ITT: Anti-gun porn
ITT: Anti-gun porn
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all of Doom 3's guns aside from the super shotgun from the expansion
Any halo guns after reach.
you didn't like having a big brake caliper on your chaingun?!
Worst shotgun ever. Doom 3 could actually be a really solid FPS but the guns just feel like shit.
Those hands look good, though.
Half-life 2 pistol
>Pap pap pap pap
oh come on that's pretty good
>ywn have Doomguy choking you with his powerful, muscular hands like the miserable imp you are
Why live?
>Rip mag out with brute force not using the mag release despite bothering to model it.
>Pretty good
He broke his gun.
t. Yoshikage Kira
>ktards can't handle 66% more bullet per bullet
>literally grabs at nothing to load a round
>dousnt touch the charging handle
Yeah its fuckin great.
UltimateHD mod makes Doom 3 100x better than vanilla. Improved gun noises and recoil is a game changer.
he yanked the mag out without the mag release and pulled the fucking forward assist instead of the charging handle you moron
Jesus that's awful, was it like that in the final game
It sounds and feels bad but I actually like the design of Doom 3's AR.
No, but the fact that they made it through gold and NOT notice it was bizarre
Doom 3 looks fucking awful in general.
t. user who's played an absurd amount of doom 3.
He was a man of taste though
plasma is cool
rail guns nice
What? of all the complaints Doom 3 deserves, Grpahics ain't one of them. It's a marvel at its time and still is with HD texture pack
I loved Doom3 and I loved that shotgun, it's so bad you need to shoot enemies right up their faces to deal serious damage and that made the game more challenging.
Escape from butcher's bay came out the same year user
all the shooting sounds are off in this game, but reloading usually sounds tight af, specially the plasma gun.
What is he pulling on?
all of quake 2's arsenal, specially that blaster, what the actual fuck where they thinking?
whatever the fuck this gun is supposed to be
>*click clack*
PTRS shotgun conversion.
>it's a bunch of autistic manchildren gun-nuts fighting over virtual guns in games with their facts and knowledge episode
>it shoots two rounds because we thought the shotgun had two barrels!
You all haven't seen nothing yet
The beta version's SMG sounded and looked way more satisfying. Louder, deeper bang, visible and audible spent casings, bright tracers, and the barrel puffed out smoke after prolonged fire.
The AR's forward assist, which is also on the wrong side.
I thought that was some kind of pressurized gas canister on top. I wasn't a smart kid.
what game?
Is it THAT time again?
>Whole bullet fired
>The outside of the scope is being zoomed along with the inside
Truly sickening.
>specially the plasma gun.
My man.
ummm sweetie, half life was the first game to introduce the fast fire option of the spaz. it isn't a two barrle shot but two quick shots. k? byeee
That had to have been on purpose.
I liked the Soul Cube
>pew pew pew
it's a mod
it was really powerful though
It's more of a PDW like an FN P90 than a AR really
What's the point of pretending to be retarded? I never understood how it was fun.
>ignoring my well tought argument
mother of yikes!!! buh bye
>not firing the whole bullet
are you that broke you slice up your bullets to stretch them out? you're a fucking dumbass btw :)
Ambidextrous AK
I'll give you a PDW alright
>shit we got a bug in the animation, what do?
>just get rid of it altogether in rev2 instead of reusing re5's
>insert 8 rounds
>get 5 shots
Left handed charging handles do exist for AKs. But this is just a reused animation from another gun right
>ignoring the fact that he inserts the clip horizontally into the mag
Pity webms here are soundless.
someone post Sheva and Chris' correct handedness reloads
>that raised pinky
Absolute gentleman
This was an advanced plot meme manufactured to trigger gunfags for attention, no one is this retarded.
>those stiff animations
i'd say this looks like a gmod addon but that's a massive insult to gmod addon makers.
What do you mean? I haven0t played Rev2 yet but it should be using RE6's animations and not 5's.
>finally get VR and play H3VR
>still do video game reload animations gestures despite it being an accurate gun simulator
Might as well start dancing with reload animations
For the whole list.
it did but Rev2 is infamous for reusing literally everything from RE5, RE6, and Rev, and they haven't bothered putting RE5's animations on their guns
Also for some reason they got rid of a lot of movement options despite it using the same gameplay as RE6
I mean, I'm pretty sure it isn't impossible to have canted stripper clips if you mill the receiver properly. Also shit like this exists today to circumvent AW laws.
Thank (You)
i.. w-what?
Is he pulling back the foward assist instead the charging handle?
yes. That was a mistake CS suffered of all the way until CS:GO.
Not to forget the "7.62 NATO" AK47.
Not him, but IIRC HL1's shotgun alt fire is actually supposed to be a very quick two round burst- in the sound effect you can clearly hear two overlapping, offset shots. HL2 went full retard and made it two simultaneous shots.
Goldeneye had the most unusually colored Super Soaker.
the most retarded and pathetic attempt to remove a shell.
>hold pump open
>remove the shell by finger
wow. Or at least pump it open before smashing it like a caveman so it can actually fall out
No webm but GTA IV had really triggering weapons, every gun is just an un-animated prop, no mag drops, no slide or ejection port animations. Rifle reload animation is literally the character stroking the gun
>that gif
for what fucking purpose
pretty sure the movement options were removed because it was meant to be more horror focused
yet it wasn't that horror while Raid mode is full-blown action. Either leave it in or remake the gameplay
He literally just told you, it's to get around dumb gun laws.
Some states have restrictions on "Assault Weapons" that usually have "the ability to accept a detachable magazine and...(list of scary features)" language in their laws. That AR has a fixed mag so state AWBs generally don't apply to them.
He just explained. It's for states like CA and NY that do not allow high capacity detachable box mags
That's fucking awesome.
yes user, that is a clip
>create one of the most satisfying weapons in the first game
>don't bring it back
This was one of the best baits ever.
So you never played RE3 and mercenaries mode? Gotcha.
CS devs are complete no-guns
It's a magazine, moron
how much do you need to play th ame to unlock that gun
I've played it plenty but never run into that
weak bait
>nogunz pretending to know about firearms
You're a cute one, user.
be glad they didn't after what they did to the shotgun
doom 3 was by far the best looking game around at release.
At what point did game devs realise guns ejecting casings to the left was fucking retarded?
Because California and other liberal noguns states with their nonsensical limits on guns, magazines and whatnot.
For example, detachable magazines have a legal capacity limit of ten rounds, and rifle systems with certain features (like a fucking stock) are a no-no for weapons with detachable mags.
Therefore someone makes stripper clips compatible with an AR to load a fixed magazine. Every time CA makes up some other dumb law, someone quickly designs a workaround.
PISTOL GRIPS BAD? Okay, put a rifle grip on the AR.
COLLAPSING STOCKS BAD? Okay, have this "NOT A STOCK" brace on the gun.
To be fair they fixed it so it didn't fire the casing. Still retarded this was in the trailer though.
that doesn't look like postal 2.
Don't worry they changed the magazine model recently
>parallax turret increases zoom
>windage turret only goes one way
It's not even about being pro or anti-gun, just buy a fucking scope, even a cheap chinese one and learn how it works.
When they started making more over the shoulder third person shooters with the shooter in the left corner, and first person shooters used sights so that you could see the ejected brass coming out of the right side.
That's Raid Mode only. It's a rare gun but the actual model is not THAT rare.
Is it illegal to shoulder that thing
the laser in the game is literally way off center
It's a Postal 2 mod, can't remember the name.
What the fuck is that barrel profile?
Me too it isnt a gun tho
Eternal Damnation I think
I fucking hate Fear 2 so much. 3 gets shat on and rightfully so, but people don't give 2 enough shit
The fuck does that have to do with anything?
blame consoles.
Is this a good game ?
I'm tired of Far Cry.
>shittiest feeling guns of all time
>universal ammo
what a trainwreck
This except the raImplying
I do. Fuck em and fuck greedy publishers, may they all drown in boiling shit
>keep constantly checking the action despite knowing it's loaded and a round is chambered
Yes, the nearest ATF agent will immediately sense it and arrive to kick in your front door and shoot your dog within ten minutes.
Dont forget the ejection port being on the left side at all.
>shit flying all over the screen makes it more fun!
>Is it illegal to shoulder that thing
No, the ATF even put out a memo on it
speaking of universal ammo, how about no ammo (for reasons not adequately explained) and everything overheats?
Also you can only sprint in combat, and only for 2.5 seconds at a time.
Don't even get me started on the grenades.
Nothing wrong here aside from the lack of a power supply and no trigger at the back 'cause Valve figured the Heavy's hand would always be covering it anyway.
I see no problem. It shoots many boolet at tiny baby man. Is nice thing.
Nobody posted it yet
Last time I played it it was already included in the game, you can find it in the mall district
>(for reasons not adequately explained)
wut? Are you retarded or did you just never read anything? It gave you a very clear explanation of how the guns worked. Retards like you are why Mass Effect was ruined in 2 and never recovered.
I remember that laser not aiming at the center of the screen. I'm not sure why they did that. Starting from the bottom right (and hitting targets to the lower-right of screen center at extremely close range) would just be realistic considering the placement of the gun model, but it really should have hit the center of the screen at maximum range.
Anyway, it wasn't a big deal because, with the laser sight, you can still see exactly where it will hit. It was a bit jarring, but it definitely was not hard to use.
Except the only place that 200 DOLLAR CUSTOM TOOLED CARTRIDGES could enter the actual action from the drum is at the very back of the gun, like a foot away from the barrels.
delet this
It's not on the wrong side, you're playing it wrong. Seriously. All the guns in old CS we're modelled to be held left handed, and that was the default option for a while. Even when they changed it because different things are scray they just mirrored the v_ model.
>reloads over the gun
Aww man it was so close to perfectness but that ruins it.
>8 rounds in into a 5 round gun
>scope mount would block the stripper clip
>"ill just put it in sideways XD"
leon has autism confirmed
>user proves he's retarded and never opened the codex
Color me surprised.
>meme reloads
>All the guns in old CS we're modelled to be held left handed
I never understood why though, HL's default position is on the right, the gun itself is right-handed, how the hell does that make sense?
>sounds like shit
>bullets literally exit the barrels at 30 degree angles
>can't even see the barrels spinning because of the flash hider
found the nogun
I'm not a pirate thank you very much.
It's not COMPLETELY illogical, I remember seeing a video by gun jesus a while back about some swiss WWII sniper that had a magazine/stripper clip guide that was canted to the right so you could mount a scope without having to single-load cartridges.
The M134's belt feeds from the bottom, right about where the back of that drum is, doesn't it?
If you have any optics at all reloading from the bottom is the way to go, and in a combat situation unless you've done it that way all the time, you will reload from the top and likely break something.
stripper clips exist
How can you ban launching bits of metal out of a tube?
If we were the UK it'd be considered gun violence to blow a pushpin out of a bendy straw
mags like that actually exist
This entire game.
>>shit flying all over the screen makes it more fun!
the ejection port is on the left side so that there's *not* shit flying all over the screen.
Fallout 3
How can you ban children being nude after age 1 or 2 until they're 17 years, 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes old?
They make a pill for that you know.
u fucking wot
cliffe is left handed. that's literally why
I just assumed someone on the team was lefty. I'm a lefty so I loved it.
You say that but there's literally complications and discretion regarding that law
I fucking hate the precursor guns. All the floaty shit is just ugly, IMO.
It's super janky. I got it for a tenner, and it's pretty poorly optimised, a lot of random crashes.
The actual sniping is alright, not ultra realistic, but you still have to account for windage and drop. Annoyingly, holding your breath for a shot has the game put a red bullseye showing where your shot will go, which takes some of the fun and guesswork out of it.
The missions themselves are pretty shitty and generic too. Basically boils down to "Drive here in your shitty car, shoot a dude/a few dudes, exfiltrate."
I'd only recommend it if you have a real hankering for a sniping game. And even then, I'd go with one of the Sniper Elite games over it. I only got Ghost Warrior because I've played SE to death.
Welcome to the ATF, where the rules are made up and the laws don't matter.
>that bolt operation
That post was so retarded you made me reply.
Man, I've never really looked at the cover of that properly. Why does Chris look like David Schwimmer?
The whole delinker mechanism is only like 1 cartridge length behind the action
>misunderstand why something is done
>be sure you are right
>hurr other person is retarded
its amazing how the same low-quality, algae-level posts predominate on Yea Forums even years after i stopped coming here very regularly
all weapons are pistols and all pistols are weapons
Let me see if I can remember off the top of my head here: each gun is supposed to just have a solid block of metal in it used as ammo, and the gun just shaves off a little piece every time it's fired. Was that it?
>the block should still take up space on the gun, but none of the models have obvious magazines
>the flechettes fired are apparently the size of a grain of sand, but somehow magically fuck people up just like real bullets
>I think it says the metal used is tungsten, so a solid block would be incredibly heavy
>the block would still eventually run out, so it shouldn't be unlimited anyway
Yeah, they gave a very clear explanation that made no fucking sense and was obviously just an afterthought handwaving.
Also, Mass Effect 2 had vastly better combat, I don't even know how you can argue otherwise.
Looks fine to me, user. TF2 has the proportions stretched a bit because it's a cartoony game. Open up Paint and compare the lengths.
what the fuck are you on about
Isn't the last one also "designed to be fired with two hands"?
>>the flechettes fired are apparently the size of a grain of sand, but somehow magically fuck people up just like real bullets
how can you actually be this uneducated about sci fi gun concepts...gauss projectiles are not exactly a new idea in sci fi son...
You seem to have your left and right confused. With the gun on the right side of the screen as is normal in first-person shooter games, an ejection port on the left is facing the center of the screen.
No, the brace means that it's designed to be fired one handed.
No don't do that, thats illegal.
I used to love how retarded your character would act if you didn't clear the jam, just repeating the animation. I think it's the AR, they fiddle with the charging handle, then wave their hand around to no-one in particular like "YOU SEEING THIS SHIT?!"
Technically that's not a stock it's an arm brace
What shoulder is he holding the shotgun against in the webm user?
But the rifle has a foregrip: why does that not make it the same as the second pistol?
The weird thing is, if you crouch, they mime replacing the mag and chambering it rather than just fondling the gun.
Credit where it's due though, even with all it's Frankenguns, GTA V does reload animations well. Apart from the shotguns, that is.
Love these.
>block contained inside the gun, probably flips open or something, all guns do magic sci-fi shit like folding up and extending outwards anyways
>projectiles are accelerated using the magic juice that does everything else in the setting, including FTL and giving people gravity powers
>small block shouldn't really factor in that much for trained soldiers
>blocks are sufficient to last for an entire mission and get changed out when returning and refitting afterwards
Fuck you, these are great.
>Put a new gun over the same mag
>Reload with your third arm
Can they really get away with putting a stock on and calling it a 'stabilizing brace'? I mean if they're just going to redefine words then surely anything goes.
is this the new fallout
oh, look, it's the part where the algae try to coalesce into cyanobacteria and argue about something, both needlessly and pointlessly, having completely lost track of what they think the other person is even saying.
>but it has a foregrip
It literally doesn't though, point out where you see a foregrip in that image
Because the ATF said so. The current gun laws (and ones that the democrats want to pass) make zero sense.
>The guy starts spinning left
hahahaha fucking hell you may have been gased by EA but the devs had one last good run
hardline was so much fun, it was so clearly a "for fun" game man I miss it so much even BF4 autism doesn't compete
There isn't a foregrip, but there is a shoulder thing that goes up.
It's hard to tell in the picture but those braces are shaped to strap to your forearm. They can be shouldered but doing so is a felony.
Great loop. I have that se rifle so satisfying to shoot
fucking lold
Did you stop posting here regularly because you couldn't win an argument?
>Mass Effect 2 had vastly better combat
Mass Effect 2 turned a unique, fun system into generic garbage done even worse than the games it was trying to rip off.
Shouldering a brace is not a felony you fucking retard.
>You think you're in an argument with me
Oh, sweetie.
>he doesn't like goofy reloads
Yeah, but if I remember right, the rifle in game only has a 10 round capacity, despite those being 60 round mags.
It's also supposed to be .50 Beowulf, which wouldn't fit in that shaped mag. I think they replaced it with a STANAG, which I think can hold .50 Beo, not 100% sure though.
I love Smellies so fucking bad
I just wish it had that bulldog nosecap on for absolute perfection
>(for reasons not adequately explained)
It's so weird that I first played Mass Effect like 10 years ago but I still remember why the weapons had unlimited ammo
I never understood the hate for Hardline. You could chase a tanker truck on a motorized couch blasting Public Enemy
go post a picture of you shouldering an AR pistol on facebook then, have fun with the ATF no-knock raiding your house and shooting your dog
How does /k/ feel about Red Dead 2's animations?
Why not just weld a Beta-C mag on the rifle so you have an "internal" 100 round capacity?
Wew, how can you not love these goofy reloads? The RPG one is the best by far.
because it was so fucking retarded that you couldn't possibly forget it
Like my pistol? it's 27" overall so the grip is legal.
>not today atf
You actually have a better chance at hitting an enemy when you're NOT aiming at it with this piece of shit.
>Sega was embezzled $20M for this.
Are the bullets supposed to Michael Jackson their way from the mag to the barrel?
They could have at least salvaged this shitmess by putting two bayonets on the spitting barrel
>.50 Beowulf
Puny round.
The reload sounds in this game were amazing though
>a galactic civilization that can utilize warp technologies on the regular wouldn't logically use the same tech to shave off fragments of metal and launch them at sub-light speed
Here, because I thought it was a foregrip because it's where your offhand holds the gun. But it seems I'm wrong and it's just a handguard and not a foregrip. Does "foregrip" just imply a holding point that a user adds to an existing weapon?
I don't care what anyone says, Doom 3 is a good game, and it's a great game with that one addition to the duct tape mod that gives every gun a unique flashlight.
civilizations in mass effect don't understand the warping technology, it's fully beyond them.
Yes, foregrips and barrel shrouds are different things. Barrel shrouds aren't "explicitly" designed for holding.
It's not actually Chris, it's some other minor character. That cover art is directly from a comic.
>Jamming his whole thumb in there without a care in the world
I enjoyed it too. One thing I would've preferred was more "civillian" weapons though. I was hoping it'd all be pistols, shotguns and single shot rifles, make the automatic shit late-game unlocks.
But no, we're packing AR's the second mission in. Also, would've preferred just sticking as a cop without the whole "BETRAYAL!" plot.
>MFW blasting across the map on a couch, Death Grips blaring from the in-game radio
I think they're acceptable? Mostly realistic animations, there's a few janky things, like the Cattleman just spitting out empty cartridges without the extractor being touched. Haven't seen anyone really complaining on there.
>Video game FAMAS
>It has generic sights added on top and you can't use the original ones
Why does it keep happening. It looks so ugly.
kys retard
They do, they just don't have the means or materials to build mass relays.
There charging handle is clearly on the other side though.
Wonder what motivated this guy to attempt to fire a Shoulder Breaker 5000.
it was too soon and I was still playing bf4, I'm still playing bf4 - what can you say
hon, hon, hon, la baguette
Huh, no shit? That's interesting, thanks user.
Your typical Arab has far more money than common sense. Half of the UAE is made up of dumb shit like this. "Fire the biggest gun in the world!" "Drive a 2000 horsepower car!" "Buy this shirt made of solid gold!"
>Barrel shrouds aren't "explicitly" designed for holding.
Ah that makes sense, thanks
a projectile the size of a grain of sand would be effectively useless in a fight. it would have no stopping power. Which is to say, it may be able to do a great deal of damage, but unless you hit something absolutely vital like a very specific part of the brain or heart, the opponent will not be immobilized. A pin prick at the speed of light would still be just a pin prick. The adrenaline would tell you to ignore the pain and keep on fighting.
This is opposed to using a bullet, where the projectile is large enough that it could rip tendons and destroy organs so that the victim is incapable of moving.
it just looks like a green blocky version of Halo's AR
I read through this like once a year, it's some good shit
>Scorned by a world that doesn't understand it, the Ithaca takes its own life.
>normalfags still think AR means assault rifle
Not anymore, homo.
Why did they decide that the game should have only two, useless shotguns in?
>a projectile the size of a grain of sand would be effectively useless in a fight. it would have no stopping power.
hey, retard
i already brought to your attention that, because you don't read books, you have no idea about the concepts of sci fi railguns or gauss guns
stop embarrassing yourself now, thanks
>A pin prick at the speed of light would still be just a pin prick
except that's wrong, you fucking moron
honestly not as bad as this
>except that's wrong, you fucking moron
Prove it. Show me the scientific data to back up your assertion.
Has anyone posted the FC2 Springfield yet?
I think this was a shoop of stallone with some future gun, maybe Demolition Man.
Hey /k/, talk about video games or fuck off.
is time to post the bait again
God I hate guns. I wish we could go back and fight with our bare hands. Anyone can shoot someone. It takes a man to fight someone.
>sight on a flimsy hinging cover instead of the frame itself
That's pretty standard for Resident Evil. I believe the end-game shotgun can hold up to 100 rounds in its drum once it's fully upgraded (starts at around 20), the reload has you load 2 shells into it.
like 3 times
I'm glad we agree. Your apology is accepted.
we're not talking about gauss guns in general, we're talking about mass effect. and in mass effect the projectile fired would be so small that it would be ineffective in a firefight. it might be useful for long range engagements since you wouldn't need to calculate bullet drop and wind speed, but in almost every single combat situation presented in mass effect it would be better to have a traditional firearm.
>Anti-gun porn
I guess now we know where CoD WW2 got it from
does that kill the squid?
>that assault rifle
>slapping it way above the receiver
>mag slipping unless you slap that too
these faggots played CoD
... Not technically anyway. It's uncomfortable, inaccurate, and ridiculous, so nobody actually uses it that way.
Still counts as a pistol legally.
holy shit fortnite ruined this board
just straight up 100 iq normies being the standard user on the board now
kids that dont understand provable science arguing about it yikes
If you're talking about the "AR" debate, I'm pretty sure that's someone just samefagging.
Most people will gladly distinguish between the AR for Assault Rifle and AR for Armalite Rifle as long as you aren't doing something like picking up an AK and going "AY YO, DIS MY AR47 PROBLEM SOLVER!"
And even then, they'd just meme you like the "Glawk Fawty" guy.
>this video of a fucking airborn torpedo proves that a grain of sand is lethal
If it's so provable then prove it.
>gets mugged on the street by 4 niggers
>6'7" 400kg deadlifter effortlessly breaks into house and rapes entire family
>boy i wish i sure had some sort of explosive harpoon or a tracking torpedo for leviathans
>heres a tazer
I don't know about his intentions, but it was the right choice, guns in subnautica would've cheapened the experience, hell the stun rifle already does that
God created man and Sam Colt made them equal, user.
>prove the concept of an object moving through a medium causing a disturbance in the medium
no thanks I think i will stick to not trying to teach people 7th grade science
I could never get into Far Cry 2 because of the aggressive enemy camp respawning and these fucking retarded gun animations. People try to praise Far Cry 2 for being realistic but then there's this shit. Shit game.
>made them equal
Fucking commie, this is literally why we can't have nice things
>the declaration of fucking independence is commie
there was a Russian who stuck his head in a particle accelerator once, it messed him up pretty bad, but didn't kill him. Something the size of a grain of sand would probably be lethal though.
thats a shroud, originally developed to prevent bare hands touching the barrel. As it was unused space, the rail systems are usually mounted to it.
That's the damage from a blast of radiation, not a projectile.
I'm not /k/ but I still like guessing
Is the problem with this one that the place where the shooter would put his off-hand for support is a huge sharp spike? And so are the iron sights, apparently.
I don't get this one but the way a whole magazine is shoved into the thing feels wrong... Shouldn't it be a clip or something?
These ones I have no idea.
I'm 250 pounds all muscle. I would love for someone to break into my place and leave alive.
The brain is between their eyes. It's the same with an octopus except those things are so tenacious that you have to hold them with both hands and bite the brain with your teeth.
Both HL and HL2 SMG are the worst fucking thing
>absurd spread
>low damage
>classic hl2 smg has invisible granade launcher
...Did you forget why the series is called Mass Effect? It's because element 0 allows things to effectively and essentially change mass at will, which was used in this firearm technology.
wait, did people really react to that shitty twist like that?
Chad gun
see now we're back to why the explanation was stupid in the first place
This is one of the many dumb things in this tv show
What are you talking about? The base gun is super economic and the upgraded version has the best small-guns sustained DPS and can stealth-crit for just under Fatman damage.
Both double barreled shotguns are memes though.
You've obviously never been passionate about anything. I feel bad for you.
>everyone thinks the one reload is "the force"
>its actually telekenesis from dead space cause its the same developer
Yo why i get a gun? Its cuz i'm black!
we /k/ nao
invisible? youre holding it in the picture.
>Literally the entire point of the game is based on this magic element that can change an object's mass
>The game is fucking named after it
>A large portion of the game revolves around hunting for element 0
>The entire magic system is based on element 0's use
>But using it in a gun to give it effectively unlimited ammo without reducing lethality makes it stupid
So you're retarded, gotcha.
First one has the magazine under the handle in a way that makes no sense. And is also just retarded as fuck.
Yes, it should look like Look at the ammo count and at how many bullets are in the revolver.
There's just no way to feed the 3 barrels with that design.
Did i strike a nerve because I didnt enjoy your favorite tv show?
And now he's in jail for being caught in a sting operation on sexually soliciting minors.
that's nothing compared with this
what a sad tale
that exists though, and functions.
I love those barrelknots on 550s
>a projectile the size of a grain of sand would be effectively useless in a fight. it would have no stopping power
Paint flecks in orbit can damage space stations and they're going nowhere near relativistic speeds
Exactly my point, if the macguffin at the heart of your story is retarded, maybe you shouldn't use it to explain absolutely everything. that's lazy worldbuilding and is very cringe and bluepilled.
That's meant to be Richard rather than Chris, it's taken from the tie-in comic book cover, and it's actually a traceover of a shot from Judge Dredd I believe.
Wow, I'm more disappointed that I was too blind to notice where the magazine was sticking out from than I am about not noticing the giant red squares in that other picture.
When I was looking I was thinking it was a fancy grip or something, thank you user
Fuck off and die Armalite fags, it still stands for Assault Rifle.
How hard is it to put the mag in? That skinny 9mm sticking out of the magwell looks so awkward.
Why did they even add these? did they know the game was going to bomb and didn't give a fuck?
the hl2 smg doesn't user
That's real though
Muscles don't meant shit when your arteries are bulging out waiting to get snipped. In the real world your made up scenarios won't happen.
what in the fuck is that weapon
That doesn't make it any less stupid.
Math. F=MA to be specific
You said tungsten earlier. I forget what metal it is in game, so we'll say you're right. Using tungsten's mass, even moving at .1 percent the speed of light would give a grain of sand sized bit of tungsten 2616 footpounds of energy, A standard .357 magnum round has about 500-700 footpounds of force behind it.
>These ones I have no idea.
is a belt-fed pump-action shotgun with rotating barrels that shoots proximity mines and shells that don't actually kill people by themselves but propell the target into the next best wall with such force that they splatter into gibs.
Is that some kind of mirror system for shooting around corners?
People still watch walking dead? And care that much about it?
What a bunch of fags.
>knifefags thinking they're hot shit
It's always the dickelts and their compensation weapons huh.
Look at where the magazine is placed and just ponder how a bullet would get to there from the chamber.
you people are sick in the head
It's meant to be a shotgun, but whoever finalized the comic cover turned it into some weird colt shotgun machinegun hybrid.
dude don't
there's a reason i refused to answer and moved on with my life
we have people on Yea Forums fucking embarrassing all of us by not knowing literal 7th grade physics
You could have kept it going quite a bit longer if you didn't toss in cringe and blue pilled. And just in case that wasn't part of your trolling too, it's not a macguffin if it actually plays a role in the story by definition.
Yes, they have one at the imperial war museum in London which is awesome.
Yes, the Krummlauf. They even made a 90 degree version for use in tanks to shoot people trying to climb on top of your vehicle.
>In the real world your made up scenarios won't happen.
>but mine will!
I was mostly just curious about the math myself and if I still remembered how to do it and figured I might as well post once I already had it all done.
battlefield players dont understand doing things for fun. see: bf5
Can someone make a webm of this?
thats not really the whole answer anyway though
the damage caused by kinetic projectiles is largely due to the air disturbance around them, which, obviously increases linearly with F
is that a krag pistol? wut da fuk
>guns disappear
>someone stabs you with a sharp rock on a stick three times, nicks an artery, and you die from blood loss
t. boche
Mobileposting killed it since the underages can't get banned any more. I hope hiro makes you need a pass to post from mobile like everyone says.
why would anyone? stop spamming your shitty l4d mod
>that guy that always uses the generic rifle in every game
>Anti-gun porn
Right here.
Since you're apparently retarded a grain of sand going at near light speed would pretty much destroy anything it hits. If it were to impact a human body it's basically just vaporize it.
was this written by a 7 year old?
Does anyone think this is sexy as fuck and more aesthetic than reloading a magazine? Sure it's definitely not as practical but it looks cool.
Is this a FAMAS?
>day 25
>the french guns still think i'm one of them
is it not obvious to you that it was literally written by a small grade school child
That's FAMAR you knob
Girlfriend once pulled a gun on me but like a man I let her think she was tough. I held my ground and only got grazed on my shin. Guns literally are for pussies.
I'm not going through the effort of finding a screenshot, but everything about the Bethesda Combat Rifle makes me upset and I wish they would have just put a plain ass M16 in instead. Fuck the timeline its already completely buggered make the game suck less now
Always looked to me as if the model got corrupted.
when a bullet hits you there's more at play than just the bullet's size itself
a projectile's effectiveness is determined generally by BOTH it's size and it's velocity
>still needing a gun to shoot people
Looks like a FAMAS sight, stock, barrel, foregrip but everything else looks M16/AR15
I was asking to make sure, no need to be angry
is that really how it works? i thought this is some kind of magazine with 3 round of ammo put togeher in a triangle shape. but i dont know
The game goes a bit overboard in the codex. I think they even say that the bullets are hitting with nearly the same energy as a hydrogen bomb but the shields are so effective that they have to be hit that hard to effect them. Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's in there
It's actually the front page of my thesis for my masters in political science.
Based and bulletpilled
I didn't know Charlie sheen had a Rambo parody, what's this from?
Most of the game you're running around killing the same nignugs over and over and then collecting some diamonds all over the fucking map.
I was done after clearing a one single sector.
The Emperor Protects!
I'm capable of enjoying Invisible War, but I wish they just hid different kinds of ammo around the map. There's enough places to explore to reward a player with different ammo variety. Fuck that's lazy.
Deus Ex: Invisible War has the best police baton ever made. You can level up your speed and strength augs and become Sonic the Bionic Man knocking everyone down with a satisfying thump.
It's amazing.
Also guns in general still feel better than in the original.
Also spider grenades.
Seems like you're not familiar with the joke ..
That's a Spanish Mauser though.
Viktor Antonov is the most overrated hack of all times, none of his designs makes a lick of sense, I don't know how that guy still finds jobs in this industry. He's the Rob Liefeld of video game artistic direction.
Hot shots part deux is the fuckin funniest movie ever made.
Is the forward assist usually on the left side?
Hot Shots 2
I think it's called "Hot Shots"
Here The first Hot Shots is fucking amazing parody on Top Gun
A 2 grain bullet moving at 0.013 C hits with the force of nearly a gigajoule.
Most of this energy is used in the ME universe to expend the capacitors on your target's ballistic shielding, which does not have the option of permitting overpenetration. At this speed, the bullet shatters completely on impact, making it an all or nothing proposition: Either the ballistic shield was enough to cause the bullet to dust on your hard suit, or that round penetrates and immediately fragments from the shock, making a delightful cone of damage through the body.
That's 219 rounds per ounce by the way: If you use tungsten, a cubic inch of material is over two thousand rounds, and weighs about a pound.
Yeah, this is Hot Shots Part Deux. Hilarious movie.
No fren. They're all on the wrong side in cs. Also the forward assist is functionally useless and I don't know why they keep modelling the ar15 with them in video games.
Metro series have plenty of cool more or less believable designs but this one is just stupid
huh, that's pretty cool.
Flesh doesn't stop bullets, baka
Fun Fact - This movie did really did have one of the highest on screen body counts of any movie at the time of its release. Even funner fact - it was passed by the 2008 Rambo remake, showing how that franchise has become a parody of itself.
get out underage
>A pin prick at the speed of light would still be just a pin prick.
A pin prick at the speed of light would probably cause a crater as big as the one in Arizona.
>make fun of a movie for being too violent
>sequel movie is even more violent than your parody
Truly these writers were comedic geniuses.
I'm with you, dont listen to these other nerds
If you look at it in action, it looks like a retrofit: The entire fore end is the actual weapon while the back half is just a mounting platform to permit the augmented overwatch soldiers to shoulder and fire it (rather than mounting it on the synth combat forms the Combine favor).
On the other hand, there's really is no mechanism for the energy ball, though it might have made more sense if it simply was breaching the containment of the ammunition cartridge and launching it.
>looking for that 3rd arm guy
I need to get me some of that tiger blood
>Nobody has posted the old counterstrike m-4 where the guy used the forward assist as the charging handle
y'all young.
user, I agree with you, a pinprick going at very high speed does nothing, but you're stating lightspeed here. Any mass going near lightspeed will likely cause a nuclear reaction so you've got to tone down that ridiculous number. kthxbai
It was one of the first ones posted.
this was meant to be just a flaregun in the beta that was changed to be an "assault rifle"
b8 or genuine retard?
Galil bro.
Well, Leon is in Spain
any bethesda fallout
What is the FAMAS joke anyway?
Fucking this.
>half the bullets hitting the leaves
/k/ maymay
It's a meme from the internet where people would see any kinda of weapon and ask "Is that a FAMAS?"
bad example; that could actually function.
>that minuscule suppressor
>what is a range ban?
where the fuck did Kojima hear that to put it in the game.
Its a p90 refitted for 7.62 with an AK barrel, whats the problem?
That IS how you load an M1 Garand, but he is dangerously careless about where he puts his thumb. When you load a Garand, the action slams shut hard; hard enough to break your thumb or cut it open.
a bad, hackish solution.
Kojima has always been a westaboo.
Is this Battletoads?
BL2 is a silly game and very self aware about it's guns
this nigga is fighting at gaudalcanal or whatever and yall niggas worried about minor thumb injuries
i think some of you are lacking perspective that dudes like this got half their face blown off and then completed the war anyway and became a successul realtor with 1 eye
How are you supposed to load it then?
>bloodiest movie
>no blood
no, WHERE the fuck did he get that name, nobody calls it that.
Something that's almost never used and bans tons of innocent people to stop one or two faggots.
>that webm
It's actually a Springfield m1903a4 that fires .223, obviously some spanish hick has been tinkering with it for a while so why wouldn't it be modded to take stripper clips with a scope?
This looks like a cross between a WW1 machine gun and a double-barrel shotgun. Whoever made this has never seen any firearm in his life.
I've had a good chuckle. Thanks.
The worst main assault weapons, both from the same series. At least the revolver, crossbow and shotgun make up for them.
it's 5.45 ya ding dong
>no joke tab
Strangely refreshing. Thank you user, even if you probably didn't make this picture.
You're supposed to pull your thumb away as quick as you possibly can.
i miss this game so much
>Hits the impact fuse on the front of the launcher.
or with ak just do the old school soviet reload with left hand supporting the gun on forearm and pushing it towards your shoulder while right hand changes mag and charges. of course its not nato approved to release your trigger hand but whatever comrade.
if you mean the "names" for the weapons in the dialogue, "five five sixes" means 5.56 caliber rifles and "pineapples" is a WW2 name for fragmentation grenades from that era because the looked very similar to pineapples
it's code speak since it's an espionage game
You’re supposed to hold the cover open with your hand.
you hold it open and let go after you put the clip in
You rest your palm on the charging handle after depressing your thumb off the clip so the bolt doesn't slam on it
>cyber gun
>spider machine
How did this retard get the names wrong?
>being in a war means its fine to be a retard with your guns
who the fuck is richard?
No it doesn't. It mentions that the larger cannons fire slugs that impact with the energy of 10 Hiroshima detonations, but the hand weapons don't hit with the force of a nuclear weapon.
The guy that gets eaten by the snake or the shark depending on your character.
everything is left handed in that game
This is a great animation, I don't care what anyone says. Along with the Broken Butterfly animations
If any object no matter the size would pass next to you moving even at a sub light speed, you would be obliterated by its passage no matter its size due to the effects on space itself it would have. A grain of sand hitting you at relativistic speeds would separate you into subatomic particles. Accelerating something to the speed of light (ignoring the fact that it'd probably destroy the universe) conventionally and then firing it at something other would result in absolute and utter destruction.
I figured as much but thought there was more to it. Thanks for the info, have a webum as a token of my appreciation.
Mgs4 was all gun porn though
i think it was based on pic related but they misnamed it as an assault rifle at the last minute
how the fuck can a nigga shoot straight with mad pain running though they hands from they bleeding thumbs
it's enough to make a nigga NOT wanna reload ever again!
think nigga!
he's stabilizing the sight with the wall there
what's retarded is that he has the eyepatch in that side.
I seriously hope you aren't implying that at any point in this website's history that the user base IQ average was above the world average
>CW 2.0
Damn right it's an insult, fucker.
I went full weeb edgelord, had wallhack vision, super speed and melee strength, then ran around maps one-hitting everything with the katana. Shit was pretty dope.
ww2 nibbas were immune to fucking pain havent you ever read any ww2 stories?
>This is a record for commendation of Sergeant Earl F. Earl, who in the battle of Iwo Jima, killed 37 men and rescued 4 puppies using only a severed ear, while both of his testicles dangled from his shredded scrotum.
It was designed to only be used with power armour, I guess they just gave up with that system
Pretty sure the eyepatch gives him depth perception and IR shit.
>Ha can't hold the gun
>Sees what it did to the glass
>Literally can't stand up
>... is his arm dislocated?
Sure, let's fight with bare hands. It won't take long before someone picks up a sword, and spears after that. How do you out-range a spear? You grab a gun. Oh wait...
I own 2 guns but I don't have a car, getting to range is such a hassle. I can't even carry in public transport due to stupid law. Guns have to be locked in safe all day so I often forget I even own them. This makes me sad.
thanks for reading my blog post
And John Moses Browning kept them civilized.
Here's your proof. Any object moving at the speed of light possesses infinite mass (and would require infinite energy). A grain of sand hitting something at the speed of light, ignoring the laws of physics that make it an impossibility anyway, would be a grain of sand that possesses infinite mass and achieves that infinite mass using infinite energy.
You are an idiot.
Snake isn't blind in his left eye, the eyepatch is essentially a fancy goggle.
This IS gun porn, the whole game was.
It's an eye patch in visual design only, it's visor that gives him magnification, IR and AR (augmented reality). Play the game.
Gooseman, not cliffe
this gif really takes me back
I would if I owned a ps3
If that screen shot was taken a couple of frames later it would actually show gun sights lining up with the camera lens on the eyepatch.
Learned something new from this thread, thanks user
Yeah back when there were still retards that thought 45 was good.
he got so BTFO he left the thread
That's what the magi- i mean element zero is for, breaking the law
>sakura fish in banner
>is actually banned on Yea Forums
God this shit wont stop making me mad
Gun control is both sexist and racist.
the guy on the left cracks me up
Based retard user
That's a 9mm though?
>we made every animation bad, as a joke
>non-stop warfare
TFA sucks, college boy
Aren't you supposed to pull on the bolt above after a reload?
2 of those are made by the same guy who might browse Yea Forums but certainly browses /fit/, the third is also pretty shit, go figure.
guess i'll spell it for you
a 9mm slug is roughly 8 grams and travels at roughly 360 meters per second
a grain of sand around 10 miligrams is 1/800th the mass of a 9mm slug.
For the two projectiles to have the same kinetic energy, the grain of sand will have to travel 28.28 times the speed of the 9mm slug which is 10181 meters per second.
That is a cool .003396% of the speed of light, easily possible using element zero
Anybody got the webm of the Lever Action Rifle reload from Fallout 4? That's enough to make /k/ explode.
You don't have to, you can just push the button on the side instead
reminds me of the BAR a bit
Go get a driver's loicense you fucking idiot, not shooting guns is like having no guns at all.
If I'm not mistaken, the stock is almost as long as his whole arm, Jesus.