Mods let racebait and political threads stay up and gather hundreds of posts

>Mods let racebait and political threads stay up and gather hundreds of posts
>They decide to delete a thread for a text based indie game with posts that actually discuss the game
>Despite being a hentai game nobody posts any porn

DoL Thread

Attached: 20190221_081403.png (719x1213, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off tranny

How do you rank up promiscuity? I need to start doing private dances for money as its only a matter of time until the orphanagge boss ships me out to be a sex slave.

Attached: 8EF485EE-1218-40C0-A42D-4CA66B823FAE-5663-0000037361A3E5A9.jpg (209x241, 8K)

Fuck off /hgg/

t. tranny jannies


Attached: 20190218_075125.jpg (162x143, 17K)

It's not so bad. Sometimes I get raped so much I black out and don't have to sit through being raped.


>Go to lake
>Flirt with classmates
>Go swimming
>Realize that diving for treasure is a better source of income and a better life in general
>Become otter
>Get fucked by rapefish

Cause ya have your own general there

If you get a chastity belt you can get out of those easier.

Thanks m8. Idk why but when I play porn games I like doing virgin runs.

Fuck off faggot. You can't lump every game into a general just because some nigger made an overbearing general.

It's the best way.

Attached: Screenshot_20190218-082327_Degrees of Lewdity.jpg (260x491, 60K)

Get a haircut ya hippie

aren't you ashamed of wearing such provocative clothes, damn tease


>You can't lump every game into a general
Ask /vg/

To be honest even when save scumming its impossible to stay wholely pure nut as long as got my ass and pussy virginity I consider it a win.

Just don't have cum inside you. On you is still pure.

Flirt at the pub, but don't go any further

Yea and everyone hates "slablands general" for being autistic but no one cares enough about it or coc to really do anything

I'll lose my strength or something.

I reached a couple weeks before losing to a pack of dogs :/

disguised tranny thread?

can I be a cute girl with a feminine penis in this game?

If you're still a virgin, you can go to the church to get a free chastity belt. You can get a butt shield upgrade for pretty cheap.

Yes. And people will mistake you for a girl too.

True but I like the sense of danger...

I can confirm that's fake.

Attached: hair.jpg (3829x1329, 1.69M)

that tickles my fetishes, thanks anons, I'll give it a go

Are you a gril?

i dont like how you have to be a victim in the game
what if you want to be the rapist?

No. I cut it because my grandpa was dying and he didn't like that I had long hair so I did that for him. A few days before he died he said "it was the best thing he had seen in months", so that was nice.

That would be better as a different game entirely.

>long hair
fuck off tranny

Enjoy not lifting boulders anymore.


Name of game?

>pink hair
Is that style really that popular or is it just some samefag every thread?

why is tranny the new autism, people just use it for anything they want
well i did wrestle for a while, and i'm still (fairly) strong

The game isn't advertiser friendly
And new update soon™

Attached: 1519870797190.png (300x80, 7K)

but what if i want to get raped so much the way i cope is to become the rapist?

>game is literally tranny and sissy bait with trannies posting their hair
that tells me enough about this game.


This thread goes against the core values of

>blurred pixel art

Attached: 1501145546912.png (1280x1122, 189K)

Green eyes? Probably me. I don't think I've seen one of these threads in a week though so maybe someone saved something I posted.

Attached: Screenshot_20190209-144458_Degrees of Lewdity.jpg (238x466, 50K)

>new update
>right when i'm getting into the groove of modding the graphics
god dammit Vrelnir you better not fuck with how the sprites work

Attached: 1506722853918.gif (303x333, 2.57M)

Slablands also run three concurrent threads on different boards. Three threads at all times to do absolutely jack shit. Sometimes they go and shitpost in other threads too. Why do mods not purge them? They don't even have a game to discuss

The original dude that spammed it every thread was a wolf girl, there's also the guy that posts the ginger with a halo and tells everyone to stay pure.

It's the hair update. The person making hair was taking requests too.

I tried posting in the threads once and was giving some criticism to how the intro lags for a while and an amount of people got pissed because they take any and all criticism as "you love coc so you're shit", despite what little content slablands having is more or less the same shit as coc anyway.
Whoever actually makes the game seems sane enough, but the vocal minority of retards in the thread would make you think otherwise.

What's the discord?
Also how do I get wolf ears and stuff?

Jannies this time you're aright
this game gets the same threatment as the SCP threads
you guys got a general fuck off

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Attached: 20190216_225955.jpg (256x464, 52K)

You called?

Attached: Purity.png (164x185, 4K)

Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.

Game's cool, what ruins it are the trannies and their "uguuu I'm a cuteboi with a chastity belt silly boys" act.


He's got a link on his blog

>game about being a crossdressing sissy whiteboi attracts trannies
Who would've thought.

Attached: 1550104759177.png (364x322, 14K)

I wish I was a cute girl

>Also how do I get wolf ears and stuff?
I think you have to have wolves cum in you X times or something.

>game about being a crossdressing sissy whiteboi attracts trannies
so you've never played it, gotcha
it's literally a loli rape simulator but you can say you have a penis

Link to game if you want us to try it fgt

cute pure user

>a person with a penis crossdressing as a girl isn't a tranny if it's in MUH GAME

Attached: 1547820811951.gif (156x216, 1.07M)

It's some kind of localized mental illness. They will go absolutely ballistic and deny the observable reality of the situation and they'll literally sit and do this for days. You can complain about the GUI, show them a screenshot of how it actually is in the current build, and they would still tell you it's just been patched and you're lying.

Mods need to rangeban it. It's cancer

Attached: 1547514113327.png (519x462, 163K)

>>a person with a penis crossdressing as a girl isn't a tranny
well first off you're a fucking retard if you think crossdressing=trannyshit and the main part is that it's again female/loli-focused


so you guys are pedophiles?

Attached: 1541206155573.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

This thread is cool and all that jazz but what the fuck is the game's name

don't run from it user, go for it and embrace it

Ah I see you've finally outed yourself. If you're so afraid of loli you should probably go back to plebbit, I think they banned it here.
If it hasn't been mentioned twenty times in the thread it's degrees of lewdity.

Attached: PurityWatching.png (84x24, 748)

You're part of the cancer that's ruining this game's reputation by spamming your shitty OC in every thread, kindly fuck off.
Anyone who denies that the game has issues is retarded, but that won't stop the rest of us from enjoying what it is now.

seconding this

I love how there is 10 people in this thread asking for a link to the game (since DoL doesnt show shit on google) and these faggots who wanna spread the word of the game are too busy erp'ing with each other and ignoring them

Yeah, but it's ok because they're 18.

Thanks user

>degrees of lewdity
And no it wasn't mentioned once, fuck ya'll

I just posted it, though usually people post it more so I had assumed someone else had already done so.
odd, but you're welcome

Read filenames newfags. It's degrees of lewdity.

don't temp me user

Steps of Perversion

t. mad nobody wants to see your ugly slut

Transvestite / drag queen, retart

This game is NOT made by a japanese so it canNOT be called hentai


Attached: 8459325.png (81x24, 588)

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Can I actually play as a boy or do I just lie to people and tell them I have a penis?

Don't want to play this if I can't play as a biological male trying his best to be a girl~

Attached: 1550997376555.gif (500x298, 1.46M)

Slablands is hot donkey shit and has no content. Nobody enjoys it. Nobody will ever enjoy it. You've wasted every minute you spent "working" on it but you know that since it was just shitposting monster girls and waiting for someone else to do something.

Kys, I really do mean it.

Attached: 1550145480717.jpg (648x480, 28K)

Which by extension means it doesn't belong in /hgg/ or /2dhgg/.

just buy some cute panties, no one will see it, it will be your own little secret, nobody will know
maybe you'll like it, if not you don't have to do it again, give it a try

You can play as a girl (male) with a femeinine benis

You can play as a guy with a cock and balls but your avatar doesn't look any different from a girl's.
I think some scenes do mention your dick though and you can get force sucked.

You can be a male and wear a dress and some people will get mad when they try to rape you.

I really enjoyed the scenes you have with the demon king during the prologue, but of the like 2 things I found after it they were pretty shit.
Last I heard I think they even removed those demon king scenes.

Thought you were talking about DoL, my honest mistake.

cool but what's the game's name?

read the thread

Dawn of Lwar

Measures of Sodmism

>Haven't posted a screengrab of my character
>t. mad nobody wants to see your ugly slut
No need to have a mental breakdown just because someone doesn't like your spam, user.

degrees of lewdity

Where can I download this?

No image had the game's name in it fuckface go kys

based and pinkpilled

Oh no worries. DoL is great and everything that slablands isnt.

>game attracts mentally ill trannies avatar spamming and getting jealous of each others pixels
I take back what I said, let these threads stay. This is..amusing.

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Fuck off tranny jew.

Fuck off faggot.

911 Operator 2

Oh gross

Attached: 3.png (1000x1199, 22K)

So does half of the shit posted here
Hell pokemon has a whole fucking board

I also recommend the RimjobWorld mod for Rim World. Its gotten pretty decent though its more on an extra on top of the base game.
I feel like DoL and RJW kinda tickle that same niche for me, being mostly organically generated rape-chaos

m-maybe I'll think about it

What the fuck is that

If you find yourself wanting more panties after the first one and wanting to wear panties all the time like I did, go to american eagle! you get 10 of them for $35 and they're cute! CUTE!

Attached: 1545240869621.jpg (720x405, 43K)

I did that. Best decision I made. It just makes me feel pretty and I'm so much more confident. Even if nobody else can see them.

>containment board for tism

isnt this that london simulator game?

These threads aren't uncommon so you should have heard of the game by now if you were interested in these types of games and people have even mentioned the devs name which would easily lead you to the game's blog

Attached: 1519769848207.png (857x235, 15K)

>I'm post my ebin pink hair wolf girl every thread :-DDDDD
>S...spam? Uou jealous D:

reminder, dol is a game for trannys and pedophiles

It can be

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-151138_Degrees of Lewdity.jpg (1033x282, 45K)

Attached: 1521846826452.jpg (600x800, 77K)

I love Rance and spent literal days on Yea Forums, never heard of this before though


just had a look, they really have some cute stuff, thanks user

nice to hear, think I'll try it

I haven't played the game in several months, maybe they added in something different.

Well, Yea Forums is a weeb website for white men, so there's nothing wrong with WMAF.

Attached: 1548030891532.jpg (1080x1350, 180K)

it's not pedophilia if I'm the one self inserting as the girl getting raped by futas

Attached: 1542393549473.jpg (500x375, 25K)

>reminder, dol is a game for trannys
no bulli ;_; and this is a good game

Attached: image.png.jpg (1153x1236, 83K)

should I get some overknees too? if yes, any shops you know?

>this is a good game
its not

Where do you think you are?

what is it with anime posters consistently having the most retarded opinions?
This is a good website for socks!
And these are some really cute socks on amazon I bought recently

Also get yourself a skirt too. and leggings if you have a cute/big butt, makes it look a lot bigger.

Attached: 1545446361330.jpg (259x206, 9K)

More haircuts when? I want to have drills and twintails.

those do look like some really cute socks, thanks

No, you guys are doing it wrong. You have to remind the other anons to stay pure!

Attached: PurityGrill.png (101x93, 1K)

I believe that generals ruin everything and it would be better for everyone if we just deleted them

thanks user, thought about getting some thigh highs for a long time

are you talking about short skirts? I would like that a lot

Not all of them are shit, some of them are pretty good.

>keep barging into the girls locker room to see if I get a scene
>finally do
>get stripped and thrown out a window
Uhh, where's the rape?

Get a bra too. Just pick out anything you think looks cute. Who cares what anyone thinks? If anyone says anything they're in the wrong these days.

>That blush
Your loli ain't pure, she's thinking dirty thoughts

this is the worst DoL thread I've been in
is this just what happens when things get popular?
I still love the dev though since I complained about accidentally saving over my character from the main menu and he removed the ability to do that in the next update

Get whatever type of skirts you want!
I usually go for ones that end up just above the knee although you can pull them up on the waist higher if you want it shorter but not too much

That user forgot to mention the 52% suicide rate that comes with your order. Just rub one out and be done with it retard

Take that back

Attached: 20190217_111611.jpg (197x63, 8K)

Fuck off. Let user be a cute girl.

Attached: 1550462516921.png (583x720, 273K)

>Wearing cute clothes means you're going to cut off your dick

Not my fault nobody can keep their hands off of the PurityGrill!

But everyone in this game is over 18...

That only applies to post op. Dressing up like a cute girl is normal.

maybe I get two skirts, one short and one a bit longer

I'm actually doing it, holy shit

>Yea Forums is so full of migrants that they don't even remember the golden era of wanting to be the cute little girl

Attached: moot.png (500x689, 557K)

Dev is pretty chill and helpful, too bad the people that use his discord are shitty

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>Want to play it since I haven't played it in many months
>Apparently big update tomorrow
oh well at least afterlife updated as well, gonna play that instead

You'll love it. I did. They're so much more comfortable than jeans too.

What game is this?

In exchange, I offer you this..

Attached: 1538103047569.jpg (336x437, 57K)

Maybe it got deleted because it belongs in /vg/

Learn to read, normalfag nigger tourist

trannies leave

Degrees of lewdity.


Attached: 1550011039492.gif (220x293, 148K)

I hope, so far I've got cute panties, thigh highs, leggins, skirts
what should I get for my upper body?

She's not pure, she's a fraud!

If she was truly pure then she would cry, not blush like a common whore

Croptops for the skirts, some scoop neck teas for casual wear, some pastel sweaters!

>Actual tranny grooming ITT

Attached: 1527254223544.gif (456x240, 2.2M)

I usually just get pink tshirts. I think they're cute.

you dont pass

Don't want to. I'm pretty to me and that's all that matters.

A noose so you can end yourself or a mirror so you can take a good look at yourself so you can understand that with a girl's clothes you'll look like an ugly fag and nothing else.

Attached: 1521863807439.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

I'll see what I'll find, thanks for your help anons
I'm pretty hype now, is this normal?

Why are you so full of hate?

it means you're a sissy user

Attached: 1549329953647.jpg (529x529, 52K)

jokes on you, I'm a twink

No it isn't lol you're being groomed by freaks

>Arousal = Pain
If only, user.

haha, you liar

don't listen to the hateful people, do what makes you comfortable~

Attached: 1549996485106.jpg (1200x1151, 130K)

If anything I'm more compassionate than the retards who let some other retard act like a retard

Yeah and I'm 6'6 with a 15 inch dick

Think what you want friend. My actual friends are supportive and they're worth a lot more to me than some six piece chicken McNobody.

What's the name of this game? What does "dol" stand for?

Attached: futaneko.png (227x181, 91K)

dear god what have these threads become? I guess the jannies were right when they started deleting these threads.

Attached: gondola cb.png (747x491, 30K)

degress of lewdity
post the futa

>Not wanting to be a cute girl
>On Yea Forums
>In the year 2019 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Attached: 8c3.jpg (496x496, 134K)


This thread stopped being about video games.

This, what the fuck is going on. Time to go back to the other place to discuss this game since these threads have become infested with discord trannies.

thanks, nice to see there are people who support me :3

alright Yea Forums spoonfeed me
is there a way to preserve my character's vaginal virginity but make her a public use butt slut?

>muh discord tranny boogyman

Ironically enough, the people in the Discord server want this thread to get nuked, too. They didn't sign up for the actual tranny grooming.

where is the general? aco? vg?
i've asked on aco/hgg before and noone knew anout it

>thread taken over by literal trannies
It was good while it lasted lads.

Fascinating. Absolutely incredible.

>I guess the jannies were right when they started deleting these threads.
I don't know whats more believable, that 2 trannies are trying to groom some user, or that some guy is playing this scenario out just so he can prove his narrative right

Attached: 1523247292648.jpg (750x571, 92K)

>be asking people if these were tranny threads in disguise
>DoL shills tell me its not and it pisses off tranny jannies
>come check out this thread 200 posts later for this shit
You people are fucking subhuman. Fuck all of you.

There's a lot more people who care about you than there are who blindly hate you. Just remember that.

How do you bite someone's cock while he's about to penetrate you from the other side?

Chastity belt without ass blast upgrade.

just remember that most of the hate and people who put you down are genuine trogs who just post a lot. make sure you have fun user

>heard and played of this outside of Yea Forums (I don't really go on Yea Forums, or Yea Forums in general, a ton now, but occasionally I do a lot)
>am tranny

I guess this truly is a tranny game, is the dev a tranny too?

Attached: 1533624281526.jpg (1365x2048, 322K)

>anime shit
>mentally ill shit
I'll take political shtfling any day of the week over that

>that 2 trannies are trying to groom some user
They've done it on /r9k/ before. Blackmailed some kid into taking fucked up photos which they then used to continue to blackmail him. It has become pretty hard to know who's a genuine nutcase or just false flagging though.

other based kind user in this thread: you're awesome

Attached: 1550962308115.gif (600x338, 3.51M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190224-154850_Discord.jpg (1080x494, 120K)

This thread has become impure, not even Purityfags can save it now. ABORT!

You can't, you can just bite him causing him to go for your cunny instead

>There's a lot more people who care about you than there are who blindly hate you
That's not true at all. Most people instinctively hate abominations like that user.


>It's the second month of 2000 and 19 year of our lord
>Poe's Law is in force and its stronger than ever
>Comfy DoL threads turn into actual shitheap
The week in which we were constantly being moved to Yea Forums was unironically the best week for discussion of this game.

Attached: 1549808757122.gif (500x280, 1009K)

I'll let you in on a secret

the discord boogyman is real this time, they're orchestrating this whole thread
t. man on the inside

Attached: 1540450034369.png (737x723, 144K)

>It is Wednesday
fucking dropped
stupid devs always shilling Wednesday

good to know, thanks so much
just orderd the clothes, can't wait to try them

This screenshot

His profile picture is cute. That's enough for me.

It's always sad to see decent game discussion threads get ruined. We'll never recover now, because even if the mentally ill leave and never come back someone is going to pretend to be them out of spite.


Just ignore them and post game.

Post screens nigger. Also do they actually like browsing Yea Forums? I couldn't imagine going on a site I hate every day for any reason.

>game attracts a certain type of audience
>you have to interact with that audience
>instead of blaming the fact that you play degenerate sissy erp faggot games, you blame the other audience that is naturally attracted to this game
you're no better than them tranny faggot fuck. we need /pol/ to come purge this board. now go shove your dildo so far up your ass you damage your organs

Attached: 1499888556414.gif (500x259, 494K)

I'm applying as a janny so I can ban vrelnir and DOLfriends

>nice to see there are people who support me
Ask these people how they explain those suicide rates

don't engage in gay asphyxiation sex play with your big sister

although even liking this game and being a tranny, please don't tranny groom people, although the user did say "I wish I was a cute girl" so if people are coercing him into it is debatable, regardless this is a thread about a game, not faggotry

The ones that are for post op? Not for dressing up and wanting to feel pretty?

Post your character and what you want to get added to the game
I want pregnancy to get added, preferably Violated Heroine style

Attached: 1531703482810.png (110x200, 2K)

why are you so full of hate?
just let him be a cute girl, that's what Yea Forums was always about

am tranny. no one told her to get on HRT or anything. they wanted cute girl clothes to wear and we gave advice. don't let these shitbags exaggerate the situation.

>DoL threads that actually talk about the game get nuked
>This tranny grooming shit stays up

Is the library side quest finally working for male characters?

Fuck off you retard. The trannies are /pol/
Fuck off faggot

> this game attracts people who might be crossdressing
> threads are filled with people screaming tranny like it's their pokemon name
> "wow these threads are filled with retards"
> blame fans and not the retards

sasuga v

Even moot wanted to be the little girl. And he did it too.

Attached: Just+moot+in+a+pink+dress_3c943a_4506192.jpg (768x929, 138K)

>ah these SHITBAGS yikes

Why do all mentally ill leftists speak the same way?

yeah i know, i'm agreeing with you mostly, although the thread is as i said getting really off topic, also if it wasn't clear I was replying to my own post

People keep saying that, but after the first 2 relics I only get some rings that sell for 50, it's fucking nothing.

More ways to fight off attackers! Although biting their dick off will never get old.

Attached: Day38.png (112x179, 3K)

>this game attracts people who would rather groom people to be trannies
>blame the people discussing the game and telling them to fuck off but not the trannies
sasuga tranny

Most of these migrants are probably literally too new to even know who moot is, it's been like 4 years by now.

>Literally saying "become the girl"
>"Oh who talked about transitioning I just want him to dress up and stop there :3 WINK"
I mean at this point this has to be some elaborate roleplay, but just let me say that those suicide-rates are on groomers like you(?) and not on those hateful people who tell others to get their shit together

Attached: Screenshot_20190212-145512~01~01.png (542x606, 43K)

>The trannies are /pol/
literally tranny false flagging.

You faggots have two containment boards. Go to them instead of adding even more awful shit to Yea Forums.

how about you fags fuck off to discord so we can talk about the game in peace without your faggotry

how do i fuck a trap

Oh yeah, I also want more bestiality options, either new animals, or at the very least the option to have sex with more than one at a time.

I meant more that they post their cringy off topic political bullshit that should either be on /pol/ or /fag/.

>4 years

Attached: 20190224_160139.png (497x149, 78K)

>this thread is literal proof that the tranny discord epidemic exists
Hope the faggots that unironically say ''muh discord boogey'' shut up now.
Admit that you have an agenda against everything that makes you uncomfortable and words in the internet is one of those things.

Attached: 1498752806683.gif (392x400, 1.34M)

>plays sissy erp shit
>imagines itself as the loli girl getting raped
>implying you're not a faggot
Fuck the trannies and fuck DoL generals. What are some games in which celebrate masculinity bros?

Attached: Blank_10707c_6541972.jpg (1200x1085, 64K)

Some dude on the discord said Vrelnir might add one use weapons, so we might get pepper spray or something.
So finally it might be safe to go for a tiny build


Attached: IMG_0627.jpg (1075x1137, 428K)

holy shit, calm down anons
I just asked for some cute clothes, I'm not taking some pills or other stuff, it's just clothes


>Yea Forums was always filled with trannies guys
>believe me my Yea Forums account is 20 years old

More shoes first.

Vrel also said he'd try making tiny viable by adding skulduggery combat checks.

Literally coming. We suggested a bunch of nice ones like yoruichi too.

>celebrate masculinity
DOL does. It takes place in an ultra masculine town where men fuck lolis as they please.

Nah I've only been here since 2010. Notice I didn't say a single goddamn thing about being a tranny, I'm talking about wearing cute clothes, which is what moot did. Someone you don't know.


13 actually.


>tranny shit
lmao'ing rly hrd rn mm

>One thread that was derailed by trannies means Discord trannies are raiding Yea Forumseddit
>When the OP who posted this thread and the server members voiced their displeasure in a screenshot in this very thread
I bet you think Stonetoss is vidya too, huh?

ok user

Nice try falseflagger
Moot dressed as a little girl for a laugh, he wasn't shoving dildos in his ass and shitting up videogame threads.

More spanking related stuff. Make it so the headmistress/eden/whitney can cain/paddle you and cause long term welt.

A way to produce and sell breast milk would also be nice.

Attached: Dezzi.png (111x187, 3K)

>I bet you think Stonetoss is vidya too, huh?

Attached: 1542912046487.jpg (589x414, 134K)

Can you become super hench and beat the living shit out of everyone?
If not, Ill pass on this weak pussy shit

Jesus fucking Christ. Why Yea Forumsirgins won't shut up about trannies? It's even worse than boomer/zoomer shit

some fag that's too stupid for even LOL threads so they've started making their own to shitpost about /pol/ stuff

Attached: Stonetoss.jpg (409x668, 83K)

It's a discord tranny essentially calling you /pol/. Best not to take notice of their delusions.

Unironically yes.

I'm all for good porn game discussion but the tranny shit going on this thread is so fucking vile I'm glad jannies have been deleting it

Attached: 1452790707654.jpg (474x492, 55K)

Yeah, you can even get wolf teeth and bite their dicks off.

Yes you can swim/lift weights till you can crush someone's skull if they try to touch you.

>barely any sauce

Might as well just eat a fucking cheese quesadilla. A pizza is meant to have a good amount of sauce on it

Read the thread, faggot, and you might get a clue.

Attached: 1549997245231.jpg (1672x1672, 1.03M)

Yea Forums will stop talking about trannies when they stop orchestrating raids on Yea Forums as part of their cringy "culture war"

Alternatively, now you can cum IN a female wolf multiple times to become more wolfy instead getting doggo injections.

Cheese isn't bad on pizza but it's more just a "yea it should be there" than anything
sauce is the most important thing, and then your choices of toppings

Did you niggers literally just learn about Yea Forums from Pewdiepie? There's been a ton of ST threads all morning. Lurk more normalfag tourists, politics have no place on this board.

Is /ck/ going to save this thread?

>literal conspiracy theories

Pepperoni + jalapenos + pineapple is a master race combination. try to prove me wrong.
You can't, you won't.

I take it you responded to the wrong person? I whole-heartedly agree with you.

>one thread
Embarrasing, just let it go we got enough proof now and thanks to retarded trannies without self control literally grooming people is now 100% confirmed.
You retards just gave yourselves up.

Attached: 1519767608963.gif (95x95, 4K)

I just put on multiple meats. ham/sausage/bacon/etc in addition to pepperoni

Where's Yea Forums or Sachikofag when you need them?

For real, if anything it's the least important part of a pizza. I usually go light cheese and load up on toppings and sauce. Extra cheese doesn't add much

Peculiar how its that one specific comic artist that gets your panties in a bunch

Proof is provided every other thread. You should get better at screening who you let into your faggy discord.


Attached: trannie.gif (800x371, 212K)

ITT: DoL cuckolds and the trannies they work for finally exposed. I've been saying this for a while now. I've saved screenshots of this thread. Never let the DoL faggots forget

Attached: 1533746493226.gif (500x452, 987K)

At the risk of sounding like a vegfaggot, I go full vegis with pineapple, a meat (usually chicken or ham), and extra sauce with normal amounts of cheese. Best pizza but it costs a shit ton if you don't get a deal


Yes, you can turn this game into a /ss/ simulator.

It's not only this thread you double faggot.



>xD seething xD rent free
these are the three words that out the discord tranny


Maybe you should check out the screenshots with all the complaints in them.

Why turn """female""" when you can just become more manly?

Attached: 1537807826223.png (1280x1920, 677K)


Don't you EVER call me a double faggot, you triple faggot.
Atleast try to complain about tranny rhetoric on a thread that isn't directly affected by tranny plague, it's currently killing this one

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It's amazing that one thread can make me go from hating the jannies for deleting shit to practically begging for them to nuke us. Better luck next time lads, hopefully the trannies get bored and leave.

>no u
this kill the tranny

Attached: 1551035228963.jpg (882x700, 200K)

>Discuss the game just a few hours ago
>Shitposting central right now
How does this happen

Attached: 1522103905247.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Maybe it's because he's the only one who's been posted all day. As in dozens of threads with upwards of 100 replies.

Honestly all these morons that don't know the difference between "trannies" and "sissies" is hilarious. How can they expect to be taken seriously if they don't even know who they're brainlessly attacking?

>Turn settings so that everyone is female
>pick small,etc
>Game is now about a smol shota trying to eke out a living in a Oneesan world.

But to each their own, I suppose.

>tfw ugly obese incel man
>tfw start calling yourself a "woman" and stay an incel
>tfw nobody buys into you fetishist delusions except other mentally ill freaks
>the you'll NEVER EVER be a real girl

Attached: tranny.png (700x700, 432K)

So, back on topic, what bras work best?

>n-no ur the tranni
good thread
fitting for such an amazing game such as that in OP

Attached: 1524117026573.jpg (720x719, 62K)

>Thread starts with game discussion
>Rapidly devolved into tranny shit
>Goes into conspiracy theories about Discord
>Brief food discussion
>Brief game
>Everyone accusing each other of being a discord tranny or a falseflagger
>unironically copeposting

Attached: 1542168398874.gif (246x238, 143K)

Time to diltate,hurry up before the wounds close

Attached: diltate oh no no.jpg (1269x1927, 1.4M)

>this is the best cook america has

Attached: 1526587887107.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

norm got round lol

What the fuck are you talking about ? "Posted all day in dozens of threads" what does that mean?

>Thread starts with game discussion
Not even that, there have been threads for quite a while with nothing but pure game discussion. It took one instance of tranny grooming and it's down the drain.

I don't know, it makes me sad. I mean we did nothing wrong but they keep insulting us. Why are people so mean?

>diltating for 2,5 hour
dios mio

Someone posted stonetoss to derail a lol thread. Trannies lost their shit and people have been using it for a ton of shitposting.

Shut up niggerfaggot.

where's the scat/gore poster when you need em

>that ring
>those fat fingers
>that incompetence
Jackposting ought to be bannable offense.

cuped ones, you can stuff them quite easy

Only falseflaggers or the people claiming "false flaggers" are trannies trying to defuse the fact that we've found out their operation.

Attached: 1520368818359.jpg (505x533, 40K)

Jack is the hero we need but don't deserve.

Go to /lgbt/ if you want to be a faggot. Yea Forums is for videogames.

>OP is literally a faggot

>we did nothing wrong
You weren't talking about the game you were just being fags talking about shit not related to the thread at all

Learn to read. He's been shilled all day and each thread has nearly a hundred replies yet jannies feel the need to delete DoL threads even though the posters actually talk about the game.

I do it but I don't really want to get banned

Yeah I can see why these threads ought to be deleted

Attached: iNwnwbr.jpg (1143x486, 78K)

>pixel art

Unironically the best thread on Yea Forums right now holy fuck

Attached: 1511820126866.jpg (258x245, 23K)

>Off-topis DoL thread lasts longer than on-topic DoL thread
>3 retarded Anons manage to get Yea Forums to give in to confirmation bias
>The official discord is laughing their asses off about how everyone thinks they had anything to do with this
Never change, Yea Forums.

Jack isn't incompetent

Attached: 1525149698348.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

based user seeing the truth through all the bullshit.
Never let the trannies put the attention elsewhere. Shine a flashlight on them and watch them scurry like cockroaches

Your trashy nigger is very fucking cute, user.

What works best for stuffing them? Anything that feels somewhat real?

Amazing that a shitty comic makes trannies seethe so hard that just the mention sends them into a frenzy.

>add trannie to filter
>entire thread is gone

>Doesn't read the thread
>hurr what do you mean there's stuff in this thread you are talking about

Attached: 1256735734576484.jpg (474x471, 23K)

maybe you should have just ignored them
there were a few posts and then you retards startet shitposting non stop


>see OP
>Realise that he is a tranny discord freak
>take my mouse
>click on post number
>gonna start replying on the reply box
>call the guy a nigger
>a retard
>a autist
>a tranny discord
>solve the captcha
>The one with the stoplights
>The one with the crosswalks
>The one with the car
>The one with the busses
>The one with the STOREFRONTS
>try again
>click submit
>derail the thread
>send all tranny discord home (gas chamber)
>I will send you all back

Attached: 1536018730283.jpg (490x535, 62K)

What's up youtube i'm horny as hell right now let me know in the comments down below what I should put in my ass hole today

i am not reading this gay shit lol

if it's just for looks, whatever feels good to you

Oreo fucked up screenshots.

It's quite amazing how inheritable volatile Yea Forums is.

thank you

>Learn to read.
Nah shut the fuck up. You might be severely delusional.
>"Posted all day in dozens of threads"
Like what and where and why is it illegal now according to you? Do you have some archive compilation or something if it bothers you enough to make "counter memes" like this shit ?

>This much damage control on the tranny discord to cover up the damage done
Dare i say cringe and bluepilled?
why would you guys (male) give yourselves up like that after all the hard work taking over a cheap vietnamese forum.
Well anyway was nice having you guys around i guess but the jig is up.

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Attached: 1521217275704.webm (720x486, 2.6M)

okay, this thread is epic and all but how do you rank up your deviancy while staying a virgin?
I want my cute loli to get her cherry popped by a pig on the brothel's friday morning show but that requires lv5 deviancy and I'm not about to let her get knotted for that

Attached: 1488229289950.jpg (300x449, 108K)


Attached: maxresdefault.png (1052x592, 840K)

I think you can slut around and strip in the club without actually fucking anyone

Ironic how nobody acknowledges the only screenshot from the discord posted in this thread because it doesn't meet their shitpost agenda.

Wow, first time Ive seen one of his webms where the worst part isnt the food. How does that fucker not know how to use tongs?

Get knotted in the butt?

Think that there's a chance for squids to latch onto you while swimming, it ranks up deviancy but I don't know how much or if it stops ata certain level.
If not, buy a chastity belt and go crazy with the wolves.

Get a chastity belt and just fuck around the forest until you get wolfnapped and gangbanged for two days straight.

You could be a buttslut or choose the (deviancy x lvl) options but pull away right after you do maybe

>The way youre dressed, people will think youre a girl!

Attached: 1543183697134.jpg (468x676, 39K)

I didn't make that meme, brainlet. I didn't even post it. I don't want any kinds of politics in this already shitty board but Yea Forumsedditors would rather shit post instead of talking about games.

He unironically had a stroke (or two, I don't remember) from his shitty food.

Let me acknowledge that screenshot by saying that all trannies present in it should end their sad lives. Thank you

You think Yea Forumseddit actually plays games?

Also more date options for robin + a forced Chasity sidequest. Maybe eden or whitney could trap you in a cage.

Attached: white hair.png (190x166, 3K)

Robin stuff is one of the next updates

How the fuck do you deal with Whitney? I have max strength and science and the motherfucker stills beats up my ass with no effort? Are there certain routes I can direct this by picking certain options?

>dressed as a cute trap
>seducing people in the bar
>one guy takes me to his car and starts undressing me
>sees my ding dong and flies into a rage and starts beating me and trying to rape me
this is no longer podracing

>I don't want any kinds of politics
WHich is why only that one comic artist bothers you enough to shitpost about it in completely unrelated threads. right.

hes just a lefty, its a slightly funny comic but it drives him up the fucking wall

What body size are you?

Picked the largest att he beginning

You're fucked if you're small or tiny

Unpopular opinion. I like the sissy stuff. I want to get some panties now too.

You should be able to beat Whitney at max strength everytime on any but the smallest body type, that being said, strength seems to have a small buffer zone after the max strength, try working out extra day or two.
You should be able to beat Whitney just as you are about to reach 50% pain.

But it's not Yea Forums and has no place in this thread.

do it


I just ordered some from amazon

I mentioned him because shitposters have been flooding the board all morning, you probably wouldn't know considering you happened to learn about Yea Forums 30 minutes ago. I'd be pissed all the same if it were a liberal. Learn to read, ESL-kun, I won't bother to repeat myself again.

its not an unpopular opinion, youre in a thread about a sissy simulator. just do what you want

>tranny and sissy bait
You can just be a guy and set the game so only females are into you and disable butt stuff, and not be a fag.

Attached: 1357197851568.jpg (600x900, 87K)

Wish there'd be more options to proactively do stuff, half the fucking town is into raping your ass whenever they please, at some point you should be able to turn the tables on others too.