>Max Payne cured my alcoholism

Do s oymales really do this?

Attached: MaxEPained.jpg (620x344, 38K)

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Max Painis cured my alcoholism

Media like Max Payne and other noir thrillers about broken men leading broken lives of self sacrifice and doom probably raised generations of alcoholics and drug abusers with no hope of getting a family but at least they are super angry and depressed and that’s always a plus for the corporations and governments who love to manipulate the masses.

>guy cures himself of an incredibly difficult addiction
>user tries to spin it with the onions word

lmao dude i'm sausaging your gay ass thread 18+ please

I bet your dad is so fucking disappointed in you, OP.

Work out, get a job and have sex with a female. It's about time


Yes, so?

Max payne 3 rips off man on fire remake

how to say literally nothing in a single run-on sentence

Read Plato’s Republic if you don’t think there’s value in criticizing the stories we tell our children

Good for him. People find support and encouragement in strange places.
I've lost count of how many people I've seen here over the years that have changed their lives for the better, started lifting, being healthy or whatever because some anime they watched.

Yes, and?

Bitter alcoholics are less likely to be manipulated by corporations.

That’s for you to find out.

lol if youre getting emotionally moved by a video game then you need some culture in your life

Bitterness causes cortisol to be pumped into your brain, prompting your amygdala’s fight or flight response. Angry, bitter, and depressed people are actually quite predictable and easy to manipulate by simply predicting how they will be averted to certain stimuli.

Did you think what you wrote was a criticism?

You gave us three floating points and didn't commit to connecting any of them with any sort of arguments or evidence.

Yes, media like Max Payne is a noir thriller about broken men leading broken lives of self sacrifice.

Yes, a generation of alcoholics probably played this game.

It MIGHT be a plus for those who like to manipulate.

Now connect the dots, make an argument, present evidence.

>american education

Wanna sprite cranberry?

also anime/manga (lack of culture)

You don’t know what criticism means clearly.

Why me? You made the statement. Why did you post it? Thus the "yes, and"?

Yes, and?

It's a simple question, really.

Learn2enthymeme, brainlet. Not everything has to be spelled out for you like a syllogism in rhetoric. Once you’re done reading Plato read Aristotle to brush up on that as well.

There's some really bloated egos on Yea Forums, isn't there?

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You’re the one replying to the statement. If you want more, you can find out :)

Not my job to spoonfeed

Found the seething brainlet

That's a non-sequitur. The ability to manipulate people is not related to cortisol levels, depression, etc. You can only predict certain limited things.
This is like saying people who haven't eaten in six hours start breaking down glycogen and thus are easy manipulated by corporations since their behavior is predictable.

I'm confused. Do I really have to explain a two word sentence?
I wasn't asking for more, I was asking for your point. Stating that people are influence by what they consume is common knowledge. Why would you come here and post this?

Therefore: Yes, and?

The ability to manipulate people comes from predicting their behaviour and if you know anything about cortisol and the amygdala’s function, you would know what I said was not a non sequitir. Learn more brainlet.

No one looks at some wrote-off alcoholic and says they want to be that guy.

Read this brainlet. You’re simply too dumb to see the point. If you read the material I prescribed you might become smarter and it might help though! It’s not a prerequisite for smart folks tho.

>ITT brainlets pretend to be smart

Oops meant to link

Yes, and?

Probably on an individual basis, statistically unavoidable on the macroscopic sense. The people we highlight and tell stories about become role models for children whether they are good or bad.

>The people we highlight and tell stories about become role models for children whether they are good or bad.
[citation needed]

faking tea leaf boat face rabbiting my desk

It is non-sequitur because the amygdala's fight-or-flight response triggered by heightened cortisol isn't reliably related to the ability of a corporation to reliably predict what to sell an alcoholic or addict.
Honestly, it seems like you've never spoken to an alcoholic or an addict.
Most alcoholics spend all their money on booze and most addicts spend all their money on drugs. These people are not suitable targets for corporate advertising aside from one spirits manufacturer trying to poach the alcoholics of another spirits manufacturer. When their not spending all their money on intoxicants, they're spending it on shit that facilitates their addictions, such as cabs, covers to establishments, etc.

I guess I need the figures on that. I can't take you at your word because you're talking out of your ass.

I would give my left nut for a constant supply of opiates

I still dont know how people become shitfaced everyday. I mean i get the urge to drink alot but when i binge i dont want want to drink again for atleast a week because i feel like absolute shit. This has been the standard for a decade now.

Retard this has been common knowledge since antiquity.




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The ability of the amygdala to hijack your brain is so reliable that the Navy seals and other people have developed breathing excercises with exact seconds measuring the oxygen intake and retention needed to flush the cortisol out of your system. E.g 342 technique.

You need to brush up on neuropsychology because science and society is much further ahead than where you are and you will be at a disadvantage. Your life will be out of your control if you don’t start learning.

this desu
if you're mad and shout soi and cuck and other stale memes at people who had the strenght to change their lives for the better and got inspiration from whatever the fuck they did, then you're worse than any of them were before getting better, you're just a bitter faggot on a vydia board acting retarded because you couldn't do the same and gonna die sad

Does that mean there are people who quit smoking because of MGS4?

This is also why /pol/ is such a shitty place to discuss anything because you either get one or two angry meme responses every time. That’s because all those folks on there are constantly spiking their cortisol intake by sharing media and clickbait made to do that and to keep you angry.

Max Payne 3 cured me of my addiction to Max Payne games.

With all that said; I do love Max Payne as a game and character. But I am simply recognizing that to a child who is not aware of their impressionableness and not aware of the effects the stories and characters they see and hear about, repeated exposure to such media would’ve only created their vices rather than solved them.

I would argue the vices created are much higher than the vices cured.

You need to go back to basics of argumentation and stick on topic. You made a claim but the second it was brought to scrutiny, you veered off into la-la land. I don't know how you've gotten this far in life with such shoddy argumentation, but I'm putting my foot down as a favor to you.

Voluntary exercises and skills have nothing to do with alcoholics being "a plus" for corporations and government.

"Navy seals and other people have developed breathing excercises with exact seconds measuring the oxygen intake and retention needed to flush the cortisol out of your system" doesn't equal "Media like Max Payne and other noir thrillers about broken men leading broken lives of self sacrifice and doom probably raised generations of alcoholics and drug abusers with no hope of getting a family but at least they are super angry and depressed and that’s always a plus for the corporations and governments who love to manipulate the masses."
Stay on topic next time instead of meandering into nonsense.

Stop writing so much to basically complain about how you got btfo.

It was never a non sequitir, get over it brainlet.

You need to brush up on being able to speak like a fucking human being. No one here thinks you're intelligent. Get over yourself.

Stay seething, brainlet.

This saving face response was pretty predictable response frankly. It was non-sequitur and you really need to go back to the drawing board with how you argue (and this is why you just threw in the towel). I'm telling you this as a favor to you, because you could never take such a style anywhere's; the second someone asked you how your analogues are related to your premise besides the most nebulous and tenuous of connections, your whole premise would fall apart.
Good luck. Come back when you're ready.

Your comments read like someone put three unrelated dictionary entries into Microsoft Sam. Your points are weak.

Blah blah blah I am a brainlet who got btfo. Stop wasting everyone’s time with your complaining.

My points are backed by scholarly articles and classical philosophers :)

Yours are backed up by zoomerism

Throwing a tantrum won't make you look good. Like I said, good luck to you. Maybe finish the Greeks and come back.

Ok keep pretending you are “leaving”. See you next post!

Literally no one in this thread has been btfo. But it's funny to see that you being called out makes you resort to pol buzzwords. Still weak.

To those of you still upset, may I suggest some breathing except used to help reduce your cortisol levels?


Tfw btfo-ing zoomers with your amazing intelligence and unrefutable sources like Plato and Bandera.

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>tfw btfo Plato and Bandera thanks to other anons not understanding an inference or sequitur.

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Haha you don’t know who Bandura is because you carried on my misspelling.

Lmao classic brainlet btfo-ing himself

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Pretty sure he meant banderas, specifically Antonio. An expert in reducing cortisol levels through the study of amygdalan articles written by Plato and Aristotle.

>thinking i or anyone cares.
maybe if you got laid, you wouldn't be such a wiener lol

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Go learn things. It will help you in life. Trust me ;)

go get laid
it will help you in life. trust me

I've learned that you're an asshat. Does that count?

Hehe I love when zoomers get angry

nigga' i own my house and business. do you?
pls get laid for everyone's sake

Zoomy zoom zooms

Buzz buzz buzzwords. Go fuck a bee.

Haha why so upset? Is your fantasy house and fantasy big boy life stressing you out? Use the breathing exercises little guy!