship for 3 years and will get married soon and the other has been single for 5 years and didn't even have sex with other people since then.
I think this might just be another "loud minority" thing.

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>being homophobic
lol grow up kids. we're here to stay.

>Post is advertising or begging

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>Game panders to LGBT community with LGBT characters
>Yea Forums: We have to take a stand against this culture
>Game panders to horny straight men by giving every female character balloon tits
>Yea Forums:see this is actually a good thing

because companies can try to use it to milk the whole lgbt community for money and/or use it as a shield for criticism by claiming that people who don't like it are bigots

Untill the west collapses and the arabs take over

2 out of the thousands that get an STD, with the time your friends will get one too

You mean china, yah dumb boomer.

Is it true a lot of the gay community hates that they've lumped trannys (obvious mental illness) in with you guys?

>its allowed if the person is bl*ck

>people who don't like it are bigots
I mean, they kinda got a point. There's enough evidence in this thread alone.


Go back to 2015 holy shit. People still think the term "Sjw" means anything at all? Do you have any opinions that weren't formed in secular internet communities?

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My own personal observations from living in NYC and reading many personal accounts of gay men combined with certain statistics I've read about gay men. It's all lead me to the conclusion that a homosexual lifestyle is unhealthy as fuck and should not be encouraged.

Instead of talking about video games we end up talking about what some idiot or other said on twitter to get those sweet retweets and (you)s. It's unhealthy levels of derivative, opinions about opinions about something somebody said once. It's debased and shitpilled.

lgbt fags are nuts and base their entire self around their sexuality.
Like nignogs around their skin

wow imagine that, being constantly dehumanized and bullied throughout your life will cause suicidal thoughts

Yeah I'm a trans person, die mad about it, jannies pls end thread's pain

>Kids gonna turn gay when they see that gay people exist!
This is the most fucking retarded argument I keep hearing. By that logic no one would be gay because you only see straight couples as a kid.

Not really. If you attempt to criticize a game on twitter for any technical issues you'll likely be labeled a bigot especially if it panders to lgbt. Like bf5.

Makes sense considering in the past they were more forced to hide their sexuality due to societal norms; so these days when they've grown up a lot of them are going to be the "fuck you I'm gay deal with it" type.

The fuck is the homosexual lifestyle?

it really doesnt make sense when none of them were even born then you fucking faggot.
Point is its not normal or healthy to base your entire life around a single thing.

I know a bunch of my straight friends did but they are retarded normies who never think about consequences

opening grindr and fuck the closest guy on the block and probably get an std, posting on your social media how gay you are and how much you love watching ru paul show

>none of them were even born then
Guess I don't exist then.

>Point is its not normal or healthy to base your entire life around a single thing.
I agree, but it's not really their fault. They had to rebel against the oppressive culture.

kek some people unironically believe this

It is your fault if you base your identity on one thing.


you never met gays in california, do you?

>oppressive culture
>not in the third world
You west degenerates really have no idea.

or seattle

You never met gays outside of the lefty SJW circle, have you?

Or realising that threapy and not an iriversable mutilation will fix your mental issues. Get some fucking help. Go be gay but dont chop yourself up, that will make you kill yourself.

I'm sorry Mohamed.

>only one white character in game
>Yea Forums instantly feels oppressed and mad
that's how it feels lads if you're stupid enough to care about this shit in the first place

Uh hu...

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>Game panders to horny straight men by giving every female character balloon tits
>Yea Forums:see this is actually a good thing
I've never seen a Xenoblade 2 thread without somenone pissed at anime tiddies so that's just false

this but unironically

spic from mexico city, i know a few gays who love to be around in the gay friendly areas and believe me whenever we meet up to have lunch they always say they came from hooking up with someone or are about to hook up with some guy on their grindr or growlr. don't know why you bring the sjw out of nowhere

Oh you were serious. Of course I would have loyalty and attachment to my partner.

who is they you're talking about? are you gay? do you know a large enough pool of gay friends to make an accurate assumption? or are you going by shit you hear about?

>sexually active straight men hook up with women all the time
>but if gay men are sexually active, it's bad

Okay Paco.

You are so fucking spot on ligit

i dont mind people in the lgbt expect for trans people

those creatures are fucking hideous and disgusting

It's hard for men to hook up with women consistently and women who hook up with many men are looked down upon. Why do gays deserve a pass when spreading your ass requires no effort?

I hate fags.
I hate niggers.
I hate trannies.
I hate spics.
I hate chinks.
I hate jews.
I hate sandniggers.

There I said it.

I knew a a guy once that was "coming out of the closet"
I warned him about shit like this
>wow user you are such a bigot
stopped talking to me. Then years later
>competely traumatised and redpilled
>user i.. you were right ive seen things. im sorry

Good, go play some video games.

yes im gay
and of course i do have gay friends, the ones already in a relationship are always talking about wanting to find a third wheel for a threesome and the ones married are always talking that they want to meet someone they both can fuck

well of course its bad, in both cases they hide their std status and i dont wish anyone to get one, i can't imagine how awful must be. but thanks to dismiss my comment only because le evil straight men

Men are naturally more horny than women all the time. Gay men have a sense of community and trust. Women feel more vulnerable with men, so sex isn't always guaranteed.

Why do the gays have to make everything about them?

Bunch of whiny degenerates.

Attached: 1536066809139.jpg (303x264, 8K)

>alienate a large portion of people who actually buy video games

I had a gay bud too and he was and is a huuuuuge whore.

>Why do the gays have to make everything about them?
Well why do you want everything to be about white males?

Maybe thats more of a problem of the type of gays you hang around.

I hate everyone but 2d babes.

As long as they're practicing safe sex, it's not a problem you should be obsessed with.

That doesn't change anything. Being a slut is still being a slut. And there really shouldn't be such a high level of trust between gay men with the thread of HIV looming.

Apex Legends wants a word.

but apex is currently one of the biggest games. what did he mean by this?

wow racist much? Whats your issue with white males?

Gays and trannies all need to be gassed

really? because i'm gay and i've been with one person my entire life (going on 8 years now) and plan on keeping it that way, both of us.

And literally all of my friends are gay and none of them do threesomes or even talk about sexual topics ever lol, so maybe just because you have shit friends don't generalize an entire group of people.

GJ pretending to be gay online to prove a point to, you seem like a cool person to be around LOL, a real gay person would never spread hateful lies about their own. Bye

>Being a slut is still being a slut
Not a problem as long as they're practicing safe sex.

> And there really shouldn't be such a high level of trust between gay men with the thread of HIV looming.
Not a problem as long as they're practicing safe sex.

You mean the game hemorrhaging players now that streamers aren't being paid to play it anymore?

Do you also hate straight, white men?

>Apex Legends exists so every Bioware/EA game made in the last 10 years doesn't exist
rly made me think...

Ah yes, safe sex, what homosexual men are known for.

you can't be racist against whites dumbass

>Defending sluts

So it was and still is popular? Hmmmmm.....

well they are my friends and i worry about them that i tell them to take care but that sall i can do, you make it seem like im being a bigot for worrying about them
well what others gays can i hang around if these are all the gays that you find?
>calls me a liar
>tries to save face by blogposting and telling me how a gay should behave
okay tumblr

You mean you're not constantly sleeping with women like a true Chad?

but user this post in itself is racism.

But it does exist, does it not exist?

The right really cant meme

Attached: 1536352894191.png (992x860, 87K)

I know this is ironic, but there's people who legitimately believe it.

Lumping all gays together is as retarded as lumping all straights together. Don't act like a retarded modern liberal who thinks we're all the same.

I don't like how i'm forced to play with other people. If they ever bring in a true solo mode i'll give it a look.

Attached: nice5.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

Imagine hating gay people in 2019.

>Fortnite back on top
>Microtrans too limited to earn decent cash
>EA threatens to close Respawn
>They change out the intro cinematic explaining the game is a culling of minorities propagated by the master race
>The champion callout at match start is replaced with naming 1 random player gay for that session
>Characters start using offensive slang from their ethnic caricatures
Please based Respawn

Attached: ca8.jpg (696x744, 175K)

well so far this thread has been lumping straights of doing the same thing but not fair when they do it with gays?

Based video game topic poster.

Maybe ones that arent so promiscuous because it bothers you so much

Enjoy your three day vacation.

Attached: 1543883684502.png (800x800, 884K)

Is this the same ESL shill or an actual robot?

he cute

>believing people actually do shit like this and would go post about it on Fantasy forums

Why the fuck would you admit to infecting people with aids AND RAPE, then go post about it online using your name? don't be an idiot and believe every forum post you see, esp from fetish forums, idiot.

it didn't use to be this way.

Attached: 1449276196793.jpg (640x640, 213K)

>meaning anything

good joke

Its been so long since I've seen a Marty story time.

Not an argument. Enjoy being btfo I guess.

well yeah promiscuous gays put gays a bad example, hence why they paint us as sexual deviants, wait, are you implying i should support this stereotype only because im gay?

Nothing? Why did you try to derail? :^)

No? I never said that.

NPCs hate gays because their child-raping pastors told them to. Not sure why it's so hard for people to understand.

Bloodhound is Non binary or whatever because theyre meant to be mysterious, you see that Mask on his face? Yeah
But really, why do you care so much that he has a footnote that says he had a boyfriend
Who fucking cares my dude?

based and redpilled, but what about the jannies user?

>gay pastors

absolutely seething

Kind of shooting yourself in the foot there.

oh my, you think that im not truly gay because im not posting my gay adventures about suckins dicks and taking up the ass, this is why you are trying to shush me because im not the kind of gay that is a flmaboyant extrovert? geesh, you should probably meet other kinds of gays user

Really though, why? Why do they want homosexuality (and by extension pedophilia) to be socially acceptable and championed?

ESL shill it is then. Please read my posts again and maybe look up the meaning of hemorrhage.

Yes, especially catholics. They are a gay kid factory.

kys or fix underlying mental issues, not apply bandaid fix to leaky pipe; room will eventually flood

>the moment Yea Forums started to be lax on the furries, shit like this started to be dumped more often
what a coincidence

Oh you simple minded fool
Children arent people, cant be gay for something thats not a person

Should tell you something. What if, and just what if, the games were shit to begin with?
Ever heard of correlation does not imply causation?

hands down my favorite larp in this thread

Lol you are delusional im not trying to 'shush' you up. Feel free to remain as you are theres nothing wrong with that.

>le shill
You suck at arguments. :)

well yeah, is a normal thing for people to act in disgust to freaks. maybe you should stop acting like a weirdo in public and maybe people will talk to you?

Nah, as long as their brain-dead flock is seething over gays existing there'll be no one to question why their kids are always being molested

I love how as a woman i can't open Yea Forums without literally seeing almost NOTHING but big tit waifus and "i want to smell claires feet" bullshit, but god forbid like 2 games add canon gay characters (just in their profiles, not even in-game) in 2019 and y'all manchildren can't handle it.

keep it up, boys, enjoy being single forever, cause let me remind you, there's nothing more of a turn off to a girl than a small-minded man child.

Attached: woman-gesturing-thumb-down_23-2147808136.jpg (626x417, 63K)

I don't give a fuck about the sexuality of fictional characters. What does bother me is how they are presented. Nine times out of ten they are used merely as marketing tools so companies can say "look how inclusive we are! We are deserving of brownie points because we understand PC culture! Buy our product!"

I don't understand how gays are okay with this. It's not representation, it's cheap exploitation to push sales. It's not much different from all the blaxploitation that occurred in the 70s and 80s.

Any literall faggots here who can gauge in on this?

is ok user, you are mad because im not agreeing to live my life as a stereotype, maybe you should move to california or a place that agrees with your pov

>children aren't people
Yo wat

Do you know whats worse than niggers? gay niggers.
Like that dirty faggot nigger jussie smollett.

This is gamer country you freaks.

G8 b8

tits or GTFO

his strawman

here's that response you were looking for, use it wisely

Unironically based


fujos are cancer

You can live your life however you want user. I hope you continue to do so.

And there's nothing more of a turn off than a onions-instilled white guilt embracing man child. Fuck off bitch.

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They're more like parasites, feasting off their hosts, to later blame them for keeping them alive

agreed, i hate how they alwyas push someone's sexuality to sell and idiots fall for it every single time, just wait until june with their pride month marketing and you'll see people praising corporations to side with them just so the next month they completely forget about them. Is so tiring to see the same people falling for the same trick over and over


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>"i want to smell claires feet"
I'll be honest, I hate these lonely losers too.

user; you know stereotypes exist for a reason.

>we wuz casca

Sounds like some radfem bullshit.

*Ahem* Deal with it

Attached: 96B7749A-6BB7-4C40-88DD-B3BEE4066B26.jpg (392x471, 56K)

>there are gay people literally fighting & dying for you in the military today

>bitch and moan when military heroes are portrayed as gay in a couple of video games

Why is it so hard for boys on Yea Forums to just be kind and respectful to others? if you think gay sex is gross, don't have it. there's no need for hate.

Yeah I know, loud low IQ idiots steal all the attention from the more sane people being represented by a stereotype. If we go by this logic, that means all white people are rednecks having incest babies.

>space be black sheet we wuz space

kys tranny

pretty true yeah

I remember when Yea Forums used to mock all of the bald spess marines a decade ago.

Now faggots here unironically want everyone to be a bald spess marine. What happened?

yikes, that's a big oof

Attached: soymask.png (760x740, 109K)

God forbid someone else shows up in a video game that isn't a straight white "male".
Never seen an ego more fragile than a white kids.

Attached: WE.jpg (900x1197, 158K)

is this the designated falseflagging thread?

This thread still being up and only 3 rightwing posts getting deleted is proof the mods are trannies.

Go away shennanigans

you mean the sjw pre-gg did. we told them to fuck off then too.
Look what happened.

>not being a corporate shill to uninspired character designs makes you a virgin forever
>enjoying 2D tits makes you a manchildren
>cu-current year!1!1!

Talk about projection.

>White Americans

Why would you argue with a child? Are you hiding something...?

why do people like owlturd? none of his stuff is funny


What's it like being mentally ill?

>daily anti-white man butthurt posting
A whole lot of those characters arent even white or they are made by japs.

Kids need to learn their lesson and respect their elders. You'll learn when you grow up too.

its a real sjw here oh boy. Have not forgotten how you faggots spammed Yea Forums with baww bald white men trigger me threads.

Yeah, that's gonna be an oof from me

The country that is the United States of America has a native population that is Caucasian. Land itself is not a country.

So there is a /pol/nigger discord group? Just like the trannies.

says the projectionfag.

Again, what's it like being mentally ill?

I this why the game is sinking? Nobody want faggot in their vidya games...

Attached: 1551045403522.png (1554x517, 272K)

when they start to lose they start deleting posts.

Are you implying that the SJW characters arn't the all the same?
you've been tricked into thinking different skin tone means interesting character, kill your self.

>he got me im going to spam the same thing over and over
Dont worry the bald white speesh marines cant get you they arent real.

This, I like Bangalore because shes just different
But she doesnt look like a fucking clown like Zarya or Symettra
However fuck you

Whites are native to Europe you retard. This is like callung blacks native to america, retard.

more like butthurt faggots report them until they get deleted

Are you serious? Looking back now most of what adults tried teaching me back when I was growing up was utter bullshit that rarely had any real life application.

>whaaaaaaa too many straight white males in games made by straight white males!

seriously, kill your self tranny, just get it over with.

Gay guys don't actually give a fuck about this fake shallow ass representation.
We'll fap to the straightest character on the planet if they're hot enough.
Companies only do this kinda shit as a shield for criticism from activist who act like we're being slaughtered in the streets and the only way to stop it is to add a line of text next to a character's name in video game saying who they fuck.

Attached: 1531191136144.png (935x785, 931K)

League has faggots in their game and no one cares about that.

Attached: 1540156399261.png (825x635, 40K)

anime is white just like good games.

Europe is not a country and if you subscribe to the "Out of Africa" theory, no human is native to the land they occupy outside of Africa. So the native population of the United States of America is Caucasian. Because it was white people who founded the country.

>I this why the game is sinking? Nobody want faggot in their vidya games...
>4 out of 5 of the most popular games have gay characters in it
>The other 1 doesnt have any characters in it
>Apex is back to being number 1 again

Attached: Seriously.png (298x311, 227K)

So same argument when teams are 90% obese women. Can't wait for your butthurt over that too

We've had canon gay characters for a long time now though, not a whole lot but certainly in step with how many actual gay people there are in the world (which is about ~2%). I think KOTOR 1 & 2 were some of the first games I played to feature it, or NOLF if that counts (campy gay enemies probably doesn't).

Also I get that from browsing Yea Forums you would think everyone here is a small-minded man child but those are just a vocal minority screaming at the top of their lungs, and sadly this is the only place on the internet left to discuss video games after GameFAQs died so you have to take the bad with the good. If you think the whole of Yea Forums is one person like said vocal minority does then you're not going to enjoy your time here though.

Also women are turned off by pretty much everything now so don't pretend political preference and philosophy enters into it, and will naturally gravitate towards the ultimate most average man in their vicinity because any and all extremes and passions are prohibited by the church and state, so enjoy the few freaks you know while they have some fire left in them not cleansed out by the purity police.

How come there isnt a successful gay studio founded by gays?


I know it's super important for me to know a character's sexual orientation in a game with no story or character progression

Too busy posting on /pol/ and jerking their little ding dongs to anime

Is there a single place online without?
>male feminist

Internet changed so much, I have no idea where to go to find a community that doesn't disgust me

I literally cannot play a gay character. It makes me shake with rage whenever a game forces me to play a gay, so game developers must pander to me or else no sale.

t. Riccione

>straight people: im fine but please dont force yojr gay on our kids
>gays: AAAAA we have teach kids about being gay and trannies send these parents to jail for hate crimes

They are founders, not native. Native denotes land. This is a dumb hill to die on. Are africans native? They where in the US before the founding. See how retarded you are?

They'd be too busy fisting each other to get anything done.


yeah one day there be nothing but obese women and Nigerian men making games, that'll get back at those damn whites!

you're delusional.

Cause they wanna be dominated by cute Latino guys

The OG Writer of Fallout is gay.

You don't seem to understand the difference between the country and the land. You're probably a retard.

There are already studios with mostly fat ugly women who make characters that are all fat and ugly, and you bitch about those too. You're the delusional one. In fact, I'd say you're probably pretty dumb as well

Yes, like how if a studio full of men hires a woman, it means they're all gonna try and fuck her and get no work done.

Just remind fags when they gloat about gay characters in shooters that people are going to enjoy killing that character thousands of times a day.

That never happened or happens and you know it

Attached: QwEa2t3.jpg (1280x818, 268K)

Goddamnit jannies DO YOUR JOB (that you do for free)

Can't see it happening considering she'd likely file harassment suits against them for merely glancing in her direction knowing the type of women who work in the videogame industry.

user is pretty much describing whats actually happening.
See the mother that got arrested for using the wrong pronoun i front of her kids and compulsory gay classes etc etc.
How does it feel being a lying faggot?

Virtue signaling click bait. That nigger is so annoying. I don't like games with animal characters, but you don't see me crying like a bitch about them. I just don't play them.

Go look up Native's definition retard.

I didn't know that gay is a location

>being proud of the country you live in is wrong
what a clownworld we live in

That argument is held mostly by people who think they could turn gay, aka people in the closet. Normal straight people don't think like that.

The image is pointing out the hypocrisy.

It felt shoehorned in due to inclusion as Gibraltar is supposed to be gay yet is hyper-masculine, however, literally who gives a fuck. The right gets mad at the left for getting mad at literally anything, yet you fucks are now doing that for any sort of diversity/inclusion. This is not blatant SJW pandering, this is just shoehorned lore for inclusion, which in the end doesn't matter because it's a braindead battle royale game.

An attention whore is an attention whore, user.

MAGA 2020

They founda school where something like 70% of the kids were put into transitioning programs. a whistle blower said it was because the school was brainwashing and forcing the kids to do it.
>let faggots near kids
>they harm kids

They are unrelated subjects, don't be retarded. Being proud of the nation you live in and making sure everyone knows you have degen homosex are two completely different concepts.

>Support America in America
>Support fag shit in non-fag places

This is the problem.

There's a difference between telling everyone you love your country and you love rubbing your pussy against other pussy.

yeah sure, and they're they'll be the root cause of the game industry's coming death. Then we'll have no games.
White men will have to build it up again, women will destroy it again, and we'll just go around around in circles.
like a microcosm of civilization as a whole.

>showing loyalty to your nation of people
>broadcasting your sex preference

You can be proud of your country and not be an attention whore.

You can't blame the fags for that, it's the most efficient way they can reproduce!
j/k, you can totally blame them

How do you explain the father who just got killed by the government because they found out his 30 year old son was gay? What about the grandmother in Texas who was poisoned with arsenic by NASA because her neighbor owned an asexual dog? Or the family of 5 who just today had their house burned down while they were all tied up in the living room because one of the parent's overseas second cousins twice removed once kissed a boy in the locker room of a college gymnasium under an assumed name and didn't have a proper permit for PDA with a same sex partner? You don't care about any of them? Fucking monster.

You're right, and you can be an attention whore about both of them. That's the point of the image, user. People can be attention whores about their love for their country too.

Reading comprehension you dumb NEET.

White men seem to be doing a pretty good job of destroying what the have right now, delusional cuck

what hypocrisy? proud of your nations does not equal to what you like to fuck, these are two different situations
>proud to live in the land is attention whoring
why don't they call them that to the spics who wave their mexican flag in america why is it only the americans who are born and raised here?

Both people in this image look insufferable to be around
Because most people arent retarded enough to higher someone based on what genitalia they enjoy to suck on rather than ones skill set, thats just doom to failure, and I think what happened to Mass Effect Andromeda
If I ever started a successful studio I wouldnt ever talk about what Im into, because Im a human who has more things to talk about than how I like tits or dicks
Actually, the girl is showing off her gay pride or just attention seeking
The guy on the right is just lying because who would be proud to be an American with the way its held together with tape

Source or it didn't happen.

That's called patriotism and is almost a virtue. Declaring your allegiance to having cocks in your ass is called hedonism.

Jesus, the autism is strong with you guys.

Overwatch mentions gays later, people cry. Apex mentions gays at the beginning, people cry. Grow some fucking balls.

>reading comprehension
that is exactly what its saying dumb faggot.
Sexual preference and patriotism are two different things you mentally ill cunt.

>post pic
>hates to get replied back to his argument
>j-jesus christ, you are autists

Identity politics was a mistake.

>20+ plus (You)s

holy shit, this life of triggering /pol/ looks fun

Yes, because acting like this is being a true patriot and definitely not an attention whoring faggot.

Attached: patriotism.jpg (639x425, 96K)

God I hope you're pretending to be retarded. Read the pic again.

Literally none of these issues existed when white men were solely in charge.

White men created everything great that we have now you delusional cuck,
You wouldn't be able to call me a delusional cuck without the hundreds of great white men who developed the all the technologies you just used to call me a delusional cuck.

fib pib

And they say the left are the brainwashed ones. Its like you watched Team America and decided to treat it as scripture instead of satire.

STFU tankie intersectionalism and whites paying reperations is the way to solve the worlds problems in a borderless anarchist world

>/pol/ fucks the elections
>suicidal trannies come aboard to whine
Wew, now those last years have been epic.

You did this shit yesterday you dumb spic faggot. Get a better gaslighting gimmick.

>can't play a game because you can't project yourself onto the pixels

We have found the Apex Incel!

Are you equating putting shitpost stickers on your vehicle to displaying the flag of your country that your forefathers built with blood, sweat and tears?

based burgerman

>tardposting for (you)'s is fun
you're sad

and this is Yea Forums not /pol/, you lost?

You're doing amazing sweetie.

>user is one person

Lol at all of you. so butt hurt over a gay character in a video game. You would think someone murdered your entire family with all these replies.

Right right, yeah I see what you mean. Quick question, what year do you turn 18 again?

Quiet delusional cuck, no one is talking to you anymore

>he gets his political opinions from comedy
Like colbert huh you gay ameridumfuck

A friend of mine was sexually molested by a gay man when he was a child and grew up to be a tranny.

The funny thing is both sides have SJWs. The people crying about fictional gays are SJWs from the Right.


>he doesn't engage in mass baitposting for the replies

Using the site incorrectly tb.h

>get proven wrong

Attached: white society.jpg (918x543, 101K)

Holy shit
>Someone makes fun of MURRIKA
>Americlaps gets mad and show off how simpleminded they really are
Never change, we all know you're afraid of it

Attached: Shock.gif (500x252, 238K)

Shhh user don't tell them there's a middle-ground.

>hey those people critical of sjw yep they are just... like... sjw
>better ignore everything they say haha such hypocrites wow.


Attached: anti-america posters.jpg (837x921, 171K)

"Proof" has no meaning inside your camp, cucko. Go change your diaper, lol

>post some retarded shit
>get called retarded
>passive aggressively reply to nobody

>implying some states in America aren't objectively shit

Attached: 1542785747703.png (1600x5662, 539K)

I'm Australia. Americans are dumb as fuck. Except the salt of the earth farmers and rural people in the south.
they are good people. Its mostly the dumbass liberal yuppies who get their world education from the daily show and buzzfeed etc.

>Litterally e-soddom and Gomorrah

>implying theres only 1 person who thinks you guys are retarded

>its like YOU watched
Guessing english isn't your first language.

I want to smell your feet.

If someone is fighting for their social justice ideals like an autistic simpleton they are SJWs, doesn't matter what their politics are.

>The south is worse than India
yeah, lmao we burned those rural and suburban retards to the ground for being racists.

See the nice thing about just having simple American flag imagery is that the left, last I checked, is still a part of America. It's sad that people try to portray it as some divisive statement.

Attached: 1551026831116.jpg (1200x900, 136K)

>people posting anime to promote their left wing agenda
>when anime is from a right winged country

Attached: 1478368638831.png (570x558, 117K)

hes saying you watched it because you are obviously saying you have you fuckin retard.

>I'm Australia
t. Burgerfat larper

>being homeless and iliterate isnt the natural state of poo in the loo's
user, at least try next time.

trannies think they're cute anime girls while in reality they're more masculine than a lot of dudes

Texas also has one of the largest black and Mexican populations in the country. Coincidence?

Pedophilia is pretty liberal.



Lol, good one user. Never heard Texans called that before but it fits

This is unironically a spot on post

>keep it up, boys, enjoy being single forever

Oh I gave up on women a long ass time ago, thank you.

god I hope nobody is dumb enough to believe this shit

So its like a more convoluted version of "no, u", by trying to make it seem like I'M the one who treated a comedy like its scripture and think patriotism is a "virtue" myself just becaused I mentioned said comedy, got it. Clever retard-pretend trick. Guess he figured there was no use denying how retarded he is.

Thanks mods for being useless trannies.

>blizzdrones still trying to force muh homophobe outrage to distract from the absolute embarrassment that is blizzard

Attached: 1474428898130.jpg (699x485, 69K)

>the left, last I checked, is still a part of America
You cannot fathom how much pain this brings them.

Holy fuck, he is an Indian Curry'a loo.
I heard from a teacher, that has gone to India, that you have to take showers with your mouth completely shut, otherwise you get parasites from the fucking water. Is that true my shitskinned friend?

>mirage is also gay
Doubt it.

Attached: Mirage.jpg (1200x800, 239K)

The thing i find really ironic about progs is their arguments are just as loony toons as they are. Nothing they say to defend themselves and their beliefs makes any sense.
Its like that insane clown logic trope or AOC talking.

it depends. It doesnt get more conservative than an arranged early marriage

who? why keeing the mystery user? afraid to name them? who is them?

What you are trying to say is you are critical of jingoism, patriotism isn't jingoism byitself.
Some of the most jingoistic shitholes on this planet are socialist crapholes.

I thought it was pretty obvious I was referring to the American left.

Aww, little cucky crying like a poor little baby. How is living in the state with the most child rape cases each year? I heard they make their students do it to graduate high school, is that true, cucky wucky?

>Nothing they say to defend themselves and their beliefs makes any sense.

Such as?

nice reading comprehension

it could be taken both ways though

Cool vague posting. Btw republicans were just named the demographic most likely to have brain-destroying ass cancer. You'll have to find the source yourself

Fuck jannies

No idea what you mean.

Attached: 1513074241472.gif (256x256, 352K)

Well its a good thing im not a republican you dumb ass american liberal faggot.

Don't worry I already know it's from Onion