Starfield - The comeback of a super star

400 new employees
Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine
Developed for next gen
Bethesda knows their reputation has tanked with 76 so they have to knock this one out of the park and planet
Described as just fucking crazy ambitious which they have never done for previous games

Yeah I'm thinking he's back

Attached: 1541859340763.jpg (870x894, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread: new employees Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine/

Reputation is ruined completely. No preorder, no day one buy, gonna wait for reviews and if it's good buy it on discount.

What are you on about? Todd already confirmed at E3 interviews that Starfield and TES6 will use the same engine than Fallout 4 and 76.

The Outer Worlds already has gameplay footage, this does not. Guess which one I'm more excited for?

Obsidian is gonna bury Bethesda with Outer Worlds and then the open world fantasy TES-like game that they've been teasing for years now.

>trusting Nu-Obsidian
I'm not even a Bethesdrone, but come the fuck on. They can barely make a proper isometric RPG anymore.

After PoE2, I think I'd rather put faith in Beth.

i know it is the same engine but they are overhauling it

>believing todd's lies

do you enjoy being abused? serious question

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You and me both.
TOW looks like SJW trash and if Starfield doesn't doubledown on the tedium sim aspects that 76 brought then I am on board.

looking forward to it, Todd.

>New engine to port skyrim to

Obsidian's writing used to be their strong suit.
They have gone full Bioware and make Bethesda look like Tolstoy in comparison now.

PoE2 was fine. Certainly much better than PoE, NWN2 or KOTOR2 which were all either bland or broken.

As opposed to Bethesda which never had a strong suit apart from employing Kirkbride at one point and giving him a bag of Peyote.

> engine overhaul at the last minute
They will fuck it up

Kirkbride is over rated.
Read his C0DA stuff.
They dodged a bullet when they let him go.

Imp v Stormcloak debates will still hit bump limit to this day.
>Because it is so bad
Tell your self what you have to sweetie.

Still falling for lies. The stockholm syndrome is real.

There were worse things in Skyrim than Imperial vs Stormcloak. For example the entire fucking Mages guild.

What was wrong with the Mages Guild.
Fairly boilerplate and unremarkable but nothing wrong with it.

Yep, it does not matter what changes they make to the engine or what engine they use in general when Bethesda doesn't know how to code to begin with.

They are mere publishers who decided to LARP as devs, and have been faking the funk since day one with a poorly forked Netimmerse/Gamebryo concoction that has performed worse on a technical level than any pure Netimmerse/Gamebryo game before them by other, more competent devs.


Rushed, didn't make sense due to cut content and what was in was poor.

>the last minute
Starfield is still at least 2 years away and they have been working on the engine overhaul since fallout 4. that is plenty of time.

In hindsight the only good things about Skyrim were the moded character customization and the porn. Even at the time the cool factor of their open world wore off after a few hours and you were left with just pure trash quests and trash gameplay that aged terribly and got rekt by open world games made by other developers. Oblivion really is the greater game at the time there was nothing like it and the quests were actually superior

kurt and todd are better than anything kirkbride has produced.

Starfield, the game about nothing.
*Bass slap*

i agree it was rushed but basic plot framework was fine with the thalmor and eye of magnus

Find magical doodad
Doodad is dangerous
Deal with doodad.

It was servicable not bad.
Yes of the factions it was the weakest and the repeatable quests were lackluster but overall not horrible by any stretch.

Why was the doodad dangerous?
What was it?
Who made it?
Who was the Psijic order? Why did they care? Why were you the chosen one?
Why was the Augur set up to be an important character only to make a pointless appearance for 2-3 minutes?

It's serviceable if you just want to consume content without a care for quality. Nothing is explained in the questline, you're just rushed from one plot point to another without much of an explanation or reason for why apart from "because thou must". Also just like any other faction in Skyrim they all had a "hidden" faction that came after the base faction. It's obvious that you were being setup to become a Psijic yourself, but obviously that didn't happen. You barely even interact with your guild members to begin with. It's not like previous TES games where they make you *feel* like you're part of the guild before they weave you into any kind of plot. The Mage's guild in Skyrim is one of the worst questlines ever.

Fuck yeah, Todd is back

>massive overhauls for the engine
>just flair n shit boyeeeee
cant wait for the bankruptcy Toddo

The only writer that was a loss was Peterson.
I hope he has another Decuumus Scotti story for TES 6

Everyone is bitching, but all it will take is for Todd to show the new game at E3 and everyone will go nuts again

>Nothing is explained in the questline
a lot of elder scrolls is like that though.

>Described as just fucking crazy ambitious which they have never done for previous games
this never goes well. its just going to be severely scaled back due to inevitable limitations

That is a great deal of Hyperbole for a mediocre quest line.

Is there something fundamentally wrong with leaving a sense of mystery?

>Described as just fucking crazy ambitious which they have never done for previous games
he literally always says that about every new game

Well they are.

>massive overhauls to the engine
Yeah, let's just not use some actually decent engine guise, we need this shit because it's easy to use for our retard devs and we can spit re-used shit really fast, really cheap !!!
>I'm thinking he's back
I'm thinking not.

> overhaul our piece of shit engine
Umm no sweetie you can overhaul and tweak your piece of shit as much as you want you will still be financially ruined and your legacy will be in tatters

cite it then. he has always said this will be a great game and our biggest ever in content etc, but he has never said this is just completely fucking crazy on an entire other level.

>and our biggest ever in content etc
> our
holy shit BIDF Confimed real

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Yeah im thinking hes back

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>"overhauls to the engine"
>not "new engine"


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i was quoting todd.

You need some kind of setup for mystery, though. And something to get the reader invested. It's only hyperbole because
>you just want to consume content without a care for quality

fallout shelter just made a billion dollars in china. i think they will be ok.

It's hyperbole because calling a mediocre questline the worst ever is a bit much.
It isn't even the worst mages guild questline in TES.
That honor falls to Morrowind.
All that was was do random things until you are in charge.Well that was pretty much every faction questline in Morrowind.

>400 new employees
You’re going to run out of that Skyrim money eventually Todd

It made 600 mil in the US.
The China launch put them well over a billion.
There is now a US re launch planned with the new content from the Chinese version.

If it has legs it has an outside chance of passing Skyrim.

>Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine
Really? Other than Todd saying "a few things will change for 76, more things in Starfield and even more in TES VI" what other confirmation we have? F76 engine was an update but many of the added things don't even work properly.

Delusion. When Starfield comes out everyone and their dog is going to buy it on release. The same for TES6.
1 bad game does not destroy a large company like Bethesda.

>That honor falls to Morrowind.
>Well that was pretty much every faction questline in Morrowind.
lmao you should've told me you're a brainlet right from the get go.

Yeah sure. You'll buy it

>400 new empoyees
its 400 new people that you need to teach how to use your engine

Better buy-buy or it's bye-bye

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gee, if only there were some kind of pipeline to hire people who had demonstrated they could work with your engine by releasing work for free online

>you can influence economy in skyrim
>it's not scripted it's AI
>300 endings

Just watch this and you'll be buying Fallout 76 instantly

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Liar toddler

>1 bad game
Look at this beautiful newborn child.

Take the nostalgia goggles off gramps.
Morrowinds quests outside of the MQ were MMO tier.

all true
the civil war was supposed to be massively expanded with changing a holds economy through warfare. it is in the game files and playable with the civil war mod
radiant ai is ai and not scripted
what todd said was mischaracterized by journalists. the original quote makes it clear he is talking about 300 permutations on the ending.

Yes but... will they have ladders in space?

Well Daggerfall was a long time ago so some leeway is allowed.

>Morrowinds quests outside of the MQ were MMO tier.
if you can't read, sure, must've been pretty hard to play without text

Not buying another Bethesda game until they abandon Gamebryo forever.

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>what todd said was mischaracterized by journalists
no it wasn't. how would you do that with full quoted presentation, eh?

> redding is teh hard
Well at least you tried.

You're an idiot retard if you genuinely think Daggerfall was bad and not the pinnacle of the series. Morrowind was an acceptable downgrade mechanically but pretty good in setting and story.

he was talking on a podcast about it. it was misinterpreted. this is the actual original quote
>"Being that we are Bethesda…everything gets a bit big. So as of last week we’re over 200 endings. That is not an exaggeration, but it deserves some description. 200 endings…that’s a lot. So originally when we started, we had various iterations of the ending. The ending is kind of cinematic, that’s dynamic based on the things you’ve done.
>When we started, it was kind of fuzzy, it was like “well there’s like 9 maybe 12 and we started adding things to it. So if you had done this or not this, you’d get this other tweak to the ending. And we kept doing that. And you know even just two weeks ago someone had this idea, “Oh we should add this idea to the ending” (sorry I’m not going to spoil what that is). And I said, “oh that’s a genius idea, we have to do that.” But then it became, “oh, but there’s four versions of that.” So i was like, “okay there’s like four different versions of that part,” and that multiplies by, at the time we were at about 60 endings…so now there’s four versions of that, so now there are around 240 versions.”

he is clearly talking about permutations

Morrowind was good for it's time. Oblivion even though it is a copy and paste with better graphics and shittier everything else was also good for it's time. Skyrim and the Fallout Series is irredeemable shit

skyrim is the best game they have done so far

Daggerfall was considered shit when it came out.
It is a rare timeless game in that is still considered shit to this day.

Now that is a hot take.

I was around and in the online discussions when Daggerfall released. It was considered a masterpiece despite technical issues. Stop being a revisionist.

Attached: guar.gif (320x210, 2.23M)

>In hindsight the only good things about Skyrim were the moded character customization and the porn
You forgot Enderal, the main storyline is really fucking good.

>Daggerfall was considered shit when it came out.
Nigga I bet you weren't even born in 1996. It was an absolute sensation, and put the series on the map. The profits from Daggerfall then went on to fund Battlespire and Redguard, which were utter monetary failures, and then Morrowind, keeping Bethesda afloat for six years.

well if you mean that in terms of graphics and gameplay it's so far the best copy an paste of Morrowind then yes only Morrowind was released when there was no open world fantasy shit. Skyrim was made when everyone else made better open world fantasy shit

it's not it's shit. And stop shilling this trash I'm not gonna buy Skyrim again you fucking shills.

Every few years Bethesda renames Gamebyro in an attempt to make people think they've developed some cool new engine. The fact of the matter is that it's just a buggy mess that has never really worked well. It's been a buggy mess for every Bethesda release and shit for every mmo that it was licensed out to. It was even so shit that when Atlus tried it out with Catherine it was such a pain to work with that they decided to go with a custom engine for P5. It's fucking shit and no overhauling will save it.

Fallout 2 > Fallout > Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

Please don't bother to argue with this, I just posted the correct orders so there would be no need for further debate.

They've been "overhauling" the engine since Morrowind. You fuckers will eat up every buzzword imaginable.

bethesda is not sentient. what has probably happened is that todd has seen how much money star cit fags have paid for ships and will release each ship as paid dlc

It should be Bethesda Family and ZeniMax Clan

>Every game they release is dumbed down from the previous entry
>Every game they release requires a fan patch because of the infinite bugs
>Every game they release has lazier writing and scenarios
Bethesda has been a pretty mediocre developer for a long while, people just gave them a free pass because they're the only ones who make first-person RPGs of their kind.

>Daggerfall was considered shit when it came out.

>Daggerfall was met with critical acclaim, surpassing its predecessor in Game of the Year Awards.[48] It was named the best computer role-playing game (CRPG) of 1996 by Computer Gaming World and PC Gamer US,[45][44] and won the Spotlight Award for "Adventure/RPG Game of the Year" from the Game Developers Conference.[49] It was also nominated as the year's best CRPG by GameSpot and Computer Games Strategy Plus, but lost both awards to Diablo.[50][51] The editors of Computer Gaming World summarized that the game "is not perfect, but it is revolutionary."

Once again, Zoomers talking about a game they have never actually played. Daggerfall put the elder scrolls franchise on the map.

>implying the public doesnt forget about this shit in a few months
Gamers always eat shit and love it

Reminder to buy a copy of fallout 76 or else you lose the game

>1 bad game
>What is Fallout 3
>What is Fallout 4
>What is skyrim for phones
>Even the normal Skyrim wasn't even that good, the only thing that saved it were mods
>What is the creator club scandal
Bethesda is full of shit right now.

Fuck me I've just been transported back to 2009

>when everyone else made better open world fantasy shit

like who?

Do you remember everyone asking why nothing worked?
Do you remember the "Buggiest piece of shit" posts?
If not your memory is failing.To be expected of the elderly so no shame in that.

seething morrowfag

Attached: Reminder that Daggerfall is best.jpg (844x186, 47K)

>entire elder scrolls and bethesda owned fallout series get worse and worse as times goes by due to engine limitations
>they try to blame the issues with their games on everything else other than the games engine
>it finally breaks down with fallout 76 and becomes one of the biggest blunders of the century in video games
>they've admitted to using that very same engine again not only for their next elderscrolls title but a brand new ip too
>people on Yea Forums can't understand the concern of not trusting bethesda as they once did many years ago

You mean the same engine as Morrowind right?

Fuck Bethesda

Who the fuck pre orders or day one buys?

Reputation is solid, Todd is a mastermind. I've already pre-ordered (black market) an alpha copy, day one I'll buy another copy to support Todd. Bad reviews are paid by shills. I'll only trust the positive (10/10) reviews.

Has Emil left the building yet?

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>What is Fallout 3
goty of release
>What is Fallout 4
disappointing in comparison to previous games but received well and sold a shitload
>What is skyrim for phones
blades looks cool for a mobile game
>Even the normal Skyrim
goty of release

that is your best argument?

Attached: 1550773499754.jpg (1936x2592, 158K)

Sold around 200 k lifetime.
Some smash hit.
Compare that to Baldurs Gate that did over 700k just over two years later.

Ok gramps.
I hear there are some clouds outside that you can yell at.

> Fallout 3 Fallout 4, Oblivion, Skyrim
It's all the same shitgame with the same formula It's not 2011 anymore if they release another Skyrim type game they are fucked there are far superior open world games now.

>thinks they will ever recover

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>nothing but "no u" replies
and that is your best "argument"? laughable

> I don't like popular things.
Found the hipster.
Now tell me which game nobody ever heard of that is better.

>it's not it's shit
Why is it shit, have you played it?
>I'm not gonna buy Skyrim again
Not my fault you're retarded enough to give Todd your money.
Everyone who doesn't agree with your opinions isn't a shill you know.


>Sold around 200 k lifetime.

For Daggerfall's launch on September 20,[12] shipments of around 120,000 copies were delivered to stores. The game surpassed Bethesda's internal estimates and became an immediate hit: more than 100,000 copies were sold within two days of release. As a result, supplies were depleted at many retailers. While a second printing of Daggerfall was shipped on September 24, Next Generation reported at the time that "this shipment is expected to be considerably smaller than the first due to production limitations."[32] In the United States, the game debuted in fourth place on PC Data's monthly computer game sales chart for September 1996.[33] It secured sixth place the following month,[34] before dropping to position 16 in November.[35]

Why do you continue to make up shit?

We know its you, Todd.

Nothing you posted refutes the 200k lifetime sales and actually supports it.

Lel no. Morrowind cut a bunch of things from Daggerfall. It is not on an equal footing in terms of being an rpg

Unfortunately no news on that front yet, but with 76's failure there's always hope.

Attached: Emil.png (859x933, 963K)

Does anyone remember that leaker talking about the response to 76?

That's a lot of onions

honestly, could you hold any other position as an american dev without getting fucked in the ass?

A third of Daggerfalls "skills" were languages that reduced the attack chance for that creature type.
When they got cut nothing of value was lost.

Nice shop.
Emil was the dev that told Resetera they were toxic.

wow what a wild stance to take, damn

He is the only one so far that has said it there so far.
So yes it is unusual.

>thinking Bethesda can code at all and that its just the engine that is the problem.........
You're in for a rude awakening.

One more "so far " than was necessary.

You lost
>purchase of homes
>purchase of horses
>purchase of ships
>banks and ability to take out loans
>ability to choose your tone with people
>People being angered at your lack of etiquette if they are of a higher social standing
This is just some of the cut stuff. This hurts the role playing ability of an rpg

Implying that wasn't todd

The industry at the time was significantly smaller and physical media for such a small company was a huge strain on them.

200K back then was like several million today. Especially considering the production values were much lower.

yeah this is what they do with most engines like Frostbite, Unreal and the GTA RAGE engine.

>massive overhauls to the engine
Jesus Fucking Christ, finally.

it's okay :)

lmao do you belive that?

I just checked and it's real:
(facebook's domain)/photo.php?fbid=10213609790300852
split link because
>our system thinks your post is spam

to view his account (emilpags) you need to be logged in, but the post is visible to guests.

>goy release
No, the shit games were modded to workable status and offered fun goof off mods, by the players. Each new installment in their games(Not Arkane and ID software, who are not actually bethesda devs.) just removes prior features too, they are scam products. Bethesda has mainly just been coasting off the good will of players fixing their problems, because it is free.

Hi Todd

This isn't going to be the epic scifi space opera RPG where "alien" races are blue humans, right?
Please no, stick to sword&sorcery.

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That guy has to be being sarcastic.

more like todd shillward

i was responding to the post mocking someone for saying bgs only made 1 bad game. i pointed out that the majority of their previous games were goty winners. your shit opinions are irrelevant to the wider gaming community.
and skyrim was loved on Yea Forums at release you fucking newfags

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> the same formula
yes which is why fallout 4 was disappointing. and they look to be changing that with starfield and tes 6.

yeah i agree they have been overhauling the engine since morrowind. what is your point?

Skyrim is still beloved even though it's multiple rereleases have become a meme


>400 new employees

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who's this sticky vicky? i wanna fuck her 'til my dick falls off

>Described as just fucking crazy ambitious which they have never done for previous games
Bethesda is always overly ambitious. That's the whole reason their games release unfinished. It's just going to be Skyrim in space.


>not "Yeah I'm thinking I'm back."
One job.

>Bethesdrones coming out of the woodworks
trying to compete against biodrones already?

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post more pics?

I expect my intelligent, self aware aliens to look close to humans anyway. I was never onboard with making them look like monster animals, like the Elcor, Hanar or Rachni and shit.
They take me somewhat out of the immersion and don't instill me with the belief that they would do things that bipedal primates would be doing, tasks requiring opposable thumbs, much less doing space travel especially when all the b decor and vehicles are generally designed around them.
The aliens I mentioned with their very deviant appearance compared to humanoids, especially imparts that they wouldn't and shouldn't realistically behave like humanoids, going well beyond merely not mating with them.

If Zenimax was smart they would make id into a dedicated in-house engine team.

>Skyrim in space
with futa mods that is fine by me

why are you not doing this regardless of the developer?

I hope they actually make a good game for once.
I’ve always theorised that their main problem was zenimax being stingy.

Fallout 76 is a GOOD game.

Fucking hell. Bethesda is beyond repair.

"400 new employees" is a red flag more than anything. Todd needs to take his "less is more" philosophy of game development and apply it to his team instead to take out the trash.

Aw, that's cute.

Attached: billygod'slight.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

I just lost the game.

Tbf the fluff in me2 makes those races sound pretty alien.
The rachni especially don't act like humanoids at all.

Name one better open world fantasy rpg. If you can even name one game better than Skyrim I will never buy another Bethesda game for the rest of my life.

>your shit opinions are irrelevant to the wider gaming community.
>its opinion that their games are broken and that Bethesda can't code.
No, those GOY games didn't have everyone on the internet calling out Bethesda yet, that habitat has changed. You ain't going to see a Bethesda game getting GOTY anytime soon. Hell, Skyrim is old, so they haven't had GOTY for some time, the shiny veneer has rubbed off of Bethesda.

>and skyrim was loved on Yea Forums at release you fucking newfags
It was roasted on Yea Forums on release, you were defending it though, like a typical ass eater.

It's not you, dumb faggot

The Witcher 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Forgot pic

Attached: Bez tytułu.png (1920x1080, 217K)

>Elcor, Hanar or Rachni
That would be more immersive to me, but assuming multiple playable races are going to be a thing they will go for "blue" human approach. It's too difficult to actually build a game from the perspective of a truly alien race with dialogue, animations, combat ... To much waste of time and resources when they just make cute elf dolls instead. Wouldn't blame them but still would be disappointed

>don't instill me with the belief that they would do things that bipedal primates would be doing
Which is why it would truly be an ambitious objective to make a make something different from the bipedal primate model, something truly original

>didn't have everyone on the internet calling out Bethesda yet
because they were great games thus not bad

>It was roasted on Yea Forums on release
thanks for confirming you are a fucking newfag

I want to believe

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Get a life, Todd, ya manlet.

>Witcher 3
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dragon Age Origins
There's three, please kill yourself

Reposting a very credible bethesda employee leaker's posts on Fallout 76.
>Sup Yea Forums.

>I'm a Bethsoft team member and, well I just wanted to clue you in a little on why Fallout 76 was such a mess of a production as you're never going to be told the real reason from PR (unless something dramatic happens) and nobody has written a complete story on it yet despite me putting out feelers to the usual journos and letting them know I'm willing to share.

>I can't give you proof or credentials (for obvious reasons) so I understand if you choose to not to believe me. I'll say that I work as a part of the level design team at BGS and have been there long enough to know the ins and outs of what happened with it.

>The main focal point of this entire debacle that underpins a lot of the problems and criticism is that Fallout 76 was NEVER envisioned or designed to be sold as a $60 retail title and only had around 11 months of true development time.

>F76 was initially one of the many smaller 'wouldn't this be cool' side projects that never usually bear any fruit and internally are concocted by a handful of the main creatives. It had been in that state of 'an idea on paper' for nearly the past decade.

>The majority (and I'm talking 95%) of the staff at BGS (the main studio) have been and still are working on Starfield. All the money and resources have been committed here for the past 4-5 years, we didn't even know internally about F76 till March 2017.

>Fallout 76 was the pet project of design director Emil Pagliarulo, who in my opinion had no business heading up a project of this scope.
BGS Austin was handed the basic framework, of the creation engine used in F4's production on Jan 22 2018 along with a half completed world map and told to add-in functionality to make it what amounts to an MMORPG. That includes server support, networking and everything that goes with it.


Though they have human intelligence, they can
build technology and travel space.


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you're autistic, mate

>Austin was (and still is kinda) a brand new studio with few members, little experience with our tools and not much experience in the industry.

>Despite what I see people posting about here and on Reddit, Todd Howard had very little to do with this project outside of greenlighting it and being the PR man and overpromising at E3 based on incorrect/missing features and overly optimistic progress reports he was given from Emil.

>If anyone has any worthwhile questions i'll try to answer them in the next 20 min.


Wasn't there a more creditable leaker then that one? Posted time stamp and all?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Assassins Creed Odyssey, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Horizon zero dawn, The Mordor game with the orcs, those Pilalrs of eternity games

if you're just talking Open world games then the GTA series Red Dead redemption, Assassins Creed and Far Cry shit makeand pretty much every other game released right now make Skyrim look really shitty really dated and unplayable

pic related is more like you fag

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>and skyrim was loved on Yea Forums at release you fucking newfags
I don't see why people being retarded 8 years ago would even mean that we should continue to suck farts now. Thats some newfag tier thinking, believing we that should have reverence for that. Something a definite posing oldfag would think is a convincing argument.

The Witcher 3 is a far better story game but inferior in every rpg aspect. How am I supposed to play as a witch in the Witcher 3? Oh wait I can only play as Geralt and thus the game loses all replay value.

Dragon's Dogma is awesome but far too small and limited. The non combat options are pathetic, calling them anemic would be an insult to the word anemic.

Dragon's Age Origins is a great crpg but a very bad open world rpg. The entire game is spent going from linear location to linear location all to finish a main story. The only choice you have is in your class and which order you do the story, not the type of game I'm looking for in an open world game at all.

Kingdom Come Deliverance has no magic whatsoever. The main character is predetermined and you cannot influence his past in any way. Good for a play through one time but I will never play it again.

Three worthless options that don't even come close to the infinite replay ability of Skyrim. This is why I buy Bethesda games to this day because they are the only developer on the planet that makes open world rpgs with such care and polish.

>can become archmage only knowing one spell

>infinite replay ability of Skyrim
nigger are you serious right now? What the fuck do you do there "infinitely?" All the quests are shit. Do you jsut re-do the shitty faction quests over and over again or what?

>everyone ITT actually deluding themselves into thinking starfield or tes6 will actually be good
Oblivion was bad, Fallout 3 was bad, Skyrim was bad, Fallout 4 was bad, Fallout 76 was bad...but the next game they make will be good??

that was posted on jan 30 2019. the starfield one was an obvious larper based on him knowing nothing about game development and treating bethesda like a television show with emil and todd as cast members.

None of those games are open world rpgs. Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games of all time but it pales in comparison to Skyrim. BotW has an amazing exploration system and great weapon durability system but very poor character progression, with the only options being health stamina and inventory space. No magic or weapon skills or permanent character boosts.

All assassins creed games are not rpgs. GTA is not fun as an open world because your ability to interact with the map are severely limited. In GTA you do not feel a sense of progression because the games are far too tied into the story so any side activity you do has only minimal impact on your main character. You cannot change the main character beyond superficial clothing and there is no weapon or magic progression. All weapons are purchased and are generic without modifiers.


do you really think everyone who uses reaction images or waifu faggotry is trying to larp as them? I guess you having a severe case of assburgers makes me a neckbeard, sure

>Rpg aspect.

There is no RPG aspect in Skyrim. There are no skills you aren't playing a "role" there you are an overpowered meme man who is an expert at sorcery archery swordplay and shouts by like level 10

>Which is why it would truly be an ambitious objective to make a make something different from the bipedal primate model, something truly original.
They are usually called pets, they don't tend to do things primates can, because they can't, as they are not realistically built for it. they are also less relatable to most people even if they find them to be adorable creatures, that's why those types tend to take a back seat and only the humanoids end up mattering.

you don't have to like skyrim to not be a hyperbolic retard

Yes I play different characters who do different things all the time. I even play Skyrim on the Switch just so I can play it on the go. There has never been a game as detailed and immersive as Skyrim with so many options.

>Who the fuck pre orders
I do, not Bethesda games mind you but most other games (RE2, DMCV, Sekiro, DOA6, MK11 so far this year) and I aim to so it for a bunch of others coming soon like The Outer Worlds, Judge Eyes and Death Stranding, I'd rather play the games I want ASAP.

Speak for yourself.

I have FFXIV Shadowbringers preordered. I really want that exp earring and I need the statue that comes with the limited edition.

>Fallout 3
fuck outta here

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> Went to college and didn't learn a damn thing.
Sounds like a you problem.

I will say this. If Starfield is anything like any of those games you listed than I am going to love it. Therefore it makes complete logical sense to preorder it so I can play it the moment it becomes available since no review on the planet will change reality and make it a bad game.

>Yeah I'm thinking he's back
Why? All your post says is how much they've fucked up recently. Are you stupid, a marketer or what?
Fucking retard, stop trying to prop up bethesda, they're done for as a developer.

how the fuck is that hyperbole? You are expected and it usually turns ouyt to be the case that you are a caster, a swordsman, a stealth dude, an archer and do all the faction quests. So you aren't playing a "role" your roile is the Dragon Boi who is a demi god like person who saves the world yet nobody gives a fuck about and gets no recognition who sometimes murder's and works as a subordinate for the local crime syndicate. You're not in a role it's a sandbox for making waifus and porn in.

>because they were great games thus not bad
They were bad games, casualfags like you were just impressed by modding so much that you overlooked this.

>thanks for confirming you are a fucking newfag
Roasting spurred the mods on, poser.

do you ever get tired of just thinking everything is shit?

>There are no skills
>expert at sorcery archery swordplay and shouts by like level 10

and you could always max out everything in every previous elder scrolls. so why the complaint now?

> different things
but it's the same things. You can be a thief go through the thieves guild quest line which is all just shit that's 3 hours long max and there's no more thievery unless you autistically do the chore assignments which nobody ever does because they are shit and worth nothing

He literally said it's him

Nice projecting there buddy. I can find enjoyment in doing those quests though I never focus on them. I really just like exploration even if I already know everything about every dungeon. I enjoy starting new characters and only using a limited amount of skills. I enjoy going through dungeons in different ways even if the dungeons never change. Skyrim does have an insane amount of quests and content and I still to this day have never gotten sick of it.

>engine overhaul
You can't patch shit onto shit and make it work. They've been trying for like 20 years and look at the results. They're not going to magically turn gamebryo into a modern engine, they're completely incompetent at doing it, as proven by every game they've made using it.

>muh modding

reminder that mod tools don't come out 6 months after release at the earliest for bethesda games.
consoles didn't have modding until fallout 4.
and even on pc the most popular mods(skyui, unofficial patch) only have download numbers a fraction of actual sales. the "modding is what makes everyone love bethesda games" meme is fucking stupid. like you.

ok buddy good for you but the rest of us don't like it

lmao that was me as a joke, you really are autistic

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That's Gold, Jerry!

other than physics and animations (confirmed to be completely replaced for starfield and tes 6) what do you think is wrong with the engine?

I just do not think that you are the ambassador capable of speaking all other humans minds that you claim you are. Skyrim is one of the most successful games of all time. I honestly think that Starfield will also be a huge success.

>confirmed to be completely replaced
Well if the corporate ghoul's said it's confirmed then it must be true I'm definitely preordering and buying the season pass now

you're still a fag

Skyrim is not even in the fucking top 50 of most successful games of all time

>would consider a preorder ever
I sure hope you guys don't do this

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Are you turbo fucking retarded mate? It's literally number 13

>Skyrim is not even in the fucking top 50 of most successful games of all time


The lighting and polycount, but it's their implementation that sucks ass. It's so visually inconsistent it's puzzling as to what they're even doing with it. You're out in the waste and it looks okay, then you go indoors and the shaders are 7 kinds of fucked up. The visual mess they produce with it signals the mess of code that's running it. new employees Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine/

the only thing back is your retard ass.

yeah i agree ao is a problem indoors for some reason. i guess they couldn't fix it for 76's release for some reason

>Developed for next gen
A lot of what you're saying means nothing but this especially since the processing wall they hit means next gen is really gonna just look the same as this one.

what will getting a new engine fix that overhauling the old one won't? they aren't magically going to become good coders by clicking "new project" on visual studio, it's still going to have the same janky bullshit. engines aren't like brick houses where you have to take down the whole thing to start over, you can take parts of it out and replace them as you go

literally and factually wrong

this is like the third time this has been posted, fuck off

>I want to imply that I am everyone
>pretending people wouldn't take advantage of steam discounts.
>kid thinks we used the same place for downloading mods
I was talking about you, retard. Console slaves were already used to poor quality, so that is a give in. You will be hard pressed finding any of those same console slaves liking the bad quality of many of the old games they used to play though, that's why they are always asking for remastered(coughPCcough)editions and are begging Bethesda to use a different engine(Even though its not the engine, its Bethesda sucking at coding.).

There was also not as big a turn against mainstream gaming media back then, thus generally swallowing what people like Sessler told them.

besthesda game comes out
>it's buggy as usual
>modders fix it in a week

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first time seeing it myself

next gen consoles are going to have a massive jump in cpu power. bethesda games have always been cpu limited more than most.

i would've guessed fallout would be banned in china since it depicts china as losing a war (well, going into a stalemate)

There's a small chance that Bethesda will make a game that's good with few bugs at launch modable, good gameplay branching and engaging quests and storyline

There's a higher chance it will do the above but lock the cheats and mods behind paid mods loot shit and grind time savers.


it will make the same shit game it's been making with the bugs and open world sandbox formula but without the paid mods and time savers and cheats


It will make the same shitty game it's been making with the bugs and the open world sandbox formula but with all the loot shit grind time savers lock the cheats and the console.

which option do you think is the most likely?

it will be a good game

it will be a great game

this has to be bait holy FUCK
>blades looks cool for a mobile game
>unironically shilling for a mobile game
todd gtfo


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Well some insider said that 76 was yanked from Todd, so they will have no excuses for Starfield, of course they won't deliver because their audience is the skyrim audience, not the DOS2 one.

heck yeee broseph

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>Oblivion was bad
No, you're just jaded

>copy paste the game

and people are actually excited for this?

>only 1 bad game he says

when your average mobile game is complete garbage a simple dungeon crawler is already better than 99% of the competition

When did quoting something mean you were trying to refute the statement? Or do you call it greentext or meme arrows and think it's saying the statement is wrong

Homes and horses have kind of returned in later games, and I'll give them ships as a thing where the cost of a good implementation is likely not to to justify the dev time unless water travel is fairly common, but the banks and loans thing is a great example of Bethesda laziness. A loan mechanic is a very simple numbers box that only needs a little recalibration against the economy proper for each new game, but provides players with an entirely optional risk/reward loop if they have low resources. It'd be a great match for crafting mechanics and with a little extra flesh could support business mechanics. Vaults are a natural fit for thievery or subterfuge missions.

When this becomes dwarf fortress tiers of procedual generated autism, Yea Forums will understand.

they could probably do loans easily but since you already get so much gold and nothing to spend that gold on they probably figured what would be the point? i do agree some sort of banking building should be in the games just for immersion sake. having these cities that are supposed to represent capitals and large holds without some banking npcs or something is dumb.

i fully believe sailing will be in the next game. a lot of stuff points to it. starfield will probably have flying spaceships and space combat because what else would people think about when starfield is described as the most epic sci fi thing you can imagine. they have been increasing the size of their game worlds each game so a large land area and ocean sounds like the next step. and the location is either hammerfell or high rock or both and those provinces are known for their sailing and piracy. and having a huge ocean to explore with a lot of islands and seamless transition from land to boat to ocean sounds like exactly the thing todd howard was talking about when he said the technology wasn't there yet for es 6.

They'll just change "engine limitations" excuse to "w-we're still new to this engine, pls understand" an d then use it for a decade and a half.

When are you guys going to realize that Todd isn't to blame. He's just the figure head. Guy's a fucking nerd, simple as, and look at how it turned out when he had a hand in Morrowind. Todd means well, direct your shit to that fucking retard Pete Hines.

If Todd Howard had his way, none of this would've happened.

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Please stop pretending you know what you're talking about, you don't even understand Moore's Law and what it means for today.

There is a difference between good things everyone enjoys and shit.
According to your point of view, 1 million flies can't be wrong.

I'll believe it when I see it
post a source

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>goty of release
Just because there were no better games (according to some meme site or gaming magazine) doesn't mean that this game was good on a global scale.
According to some awards Fallout 4 was game of the year too. Was the game good? No, it was dogshit.

>not going to be a elder scrolls/fallout like game
uh oh, do they know they don't know how to make games without relying on an amazing genre formula that sells itself?

what the fuck are you talking about.
bethesda games are more cpu heavy than most and current gen cpus are dogshit laptop cpus that were outdated in 2013. amd now has a new cpu the consoles are going to use that isn't laptop tier so there will be a big jump in cpu power. moores law has nothing to do with it.

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The last line of anons post was "Why are you making shit up?"
I have no idea what they were thinking either as what they posted supported my claim.

Isn't literally every quest in Daggerfall apart from the main story skrim-tier randomly generated quests? I put some hours into it and I encountered multiple quests where the dungeon's random generation made it impossible to complete it.

I think Daggerfall's direction had a lot of potential but the game does not hold up today at all, there's a lot of neat stuff in it but none of it is refined to the point of standing the test of time. Though I do think if they continued going down that route instead of the morrowind route TES would be a far more unique series than it is now.


>I played Skyrim on novice

What a hot take user.
Any thoughts on the engine you care to share?
Perhaps a little Wide as an ocean thoughts?

NPCs need some new programmers.


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If you could make the perfect Starfield game what would you include?

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Do we know literally anything about this game yet?

After 76 no one is day one buying their next game. Anyone that does is a retard. If they use the same tired old engine they've been using its gonna be a shit storm of bad press regardless of how good the game itself might be.

Come on, they've been saying that shit since Oblivion. It's a Frankenstein monster of slapped on additions with the same problems from a decade and a half ago.

>I call everyone who disagrees with me an NPC
You sure got some software update recently

There are ,at most, 1.4 million people disappointed with Fallout 76.
Skyrim sold 28 million copies
Fallout 4 around 15 million copies.

Fallout 76 will have minimal impact on sales of Starfield.


>No U

what were these dildo rockets from? it was a joke wasn't it?

okay i was biting until this post. don't lay it on so thick next time, you were doing really well up to here.

Oh, you mean where you work up from getting basic potion ingredients to unearthing lost magical artifacts, helping with researching the Dwemer and generally advancing the cause of the MG in Vardenfell? To the point where the other leaders support you over the current lameduck figurehead.

Christ, that sounds like an actual guild plotline instead of the 'grand crisis' bullshit Bethesda pulls with all the side factions. With more meat and politics and less 'oooh a doomsday artifact'.

Dildo rockets are no joke user.

can't wait for pirate shouts - I mean shanties

not true, sadly. they fucked up with a multiplayer fallout. a singleplayer TES game will be barely affected, if at all. it's not like there are other first person fantasy RPGs coming out recently or soon. TES 6 will be a huge success no matter what, as long as it superficially looks like a TES game. that's pretty much the only requirement for huge day 1 sales.

No I said what I meant.
I will expand.
Having an over arching narrative for the guild quest lines was a vast improvement over "do random things until you are in charge" MMO style of Morrowind.
For me anyways.
If you are fond of Morrowinds questing style may I suggest ESO as it will be right up your alley.

You're right, better to pad out puddle thin guilds with randomly generated fetch quests. That have no impact on your standing or progress you in any way save ticking a quota. Hope you enjoyed that last place you went to, cause the code borked up and now you're being sent back right back there. Har har fun.

So you have given up defending Morrowinds guild quests and went off on a non sequitur about radient quests?
Smart actually.Can't say as I blame you on that move.

>Rumors of rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
You can't make this shit up.

>being excited for megan starks writing
top kek

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>First two sentences are written as if by a kindergartner
>Second sentence graduates to the third/fourth grade in complexity and thought

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Don't forget the moist squishes.
Holy hell they fell off a cliff in the writing dept.
I think even Bioware is laughing at them now.

Some of those job listings included a vehicle programmer, contrary to what people have been saying that Gamebryo can't do vehicles.

Are you retarded? People get vehicles working in New Vegas. Bethesda is just shit developer.

>Describe Morrowind's guilds as 'doing random things until you're in charge'
>Prefers guild design that is padded out by doing literally random things.
>Makes sense.

No, I think the people here saying it can't do vehicles are retarded.
>Bethesda is just shit developer.
And in case you didn't understand yet it's Bethesda developing them now.

>brainlets think they know how an engine work
colour me shocked

>Job postings confirming massive overhauls to the engine
At this point they should be writing a new engine or GTFO.

Fallout 76 is a total fucking disaster and the engine is a huge contributing factor.

Here's an example of one such brainlet.

>Bethesda is developing them now
Until it's real, it doesn't exist.

Weird how there hasn't been any leaks yet.

Not sure where you are getting that.
I am fine with the radient quests as an adjunct to the guild questline not in place of.
Morrowind was the equivalent of do ten radient quests and you are in charge.

For as much effort as they put in the MQ the sparse amount they put into the side and faction quests was noticeable.


I think the speed of the vehicles was the issue.
Maybe some of the work they did on 76 will alleviate this.

Starfield will use the shit out of Radiant quests as it's most likely going to have a lot of procedurally generated content.

>procedurally generated content.
I can't imagine they are going to handcraft planets, which will most likely be almost completely barren. I mean we won't have villages and dungeons dotting the landscape, so the whole game concept will rely more on randomness.

76 was on the old consoles, it's different now with double the memory and actually decent CPUs.

>Bethesda's theorized game is going to be emptier than No Man's (Game) Sky

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>you can't influence economy
>radian AI is still scripted

>still can't get on the mountains you see because invisible walls

Yeah, right. They also did not make skyrim a good game, but everything is there, you simply need to download a lot of mods. Just as planned.

how fast can you go with a jetpack in fallout 4?

>old consoles
It's on PS4 and Xbone.

>calls them endings
He either doesn't know what ending is, or he lied.
He lied before, so I guess he lied again.

Yep, they were god-awful old pieces of shit even when they came out.

And they're still out.

Fallout 3 and Skyrim were both great games loved by majority.

I was around when daggerfall released. People raged about it being broken.

>great game
I remember clearing dungeons in Thieves Guild storyline. A great game it is.

I swear if it was any other studio his ass would have been out the door as a result of the 76 fuck up, but because he's basically the face of Bethesda and a big influence within the company he's untouchable. I think he knows he is too

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I think it's going to be like No Man's Sky, except that you'll feel a hell of lot less lonely with your "race" or faction or whatever they implement. Plus I'm predicting some sort of strategy elements to the whole managing planets/star systems and defending and maintaining them.

You'll probably have an overview of the star clusters/planets from a strategic point of view, but you won't be able to traverse space in real time because the engine can't do it in that scale.

While you are inside a space station or on planets it switches to first/third person.

you have to wonder if they don't can the whole project given similar games failure
>star citizen is a jpeg sale vaporware joke at this point, never going to come out
>mass effect is dead
>anthem failed, too
>no man's sky

halo is the only series in the genre that does decently, and it has fallen far and settled in a low place compared to its peak.

You know it took awhile for me to realize it. But this forum only exist to shill garbage. The mods are likely compromised and paid off. Hardly any of the post are ever genuine. The board ranges from complete shills and children that get gratification out of digital images to people that will actively sabotage and try to put down any thread that isn't slop from these factory farms.

Wait, did you mean Starfield comes for the old consoles? There's no way that's happening as the consoles are already coming out in 2020.

Bethesda is big on new tech. That's why they have been saying "we don't have the technology yet" the whole time.

They made Morrowind and Oblivion for fairly fresh tech too.

i never did the brotherhood quests for fallout 4. how does their helicopter work? does that have a high speed?

>Bethesda is big on new tech
That's why they use nothing but old tech!

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There wasn't really much of a fuck up though. If you payed attention to everything leading up to launch, you'd see that they fully understood that things were gonna be rocky at first.

>can the whole project
after all the time and work they put into it that will never happen.
anthem isn't even a large open world sci fi rpg.

Shouldn't you be at work at the office instead of shilling on Yea Forums?

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>tfw you will never be able to shitpost on bethesda games with todd fucking howard actually responding

this is the worst timeline

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Good. That is literally the entire point. A company has to be reminded that it fears death so that it can remember why it is necessary to produce good games.

Still not gonna pre-order or buy before reviews come out.

That was more a vertical boost than a horizontal.
If you go too fast in the overland map you basically get a loading screen.
I believe the work they did with draw distance to accommodate 12 players in 76 maybe useful with vehicles in a single player game.
At the very least horses should be faster in TES 6.

That was rough. All I could imagine was an angsty preteen writing this crap out

Fairly quick not anywhere near blazing fast.
I think being airborne helped reduce the ground detail needed.


Was this bait, or is this guy actually this delusional?

Yea Forums thinks Bethesda is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.
Delusion is fairly common here.

Unless those reviews are RPGCodex or something who cares? I can judge from gameplay.

Bethesda isn't a publicly traded company. Nobody can fire Todd.

i'm thinking from the perspective of space flight or combat in starfield. since it is basically a black background and not many objects that require lots of loading and they can mask your speed artificially so it seems like you are going fast i think space flight is perfectly dobale in starfield with the creation engine. same with sailing in tes 6. since you are mostly surrounded by a water and again not loading in lots of assets i think it will be fine as well.

Isn't it too early for Toddy to be shilling fresh lies?

yea they will try to block modding so they can profit from inhouse mods once and for all

>simple as
oi oi

>Nobody can fire Todd
Yeah, I guess Trump's brother can't fire Todd.

>Todd shilling for Starfield
>People are SERIOUSLY falling for it
He literally said the same shit for F76. What the fuck. He is a hype man, how the FUCK are people falling for it?

>purchase of homes
Sure, but you can build up your own stronghold if you become a noble of a great house. Same thing in the end and more fleshed out than Daggerfall's since Morrowind's homes had working containers and allowed you to place items however you liked.
>purchase of ships
Yeah but ships can't actually do anything in Daggerfall. They just sit in the middle of the ocean, never moving, and serve as a home in your pocket that you can teleport to instantly from anywhere outside. Not even normal fast travel, but instantly teleporting back and forth with no game-time passage even if you're a thousand miles from any body of water. Owning one removes the fee that would normally be incurred by the "ship" fast travel option (reduces travel time when crossing the bay) but you'll spend more on a single ship than you would on ten full playthroughs worth of ship fees.
As they were would be useless without adding weight to gold again. The main purpose of banks was to convert your heavy gold (0.25 per 100 coins) into papers that weigh 0.25 with any balance, useful mainly for daedra summonings which could cost more than even a max strength character could carry as coins.
>ability to take out loans
Loans on the other hand were one of several of Daggerfall's halfassed mechanics that were so poorly implemented as to actually detract from the game overall, because they are simply cheats to get free money with no downside. Every region tracks them individually and you can borrow (50,000 * character level) gold from each of them at any time. There's no collateral and even if you have outstanding overdue loans in every single other region, the next one's bank will still be happy to offer you the same credit. You are told it will be due (+10%) in a year but that means nothing because interest does not accrue and the only thing paying off a loan does is allow you to take another loan from the same region. You can even still use the normal bank service there.

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At the least, I have to give them credit for not detailing her extra puffy labia and well toned butt.

This E3 we'll probably get the first real gameplay footage of Starfield. Nothing too big but enough to understand what it's about. For the most part though they'll talk about Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades.

In 2020 E3 however they'll devote the entire segment for Starfield drumming it up with details, and then it'll come out in Q4 2020 only a few months after the new consoles.

Nice wasteland.

There was a lot more than 1 bad game...

People who actually know how to make RPGs

Yes but Daggerfall and the adventure games were ages ago and don't really count.

RPGs suck.

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Go Todd!

Ok, we got Todd already so that target's been hit.

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Now you know why Todd retired from social media.

based todd dabbing on internet losers

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I'm interested, as long as it's a new engine.(I just really want a big sci-fi game.)
If Bethesda enters the 9th generation with the same fucking engine, they're dead to me.

They make Far Crys for people like you. There's no point turning Elder Scrolls into Far Cry.

1 critically bad game isn't going to undo them. What fucking fantasy world do you live in?
>but, but, but, I don't like any of there games
good for you, unfortunately the masses have loved pretty much everything since Morrowind.

It'll be the same engine that they'll rename once again and pretend it's new. They already pretended that the Creation Engine for Skyrim/Fallout 4 wasn't Gamebyro.

>create new engine
>there's even more bugs on it
>this time users can't mod the problems like every previous bethesda game


You first, Todd

Even Assassin's Creed has RPG elements now. Next you'll see Rockstar Games start to employ them (again, since San Andreas).

The trend is not to remove RPG elements altogether. I'm sure Bethesda is not dumb enough to believe this. They are very much into trends.

Todd Howard:
>If people don't like something in the game, and they spent their money on it, they deserve to [censored], and that's one of the reasons our forums exist, honestly. I think it's our responsibility to take it. You probably don't know this, but I do have a "don't defend us" rule to the team regarding the forums. If someone doesn't like something in our games, they are right, always. It is their money, their opinion, and they don't need or want you to change it. Plus, I do believe the world is 0 for 1 zillion in internet forum opinion change.

Phil Fish:
>I just won the grand prize at IGF tonight. suck my dick. choke on it.

What are some other quotes of devs responding to criticism?

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I interviewed at Bethesda about 6 months ago. They don't really have any structure at all. It's just a ton of people working independently going "oh it'd be cool if I added this feature" and then they add it by themselves on the weekend, and what you end up with is a hodgepodge of random crap that may or may not work together, isn't tested, and isn't balanced. The creation kit modding framework is basically the same thing they use internally which looks and behaves like its from 1995, and hasn't really been updated besides adding a few new features for each game.

Anyway it didn't really make me want to work there, stuck trying to glue together old morrowwind hacks for the next 10 years.

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Reminder that Starfield is going to be a space version of fallout.
>gigantic empty space
>float around like in anthem
>empty planets
>devoid of soul

honestly i'll just keep buying todds games regardless of quality because he seems like a guy i would want to have a beer with and discuss crazy game ideas.

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I'm thinking you're stupid

and yet other than 76 they ship billion dollar games. sounds awesome to work there

that can't be real, they have to move on, they have to get a new engine, they can't use the same one for next gen!

Number of sales isn't really a good indicator of how enjoyable it is to work there. Working on 10+ year old tech is frustrating and draining. They also don't pay very much base salary, although I'm not sure exactly how the bonus system work.

That said I ended up at an even more successful studio and its great, since they're pushing new boundaries that no one else has yet.

No, you either think like a liberal or you get fucked

that's our industry

>They don't really have any structure at all.
Todd has stated numerous times that they are able to generate content really fast. After a game concept and the technical stuff is finalized everyone starts creating whatever the hell they have on their mind.

You saw that with the Skyrim Game Jam.

>investing 36mill in just new positions.

more like emifags

>25 year old engine
>still a bugfest

I don't think like a liberal but I still can't get fucked. What's the deal?

Jesus Christ this is a real post isn't it

>That said I ended up at an even more successful studio
That kind of narrows it down.

I'm just curious, what should planets be full of?


>crazy ambitious
So lots of bugs and questionable game play before they redo it and make it space skyrim.

>Working on 10+ year old tech is frustrating and draining.
Holy shit, this. I work in a software webdev SaaS company and up until this year they had been stuck using internal tools and programs using a database/programming languages that had support dropped for it 12 years ago, making it essentially a dead programming language. We're not completely out of it yet but it's getting close. Such a pain in the ass to work with.

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Space is unimaginably empty, every science documentary I watch keeps saying that.

This is the best scenario we could have in the future.

2019: CD Project releases Cyberpunk 2077. Game of the year.
casual players increase their desire for more immersive games and with a greater emphasis on the role.
2023: Bethesda launches TES 6: the red shit.
the game is essentially the same as Skyrim, and inferior to The Witcher 3.

People are really upset with Bethesda.

Todd Howard makes statements defending the game.

Todd is shot by a furious fan, who is then arrested.

2024: Bethesda begins to have enormous economic problems due to the low sells of TES 6.

2025: Zenimax begins to be affected, and can not continue producing video games.

2025: later that same year, Zenimax announces that it has just seen the Elder Scrolls franchise CD Projekt Red.

2029: CD Projekt releases The Elder Scrolls 1: New Age.

Full Roleplaying experience.

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No they make TES an Fallout games for people like me.
Larian is the one catering to you.
It used to be Obsidian but I think even they are growing up. Shame all the good writers left though.

I invented mouse look bitch.

Why is Captain America defending a Muslim though when they practically hold women hostage 24/7?

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You learned all this from a job interview?

So Rockstar?

Elder Scrolls and Fallout still have plenty RPG elements though, so either you have to retract your earlier statement or admit you are a retard.

>crazy ambitious
does this mean we can climb that mountain?

That sounds like utter shit.

The same as Skyrim
Inferior to Witcher 3
Something does not compute.

Well let me amend then.
ARPGs are fine
CRPGs are trash


>tfw modding in Mass Effect races so I can pretend I'm playing a new Mass Effect

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But I don't like cutscene filled waifu sims.

Can a studio that cares about gameplay take over at least?

>an actual cdproject loser

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>we will never get another Mass Effect
It's probably for the best at this point.

use a pastebin next time you fucking retard

>Can a studio that cares about gameplay take over at least?

Yes, Rockstar Games.

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The Witcher 3 is what it is it's, it's a oneshot open world action waifu simulator with monster slaying elements it's not an RPG sandbox that TES is. They did it with Morrowind, just put the same amount of attention to detail and worldbuilding and character as you did in Morrowind in the next one that's all that needs to happen here

"overhauling" their old engine every game is a big reason why their games end up buggy messes. At this point they desperately need a new engine.

Out of any sci-fi material you pick Ass Effect.

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Just like how Anthem was supposed to be a return to form for Bioware.

The companies we grew up with are dead, killed by corrupt business men who milk licenses for all their worth and then dismantle the development team and the licenses for more cash even if it sinks the entire company.

Why would they care, they get a huge chunk of cash no matter what.

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Bet the house on Rockstar implementing RPG elements next. There's no way they can just dump out a GTA 6 or RDR3 without any new features and expect it to break the records. RPG elements fit that description perfectly.

anthem was confirmed to be a destiny clone from the start retard. it was never portrayed as mass effect 4.

Let people enjoy things

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Anime tiddie

its what is explained that really takes it down a few levels. bethesda has been awful for a long time but ever since emil showed up, it's gone to absolute shit. for a game that is supposed to keep you engaged for so long, it fails at some of the most basic requirements. at this point the only thing bethesda has going for them are mods and they've tried to kill it twice now, the first was when they way overreached and tried to implement paid mods on Steam and somehow got their pleb army to blame Steam instead of Bethesda. Now they're using the creation club and their own launcher to slowly choke out external mods. They'll try it with starfield. they are just that stupid.

>believing any thing Todd "Tell Me" Howard says...
it's just lie after lie with bethesda. it's certainly a lot easier to lie than to make a moderately decent game, i'll grant him that.

Every observable metric shows mods are a very small part of the Bethesda fanbase.

At this point i'm just glad Toddposting will last three more years

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But is that you do not understand, Todd is not interested in continuing to make role-playing games, just want to make action games, with small elements of rpg.

The amount of magic that exists in Skyrim are very few, very similar, and do not make me talk about how everything was simplified, that from what I see, nobody mentions. Simplification is the key according to Todd, to bring the most casual public closer.

Except it was by you people, muh 6 year dev cycle, it couldnt possibly be bad baka.

i always thought anthem looked like garbage. i'm a tes fan why would i like a destiny clone?

improved stability,rendering, and genral improvement. overhauling the engine in separates partitions is short sighted expenditure that would cost more than a new engine.

There are around 150k people still playing Skyrim to this day. I believe every one of them has mods installed.
Skyrim sold 28 million copies.
So that is the power of mods.
Wow it's nothing.

A new engine isn't magically going to fix Bethesdas horrible game design you know

Console gamers are ruining gamimg. Bethesda is just a symptom of the shot consolefags love to eat. If you own a console kill yourself now.

it physical pains me to imagine someone as stupid as you

Yeah, another thing I asked about during my interview was how they felt about this "simplification" (specifically reduced stats/skills and the dialogue wheel). Sounds like everyone in the company has a lot of strong feelings on way or the other but the thing they all agreed on was that they felt that Todd was making good decisions for the benefit of the game (these decisions included) and they trusted him. Not sure how that sentiment is now since the release of FO76, but Todd is definitely a driving force behind maximizing sales.

This post is copypasta.

wrong I think it has to do with the quality of the overhaul not that its not a brand new engine. Look at titanfall 2 vs cs: source

A new engine isn't going to fix Bethesda's horrible technical know-how either.

Just look at their implementation of Havoc physics and compare to older games like Half-Life 2.

OUT OF those 400 there are 350 soiboys, trannies and roasties.

I hope I don't catch any shitter here admitting that they bought Elder Scrolls 6 for the consoles when it should be beyond a shadow of a doubt obvious now that the PC version is the best, for controls, graphics and mods.

Mods are still largely irrelevant to Bethesda's success.
Feel free to prove me wrong if you can.

Not him, but you can go to Youtube look for Skyrim videos - it's absolutely filled to the brim and dominated by modded Skyrim.

If nothing else, it's the most powerful marketing tool for Bethesda. Same goes for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto.

Todd is always mentioning it in every interview, also. He even said his son uses mods.

The only canon gay couple in Skyrim were two Nords who were kicked out of Skyrim for their faggotry and laughed at by the dungmer who killed them for the same.

They are /ourdevs/

If you are looking for the more basedish devs may I suggest the estrogents at Obsidian.

If you go to the Nexxus the top Skyrim downloads top 35 mil.
Skyrim sold 13mil copies on PC.

The youtube vids and Nexxus numbers speak more to the autism of the modding crowd than anything else.

Have you already forgotten the soiboy clan in fallout 4?
Also look at the first 2 min of their e3 conference.
So many roasties and soiboys.

don't respond to that idiot, he might rub off on you. just point and laugh.

I downloaded several skyrim mods (even made a nexxus account just for this purpose) and I never bought skyrim. I'm sure plenty of others did as skyrim is unplayable on PC without mods.

Just checked to see for myself.
A fair amount of trailers and lets plays a few lore videos and yes there was even some vids on mods.

The railroad?
It was poorly written because no one at Bethesda understands the mind set of SJWs.

Yes let's form an impregnable hugbox and pretend mods are relevant.
Good thinking fren

It's not a matter of PC versus this "big scary number that dwarfs PC."

PC is their single biggest platform as far as sales go, so yeah, modding does matter in that respect.

You are a fucking idiot

While your statement is true it is also true that the vast majority of people play Skyrim (and all Bethesda games) on console.
Until Fallout 4 the statement "Mods make no difference to the vast majority of players" was true.
After Fallout 4 it is still true.

>Defending muslims

Muslims have been our enemy since literally day fucking 1. When they realized we weren't great Britain anymore, the camel fuckers started raiding our merchant ships and enslaving and murdering the crew.

>starfield is the only sci fi game on the horizon with modding and romance but it is still years away
>bioware will go bankrupt because of anthem

just give me more alien waifus bros

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Which console is bigger than PC? None of them. Consoles are not a singular thing, especially when they are spread across entirely different generations.

Bethesda is entirely in their right to give special attention to the PC version of Skyrim when it's selling the most.

ha ha what about outer wrolds
oh wait it looks like shit and is going to be shit

>Preorder at the last possible second once game has been confirmed good in order preload and get bonuses
The only time it's acceptable

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The only good thing about 76 is that it lit a fire under their asses
If the game is good then I'll buy it, of course I'm not preordering or getting it day 1 because Bethesda bugs but if they actually try and it ends up good I'll get it a few months after release when shit's patched and there are decent mods out

>the next one surely will be good, r-right guys?

lmao fuck off with your stupid fantasy, loser

Skyrim sold 13 million on PC and 15 million on consoles.

The only good thing about 76 is the whole survival mode / item degradation experiment is over.
Good riddance.

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nothing wrong with survival mode or gear degradation, there is a problem with the piss poor way bethesda handled it.

who even shills for bethesda anymore
I wouldn't do it even for money, there's a limit to supporting evil if it's retarded and misguided evil

Do I sense a redemption arc?

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I wish they'd stop making gimmicks thatno one cares about like Fallout 76 and Starfield. The only thing people want from this company is ES6, but they haven't even started making it yet, and its been 8 years...

Starfield has been in development since the 90's. Used to be called 10th Planet.

>duke nukem forever GOTY

Lol at retarded zoomers that think """""Starfield""""" is going to be anything but Fallout 4's janky ass gameplay in a generic sci-fi setting

Link to post or source? Nothing
Op is a faggot

I'm just saying. It's an idea that's been brewing for 20 years. Todd has been wanting to make this game but the time/money or technology always prevented it.

The tiny trailer release already showed things you never see in a Bethesda game.

It was in space.

Didn't they say starfield uses the same shit engine? If that's the case I won't even pirate it

I used to be an astronaut like you until I took a meteor to the knee!

You're too retarded for words and can't even follow a simple conversation.

Moore's law has nothing to do with the console/Bethesda situation. They've basically been stuck in the stone age and only now returning to normalcy.

skyrim 2 is gonna be based bros..

nice ESL grammar there

>This whole board is going to be filled with toddposting actual paid shills.

>going to be

Developed for current gen Xbox one, ps4 and Wii u are last gen
Only current gen system IS THE SWITCH Sony and Microsoft have yet to release current gen systems let alone next gen

>video starts
>ahh , ohh voices coming over

>all people who never ever developed anything on GAMEBRYO or with 0 knowledge of game development harrahs game engine

lmao fucknuts , tell me 1 reason whats wrong with gamebryo

easy: bethesda uses it

>PoE2 was fine. Certainly much better than PoE
both were complete shit and annihilated in both writing and gameplay by Pathfinder Kingmaker

Even PoE2 sold more than Kingmaker.

game released in 2011

>massive overhauls to the engine
Oh fucking yay I'm absolutely stoked

>sales = quality