Star wars galixies

How come nobody talks about this star wars game. it's like the long lost relative of all the other star wars games.

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Are you new and a zoomer? We have nostalgia threads for this fairly often. One of my all time favorite games ever.

It comes up about as often as city of heroes threads.
Obviously it's not all day every day HEY BROS HEY BROS HEY BROS HEY BROS since the official version fucked itself to death a long time ago

because it's too good.

honestly, try to explain to zoomers that there was a game, which at the time has AAA graphics, open worlds, player cities, player economny, galactic civil war, etc etc.

they lap up shit like fallout4 and farcry as though it's good. you cant really explain it, without experiencing it.

The game was literally decades ahead of its time honestly. None of my friends who never played it back in the day because they didn't have good PC's get it either.

SWG is the strongest 'rose colored glasses' I've seen gamers do. This game always had massive issues, almost a complete lack of content. But whenever people talk about it now, it's as though it were some unrivaled gaming experience. Nobody was ever happy with SWG, which is why they implemented the drastic changes everyone bitches about, it was to stop everyone from bitching about the game in the first place.

Anyone playing the emulation?

You weren't there.

It's a lot like Nuwars. Okay when it came out, now we just don't talk about it because they killed it.

No one on this board was alive when the servers were still up. You realize that, right?

Exactly, you didn't experience how fucking special it was. Grinding to maybe become a Jedi, then getting hunted to the ends of the Galaxy...or maybe you just wanted to be a dancer.

They changed it to appeal to casual wowfags, it was a decision from on high just as much as it was casuals who complained the game was too tedious and didn’t reward you constantly. It was a sandbox game you made your content, just because it isn’t a dungeon queue farm sim doesn’t mean it lacked content,

It was an incredible experience for its time. Final Fantasy XI, Vanilla WoW/TBC/Wrath thru Ulduar, and Diablo II were the same. Of course they look like the shittiest shit today. For their eras they were better than any game made in current year.

I can make a prediction: the next huge mmo that supercedes wow, WILL be based on the design philosophies of SWG.

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Exactly what I meant here It wasn't casual at all, which is why it was special.

>Try to join EMU
>PvP community is just as toxic as live, if not more
>Banned from the forums by that faggot mod Vlada because I said that torrents exist of the game, provided no links or methods of getting a torrent.
>3 month ban
Yeah, no. Fuck them and fuck the emulator.

gj risking the project getting shutdown user.

It wouldn’t get made. If SWG was a profitable model it wouldn’t have died off the in the first place. Game companies are kikes and they want everything to be like WoW because that’s what focus groups have found out is most successful.

"I never played SWG in it's hayday" the post

I said torrents were a problem and that I'd purchased the discs for the game (which was a lie.) Surely talking about the mere existence of fucking torrents, something that should be more than obvious, isn't "risking" the project.

legal things are not about reality, but what some faggot lawyer can show in court.

The game is illegally using assets that are owned by Sony. If some faggot lawyer wanted to take the project down, they easily could without my intervention. Nobody cares about taking down the project.

looking back on it, I had a fuckton of fun even though I joined after CU hit, I loved that shit even then and didn't even have a reference to what came before. had a lot of fun helping build player cities and just hanging out in the mos eisley cantina watching everyone and giving out buffs

The game just had an awesome atmosphere that I've never seen even close to being recreated. It was a great experience.

t. Never played it and has no fucking idea what he's talking about

No one bitched or complained, the game was perfect.

play SWGEmu.

-100 IQ

How much longer until JTL on EMU? I just want my spaceships back, dammit.

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it died, because they made original game in like 12months. never finished the combat system to its intended design, (a card game)
then wow released with a working combat system.
then clueless executives ripped out all the social systems, and put in a third rate wow combat system and crossed their fingers (everyone left)

the social systems that were in the original, have subsequently proved to be financially viable in facebook, minecraft, fortnite, rust, etc.

Said nobody. The game had zero content besides grindan. Go back and look at MMO forums from SWG's peak, nobody was saying "this is a perfect game that is decades ahead of it's time". The worlds were empty as fuck besides the occasional player village, which was almost always a ghost town.

The next big MMO will be VR.

What the problem with SWGEmu now?

Because 90% of this board was in diapers when this game was out.

This i was myself 14 back in 2005 when i started playing SWG. Man the memories.

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