Thoughts on the fat man?

Thoughts on the fat man?

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he's based and redpilled

A fat cunr that has some good points sometimes.

He generally has interesting things to say on vidya, but he tends to project without providing substance

well he's the best youtube video game outrage man but that's not saying much

the lord of the cringe

No, that title goes to Enrique Enojado.

He's full of himself, but he makes good points and knows his shit


Good for shitting on anything. Don't expect him praising anything whatsoever though.

hope DMC5 sells million and this DmC cuck dies of heart attack from his fatness and shock and fat

He has political opinions I disagree with but he puts on a good show.


He's a bit of a fucking gimp most of the time but a lot of his Jimquisitions are fairly spot on, even if I don't agree with some of the politics he brings up from time to time.

he praised Remake 2

Jesus, Matt Sloan from beer and board games put on a bit of weight ey

you mean Esteban Rabioso

I liked him until I realized he just preachs to the choir and gets outraged without doing actual research.

I saw as Payday 2's devs got their shit together and actually spoke to the community and fixed everything they asked, giving the game great free support until the last end DLC. Then during a video this cunt gave itself the credit for that instead of community and devs working together.

he is a supremely arrogant cunt with an insanely high opinion of himself. I thought he was memeing at first but not it's actually his personality

I would never listen to a fat ugly manchild faggot like this so i dont know


Yeah Loot Boxes are bad, didn't need some fat ass to tell me this.

But he hates AAA games, he hates them to the point of obnoxiousness.

I like him when he's not going on pro-socialist rants.

Cringe fat man.

A genuinely talented and insightful writer constantly marred by his addiction to being pussywhipped and his retarded political opinions as an extension of that.

>is in an ""open marriage"" with this gynocentric, nigger-worshiping cow
>has been making at least 10k on patreon for like 5 years now
>could fuck off to some tropical paradise with some blonde golddigger who would probably end up treating him better, and still be rolling in cash even with the alimony hit
>chooses to remain in a city with one of the highest murder rates in the country with his coalburning """wife"""

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I would like him more if he weren't so arrogant and full of himself, at first I thought he was just playing a character but turns out he's obnoxious like that

Just because he doesnt like BOTW doesn't mean he hates Zelda

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13k a month plus taxes. Which is a standard upper middle class salary it's not like he's rich or anything he's just well off and can afford to live comfortably no gold digger would ever go for a morbidly obese video game cunt with that small ammount of money


Laugh, and grow fat!

as an individual I don't like him, but he does good content and means well with the things he does

He's better than ReviewTech's fatman Rich.


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He's a unique personality and that makes him better than the majority of bearded soiboy game critics who love Nintendo.

socialism is good tho

literal and figurative cuck

one of the most repulsive human beings on the planet, both physically and as a person

I don't agree with his liberal shit but i do enjoy mostly what he has to say.

Has an annoying voice, his "schtick" is corny.

Not video games. Fuck off.

fatass cunt
more useful than most of us though

Someone recommended him to me but in one of his videos he says that transgender males are women so I dropped it right there.

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Thank god for him. I appreciate his content and style.

A necessary evil for game industry, but that's about it. Everything else about him is pure shit.

Nuff said

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>I thought he was memeing at first but [no,] it's actually his personality
Fuck... That slimy cunt. I thought the "act" was too good to be true.

Retarded humor and will outrage about everything. Constantly shits on corporations, then proceeds to suck their dicks when they pander to his SJW politics.

He lives in Mississippi. 10k per month before taxes and Patreon's cut still gets you a more mileage than it would in some other states. He's okay when it comes to criticizing the business side of games, but too sanctimonious for someone that used to tell people he hoped they had been raped by their dad, calling AnnaAnthropy's gf a "feminazi cunt," and saying that people with autism were soulless homunculi, among other things. Sure he grew out of it, but he really dumps on people doing what he used to.

Oh, and he's kind of shit at games.

Annoying and arrogant.

Null stop shilling your site here and make sure the website's redesign won't fuck up

I didn't care about his autism until he decided to attack somebody who made fanart that merged Donte and Dante's design as a compromise. Hope his wife kills him.

He is a cringe fat fuck and a cuckold but he is the one youtube person who consistently shits on the video game industry

That cost money. Donate some bitcoin you cunt

To be fair he works with transpeople so even if he didnt beleive it he would still need to say it.

why would I do that when all the reactions are available now without purchase?

a literal faggot and cuck. No matter how valid his points may be he will never be taken seriously

He is right about video games, and has better taste than Yea Forums.

He also goes out and fucks other dudes, so at least he isn't on the level of Burch.

Imagine being this retarded.

clickbaity faggot that puts more emphasis on selling his """personality""" than the games he talks about

YONG YEA is better, even though he isn't nearly as entertaining.

He's a faggot whose only """talent""" is running his fat mouth

His voice alone is reason for me to hate him.

Not just attack

dude literally wrote an article on Destructoid whining about fucking fan art

and then said artist showed up in the comments and told him off; and he tucked his tail between his legs.

dudes a giant faggot in both senses of the word giant.


He's AngryJoe but 10x worse

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fat bastard with nasally voice with shit opinions and is also a cuckold

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People who self-righteously bloviate about video games are a dime a dozen. I don't understand why this one gets any greater share of attention.

can't be a cuckold if nobody wants to fuck his wife

here's an honest, non-meme opinion.

he's gone really downhill lately. his videos were legitimately entertaining and informative about shady shit back about three years ago when he was exposing shitty steam devs and talking about some shitty business practices mixed in with some videos on certain game series.

now it's literally nothing but "HEY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS BAD THING EA/UBISOFT/ACTIVISION DID? CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK AND IT MUST END" and it's been especially bad this past six months. yeah, preorders and lootboxes are bad. we've fucking heard him say it ten billion times now and we fucking get it. he doesn't even understand what capitalism is and confuses it with plain greed so often that it's infuriating. i could forgive that though as long as he didn't just rehash the same topic and videos over and over again.

get off of my turf old man

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He is indeed fat.

He's not as bad as Yea Forums makes him out to be.
That however is an incredibly low bar.

puts out the same 3 videos constantly
even redditors are catching up on this now

Literal shitstain in terms of politics and personality.
Sometimes right about game issues, mainly in regard to microtransactions and pre-order policies.

But he's a professional wrestler as well now

He's gotten defensive on this stance too, he sees people telling him to talk about other things as apologism or some shit.
"I'll stop talking about it when they stop doing it"
I like the guy and think he's good but I can't watch everything he makes its too repetitive
his monday stuff is good but I'll even skip some of those now if its about the same shit as usual

he's good for keeping an eye on the shady shit the games industry is up to though so props
since TBs death he's been the only real staunch pro-consumer talking head.

Jim Sterling on videogames: usually correct
Jim Sterling on literally anything else: ooohohohohoho myyyyy noooo

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>is in an ""open marriage"" with this gynocentric, nigger-worshiping cow
Are you sure that's not just Jim in drag?

He’s a fucking repulsive human being, but I can not fault his logic in his reviews or his disdain with the video game industry as a whole.

If only he could speak in a fashion that didn't feel like an insect was droning in my ears.

i can he has shit taste in game personally.

he has absolutely horrible taste in games though

don't like him personally but you can never enough people that's willing to call out anti-consumer bullshit

He's fat, his videos suck, his wife is a ham planet, and neither of them will live much longer at this rate

He is not just fat. He clearly has Kallmann syndrome.

You can easily tell from his complexion, voice and general bizarre shape. If you were to see him shirtless, his female-type fat storage would be more clear.

He's also the worst videogame review/commentor I personally know.

>supports antifa
>denounces gamergate for being violent

without him one of the best characters of va-11 hall-a wouldn't exist so i appreciate his fat ass for that at least

>this thread
>all this acceptance

Good to see Yea Forums is moving from it's /pol/ phase.

hes fat and irrelevent.

I usually agree with his commentary, but I cant stand his voice. It's naturally grating to me

There's an unironic conspiracy theory that Jim fled the UK with his sister because of varying reasons, and that his "wife" is actually his sister, the "open relationship" is a cover story as to why they never fuck but fuck other people, and they live together because either they need support, or Jim's sister was already over here and he's relying on her to keep him here and not be deported, or they both commited some kind of crime and have to basically stay incognito.

There's no hard evidence but it's been noted Jim is extremely reluctant to ever talk about his "wife"'s family and even when telling a story once about going to see them for Thanksgiving he's extremely awkward, inconsistent, and seems to be making it up as he goes. He also won't tell anything about his UK life aside from he doesn't want to go back.

Honestly it'd make a lot of sense.

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Yea Forums is intimidated by masculinity, thus resents Jim

he doesn't really care about anything he talks about. he just gets paid to do it.

Also, it's been noted he apparently looked much different when he used to live in the UK, which explains why he doesn't mind plastering his face on Youtube with no fear of being caught, because he apparently looks unrecognizable.

Full communism is better comrade

>Makes a video claiming Drumph is an EVIL REPUBLICAN for claiming vidya causes violence in a tweet
>Blasts a school shooter sim on steam for the developer not self censoring, after steam allowed it, because it might cause violence
>Constantly pulls the “I don’t mind if you like anime tits/rape/dead nigger gameplay etc. BUT” argument

Jim Sterling is a cuckold, whose kike programming is at constant war with his “I like vidya” programming. He’s just as 2 faced as anyone else in his circle, which is filled with trannies and garbage. The fact this entire thread is not simply shitting on him shows how downhill Yea Forums has gone lately.

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so what you're saying is
he's literally Yea Forums incarnate

fat faggot

Women rape too. So everyone is a potential rapist.

that's not the point he was trying to make, brainlet.

>men commit rape
>This is horrific and must stop
>women commit rape

If there's anything more telling of sjwfaggotry and hypocrisy

It also makes sense why he stays cooped up in one of the most crime ridden places in America. The police probably don't have the time to deal with some limey fucks who fled their country on probable incest charges when there's blacks shooting each other everywhere.

He’s so much of a shithead, he even made a tweet at one point stating “Women can’t rape”. I’m certain he’s a gay pedo. You don’t go hardcore left, to the point where you scrub your wikipedia page, unless you are hiding something.

He understands the excesses of capitalism but not the benefits and judges it solely on that. Though when he's not directly discussing economic models with himself he does a good job of calling out bullshit. He's still insufferable most of the time.

Race war is very soon kike. VERY soon.