I love Marina!

I love Marina!

Attached: Iida.(Splatoon).full.2282999.jpg (780x815, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Callie!

Attached: 7409101976.png (571x373, 141K)

I want to play with her belly button so bad.


Attached: 1547933762028.png (698x675, 213K)


>pearl and marina
>ma·ri·na /məˈrēnə/ - noun- a specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure craft and small boats.
>pearl and harbor
>pearl harbor

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-152648.jpg (408x386, 65K)

No! I love Marina!

Attached: 1549559629702.jpg (1882x2492, 347K)


Attached: 1545717521553.png (672x1046, 281K)

Soon, waitto piggu.

Attached: 1447582211049.png (999x1017, 721K)

Splatoon characters did nothing for me but Marina does something to the ol' salami

She's one of the best ones.

Attached: 02348923498234294.jpg (3000x3000, 2.23M)

I love Marinara!

Attached: Marinara-Sauce-22.jpg (700x1050, 117K)

I really, really hate this image.

she is perfect

Attached: 1550286163680.jpg (1029x1200, 115K)

Attached: nesquik 2.png (500x836, 384K)

Based calliefriend!

Attached: EF6E9805-166C-40BD-A965-9960C73D036A.gif (244x270, 466K)

Attached: 1543248512451.gif (500x500, 456K)

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Stupid sexy octo!

Attached: 1543436811353.jpg (688x1200, 126K)

At first I'd call it the worst idea ever because it's coming from Japan, but then I realized, they're not the ones localizing it, and some people in America thought it was a good idea

Attached: 1550422572317.jpg (1300x1733, 184K)

Marina loves Pearl

Attached: 1549559972123.jpg (1000x1004, 244K)

Attached: 42ea7c57-06d3-4e59-9aab-487bcce01160.png (1638x1638, 1.15M)

Wish I was Pearl bros...

Attached: 1526191532822.webm (853x480, 1.98M)

I love both


Attached: 1638264759373.png (1000x1000, 627K)

>goes in perfect
>comes out slightly less perfect

Attached: Squished veemo.jpg (1024x538, 50K)


Attached: 070d3e44-955c-491f-9538-937ef91161e2.png (1491x1618, 797K)

Kill all octo filth

Attached: 1500139286657.jpg (1024x732, 166K)


Attached: A veemo.png (696x1024, 910K)

Attached: D0FVUj0VAAADM4r-orig.jpg (960x1280, 104K)

Don't be rude.

And I love Marina and Pearl slightly less so!

Attached: 1543434000614.jpg (885x1200, 201K)

(User was banned from this subreddit for this post)

Octolings will replace i*klings with their wombs.

Attached: __octoling_splatoon_2_octo_expansion_and_etc_drawn_by_jtveemo__4be91ce25baf5cf0df33be6040baa825.jpg (1200x1600, 113K)

Octos are too cute

Attached: 1550363142451.jpg (720x800, 85K)

I love octos

Attached: 1551039344661.jpg (1500x1128, 301K)

>Marina's leg in Pearl's crotch
I bet they go at it hard back home.

That’s a cute boy

So, can you play already as an octopus?

Octos are great

Attached: 1550890012920.png (640x1196, 801K)

Why are they so cute?

Attached: Moustache.jpg (745x1024, 222K)

yeah, if you get the dlc

Attached: 1548837571380.jpg (1000x1412, 177K)

I love Kass!

Attached: husbando 8.0.jpg (4865x4865, 2.96M)

Attached: D0JHA_IVAAAX9rB.jpg (768x768, 109K)

with the octo expansion, yes

Attached: 1550300862587.jpg (648x800, 81K)

JTVeemo is a treasure.

Attached: Dz1SKR0UcAAYAng.jpg (934x2048, 148K)

this is an octo thread, gtfo

Attached: 1550367922025.jpg (750x747, 51K)

My favorite cephalopods.

Attached: team love.jpg (800x579, 268K)

Attached: a2cb17a1-f898-439f-90cd-2d96e6ee3467.png (1024x900, 805K)

He's a goddamn rockstar and he draws the best Marina. I just wish he'd draw her more.

Attached: 1550689935179.png (1600x1923, 2.27M)

His Agent 8 just gets bigger and bigger every time.

Attached: Schwoomy.jpg (1024x1024, 97K)

I think it's a delayed "test failed"

Attached: 1549159305427.jpg (1300x1733, 133K)

How about Marina but she's dressed like Pearl?

Attached: 1550624648634.jpg (1087x2048, 135K)

Agent 8 is NOT for lewds

Attached: 1548062852445.jpg (1536x1536, 474K)

Attached: 032312f8-07af-4238-8ecd-b6c947f2839e.png (1128x1880, 2.01M)

But all octos are naturally lewd. Especially the boys.

Attached: 1534522843248.jpg (698x920, 59K)

All octos are for lewds.

Attached: 1550866125946.jpg (1300x1733, 166K)

Octolings are quick to recognize lewdness

Attached: octolewd+.jpg (708x1000, 289K)

I wish octos were real.

Attached: 1549254648696.jpg (810x1200, 112K)

He was harassed in Twitter by people claiming he was drawing "sexualized loli". I'm sure his Eight and Nine growing bigger is an unconscious response to that.

Attached: Dwxe1S-UUAAQ_LK.jpg (1300x1581, 185K)

Are they fucking in squid form?

This is probably my favorite SFW piece of Splatoon fanart ever.

Attached: 1550866125955.jpg (967x2048, 140K)

Attached: source.jpg (1280x276, 112K)

remember to pet your octos regularly

Attached: 1548656085484.png (500x831, 530K)

Here's your veemo

Attached: Devil-Fish-Octopus-800x600.jpg (800x600, 132K)

No! They are for melting hearts and such

Attached: 1549601642485.png (1280x1280, 510K)

I pet mine with blender blades!

theyre watching squid porn

Attached: sp.jpg (708x1000, 181K)

>love Callie to death
>pick up Marie plush on sale
>now I'm turning into a Mariefag because I see her smug fucking face every day, all day
It feels weird.

Attached: look at this smug bitch.jpg (1400x1400, 139K)

Pretty sure it was this guy but I can't find the post. twitter.com/y_ugett?lang=en

Attached: 2349de30-9e29-46bb-bcf9-57eb4042cf7f.png (1126x1850, 1.73M)

I hope they have sharper edges than you do.

Attached: 1549127642592.jpg (658x890, 527K)

Marie is best squid

Attached: 1550114902947.gif (500x281, 600K)

Silly little squiddums

Attached: lollipopmuffin.png (500x500, 162K)

Attached: DyQJbBaUUAAOyeA.jpg (1536x2048, 251K)

Marie is a smug squid

Attached: 1528394657823.jpg (850x739, 63K)

None can resist the smug

Attached: D0LDkcQVsAAo9KX.jpg (734x1200, 121K)

how do they top splatoon 2

Attached: 123515b51ade3770d4072df9e1630581.jpg (1536x2048, 244K)


Attached: Pancakes.jpg (1197x1912, 301K)

Marie knows more than you can possibly understand

Attached: 1549567136272.jpg (1166x908, 114K)

You guys both have excellent taste.

Wait until Splatoon 3

Attached: DxMZ1GtUUAIX4_J.jpg (1536x2048, 234K)

You think Octos got a good chance as Inkling echos in Smash

Attached: ea3a0047d5a525b1d283c9fae08edf1d.jpg (1000x1415, 509K)

Not canon
Marie loves her dorky cousin.

Attached: cuddle a sleepy muffinsquid.png (800x800, 137K)

>Teeth mark


Attached: D0LDkckUwAU02Xx.jpg (849x1200, 154K)

Not echoes, but more likely to be alts, given how they don't differ from squids at all in gameplay.

Could you bear the responsibility?

Attached: 328.png (680x862, 381K)


Yes she does

Attached: 1548891598579.jpg (2048x2048, 688K)


Attached: perl.jpg (550x715, 53K)

Attached: 1549352573504.png (1925x1455, 4M)

Richter and Simon are no different either

Ink n' slink

Attached: bd999d60-8fe6-4f22-9b55-3b8b0c993ff4.png (2500x3000, 3.22M)

Attached: 1550446894622.png (743x1060, 641K)

They all break eventually.

Attached: 1550093877807.png (342x463, 119K)

Attached: 73164793_p0.png (600x600, 642K)

>Callie gets to suckle and lovingly massage those big gorgeous squiddies and you don't
Life is cruel

Attached: starspangled.png (1260x1980, 2.24M)

Do you want to love your woomy or be your woomy?

Attached: 1534678453671.jpg (850x478, 79K)

I love my woomy with all my heart

Attached: 1535046876165.png (625x960, 390K)

Attached: DobsonSplatoon2.jpg (1280x989, 421K)

I want to be an octo boy

Attached: 1537127037001.jpg (849x1163, 118K)

Love the woomy, I'm not gay.

Attached: 1522883502712.jpg (1628x2000, 268K)

>Be cute woomy
>Love cute veemo

Attached: 72185343_p0_master1200.jpg (425x600, 232K)

I want to hold my woomy and watch her grow up.

Attached: 94f6e2841daa66c931af9b321d5d2afc.jpg (1211x2048, 174K)

Censor that shit you sick fuck!

where do you think she put those finger for them to get that green


I want to feed a woomy lots of snacks and tasty treats and see her smile.

Attached: woomycake.png (2149x2598, 1.6M)

I want to draw Marina and other cute veemos!

Attached: af298781172b0e353abafc6191ba0512.jpg (1200x1075, 135K)

I wanna worship those boobs until I die

Attached: Sexy Gremlin.jpg (593x1024, 64K)

My gf made me say that pearl is bestgirl

I love yebbies!

Attached: 70180669_p13.png (600x1200, 423K)

She's just jealous of Marina, but who would not be?

Dumb veemo

Attached: Octomom.jpg (1000x1414, 495K)

oh no

Attached: 042.gif (600x338, 3.92M)


Attached: 1550530298392.jpg (2298x1416, 925K)

Give them Splat2n weapons

Attached: Nerd Veemo.jpg (819x1024, 63K)

Your girlfriend has good taste.

pretty sure Pearl would steal somebody's bf before Marina would

ignore all those samefags, u are based tim

She was right

Attached: Smug Pearl.png (550x445, 324K)

t. samefag

Look at this cutie.

Attached: pasta.jpg (726x1059, 319K)

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Attached: 1543253512109.jpg (844x856, 127K)

Haven't paid much attention to the game, but are the squids and octopusses friends now or what?

Some octopi heard the calamari inkantation and decided that inkling society must be better

Attached: 1548014636979.png (600x854, 368K)

redraw as king crimson and octoling bucciarati.


Octos left the underground

Attached: Smug Octopus.jpg (275x580, 60K)


Some octos left to live aboveground with the squids
Squids are literally too retarded to realize who they are and just think they're new squids

>no new splatoon announcements in the last direct

so that means splatoon 2 "relevant" support is ending this year

it may also means we're getting either a sequel or a spin off this or next year

Attached: Ruby_Crying_1.gif (225x180, 489K)

Well it wasn't a decision so much as it was an awakening. Octavio had brainwashed his followers into staying in his dour little underground club, then Callie and Marie bust in (twice) to sing a song that frees people from the effects of brainwashing, at which point, any octopus within earshot says, "Wow, fuck this horrible North Korea-esque cesspool. Imma go live with the squids."

Attached: thiccallie.png (1355x1456, 1013K)

I love paruko!

Attached: Ddkhx__W0Acbg9f.jpg (1000x1000, 74K)

I felt the same way when hearing the inkantation honestly, except I can't go and live in Inkopolis

Attached: 1550114902944.gif (562x299, 570K)

Probably a spin off. I want my Splatoon rhythm game.

Attached: WOOMY.gif (500x450, 645K)

Also, wasn't Marina one of Octavio's scientists before she was released from the brainwashing?

Attached: 1522588058980.jpg (1200x1973, 251K)

Something like that

Attached: 336px-Octo_Expansion_chat_session_4_image_1.png (336x599, 363K)

Yep. She was an elite at age eight and had already started designing weapons, including the flooder which we see in the campaign. However, after she hears Callie in Marie (presumably in the events of S1's campaign) she is freed from the brainwashing and runs away shortly before meeting Pearl.

Attached: maritop.jpg (2096x3280, 1.69M)

She was literally a child soldier genius designing weapons of squid annihilation.

She looks like my real girlfriend

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Patch.jpg (412x487, 222K)

Attached: Squinting Squib.jpg (269x154, 17K)

Attached: 1530299123835.png (290x305, 61K)

>Callie in Marie
w-whoops. Meant Callie and Marie
But i guess this counts too, fingers and tentacles being taken into account.

Attached: STEVE.jpg (960x905, 77K)

Inklings may be the first case where a shallow character works. I mean, they are superficial. But nice and goodhearted at the same time.

Lucky you.

retarded faggots, this is not video game discussion. fucking uninstall internet explorer

rather have that than the countless west vs east threads

>after she hears Callie in Marie

what's wrong?

Attached: 1532796628348.jpg (800x1063, 110K)

What's wrong with that kid's head?

Attached: Pirate scaring Squid.jpg (1024x857, 93K)

That's hilarious, John!

This is literally no better than N-word or brainlet/sóy wojak threads, it's literally the exact same thread every single fucking day and this applies to all of these cancerous waifushit threads

I love weyyos, we should hang out.

Attached: 1549583235391.jpg (470x586, 40K)

You've just never loved.

OIK, thanks for telling us, now make sure you stay here rather than go look at another thread.

Attached: DvI00qSV4AA5Gvy.jpg orig.jpg (1400x1129, 158K)

How would squids react to humans? Would they even recognize them? Assuming there is some human whose ancestors somehow survived.

Attached: 1543255353394.jpg (1223x1049, 159K)

I never had a thing for cancer, no

Attached: 1550153672602.png (958x1188, 632K)

Your garbage pollutes my photoreceptors every single fucking time I go on Yea Forums. You manchildren should just go on discord and become trannies because you are no better than them

Nice, then leave.
but thanks for bumping

>Falling for obvious bait
guys, please.

Attached: Smug Little Woomy.jpg (400x159, 41K)

every time

The only good thing about her is her rape doujin


Attached: 1550930600509.jpg (800x1131, 562K)

Didn't someone mention human bones at some point?

Attached: Perplexed woomy.jpg (320x267, 29K)

That's me told, guess I better learn how to speedrun Majora's Mask so I can fit in.

Attached: Dx8yH9eUUAAeNjs.jpg orig.jpg (2554x3263, 449K)

Yeah, they also recognize the human statue in Octo Expansion

I'm not going anywhere until you delete this thread, and stream yourself shooting yourself

> Talking about characters we want to fuck is somehow bad
You people somehow managed to ban Yea Forumsermin, loli, all discussion on journalism in the field the board is about, politics, and all forms of humor, and you're still not satisfied?
Go eat a dick.

Attached: Off the Hook.png (625x626, 58K)

Attached: 1546882290132.jpg (1280x960, 336K)

Marina seems to be into humans.

that would be neat

Attached: 1533726514760.png (800x1117, 850K)

Attached: 1529326726264.jpg (1242x1324, 174K)

Because actual videogame discussion that isn't some AAAshit or fotm gets archived with 3 replies because your trash is occupying half the thread count. There really should be a Yea Forums casual edition so that retards that want to post unrelated shit all day can post unrelated shit all day


Attached: 1532629071076.jpg (1024x1024, 172K)

Midna's body is literally blacker than everyone else.

And that's part of why she's the perfect Ceph.

Attached: Marina.png (913x1177, 660K)

Attached: ePIpD-EUFClJ4R0LgEfffnUIjKMJUO0N-7GusRhdeLQ.jpg (2806x1984, 2.28M)

Attached: D0IzuLfVAAAnJmC.jpg (1466x2048, 303K)

That’s a cool Callie

Attached: t3bexmc1i8u11.png (1110x1110, 610K)

If you want people to keep posting you can just ask you know.

Attached: DpdWQvcUYAEGilM.jpg orig hizake.jpg (918x1391, 201K)

The only discussion about games that isn't something you call "unrelated shit" or "AAAshit" or "fotm shit" DESERVES to last like three posts. Gameplay discussion never fucking lasts. It all boils down to retards whining and good players telling retards to git gud.

Attached: DzD710WU8AA8U8S.jpg (1000x1414, 206K)

Attached: Marie.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

Attached: DzD710UVsAAskIa.jpg (1000x1414, 227K)

Attached: Marina.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

Attached: 1543698872184.jpg (4000x2165, 3.4M)

Attached: DzxrSrjVsAA-Mgf.jpg (884x1024, 91K)

why are her boobs so uneven?

Why do redditors get so triggered by woomy?

Attached: 1522722226593.png (859x639, 721K)

Attached: DypHeiVV4AAsH6I.jpg (1146x1842, 223K)

Attached: Weyyo.png (885x1280, 223K)

Every part of the internet loves woomy, even Reddit

Attached: 5837c9f0-1341-4f9e-911d-59b8138f631e.png (1901x1901, 1.93M)

Normalfags are scared of cute girls.

Attached: DyZkfiVV4AUH5Es.jpg (1536x2048, 234K)

>Splattershot Pro is my gunfu since the first game
>thanks to stacking mpu it can basically two shot kill and becomes the meta now
I just know they are going to nerf the base gun and it feels bad.

Attached: 1550248227469.jpg (1222x1500, 218K)

Attached: porl laugh.png (473x629, 48K)

Oh yeah

Attached: b587e3553672c230a68d6da31788b712.jpge1521782645m74Wd_hq_RRkR1IFgUyvYLw.jpg (1912x2048, 563K)

Why are the normalfags so weak?

Attached: DfKUU5XUwAAPK3w.jpg orig.jpg (1447x2046, 432K)

Attached: Zip.jpg (1000x1600, 410K)

Can't wait when we get photos like these for Marina and Pearl

Attached: 5da538a639ac62fbaba387bb6cde009e.jpg (720x960, 84K)

Because they're young, they didn't experience the era of free internet, were conditioned by shitty social media and are unable to admit when something is cute in fears of being called a degenerate.

Attached: DvuBbk-V4AA10KI.jpg (1300x1524, 150K)

this swap is great. makes my peepee a peepus

terrible, she should have those clothes torn off immediately

Whoa man, that is rather dangerous there.

Attached: kfMBbKa.jpg (620x465, 191K)

Attached: 1550159122311.png (937x1282, 504K)

you gay, son?

If it weren't for the laws of this board, I'd have already lewdposted this place apart.

Attached: 1547874582575.png (522x530, 192K)

Who would let their daughter dress like that?

Attached: Octo.png (644x1106, 455K)


Marina makes me physically sick
Splatoon was a perfect loli/shota game before that walking pair of black tits came along

I don't know, but I'd love to meet that person to congratulate him/her for a job well done.

Attached: 1547600490369.png (1633x2029, 1.91M)

Is there something you want to tell us, Mama Marina?

>"So then I was like: 'Pearl, you can't ride to the studio without your training wheels, you barely lasted 2 minutes without them yesterday!' So she gets all pouty and does that cute little thing where she hops up and down with steam coming off her head and calls me "filthy octo she-boon" and "dirty niggerpuss" I don't know what any of it means, but she's so funny and adorable! OMG HAHAHAHAHA-"

>this thread

Attached: 8185779772625768242.jpg (787x322, 88K)

Got a text for ?

I love Callie

Attached: F0949602-3972-4D6A-B626-C26B3CF6F59A.gif (1000x1600, 962K)

She's indecent. Gotta cover her up a bit more.

Attached: Porl.jpg (630x897, 326K)

Attached: Dz2IixdVAAAcEjO.jpg (748x1022, 193K)

I dunno. nothing's coming to me

Attached: 1548476480982.png (1000x1000, 840K)

You need better taste.

Attached: DMbEgcjUEAMCVKX.jpg orig.jpg (1984x1500, 723K)

They are good girls who do NOT show off their tits like sluts

Before Marina does

Attached: plushie_scalper.png (1280x720, 518K)

they are NOT slut's, they are whores and they are VERY EXPENSIVE

Attached: Delet.png (499x591, 161K)

Attached: McDonald's.jpg (2430x1650, 1.29M)

Attached: 44DFBAAE-D94C-4F59-8B94-8105D1ACEA39.jpg (600x600, 51K)

Attached: Mickey D's.jpg (2363x2363, 1.08M)

Attached: D0DZyMSVAAE45D7.jpg (800x799, 64K)

>nigger female with big tits is in a mcjob
unaccurate as fuck


They have tits so cute and plump they know they can show and brag about them. You wish you had tits as pretty as them.

Attached: DxgMkUwVAAAb29t.png (1042x1061, 2.08M)

Attached: Best Girl.png (1058x1500, 1.12M)

Have you seen what modern women wear? It's way more revealing.


Shouldn’t octopus Marina be blue?

Attached: vidyamuffin.png (1000x1219, 647K)

Why blue?

Attached: Rap Squid.png (958x608, 188K)

Attached: 3676538D-DCB0-44AF-B1A4-AA94D4849378.jpg (750x793, 52K)

Attached: 8598d736-6904-48d5-95f7-85fe3a4968d0.png (1000x1800, 296K)

Thanks,so you know who drew the Callie?

Looks like we found a Calliefag, ladies and gentlemen

Attached: agent4.jpg (788x1444, 211K)


Attached: 1495246920209.png (1600x1600, 2.13M)

Or teal, mainly because Callie and Marie are pink and green as squids not black and white. Marina’s primary color seems to be teal.

nope, that post wasn't mine


twitter.com/tnk_aaa_ I think

Attached: D0LDkckUwAU02Xx.jpg orig.jpg (1273x1800, 287K)

That makes a lot of sense.

Attached: Cephkid.jpg (1600x1200, 278K)

I love Hizake.

Attached: muffin ribbons.png (918x1391, 1.04M)

he did it


Attached: A440E96B-4D26-4E57-90E6-0FDFDCE539E6.jpg (750x538, 91K)

It flip flops in fanart, Callie for instance is sometimes depicted as entirely pink in squid form or black with pink bits at the end

Attached: Dzw_Np9VsAIxTxM.jpg (1055x889, 86K)

Marina with glowing green nipples is the only true Marina.

Attached: you just know.jpg (678x819, 93K)

I like their eyebrows

Why does Marie’s mouth look like that

Attached: 802.png (800x596, 562K)


Attached: onebeegmarie.png (1100x1701, 952K)

I want to violate her sideboob and armpits!

Holding back the smug

Attached: Smug Idol.jpg (852x852, 91K)

Attached: DDfx3usUAAAI-sw.jpg (3656x3900, 742K)

I love the Squid Sisters’ feet!

Attached: E0EC21BD-41F5-41BF-86B7-EB1451F92513.png (3221x1861, 3.14M)

I want Octos with that hairdo

Attached: Cute veemo.jpg (995x1024, 137K)

Callie's itty bitty squiddy tiddies are for gentle kisses, licks, and suckling while cradling her as she coos and squeals with delight.

Attached: caltop.jpg (1244x1760, 220K)

>almost the same age
Who is older then?

Attached: 49ED2758-4573-4AF0-9F99-FB74B951A3D4.png (1334x750, 794K)

I'd wager Marie, but not by much.

Attached: growth cycle.png (2000x584, 563K)

Attached: Cookies.jpg (1024x1024, 195K)

Attached: 1402583662289.jpg (378x434, 28K)


Woo - OWW!

Attached: InklingFailedPoleVault.jpg (2480x3507, 2.31M)

Attached: 0.jpg (3000x3208, 727K)

Callie recruited Marie to the Squidbeak Splatoon so Callie might be older

God I wish that were me

This was great until Tumblr ruined it by putting rainbows everywhere on screenshots.

I can't wait to take them.

You preordered the Marina plush right? I did from playasia.

>On sale

I am debating if I should.
I already ordered my Off The Hook amiibos.

Attached: 1534620448767.png (2000x2000, 2.58M)

I didn't realize they were up for preorder. I just purchased them.

Attached: file.png (2796x1536, 2.76M)

Is it worth getting this game just for the squids?

I got them both myself. I didn’t know they were even announced.

They’ll get scalped to shit unless Barnes and Noble carries them in like a year.

more Marina obsessing over the pearl plushies
it's too adorable

Attached: 1548520656112.png (1024x894, 229K)

You missed one

Attached: DzX4YN8UUAEPsJS.jpg (2455x2000, 270K)

Attached: DToxlIsU8AAz23d.png (881x1200, 1.55M)

Here's the full image for the second post

She looks like she only fucks human men

*Black human men

Do you cuddle with your plushie?

Attached: IMG_2413.jpg (4160x3120, 951K)

No, I’d be afraid to damage her. She’s still in the plastic with hang tag.

You'll coward

Attached: 1.jpg (4032x3024, 2.21M)

I bet she fucks humans

All octos are for human cock.

Attached: octo tits.jpg (850x1165, 615K)

I love Callie!
I want to cuddle every night with her!

Attached: --aori-splatoon-drawn-by-puchiman--5a2c632cfc7bb9e2e425e2baae88adfc.jpg (2252x2884, 1.9M)

Attached: 1517282937461.jpg (850x900, 71K)

cute navel

No, I'm pretty sure octos are for other octos. Humans and octopuses are different species.

those eyes


Attached: gorgeousmuffinsquid.jpg (1745x1200, 214K)

Kissing with Callie!
The thought makes me blush!

Attached: 1489442295456.png (1000x400, 448K)

Post your flattest squids

fattest, you say?

Attached: Hime.jpg (1080x1920, 545K)

You call this flat? Don't make me laugh user

Attached: 1528828045762.jpg (450x800, 116K)

yes... yes, FLATTER

Here you go

Attached: 73157995_p13_master1200.jpg (1200x840, 357K)

You want flat?! I'll show you flat!

Attached: 1550623334430.png (2108x2028, 408K)

Attached: kissu squid.jpg (800x800, 54K)

squid tummy!

Attached: __inkling_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_iriehana__e5dab739eee440e3dab62b57327a4d3c.jpg (1200x911, 241K)

oh no... I brought this on myself...

Attached: 1529393241374.jpg (566x800, 127K)

Now suffer

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Attached: CallieSmooch.jpg (1745x1200, 534K)


Is this related to video games?

I'm still waiting for user to finish his fic of Marina getting a human boyfriend.

Attached: Marina.png (2079x3867, 840K)

I wasn't ready!

Attached: Screenshot_846.png (416x234, 300K)


Attached: ANTIFA Camp Triggerfish 63.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

I love cryptocurrency

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Attached: Smug MC.jpg (917x790, 181K)

How the fuck does one get off too this? It's just Tom and Jerry visual gags

Attached: 1520981189289.png (326x306, 243K)

Feeling Callie's heartbeat!

Attached: 72563712_p5.png (1280x1024, 381K)

I'm more saddened there isn't much doujins of the Squid Sisters just taking advantage of a shota Inkling boy.

Attached: 1524009100389.jpg (344x234, 21K)

How does someone get off to obese people or feet? Fetishists are weird.

Attached: InklingAlbino.jpg (668x668, 175K)

You do realize many of the brown skinned japanese game characters aren't african descent they are Ganguro girls right?
Why can none of you western faggots wrap your head around this?

You're damn right about that.

Attached: 1547071899722.png (840x1080, 325K)

How did Sakurai get away with this?

Finding a way to insert humans in Splatoon deserves a prize to whoever pulls it up succesfully.

Just freeze them, bro

Attached: 62.jpg (1024x603, 55K)

Fantastic, get yourselves a promotion.


Attached: Skwid Butt.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

They tried that, it only worked with Jude

Same as and Just find some extra cyro freezer that had someone go into to avoid the war

Jurassic Park but with humans

Attached: dorky cheeks.jpg (2048x2048, 560K)

Attached: Oh fuck, look at her go!.jpg (1016x759, 54K)

Pearl no!

Attached: 1549306046243.jpg (895x759, 77K)

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Attached: D0BGCX2VAAAeZRb.jpg (768x1024, 90K)

Attached: Why, Pearl.jpg (1024x718, 100K)

>Pearl having a good time
it gets me every time

Attached: 1549305024753.png (948x974, 435K)

I don’t get the reference.

Attached: DhEYWnUUwAAyLLe.jpg (1200x675, 51K)

Depends, they have a fair shot of being alternates just like koopalings as they have for being echos just like agent 4 and new generation inklings.

Anybody wanna league?

I don't either, I just think it's funny.

Attached: Splat.png (806x800, 318K)

God these are amazing.

I haven't played Splatoon 2 since paid online. I miss it. Was trying to talk my sisters into a family pass, but think I will just get a single pass soon. How many splatfests are left till updates just stop?

Get some internet friends and get a pass with them or piggyback off someone else's pass.

Have till July as far as i remember.

Attached: DhEOhNiUwAASXOc.jpg (720x690, 84K)

Anybody wanna play this game together?

Looks like Pearl has past her expiration date

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Attached: Porl.png (335x331, 180K)

Not you again, get the fuck out of here with your shit-tier fetish that you've been trying to attach to Marina since 2017. I forget who else you've tried to push this shit on but whenever I see it, I get this fucking autismo rage. Look at in-game Marina and look at one of your Ganguro bitches and tell me they look similar at all. They look like the Asian version of Floridian orange peel soccer mom's. Fuck off.

She looks like she fucks white men

Attached: poil dab.png (320x320, 9K)

Attached: 1518341418063.jpg (1200x890, 249K)

Attached: Based Pearl.jpg (987x779, 96K)

Unga Bunga

Attached: 1512111401115.png (527x509, 342K)

Attached: Pearlie Cake3.jpg (1024x1024, 60K)

>Sister got me one for christmas this year
>It's gone missing
>My Pepsi keeps going missing

The fuck is up with this thing?

Pearl is cute. Stop being bullies.

Attached: PearlDonut.png (540x742, 372K)

Attached: Purl.png (850x839, 208K)

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Agent 8 is the best daughter.

Attached: 1550396388587.png (2000x1500, 858K)

This shit gets funner the longer I watch it.

Any of you fucks wanna chill in turf war?

No one better.

Attached: 1550392162670.png (733x640, 283K)

Post your FC nigga

Wasn't Splatoon made by the Animal Crossing team? They probably developed all the DLC and post-release content, then moved onto AC and the content slowly rolled out to Splatoon. But thats just speculation

Ah damn, we reached image limit. At least it was on Agent 8



I kept this thread open since I found it earlier and was out all day just to come home and drop the truth bombs. It feels good.

Ah shit.
Gotta turn tail. Financial issues and someone important to those issues is calling me. Hope someone take you up though. This thread still has some life in it. If not, try posting it in the next splatoon thread.

I can make a new one