Name a genre of game more boring than battle royales
Name a genre of game more boring than battle royales
Survival games
walking simulator
I don't know, I've never played a battle royale game because I'm over the age of 18
and there you have it op
isn't that battle royale tho?
movie simulators like most of Sony's 1st Party output has been in recent years.
>because im over 18
maybe physically
BR games are dope as fuck.
>no narrative to tie it down
>purely focused on gameplay
As someone who grew up in 80s arcades, they've been a refreshing addition to the scene in recent years. I miss games that were focused on gameplay, not on telling a story that has already been better told in movies or books.
>people think The Last of Us has a great story
>They've never read the Road.
WoW-style MMOs
"Cinematic" linear story-based 3rd person shooters
i am having fun in battlerite royale.
would suggest to give it a try. much more action than sneezing 5 minutes in apex legends only to die getting shot behind a window by a guy you couldn't see.
All good answers but walking simulators and jrpgs can have a somewhat interesting story at times
>BR games are dope as fuck.
I tried out Apex Legends recently because I like Respawn. Not sure what the appeal is- First match I got instakilled before I could get any weapons, and the second nothing happened before I got sniped after 5 minutes.
git gud
The appeal is the dopamine rush you get when you get down to top 10. It's what keeps you coming back. Figures that if you're bad enough to never get there then you wouldn't understand the appeal
So it's a zoomer thing?
You have to give a fuck about getting to top 10 in order to get a dopamine rush. In order to give a fuck about getting to top 10, you have to be a basement dwelling incel that thinks vidya achievements matter.
god you're retarded
>fps always been my main genre
>tried several meme royale games
>can't stomach the game mode
>mfw this goddamn fps drought since 2017
Please end it.
>You have to give a fuck about getting to top 10 in order to get a dopamine rush
Yes you do retard, that giving a fuck is called enjoying video games. If by vidya achievements you mean just playing video games then yes again. It's almost as if you don't like video games or something...
Yes, every BR fucking sucks. God I miss the 2007-2012 era of online multiplayer, games like BC2, COD4, Warhawk, Crysis Wars, etc were the peak of online games
Of course it's boring, it's a genre targeted at streamers. That's it sole purpose, to give streamers content. It's not something you sit down and say ''hey I think it'd be cool to play a BR right now''
So you can't explain why 10 minutes of nothing+1 minute of fun that comes down to RNG is better than a regular FPS? All Ape-Legs made me do is want to play TF2
Battle royales are exciting when playing solo, but unfortunately the normies and streamers have turned them into team games.
Apex is probably the least shit BR there is. The game is worth playing for the gunplay itself.
Kind of reminds me of Borderlands too which is nice.
Turn based rpgs.
Rythm games.
it's only ten minutes of nothing if you land by yourself and dick around instead of heading towards shots OR if you're fucking terrible and every time you drop in a hotspot you die immediately so your "ten minutes of nothing" are spent queuing for games.
Either way it's the same thing: git gud you stupid boomer
Sports games.
speak for yourself
Visual novels.
>Name a genre of game more boring than battle royales
>So you can't explain why 10 minutes of nothing+1 minute of fun that comes down to RNG is better than a regular FPS
Fucking this, every BR game is a fucking boring chore.
That's just being new at the game. Those things stop happening once you start to learn the map and start to develop "game sense" for where to drop, where to go, where enemies are likely to be, etc. I'm also surprised whenever I hear people complain about getting sniped or shot through windows in this game, my experience has been that it's one of the least sniper-friendly FPS I've ever played and favors aggression and close range combat.
>I tried out Apex Legends
Apex is ffa team deatmatch not BR
looter shooter
cinematic 3rd person
Or you could play a fighting game and get this feeling right from the very beginning and you won't have shitty team mates making the game worse for you.
Video game stories are unanimously terrible. The best they can do is offer moments of absurdity a la MGR.
How do I get good at Apex Legends, bros?
JRPG without question
Uninstalling it
play the game and stop being a faggot, oh so obviously
fighting games aren't fun though, they are games for autists and people who enjoy shit like minmaxing
I don't know, bros. I used to be on the BR hatewagon pretty hard but right now I'm hard pressed to think of any game more exhilarating than Apex Legends. Think I have to go back to like pre-2010 since I last felt so stimulated by a shooting game. Took a little bit of effort to get into the mentality of if but now I'm hooked.
I agree OP, not having any friends is boring.
I was too but now I'm bored again after only 50 hours. I could play 50 more probably just to completely get over it but I won't.
I don't get how anybody can have an experience like this in Apex unless you're going out of your way to avoid fights, and unlike PUBG or other BRs that's not a sound strategy in this game. If you want action it's easy to find, I rarely go more than two or three minutes without a fight unless I'm playing with somebody who insists on dropping us in bumfuck nowhere.
Learn the map and weapons, git gud with aim if you're not already (if you're not a competitive FPS veteran your sens is probably way too high and lowering it helps a ton), try to find friends who are decent at the game and play with them instead of randoms.
I supposedly have 110 hours but that seems high (only account level 32) so probably quite a bit of idling. I'll probably not play it forever, but with these kind of numbers it's already pretty high in my all time most played because I rarely stick around that long.
I've never gotten it playing fighting games so I don't know what you're on about
>it's only ten minutes of nothing if you land by yourself and dick around instead of heading towards shots
This. People think they're just supposed to survive, which to them means avoiding fights. To win and have fun you need to seek out fights.
aka not being a fucking pussy
I'm happy for you. I just can't get into BRs. All of them have been boring to me from DayZ all the way up to Apex. I'll play for a few hours with my buddies because they like them, but I dunno. They just don't do it for me. After a few hours I just find myself getting myself killed just so I can play something else. It's not that I hate shooters either. I like Counter Strike and Siege. Something about jumping down, spending 5 minutes just looking at loot in order to get into short fire fights is just so dull to me. Even when I win I don't feel anything.
>ctrl+f 'sports'
>1 result
At least one user here is not eating complete ass
City-Building Simulators
Survival sandbox, mobas, classic jrpgs, simulation, "experience".
the worst part of battle royales is the fucking rng gear. completely sinks the genre's appeal to me. the only good thing apex legends has going for it is that it got me interested in titan fall 2
A good honorable mention as well.
Maybe it's precisely because I don't play with friends. Of course I love complaining about randoms (that's part of the fun), it also means that I can play just how I want and for how long. Say if my team is annoying me and I'm downed I can just leave and roll some new ones. And as long as you don't snaildrop along the edge of the map, I feel that there's typically plenty of combat in the 15 minute rounds. It certainly feels more fighty than say RB6 to me, but it could also play almost pacifist if you want to I guess.
>City-Building Simulators
leave zoomer faggot
your mom
Online community painting/drawing canvases.
>two or three minutes without a fight
lmao what a shit fps generation this is
You know quake still exists, you could be playing it right now.
>City-Building Simulators
kill yourself faggot
CRPGs & RTS which is why they died since nobody gives a single fuck about them.
>in that case Apex is GOTY, finally bringing back good old modes!
Battle Royal is a perfectly fine genre and Yea Forums is just subconciously stopping themselves from having fun to not feel rejected by the theoretical hivemind of shit
>City-Building Simulators
die cunt
RTS is still around, its just not AAA anymore.
>anti cheat is non existent and game is already overflowing with blatant hacks
battle royales aren't boring. stop being a faggot contrarian! just because a gameplay dynamic works well doesn't invalidate it. the only way to out do it is to improve upon it and evolve it.
It's ok, but it can be really boring and honestly isn't good to play with friends if you have different skill levels. No matter what, at least one of you is gonna be bored as hell watching everyone else loot buildings or walking for 20 mins.
Licensed Arena Fighters
Hearthstone maybe
Apex gives lenient revives and blops4 had a mode that did so as well, works well
Wouldn't RUSE and it's "sequels" be RTT?
i'll play horse racing over battle royale any day
RUSE is an rts, it also didn't have any sequels that I'm aware of
looting shooters
interactive movie ps4 exclusives
>City-Building Simulators
low IQ nigger detected
Console fags win again
but muh planescape...
Yes I enjoy people abusing exploits to glide in mach speeds to shoot people down instead of playing normally