What does Yea Forums think of Star Trek VR?

What does Yea Forums think of Star Trek VR?
Is it fun?

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Why did she go she was so fucking hot in The Orville

I guess so but what about Star Trek VR?


Anonymous, wasting Gets on Yea Forums

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Yeah yeah but what about ST VR?

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Idk It's a bit expensive but it looks cool.

I disagree. She can't act at all and her face isn't fitting of her position.


A get died for this

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is it weird i think she is really cute but the actress is ugly when she dont have any makeup and blond hair, also her ears look like those chocolate

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i love Q. shame he is not there enough in all star trek

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It does not have cute anime neko lolis I can caress, pet and pick up to bend over things to fuck.