Since when did this become more "armored" than

Since when did this become more "armored" than...

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Nanomachines in her adipose tissue.

But seriously op. It’s just the devs getting their fat fetish shit in. Same as clash.

In a game where 3 pixels of your elbow hanging out of cover is enough to get you killed, there has to be a disadvantage to playing as her.


That's like 300 lbs in freedom right? Holy shit she weighs almost twice as much as me.

>Only operator to have a cosplay guide on the website cause Ubisoft knows only fatties dress up as fictional characters

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over 220lbs is what she weighs in american.


That's still pretty fucking fat for a woman. Especially one whose under 5'9.

Her appearance literally deters bullets.

Yes, medically speaking it's considered obese.

>be 5'9 male
>used to be pretty overweight after college, going from 170 lbs to borderline 200 lbs
>start going to the gym and now at 163 lbs
I can't even imagine how she'd join much less pass through the fitness and physical requirements to get into an elite military organization or spec-op group. Even after I lost my first 15 lbs, I was still sometimes having breathing problems when trying to sleep, how can this bitch manage any of that?

>a butch woman is now considered a tranny by Yea Forums
o b s e s s e d

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She can't, she isn't meant to make sense, she's just meant to make fat people feel good about themselves without having to do what you did and actually make an effort.

Vanilla 3 armor ops all wear heavy armor. Mira and Maestro look good. Echo not so much. Kaid Clash and Gridlock are full retard. They wear little armor if any at all. The concept artists must not work with the gameplay designers all the time.


Echo totally looks like he's wearing chunky armor under his jacket. I agree with Kaid, even though I really like his design.

Ew he looks like a fat dick

lol the American military would actually allow her in with that BMI.