Tier list thread but with tf2 characters

tier list thread but with tf2 characters

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>sniper and engineer not mentally sick
>scout more stable than heavy

>Things I die to the most; the thread
Fuck off OP, git gud

well hes not gay

>saving thumbnail

Swap 2nd row and 3rd row and it's fine. Spy isn't insane, nor is Heavy. Demo can be bad, but when he's sober he's the most sane man in the group. Meanwhile, Engie chopped off his own hand, Sniper is unhinged and has a god complex, and Scout is Scout.

I did it irnoicly

who takes the most skill in high level/invite 6's in your opinion? only reply if you have 1000+ hours at least so you know the game

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inb4 op unironically responds with spy

I have 3 thousand hours but I think purely mechanically, I think either demo or soldier have the highest skill ceiling

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I have like 3k hours on TF2, a lot of that was played casual and shitposting on Mario Kart servers.

Demo has a really low skill floor because you can go onto any pub server and just spam stickies with moderate-high success, but I'd say it has the highest skill ceiling because watching pros aim pipes is mesmerizing.

As a former Invite player i would say Demoman is insanely difficult to play at a invite level. Scout and Medic are the easiest mains to play in Invite.

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I personally find the Medic way more attractive (I'm bi) Mercy's games artstyle really works against her, she looks like plastic, her hair looks like playdough, she has no tits or ass and is small.
The Medic is tall, has a killer jawline, is very expressive, pationate and full of personality. Only thing that turns me off a bit is his hairline and that hes a nazi

I just fucking despise Overwatch's art style. character design, and gameplay in general. Feels like it was made by a focus group.

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how many hours did you have when you reached invite? tf2 is probably the only game I still have a genuine love for playing

A bit over 6000.

Demo easily.
Hitting long range stickies, air pipes, and blind detting traps is hard as fuck. Demo rollouts and advanced sticky jumps are extremely difficult to learn too.

Cool people
>Heavy mains
>Demo mains

>Scout mains
>Medic mains

>Soldier mains

>Engie mains
>Sniper mains

>Spy mains

Retarded furry degenerates
>Pyro mains

>not mentally sick

he throws piss at people


I mean battlemedics perhaps but who the fuck hates medics? When one gets killed I always make sure to hunt down the fuck who did it, even if it gets me killed. At least, sometimes

God I remember that exact same comment being posted the first time I saw that meme

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