How are you enjoying the new Metro?

How are you enjoying the new Metro?
I'm playing on ranger hardcore and the forced/unavoidable shootouts are pretty cancerous.
Other than that it's pretty fun stealthing and exploring the maps.
The train sections are comfy as fuck.

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Cannibal bunker.

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My thoughts exactly, especially since there is no way to stealth it, literally a shooting gallery.

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is there any way to switch to ranger hardcore mid playthrough or am i fucked playing with just hardcore, i'm near the beginning with the fanatic church people

the lack of quicksave is stupid since time between checkpoints can be over 10 minutes at times. I understand that quicksave spamming is stupid but when your fucking game revolves around spending 5 minutes running to a target before any real gameplay begins, you need to rethink your checkpoint system

I have lost 30 minutes of progess in caspian because there was no checkpoint in the areas explored since they were used later for the main quest. Yeah either a quicksave or time based autosave would be good since the checkpoints also can bug out and save during a death animation corrupting your only save slot..

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Wait what the fuck is the F5 keybind for then?

it normally quicksaves, but it's disabled for ranger hardcore

Never play ranger.

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i dont play shitty walking simulators and console shooters.

I've finished my hardcore and I'm now finishing volga at ranger, I can say the 1 shot death it's pretty infuriating in impossible to stealth sections, 10-15 min loss due to lack of quick save almost made me skip a great deal of exploration but eventually I got used to it, the game is clearly optimized to be played at hardcore

Nah it seems like it's written inside the save file, changing the config does nothing.
You are pretty much at the beginning, not too late to start over.

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>made me skip a great deal of exploration
I stopped really exploring after the first zone. The loot structure is just so fundamentally different than STALKER that ultimately there's no payoff to exploring in Metro.

In STALKER you can get artifacts, money, serious weapon/suit upgrades, unique weapons, faction stuff, quests, etc. In Metro you get ammo, and 1/10th of the time there's a minor weapon mod that you probably won't use.

One thing that kind of disappointed me about the game. And I know Metro has always been like this but I thought the nature of it having more open levels meant they would expand the featureset a bit.

There's suit, gas mask and gadget upgrades though. I'm butthurt that I've missed the extended battery one.

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I'm not because I don't install Chinese malware.

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I dont play non steam eurojank trash.

Fuck you cunt this game is based

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>too dumb to pirate

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Yeah, I left a map I found online with mod locations on my phone while playing so I didn't go through hard sectors just to get some crafting material, also almost gave up trying to free the slaves at the caspian are ship

I think they just went for normal and hardcore being balanced and just created the other 3 settings without really thinking about the consequences with the loot/structure they've planned, I certainly like the challenge and it's way better than bullet spongers/reduced damage but not on dark souls levels of hard but fair for sure

I'm playing on 1080/Ultra on a 580. Is performance supposed to be this trash? Does it get better when you get to the open world perhaps? I'm reading/watching posts online who say they easily get 60fps on 1060/580 on same settings.
Also, what the fuck is with the graphics options, really?

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>no cute russian post apocalypse gf

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please tell me you can mod it without completely breaking shit, i feel ill.

guys i have 1070gtx and 6600 and i barely run this game over 60 fps on high with tess off and hairworks off, is my pc breaking down?

Can someone give me a non-spoiler quick rundown of what in the h*ck this game is about?

the whole thing was so unimaginative and it was obvious very early on that everything miller believes is happening isn’t yet nobody seems to call him out. And thr end when the cannibals are chasing the train like a human tidal wave was retarded

Spend 20 years living underground in metro after nuclear war, told world is destroyed. What if world wasn't destroyed? Also there's mutants.

I'm not a fan.
There's so much of "Hold E to start an action" and then the action takes ages to finish.
And so many of these things are used to get past invisible walls. The game has a fucking crouch button and you can move while crouched, so why do I have to hold E to start animation where I crouch and walk under some debris? This keeps fucking happening, control gets taken away from me. It's like they are trying to fit linear cinematic game into relatively open world, so even shit like opening a door requires you to hold E every single time to make sure you want to open it, and then all the animations take forever to play out.
Game has simply too many pre-baked things, which makes stuff wonky if you don't play exactly as it wants you to. At the intro chapter there was the situation where enemies were shooting at my friends, and I had to rush to place a bomb behind their backs. Because I ran past them and didn't stop to listen the chatter, characters were clearly snapping from one pose and animation to another.
Also, still not fan of there being no proper indicator in UI for your remaining health or ammo. I guess it's supposed to make things realistic, but just popping a medpack after a medpack to immediately cure your bullet wounds is not realistic either.
I don't think that shooting, crafting or anything else gameplay related is too good either. I like the world and characters, but that's about it.

I'm barely keeping always over 60 running 1080/Ultra (everything on, hair works, tessellation etc) on a 1070, so yeah, the game is pretty demanding, but being the game this good looking I'm not sure if it's bad optimization or just too advanced graphics to run on max on 2-3 olds cards since it runs great on mid-range on high settings and still looks pretty good

not yet

They cute

Is Metro a waifu game now


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>reddit meme

God damn son.


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yes, stunning slav wife simulator

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yeah, I purposely found the dumbest image I could to match the dumbest post

1070gtx i5 6600 and 8 ram, what settings can i get with 60 fps all around? cause right now im on high with tess off and hairworks, and still get drops.

So what are the DLCs going to be? I'm betting:
-Miller and little kid getting the map in the dead city, The Last of Us style
-Aloysha goes back to Taiga and works with whatsherface to get everybody out of the valley, fight the bear one last time
-Damir going back to Caspian to help the rebels
-Lead-in to Metro Whatever Comes Next with the group heading back to Moscow and convincing people that there's a world outside the Metro

Or maybe it'll just be some combat challenges and a smaller open level that takes place between Volga and Caspian. The Season Pass is like 25 bucks so I dunno how much content we're gonna get

So is Ranger difficulty well designed or is it just bullshit where they take the UI away with no way of actually checking the status of anything in-game?

>every ranger has the cool helmet mask combo
>you still have some shitty detachable rubber mask
This has bothered me since 2033

Ranger is fine although I suggest the minimalist style that keeps button prompts on the screen. It's too annoying to figure out a few of the interactable objects (like the train rail switches). The big problem is the infrequency of saves as mentioned previously.

does it really look that bad? the background looks barely better than skyrim.

mmh those be some perky white girl tits

Its a solid game, could have been way better but some of the areas are just bad or the story takes a nosedive
I think the Miller/Dead City one will be in there for sure. I don't know about the others, but I do expect them to want to reuse those maps or assets.
I believe it still has the issue of not seeing what throw-able you have equipped, still instead relying on audio cue. I don't think you can see ammo counts except at a workshop, but you can see crafting materials and some resources within the backpack UI. Steel balls/bolts but not actual ammo.


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You can hold Tab to see your ammo counts.

probably not the best screenshot but it's likely the best looking PC game right now on extreme and the first game that applies RTX properly

Damn, are her nipples permahard?

yes, skyrim totally looks the same

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Going with reusing assets, I would bet on playing as a Ranger back in Polis fighting off Hansa as they try to take over Metro for some arbitrary reason.
It's not like Artyom and Co. leave on friendly terms with them and the Major Hansa guy threatened retribution.

Didn't played the last two entries.

Someone give me a summary of the plot.

play them first, it's worth it. don't be a zoomer who jumps on the exodus hype train

Its been 20 years since the bombs dropped, and mutants and civil conflict between humans fuck everything up. You want to find a hospitable place on the surface, but radiation

>People love the Metro story.
>People find it bullshit how real the game actually is regarding 1 shot deaths and how little ammo their is.
Lol and the Stealth stuff sounds exactly like RAGE1 * Stealth*. Where you use a crossbow or wing stick on one enemy in one fucking room. And suddenly everyone auto finds you in 5 seconds of the rest of the level/map.

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other than the water texture yeah it does

They're asset flipping kikes so I bet they'll just make a DLC rooty tooty shooty back in Moscow about the chaos going on since basically the entire command structure disappeared for Order.

6 years to asset flip this? I agree that the redux releases were garbage though

That a screenshot of the new one?
Another series that overstayed it's welcome. Why keep going on and on and on? It's retarded. You either keep making the same game ad infinitum until literally nobody respects you anymore, or you make a game which has jack shit to do with the first installment in anyway but name.
This is why AAA gaming is hopeless.

That was such a weird fucking plot point. Miller is the only leader the Order has, it's as if a country's entire goverment just fucked off on a holiday for a year on a road trip.

Speaking of asset flips, his robo legs get pasted to a couple random loot corpses you can find through the game.

get 8gb more ram, that's not only for metro, the hard drops are you cpu accessing you hdd/ssd...

>8 ram
>being a ramlet

Metro is turning into COD. COD is turning into PUBG. PUBG is turning to GTA5.

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8 was more than enough a couple years ago, why is it that every time I try to catch up technology just completely speeds up

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You might as well get 32gb, you'll need it by 2021 anyway

what is gta 5 turning into?

double shotgun the entire thing

World of Warcraft.

you can change difficulty whenever you want in game. you don't have to restart

>everyone auto finds you
This is how it is in 2033 but in LL/Exodus AI can't see in the dark at all and you can easily clear the whole area unalerted. Its a very basic dark = invisible bullshit you expect in a game like Dishonored

I have the same system as you but with 16gb, running at ultra with everything on over 60fps, 8 is not enough anymore for years, there is games 3-4 years old which already has hdd lag with 8gb, even more so if you dare to leave a browser page opened during the game

>Exodus AI can't see in the dark at all and you can easily clear the whole area unalerted. Its a very basic dark
Would I have been a bonus. if basically they had Far Cry AI with mutants as well. Basically like you said you take out the lights and it is dark as fuck. Enemies can't see shit. And then the mutants in the area see this. And immediately descend on the Bandits or bandit camps, tearing the fuck out of each other. While you watching in the distance and seeing that flashes of gun fire go off? or what that fuck it up? General suggestion.

i almost cried when driving back at the end

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Just proves how emotionally dead I am
Please end me

the cheesy slowmode at the end kinda ruined it, everything before was amazing though

the only game that actually genuinely made me cry was a way out, because i played through it in it's entirety with my best friend of 18 years
this game came awfully close, though. i knew what was going to happen as soon as miller gave you his rad meds
i honestly thought anna was going to die as soon as she started suspiciously coughing

yeah, why make it seems like a joke scene right after miller's death?

I wish Anna had died but she gets to live in both endings

Not so much a zoomer thing but I hate when big gaming channels like let's players etc start a walk through on the newest AAA games or now famous sequel and clearly have no idea about the prior events of the story

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Finding Ciri was the first for me, this was the second, never cared about gaming storytelling but this two got me, maybe it's the fucking trenbolone making me emotional like a little girl...

WHY THOUGH? You paying for your actions makes sense, she paying with life to make you feel bad is too much

fuck you homolord say that to my face not online then see what happens

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I'd love to you faggy straightlet. Get a girlfriend loser.

i'll piss on your motherboard

Disregard those idiots telling you to upgrade your RAM for Exodus. Playing Exodus for hours on Windows 10 with some other applications open and RAM usage never even reached 7 GB. Youre fine.

yeah, and windows use 1.5 more, and you let 3-4 programs load on start up, or like to leave the browser open for alt+tab some shit you want to search about the game and there you go 11gb of use

8gb hdd lag even games that barely use 5gb only like bf1

stop being such a poorfag and give samsung some money

I was damn close, they were starting to well up for sure. The part in the good end when Anna is telling you how she can't live without you and begs you to not give up pushed me over the edge though.

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i couldnt save duke because one of the side gigs in the first area bugged out for me, but i saved everyone else
i'm pleased i still got the good ending, even if my favourite spartan died

I can't play cause of a injury but I've been watching a playthrough of it. I like it so far, but the guy I'm watching hasn't left Volga yet. he just got the small train cart.

>Witcher 3 and Metro Exodus are the only western games with attractive females

So Poland and Ukraine are two western countries we can rely on.

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Just waiting on the eventual SFM. They did not make Olga's tiddy physics subtle at all

I usually love playing ranger Anons on 2033 and last light you can argue that's what they had in mind but ranger in this with ranger hardcore with the forced shoot outs and qtes you can't see especially with those feral fucking animals mashing every button and hope one works and I dare say essential UI missing (bullet count when pressing M, minor things like whether you want to sleep day or night and the radio took me ten minutes to realise It was interactable) is irritating, worse still you can't change the difficulty I think I need the UI tbqhwy famalam

Just edit the .ini

>anna looking at you when you arrive in the bunker she fell in

Urge to protect.

Im saying the whole system used no more than 7 GB while playing. It was around 6 GB most of the time. Just dont leave your browser with a lot of tabs open and youll be fine with 8 GB.
I did, i have 16 GB, just telling the other guy not to spend money on RAM He doesnt need for this game.

Any tips for telling apart bandits and people you shouldn't shoot? I am wandering around Volga and as far as I can tell my only option is to walk up to them until they aggro. Or is everybody you meet out in the wilderness an enemy that won't fuck over your chances at a good end if you kill them?

get close and listen to their convos. if you have subs on it might show as "bandit:" or they might say bandit-y shit

Hello, is this game scary? I heard there were scary parts

Turn on subtitles. The will differentiate Thugs und Slaves, Cultists and Bandits and so on. Alternatively listen to their dialogue, you can tell its when its bandit talk or just regular want to live my life talk.

I bought the first two games the other day and I wanted to ask, is playing on "normal" (don't remember the equivalent term used to call that level of difficulty) like missing much in terms of gameplay? I wasn't sure if playing on the highest difficulty was gonna be like on stalker games

Eh, russia. Not Ukraine. The studio is based in Ukraine, yes - but it's made by russians, for russians. There is maybe 10% of people who speak hochol there. If it's an ukrainian game, where is the Ukrainian VO?

It's a russian game, fellas.

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