ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

ITT: autistic things you do while playing games

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Fuck jannies

Fuck you janny I will have someone witness my autism

Fuck jannies

lmao aha, i gotchu senpai...
>pretends like i am a twitch streamer

Fuck jannies

If I can, I make my character a nice campsite or find a place that seems like you could take a breather, make a campfire or something, and sit down. I usually have them eat, drink, or do some crafting, depending on the game. Usually also smoke a bowl at the same time.

Why did the janny delete the last one? It’s board culture and these get posted routinely

wear an army helmet when i play metal slug, wear a flight helmet when I play ace combat

>Important moment storywise.
>Walk instead of running to build tension.

Jannies hate vidya discussion. A legit SFV thread got deleted for no reason yesterday.

I only kill black NPCs

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Whenever I reload a shotgun I pretend my penis is the gun and I’m pumping it like a shotgun.

I know a guy who wears armor when he plays vidja. Everyone makes fun of him when they find it out but I think it's cool as fuck


s n e e d

Ah yes, the old RP walk. I'm right there with you.

Sniff and wipe my nose during intense moments. Cough or clear my throat when I win.

Fuck jannies, damn

i feed and seed

what is this doc even about?

I asked last thread but never got a response. Why do these threads always use the same pic of Homer smoking a cigar?

Well, I would say you started counting kinda recently if those are all the games you're counting, but you still win the autism competition. Cheers user

>exhaust all dialogues even after multiple playthroughs

It's a spreadsheet of every enemy I've killed for ~3 years

How do you even manage this kind of autism? What if you forget?

Saving npcs on your side
Sometimes the enemy side depending on the context, though that's always a disappointment when the game doesn't accommodate it even when it's plot relevant

Who are you kidding? Why am I posting? This thread isn't Yea Forums related. Just another outlet for underageb& phoneposting shitposters sticking it to the man

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>Use subpar gear in your first playthough cause it seems more fitting for the PC than the best gear available.

>What if you forget?
I either record everything while I'm playing and go over the videos later or I write them down as I play

No user, I'm right there with you. I just got to make sure the NPC buddies don't get slaughtered and half the time the game doesn't give a fuck. I just don't want to murder every single person I come into conflict with, you know?

Easy to spot like coworker threads

in DMC4 whenever I'd explode all the pins with Dante and Lucifer, I'd click my fingers irl

I'd also mimic certain taunts when I was styling really well

show me your motivation

Stop making this thread

The first thing i do after running a game for the first time is to quit it to check if it has a "are you sure you want to quit game" warning popup. After a lot of testing i concluded that this popup appears more frequently the higher is the game's budget (indie games never have them, while AAA always have them).

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>Game doesn't use traditional cutscenes, instead allows you to walk around as npcs talk
>Jump around them and break things acting like a psycho while they just continue with their scripted dialogue like nothing's going wrong

Pretend that people I know are in danger and the only way to save them is doing some kind of challenge

>every enemy I've killed for ~3 years
nigga what the fuck

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Refuse to use consumables or rare ammo unless I REALLY have to. I usually just end up getting to the last boss with a giant stockpile of cool items that would have helped out at any other point in the game.

i open every treasure chest i can find before moving on with the dungeon in a rpg

Worth it for that rare feel when the npcs reward you for getting them all through alive though
Games like Growlanser even work it into somewhat optional mission objectives as well, using the results to shape your characte0r

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Wow, we have a real autist over here, careful people

I don't play videogames, i browse Yea Forums

Oh my god. You're a legend my guy.

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I do this as well, I'll have the character sit or stand in place with a decent view while I eat or smoke.

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stub my toe walking around thinking of games to play
it's fucking purple

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WoW is good for it, you can make a fire, a table, a nice chair if you have the right items. Set up in some cool cave overlooking a nice alien valley, fire glinting, your character relaxed and periodically taking a drink from their tankard. It's very atmospheric.

Is it gangrenous yet?

When you combine this with generated but permanent soldiers, it gets good, like in XCOM or FFTA. You grow to like them, build their personalities, and want to protect them.

In total war games or Paradox games I always try to “standardize” my army by making a large number of identical army groups with a naming convention like “VI Legion”, because it immerses me in the experience.

This is art.

I unequip my character's armor and weaponry before sleeping in a tavern for the night

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Sometimes, I sit on the porch of the local farm supply store and accost city-slickers for their choice of automobile, shoes, and manicure.

Didn't we get a new batch of jannies recently?

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This is a fantastic feeling, especially in games with real day/night cycles and usable beds. Seeing your character in regular ass underwear going to sleep is hilarious and endearing.

It's even better when armor and clothing are separate slots, do your character can sleep in their shirt and/or trousers

>no Orphans Created stat
Up your game Faglean

Probably. These have been posted for awhile and they’ve been considered board culture for at least a couple years now so idk why a janny would delete it.


Hi MacLean

I do the wheeoooo noises for the signal modulator from RE2 remake.

>Absolutely deranged
I will take it all in and maybe take notes

Doing god's work user

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Wrong spelling


You've missed a few (you don't have ana under overwatch but do have sombra, meaning you played the game when ana was released) and there are spelling errors.
Nice one though, saved

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Wow. Why?
And do you ever feel like you should get help?

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You havent played FF (XII I think) then, this dude misses out on the best items by opening all the chests

i often hum the battle theme when i am intensely grinding jrpgs

Even in the most casual games i have to do everything as efficiently as possible or i dont enjoy it.

touch my penis and fuck jannies

I guess I should say right spelling, wrong capitalization
For Overwatch I only counted the characters I had killed. Also I only played it like twice on free weekends cause I don't normally like online shooters.

Anyone have these weird movements everytime they remember some cringy shit from the past?

and this

I did play FF12, and what you're saying is true, my point is that he's not an autist at all by opening "every chest in every zone in RPGs before going to the next one", he's just an RPG Normie

If the game allows it, I randomly kill(not enemies) one female npc that has nothing to do with the main game/story and masturbate furiosly looking at her body.

If I'm playing an "old school" CRPG where my characters are represented by a hand drawn portrait, I HAVE to make my in game character model look like the portrait. If there's no way for me to make the model and portrait look similar I will literally not play the game and just uninstall.

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I'm a collector. I need to save at least one of every type of Thing. If weapons, usually I'll keep one of each model, type or brand regardless of its actual usefulness. Same with consumables, even if a potion is way too weak for me to use compared to the new better version, I keep one in my inventory anyway.

Idk user. I just started one day. I find it weirdly fascinating. And no, I don't think I have a problem

>fire off all the ammo of my weapon until there's six full magazines left with six rounds in current magazine and then try to get a kill with that sixth bullet

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Similar but different.
I do everything efficiently as possible and stop enjoying it if this causes ridiculous steamrolling.
If some late game content is challengable early will try and work out methods to take it on way ahead of schedule. This usually trivialises the main game.

Everytime I play Tomb Raider, I load up Lara's mansion and trap the Butler in the fridge.

When I was younger I used to start off my Pokemon runs with "alright guys" and "lets..." as if I was Chuggaconroy or something.

In any game where moves, abilities or spells gain XP with use I almost always cycle them out permanently once maxed.

>fishing in a gloomy forest next to the cooking camfire
ultimate comfy

>tfw you and your friend spend all your time in Halo cut-scenes jumping around in the background like loonatics that have escaped an asylum and have ants in their pants.

nothing wrong with enjoying a nice pipe bro, you don't have to spoil that.

I do this. I did a perect inventory run of FFVI advance, and when I play Fallout 3 or NV, I always collect every unique weapons.

In hearthstone when I kill an opponent with the hunter hero power I click my fingers because it's a kill shot

Whenever I get easily killed or destroyed by an enemy, I crash my fists together and pretend I'm sending energy beams out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor with infinite power, then I pretend I'm being hit by those energy beams and are just totally annihilated, with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.

What’s the most autistic game ever made?


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E.Y.E. devine cybermancy, maybe not the most autistic but it's up there

I practice fighting game motions during cutscenes and randomly out of combat in almost any game I play. Because my execution 10 years down the line is still mediocre and will be worse otherwise.


Dwarf Fortress

You have to be autistic to play hearthstone to begin with.

Do you masturbate to gore? I do

Only way to stay sane imo

Only say GG if I lose

I prick myself with a needle each time I die. If I get a game over and have to start a game over I put a tiny bit of glass or glitter in the wound.

Play Super Meat Boy user

What will happen to me?

>If I get a game over and have to start a game over I put a tiny bit of glass or glitter in the wound.

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If what you said in is true (which we know it's not), you'll literally die in like an hour or so.

post scars or you're gay

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If the music is great I will turn, jump, run, pause, use the menu and attack at the rhythm of the music


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Legit seek help

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>Not reverse Google searching
Picture is from a diabetic forum 2 years ago

where's the timestamp

Thank you user for correcting our temporary retardation

That looks infected though

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>proven fake by
>newfags still acting surprised

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That boy ain't right

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Stop sameposting for your epic reddit post, it was already proven fake.

Put me in the screencap.

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This is just embarrassing.

I only use the guns and attachments on them seen in the operator’s portrait art in Rainbow Six Siege.

Explore areas and dialogue compulsively.
It's difficult to finish a role playing game.

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You're cancer, kid

Even if fake, those fingers look fucked up

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Just stop.

Whenever a FPS features punching as a dedicated weapon I always try to do a punching only run of the game

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I jump into fire to see if it actually hurts or if it's just a particle effect

chew on plastic to keep calm during boss fights



Ever swallowed it?

in Fallout 3 I would take off my armor and wear the tunnel snake jacket in towns; I know the feeling

nope, but i did swallow a coin once, because i had nothing to chew on i picked up a coin

Did you shit it out?

sadly yes, it didn't bleed, but it was painful

How are your teeth looking?

normal, i don't chew stuff hard enough to break my teeth, the only thing i'm missing is one of my molars because of a bike accident

>there's still bite marks on my N64 pad from when I lost my shit playing Donkey Kong 64

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Did you chew on the bike?

fuck off, i crashed into a fucking car

same for me

If armor changes a character's appearance in an RPG I find one set and stick with it, only upgrading if it uses the same skin.

Just shitting you user. Did you recover fine?

So did you chew on the car?

i'm missing a teeth, and i owe my neighbour 300 bucks

If I like the music and scenery in my walking simulators, I'll stand (or sit, if there's a bench) in the same place for 5-10 minutes. When I finally found the stranded alien on Mars in Yume Nikki, I think I stood next to him and zoned out for half an hour.

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I do shit like this too since sometimes I do light rping in rpgs
like in morrowind I'll go to a tavern, buy food and drinks, then sit and eat and do alchemy or read lore books then this this too

I can't play a jrpg without making sure I don't miss any optional quests (this has ruined final fantasy games for me)

In rogue likes I restart whenever I get a shitty power up

In dark souls I always have 10 consumable humanities in my inventory at all times

I don't ever skip cutscenes even if I've already seen them and know I hate them

Yes. Also I managed to chew on a switch cartridge for more than 10 seconds

why would you do that? the car is much stronger than your bike, retard.

>Have a bunch of PS2 memory cards with save files from the late 2000's and early 2010's
>When I replay a game, I start a new save file to leave the old save files untouched

seek help you sperg

I cover myself with a blanket while i play. I spend most of my time covered in a blanket actually. I think i might have real autism.

I do this too, it's super comfy.

What am I looking at?

I unironically spend more time on Yea Forums than actually playing games, even though Yea Forums these days just makes me feel old and miserable.

Is it weighted?

You fit right in.

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I bob my head do I can have me teeth chatter


What causes people on here to be so fucked up?

Alt tab and browse Yea Forums instead.

A combination of autism mixed with absolutely zero social interaction, NEETdom, prisongay sexuality, the list goes on and on.

>Scroll through
>"Yeah that's autistic"
>Get to the "Totals" section
what the motherfuck user?

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I remember playing call of pripyat and intentionally engaging long range enemies with my pistol and see if I can hit them with parabolic shots.

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God damn I bite my hand in the exact same spot when I'm really stressed or angry, although I've never done it over a video game

If something happens that my character should probably be a little surprised or shocked by, I might make then stop and turn towards the event for a moment, or a second, or however long makes sense. Only my own eyes as the player should look at the event, if it's even worth looking at, but I make my character do it.

>Games like Metro 2033 don't let you save your buddies by being quick on the draw
That game had a bad case of cutscene deaths were monsters were chumps in the actual game but as soon as the cutscene started up you were a gunless loser

Sometimes I pretend that my own vision is the first person view of a new tech demo, for a virtual reality experience, and I imagine how insanely impressed an audience would be. I look at the floor or a wall to show off the textures, I look at litter rolling to show off the physics, I wiggle my fingers and grab something to show off the interactivity possible.


Same on my gba but from collecting emeralds in sonic advance 2 or some shit

Talk back to NPCs getting myself involved in the plot

I do that shit too since it like aesthetics

These. If a game makes you role play like this, it means it's fucking good.

I do that at the Temple of Time since it’s so holy

good god man

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Why did you start this?

>playing Hearts of Iron 3
>use google translate or look them up individually
>give all my corps, armies, army groups. air groups and naval formations localised names

I only bothered with Latin langauges which means it was mostly German, but I wasted a lot of time doing that shit. And Roman Numeral corps to. Did you guys know "L" is fifty? Crazy.

I don't really have an answer for that user. I am very interested in data and statistics, and it's just a project I started one day

If nothing else it's good record keeping.

I'm more concerned what being disapointed that there's no XCOM on there says about me.

Timing my attacks or transformations/power ups in time to the music

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People who love data are usually very autistic

Play Mother 3


>think to myself naw I don’t do this
>remember my inventory in every stalker game
Seriously does anyone use blue or yellow first aid kits that shits expensive I’d rather die the flush money down anomali hole

I did

sometimes after winning a round of intense firefight. I got way too overexcited by my skills and go around the house holding an imaginary gun and pretending im some sort of spec-ops

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bite my nails uncontrollably. it's fucking disgusting, fingertips hurt and are covered in saliva. i really hate it

any games in particular?

That’s more a sign of anxiety or OCD. I have both and do that shit all the time.

When I get drunk and get ready to play vidya, I yell “Let’s fucking go lads” as I turn on my GameCube, Xbone, Switch, etc. I’ll also yell “crack em” as I open a beer can. Also, I have a tendency to jump on smash ult quickplay after a night of partying and demolishing people while still heavily intoxicated. I only go for spikes. Have tons of replays saved from these.

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I mimick idle animations, a lot.

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>come up with personalities and internally RP interactions between custom party members
>leave units in FE a chapter of mourning for dead loved ones
>haven't run a non-monotype run of Pokemon in a long time

Grind. I can grind harder than a think on Adderall. Once I proceeded to level all the way up to 75 in dark souls 1 purely off of the dregs down the elevator near firelink shrine.

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>grind harder than a think on adderall
What is a think?

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based obelisk the tormentor poster

>install Another Start mod
>eschew the 'chosen one' story
>just play as a simple nomadic peasant that chops firewood to make way through life
>only carry what I'd reasonably be able to carry IRL

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Sounds comfy as fuck