You there, how are you enjoying your deluxe demo weekend user? What are your Doa Core Values?
Other urls found in this thread:
Where's Gen-Fu?
>literally an entire game of hot men and beautiful women
>ayo hol up where's the old dude nobody EVER plays
Here's your Gen-Fu bro.
I'd pick Based Iron fist Gen fu before any of the thots of this game.
You are just a fucking faggot.
I'll never understand why people care about this old fuck.
How many granddaughters does he need to save?
possibly/probably one of the dlc characters.
There's 3 slots missing in the character roster in OP's pic. One of them is confirmed Mai Shiranui as a DLC so that leaves 2 unknown characters for upcoming DLC.
ol'nigga sifu mains UNITE
The other 2 are Naotora and Momiji. No old fucks allowed.
>tinas break blow
God I want tina to break my fucking neck with her fat american ass
I don't really play a lot of fighting games but I tried this
Is it really just low execution Tekken with a block/counter mechanic? It seems very easy
But I like how you have frame data in training mode, makes it very easy to understand
look mom, I posted it again!
does anyone have a chart of panties for each female character?
I'm getting my ass kicked because I can't get used to doing holds but it's fun. Playing honkers and a lot of her moves feel very weighty. Feels satisfying.
Lowering the execution barrier is a trend in fighting games, nobody should be surprised.
That said, DoA never had a particularly high execution barrier either, so only very minimal things were changed compared to 5.
I think slow escape is finally gone form the game, at least I haven't seen it mentioned in the tutorial.
>Playing honkers and a lot of her moves feel very weighty.
Marie Rose has completely killed the DOA series.
Every new girl is literally just using Marie's face just with a different hair style or boob slider maxed out.
Prove me wrong
You are wrong, they aren't using Marie's face for those characters.
There, that wasn't too hard.
The series had sameface issues before Marie existed to be fair
Why does Marie trigger so many people?
Even Diego looks awful.
Just bring in the SFM's of the girls bruised up and taking a dog knot soon please
Jesus christ that english dub in story mode is absolutely atrocious
>that fake trying-too-hard French accent on Helena
My main isn't in the demo so I'm not bothering. I'll play it on Friday.
Marie Rose and Honoka are okay.
NiCO looks way worse, she looks like she came out of SAO or some bullshit.
how come /ourgirl/ isnt in the game?
>all these low-res textures and massive hair downgrade
Look at how chunky everyone’s hair looks. Was the Dynasty Warrior 9 engine a mistake? I hope they aren’t making Nioh 2 with that engine
I've been out of the loop on this game, can someone explain why they went from, "tits and ass aren't part of this game anymore" to "please stare at these jiggle physics?" Was it just reactionaries being quick on the draw yet again, or did they actually alter things?
It seems they were trying to downplay the fanservice to keep the outrage culture away. Fanservice was in all along.
The T&A was always there, they were frontloading their reveals with the more "puritanical" aspects of the game because the harpies who get outraged over that shit only notice a game when it's first announced.
>michaelsoft will never do halo colabs again if halo infinite doesn't make the franchise relevant again
no pressure, guys, just my favorite ip hanging in the balance here.
I think he died.
Every girl before that was just Kasumi's face with different hair and boob size. Why are you so triggered that they've just moved on to doing it with Marie?
There are 2 KoF being added, the other one is Kula Diamond.
Also I'd be annoyed if they did pick the Gomenasai potato over Rachel, but I imagine they will
you have the big gay
Yeah and then the other sides harpies got outraged believing it not to be in the game, and this game apparently has terrible preorders in Japan as a result
How do I not feel like a button mashing noob playing DoA
Most of the fem characters don't have a cool fighting style except Leifang and Tina
To be fair, those harpies are going to buy the game eventually, while the harpies that would've screeched to high heaven about "Japan being Japan" have already moved onto other things to get upset about.
despite the initial controversy the core values meme made me interested and mila is now my doa waifu
It's not really like Tekken because throws are actually useful and you don't half of the match poking the other opponent.
Was this ever confirmed or is it just speculation? I'd personally rather have Angel, Leona or Alice.
Kokoro and Helena's styles are also cool af, same with the ninjas.
Main thing I've gotten from the demo is that Honkers truly is a treasure. Lisa's still my gal, though.
I like it when anybody says certain fighting game is easy yet they didnt win a single tournament...
Dead on arrival series is dead for many reasons. Lack of "diversity" of its characters isnt one of them. Just look at insane amount of waifu posters from this series.
The main flaw is that this game feels like trash.
As in any ither fighter game: play it for 400 hours in ranked matches only.
How are the grapplers this time? Are they still trash tier?
Time your presses more carefully, mix up inputs, try to condition/bait your opponents into holds so you can punish.
I wish she was a bit easier to use, at the moment I have no idea how to actually use her, the amount of different moves overwhelm me, and her combos aren't exactly simple either.
I'd rather have Leona too, but the neo geo site had a wallpaper of Mai and Kasumi, and another one of Kula and Marie Rose, so Kula is most likely number two
Hello, I haven't really played DoA since 3. How much of the game has changed now that the demo has been released and how do you guys feel about 6 now that we're off the PR roller coaster (I'd try it out myself but I don't have a PS4)?
Anyone got an updated version of the Faces Evolution chart?
The DOA games feel better than any other 3D fighters that aren't VF or maybe Soul Calibur.
I already have my kung fu fix with Leifang and Elliot
A useful trick I have found is that if you press the hold button in the middle of the string, it will prevent the next input from being read.
It is very useful if you notice that your opponent either loves to mash hold, or has figured out the strings you like to use and is consistently holding you at a certain part. You can just cancel the string and throw punish their hold attempt. Opens up all kinds of mindgames.
Even if your opponent doesn't use hold, it could still be useful if he blocked to keep the offense up, you can cancel the string early and start again or throw them.
I just wish they’d done the smarter thing and focused on gameplay, new characters, customization, etc and not talked up how they were getting rid of fanservice when they weren’t actually. Shimbori asked how Soulcalibur gets away with it, and its because they don’t mention the fanservice either way. Compare how Okubo responded to the one person who asked him about it and it’s night and day
Not that user but that sounds crazy useful if true. Shame I'm at work, otherwise I'd try it.
Actually playing the game feels really good. The PR was a trainwreck and I had not expected good things, the demo was overall a welcome surprise. Helped me transition from disinterest to day1 buy.
The main chaing from DoA 3 would definitely be the visuals, but that much you can see for yourself. Aside from that, the game introduced a new button on top of the usual P K H, called S and now there is a meter you can spend on a flashy blow.
Since 3? Quite a bit.
If you have a PC, get 5, it's similar, and free to play.
Demo is better than the beta
I love Bowalia. Now if only the girls looked like that ingame.
I think it often gets overlooked, but even the tutorial mentions it, and calls it H-cancelling I think.
No longer an Xbox exclusive series.
I will not buy this game until they
- Remove Honoka
- Revert the nerfs to breast sizes
- Make Nyotengu have the biggest breasts
- Make the butts and thighs bigger
- Make more sexy outfits revealing outfits
Also fixing the dead-eyed soulless expressions that the characters seem to have too.
I wish phase 4 looked more visually different than Kazumi like she had a different hairstyle or something
Yeah love his muscle girls.
Also glad more fanart is coming back (instead of all the trash 3D renders lately)
You sound like one of those fags that don't play the game and just fap to webm threads so I doubt you'd buy it either way.
bye then
There's also 4-way holds now instead of 3-way. 6 gives you the option to use 3-way but since 4 is the default I expect most players to use that.
They don't look nerfed if you play in the right costumes. And DoA had more dead-eyed expressions pre-5 than they do now. I don't necessarily disagree with those other points but Lord almighty, Honoka in that cow shirt.
thanks a lot!
Team Ninja PR is always a train wreck to the point where I'm utterly surprised that Nioh was released without a hitch.
>NG3 has Hayashi talk about how it will be story driven and you'll feel bad for the kills you make with Ryu as the prototype version of murderdad
>FE Warriors has them say using the lords from all games would make too many sword users, then makes two OC sword users (to explain the weapon triangle) when it's not relevant until 3 chapters in when you get an additional 4 units.
>Says they won't put in Lonk as he's another sword user, so they put in Olivia who also uses a sword.
>4 of the DLC characters are already in the game, and only 4 completely unique movesets out of 9
>yet they didnt win a single tournament...
because DOA players don't show up to any tournaments whenever tournament organisers make room for them
in any nation too, not just in the west
Yea Forums proves time and time again that they don't/can't play these types of games, every attempt at gameplay criticism you guys make always being from someone on the losing side of matches isn't a coincidence. The fact that you constantly praise this one franchise as secretly amazing mechanics-wise despite no one in any region liking it is suspect in itself, Yea Forums is probably the worst authority around when it comes to genre.
Hell you guys can't even discuss basic story shit correctly either somehow, and you constantly make predictions about games where the opposite always comes true. How are you this useless when it comes to anything relating to fighting games?
I'm gonna need you to sauce me on this new ibanen stuff user.
I actually did play the game and never once masturbated to it. I never cared for the volleyball games because I actually liked the fighting. I find the systems preferable to what's in Tekken, even though I'm someone who tends to prefer 2D fighters over 3D fighters.
>And DoA had more dead-eyed expressions
No way. Compare Nyotengu's win animation in 5 with her win animation in 6.
Ibanen is back! Awesome news
Pre-5, user. Reading comprehension.
So I can use 3 way holds in online?
I missed all this shitstorm about FE Warriors, I bought it very late complete with the season pass, and I had a blast with it. Best musou I have played since DW Gundam 2.
It helps that I actually liked Awakening and Fates too, so I can't be angry at them for it. I'm hoping for a sequel.
not in ranked
Not in Ranked if I remember right, but otherwise yes.
My bad. I'm multi-tasking right now.
Oh don't get me wrong, I liked it too, just the PR was a nightmare,and they couldn't go a single interview without fucking up, especially the one where devs threatened to quit saying Hayashi(?) doesn't care about Fire Emblem.
i would like a sequel, and honestly there are some good characters in Fateswakening, but they decided to waste them by having all 10 royals there, even if you were going to do that, at least make Hinoka a kinshi knight, and Cordelia a dark flier so there's not 3 identical pegasus knights, and then do something about the 4 infantry archers
Bayman is so fucking underrated
I want to suck his thick russian cock
You don't say.
Bayman is great yeah
What's the difference between 3-way and 4-way holds?
Ayane and him have been my 1-2 since DOA2.
4 way differentiates mid punches and mid kicks into 4H and 6H espectively, 3 way is just high/mid/low to make it easier to guess
Shes a thoughtless trope loli character
Literally appeals to the lowest common denominator
what the fuck does 4h and 6h mean?
NiCO looks like a crossover character from a completely different game. Fights like one too
>Literally appeals to the lowest common denominator
So,people with disposable income?
And that's a good thing
DOA6 is better than expected.
Hope they will fix minor stuff like :
Dust everywhere, it's stupid the amount of dust on each move.
The lightning, every face look stupid when they are shiny like plastic.
And add tag mode on DOA6 ultimate.
>No Nicole
Do the command tutorials. It'll teach you the different combos and how to change em up. Pick which ones offer different strategies and memorize em. Try it out in practice then bring it online.
got a problem with my lolis, brother?
Jesus, kill yourself you degenerate pedo
4H is backwards and hold button, 6H is forward and hold button. If you think of the analoge stick/d-pad with 5 as a neutral the numbers are
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
>tag button
What do you think they'll map it to with R1 now being the S button?
I can sort of see why they'd do that but I dunno, that seems to needlessly complicate the idea.
I wanted to play Helena, but my brain fried halfway during the command training.
Does she really need to have that many moves? Am I really supposed to be using them all?
> Am I really supposed to be using them all?
That question for any 3D fighting game is no, unless you're playing the newcomers of Tekken 7
We don't need S moves on tag mode.
Tag combo can be very long, so imagine if they keep Break Blow.
I dunno, it just feels bloated. I don't really have the patience to find out which ones are actually useful, especially not during the demo where the only way to experiment is to get my ass kicked online.
DoA has guys??
You can just do her BnB, and wait for 3 days after the game launchs and see some combos and pokes on youtube. Or figure it out yourself by going into the training mode and seeing how much negative the moves are on block.
I think it makes a lot of sense actually. Otherwise medium hold is a lot more powerful and safe bet compared to the other 2. I actually don't see the reason to bring 3 way back, but I guess it's good for those who wanted it.
Yeah, and I'd guess you'd have to rework the movesets a lot to de-emphasize midgame so it's easier to just split the mid hold I suppose.
I'm making a spreadsheet of Kasumi's moves because I'm autistic and doing that kind of stuff helps me learn games. I'm putting in strings, height, startup, and the type of stun if any. Do you guys think there's anything else I should add, like knowing the exact damage or meter gained doesn't seem that useful.
But you have literally all that in the training mode and more. Why?
How can a character's face evolve over the course of the series if they've only been in one entry and are unlikely to appear again? Use your brain, user. When Mai's DOA6 face is revealed, I'll add it too.
Because the information is only shown after you do a move rather than presenting it on the command list
I am replaying DOA2/3/4, and I miss the time when all girls were badass.
Pretty but deadly and haughty.
I get what you mean. The new additions like Marie and Honoka, while I like them and I main Marie, don't feel like fighters at all.
Kasumi in 5 felt more like a sheltered princess than a deadly ninja. I actually see some improvement here in 6, Kasumi's demeanour now feels a lot more agressive, like she was in 1.
netcode is trash
If your opponent is not on wifi, and have at least 3 bar, then I had 0 problems.
Avoid wifi players and your problems will go away.
I had 0 problems with cable dudes
Just curious, was Naotora not that popular? I rather liked her design, though I'm not familiar with her origin game, but I rarely saw people post about her in DoA threads.
for the love of jesus christ
please please postmore lisa and her delicious chocolate glossy lips
There's been a definite change. Just look at the differences between these two Raidou offspring.
>dealt with being an outcast ninja her whole life
>trains and works her way to the top anyway
>even ends up adventuring with Hayabusa
>normal easygoing high school girl
>learns fighting styles by watching them because powers
>moe personality involves jokes about big breasts and being forgetful
she was a guest character and only popular in japan (and not in DOA)
No problem here, but I have the fiber and only allow 5/5 connection
I don't know about others but I loved her addition and I love her character. I think she is the most popular character from the Samurai Warriors series, it probably has to do with the series not being all that popular to begin with compared to Dynasty Warriors in the west.
Doa3 victory quotes
> Ayane
"Stop giving me trouble."
"Did you see the darkness of "Hajinmon"?"
"I have no more time to waste." (only in Story Mode)
"Bring it on." (after getting a "Great")
"This is the iron code of "Shinobi"!" (after defeating Kasumi)
"This is the last time I let you go." (only in Story Mode)
"It's all your fault." (after defeating Hayabusa)
"Hey, I didn't get to hear you sing." (after defeating Helena)
"Go away, loser." (after getting a "Greatest")
"You are no match for me."
"You are so pathetic." (after defeating Zack, Brad Wong, Bass, Leon, or Bayman)
"You're still annoying me." (after defeating Jann Lee)
> Helena
"All too easy."
"You are weak and unskilled."
"You look pathetic." (after getting a "Great")
"Just like child's play." (before fighting Helena in Story Mode)
"Like father, like daughter." (after defeating Helena in Story Mode)
"Get lost!" (after getting a "Greatest")
"You are way to slow for me."
> Leifang
"T'ai Chi Quan is awesome."
"Is that all you've got?"
"This is T'ai Chi Quan!"
"This is only the beginning." (after getting a "Great")
"Wow, I won!" (after getting a "Great" or "Greatest" against Jann Lee)
"I cannot lose anymore." (after defeating Jann Lee)
"Call me again...when you wake up." (after defeating Helena)
"Let's do this again sometime." (only in Story Mode)
"You're no match for me." (after getting a "Greatest" and in Tag Battle Mode)
"Would you care for some more?" (only in Story Mode)
> Ayane
"Wow, you were acting all tough at the beginning. What happened?"
"Thank you for fighting me." (after defeating Hayate or Hayabusa)
> Helena
"Yes... This is the melody."
> Leifang
"Justice will prevail! Or something."
"I just bagged me a Dragon!" (After defeating Jann Lee)
Those DOA3 Helena quotes are Christie's. That daughter line is still cold as fuck.
>Kula ice skating in a full 3D game
That sounds cool to be honest
S is actually H+K+P so it’s techincally still just a three button fighter since throws can be done with H+P
Don't post images of my general to shitpost ever again.
thanks for the info, yeah i really enjoyed her character but was always puzzled why she wasn't posted much around here. I'm glad they're adding her again at least
what are marie and nicos?
oh damn nvm i misread, thought it was confirmed she's returning
Hmm, I didn't know you could do S with H+K+P, nice.
fuck off, I laugh at whatever pedo I want
Absolutely based
Sadly she is not confirmed, but Mai being added back gives hope. Most of the work is done already, she has her moves, her model only needs a touchup, it would make too much sense to add her eventually.
No snow level and no beach level kinda sucks.
The museum level being set pieces of old stages is kinda cool.
The game is fucking awesome though. I hope they just keep expanding and adding more stages and characters. Even three DLC characters seem kinda low.
Also really hoping the VF characters come back but I doubt it now.
>Tecmo with the victim shilling again
8 frames of lag
DO5 DLC outfits were seasonals so I wouldn't be surprised if we got a beach stage this summer alongside a swimsuit pack.
True! On the brightside, I'm happy about more KoF crossover characters (though I doubt I'll ever see my #1 KoF gals Vice/Mature).
Doesn't that roster seem kinda small?
>Also really hoping the VF characters come back but I doubt it now.
If they ever decide to do it, I hope they will actually record new lines from them. Those ancient records were jarring in 5 already.
There’s 6 characters missing from LR and the VF characters are likely not coming back. So I guess that’s why it seems small. That being said it’s about the same size as vanilla DOA5. I’m fully expecting the missing people to come back plus a few more extra people.
24 characters + 2 launch DLC
Vanilla DOA5 launched with 24 characters and no DLC
my peepee feels funny
as much as tekken 7 for years yeah
Almost every single fighting game has had less characters than its previous entry. Check out the rosters to Super Turbo to SF3 New Generation or T6BR to arcade release T7.
I like Diego.
There I said it.
I like his outfit and hairstyle.
>game zooms in on the blonde chick getting pummeled
And this is getting taken out immediately after launch. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
He is the same ethnicity as me, so it helps me identify and feel represented. Diversity is great.
>"I just bagged me a Dragon!" (After defeating Jann Lee)
Leifang is one thirsty bitch.
I do too
>And this is getting taken out immediately after launch.
oh fuck off
That's practically the reason I haven't dropped money on this yet.
never played a DoA game before
is the game fun? I don't have ps+ right now so I can't play the beta
will it have a stable/large population on PS4? I was watching the winter brawl top 8 earlier and it seemed fun but it also seemed like half the people in the chat were hating on the game
Not him, but I liked how over the top a lot of his moves seemed to be, character and design is pretty boring, but I enjoy his wild attacks/defence is for pussies style
Why does 6 even exist? Is there anything new to justify a new version?
I got bored of 5 after a while and the demo didn't do anything to renew my interest.
I won't even comment on the jewish practices and how few outfits there seem to be in the base game.
>lol lets just casually ZOOM in and slow-mo watch a woman getting punched in the face like a spectacle with bruises and blood
It's LITERALLY glorifying male on female violence
After playing the beta this weekend, I say the game is definitely fun. As for the population, it's hard to say, but fighting games not called tekken or street fighter in general have a tendency to drastically decrease their playerbase after the first couple of weeks, and I don't see how it would be different this time. I hope I'm wrong though.
You can deactivate it in the setting
>is the game fun?
It's really fun and easy to get into even if you're not used to 3D fighters (when I have casual friends over who don't play fighting games I just pop in DOA or Soulcalibur since you can have fun without knowing anything). The new meter mechanics is pretty good and not intrusive like Soulcalibur's (and the "supers" are extremely short).
>will it have a stable/large population on PS4?
DOA never had a big tournament presence but it's always had a large playerbase online (Not SF-large but enough that you don't need to ask for games on discord) so I don't see why it would be different for this one. The thing is DOA has a lot of haters and the people who play it are from really different demographics so you might not see them all congregate together on a website, but they're there online.
and what if the female hits the male and the same mechanics happen? is it suddenly LITERALLY glorifying female on male violence? if you are getting triggered by violence why are you even playing fighting games?
Why the fuck are you replying seriously.
Unless you're just the one guy samefagging.
Not when I'm in a local setting and I'm against a degenerate/TO that likes that feature.
>It's really fun and easy to get into even if you're not used to 3D fighters
i've played tekken for about 1.5 years now, would any of that experience transfer over? how different is the neutral/combo system?
>>literally an entire game of hot men and beautiful women
>randon gay nigger
>bearded old man
>guy full of scars
>literaly a robot turk
>momiji is not on DoA6
Honestly? I think going from LR to 6, there's not much to justify the game. I'll buy it anyway because I'm a richfag but LR just offers ton more and the main difference in 6 is the new mechanics (which are good, but don't change the essence in the way that say, 3S parries or SF5 focus attacks did). Maybe if you compare it to base DOA5, but that's retarded; other fighting games remove stuff when making new games, but they add a lot more to compensate. DOA6 is mostly DOA5LR with less stuff. If they support the game like they supported DOA5, I'm sure it'll be better than DOA5LR eventually, but for now I'd only recommend it to people who really like DOA or didn't buy DOA5LR (And if you don't care about online play and tournaments, DOA5LR is still the superior game).
Just play Marie Rose, the zoom-in punch doesn't happen against her even when you activate it.
I'm no Tekken expert but I'd say the major differences for the neutral is that there's no KBD but movement is more fluid (like Soulcalibur) and the main form of punishing is using throws. For combos, the system is similar but some move causes a Critical Stun which is basically "enough hitstun that you can combo anything up to a certain amount of damage", and opponents get one try to get out of a combo by countering, but you can't counter if you're being juggled in the air or if the move causes a Fatal Stun (Only a few moves do that)
They removed all the guest characters, which Momiji technically is.
hayabusa is still fucking there isnt he?
Been playing the 3DS verion of DOA
Girls there have bigger tits/more modes and more costumes that you can just UNLOCK
It's funny that nobody even notices Rachel is gone too, it's always Momiji.
Hayabusa is not a guest character, he's both a DOA character and a NG character.
rachel is just a slut helena
*SF4 focus attacks
People notice, we just don't care.
I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Momiji back eventually but not Rachel. Like DOAX3.
I hoenstly can't get over Rachel's trashy look, I get why she appeals to a lot of other guys but damn, definitely okay not seeing her
I think it's fucking bullshit that the best part of the Break Blows (the face crush) is censored on Honoka, Marie Rose and NiCo because they're "minors" (even though their bios say they're 18), it's obvious the censoring is because you can't show moeblobs getting hurt.
Someone better mod that shit out of the game on PC ASAP
Nobody actually likes Rachel
dont worry marie rose, honoka and nico are exempted
Not the same guy, but I fail to see how if Hayabusa is not a guest character, then how come Momiji and Rachel are.
You can turn the violence off in the options if you want to see a milder version of the blows and no bruising on the characters
>it's obvious the censoring is because you can't show moeblobs getting hurt.
That doesn't make any sense. If they were concerned about "moeblobs getting hurt", they wouldn't feature them in a fighting game in the first place.
I agree that not applying this feature to these characters only is suspicious and stupid and I hope it gets patched in, but your explanation is retarded.
wait what, are you serious? You can't punch Marie?
Hayabusa was in DOA since the original, before 3D Ninja Gaiden was a thing. Rachel and Momiji were only in 5U and LR.
You can use the move on them, but you get to see a low violence version with no zooming in on the facial punch/kick/butt and a weird camera angle so you don't even see much of the actual break blow
Hayabusa has been in DOA right from the start. Just because he has his own series doesn't make him less of a DOA character. Momiji and Rachel were clearly guests.
>Nipples getting hard
How the fuck? Try it on Honoka and Marie now, maybe it really was a bug? I wouldn't get my hopes up though
Didn't someone say it seemed like they changed it so you can't pummel those 3.
It's from an old trailer. You can't do it anymore.
But Momiji has been in 2 DOA games since she also appears in DOAX3
this punch Zack does shows an up close slow-mo shot of the character getting punched with bruises and blood.
However this doesn't play when it's against Marie Rose, Honoka and NiCO. Instead the animation plays normally, but the camera is far back and doesn't show it up close. But this shot will play normally for any other character but those 3.
They censored it before release
Well then this means it shouldn't be a huge challenge to mod this back in
And? Literally not an argument, completely arbitrary explanation. Hayabusa was originally from the Ninja Gaiden series, but he was included in DoA, and he was now a DoA character.
Momiji and Rachel were originally from the Ninja Gaiden series, but were included in DoA, but they are not DoA characters (even though Momiji appearing in X3 too) because ???? ....reasons.
Wait, I haven't touched the demo/followed the game much. But you can have zoom-in "cutscene" hits that gives the characters bruises? Please tell me it's real
see Punch happens at 15 second mark
Yes, but they removed the possibility to see the zoomed in punch in the face of those characters that people wanted to see the most.
post an example from the current demo, not from old trailers
they removed the punch in the latest version
but I repeat, at least it looks easy to mod them back in
t. mrwiz
Holy shit so this *WAS* in the game, but Team Ninja patched it out.
Bass is my favorite character in the game. This guy WEIGHS 346 lbs, and he's 6 FEET, 5 INCHES TALL. Holy fuck, I bet it feels like you're getting hit by a freight train when this guy punches you. But I'm not sure about the price tag. Maybe if the game was $50, and the deluxe was $60 - because there isn't a whole lot in the base game. And I already know about all of the DLC that will be coming down the line. Doesn't seem like a whole lot, and I'm not hugely into fighting games. I like Yakuza a lot, if they're trying to tell a story about Honker's burning finger and the test tube guy, I wonder if they've ever thought about copying Yakuza's style a little bit. Music is great, and Bass is awesome - not sure if I'll pick it up. I don't know if this game is going to have 12 season passes that cost $80 each. It's getting better than the last one, wardrobes are getting better - they're getting close. I might wait until it's on sale.
Censorship confirmed. Fuck DOA6 and TN
Oh fuck yes, this satisfies my ryona fetish even more
oh fuck, I was hyped to beat-up these 3 mostly, beating up older girls and MILFs is less fun than beating up cute girls.
Yep just confirmed it right now using Zack (press SSSS when both bars fill up with blue). Have the demo on xbox one, the slow motion zoom in doesn't happen against Marie Rose, Nico and Honoka (for some reason)
But shows it on Helena, Tina, Hitomi, etc no problem. Fucking disappionting.
lol reddit is justifying the punch censorship with ´´its because those characters are too short for the camera´´
I love my wife Honoka desu
Me too
We know that's false since they had them previously
I don't see the point in buying the Deluxe version and all the Season Passes... like yeah it's greedy of them, but also, you're not going to use all the characters and all the costumes, so just get the costume you want for the characters you play.
How many husbands and dogs does she have?
Honoka is a good girl, and like any other waifu there is a Honoka for anyone who loves her.
Ryona is only good when both characters are girls
Ryona is only good when they are knocked out and twitching and moaning.
>Tfw I used to have a whole series of Lisa/Hitomi tag team ryona moves from DOA5 annihilating various DOA girls
Damn I hate it when my hard drives fuck up.
Imagine pumping in and out of Nico and slapping her face and punching her. Then when she's near cumming, you start choking her until she faints while orgasming and pissing herself
That's gross dude...
shit taste my man
fucking degenerate
Imagine waiting at home for NiCO after she comes from a hard day of sciencing, with you having already prepared her dinner. she then smiles at you, holds you close and whispers how much you mean to her, being for her every day
Then you chokeslam her on the ground and manhandle her hard over furniture to show your undying love for her
Hope this one has a photo mode like 5 did
Go to Training -> Tutorial
In the menu to select a tutorial, you can press Triangle to bring up the character specific tutorials. This lets you try out Nyotengu and Phase-4.
did you miss the whole 'core values' blunder
you guys are just noticing this? itagaki liked sexy, but he also liked badass action and a bit of s&m in his characters so he spiced that stuff around on his characters
new characters just follow a checklist of fetishes
Based user
I just want to buy the game on PC bros... why do they keep me waiting until the last minute
lewder than Xtreme 3
my fucking sides
>tfw my region doesn't allow me to download the demo.
So would it be better if i bought it for PC, since I'm gonna have to wait for the full release.
>he also liked badass action and a bit of s&m
I'm glad he did. I've said it before but the characters were typical of a martial arts B-movie rather than an anime like they are these days.
>reduce the boobs and other dimensions
no thanks
stop shilling 6 thanks
Please tell me what was so bad ass about Hitomi or Kokoro. The designs have always appealed to various fetishes like every fighting game ever.
based user. Just tried Phase 4's SSSS ability and fucking GOT DAMN
>*teleports behind u*
Her 6S is really cool too. I'll play both her and Kasumi.
I really wish they'd make Phase 4 look different, even if only a little. At least Alpha was a jelly Kasumi. P4 is the exact same.
>Not a ryonafag
>The sounds Ayane makes when she gets break blow'd
Isn't Phase-4 dead or is she a different clone? I remember a clone dying in DOA5's story.
Yeah she died. It made you believe it was Kasumi but was a fake-out.
Then how come she's back? Why not make her Phase-5?
>SFV and Tekken launch
>Multiple threads about performance, framedropping in SFV, online quality, changes in gameplay, people at least pretending to talk about competitive play
>DoA6 beta launches
>Does it have tits? please don't talk about how the game doesn't hit 60fps in performance mode, or how you have to go through 3 screens just to get to the rematch button.
>SFV and Tekken launch
>bunch of autists bitch and nitpick over the most trivial shit
>DoA6 beta launches
>bunch of bros having a good time talking about the game
No rematch timer is fucking dumb.
I had somebody get butthurt after I beat them, and they can literally refuse hit rematch and just stall for time until you leave to matchmaking.
Nobody gives a shit about the gameplay in a fighting game that is notoriously mediocre gameplay wise since 2005.
It's DoA5: upgrade edition.
name a single upgrade dead on arrival 6 has over goy or alive 5 last round
>"0 problems"
>at least 7 frames input delay on top of trash netcode
What were you expecting from the board that hardly plays fighting games but has lewd threads all the time? Some threads were even getting deleted because of ERPfags
Added NiCo and removed that manfaced bitch Rachel.
+400 exp has been added to your character.
>You got some sunglasses coins.
You unlocked : Random costume for a character you don't play!
Ask for rematch?
>Brad Wong
I'm all in, day one buy, deluxe digital download.
I'm coming for everyone.
Blue Marie Rose cunny
She's a non-canon DLC character. She's not in story mode.
What's the best controller to use for DOA games? I started trying out DOA5 on my pc but the buttons being so close together on my xbox controller made it hard to pull off certain combos without awkwardly holding my hand above the controller. The ps4 controller was better with button spacing, but the dpad was more inconvenient to use. Does anyone have a recommendation on which controller to use? I really don't want to invest $60 on a fight stick.
I mean a stick is probably best.
How the fuck do you get the timing for counters down? I can do it perfectly in training mode but not in a real fight.
How do you deal with super aggressive opponents with brad? I want to do BT throw blender shenanigans but I cant even get my offense because I get stuffed if I press a button.
Newegg has the Qanba Drone for like $40 with one of their promo codes
I mostly utilize his switch-up game, a few quick taps or kicks that either get my opponent trying to counter or have them guarding, either of which usually leads to my throwing them. And if they happen to enjoy rushing, it's all about knowing when the natural pause in their combo happens and fitting in one of Brad's quick taps. It's not easy but I've gotten way better with practice. A really good ninja player is typical the only ones who give me the most trouble.
Tfw not sure if i should pirate or buy.
>Fight a Diego that just spams punch all day
>Can't counter it for some reason
Fuck using a DS4 for this game.
Might be netcode issues or the nasty input lag.