I can't wait for summer time when dice will finally add USA faction in this WW2 game that only has germany and bong...

I can't wait for summer time when dice will finally add USA faction in this WW2 game that only has germany and bong factions so far.
And I CAN'T wait until christmas when dice will finally add russia and nippon factions.

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When's the Battle Royale mode?

What battle royale mode? They're not even putting the Battlefield name on it because they don't want it associated with BFV. Like how Apex Legends doesn't have Titanfall in it's name.

Oh shit they're both EA too right
Guess EA might have soft-cancelled the DICE BFV Battle Royale now that Apex Legends is taking over the world.
No point competing against yourself

>Respawn cucked DICE out of the Battle Royale market
>All DICE has left is the niche audience still playing BF2 for the Clone Wars content

>always been support guy
>love big guns with many bullets
>none of the support weapons have more than 50 bullets in bf5
>dice add new "free" weapons you can unlock
>support gun with 150 bullets

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Being a Support in BF1 was unironically the most fun I had in the game
>The BAR
>Suppressive versions of other guns and mounting them on a wall
>Using the ammo crate and wrench and actually playing full support instead of using mortar

DICE in danger of being relegated to Frostbite maintenance
Unless other EA developers follow the Apex Legends lead and move over to a highly modified Source Engine.
Then DICE is dead

A hardcore mode would be fun. Also make the bullets smaller.

end of march, probably when the current season ends and they put out the in-game map of new items and skins to start earning

>make the bullets smaller

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When do they add the diverse faction? With trans, gays, women, disabled, ect.

i'm waiting for the pacific maps they better come

You're getting literally who french and dutch maps and you'll like it.

BFV doesn't exist anymore, uninstall, forget about it, never give EA money again

no and i also want the "over used" locations
give me D-Day in 4K

DICE is dedicated to showing the lesser known parts of the war

Can't wait to play as black female Japanese soldiers

You mean the parts that literally never happened like stronk womyn in Norway

Why did they waste time and money on a shit singleplayer campaign yet again? Why did they waste more time and money on a fucking horrendous coop mode? Why did I buy this game?

>Why did I buy this game?
Because you're a shit eating retard, did you not see any of the red flags

Stop trying to make Battlefield V happen.

It's not gonna happen.

HAha, I got it for free.

im not even going to get guadalcanal or iwo jima??

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I like the gameplay changes, fuckface. I'm just bored of their pathetic offering of content.

don't lie, you bought a fucking RTX meme card didn't you

They're afraid using those maps might remind people of better Battlefield games.

Hope battlefield and call of duty will makes their single and multiplayer parts two separate downloads in the future.
Could hopefully bring the necessary download size down to 20 GB instead of the current 50 GB.

COD actually did it back with steam but forgot to do it with blizzard.

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even better, we'll get a unit 731 singleplayer campaign where you have to fight the evil nazis that made all the lesbian japanese scientists experiment on babies against their will. I bet you didn't learn that in history class you fuck, prepare to be educated

I can't even play those because I chose console pleb route

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>should we give the players and our fans what they want
>or should we cater to SJW, twitter and tumblr?
>they have never played a game in their life, imagine all the sales we could get from that market haha

Lmao implying they're even going to add more factions.

They've lost lots of staff and are running on a bare skeleton crew.

Right now they're asking players if the want more vehicles or if they want to replace the Airborne jump cutscene with an accurate German version.

Game is completely lacking

Damn... guys I'm starting to think this Live Service thing was a bad idea.

It was never a good idea. Why would they think it's a good idea?

It would work if the games were good
EAFront II and BFV tried the live service model but it didnt work because the games were shit and nobody bought them
Maybe it's all intentional

If continued support wasn't a thing BF2 wouldn't be the decent game it is now. Unironically.

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>mfw i like this game but will never be able to talk about it here because DICE doubled down too hard on muh genderfield

You are unironically part of the problem.

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Apparently the ballooning of file sizes is a deliberate strategy to try and monopolise hard drive space.

i got the game for $30, i really dont care.

BF1 for $5 is unironically a better deal whenever it was on sale for that. V just removed all the good ideas 1 had.

BFV is much more squad focused than BF1. I played both a lot though. Some of the map design in 1 is better but I like the WW2 setting and guns much more.

>I like the WW2 setting and guns much more
Then why are you playing BFV?

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they wanted the fortnite model type of money but they didn't even get their old sales so im assuming they cant even follow through with their promises of post release content

It's a falsified WW2, but it's still WW2 era. Again, I think the women and all that nonsense is ridiculously retarded but the base game is still solid, and even takes some steps up. The lack of content is inexcusable and I wouldn't recommend buying the game for more than $30. But I think if you're a fan of WW2 shooters, it's easy enough to tone out the mind boggling stuff for the decent base game that's here. For a heavily discounted price, but still.

I can't get past the casual disregard for the setting, not to mention the idea of giving money to EA. I guess I'll just go continue enjoying my autism in Post Scriptum.

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